THE M ONROE JOURNAL. VOLUME X. NO 48 MONROE, N. C, TUESDAY DECEMBER 8 1903 One Dollar a Year DOYVIE OOES TO THE WALL. THE NEW WOMAN. Receivers Named For Zion City. Which Has a Population of Ten Thousand and is SaiJ to Repre sent an Expenditure of Twenty riiilion Dollars. I'hk-ajf. li.tat-h, ll. dihVulties which lynn during tin- crusade of J..lin Alexan der U.w ie, the self stvled "Kigali II" and Ins restoration h'..t to New York a liiiiuth ai?and which have Uvn r.iiiily i ncnvising since 1 low ie's return. culminated n iiiht in the redcral t ouri s taking session of ail tlic proerty controlled ly Dowie in Zion City. III. This town, which was foiinili'd two years aui brIV.wie. lias a imputation of oxer 1U.WK), is t!ie general headquarters for Unvic's church, ami is said to represent an expenditure of .20,tHH.(kt(l. Frederick M. Mount, cashier of the Chicago National liank. and Albert I . Currier, a law partner of Con gressman ltoiiU ll.were apptiinted re- ic.ur 01 ne proH-ny tlioir bonus V. Ewni Miteh.ll, S3 Loukrfaa. were bxed at ) 100,0(10 by .ludKe'str,t,IndUn,polta,Ind,wrii hoklsatt of the I mted State District "For the put fin yearn I htr rarely Cmirt.wlio made the apHintmenl in;lxea without pain, hot Parana has Hie petition of several creditors. The etngd all thia, and la a wry abort receivers left for Zion City tonight Ume I think I bad taken only two bo lo t.ike H-sessin of the properly, i"" or 1 ba reenperate rmy llankmptcy proce.-d.ngs against k 'n?11, 1l.: ' i ..i ,, 1 0X not have headache or baeeeheeT . .. V ,. , . " 1 , .. w , ' " "now.and hav.aome tntwett to ...I mi is mMM-m anil uiai nuiie Emma jfltcbeU. hi lias iiiiaiu' condition tie com- Tba coming of what la known ss tha mitted an act of hai.kruptcy by mak- "new womaa" In oar country ! aoi in?; a pr- f. ifiil i ll iayinent. on No- graetcd by everyone aa If aba war a vcmlier 2nd, to the Nnvtor Lumber a bleaalng. But tbera is another Company for s.1,770. IV.wie has waenuiwhoo everybody Is glad to Ixvn hard pressed bv hw creditors,,"'. 'Ty invalid womaa is .i......;.,iu- ,i ....., iVeaclalmlng, "I have been made anew . 1 . r . , vvj ? Dr- bom. i , " r. V, ." u only aeceaaary to send h.i i ro.c.i ni!.iuTe.iMui,iiiwiiciaiiy.lBIM,idd-, aymptoma, doraUou of inwicis Kiionu io nave aceiimu- sickness and treatment already rewired laled a siuiuil I lie head of the! to Dr. Bartman, Columbos, Ohio, and Christian Catholic chiireh. the assets directions for one montb'a hraaimeat Ja3lft 3 (claim against him in thecouiae of five weeks. Tuesday it was tbe opinion tint the liabilities of Ikmie would nut amount at the outside to over J-'xi,-OtlO. Last night it was l.v the receivers and their atlorocvs Uiat the claims against him make a total of 725,aJ. The receivers today found one of Pnwie't banks in oper ation at Twelfth street and Michigan avenue and they proemled to put an agent in charge and had the cluned. Judge Kolilsat later ratified the action of the receivers in shut ting down this bank as well as tlie institution at Zion City. Kxpcrts have been set to work on the books of both institutions. Mri mmaHitchiu. of the organization being estimated at hctwivn and if.10, (KKl.tM). Then' was a large outlay of money, however, when Zion City was started. The lace and candy in dustries were started anil as both of these ventures have never Uin a paying investment a great deal of money was tied up. Last Wednesday low ie's first con fession of weakness was made at a rally in the lalx-rnai le at Zion City. "A lot of you pivple have cash in your pockets," Ikiwie said, to his fol lowers. "Oig dow n and get it out. It is tiod's and we need it in his work. You an' cowards if you do iiol give it up. )coMt it." Howie ti Iked in the same strain for more than an hour, tears glistening on his chocks as he told of the financial straits iu which the Zion industries found themselves. Instead of frightening many into depositing, this appeal sent a long line of people to the bank on Friday, where they lined up at the paying teller's w indow, drawing out their money. than $3,iAH) was de posited in the lank on Friday, while the amount w ithdrawn was twice as much. Late in the afternoon A. W. liraham