'i I i i 1 ! ! i i X ( r i t , y' --, - -r---- . -jf-Zr - " ' ' TEE MONROE JOURNAL It. F. BEASLEY. t Tl'ESDAY, Dt-ceruber 1$, 190J. "Will the farmer go wild plant ing cotton next spring?" ask live (i&ttia Garotte. The Gazette is in clined to think that if the price stays lip till planting time there will be a big inert'...-? in acreage. The Raleigh Time b-n"t think to. "Labor," wys the Times, "is becoming more and more'iiucertaiii ami difficult to obtain. Tin- farmers know this and will guvern their planting according Iv. What- more, Uie laljor of the Smth. is dfstim-d to be !. aud less desirable for the farmers. As nogre (n-luiitl ihnises multiply aud his inter est in education is intensified, so ill the probability of a large cotton croj diminish. Cotton chopping in the spring and cotton picking in the fall don't take up with the educated of either race." There is too much truth in this. Hut the mint is this: that intelligent labor is not going to fol- low unprofitable pursuits. If cotton chopping and cotton picking are to be made profitable by the increased demand for the staple, white labor, at least, w ill be willing and glad to follow the pursuit in counties like 1'ition. We all like to read the story of the man w ho did it not the one who can tell somebodv else how to do it. Such is the article in this paper headed. "How 1 Ktiilt I'p a Worn-Out Farm." This is a very interesting story, but there is one thing lacking to make the interest complete for Journal readers: Mr S,'.,tt ilin'l raise cotton. So next week we shall publish the stop of Mr. K. W. H.aw .-y. who. uih.ii grad uating at the State I'niversity, told hisclassiiiatestliat he was going home to take a course in agriculture under his father. His course taught him how t make cotton at three cents lie is the 'To' rarmer." who lias just returned from a three months' bridal We are interested in the adminis tration of justice down in our neigh boring town of I'hestertield. They do it so unipiely. We watch the columns of our valuable contempo rary, the 1'hesteiiield Advertiser, to see what is doiin: in this line each week. Some tune ago a strangers, without viibh support, landed from a freight train The Journal sill be obliged to some of it friends if they will explain why so tuanv people are moving from the cvtuntry to town just at this particu lar time. Of all time, it would seem to be now the out when people oul J think most of staying on the farm a time marked by high prices and much better pmnpects tlun usual Yet the moving is far greater than usual and, to ns, (iuiU; uuvunted for. We always thought we had a pretty juod liking for Judge W. S. O B. ltobiuson; now we kuow it. We like a free man who ran speak when it is necessary. June bug. Weevleudcoiigratula lion. Judging froundxrvatUn, I think the wedding U lls will ring Marsh v ilk News. r.-ll.lrlM" trf I he J.tirn.1. Marshvdle. Ui 11 The lady teacher of Marsh wile Academy are raismi? nioncv to cue the hall a new coat of paiut for Christmas. ilr. r. L. Aiitry nas sow ins mm of groceries aud will move to Wades hon in the near future. Mrs. 11. B. Marsh and Miss lna Wilhoit attended the Baptist State convention at Charlotte list week. Mrs. . W. Ashcraft left Wednes day morning for Mars Hill to visit her parents. Mr. J. M. Fairley and son wenn town Saturday buying cotton. Mrs. Iera brake and Miss F.llen Pinkston of Vadeboro visited their ici..r Mm V. L. Autrv last week. Mrs. Sarah Flake of Wadesbore vwiIimI tvlative here last week. Mrs. Jas. Griflin and Miss Wilma Terry of Wing-ate were here shop ping one dav last week. Mr. J. E." Bailey went to Hamlet Friday. Rev J C. Mtvk and wife spent to day at Mr M K Lee Mr. J. E. Moore of M rvcn was in tow n today. The students of Marshville Acad emy are making preparation fer thein -nt(rT;innniMit Christmas. Prof. ...... - . . t lVi.d ami his assistants are doing MU holidays are over in thut tvniiuuu itv. il ,.. 