THE MONROE JOURNAL VOLUME X. NO 47 MONROE, N. C, TUESDAY DECEMBER 22 1903 One Dollar a Year PI f Lands in Middle North Carolina. r j The Building Up of Worn-OutClay PVFBV WflUlH 'IT A it was late, pin were wUiWHW (scratched in and in the fall it was M - , m a. . . ' I 1 . iL . 1 Ail .11.. stag ug Xl unp Last WISH, urven un two norses, roiiowcu uy Should Head TMs. On leaving our Slate rniversity in IS'.H. I told some of my classmate that I was ffiinR Lome to lake an ag ricultural course under my father I have rent nini years in this course, and talir, whether on ac c-mnt of bid irt'urati in ir misap plication, I am abmt as far from my diploma as 1 was at the bci:inn:ng I have sought and often pitlen all soils of assistance from agricultural collect', experiment station, fann journals ami individuals, rot I have never passed the final examination S in listening; to my remarks today, phase bear in mind that I am an tindenrradnate in agriculture. 1 don't promise mine any cut- and dried n-rcipt for building tip worn nuil clay lands, ikt shall I offer any quick, easy, "I 'heap John" way. Tor I have discovered no such in my limited exiierience. I can only give you some tlui of what I have done, my fail'ire Tnd successes, and let you draw your own conclusions. In I.VI5 I bought a worn-out farm of one hundred and twenty -eif;hl aeies, which h::d l ''n rented for a ii-iinUr of years and umpi ly iivinc r'nts. I pi iu- l .in account with th'S Moore I inn, cliaiyjng it with every hit of Lilmr. six per cent, inierest and laves, n well a the original cost. Tiler.' was some limber on it, the best of which was at once cut and ild. Tliis brought cash - that I most n.tMed. Nome thirty-live acres were cl-ared during the winter, put in corn in the spring and wood deliv ered in the summer. The est of the old land wat put in cotton and (he Korcr sown in peas. On some of this pitorcr laud I sjvnt as much as I 15 per acre in giivn manures, fer tilizers and tillage More anything was taken off. Today this farm has a balance lo its credit (f more than 1 paid for it originally, and a fair growing crop I with a crop of wheat is paid for last year this farm gave me clear of exenscs just about the amount of the original cost. 1 have raised forty four bales of cotton in one year, over four hundred bushels of corn and over six hundred bushel of wheal on it. I have built up (tortious of it from mere galls to lands bringing average crops, while other part have lieeti worked in cotton for the dollar there was in it, thus breaking it down. It is no niitdel farm, as such are often deserilied : "Three dollars eiit for each dollar taken off." I have never sHMit many cents for looks only, but have been working for the profit there was in il. Often I have had to build my tiiiances up at the expense of everything else. I have nut only kept a general account with this farm, but an individual account with each field and every crop raised, as it has been worked entirely by hired lalmr, under my own suHTvision. I also keep an ac count wiih one other farm w hich has been rented all the time for live yeirs. The profit there have been from fifteen to twenty-live per cent., and the tenant, a good worker, has made handsome profits also. a'1' tutu to the history of some of I ho individual fields and crops. )i the fall of Ihllfi I fo'gan on a three acre piece, half of which was galled tit! to I he fed olay subsoil and barren; the other, with more gray soil, was covered with broom-sedge and small two-horse subsoilers. (iood rolling. so much with the working of the What toduWilhtteWintcrNightsj NORTH CAROLINA GOVERNORS crops. Just after the crops are plant-! ed we turn our rye, prepare well and , What a man is, is largely drier- sow peas ; then just I.