of Waukegan tried to with draw his account of $300 and was told he would have to give 30 days' notice before lie could get his money. Yesterday another effort was made by Ifctvviu to get funds but the de positors who appeared were few and the deposits were chielly in trivial amounts. Today Iowie asked the lueiiiUrrs of Zion more urgently than ever for moiiev. He declared that he must have .5()0,IOO without dulay. In the efforts to remedy the condi tion of affairs at Zion City hundreds of letters were sent out daily to Howie's followers in other parts of the country. In these letters all SafOafr Feed pale girls on Scott's Emulsion. We do not need to give all the reasons why Scott's Iumilsion restores the strength an.! flesh and color of good heal ih to those who suffer from sick blood. The fact that it U the best preparation of Cod Liver Oil, rich in nutrition, full of healthy stimulation is a suggestion as to why it does what it does. Scott's Emulsion presents Cod Liver Oil at its best, fullest in strength, least in taste. Young women in their " teens " are permanently cured of the peculiar disease of the blood which shows itself in paleness, weakness and nervous ness, by regular treatment with Scott's Emulsion. It is a true blood food and is naturally adapted to the cure of the blood sickness from which so many young women suffer. S m Smi iMi ifclara la Sm lna ) ft LM JM'fJIWaSf sj Kaianioa tea bay. trrry bonk) at SCOTT OWNI, CHemrste, soa feait St, New; Voii. VU1 be promptly forwarded. If yon do not dertra prompt and satis factory reaulta from the tua of Parana, write at one to Dr. Hartmaa, giving fall (tatement of yonr ease and ha wUl be pleased to give yon his valuable sd vice gratia. Addreaa Dr. TJartman, President of The Ilarunaa Sanitarium, Columbos, 0 Howieites aro urged, almost com manded, t sell their farms, stores and everything else and come at once to Zion City an 1 take up the work of the church, it is declared that the employees of the manufac turing industries have not been paid in f n 'in four to six weeks. What little they have received is said to have lieen paid entirely in the Zion City coupon Uks. Karly in the week before last I low ie made a trip through the various shops, lie told his followers and others that they must either wait for their salaries or must endure a substantial cut in wages. This was agreed U). The receivers, with their attorneys and Custodian Ucdicske, with six deputy marshals, went out to Zion City tonight to serve iiHn Howie the notice of the iwctvership. He dieske and his deputies went to the hank, whilfl the others called ujioii How ie at his residence. As the otli ceis were, alsuit to demand admis sion to the tank, a man ran from a rear door, t Mie of the deputies over took him, and a second man came running from the bank, shouting:' "let me have those papers ; t will get away with them. ' Redieske threatened to plan them under ar rest unless they returned at once to the bank, which they did. He then placed the bank, and the three men in it, under a guard. While this was taking place at the bank, the receiv ers and the attorneys called upon Howie and read to him the petition and order which placed Zion in the hands of a receiver. Appeals to His Followers to Raise Funds. Chicago Dtiati'h, aril. A great gathering of the Howieites was held at the taWnacle in Zion City last night. It was called by Howie for the purpose of starting a fund of $1,0110,000 with which to pay off all the indebtedness- that hangs over Zion Cilv and himself. The outpouring of his followers was not one to bring chirr to the heart, of the general overseer of Zion. Thfl Uitx macle seats 6,000 people and usually all these seats are taken at special niwetings called by IViwio. 