S JL STEVENS, M. D. M. L. FLOW, Conffliaiif dwb w tan umu, U Hon Crsl it; lbs i Justice 4 lb faa tot la oi Cotiiij, ins lUirj Nat bf !wrti Cina.1. :-: :-: MOSBCE. N. C. j Calls answereJ d ,y from Fnglisb lies Skre; at oiijiit fruul room over l.ui-iish Pi h St-irc-, phone )V Office t r f -t u:hee: I1) ; 3. lenry D. Stewart, M.D-, MONUl K. X. C. Services rendeJ promptly an J I lesllv. 1. y c- Is (lorn Simpson's t t s'ure, ' one jj; or oftce in rear if U.ir.K!i it Thompson's insurance ce, 'ph i-t . t. N-;lit rilU !mm ret i itoce 'p'ure, 14 1 . Orhce hour 10 I I 11, a. in. JOHN P. MONROE, M. D lay rail- jrttJ turn ilniK ti n1 Ji',1 o:r;. e, 'ph-ii'e tivm C'lumt-ictal Hotel, 'phoue 2 Special atlentiou given lu takiuf. Af fjavits, Aclnuwledleiucnt or Proof of leejs. Mortices, Contract. Bill of Sale, Tower of Attorney. Renuncia tion of Dover and Inheritance, Den utiluin. Writing and 1'rubating Deeds, Mortgage and all ol.ier paper , issuing State Wan ant. Claim an J Delieery and Attachment paper. Civil Sum mons and the Collection of Claim. Orhce at M. U How Co. Store east of rourthouse, Monroe, N. C. H.r-.ft.D.N.lliitleuJ.D, uie jo. JN0.1J2AL.M. MONROE, N. C, Solicits the patronage of the people of Monroe and suuoim.liue, coiiimumty. I til auswetej 111 day tioiu KikIisU ihue. Slore; at niht from residence i n Church strt. I none No. 4S. W B. HOUSTON, SURGEON DENTIST, O.Tioe p sUirs, l"iterald Building, Northwest of Courthouse, Mi..re, X. C. D R. B. C. R E D F E A R H, DENTIST. Charge teasonahlc Satistac lion guar anteed. Orhce over English Drug Cot. MONROE. N. 0 Will he at M.irshullc, N.C., on first and thu d M unlays of each month, aud at M ittlu-ws 0:1 second aud fourth Mondays. I'hone tit r:V ' ... -i Num. 1.. sn its J. c. ikK, ). STEVENS & SIKES, Attorneys al Connselors-it-Ui, M koh. N. C. prompt attention civeti to all mat ters placed 111 mil hands, Man-ici-int-nt of (-Mates for guard ians, administrator and executors a ipeoiiity. diaries reasouahle. Oifice en-t of Courthouse, formerly occupied hv the Utc V. A. Covington.) r. c. 11 1 ion s. w. 1 1 Mvovn WILLIAMS & LEMMOND, Ationit'ys-at-Law, Mi U 'I'. N. C. ill I .i: !:I lie ard I'llited having located at I'nion- vil'e, X. C, oilers his professional services to that place an J surround ing; country. Cnionviile phone S; Sincerity 4, Hi Bona Pains, Itching, acaboy Skin Diseases. HwettlKC. urbuBcl-. I loipl., Ch-rnfut w4 brtaiuw Hutuuc Liud lu.uk II Artf fT, If a-t;T rw , LU I kiOOd. If . -r. rkt ,-4 fKS I b- b"' VA I"'" , ftmhsr Sk Woo tfrU K c Uus. o-n (.UMi, Over-Work Weakens Your Kidneys. rsBcal'-ay KUacjs Kake Ispvt 1mL All tSe tlood In your body pase rhrough ' your kwiney one every three miMo. blood p jiIkt ihey til- j tar out in v ast or j uniri-.iva m in. dfkM. It they r tick Of out cf or tier, they tall to do their rait. Fains, ache and rheu matism com t-ora ei cess ct uric cil i tlx blood, du ta ntrlscied ktney trouble. Kidney trouh' fuse ulck or sereadv heart bea-s. ai.il makes en tee! as uwvh they had heart trouble, because the hei.t ever-workmj 1a pur-p:r.f thua. kijney f jiioned buod th.