1jv last week one fell. J. DH AT1NQ TO THE 1 SrrUin !S from aiw , K BUC school. COVTIN1 ED rP TkCK ONE-1 Educatioa af the Youth. W n!lr tut lb S.-H..J I ... Th that au education is some thing that enable a per make a living will t work is a very hurt ful error. The rigtit una 01 eu.i. .1 tion qiahfirt a man to work to the best advantage. One who does 1.0. aud will not woikisno good tot.ie world anvway. EdmatKai giv.-s to the you' a standing and inlbteihv ill society n honest ecupatioii is an ni:a! demeut 111 nuuhooil and a plain re quirement from il. This practical training 111 wh -ol enable a person to discover the U st wav u.doevervllmig.;uid th.-s.' who have this training save time aim .a t.r, beeaue they have a pewtua! view aud cau do it m the most com it in.l ac! unoil the vn- 1I1VI1 - elusions of every thing he undertak.-s To bmbl air castles is one oi i.w charactensts of the youth, ami in" often have imortant tearing i-n after life and soon terminate in ami and purpose. Inclination and pur- (.ose manliest liicte.seiM-s ,. .. life. A dreamer is often used as a f,.r failure, but the world owes more to the dreamer than is upMsed. Had it not Uviifor tlic dreamers the world would have been destitute of its best discoveries and mivniMiis. The youth who tin's not build castles in the air is not apt to ii.um im-hiw A youth who is not educated to study and plan for the future, will enter life ithout any l.itinifrt IkliriMtSJ' Tl,., .,rl,l' nuMt successful Ulell ..r.. 1 who hail high aims and purxscs. Not failure, but low aim is a crime. Onr most imortant les sons are learned at liar I schools Life's best blessings lie along nuigl Pads; its richest treasures are urn den Uhind rugged rocks. Nothing is impossible for the man ,.),., ..ill mid can work with hand irain. 1 lie most gitteti nun BcQukk. ot minute boulJ l lut aliea K. F. I-. I1- 't fe report-1 fbildthow -oiptomol eioop. Cfc- edtbat Mr J. W. Oees hap- Keium .uon Kcinfor tivrB 11 uxm ,,lly married to Mr. Itunn Ma kel tb. ch.lj lW.m bo.,-. r .. I , . i..ht .t U le rroovr rou4h nru. will hau,y 00 U l huiJ. night ! , tlir , Jk. f,.lU ,nJ the reideiM of Mr. . V . M wart e r,Mof lnJ o uke lot M near Urulah t-hureb. Mr. ill , t (t s j XVf.th tai c s smrw.Jr. shell oltieiating. Quite a large .timber of relative aud fneiMl Fell llirounh tlx Earth. itn.w.l iliftvrenionv. and at last , u-a. 1-i.p.H-s. wi. th..v weiv a"hai.t a a There con.lnnat.oo in lh lowo of lleulrr, lu Slat! jrjhir. A Ban luU illm tliroii. li a ttierl vntrr day, tudtlruly tank through tb loot Special December i.g i n w in n..j: - ' th- lk .., ,n..i more than few time before the, . . j j Aa tttruipt to rvtctw bim wrrc Iruilleu. aiuv lu the poiMHiow titt. A tan rial ri vie a held today near llir aeul out to his work a usual iu i spot vheie the man au. ltal A week of royal opportunities for money saving To-day! opportunity and ad- vantage will meet you at our door ana nnroauce you o we uciu ui imc aiiv which await you here at satisfaction's citadel. V trnJVJ by the mayor and the member l Hie coiHralion. The loot council it now (annr, the problem ot bow te deal with the dituscd coal which uuJerniine l!ie dutrict. ihe morning and wheu be retiirm-d 111 the evening his w lie had oivip l'itietl and he has in.t mtu her iiiie. It is un less to say mat lie m..,, .inn un.l Tom IVrrvof! Itilious Colic IVeventcd. Wiiigate visit"! their wsler, li.j Take 1 double doaeot Chamberlain .1. t. Moore, last Saturday and. Colic, Cboleia and Diarrhoea Kemedv jjutljJV I iHn th 6rt inuiratian 01 we Mr. W. T.Stewart. keeer of 1 Vr" . , . . , M '... : tack may be warded oh. Huudredsol the.Miu.ty home at Monroe. nl , . , . i. : 1 . .. ; 1. w.i 1 1 1 l.lH 1 '" " " ' " Triiv. ith perleot urcM. for le by Dr S j. WeUh nd C. N. Simpon, Jr, I 'ta...li. klt. lit l.4 live 'doliars U-4 Saturday in! Burned Mis Competitor' Store. Moiirm-. and would be very thank- 7 '"'TZ Jul to the tinder for it return ':,,; couducteJ . tullll or t.r,n , , .. 