-!.' harvest n,im.,j ,r MW hf. spends his leisure harrowing and fcrtilmng Hone and ana alter Hie is and veuh are ,- t'hantv & t'lnl.ln n thel.rielit mown, we turn and sow in-as ; after, . .' . . . Mil. Taaopkll Bchtalt, Mrs. Thaophlla Bchmttt, wit of the i-8wrrUry of th German eooaalata) write th following letter to Dr. Uart man, from 1417 Wabaah av, Chicago, III. Sirs. tSrhmltt aayai I suffered this winter with a saver stuck of U grippe, sad having repeatedly heard of too value or rernna la each ruu I thought I wwld try It. I ued It faith fall; and befsn to feel a change for Ih better the aeooad day, and In tt eoura of a week I was very much improved. After uiDf three bottle I not only found that the tip had disappeared, nut my general health wu much better. I am aatladed that Parana I a wonder ful family remedy and gladly eadora It.- loan, Mr.TheoDhileSrhmltt. La grippe leave th mun saturated with catarrh. Tbt condition la knowa a systemic raiarrh, Awept no other remedy. Addreat Ir. Ilartman.Colum boa, Ohio, for free look. s .... ''i-STlJf. c Don't forvet the old man with the fish on his back. ' Jor ricarly thirty years he has Iwen tr'avelinc nroiliul the vnM, arid js, 6til traveling, t s . i a t a. Bringing neaitn anu comiori u hereuer he trnes. To the consumptive he brings tnc-strengtn ana nesrt he so much needs. To all weak and sickly children he givet rich and Rtrpntrthenintr food. ' To thin and pale persons ne gtves new nrm ncsn ana rich reH Wnnd. Children who first saw the old man with the fish are now ll thciFp'rvn," J e stands for Scott' Emu! slon of pure cod liver oil I rtftiirhtful food and a natural tonic for children, for old folks and for all who need flesh and strength. SCOTT B0WNB. Chamlatjj-400-4IB Pearl trot. NewVor. ovo. anu vi.vvi pines. I his wits turneil under w ill a good-sized plow and three mules, covering a big roll oi briars, weed!- and trash hauled and placed in each furrow of the liarren iiart. In De cember about seven toils of lime w as broadcasted ; in the spring the land was disk-harrowed and six hundred pounds of kainit with six hundred pounds of acid phosphate was broad- asted ; shallow furrows were drawn about three feet apart and cotton seed planted w ith six hundred iHiunds of complete fertilizer. Late in Aug ust crimson clover seed were sown and worked in with cultivator. This lint cost mc thirteen and a quarter cents per suind. In the spring of lMIS I roplowed and drilled in oats and clover with six hundred pounds of a complete fertilizer. At harvest the clover was lipiied off also. The lime, the fer tilizer and the thorough culture of the cotton had given a splendid stand. During the summer and fall the clover was mown and raked up on the best places, only to be scat- ten-d on the heavier clays. I he fol lowing spring the best was taken for hay and that on the ptorcr left w hen' it was mown, and all the trimmings f fence-rows and ditch-banks near by were hauled and scattered there. In August, 18'.)'.), this second growth of clover was turned ; seed bed well prepared with disk and drag har rows, used alternately, with a twenty-live-hundred-Kiund roller till the middle of October, when wheat was drilled in with aKuit six hundred pounds of acid phosphate. In March, l'.MK). a dressing of one hundred and fifty pounds of nitrate of soda was given. The yield was eighty-four bushels, or twenty-eight bushels er acre. After the wheat, peas were nut in and mown for hay ; crimson clover was sown at once and turned in the spring of 1001, for a variety test of cotton. Of all the sixteen varieties the Improved King gave the best yield of lint. Last year tbe stalk were dragged, then run around with heavy team and large, straight shovel. A two-horse slant-tooth har row was dragged across tho rows to put the stalks in the deep trenches, and two furrows were turned back on them and the land harrowed w ith the rows, the corn planter following m every row, as the cotton had been planted in four-feet rows. As the corn was coming up u was again harrowed, regardless of rows, leaving the land level. Son a