-ou(i ve.r.s and arteriea. It used to b ciHisiaered thai only urinary trouble were to b traced ta t k.dneyt. but now modern scienc rrove that nearly all constitutional diseases hav their begia rlre in kidney trouble. If you are sick ycu can mak no mbtak by first docuring your kidney The miU and the eitraordinaty efteci of Dr. Kilmer's Swamp-Kuot, the-eat kidnee remedy I nn reali:ed. It s'ands the h gSest lr Its wonderful cures of the most duuea.nr case and Is sold on its merit f '"fi . by all drutems In tifty-pt '. cent and one-dcllar ru rip- W 2 es. Yoa may have ailJil? sample bottl bv mail stwtwk (re, also pamphlet telhr.r, you how to find out If you hav kidney or bladJer trouble. Mention this paper hen wruing Dr. Kilmer k Co.. Bingaamtoo, N. Y. Don't make any mistake, but remember the name, Swunp Root, Dr. Kilmer' Swainp-Kooi. and the address. Iir.i;hamion, X Y., on every bottle. MHHIMIM t GLORIA IN EXCELS! 5. A HKI:VA-I AMHIM rr, :uiil. t IMMi -t f r it, InrHi;l... I- 11 H',--,t n ft lki-!li!iM Wl'bitl t- .' slr-i -h.fcr. K-t '..'-! .r..l im-1ra J ! . .5. . '. .. .. m . i 1 h. iht : 'j..-i.nu t,iH It- 'm 1 r.k lrk tip, .f ..m-v. Ill,- I... . :i"r W-.-ll -HI W ilk.MrOn Urr al t!lv Ulana ler It. Init ttuir ( Ike krafrlk- W ' ,1 m;u' -I I- 1 What t-t-i.-it.-l t r,w iti.:M ii'tt . Uhj,l i,n 1 hi, S!w th ,tM. ..rv Nln-.l. T h' i-ii. rtl- in amAf-KU.-'il ... .I'tw-k. ! Ilir ii!l,lr Mtlk,l,tr li-,Maa-' III fie aii-r- i..r.i ,-ii..ri. Ki-ic-.-u- "'t'.liir liUl.l. i l.uiri. Mi Kv.'-r-l-l- ' ie l-ra - in t- -ir'. I't. Mtirf l- .i 1.. . f B- ? ih . lirT '. t -r .-a. . . .Oil an.l . He .fc-th .-: ,st i-i. Nualk. Kr tarl, Ftci-lrk. or clw nnSiJkk lliunia and Boap. It. 8k!. M.- Tal.-ln. llMin Cppr-eloiT4 hpvlaor mil on Skin, aU ea-v4's. j J 1 ft I I I I I I llllll vnuup i ivui MrvitM, 1 Uvra oa nj rt ot -T. lUr w Ljt tn.t tal' -a eat, 1 -ubua. Wt or flo.i. U'- Botanic Blood ialm. sruaranted I dort. rt, ptrtt Bii-d-tin,i4 Uy .-".' 11 !!; j iiUftiili'ltt;i4WiMPifWi4infK,:! I inavkit M4 put aid tt eai-l-- 'T n.- xtm Win h-ir l,iiacVfuv't':!f cninn. K. H I. ijirv,l th.,jirnllkifcrsX Uiovl IViAXeO 'vu ttft r lchjtn ll aM N-Wi fHJ KhiuMm,rtrTh. Frteiiit !i rtuk'd by aa wfu ixw4 tiOuia of 0 Ik4 Mtl-' !TfcAlaVBVld ..-, CUT' litllM.Vn, iv.iKMt, ai frer1ii cVurtwf Khu; by titui Cancer Cured ftottntt nioM iUi ion tt ft!. (IjM.iirmli-tH ti.':.iiiirt, iMTIf "T fj Tiimom, I U tv..Jlt I jni-e rjon 4Vt4 'fc' or wr .kn.-f pff. If T l F-r I'ttllU, Vimtt, SWrlliHW. BllClrtt. is Baa Flour!! rfrf'n'P tl rt.irti.'. I'MMpt .' l-i .1.1.1 rtrl'.M !lt K .11 !ted t .' ' LollMiur 1 . I In i;l-r .11 I'.'.l! !' . Ulh c 111 1' It- 'lib iu-r 'i . ml .ites. ' 1 ivcll to collec- ,v I l''t' sc. -,! HI settle- t,ii,itt:; ttti'iitiun .ooiiaiile pi ice, .iisei-pr Wl l - ' - - -1 W I if ite Clerk' V 71 K.-.-i.l'Mi .' li.ivii.i; 1 t'.i I.-1 v ice - ' - l ! i 'iiutry. Pi m I els a 'j i ri . W. J. Ku.li- L.j. :iic wt-it-d ri t!ie 1. ug Moi 1' ui I t "; t c- ul'-iice. Ill NKV I'. A I ' A M S . M f l'i St., c l!i IS Ins 'irr 'in ling .ma, !i and l! . . I ' !i c Did the 's lioi.k s! ue. Calls day the I'.uglisli ''h -nee, at li 1 1; lit I rum 1 MUM IS J. JK KOMK. I '-'ANK AKMI II III. Adams, Jerome & Armfield, AITCNEYS AT LAW, BONMOE. N. 0. 