1 ast night the hall was not over half lilled and tire gathering was not as enthusiastic as might be desired by a man who was in immediate need of funds. Howie gave to his followers a statement of the financial situation of Zion City, told them that the as sets were ample, the only trouble being that he was not able to realize upon them at once. "The fiesh pots are the cause of our coming here tonight," he said. "They are a joke to me. For an hour the dogs have thought they led me. Hut, beloved, we are going to kick them out now. We will kick them out for all eternity. "Those devilish parasites, the re porters, came to me today. They wanted to know what I would say to you tonight. Did they learn from me?" t Cries of "Ko, no." " "I tell you we will run them out of Zion. I knew they were coming before they attempted to pollutp Zion. 1 knew it by the stench that came ahead of them " It is declared by the receivers for Zion City that the affairs of Dowie are in a worse condition than at first appeared. Itcceiver Curric said to night : "I believe that Dr. Dowie will be able to pay off his obligations in time. Just bow long this time will be a something that ww will But be able to tell until we have made a thorough investigation of alt bis af fairs. ' anderstand that Duwie thinks he will be abis to setUs ail hanging at Newbern. At Xewbern, X. C, Tuesday, Chris Dixon was hanged privately. The case reads like a romance with a tragic ending. (lodfrey Webber, a substantial far mer, was shot from ambush near his borne November 22, l'JOl. He lived only a few hours, and while dving expressed tlie belief that Dixon was the assassin. Dixon was tried and convicted of the crime, the. strongest evidence against him U-ing that two pages of a magazine were used in the gun wadding and a copv of tin saiim magazine found in Dixou's house had these two pages missing. After being sentenced Dixon bnke jail and escaix-d. He was rearrested last October near Chesterfield, 8. ('.. after enjoying two years freedom. The widow of Uitvmau he murdered hail become his wife and was living with bun. Dixon's crime, according to the testimony at the trial, was prompted by jeaiousv. Dixon and the girl who afterwards married Webber were sweethearts before Weblier appeared is a suitor. 1 lie latter being a man of some moans she discard) Dixon and married Weblier. Dixon said yesterdav that he did not kill Weblier. but furnished the gun for another man to do the shoot ing The name of the man referred to, Dixon Mused to tell. Child Loses Eye Playing "Indian." CtiarlnOi Krw. A distressing accident occurred in lower Steele Creek yesterday. The six-year-old son of Mr. Charles l"riee was out playing with several of his companions. Hie game was "In dian" and each one was armed with a bow and arrow. One of the little fellows raised his bow and let go his irmw. Ihe dart struck the little Price boy in the left eve and de stroyed the sight. The little fellow has suffered very much from the ef fects of t!w injury. - A Costly Mistake. lilunders are sometimes very ex pensive. Occasionally life itself is Ihe price of a mistake, but you'll never he Wrong if you take Dr. King s .New I.ile Tills for Pyspep pepsin, Dizziness, Headache, Liver or Itowel troubles. They are gen tle yet thorough. J."c ut Knglish Drug Co' s. A Frightened Horse, Running like mad dowu the street dumping the occupant, or a hundred other accidents, are every day occurrences. It behooves ev erybody to have a reliable Halve handy and there's none as good as Hueklen's Arnica Halve. Uurus, Cuts, Bores, Kczema and Piles, dis appear quickly under its soothing effect. 25c. at Kuglish Drug (Vs. Most Trying Feature of the War. (Xir Hunr. "How would you like to bundle up and start to the war as we did forty years ago?" said Mr. Jas. A. Marsh to an old Confederate comrade the other day. "When I left my wife and two-year-old boy," he continued, "to start on the journey there was a peculiar feeling of sadness that no one can comprehend who has not ex perienced it. Men may draw upon their imagination and think they know how it would be, but in in stances of this kind the imagination fails, and a man doesn't know how it is until he tries it." This parting with dependent loved ones at home to go into a deadly conllict, the un easy feeling about the comfort of wife and children, the uncertainty of ever seeing their faces again, made such parting scenes the saddest and most trying feature of the war, and it is natural that in their rcllcctioiis these scenes come more vividly to the minds of the old soldiers than anything else. Bl'REAC COTTON CROP REPORT