1 poktoRice. hi milea eaat ot here, lost Mr, W. 1. Haw held has his f , . o( toother w.ih all "nhone line almut eomtdeted to hl. h,...holJ and kitchen (uruiture Uikers. and will soon le nbleto'by fire, which tat auppoaed by tome w.v Il.II.c ( have been ol inceudiarr onein Mr. It. II. Howie left this morn-! There wa no development! until thia when a conlesaioo created a lll; lor t "Hi" li' mmiw ,,,,, - ci iul 11s iurvmau. The following is the name of fust honor pupils in the Wesley Chanel loaded School for month fleets have Ixt-ii developed lit hard '.schools. Unheulties develop man hood. There is no true life witlmu! coiitlict; no success without toil So. if we would gam the prize, we im:st pay the prni- by overcoming the ranks of resistance. 1.MMA P. Ill STI R lWtitli. N. f. 1 There will W a public debate Wednesday night, the 23rd inst . at I '11 i. hi i' ille to which the public is good work The Youth' Companion In IW4. As the years increase The Youth's Companion endeavors to keep pai-e with them in all that is wise, lieauti ful and progressive, and not only to retain but to deserve the honorable and e u-eptionaliy high place it holds in the confidence and affection of three generations of readers. The greatest living authors in all branches of literatim' continue to contribute to it. I..... 1... 11,. ,,., ,.i The .incrv f,.r il.s- Among the important siT.es, dar- -; h,.al deles will be one oil the occupation J; ' . . f the farmer m many ,,s of - - V' ilrtljtlw. world -- m Fngland. in Ireland, ,,v M,rs. Willie I-ove India, 111 Aigenuna. etc. L, ,1 Mclod' S.vre,t ; the iiegatae of The loinpainon, desirilung the ouple of principal features of I lie ( onipan-.' IUl.aiWllf iol,;snewv.1,unc,wi!lK.s,nttoauy y ny M ,,n adnressiree. , v K ,.. , v ,.-mU,r ml, s.lin The new suhscritier for ItH'l ill :.. '. ' . 1 . . ......... and the ot.icer nabl,d ,!,, on thej 1W(,lv ,,u. lsM,es of Tln. Suspicio that they had W.Wi I?nh.n for the reu,ai,,ii,g flinushl complete with gi..d against the new bank. The editor 11.1 fn fren the time ol : s 1 s. 1 , k , ,, (,'f Knnlluli this wo k informs his readers that '': a ,vnt f lW , the public. , 'district Xo. ti. .Moiir.K township ors and p.hl. , T Kl.lll,.Illt. were trustees for TlIK 10I TII S ( OMIMNION, . ' i l l il ... I.,ll it,.. lllllTkelevSt.,llosto,Mass.! " -ihU.rliHi that bu.lt th. IIOIW. Vestef Jav Chat. A. Setzer. who alu rum a atole at Caraon. went about half a mile to a neighbor'! houte and .... 1- .n..,ru . I., wtin aiianM-leil 1. it... ,1,1.. t!..,..l.t . 1 .. . ' eiuiiug i iiu.iv. iw. 11111. i.(i.i. ot ijuhhiik me atore. uo oeius id .M.miv l.emia How ie, Till grade; otinrJ ol several peraona under iu , YVhieliesti'i. I.leeii Haw 1 nlrinn St-Ir aaid thev did not do it lield, l'n stoii Ilawlield. lith pnide:. He then ataleJ he et fire to the atore p.iisv Helms llauipton Price, hunwli; that he had talked to a youns Jam.'- Haw Held, Dannie I'lylw, ' man named McGe. about Wilkinwu .. viiim- near v a the tiade. and aiked van rnce...a.,e rre.? ua . in ; ; Jo , kf ep nim ,roro Pi ice. Agues Hons.-, oth ptade; McG ,0j ,,,,,, tame I-metier. I ut tie Money, , ,. ,,.. .., ..,,1 ,i.,, 1.. j.j Amelia Ilawlield, Lelia Wint lies- v;(Uer ,nj Mctice were both arrested ter. III Prie-, Amy Hoiim', Koseijud aie in the custody of an officer, Winchester. Uh grade; Tom Wolf, heme held by order of a justice of the '.'lid itrade. Second honor pupils: peace tor enaminaliou, Vernon Moore. 7th grade: A vera Rector of St. Luke', Big Valuer Hitched to Small Pricey. Good Yard Wide Bleachin at 5c 10c yd. Cannon Cloth only 8c Barker Mills best yard wide Bleaching 7 12 cents. Men's Suits and Overcoats. All wn.d tluv Wonted, reeular and alim. 10.tW value, IMW atra good unfinished Worsted, the fl.i kind, thi e k 10.00 Big Job, Special Counter of 15.00 to 7.50 Suit, your choice,...... et.SS Meu a Milt . i. .a io eia.w Hoy' Odd Coat Wet. Meu'a Odd Coats H eenU to 13.00 Immense Hue lanU from our Piedmont FaM-tory 9S cent to 13.98 Ask to see our 3 Stetson Hats, our pried, 11.75 Unmatchable Values in Dress Goods. M inch SnitiiiR, ' cent crude, .VI rent 100 piece all -wool Homespun, Xihilene, Yeuitian, Melnwe, (!ranite Cloth, Cheviots all shade and Mack, at -VI cents 30 Inch all wool Flannel, cheap at 1.1 els., our price, Xlceut English Broadcloth 95 cents. New lot Cream Broadcloth Bedford Cord and Brilliantine at popular prices. 