1'iacli, e in all Hie Courts, Slate and 1 letal The management of estates I, r ext'cuf-irsadiiiiiustrators a special ty. Careful and diligent atlentiou pi en to the foreclosure of mortgagee and collection of claims. Money 'oaned without expense to lender. All i.ti.:at!iii given pioinpt ami careful attention. OHiec east of courthouse. R.B. Kediue. A. M, Stack. RED WINE & STACK. W Horn evs-Hf-L am, MONROE, N. C. Tractice in all the Stale and Feder al Cou:ta. Will manage estates for Kxecut.irs, Adiiiinistrators and Guar diant for reasotalile pay; and will foreclose mortgage aim negotiate loans, without expense to Mortgagees and Money Lenders, hen practicable. Office Northwestern rooms, first floor. Courthouse, People's Banl OK MONROE, N. C. Solicits your account and banking business. We guarantee ABSOLUTE SECl'KITY, promptness and all the a commmlalioiis that SOUND hank ing will admit of. Interest paid, ac cording to agieement, on deposits left for our stated period. Always ready for loan on approved paper. O. u HEATH, President I if r I r-j-t t y UV.rg ltiatu H-""! t'.rtu J i i! Ha A l T iMWUlf r tllk !' iaikuaiLr-'ttr-l, ll.rftiutr' irt n I 4V vitur tUkMiry mi'I 1 1 Mi i lftMf'lt eM-Mi l.f U i .i. n.v . ' v. I T- .: Fur- it,, ,li AvaUk1, Iv bU.l Jt-tf k i- u. :. Sola by C N. SIMPSON, Jk. It low price is the maker's ex cuse for the inferiority of his product. Had flour is had flour uo matter how it is niAuipulat ed and juggled m packing. It all comes hack to the same thing. I'lood flour mixed with poor will improve the ijuality of the hlend, hut like mixing white panil with Mark, it takes an awful lot of white to pro dine any ettrct l',ad "I i lie.ip flout is lacking in gluten, the nutt Munis portion of li e w In at. It also c u.t.iins a I ,rge peri-dilate of the pulverized liu-k or shell ol the glaill. All of which ou -loi:'t want, lheie foie, we c i uti-iii you to a--k t,,r li e liivu-.cil h-" liiai,.!. Tins htand is sold at the lowest price for which really first i lass flour t ail I e sold, and its price is the highest ymi need to pay in order to get the best. Ml, Newman, tur local haker, says: "luviucihle" is till I can get for ha'aiiig." HKXDKHSOX KOLLEUMILLS. i brm, 4 til I - i Vf. Ml t: It. itt htiwt ih 11 I. 1" W tl-'i A r-.l.. Ur Lr.titt R .n itt Idlh ta J-, s v lt --Il St). I aCt-d lU T" Uie-U jtil .t!t.t It f H. ihlhrm. -141- ' lh. i rue tin iniarvi '. A K tt f (Hlir. iv.) ,.r ! I!f .rM I903Christma$ r n tVA- "Tether U4d u." ad Dick, quite KeiIeCtlOnSIyU3 .ml ol breath from running f-t, j"uhnn;a ft tnrnirn lohJ ih.h ll limit " Tin Journal Usl rk a-sked ai - ( t,"iaiJ nwlUfr. "What i ntiiulx-r of iu traileni to rn at ' that for?" xliort K-ulinietil apprvipnale to thej "S) we mill know how louneour t hrislmm w-ason. The billowing (,v,h, nJ tell thine afUTwanl," e- The InllueiKe of The Youth's Com panion. The pi-I"'' id pnxl rhtver hi iuhl- i n exeiy '-ip t'l Hit" lotilli t'oiiipanioii. Alllioiig'h (lie iaM'i is iitaiij M-venl y s fit Jearsuf ap. it tliK-K tint look hack on the luksl i lN-tter riiMl