THE MONROE JOURNAL l.'cphone No. I. Tueslay. December 21 I9QX rr4 tutUm t.nUv lit,;. Mr. llaiid Rram-r U hom from Triuily to h-im1 the- holiday, Maxtor Webb Heath U home from Iirliuouut for I hnstuwa. Mr. J. J. Uwlwr will Kin-ud ('hrMma in l.ileMilh. Mrs. IS. C, Fed tram will leave tomorrow to kn-u1 lirinlnnu in In.tiloltp. Rv. J. G. Galledge mU u to aoaoaix that presvehim day at Roanoke ban bren r hanged from the lint to the fourth Suuday, but be will not te there till the fourth Suuday ia January oa aroottiit of bis wife llluvm. Mr. (Jullfelfie will preach at Aew Hope on the find 8unUav in January ami the ri&turday before. The MethotlW Sunday sxhool will have a hristiuis tree in the opera bouse on Thursday evening at t uUK J lie ItaptiNt Sunday a-liool win nave oue ou rndav uielitat iimrhiirt-u, while on Thursday at i leruoon one will be eiveii at the I Manse for t!m primary clasaea of MimsKfli Fairley .m returned the Pirsbyteruu church, in ivare iiiMiune 10 speuti luriNt lua. Mr. Fred Carroll of Monroe wan married last week to Mini Virginia Aiken of Abbeville, H. V. IJev. W. F. Watson preached at Marshville Sut unlay ou foreign UIISMOIM. Mr. m. u. miiiiwiii, alio now lives in 'Joldslioru, ia spending t hllstuia.1 in the comity. l!ev. J. V. Little ask The Jour lial to Hay that he will becin meeting at old Waihaw rliim-h ou uristiuas day. Mr. Charles Helms has aold his house in the MK'auley annex to Mr. 8. T. Moroni, and moved back to the country. Judge Ilurwell of t'barlotte wan in town for a. short whilethisoioro inc. ''Monroe baa made more im provement than any town I know," lie said. Fred Williams, aon of Mr. T. K illiama of east Mouroe, U a niiu rod who goea after the wildest of game, lie has shot and killed six crows rereutiy. AlifW Kltie Stewart of Henderaon lias come to Monroe to ee her luother, ho ia very low with pneu liuiiiia at the home of her sou, Mr. V. A. Stewart. Mr. II. II. Adams anil lii entire family will leave for Concord to morrow to aiiend Christina with Mr. W. C. Houston. Mrs. W. J. Kudge lias already gone to Concord. Mr. Krviu Stark, from the A. A M. College at liulcigh, and Miss , Alice Slack from the J'rcstiytcriau College lit Charlotte, came home this morning to spend the holidays. Mr. J. 1!. Coble moved his fam ily last week to Abbeville, S. C. Mis. (i. II. Meur.s, who Iiim Iteeti in Abbeville for some time, baa re turned to Monroe. Mr. ltajinonil Outeu urn sisters, who have lieeii living four miles aoiitli of Monroe, have moved here. Mr. Oiitcn has a position with Mr. M. Waller. lr. Watt Ashciiitt, who ia now taking lecture in Washington City, will be iu Monro' tomorrow and will remain till January 4, with the except ion of I )cccmbcr :!(, wheu be ill lie in Wadesluuo. Mr. II. A. Winchester, who has for aoiuetime been running a livery liimitieaa here, will uiovu to Par tington, 8. C, to open a stable in January. Mr. K. I. Hriflln and Miss Leila Phifer, and Mr. F. K. Helms and Misa C. L. Fowler, all of this coun ty, were married Sunday by Ksi. J. C. Manguiu of Chesterlicld coun ty, 8. C. The uiembera of St. Luke's Lu theran church are making nice im provements on the interior of their building. A pretty chandelier is being put iu along with electric lights. The Journal ia ropicsted to an nounce that liev. J. F. Davis, the pastor, will preach at Hopewell, iu (ooe Creek township, on Chl isJ puis day, und that Hev. Edward jyong, sou of 'Squire W, (). Long, ill preocb Ihere oil ueit fJnnday. Mr, B, J lwry recjueatii The Journal to ay that he ia very grab) ful to ull who assisted him with good words and deeds on the occa sion of the tragic death of his mm, Mr. Paul Lowry, who was killed on the railroad some time ago, I'iuk Kllis, a good colored