7 c Uiughaiu, in Kcninauts, only 5 cent Cloaks, Jackets, Skirts and Furs. Everything desirable in separate walking and Dress Skirts from cheapest to best 08 cents to 16.75. We have reat values and have done a big business in ladies and misses' Jackets. All the newest styles. Complete stock. Don't wait too long. Call, shake hands, see our prices, and you will remain to ouy irom Plvler. Tom Hirers. (.Ill crude: Clyde BiCj.'ers.r.tb trade; Joe Dec. -HAM. ,. Ttsnnrs to thi lialw Helms, John Winchester. Ith ,,, ,,, A,1TS ut . iianhulaih s jjiadc; Addle Fret'inan. Ioyd I'riee, , 40lr,H ih-ukdv. Uiwsoii Priee. Frank Helms, .".id Ashluirnlum, Out., April iH, 100.1 (.lade; I.issi Presley, l.ioah Craijs. ; I thitik it is only ukIH that 1 (hould .'ml jjrade. ' u-ll yuu hat a wonderful ettect Cham- Mr. I.. I- Moore Visited fliends OtHaiu stoutii nemeuy nae piouuieu ill Mci Llenlmi - coiintv and tie Mi Mk Cheapest Store on Earth. o Phone 74. , . .. 1 Tin-,!jv lid. no taster 1 was so dii- i'ck ennu coiiiuv nisi 1 ., ,, , , ,, , , ... 1 1,1 m' t i,.m; tressed Willi a cold and cough that 1 attended the M. 1. Hading Miik tj )e aMe ,0 ,.. , iny , , dutii a the next day, as my voice wan 't Indian Iran .1 i,l,i i,,. o,. rnll,ll. Till isitt d Ins sou, .Mr. loin I ol Ills ol ,auie ,j;iv S. L. Fol hi soir.ebody is Koini; to get into trouble if certain nefarious practice are not stopped. The Advertiser says : ".Some Hiip!c who come to our town lire getting a little careless by the way they are shooting their pistols toivanlsdwelling houses at night. They don't seem to realize the fact that 'human lives are worth anything, or at cast tln v ilon 1 care. . man I rere'ved au order from Oak tirove, last Saturday. you for a bottle of your courIi remedy. Mr. .1. M. Kezi.lh savs he is iu (he I at once procured a sample butt I nJ 1 attic business, right, and unv one look about three doses of llieniedi- Lhing to buy, sell or swap.' ill f'"e. To my great relief the tough do well to s.,.'l,im. !' fIJ h'J. completely disappeared , ,, ,, ., 'aud I was ah e to preach three times Mr. Pcnegar the mail ii.au. , kPow tll,rapiJ he w ill soon have his new inailj e(lective cure , jue l0 yor ' wagon, and be exerts to give liW;C0Kh remedy. 1 make this testimonial put run still Intter service. without solicitation, being thankful to Mr. K. M. Misue s.is the cor . have found such God-seut remedy.; lesjiniiileiit wasinistakeu lust week Kespcctlully, fc.A. Langleldt, m.a., i sivmu hat he on v had iitHiul ; hecuroiai, i.uiuiim. INSURANCE L. M- THOMPSON. Kire, Life, Accident, Health, Lia bility and all classes of Carnality In surance. Ouly the best aud strongest companies represented . 1 respectful ly solicit your business, assuring prompt and efficient attention to til matters. Olfice: Gordoo & Thomp son' old stand . Phone No. I. Hon. J. Iiryau liriine, secretary of slate, ha issued 11 statcineul showing that the receipts in hi of lice for the iiscul year ending No vember ,H). ltio.t. were ''3,!i:i.i.'.,:t1 of which t 7,000 was organi.atiou Marshville Academy will give a Christmas entertainment on the even ings of the 22nd and 23rd, beginning at 7 o'cl'X'k. Ilnee liuudied fruit trees. He has four hundred and twenty four, lie sides his elm t'l'ove. which is U very line one. 1 ,.., v ...... I i. iu V " ' I ' -' ' ' - " " - " I ridinir nloiiL' the street at niizht in a i ions were chartered iu the State drunken e md it h hi, and tiring his pis- tax on corpointions. More corpo-1 Ctlm,rtion with a Christmas rations were chartered iu the State tlw n Christmas day at Stump Hill vir than ever lie lore iu . '..... ii,,.r,.' ill In. sit II tol into dwellings at a distance of one year.' !ing liei' bettreeii old and new sin- Revolution Imminent. dents ol ine scn.u. men . ,ns -r l,i...r il addresses. I lie public i in twenty or twenty live yards, is just a little too much. The Advertiser says that unless this d met ice stops the mavor will id nt-l'm!llMM. HlwfllON whiinlr reverse his usual IiolU'V of upks. or stomach upset. Klectric kindliness stranircrs and let the law lake its course. How unreasonable our neigh' bors arc. Flitht Will He Hitter. i-i.