Quantity dinned to November 14. Over Seven Million Kales Actu ally Accounted lor- No Estimate Oiveii as to the Amount That Remains I nginned. W,infft. littyau. n.l. Tlie census bureau today issued a ' trying to save it The Russian As a Soldier. "1 'ie It.i.v-i in soldier, as i saw him during the lloxer auiiaigii, im pressed me as U-ing a fatalist of a very practical sort," writes O. k. Div.s in the Uivinla-r Kverv Usly s. "If it is Ins tune to m his life he will it. and there is little use in He might as well repon on we quantity oi oiton p, to e ,,!,. as another, and it ginne. inmi Hie growth or r.XU up makes no difference wIh-iImt he g.a-s to and including November 1 1, show- jn, , gitit or k.-eps ..ut of it. I Ie uig the total commercial hales of j travel, the line of Last resistant. 1 .0.0. IV Lnj fnm ,1S ,evel,.ps a blind, but yi uB-wi v.oi.f,M were square uten Unintelligent oliedk'U.. That oaies ami jiiwj in -a isiami crop Coughed " I bad a moat stubborn cough for ainy year, il deprived me of a leap and I grew very thia, I tbea tried Aver Cherry Pectoral, and wal aulcily Cured.' R.N. Mans, Fall Mills, Tenn. Sixty years of cures and such testimony as the above have taught us what Ayer's Cherry Pectoral will do. We know It's the great est cough remedy ever made. And you will say so, too, after ycu try It. There's curelnevery crop. TamXHai ISv, Ml. M. tf aa aava Ma a. eaw aa aa a ar. Mm t la Ma iCkav Ml laaa H. Ha . Lewe ken. Wa ara minx. i.e. atulikUnll. atoaa. bales. There were KI.AIG ginneries oarated tins season up to and in eluding Novemlier 1 1. 1 he cotton ginned in l'.IOfasre- ioriei oy we census bureau was j.'JiS.87S cnimen ial tales Ul) to (MoInt 18, and 9.311.835 commer cial halt's up to December 13. Count ing round balm, the nuiiiU-r this year is ti,815,t)'J2. In this report no account has been taken of the quan tity of linters obtained by the cotton seed mills by reginiiing cotton seed. but statistics of such cotton will he included in the final report for this season. This reHrt will lie followed by two others showing Ihe quantity of cotton ginned from Ihe growth of this year. and to January 10, 1'.Nll Xo estimates are given of the amount of cotton remaining un ginned. The census agents were asked to submit these estimates, but the census bureau has not even com puted them as returned, turning them over to the bureau of statistics of the Department of Agriculture to aid that office in the annual estimate of the cotton crop to he issued to morrow. The reason for this as an nounced by the census bureau, is that when the final reor!s were re ceived a year ago "it apeared that the estimates of the agents made in (t,.iber were six and four-tenths ht cent, short of the actual crop grow n." A margin of error so large as that is equal to the difference le- tween a short crop and a normal crop and under Ihe pivuliar condi tions existing in two cotton markets today, the census bureau does not feel warranted in publishing any fig ures in winch so large an element of error may exist again. 1 he policy of oHieration Mwcen the census and the Agricultural Ikpartment is adopted on the recommendation of Secretary Cortclyoti of the Heparl niftit of Commerce and Lilior, lo avoid conllicting reports as far as possible. Ihe census bureau announces that it ought to be possible in thclanu- srv lit report to cover luacticallv the entire cotton crop of l!K)3 l'.MM, and this will U two months earlier than we were able to do a vear ago. It is to be regretted, in view of the cotton situation, that no canvass cor- resimniling to the one now reported was made by the census office a year ago." As to the call for estimates of cot ton iinginued in the several counties, although it was not intended to use them in this reMirt,thu bureau says: Wo desire to ascertain hy a practi cal test, whether it is ossible for the special agents to make such esti mates, at different periods during the progress of Ihe liarvest, which can be Mind upon as sufficiently ac curate to be of value to the public, It is possible that with their llicreas iug exerience these agents can come nearer to the fact than in 11102. We can definitely ascertain the fact when the full returns of this season are re ceived and the results compared with their estimate. The statistics of the cotton ginned to November 1 1 follow, by Wales : Alaliama 713,!i38 total commercial bales, embracing GUI. 153 square bales anil '..'ISj round bales, active ginneries 3,707 ; Arkansas 4H,3'.)3 total commercial bales, embracing 378,(i(!3 square bales and 27,730 round bales, active ginneries 2,lt8; Florida 311,1 1 1 commercial bales, em bracing 22,37!) square bales an I Iti, 705 Sea Island crop bales, active gin neries i1 I ; lieorgia Sr.r.'