citizen of (iooae Creek township, has sold his land and all his goods and will leave tonight w ith his family for Trenton, X. J., to live. He has two daughters there working as bouse servants, and has himself pent some time up there. He ex pects to work as a brick mason, A very kind hearted christian gentleman has put at the disposal of Messrs. Ilruner & Huey twenty packages of confectioneries for Christmas distribution. If yon jfiuiir pf some teserving children who wilrmihaljly not be visjted by Did Santa, kiuilly mention the in to Mr. Ilruner, At a meeting of the directors of the People's lluuk, held last Tues day, a semi annual dividend of 3 per rent, was declared and $1,000 was set aside to the surplus fund, making this fund After the paymeut of dividends on Jau nary 1st, there will be 5,500 undi vided profits oo baud. "The Baptist Messenger," a neat little paper, published monthly, baa made its appearance. It is pub lished by liev. W. F. Watson, and Mr. K. 8. Watson is the business manager. It will be devoted to the work of the liaplist denomination throughout the 1'iiion association, ' and ita motto is, "Missions) educa tion; temperance." Mr. A. T. Broom, who left a leg on a Virginia battlefield some forty years ago, started to town the other morning from his home twelve miles from town, starting out ahead of the wagon which bis boys were driving, expecting it to overtake biru. As the wagon didn't catch bim he kept "pegging along," till be found himself iu town. No won der such men could march three days at a time without food forty years ago. A young snn of Mr. W. (!. Ho ard, the niachiue man, iu knee trousers, went up on top of the new Itedwuie & Slack building the other day and rut one of the huge steel bars in two for the workmen with the ease of a veteran. The boy who rau do something is in all kinds of demaud these dajs. An infant child of Geo. Brewer, colored, ho lives ou the Cold Miue road uoith of town, was burned to death last Fiiday. It was out where they were burning trash and fell tutu toe ore. There will be a Christmas tree at Stewart school house. New Salem townsjiip, next Saturday afternoon at 2 u clock. Mr. A. M. 1). Wbitley, who has Keen attending school at Hut her- ford College, is at home for the holidays. There will be a Christmas tree on Friday at 2 o'cha-k at Trinity ennrett, in liutord towusbip. Death of Mrs. Rom Blakency. Mrs. Itosa Blakrney, widow of the late well known Jack lilakenev of Chesterfield county, and mother of Messrs. W. a lilakeney, 1. R Bliikeuey aud 1. B. Itliikcnev, died at the home of her daughter, Mrs. ictoriii Sloan, iu Monroe, at seveu o clock last night. She had U'eu sick but a few days, of pneumonia. She had lieeti living in this county leas tluiu a year, and lu Monroe but a few weeks. She was 'i yuan old and a native of Chesterfield county. I he funeral will Ite conducted from the residence by I)r, Howe at today. The remains will be buried here. The pall bearers will la- Messrs. K. C. Winchester. Dr. I. W. Neal, W. C. Wolfe, A. M. Slack, J. J. Crow and J. K. Sliute. For a ihhiiIkt of years Mrs. lilakeney had been living with her sou, Mr. V. S. Blakeuey. heu lie came to Monroe last fall he 1st- gnu building an elegant home lu the eastern annex for himself and his mother, Mrs. Blakeuey iu the meantime making ber home with others of her children. Mrs. Blake uey was a member of the Metho dist church at Five Forks in Ches terlicld county, and was a woman of strong character and pious life. .Not only were ber children and grandchildren much attached to her, hut a large number of friends and neighbors as well. Road Working. "What are your plans for road woi kf was asked of Koad Commis sioner Thos. K. Williams yesterday, 