long, nanvw bull-tongue was run close around tho corn and as deep as one horse could pull it, and again tho ground harrowed with two horse harrow, About everv ten davs two more close deep furrows were cut off the middle with the bull-tongue, it taking about eight furrows to finish and from forty to fifty davs after tho corn had been planted. In this time the nar row cultivators had gone around the corn twice. After the middles were finished, corn from eighteen to twen-tv-four inches high, nothing but broad cultivators were used, cutting about two inches deep, until silks appeared, when peas were sown and cultivators run : lor the last time. Fodder was taken, including the first blado above the ear, and tops' cut later. When the corn was gathered it measured thirty-five bushels per acre. 1 he etaiKi while standing were cut into six-yen. lengths with corn knife, and then the peas, and all chopped fine with a disk harrow and oals and vetch sown about zoth or September with nine hundred pounds of arid and potash, and top dressed in March with six hundred pounds high-grade complete fertilizer. The yield was at least two tuns of cured hav per acre. As a fair stand of vol unteer red clover is on the land, I am leaving it, instead of sowing in peas. This piece of land has paid Urge profits oa all labor spent on it, and will now yield three times the crop it would have made in lam Hear with me" till I give the his tory of one other piece of fifteen acres, which has been in cultivation about fifty year. Moet of the top soil bad gone to the red clay. When I bough', it in 18i)6, the yield of wheal wu two and t quarter bushels rye sown, in the spring, when rye was in blotHii, it was turned with a sixteen inch plow and three mules, and after the usual harrowing and rolling, peas were drilled in with four hundred oundsof acid and pot ash. That summer chip manure, scrapings from o4ton mill. wunI yard, with some rich soil was hauled on Ihe worst places. In September all was turned under and everything done to procure a stand of clover. wu wilh the wheat. In the spring the wheat was cone over with weedrr r- ... and clover seed sown again where il had been w inter-killed. My wheatcrop averaged about eight bushels xt acre, at a cost of ?14o per bushel, and the clover failed ouly in suits. These were mow n and scattered over the bald places with other refuse. In 189!), after turning for wheat, several hundred bushels of raw cotton seed were also scattered over these galls. On a fine, smooth seed bed wheat was drilled in with three hundred pounds per acre of a high-grade fer tilizer. At harvest my yield was a little over twenty bushels er acre. I And was hastily proiutred. fertilized and peas sown for hay, and stubble sown in crimson clover. A fine chance of clover was ready In be turned for cotton in 1'JOl, which was planted anil cultivated flat. The field aver aged a net profit of ifl'.V.W per acre, and the lint cost me in actual work, after deducting the cash gotten for the seed, ?2.53 per hundred. And could I have gotten forty-eight cents per bushel for my seed I would have had my lint free of oust. As this cot ton was very late in maturing, 1 de cided to plant again in cotton and raise a cheap crop. A deep furrow was run through the middles, then a railroad iron was d lagged square across the rows, breaking off the old stalks and dragging them into the furrow, a complete fertilizer was put in and listed on and stalks plowed nit. Ridges were then dragged down mil rolled where the ground was L-loddv, and cotton planted. This vield was heavier, averaging three hundred and fifteen pounds of lint per acre, at a cost of two cents per pound, the cheapest cotton 1 have ever raised. At the second picking last full rye was sown, as the crimson clover sown in August had burned ut. This spring ryo was top-dressed with s complete fertilizer, two hun- lred pounds tier acre, a heavy crop