than the pn-M-nl. The t'oinpaiiioii U'lievt-H that the tune luiot lull of proliilM- is the time we are living in, ami even irLly issue ivtli i ts tins spirit ot liMiking; forwanl and not back. lu inure than half a million .Vinerieaii l imilii'S it fairies every week its ni'sxij;e of eheer. Its iloi us put me (he true eharaeleris tits of the .miiiiiu men mnl women f Anieriea. Its ailirles liiiiij; nearly tnm iniuioii leauers in t iiii'li with the IhkI Ihonglit ol'the inosl famous of living men uiul woliieti. Alumni aiiiiutineeiiieiit niimlx't fill 1 v ileseiiliini; the pt incip.il ha- Inivs ol'The t oiupanion's new vol ume lor l'"'l w ill lie sent to any uililresH frit1. The new suhserilier for 1 !Hi t w ill receive all the KMte.s of The Coin-j paiiion for the reiiiiiiiiing weeks of 1!mi:1 fift- ftoiii I lie lime of sulix'i'ip lion, hImi The Companion i-.ileinlar fof I'MH, litlioKi-itphetl in twelve I'olots aim viohl. Tilt: Vi.l Ill's I'nMI'.tMoN, III IVi ki ll y SI., Ihiston. Mass. A Trighttned Horse, Kiiiiiuii like mad ilown the si n et dumping the oeeiipants. or a hundred oilier aeeiilelils, me every day oceui i-i iiei-s. It lelioovt s cv cry ImkIv to have it reliable Stive hainly and thete's none iih good as Itneklen's Arnica Salve. litiitiR, Cuts, Sores, lariiia mid Tiles, ills appear iiiii klv nntlcr its Miolhing elV.-ct. :'."c. at Kiiillish I l llg t'n'K. Toilet I'Iow'h, mid laiindiy soups nt T&ree Times the Valae of Abj Other! TuipnEASIER "i n I nu faster! Agents wanted in all unoccupied territory. f heeler 1 Wilson Hannfactaring Co., ATLANTA, GA. For sale in Monroe by TheI.J.EudgeCo. Re-Sale of Farm Lands. Hf virtu of an oriW taml ifc-rrr mail-1 f. A. Arnitlfltl, (', H. In a nrtawfciunt wlirmn J. Y Toii-lfr, Amanita, Hmiilt.ft al-.. nre tjitumtllTK aiKl (ita-rt M . t m.1f r,tu ai., arr ilfft ll.UtiU, I will, m Monday. December 2ftth, I9(U, ft to al. tiitiic li.irhrKt M.ltW-r. at puWr mictiim, at iht poiiri houif lo(r lnMiiiro, N, ('.. two trata of farm land a follow: Trnit ontaniltiat m..rr If-. i.)-t to tlo tiff fatafrof Aniaixla Miutlh. and U'lntr a iwrt of tlir Kit VitoYr laii'U, Ivlug in I in. -it county, N (',. iie-ar Imlian Trail, N (', aii.l Triw-t 'intalnliin :i k-iw, im-rt r anl tsj-intf a jrt .( thr F!M otif r -fati-lan.t. Iy mar In aifniHtv ati.l malt. A full slwrin t Ion anil iiM of -aid land way I IB 'He Vrk oflltf on till In aii ftrottrlinir. Term- of a! S' aixl Hi rrniaHolfrnn a t-ivilif of li ntonttH (mm NVf-mta-r in, xt.it ttlif t.-tittii. -i tintll all tin- itrt'hNM moiH'jr It im'ii will Atrivtil wurnjr rmlril on W-frn't1 m mrnf. ThH N'"V, . M H RKliW K. oinmlon'f. L aVaV aaAaAAAAA aftaAA AAA AaVfl taVAdt 4 f WVVWWVWW WWW WWW WW WW 1 j INSURANCE To the Public I take this method to inform you that my stuck is complete. My motto is to give more goods for the money than my competit ors. I buy my goods from first hands, which gives me an advant age over others. Coupons given wilh each CASH .TKClIASh. You get nice China ware free. Headquarters for Sewing Ma chines for cash or on lime with easy payments. I sell more shoes lhan any country store in the county. Highest