.b.j.l total commercial bales, embracing 1)38.535 square bales. Jb.kiJ round bales and 111,485 ben Island crop bales, active ginneries 4.1113 ; Indian lemtory 172,i 1)3 total commercial bales, em bracing 132,1)51 sin i.i re bales and 40,11)1) round bales, active ginneries 185; Kansas no returns; Kentucky total commercial bales 308, all square bales, active ginneries 2; 1uiisiana total commercial uiles 510,11)1, in cluding 402,477 square Iwles, and 48,01 J round lisle, active ginneries 2,0118; .Mississippi total commercial bales 7!I2,8!K), including 888,545 square twit's and ll 3.roiind bales. active ginneries I.IOi; Missouri total commercial bales 22,?llt, embracing 18.30U square and 3,1)85 round bales, active ginneries 70; North Carolina total commercial bales 407,199, em bracing 407,122 square bales and 1 1 round bales, active ginneries 2,052; Oklahoma total commercial bales 110,031), embracing 100,31)9 square bales and 10.310 round bales, active ginneries 227 ; bouth Carolina total commercial bales 025,011, embrac ing 621. 306 square bales and 4.305 Sea Island bales, active ginneries 3,1 17 ; Tennessee total commercial bales 103,188, embracing 149,726 square and 13,402 round bales, ac tive ginneries 256 ; Texas total com mercial bales 1,932.549, embracing 1,(00,0.2 square bales and 232,477 round bales, active ginneries 4.412; Virginia total commercial bales 7,744, all square, active ginneries 108. - - i When you want a pleasant pnrnalive try Chamberlain's Stomach and Liver Tablet! They are eaiy to take and produce bo nausea, griping er other diugreeable effect. For sale by Dr. S. 1. WeUb sod C. N. Simpson, Jr. sort of man makes a dangerous lighting machine. "With all these good qualities, how ev.r, there an-others not so at tractive. Itig, strong, patient of toil and hardship, he is also clumsy, stu pid, and very slow-a serious fault iu lighting men. Then- was a g.d exhibition of the Russian lack of sliced the day the IVkin relief col umn marched from Mahtoto Chang-chia-wan. For that morning it had Uvn arranged that a liussian battery and lattalioii of infantry should form part of the advance guard with the J qiaiiese whom the regular for mation of the column placed in the lead. The Japanese were doing their full shaii', but the Russians could not or would not keep the pace. After repeated attempts to get them to do so, Japan was obliged to ask Kussia to w ithdraw its men and give mom to the Japanese so that the re quinil smyi1 could la? made The Russians halted and formed l-siilc the road while the.laiianese infant rv went by them on the double, and the lottery at a trot. From that time until the day's distance had Urn made, there was no more trouble almut the failure of the advance guard to maintain contact with the enemy." Dr. Jay .Sentenced to Thirty Years. A-Iii-viM Shi-Iii1 tu eiiArlnoe oImtvit, lt. The verdict of the jury in the Jay case this morning was "guilty ,,f murd. r in the second degr.f." The verdict was rendered after the jury had been out since last evening. A motion for a new trial w as overruled, and Judge Jones remarked from the U'lich that lie thought it would be U'tter for Ihe prisoner to be sent to the penitentiary, and that noapral Is' taken, i he judge thanked Ihe jury and divlared that a just verdict had Urn returned. Attorneys for the defense have given notice of an appeal over the prisoner's protest. On the way to the jail from Ihe court house Jay told Sheriff Reed that he didn't want to apcal; that he want ed to go on to the enitentiiin and U'gin serving his sentence, so he omiI.I amm get a iiardon Juilge Jones gave the prisoner the maximum