'Our purpose," said Mr. Williams, 'is to go ou with the grading until all the principal roads iu the town ship are projierly graded and straightened to the township line. All work is being done on a per manent basis. The work that we are doing will never be to do over. The road beds that are uow being made are expected to be here at the end of the century. Two more years will be necessary to complete this work. Then we expect to go to macadamizing. Nature has done much for Union county. You may say that our roads are good for nine months of the year. Just as soon us possible the worst places must be made good for ail the year." Money on Cotton. "Several people have made moot ey on spot out ton buying the cot. tou itself and holding it," said s denier yesterday. "Now," he con tinued, "I know a man who has just made 11,'jtM) by buying and holding one hundred bales of cot ton, the mere rise in the market giving him this profit. To bold this cotton required the locking up of at least t.,UH). But suppose he had put this capital in cotton fu tures! Since to handle futures you have only to buy margins and not bulk, bis profits would have beeu enormous." It's no wonder that people put their all in a veuture where the profits are alluring and so easy if tbey come. - The idea of making a day without effort is alluring to some men, while 1500 or .",000( or ten times as much, is qecessary to fire the imagination, of others, The dawding prospects at greater thau the fear of ruin, and so cau tion is thrown to the wluds. Home men taste aud stopj but the rule, is to go on. On every tongue today, particularly In the South, the word cot tou finds a constant place. Cot ton ! up, np I fortune, fabulous profits I At a meeting of the stockholders of The Savings, Loan and Trust Company today, resolution was passed authorizing the directors to increase the capital stock to an amount not exceeding 125,000. The subscription book is now open at the office of the said company, where those desiring stock can enter their subscription at once. Deoembar 2i, 1003, B- B. REDWMKyPrea, F. II., Cashier. ;' . - We koowxtf a man who went to the doctor for some medicine) aald be prayed too bard and thought be "overreched" himaelC JNW "over-rech" yourself eating Christ mas and lave to call la the doctor, send as your prescriptions. . . . English Drug Co.' ' Florida oranges car Just arrived 20 sent par doses and op,-- '. Brunor A liaey. Ooe of the isost delightful social eveuts of the season took place at the home of Mayor It. V. Houston but Thursday eveuing. It was the celebration of the twelfth auoiver aary of the marriage of Mr. and Mrs. Hooatoa their "lioen wed ding." Nearly two hundred iovi rations were scut out, but of rvurse not all of the iuvited guests could be preseiit, but an exceedingly large and happy uumber asnruiblrd In honor of the occasion aud to par take of the charming honpitulity of the nappy host aud nostcm. t rom six to eleven the house was a aeeue of pleasure. At the door the guests were welcomed by I apt. . A. Lane and Miss Margaret Keid Hous ton. At the parlor door they were received by Bev. lr. J. C Kowe and llev. Geo. II. Atkinson aud presented to Mr. aud Mrs. Houston "the bride and groom" who re reived the greetiugs aud congratu lations of their frieuds uuder a pretty canopy. Ou the left of the host and host cm tbe guests were received by Mrs. Lydia Beid Fuu- derburk of t'barlotte, Mrs. Auder son of Charlotte, Mrs. 1). A. Cov ington, and Mr. aud Mrs. Kufus A rm held. In the parlor Mesdaiues II. K. Lauey, ilson Griftm and J. F. Lauey presided at tbe piano. rrom the parlor Mrs. J. J. Crow aud Mrs. Mildred Heath Hargrave couducted the guests to the adjoiu- ing room, where Mrs. O. 1. Heath gracefully presided at the punch bowl, with ber assistants, Mrs. L. i Bickett and Misses Maggie Crow- ell aud Katie Fairley. Iu tbe din ing room Mesdamcs A. N. Sample aud W. A. Laue received, aud an elegant supper was served. From tbe dining bull tbe guests were takeu in baud by Misses Margie Williamson aud Allie Welsh aud conducted to the coffee room, where Mrs. J. M. Itelk, assisted by Mrs. II. liichardsou and Mrs. A. L. Oood Roads la Sandy Ridge. R F l No.5.l- il Mr Hugh H keziah, son if Mr W. T. Kenan. 