turned under and thorough prepara tion made for peas sown with three hundred pounds acid and potash per acre. l"eas to be cut for hay and wheat to follow, and I want more than twenty bushels er aero next harvest. When I began farming I tried a six-year rotation: cotton; cotton; corn and peas; wheat; clover; wheat, fol lowed by peas, and then hack to the beginning. Kxiienence soon showed that a shorter rotation would suit my lands and pocket-book better, as clover so often failed me, throwing the w hole system out of gear. 1 adopted a three-year rotation : cotton ; corn ; wheat. Of course, catch-crops are sown, and the rotation is not iron clad. (Some of my cotton lands are sown in crimson clover at the last working, while others are sown in rye at the first or second picking. This clover and rye are turned for l,..t l,,rv.t ,,, i , i . per auicn is m-iii out irom tne rush work liol so well done, tljis. Thomasville Orphanage, siiraksthr vetch and eas have solved the prol-' timely words which every young per- lent of hav ; two hravv. sure crops corn and peas, or peas only for hay. The corn and pea lands go in w heat, rye or oats for grain, or oats and vetch for hay; all to be followed by a crop of peas for hay and part of the pea stubble to tie sown in crimson clover, or vetch to be turned for cot ton in the spring. I try U) get a full third of my arable uplands in cotton each year, for this is my money crop, while the wheat and corn lands are always divided with other crops. A good pea-hay crop w ill give as much feed as a corn crop, and improve die lands besides. By this management we sow iieas at three different each spring, and it does not interfere Ashcraft's Eureka Liniment This Llnlmert will remove spavin, splint, ringbones, and all cartilagi nous growths, when applied in the ear lier stages of the disease, and will re lieve tho lameness eveji jnchronic cases.. One of the rnosleommon lame' nesa among horses and mules Is sprain of the twk. tendon, caused by over-loading or hard driving . Asheraft's Liniment Is a never-falling remedy. The Liniment Is also eitensively used for chronic rheumatism and for all kinds of stiff Joints. , For "scratches" Asheraft's Eureka Liniment is with out an equal. A few applications is all that is necessary to cure this dis ease in its worst form. Owing to the wonderful ntl' e4Tt. septic qualities, tho Eureka. Llnb mint should be used In the treat ment of all tumors and sores where proud flesh is present. It Is both healing and cleansing, entirely de stroying all parasites and putre faction, ' This Liniment acts as counter-irritant and stimulant, i Price 50c bottle. Sold by English Drug Company each vear. Whv should I wail on red clover, w hen it has filled me so often, or depend on overflown creek bot toms? I have not said scanvly anything of stable manure, as none has r i madeon this farm except in bottom pasture. 1 kirp cattle, to le sure, but they are wintered on Ihe home farm, and all the manure is needed there. This farm is workixl entirely by tenants, for whom we furnish everything and on nine, mere is not so much profit in this, but il is hard to get out of old ruts. To show my appreciation of manure. I am now building a cow barn on the Moore Farm fifty-four by one hundred and ten feet, w here cattle are to lie fat tened, thai I may have the use of (he manure in building up my xir fields. I sadlv need more humus lo let water in and hold il there. IV caving humus matter gives heat, and this with hiinuc acid and water helps to set free plant food, as well as let i in l! in air and Keeping tnc soil m good mechanical condition. Now, a few words commer cial fertilizers. Kor some five vt irs I have Urn mixing mv own. I have made numerous tests on different crops and fields and make my mix ture tocorresiond wilh these results. I alwavs buy for cash the highest grade raw materials and mix a high grade fertilizer. This spring I