price paid for country produce, cash or trade Such as chickens, eggs, tutkeys, geese, corn, seed cotton, cotton seed, fodder or anything you have to sell. On Saturdays please make it a point to come early in the day o you can be waited on before the rush. Respectfully, W. P. PLYLER & SON, Leaders in Low Prices, Mt. Pros pect, N. C. Monroe, N. C. K. F. D. No. 4. KMmt Blaator (tight L. H- THOMPSON, Fire, I. lie, Accident, Health, I.ia luhtv aud all rlasses of Casuality In auianre. Only the best and strongest -ouipatiies represented. 1 respectful ly solicit your Imsiuess, assuiing prompt and elhcieut attention to all matters. Olrice: tjordon & Thomp son's old stand Phone No. I. FEEDING The Hople is w hal I inn doing and feeding luo;,- isnw than ever U'fore. Just now I am giving them FKIXH t lat Flakes, Force, faearoni, Honey, till kinds of Fruits anil Vegetables, and Hanm to cook them with. J. H. Iletiton's. String Iteans. TomatiM's a; HI cent. Ilcst Hu e at 'M pounds for 'J-V. Supir ul 5 cenlH. California I'vaporated Peaches, 10c. Nice dried Apples for L'.V Pitines. Toliai'fo ut any price, The lies! ('uftVe anyone ever drank from l-'J to ;','i. Other things Ua numerous to nieiilion, YOl' tiKT HATISFACTIOX Olt YOI'K MOMCY HACK. Ooods delivered right now. Yours fur business, W. A. STEWART. Phone 301, la Giim-raizuaoHiA So many people who have apparently recovered from an attack of La Grippe are stricken with Pneumonia. This is due to the fact that the Bronchial Tubes and Lungs are left weakened y and unable to resist disease. mKI UHLnl not only cures La Grippe Coughs, and prevents Pneumonia, but strengthens the Lungs so they will not be susceptible to the development of serious lung troubles. Do not take chances with some unknown preparation that may contain some harmful drug when FOLEY'S HONEY AND TAR costs you no more and is safe and sure. Contains no opiates. I had a btJ east of U Grippe shoot lea yer sr which left my Lone C. VACHER, I S7 Osfood St., Chlcieo, ayt "M wlft trf to week that I hare been troubled mot less erery winter inc anrll I used serere case of La Crlppe, and it left her with a eery had coofh. Six tried FOLEY'S HONEY AND TAR, which cured m completely nd my Lania a bonk FOLEY'S HONEY AND TAR and It t" Imnwdlata rllf." a lenger trouble mc.-J. H. BROWNING, D.Q.S., Ornck, Ma. Tha 50c kettle eauia.tw aad tae-aalf tin a mach a tba aaall U aad tka ljm hattlaa alawtt aia tiase a Bach. SOLD AM EECCrZEKSED BY very appropriate and beautiful re- sHiisra have Ui-n ret-eivej : No True Christians Without the Spirit of Chris. rstiil in holy "t that tlie child Jesus was wrappetl iu Kwitd dlii.g elolhcs and laid in a manger. Ao.l why f "I'M-esiuse there was uo room for llieiu in the inn." Pre tsvupieil tells the whole slorj ; and it U-lla the story f the wot id's avarice and seltishiH-ss to day. A beautiful eusloui we have of giving aud receiving gills iu tvlebrating our 1ud's inttivitT. Shall it be a Christies Christmas t titHl forbid '. There is no spirit of Christmas without the stunt ol Christ. It would tie a shell with out a kernel, a Ixxly without a soul, a temple without