-.e 111., imw, vi "I - " t Hoe W nO Will persist lucioniiij. and urbanity toward Bitter will quickly diamwuber the , tMt w continual . . .... OTi,l,lau.,iia (lailtfa. It IlPVCr fail I...: I'll.. 1.' ; .,.u V..u- uuHuniwutv ...... recouiiueiiuitiiuu ui ji. nni), n .i w to tone the utomach, regulate thej j)j(((.ov(1.y for Couwiniptioii, will Kidneys and Bowels, stimuhite the ,iave4lo1(, an)i t,itt,,r tlht with Liver, and clarify the blow). Bun- !(U(,ir (utiles, if not ended earlier down systems beuetit particularly bv mal tnnjnation. lU-ad what and all the usual attending ehe:T' J lwM of lwM jis( i,iu( ( vanish, niiiier lis nearcuuig mm thorough effectiveness, hlectric Bitter i only 50c, and that is re if it don't eive satisfaction. (iuiiranteed by Euglish Drug Co. There is a great deal of difference Mween a man's merely holding down a job and filling the position. Many a job is held down all right by men who don't half fill the places. The man who merely holds his job sometime has great, difliculty in keeping it from slipping away from him, but the man who fills the place never. Now, there' Editor Archi bald Johnson, editor of Charity and Children, the organ of the North Carolina Baptist orphanage. Before he took hold of this papt r there was not one of this class in North Caro lina that was worth a nip. lie made the pajH-r powerful by standing it on its feet and putting gray matter at the top. Today it is read with inter est by thousands both in and out of that denomination, and it is the most valuable auxiliary (hat the orphan age cause has in the Ftate. The folks down in Georgia heard of Mr. John son's work and asked him to go down and tako a job at their orphan age at twice the salary he is getting here. Has he gone ? Xo. Last week the convention passed a resolution asking the trustees of the Orphanage to go to any necessary length to re tain Mr. Johnson. He fills the place, and the folk who employ him have the trouble of holding down the job. How we can make mountains out of mole hills! AU the furor that has been made over Uie "Bassctt inci dent" wouldn't have been heard of, and Uie article itself would have been unnoticed, had the Jew York Bun not accidentally fished it out of the South Atlantic Quarterly, where Prof. Bassett had buried it m i ' 4a a - A foreman on a railroad at Hun tington, W. Va., undertook to thaw cut some dynamite Saturday. Attkk of it exploded, tore the foreman and another man to piece, and wrecked the camp. .- BUlt inu MT1 "'"ft -. , volt aud serious trouble in yoiir!vl,,l1 Hewimr Machines. Iiest and 1 ..l....,..,.i lt, r.,r.uk Plirnitlll-O ... ... , . , , i in"!, fl m, n nil a m. e will soon lie m our handsome i'uln Jnyy new hanking house ami invite our, friends to call on us. Our business M. C. Broom ha a barrel of nice has steadily grown and we shall home made kraut. continue to give our customer fair. ,, . , . .. . , , : , ii : ,i ! If you want to get money, come and holiest service, t all iu and see 1 ' . i . .- I- IO US. II VUII Witlll IU I1U JVUI Toilet I- low s. Monroe Fur '.'uie Co.' store is parked and jiiiiiiued with bargains lor Mil . H.w Flow' for suirar. coffee, rice. cake, crackers, cheese and other eatables. Trv that irood roasted coffee, 13 pounds for one dollar, at M. C. lirooru s. say: "Last rail my wile nan every svnintoiu of consumption. She took l)r. Kinp'a New Hiseovery after evorvtliiiiL' else had failed, liu provement came at once ami lour bottles entirely cured her." t iuiir anteed bv KiiL'lish Irui Co. Price 5o. and Trial bottle free Sweet mixed pickle at lo cents ier pound, two pound lor .'