bought sixtv-eight tons, all told, and the composition I my wheat and oats with was made as fol lows : Thirteen hundred iounds of sixteen er cent, acid phosphate, live hundred Niunds nitrate of soda, tm hundred ninils muriate of iotash. and would analyze ten and a quarter ier cent, phosphoric uei I, four and tlinv-qua iters ammonia, live per cent, potash, ptuv. The cotton fertilizer that the most of the tenants used was made from thirt'-en hundred and fifty pounds acid phosphate, two hundred and fifty muuds tankage, two hundred pounds cotton seed meal, one hundred Munds nitrate of soda, one hundred )munds murialeof IHilash, giving eleven and a half per cent, phosphoric acid, three cr cent, ammonia, two and three-quarters ier cent, t.f IHilash. Tea fertilizer lias eighteen hundred Hiunds acid phos phate, two hundred poymjs muriate potHsh, and funs fourd-cn anit fbtir tenths ier cent, phosphoric acid and five icr cent. K, 0. (Judo a numlier of mixtures arc made and used every year. To this manipulation of fer tilizers some of my neighbors attrib ute my success. I pile them on reno vating crops, sometimes, like some one was giving them to me, but I bank equally on manure, good prepa ration, seltvtion of seed an 1 thorough culture. For instance, 1 have select ed my seed corn in the field for some live years, following our U'st author ities, and I see a wonderful improve ment. It all looks like it had Uvn planted just when the moon was right. vwiai s won ii doing at all is worth doing right," has been a motto of mine. 1 want good, heavy mules, strong, large plows, and men who can handle them, A boy and the one-horse Ilixie is a poor outfit to im prove clay land with. Kmr good, big mules, a good driver, a sixu-eu-inch steel turn plow and a good man to shake it well, will be more to my liking. After a crop is planted on thoroughly prepared soil the battle is half won. As I am not contented with a half-won victory, I insist on thorough, rapid culture, kept ii until lute in the season. Never over task hands with big crops. Keep them well up with their uoik, pav them promptly, keep them in good spirits and interested in their work. lhey are as proud of a good crop as yon are. Negro labor is the thing for our cotton farms, Make litem happy by furnishing good quarters and good rations, prompt pav and listen to tflrm sing ani brag about your gad crops. 1 have taken hold of the plow han dies myself, that 1 might learn just where the dillicultv lav. I have hunted up tools and placed them where needed lo avoid loss of time iu changing v ork. I want to Is' on ihv ground myself, no matter how ginl are t he overseers 1 have. Now, my friends, I am on the farm from choice. 1 enjoy niy work there. It has lieen a long, hard fight with pie, but 1 have never regretted the step I took, the health I have enjoyed I have never been ashamed of my profession, and I advertise it every where I go, in my face and mv hands I am proud that I am an American farmer. Revolution Imminent. A sure sign of approaching re volt and serious trouble in your system is nervousnees, sleeplee nens, or stomach uimwIs. Electric Bitters will quickly diHiuembcf the troublesome causje. never foils to tone the stowac-h, regulate the bjidneyi and Dowels, stimulate the Uver, aud clarify the blood. Hun down systems benefit particularly and all the usual attending aches vaoUh noder its searching and thorough effectiveness. Klectric Bitters is only 50c, and that Is re Inrned if it don't give satisfaction. (J naranteed by English Drug Co. son, esvialiv, in I nion eouniv ought to be influenced by : "After supper these winter nights it is a long time until bed tune Much dqs ndson how our bovs and girls employ ihe hours from live ! nine or ten clock. If vou live in a town or village, young man, it is a great U'llpUitioii to coup town and trille tho hours awav wilh men who ought to lie at home wilh their fami lies, but who prefer to waste tin tune iu senseless gabble aUmt the stove in hie gnu-cry' or the drug store. U not go near them, bovs, we !'