1 will move Ui Anson county next week ! Utake cl.arge .if one 4 Mr T. J ' Sluunon's (arm lie will have a ou the Jsth wist. if Ih-j. j hofis.rn, fodder, anniui: (! ani buiiarliold and kil. Ii. n (uniilnn-. His father will go r.ii him. t'apt. S ti. IhiWM' went UiCln-sler last Kri'lav to -e his an. Mr. II It Howie, who is very ss-k. He re turned Friday nij;ht and say his s4i is some better, but is still right sick. Mr. It. II. Howie returned from Federal Court at Charlotte last Fri day tiiK'it. He was on (l.e grand jun-. He says lie enjoyed his slay in Charlotte very much", but did u.4 enjoy his two hour walk from Stouts Friday night. Mr. F. II. Winchester and family visited friends and relatives in Wax'-' haw Saturday and Sunday. Mr. J. B. Price killed Hi.e nice hogs last week. Mr. C. T. Winchester and Mr. J. II Frice, overseer, have been doinir THEOLD REUADLE i"7CT. The Courage of Uttk Boy. 3 Absolutely Pure THERE IS NO SUBSTITUTE Cool Spring Item. I'nrrwiMiiKlrnt 4 Thr Jmrnal. Marsliville, K. F D. No. 1. IVf. IX ( hristinasisnearlv here and theclul some road working for the last " a"' talking alsmt old Sant wrk or two. One would almost think the chain frang had tsvn up here in some places. Samlv Kidin- lias impnivcd wonderfully in the way of good roads under the new nail law. It is said that the chain gang win grade the tlloughbv nd to the township line, mar Mr. S. (1. How ie's, during the coming summer, which will lie a great help to this community in pelting to Monroe. When this is done, 1 would suggest that the road lie called the Graded School Mad, Chrltmt li nimlnff ik mgtln llh all it An' time ui Hi It la little (trlic ni Cluua sill M!, nMind with prrwiti ! thi- urn. nd nr mft r Hi, and T..i all nlaiU mit nrr, i,nr. Marshville Items. Corrv.pmiai-ni- i.l Tie J'lUrtiNi. XI irsilit-ill.. lk.u. Ql Tll.. l: I Mouroe nerved pretty little cui of; C 'C 7 ' " ..V" "Zl fT. MitM lawitt lli.Hl.toll Blllll 1 . . ." " " " V V1 a 1 .1 , . ; "ff" 4 u Mil v xnmin l j nun )1 ueicu Jieuiu piuiseu tieiipeiiuiiii lw,.. n;i,, Tl. I. ...:n . " iiiU'nnl lini ittii u .i.xiii w..m The presents of linen were very ' " " " " i r i i a . viMm ii UUL't 111 llUniLNT HUU KIIOWtHl lUHItt n I Bt 111 l Ittll. fill . ill U .11 I I lUUil' . , s i . . . - ii 1 i i i n w !..! I -am! .vu.i.ii, nil) ill lll'iu I UlXltlt wu Hix-ncu iii aim siturir niirh mi.. ,li. ,1.,,, t,i . ' sc" "" Mill .iiltll 1 1 1 LI 1 cot granna ons on ...e occurn nre; ia jn ,, fr .,;.,, ui tue tweiitn aiiiinemarj 01 tiieir wedded life. 1 heir marriage twelve and their "linen wed closing exercises of Marsh- A treat years ago ding" each occurred on a Thurs day, and nothing better could be said than that the last occasion was as happy us the first. The fire laddies enieved a moid sumptuous baiujuct at the Central Hotel hist luesday evening. A great many of their friends were present also, as guests, and about a hundred and twenty-five plates were served. Col. and Mrs. A. M. .'rowcll were siccial guests. There was the greatest abund ance of good things to eat and many basket fills left. Messrs. Da is Armlield, J. F. Correll and A. Tliere will lie a public Christinas tree at tulboa Christinas night. Mm. J. v Wilhclin of Mouimc vis