a Cod, a tiifotue holiday instead of a joy mis festival. I at us give llitu a place in our homes and heails by giving Him the pre ciniiicuce, and therehv eonvert au otherwise wean some holidav into a festival of the soul by kindly attention to those lot got leu hv the many and who really liccd something. With lies! wishes for a merry Christmas lo all, sincerely yours, tint). H. Atkinson. The Pleasing Task ot Helping Other. Cod's U st gift to man found its truest and highest expression in the incarnation of Ihc second per son of the holy Trinity. Iu gmlcful recognition of His great gilt lo fallen humanity, let ns give ourselves to the pleasing tusk of helping others during IhisChrist mas time. V. F. Watxos. The World's Best Holiday. The universal holiday is also a holv dav. P.ceause of that it brings mil tli and music to the world. Few are the homes it dis-snot lirighteu; few the hearts it (lis- not theor. Spring lias its blossoms and per fume, its gladness of renewed life. Spring is the vein's festival ofhoiie. Summer and autumn are radiant with lullilliiienl seen in fruit, tluw els, harvest. Winter with senr ing snow, bitter gales, w ith waning dasiilid chill and sleet is, alter all, the home season, and shining on ils brow is the light of corona lion; for winter brings us Christ mas, the dav of our Sa ior's birth the yeai's great holy day ; Hie world's ls-st holiday. Mrs. I. A. Ci'Vim.ton. The IJest Kvidence of Love. It iK'ciirs to me, it would U' enii- nenlly proper lo give a part of the money usually given ut this time for toys for children and presents lor loved ones, to Hun whose birth w e celebrate. tiiving is the Is'st evidence of love, and whilst we rememlier with our gills our friends, we should not I'm gel Him who gives us our friends and all things lo enjoy. (iod so loved that he gave, . . - Jnhu :l: 10. K. X. Xihmkt, (lod Bless the Poor Children. I am passing my sixty -sixth Cli list mas. Coil lie praised that I have not seen (he drunkard's cup on t hrisimas dav in many, many veins. Iet every Christian set it aside forever, and the world will soon follow. I wish for The Jour nal a lintiliv Christmas. Cod bless (lie KHr children (hat may think no one cares for me. J. A. IilVKSH. Thankfully Recount Our Blessings, I think it appropriate aud high important that we thankfully recount (iotl a mercies ami bless iugs to us during the past year, aud that we also rememlier that we are one year nearer home, Be ye therefore readf also, for (he 8011 of man coinelh nt an hour when ye think not. St. Luke 12:40. F. V. Bkadi.ky. With Praise and Thanksgivlnf. Christmas dav, commemorating (he birthday of Christ, should be marked by the readers of The Jour nal with praise anil thanksgiving. nd while we rejoice that a Savior has lieen )mrn, let lis not forget those alio arc not so forlnnate as we an. J. l0ll. Bring Joy to the Parent' Heart, The sentiment rightly prevailing at Christ mus t ule Is one of devo (ion lo t lie pleasure and happlueas of others. I wish to offer a sug gestinii lo Hie young readers of Tho Journal : I would urge them to give filling expression of their love for