- Si-ech you. l"se these four hours every night in improving yourselves. If you have had a r chance in school here is w here you may make up lost time. Lay off a plan of read ing for the winter. (Jet some biog raphv, histor,-, a little portrv, and three or four Imoks from the masters of fiction, such as lhekens or 8cotl or (.'oojier. You can get them. Ask your presclier to help you out. He will hike pleasure in doing what he can. I lien set vourself to vour task. Soinc!Kty who knows it all will tell vou vou had liettei lie reading vour Bible. Pay no attention to him; he has never hurt himself reading his. Liy out your course of reading and dick toil. By next May you will find your mind wonderfully strength- ncd and enriched. Nothing iu tlicalmve is better than the advice to ay no attention to the fellow who says, "liettcr be reading the Bible." We have met people who couldn't tike newspapers be- ause they hail but little time to read uul ha I to put that on the Bible. We would take a bet at any odds that thi-se liersons know much less iiumt their bibles than do their news- aier niiding neighbors. The man who reads more books than anv otli- r one in I'uion county lives in Mon roe, lie lias read the Uible entirely through this year in addition to his it her reading. The Bible is a great book and a familiarity with it is much to lie desired, but this is not gained by neglecting all other kinds of reading matter. Take care of the winter nights. F.very man ought to nd i fc '' good books every year, no matter how busy he is, or how poor r how rich else his mind is a bar ren store house. John It. .Morris, who died last week, made himself f imous as a man of learning by read- ng during his spare hours. Fight Will Be Bitter. Thosfl who will persist inclosing their cars npiiiust the continual recommendation of Dr. King's New Discovery for Consumption, will have a long mid bitter light with their troubles, if not ended earlier liv fatal termination. Head what It. Ileal I of lleall, Miss,, has to say: "iua inn my who mm every sy mptoiu of eonsiimpt ion. 8he took Dr. King s ew Discovery alter everything else hud failed. Im provement oame at once aud four bottles entirely cured her." Guar anteed by English Drug Co. Price 50c. und 1 1. Tn.U bottles free. From I7lt to Dte-A list Worth Preserving. Mr. J II. McElwee of Slat.-svillr was recently in the town of Kdcutoii. Chowan county, and while there he copied from the records the folio ing lis! of (Hivernors of North Carolina : 17 1! Charles Kden. 17.l. Sir Kit-hard Fvennl, lUit. 17.11. (iabrirl Johnson. I7.rkt Matthew Rowan. I7lt. Arthur Dddis. 17W5. William Trvon. Don't Make a Mistake Riddles for Little Folks. Wlml In II llylnit In tlifalr. Willi lallprtl hoUMN utntrr, Km II ym dlmli ami pull II" tall II will nuroul hkr Iliumlcr? Answer The church bell. Out ramr Hie uf lAllillfHii, tipr tii haiill?ri, H.Mli-avjav hornrlHit. Answer - "Uw" ! a iiuowrtake.and the lord l-andlcss is the sun. Two black dogs under my bed waiting to swallow their fill of Ixmes and raw meat in the morning. Answer Only your shoes. I" II I'v irot and woutil like bMlrnr. Hul If I "hou'tl low tt I d tin n than vry Answer His liald head. W hrn I an-t looking fur tt I fonml It ; W hn I found It I wit ilown to li for It ; Ami hn I limant t It I cnnMil't PM It. Ami Ihrrrfur I rarrtnl It how with mr. Answer A thorn in the fool. Hctmn two wimwN I IravtUnl, A.onit N narrow trai-k ; Hie I '-am,. I'twtn two watrr. Worn I travrllpil the aame wal' ha-l Answer - A boy who j?e lo the spring for water, wilh a wooden b ic M on inch arm, Il trawl With "I M oaf "n ll hratl. Ami all li Ixlo lolif II -II" i y my tort. Answer A tack in the shoe. Sfiimaa MarManua. 177.1 J.isiah Martin. 1777. Richard Caswell. 171. Abner Nash. I7S2. Thomas Burke. 