ited Mrs. .1. K. Ilailev last week. Prof. It. X. Xisbei of Wuxluiw is visiting friends in the village. MeMis. Marcus I'liifcr and Xuma Marsh returncil from the State I'ni versity Saturday. .Mr. Brier Ashrraft came liomc from Wuke Forest for the holidavs. liev. A. W. White of Itohcs 's. C. was here today. Mr. F. L Aula weut to UiK'kitiir- ham Weilnesday. I Dr. Wm. Ferry of Taxahaw was in town today. Miss F.thcl Moore came home Fri ;nay night for the holidays. Only three more davs (ill Sanla comes, and then we lioie to see every Ixsly happy. ,1. Xf llitvlat VMM tlio (WllllfilittaiA -lm ... ... j ".V. -".ciaus uau cuarge oi me. urraugcnic iiin, aud Mr. Cary Horu prepared ami superintended the supper. The A Costly Mistake. liremeu ask The Journal to say. Biuiiders are sometimes verv v- that they ui especially indebted to pensive. Occasionally life itself is Mr. A. M. Crowell, Mrs. F. B. Ash-, the price of a mistake, but you'll craft and tbe Misses Caldwell for j never ho wrong if you take Dr. King s New Life Fills for Dyspep- ( l.ius. ( hristmas is ccrtainlv happy time for the children, and ia mils should try to make them enjoy it as well as itossiliic. Mrs Mary Ann Ashcraft has been rit;!it sick iliirin the piLst Miss rroiua Morgan is also on the sick list, but is improving. A terrible epidemic of colds has struck this community, and one can hardly hear himself talk in the school room on account of so much ctmgh- mn. Messrs. W. T. and Z. V. Morgan have recently put iu 'phones. We have two telephone exchanges in this community anil the 'phone business is getting somewhat lively. II The Lone Star State. Down in Trui st Yoakum, a big dry goods firm of winch Mr. I. M. Hal ler ia the head. Mr. Hallrr on out of tin trios East to buy roods said to IticuJ olio was with him iu the palace car, "Here, take one of these Little Early Kiseis upon retiring and you ill lie up early in the morning feeling good." l or the "dark brown" taste headache and that logy feeling De Witt's Little Early Kisrrs are the best pills In use. Sold by English Drug Co. DJ b. j. Welsh The finest line of chocolates and crystali.ed I mils ever oll'ered iu the town, at Ilruner & Hucy's. Fenny goods a sccialty at M. C. Broom's. '.'(HI boxes on hand. (let a few dozen of those line Dill pickles, ut Ilruner Jt Hucy's. See Flow for Xiiias goods. Big lot of raisins, lies, currants. etc., for Christmas cooking, at M. C. Broom s. their kindness. A uumber of young gentlemen gave a bumpiet iu honor or their lady frieuds at The Gloucester last evening. The occasion was a very happy oue aud those preseiit speak of it in the highest terms. Mr. Sample, the proprietor of the hotel, completely captivated the guests with bis spread. Those present were Mr. J. C. Hikes, Jr., and Miss Allie Welsh, Mr. I'M Crow anil Miss Alice Scales, Mr. James OriHith and Miss llallie Horn, Mr. Charles Bedfearn and Miss Florence May nard, Mr.' Karl B, Fowler aud Miss Margaret Crowell, Mr. Gleun Wolfe and Miss Katie Fairley, Mr. Davis rmfield aud Miss Claire Ramsey, Dr. S. . Stevens and Miss Klsie Bamsey, Mr, W. V. Crowell and Miss Kate Budge, Mr, Sikea won fame as toast master, aud 1'rof. Fowler proved himself a veritable Chauney Ih'pew, Good Hogs. Mr. J. K. Funderburk of Dudley killed oue last week, eight months old, that weighed 2!2 pounds net. Austin Itlvers, colored, of east Mouroe township killed oue last week, nine months old, that drew the beam at 300 net Mr. W. W. Alexander of Mineral Springs has killed twoeight months ours that netted 4!3. Several neighliors of west Mou roe township killed their bogs one day last week. 