sentence of 30 years at hard labor. Revolution Imminent. A suit' sign of approaching re volt and serious trouble iu your system is nervousness, sleepless ness, or stomach upsets. Kleetric Hitters will quickly dismember the troublesome causes. It never fails to tone the stomach, regulate the Kidneys and Dowels stimulate the Liver, and clarify the blood. Run down systems benefit particularly anil till the usual attending aches vanish under its searching and thorough effectiveness. Kltetric Hitters is only 50c. and that Is re turned if it dou't give satisfaction, (iiiarauteed by Kuglish Drug Co. Madison County to Issue Bonds. A.hrvlllr ftH'lal. jmli nil. Judge E. B. Jones of the Superior Court has divided that Madison county must issue $70,000 worth of Uiuds with which to pay its indebt edness. The county will apMal from the division of Judge Jones and the case will lie heard in the Supreme Court of North Carolina, and unless the division of the lower court is reversed the opinion of the Supreme Court will mark the close of a legal war thai has Urn for years waged U'tween the creditors of the county and the commissioners of Madison. Horse Health ! For putting In prime condition any horse or mule the best of all remedies is Ashcraft's Condition Powders. These Powders are won dcrfully effective because they cre ate appetite, the digestion is made perfect, worms and parasites de stroyed, and the system cleansed of all gross humors. The Pow ders fatten but never bloat. Ashcraft's Condition Powders are wrapped in doses. In fact, in their preparation the same care is used that a druggist would exer cise in the filling of a physician's prescription. High grade and real merit is the first consideration. Ashcraft's Powders consist of small doses, prepared from the purest and highly concentrated in gredients, that have been found beneficial to horses and mules. Ashcraft's Condition Powders always high grade are not to be classed with the many bulky, good-for-everything powders now on the market, Ask for Ashcraft's, the kind put op in doses, and good for horse and mules only. A Wilkes County Hermit. 4tlirC.,t!va.a.WfM-r Wi:t..h.n, Hu.Drr Mt-ridy Richards. . a Ik null, who inmved to this stvtii-n last spring (from Horse Cnvk. Aslie conmv. i. I dicing a cave or hir in Ihe ground 'in Carter inounUm. where liesv j he is going to stay litis winter. II. -j is very I.rl.le niiii'bsl and wild na- lure.1 and d.a-s not want inv ..ue lo visit him. He keeps a gun and slnat. ai an prowlers r nssiim liiinters wlni go near his hut. lie owns live acres f land and has placed 5 in oiieol lus friends hands forthe imr pose of k.rping Sheriff Johnson from selling his land for taxes. His taxes seem to he a great burden to him lie sis"he is afraid Sheriff .b4iu son will come around and sell his land wheii he is not at home." How he lives or what he lives on this w riter is not able to say. Uood for Children. The pleasant to take and harmleas Oue Mioote Cough Cure gives imme diate relief io all caaee of couth, croup and la grippe because it d x. nut pass immediately iutu tlie stomach hut take etteel right at the seat of the trouble. It drawi out the itiftamma lion, heals and oothei and cures per inauently hy enabling the lungs lo con tribute pure life giving and lire una taining oxygen to the blood and titsuei Dr. Armstrong of Delia, Trial, pre acrihei it daily and lays there is no helter cough remedy made. Sold hj English Drug Co. and S J. Welsh. Rutherfordton Bar Reinforced. Rntherfurat'in Trllxnir. Messrra. I). W. Smith of I'ulktoii and W. H. MrKorie of Monroe came here one day laxt week and have taken looms in the Dickersou-Vhouipaou brick building over the drug ttoie ol Messrs. Thompson & Walking. They come, as ae undtrstaud, well equipped and strongly endorsed by those who know them, and will add largely t the alrrady highly accomplished standing of a local bar second to that of no town of its sxe in Ihe State. The Lone Star State. Down iu Tesas at Yoakum, is a big dry goods firm of which Mr. J. M. Hal- ler is the head. Mr. Haller on one of his trips East to buy goods said lo a friend who was wilb liiiu iu the palace car, "Here, take oue of these Litlle