. cents. at M. t . lirooni s. I No Feed Bills! No Long Profits! ii you Duy your a TT - J nur9e9,miueaauu a Buggies of 0. C. X ah Trri n Dia.es. vvuyr. a W , A nere s our awry, a lis quic&iy ioiu, a but it's to the point. We sell quick, so run I Tin nn lnnsr fflftd bills. Wa sell cheaD and I therefore sell a heap. Another fine lot of T aniaoril1 flnlmola limt In and wa mean to I !BIISW1UU J - , sell them even closer than before. Our reputation for selling good stock at low A A. t A. A. . f figures 18 growing, out we warn u 10 grow iasver yet., ou kivo us luauto. a -nrlnad nf T-lno-tHfl lust in. Our new buggy store will be completed in a short t tlma and we can then disDlav our vehicles T better. C. C. SIKES. To Chamberlain Medicine Co This leint'ily ii fur tale by Dr. Welsh and C. N. Simpson, Jr. S.J. mid laundry soaps monev w here it w ill lie safely kept, nt bring it to us. We will treat you . The Savings, Umn trust Lo. Three cans of good salniou at 2." cents, at M. C. Hiooiu'. A Best Service and ;! Perfect Drugs;! That combination has made my business Z ! and it is makine new customers to-day, i f the same as it did twentv-one years aeo f - - - . when I first started in the drug business. I When in need of anything phone 175. The best Line of HEATERS on earth for the money. R. REDFEARN, Mf r. PALL at S. H. Houaon. for Fleiah- L man', compreaaej yeast. S. J. WELSH, Druggist. I am Ready to show you a fine lot of Christinas Presents. The Sooner You Get Ready the better off you will be, as you will have a much better line to select from. Anything in the Jewelry Line. Fancy Japanese Vases and other goods. Fancy Clocks. Silver Novelties. China Celery Bowls. Cake Plates, and many other novelties. Look over my stock and make your selections early. W. R. IaINEBAGK, The Jeweler,' Monroe, N. C. Established 1873 Incorporated 1001 Carolina Marble and Granite Comoanu. Our business has been more than satisfactory since opening in Monroe, and we now have on hand as nice a stock as can be found at any yard in the State. We have just received some new and specially handsome designs, and we invite the inspection of all persons needing anything in our line. No rrave. however humble, should be allowed to go unmarked. We can make a job to suit the price you are able lo pay. Call for designs and prices. Carolina Marble and Granite Co,, . E. EFIRD, Manager. MONROE, N. C. Yards at Statesville, Salisbury, North Wilkesboro, and Monroe. Notlio Like W'u'vn tailored hard and lona to establish a reptntion for honest aud r i .11 . 1 . z . .1 . . air ueaiiug, giving 10 uuuur u the pound, and underselling all compction wherever located. It i true there are those who at time thiuk thev niieht do better in the towns, and we are always glad to have them investigate, for it al ways results that I am the cheapest piace. Niiw linn Ijulim' Cane and Cloaks just io from New York. Ibt Htlrk laudy 7 cents per pound. Beat Granulated Bazar 20 nound for one dollar. Paper Pius 1 cent. fctet Table Spoons 5 cents. 8 day Clock, best, 11.98. And we've tot almost auvthiuf else yon want We have made oar tart bv workinff cnean. aud to eel plenty work to do we are willing t. i to wora curaiper. Give na vonr orders. Wa will guarantee satisfaction. me place to meet your neign dot is at HENRY W. PUSSER'S, ZOAK, V. a Do You Want a "am? We are going to manufacture Uug gies, and in order to get considerable more room, we will for the next thirty days close out our entire stock of Vehicles at or about cost for tho CASH only. Our stock is well selected and com prises some of the latest styles. We can suit the most fastidious. This is no fake advertisement. We mean what we say, arid you ean put your money in ) your pocket and come to see ns. We will prove what we say. The Heath-Lee Hardware Co. To Cure a Cold in One Day .. a. mm A CotsCHp h Tww Diy. o&cverv

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