'They all killed the same day and all the bogs were about the same age, seventeen months. Mr. J.F.Oortlou's weighed ;t:i."i pounds Mr. Hugh Keziah's, XiX; Mrs. Fannie IVLancy's, :)L5 ; Mr. W. Alexander's three, !KJ0 pounds alnet, Wife, if your husband smokes tbe ouly way to make bim stop is to chop his head off. Kven that might not stop him j and while smoking is a bod habit, the treatment is too severe. If be will smoke, buy bim a decent pipe Christmas, and pre sent it with the sincere wish that be will do all his smoking here on earth. Ferhapi he'll think about it, while be smokes, aud who can tell what buying a pipe Christmas may lead tol Of course, we have a fancy line of pipes. Our line of hair brushes, combs, infant brushes and other infant articlei for kids, Is big enough fur Baltimore. We couldn't begin to describe our line of holiday perfumes. Tbey will aiaks your aense of smell hilarious. Drop in and examine them. English Drug Co. Medical Fees Are fifty cent a mile strictly, and one dollar more to double the regu lar fee for night work. It will be fortunate lor you If yon pay your bill before the deliuquent list Is printed In January, and no doctor will top' to question your credit .. , . 'Union omnmr Msdical Assot-UTioft. eiisia, Dizziness, Headache, Liver or Bowel troubles. They are gen tle yet thorough, g.v. ut Knglish Drug Co's. Wastki 1 want to buy geese, for which I will pay the highest price, ulso for chickens and birds. S. H. lhister. Our big lot of jell ies, mincemeat. apple butter, etc., are ready for Christmas purchasers. M. C. Broom. See our handsome Furniture; get prices and you will chuckle over the bargains. Monroe Furniture Company. (iililw' ami Moyster line candles, iu boxes, for less money than any body will sell them to you. , Bruiicr ft 1 1 ue y. Try those good soda crackers at 5 cents per poiiud by the box, at M. C. Broom's. For lamps, lanterns, chimneys, globes, burners, wicks, cans, tin wares, oils go to Flow's. Oranges, apples, nuts, raisins, candies at Flow's. Santa Clans can get his supply of candy, mils, etc., ut M. C. Broom s. Pure laf Ijird. Folks who like pure home made lard can gel it I'n.iii us. We have it put up in buckets front live to ten pounds, at 1JJ rents per pound. This lard is put up by a good housekeeper In Monroe, and is the very nicest and liest that can lie iKinglit. Z.White, See our show case of fine candies. It's iMvxiiCy. Brunei' & Huey. Fine Candy Flow's. X. O. Molasses at Flow's. at 5 cents a pound at Boyster's celebrated line choco lates and bon lions, in boxes, at Ilruner & Hucy's. See 8. K. Dostrr for your Christ mas randies, nuts, fruits, etc. One pound of tine candy for tve ceuts at Flow's, We huvo line pitted cherries; pineapple, grated and sliced; green tiage plums, white and black; Cal ifornia cheilitis olives; pickles, sweet, sour, in bottles and loose ; fresh buckwheat ; maplo syrup ; Ualston's Breakfast Food ; Health outs ; Premier out Hakes, loose and lu packages. Xo ured wanting for anything to eat. Call np Ilruner & Huey aud they will send it on quick time. Candies, candies, cheap, cheap at Flow's. Xmas is Coming ! Everybody wants something good to eat. Burner 6 Huey have it. We have the best line of Eatables that was ever offered in the city and at prices no one can meet Our store is full of all kinds of good things. Fresh from the grower: Haisiua, Currants, Citron, Figs, Dates, Prunes, Xuts, Apples, Oranges, Coroaniits. Our Jobbing Department is Full and Complete. Country merchants will find the largest stock of Oranges, Ap ples, Cocoannts, and Candy from the plaiu stick and ja-nny goods to the finest liue of French randies and chocolates ever iu the city. One thousand Cocoannts. .V), boxes Oranges, 50 barrels Applrs. ftO Tarliell Cheese. . 100 boxes Tobacco, 1000 boxes Sardines. 25 boxes Soda Crackers. 