Early Risen upon retiring and vou will be up early in the morning feeling good." Tor the "dark browu" taste, headache and that logy feeling l)e Witt's Little Early Risers are the best pills to use. Sold by English Drug Co. and S. J. Welsh. Mr. James Collins, who lives two miles west of towo, met with a serious misfortune on Tuesday moruiug of last week in losing his dwelling house and most of its contents hy lire. The house caught on file soou after the family had gotten up, aud aa there was a brisk wind blowing the flamra faiily licked up the building io a few mill utes. Very little of the contents could be saved. Mr. Cullins tells us that he lost about 3,000 rounds of seed cotton, all his potatoes and Ms in money. Mr. Cullins got bis hands severely burned in trying to save his property. Waxliaw bnterprise. Head About to Burst From Severe Bilious Attack. "I had a severe bilious attack and felt like my head was about to burst j wheu 1 got hold of a free sample of Chamberlain's Stuiuach aud Liver Tab lets. I took a dose of them after sup per and the next day felt like a new man and have been feeling happy ever since," sayi Mr. J. W. Smith ol loliff. Tei. For uiliousness, stomach troubles and constipation these tablets have no equal. Price 25 cents. For sale by Dr. S. I. Welsh and C. N. Simpson, Jr. Mr. W. S. Illakeney of Monroe, ex ecutor of the will of the late Mrs. Fanny M. Caddy, was in town Mon day for Ihe purpose of transferring the tract ol laud near town, known as the Sullivan place and which was owned by Mrs. Gaddy, to Mr. John W. Odum. There are shout 400 acres in the tract and Mr. Odom paid f 7,000 for it. Mr. Blakeuey also transferred lo Mr. F. C. Allen Ihe Joel Gaddy place in Gulledge township. For this place Mr. Allen paid and we understand he will let Mr. J.B.Moore have it. Wadeeboro Messenger. Raising Apples in Haywo-td. haO-.M. i-t a. x "Yes. railing apples M'. v.i. Mr. .Mm Kin ear. 1.;... . ,. t-i.-welrv Ium,i-s in I.,;, ,-!. m,.i . iVawii!le and ! I.n-.-, :'.rm that ispr.ii'. ".-i ,-. ,r i w . ill kinds ..f aop'e li .-. ' I 1 .ml , - ban villus! f.,r the 'arm.' ...( Mr Kirrii.r. "and I l.av. alreadv I. f i.i 20.tM fur it T!ii y.;.r w.i ;o. . !! ear and I rai-ed i.n'o i.alf ;, .-r p 1? .pples, but that in.,ui! Ili.issi I, Is, which 1 sold f, r .-ivly e. n:. a iiusliel. Next v. ai I exv. ).. r.o-r over iO.OUl bushels" Easy Pil! C Etsy I; li e i easy lo act la la- - e t-.l DeWitl a L-it' e La- i ft t-i. TVs is due t : a !a.t tr.i i -. lino the lira la of pur,- .1, They i-ever grpe nor s.:re:i. i.,: time n oit deiicaM lai... a i 1 n-. re so certain la rest ts ui 1 j or ! hj itsej them Is c-s:.rc.:.:T.;. Tr-,- .re torpid uver, censt.pati;-.. t ..jancss. jaundice, heaiai"-.-. tvaiar a and ward i?t pfteu mo:. a a. J fevet . ... ... S. C. D.WITT a CO., CH1CAOO B , Don't Forjof Iho Ramo. f Easy Money! Early Disors Work UICH laud aud make iiH.uey easy. A line two or three, horse (stria for reu( to parties w ith tneir own stock. A good three room house, g.Kd barn, lots of w .mmI fr.r. for rent cheap. All Kinds of Wood for Sale Cheap on Laud. See Hie .piiek for iilsive I'.iiin. miles pas) of Monroe. L. MEDLIN", M X. C., I:. I. 1 1. No. .!. Don't Make a Mistake For sale by English Drug Company and Dr. S. J. Welsh. A iT" V SAFE (T ' j USE j While Cotton is eleven cents Voll should think iu. miieh of vour d. ars as you would if it wa- x-ven eents. I'w eeoiiomy, buy wliat vou want and what vou need, but buy it at the iil'IiI priee. loii't l'.-i the idea in your head that vnu can buy Watches, ('loeks..SM'et;u le, Fancy 1. mills, .Musical liistiiiineiits, i;te., iu a large town chcuicr than in a small one, for if you do you w ill make a sad mistake. Our store i ('iiiinnied full of Nice New Goods selected by us from the very latest ; samples and boii)rlit at the very' lowest price. e like lo plea-e our j customers and we do il by sadlint;' I hem frHH Watches, CliH-ks, ete., j ai a small maixin. Our store is the iiiivst in tow n, so our custom ers say, and we keep it so by k.H'p in nice pmils mid a full line of (hem. lieliiemU'l' lis w hen you yet ready to do your holiday shopping, lor we have aoiuctliiiuf to kUuw