17S4. Alexaiitler Martin. 17H.V Kichard Caswell. 17HS. Samuel Johnson. I71HI. Alexander Jlartin. 17il.1. Kichard 1, Slight. 17. Samuel Ashe. 17!IS. William It Davie. 17!!. Benjamin Williams. 1H02. James Turner. ISO.1.. Nathaniel Alexander. 1S07. Benjamin Williams. INN. David Stone. ISM. Benjamin Smith. ISU. William Hawkins. ISM. William .Miller. 1SI7. John Branch. 1S20. Jess' Franklin. lSl'l. Oabriel Holmes. 1S:M. Huichins (!. Burton. lM'7. James Iredell. ldl'S. John Owens. IMl). Moiitford Stokes. ls.12. David L Swain. lS.'l.r). Kichard D. Slight. 1K.17. Edward B Dudlev. 1KII. John M Morchcad. is 15. William A. (iraham. ISM. Charles Manlv. 1850. David S. Keiti. 1S55. Thomas Bragg. 1S.V.I. John W. Ellis. IStil. Warren Winslow. 1SH2. Henry T. Clark. 1SI12. Xc bulon B. Vance. 1SI15. William W. Ilolden. lSt'ili. Jonathan Worth. 1SC.S. William W. Ilolden. 1S71. TkI K. Caldwell. 1K7-I. Curtis II. Brogdcn. 1S7I1. Xebuloii B. Vance. IsSO. T. J. Jarvis. 1SS-1. Alfred M. Scales, 1SSS. Daniel (!. Fowle. lS'.H). Thomas M. Holt. 1S1I.1. EliasCarr. 1S'.I7. laniel L. Russell. l'.Hll. Charles B. Ayrock. Rector of St. Luke's, ASHHCKMHAM, ONT., TK5TII IKa TO T HI GOOD yCALITIEl or CHAMRFRLAIN'S COl'CH REMEDY. LAshhumham, Oot., April ill, loot. I think it ia ouly i.flit that 1 should (til you what a wonderful effect Chain IwrUiu'i Couth Remedy has produced. The day belure t-.aater 1 was so dis tressed with a cold and cough that I did oot think lo be able lo lake any duties the next day, as my voice was almost choked by the couch, The same day 1 received an order from you for a bottle of your couch remedy. I at once procured a sample bottle and took about three doses of the medi- To my great relief the cough and cold had completely disappeared and was able lo preach three times oo tauter day. 1 know thai this rapid aod effective cure was due lo your cough remedy. I make this testimonial without solicitation, being thankful to have found such a God-sent remedy. Respectfully. E.A. Langleldt, M.A., Kector ol bt. Luke s Church. To Cltainberlaio Medicine Co. This remedy is for sale by Dr. S. J. Welsh and C. N. Simpson, Jr. It is at least significant that Prof. Basset t and the Hev. J. C. Mossce should both have names containing that suggestive collocation of let tern, Ass. Charlotte News. Kodol Dyspepsia Curo Divests all classes of food, tones and strengthens the stomach and digestive oteaus. Cures dyspepsia, lodigeslioo stomach troubles aod makes rich red blood, health and strength. Kodol Dyspepsia Cure rebuilds worooul tis sues, purines, strengthens and sweet ens Ihe stomach. Clov. G. W. Atkin soo of W. Vs., says: "I have used a Dumber of bottles of Kodol Dyspepsia Cure and have found it lo be a very effective and, indeed, a powerful rem edy for stomach ailments. I recom mend it lo my friends." Sold by Eng lish Drug Co. and S. J. Welsh. I W bile cotton is rlt-c!i rents jolt should lliiiik as nitieli i f i,ur tUd , lats as ou would if il was si.-n rents. I i ciiioii:. l av v ytui j want and what you n .i'. Imi Unv it at the right j.rice. lMi'l o.l the 1 1 lea ill your head that you can lu:y Watches Clocks, Spectacles. Fancy Ooods, Musical Instruments, I'.ie.. iu a huge town t-heajx-r ll. m hi a small one. Tor if ou .i ou ill i make a sad mistake. Our slon- is j crammed full ol Nice New Goods selected by us fitun the very latest sample mid Iwniplit nt Ihe very lowest price. We like to please our customers and we do it l. m-IIii ,; them good Watches, Clocks, etc.. it a small margin. Our 'lore is the uicest iu town, so our custom is say, and we k'p it so by keep ing nice gmnls and a full line of thetu. KenieiiiU'i tis a lien vmi get ready to do your holiday shopping, for we have something to show vou. W. F. CHEAES & CO., WAX II W. X. C. etosettie court and hfXeiinffa ? rr.