10tK cans Salmon. 25 cases Pick les, Sauces, Ketchup, Mustard, Olives, Salid Dress ing, etc., to select from. 5000 lbs. Candy and Nuts must go in next few days. 50 barrels and kits of White Fish and Mullets, One hundred barrels Flour. 50 kegs Soda. 25 cases Baking Powders. One thousand pounds Boasted Coffee from the cheapest to the very finest grade. Breakfast Cocoa, Tea and Post u in Cereal. We cannot begin to mention all the good things we have. It would take half of The Journal. All we ask is for yot. to come to see as or call us on Phone 41, and yon can get what you want. Yours for business, 'a J0 BRUNER O HUEY. Charlie Vernon, the eight year-old son ul Jlrs. laen croon, residing' 1 seven miles from the citv, fell thirtv-1 five feet down a rrk lined well, and l when the slamw-d neighbor had sent a man huriiedtv down to brine ; up hissuppM-dly drowned and iiuii- ..i. ..i i ..I., .i... . i - . IKicu ii,uh- lout- onv was HH-1 nearly half way climbing out to life and iighl. He said Ik- didn't "h.. k-r" because he didn't Saul to fright en mamma. The boy 's pri-n-int- ! mind and connive i soitH-ihiug re - kid fallen beadf re most down the well, missing tin I bucket, which hiiu suspended, and plungtd to the,m through tt-n feet of water, his hat being left Mick nit; iu the mud. so great was the force of his "hold up." Wlien hi arose to tin" surface, he iinmcdiatt-lv grafted the well cliain ami began to climb. A small cut on his hand and nw torn clothing was all the apia rent injury he suffered by his icy and -rilous eierienoe. He was drawing water; il was nearly dark, and being cold the little fellow was in a hurry, so he was throwing one hand high over tin other to bring the bucket up rapidly he lost his balance and went head foremost to the cavernous depths below. Bilious Colic Prevented. Take t double dose ol Chamberlain's Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea Kerned) as soon as tlx first iudicatian of Ihe disease appears aud a threateued at tack nuy be warded off. Huodreds ol people use the remedy in this wa itli perfect success. For sale by Dr. . J. WelsU and L. N. bimpson, Jr. fio to Flow's pr pipes, suulf and tobaccos. THE LEADING I BET 8MB, lOTICJfS. ClCTto, GISTS' n:r.:i!i3cs, HiT 1ID SHOE STORE H mm. :We Timnlc Yo 11: o o for your kind Words and ap;m-eiatioii hi.vvu by a very p-nenlis al Milage, tltir goods nave conn- ami gone :u,. uuaiiilliey have come and we im He ymi AtJAlX to come and relieve our' over flowing shelves in ull departments. New Goods Arriving nearly all the time keeps us it a iy autl anvioiw to serve you. Among the latest arrivals ymi v, ill lunl new wool good Stcl tons, Cbeviols N-rges, Snow tl. ike Suitings .Niks I'm- waists, coats and skills. Xew Il.-.iti liml mid iuem-ritl Waist ings from 15 to ."it cents the yard. Misses' aud Indies' Cloaks from m cents to H I.ini among these some very el. -rant L'anueiits. A lot of Ijidies" Neekwt-tr that lias calletl forth tiie warmest praise and is going like hot cakes. The liest line ol Kid tiloves we have ever show n to s-l from t,i ct'UU to l.5i, an espceially ;ikm value for 7.1 cents. We can't give prominence to all. but our Men's Clothim? and Shoe Departments ure worthy of ii. A new lot of M Special Notices. Adverliseuients ill be iuserled ic this column at the price of one ceut a word, casb lu advance. rX)R KENT Two farms, just out ol 1 town; ooe known as the Kroadacrr tract, the other the Louis Lilly tract Apply to Mrs. D. A. tovuntou. 