their fathers and mothers. I jeli one know bet what will bring that quiet, secret joy to the parent lieurt. Thus, not only may we gladden the lives of our earthly fat hers, hut we may also win the approbation or our father above. K. B. Fowi.KR. (CONTINTfcU rB T0-) One Hundred Dollars a Boa I the valu H. A. Tisdale, Summer too, S. C, places on DeW'itt Witch Haiel Salva. He says: "1 hid the pile for 10 year. I tried many doe tor and medicines, hut all failed es cent DeVsilt'a Witch Hafel Salve. It cured me." It Is a cnmtnnatioa of the healing ptopertie ol witch haul with antiseptic and emollient ; relieve aid permanently care blind, bleed ioc, itching nd protruding, pile, sore), cuts, bruises.ee rem, lt rbeam and all skin disease Sold by English Dru Co. '-d S J Welsh lamed Ihck. strefohinR his owb ry es very w ide ojs'O. Mother laughed, anil said. weu. In k, it's a fart that 1 m very glad , Hl are al IHme, tor 1 neeu yum . In verv much to run dow Uiwato the market, to the jmstorlioe, and to the dry gfsl store." W hen Iu k pt home with all the things in hi express wat?n, supper was idy. aud after supper he neipea his mother with Hie dishe, so sister could study her pi'Craphy. Then it was bedtime, ana tne nexi mornine he was an busy that he for got all about the "fact" until he was almost at the school house. lie stopHsi to think alsiut it, ami just then a window in a little white house ac rws the street new open, anu a voice cried out, "Picky, boy, come 1 here; 1 want to show you something." ' Some dear friends of his lived there, and it generally meant lclt- ious, sugary cookies when they ailed to htm; so he went in very wil- inglv, for the school house chak told him he had plenty of time. Amelia couhl not walK wititoui ruU hes, and Dick fi ll very sorry for her. She was in her wheel chair now. and she rolled it over by the window while her mother went to get the cookies, and there on the sunshiny pane was a great enmson and black butterfly. "I found this.' said iliss Amelia, aking a brown pod from the mantle- helf. "last fall in the porch, and I threw it into my work-basket 1 -ast night I could not sleep, for 1 thought mouse was Kratching, and this morning we found the hkI oien, and this lovely butterfly. This od is a cocoon, Hick." Oh, 1 11 have that to tell Mr my fact!" said Hick, stufling his pockets with cookies. "Thank you." So. w hen the teacher called for the facts. Hick stood up very straight. and said : Miss Melia, my friend, who gives cookies, found a 'coon in the Hinh last fall, and when it was in tier basket a long time, it turned into a mouse, and then to a butter-I!)'" Hie scholars laughed a little, mil they were much interesUd when the teacher explained alsuit the cater pillar, the cocoon and the buttertly Hick had not understood. FoirrtnoiTAR -C N. SIJIPSON. JR- Easy Money! Work KH'H land and make money easy. A nne two or turee, norse farm for rent to partiea with tneir own stock. A KotMi mree nsiiu house, good barn, Iota of wood free, for rent cheap. All Kinds of Wood for Sale Cheap on Land. See me iiuirk for altove farm, 3J miles east of Monroe, L. MEDLIN, Mouroe. X. . IC