-;t . i J slny Famish that comes under the S. W. f. label is good tarnih. It meant that it's The Sherwin-Williams Varnish. It means that it's the best var nish nude for the purpose you -ant. It means that it's an honest vamiih. It means that it's a uniform varnMi always good, each time you buy it. I'ut your confidence in 5. W. f. SOLI) I.V Monroe Hardware Co., I III li':: K. Manager. A. LEVY. A. LEVY. If men abused their bodies as they do their credit the nice would soon run out. Exchange. Sweet mixed pickles at IS cents per pound, tv" pounds for 23 cents, at IL a Broom's. Bronchitis " I have kepi Ayer's Cherry Pec toral in my bouse for s rest many years. It ia the beat medicine la tne world for couhs and colds." J. C Willisms, Attica, N.Y. AJt seflQut lunf trouble, begin with a tickling In the throat. You can stop this at first In single night with Ayer's Cherry Pectoral. Use It also for bronchitis, consumption, hard colds, and for coughs of all kinds. TWastaaiIiL.raL.ri. Marank, Oman raw ' I'"" taaa aa aa ha . I' ka toll! pm mYiTim ' w ... . - USL Deafness Cannot be Cured by local ippliHIUons, as they cannot reach Ihe diseased portion ol Ihe ear. There is only one way lo cure deafness and that ia by constitutional remedies. Deafness is caused by an inflamed condition of the mucous lining of the Eustachian Tube. When this tube gets inflamed you have a rumbling sound or imperfect hearing, and when il ia entirely closed deafnesa is the re sult, and unlesa the inflammation can be taken out aod this tube restored to its normal condition, hearing will be destroyed forever; nine cases out of ten are caused by calarrb, wbics Is nothing but an inflamed eoadilion of the mucous tuiiataa, Wl wit) live One Hundred Dollars for any eaaa of Deafneaa (caused by calarrh)that cannot be cored by Hall's Calarrb Cur Send tor circulsrs.lree. F.J.C11ENKY CO. Toledo, Ohio. Sold by druggists, 75c. IIsll s fsmily pills srs the best To Curt a Cold In on Day Take Laialiv Bromo Juioloe Tablets. All druggists refund lb money if it fails to iure. E. W. brovtVs signs tura is oo each bos. s cents. a m m m 8ea Flow's for sugar, coffee, liee, cakes, crackers, cheese and other eajatuev r01TSIIO:(Ef"TAR A Display of Dress Goods that will bear comparison with large city stocks. Here you will find Zeibelicns, Cheviot, (iianites, Scotch ."lixlure and Plaids, llroad Cloth, .lcillian.., Canvias Weaves, At mours, etc Vou will make a mistake if you do not give this splendid stock of Drefs CiooJs a tool, l-efore purchasing. No trouble to show you these goods. Oct our price and be no. ted. 4Rs- i3. : v i i i 1 J Fail ami Winter CLOTHING. Those appreciating Hih (lr.tde Clot hiii'; (iunran tecd by the manufacturer w ill do w ell to see my line bvfure buying their fall suit- I have tried to Rive the people of Monroe and vicinity tho very best that money w ill buy. Buy none hut St rouse Bros-Guaranteed- '1 hey are as cheap as others. 5ee my line of boys' and children.' clothing- I can save you money. Sole flQent tor Hamilton-Brown SHogs. fly lines of Shoes can't be matched in any town. Vou w ill find all of the Hamllton-liruwn Shoes- the very best makes; also the celebrated Hess Shoes for men. V w AGENT. J1 JJ LADIES' WRAPS, all the newest styles. Don't buy any thing; in Wraps before you see mc; I can save you bf money- Our MillinGrij Department will be one of our pet departments this senson and we will K've nothing but the latest and most stylish lints. Our trimmer is young, but old In experience- One hundred mw fall ready to wear Dress Skirts from $1-00, $150, $2 00 to $15-00. New Waistings In all the leading styles, cheapest to best- A. LiEiVY. HOUSES AND MULES! Wholesale and Retail. Our buyer lias just returned from tho West with two ear loads, our second supply for this fall. If you want one, a dozen, or a car load, it will pay you to come to see us. We have and keep in stock all kinds at right prices. Heed this notice and we will gave you money. -E. A. Armfield & Sons.

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