'OK SALE Two Jersey calves, male anil female, Jas. A. Caldwell. " IIKIS1 MAS will soon be here "sea in. U Cuttou is bringing twelve and a half ceuts, which makes us all feel Rood aud lliaukful. Now, why not think of the loved oue laid away in the new made grave and present that one with titling monument ? The Carolina Marble & Granite Co. will be glad to ake yuur order and make lust such a job as you may Belect. NOTICE I am preparing to leave Monroe. All who owe me must come up at once aud rettle or they II have to settle witti my attorney. Henry A. Winchester. tn CENTS pays for Our Home one UU year and gets a chance at a fio sewing machine. Write for free sam ple copies. Address Uur Home, Marsh ville, N. C. WANTED All the seed cotton I cau eeti am navine from iW tois: ud at cents per bu. fur cotton seed; Iso buying but cotton and cotton seed. Cotton seed meal and hay for sale, I. il. Nath, at old court house. HEAI'EST and most up-to-date grocery store iu Monroe. Set our d. elewhere in this paper. Uivens & Helms, IT ANTED A good cropper, with or VV without stock. Good, large house, seveu miles south of Monroe. 11. G. llotchkist. POK KENT a or j horse farm, very nue laud, to parlies Willi ineir own stock. See me quick; V, miles east I Mouioe. L. Medliu, K. V. U. No. Mouroe, N. C. rOK SALEAII kinds of wood on ianucneap. l., aieuun, k. r , v. 1, Monroe, N . C AKM FOR SALE-1 will tell for cash or for part cash, payable iu several successive years, i acres of laud 5 miles from Mouroe, with new bouse, new barn, and oue horse farm open on it. Possession can be given at once. Frauk Armfield. POR SALE A good family mare. J. J. Miadd. COR RENT Two desirable ttore rooms north of the court house. Apply to Mrt. T. H. Simpson. BRING your chickens and eggt to S. II. Hudson, nest to Journal Office. CALL at S. H. Hudson's tod get a boi of Headly't candies . 'ooooooooooooo8 X TP A SI Now's the Time! iS? We have overstocked ourselves in the Jewelry Department this faJl, therefore we shall do business for the next ten days. From December I5th to December 25th, we will, for cash, give an extra 10 per cent iscount on the following goody: Brooch Piny, Cuff Buttons, Chains, Lockets, Solid Gold Watches and Rings, Fobs, Hat Pins, etc. U So ' now is the time and this is the place. Do business. TteW.J.Rudg'eCo. t Don't Blame the Cook if 1 Your Bread Is Poor, N OTICE TO DEBTORS. Parties owing nit for proiessional services will find Ihe accounts with Mr. Philip Whitley or Mr. H. W. Pusser, and a prompt payment of all accounts it re quested to be made to either of the above gentlemen. A. D. N. Whitley, CALL at S. H. Hudson's for Fleish man's compressed yeast. The best Line of HEATERS . on earth for the money. loiiroe Hardware Com pan j R. REOFEARN, Mcr. Hut In the future buy rrvlnin Tutt'iit ri.uir. II is tin- lsst fltiiir tluit ran ls rt)dur'd by lii.Hlfi n niafbiut'iy uinl nothing but the linest wheat grown is ustd in its niuiiiihiHui-e. Just mrived: New t'rop Out Flukes I'lcned Hiu kwheat Flour, Mountain ltiiekwbeat Flour, NVw Macemoni, .strained Honey, Imported Syrup, 1'in Money I'iekles If you want the linest eup of rolli-e ymi ever drank, try a puvkatre of Premier ColVee, an. I licsiilrs gel'tiiif; the lims rollee you also get a Uotl-ers Silver After liinner t'oiVee Spoon in ev ery put'kiifie, liiHM'ivetl every wii'k by express Nunnally's Fine ( limsilales and lion lions. Fresh fakes Criiekein anil Wafers received each week. tug Liodsey GroGery Go. IMA will soon be here and you will want a nice prei ent for your friend or relative. There is nothing more suitable than a handsome piece of furniture. We have Rocking Chairs, any style, from 75c. up. Rugs, Centre Tables, Pictures, I Lamps, Musical Instruments, Ex- tension Tables and Room Suit. The biggest and best tine of Bed Steads and Mattresses we ever had. T. P. DILLON, Furnltura Dealer and Funeral Director. Store Phone 7; Residence Phone S4.

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