you. W. F. CHEARS & CO., WAX II AW, X. C. aTOlHONlHMAR etsa tlx cougta and beats lunge The Sherwin-wuiaiis Faiht is a p-iu" b:iced n:l. and line pair.t of t'v ;:if.iit-t durability. Properly a: p'.u-d V. We .111 show iii.i witn it a.o. value of the paint. c:in't i;o wrong, houses, painted that prove the SAFE ? USE (7 Monroe Hardware Co., 1!. Ki:il i:.l:X. MamiKer. INSURANCE L. M-THOMPSON, l ire, I. lie. Ar.idrut, Health, Lia bility and all rla--rs of Casuality In siuauce. Only the best and strongest companies re..rcspit.d 1 respectful ly solicit yuor business, assuring piompt a nil rlhvie:t attention to all ninttirs. (Iflire: Gotdon & Thomp son's old stand Phone No. t, Xew crop nuts Hi liner llu.'v's. of all kinds ut "Harlnf trlee saany tlmi f Ooelllaa fVnr aVra. I atwatiter A.hepart'a Um heal aa) I ha .araai. I lake plaaamra ta penajanrilna: ISaai lo an loaarta aaS laalQUri a. VAMIN SILUHIckuy, M.U. Price 25c. package Sold by . English Drug: Company Call (qr W'eUb'i cboap Qrockery. Kodol Dyspepsia Cure Digests all classes of food, tones and strengthens the stomach and digestive organs. Cures dyspepsia, indigestion, stomach troubles aud makes rich red bluod, health and strength. Kodol Dyspepsia Cure rebuilds wornout tis sues, purifies, strengthens aud sweet ant the stomach. Gov. G. W, Atkiu son of W. Va., says: "I have used a number of bottles of Kodol Dyspepsia Cure and have found it lo be a very effective and, indeed, a powerful rem edy for stomach ailments, I recom mend it lo my friends." Sold by Eng lish Drug Co. and S. J. Welsh. Hen Hood, an iudustrious old negro living near Jacktouham, had a fine hog that he had just killed and dressed the evening before stolen from him one night last week. After dressing the bog. Hood laid it out in what he considered I secure place to cool, but the thief came in the night and the eat morning the hog was gone, all but one foot. Waibaw Enterprise. . Deafness Cannot be Cured by local applications, at they cannot reach the diseased portion of the ear. There it only one way to cure deaf nets and that it by constitutional remediea. Deafness ia caused by an inflamed condition of the mucous lining of the Eustachian Tube. When thia tube gets inflamed you have a rumbling sound or imperfect bearing, and when it ia entirely closed deafness it the re sult, and aolett the inflammation can be taken out and this tube restored to its normal condition, bearing will be destroyed forever; nine caaes out of ten are canted by catarrh, which it nothing bat an inflamed condition of the mucous surfaces. Wt will give One Hundred Dollars for any case of Deafness (canted by catarrb)that cannot be cured by Hall's Catarrh Cure Send for F.J.aiKXKYA (JO. TOLKDO, Ohio. Sold by artfjpsts, 7fi, UU i family pills art the best. A. LEVY. A. LKVY. A Display of Dress Goods that will bear comparison with lurjre city stocks. Here you will find Zeibeliens, Cheviots, (iraniles, Scotch flixture and Plaids, Broad Cloth, 5icillians, Cans las Weaves, Armours, etc You will make a mistake if you do not give this splendid stock ol Dress Uoods a look before purchasing- No trouble to show you these goods, (let our prices and he posted. WW fall and Winter CLOTHING. Those appreciating High Uradc Clothing (iuaran tccd by the manufacturer v. ill do well to see my line before buying their fall suit- I have tried to give the people ol Monroe and vicinity the very best that money will buy- Buy none but Strnuse Bros (iunrantccd. They are as cheap as others. 5ee my line of boys' and children' clothing- I can save you money. Sole tent lor Hamilton-Brown Stioes. fly lines of Shoes can't be matched In any town. You will find all of the Hamilton-Brown Shoes the very best makes; also the celebrated Hess Shoes lor men- LADIES' WRAP5, all the newest styles- Don't buy any thing In Wraps before you see me; I can save you big money. Our Mliilnerii Department will be one of our pet departments this season and wt will give nothing but the latest and most stylish hats . Our tritnmer to young, but old In experience. One hundred new fall ready to wear Dress Skirts from $100, $190, $2 00 to $15 00. New Walstlngs In all the leading styles, cheapest to best- A. LEVY.