F. D. Xo. 3. Eacy Pill frw Pan la take and as to act I 1 (that famous llttl pill DWII'S Llltl Early Riser. This la due la h fact lhal they Ms "w a slaad t purglnf It, Thsy t-V frlp nor sicksn, net svsn th most aahost lady, and yet Uy art a certain In raaulla that n en whs use them I dipporntd. Thay cur torpid liver, constlpaUon, bilious nsa. jsundla. haaoache, malaria and ward oft monia and tvr. tesMse o lv r B. C aXWITT A CO., CMICAOO 1 0oM Firpt th! 1 The Kind Toai Hare Always rtoriRlit, aud which kaa be ta for over SO yeaur, ban borne n sigtiatnre oi and ba bern madenoiicr bis per ry-s ' aonal siiihtv Mon siiuse Its lit rune j. u&A' Annwnooiie oileM le yon In this. AU Counterfeits, ImlUtions and JiM-as-giMMlnre but Eapprinarnts that tritto with and endanger tlio heutlh or latlbnU tuul CblJslrea-Ex perk-woe asaiust Ilxikerimciit. What is CASTORIA Gutoru Is burntlesa tibtlttite for Castor OH, Pare forir, lrp a Kaiothlu? b.vrups. It U IMeasnut. It cootaius neither Opium, Morphine nor oilier Nnrcotlo ubaunce. Its se U Its pianintef. It desln.j Mornis od aluiys FeTerUhnnw. It eure I)urrliu-i ul WluU Colic. It relieves TwtltinB TrMille. eurt-s t ou-.tip.it ion auvd Flatulency. It uliiiilute the I mnl, rt tthHe tho Btonuu h and Uowrls Rl'"ir lieulihy mid natiin.1 alocp. The ChUdrca'a lwltt4.ett-TUc Mother's Irlcud. GENUINE CASTORIA ALWAYS Bears the Signature of si If aaaliamW mrammtkMwtmsiMiMstMtumiiiiiiiiniiMriitiiiiiiMiiiHiiiiiiiiitiiiim ai'MalIUltWUUiUIUIiMllUIIIIIMIIIIIIIIIOOIIIIIMIIIIIIIIIIMIIIUIIlllHIIIIII'll W. S. BLAKENEY, President. Bank of Union. Safe, But Progressive and Liberal. a A modern banking house with every facility for the prompt and careful handling of all business. Get ono of our Pretty Steel Banks, carry it home, deposit your savings and get interest on them. nkanMiMniitliniMllMMIl imilttttttltn Itlt SMII II iltlilllMMlin irtlt MlllTllt irtiiiirt 1111 'r SiMIII Early t-isor For tale by English Drug Company and Dr. S. J. Welsh A 0 Notice! rui raHaiaiu Mao ma sai l ' Ooart am and 111 Jt tirtiM ileeras ot the auparfor O rna-l l ! oiianM Siiwimoi ulhara us. Suh, W. aimpaya d 4lwn, I tsiuM fur yuldM Hit oa Tuesday, January 8th, 1904. at the emir! hmtae Anor In Monms. S. C. si It .,-l.k iwmm. lhal flne alamalLMi aa tha Ca eonl nasaille.inhol M,tir.,al the krlriif ovr Slaart', Fnrk rreeh. a1).aalna lha laiifla ul J. J. ,.!;. C H RIsssaiHi. KnielllaMewarl .a ..ihra. ...nlalr In ISO war Mlnrt nr lea. This la a wry alusl4 Irarl t land Ut aarleullaral mriMea, ennranieni o mirin, no a Sue ersnct riawl, ninautln ol TaluaWe lailloma and oplaoda, wall llBBrnv with ori ini f,.Mi ana wini an.wtk atna.ate. Term, of Sale one third raah, lha rvaialnoer parable IXvaWr 1st, 14. wllh Inleiaal (r.101 ilala. arevred hf ante aad approved aamrlly. ur 1 he Bwrehsaer will hate lh, oatloa irf ayln all e. Thi. wle la mn.le fur nartium and the title I. (.aat. ThlaUhday nf le , A n . tsns t HASI.KS N. HI MI'soH, Coair. ol Court. me Kind You Have Always Bought In Use For Over 30 Years. Over ua nrffMC. , M. 5TACK. Vice-President THE J. RAYnOND SMLTE, Cashier- awi5r fs . ... 'i' N.. e-, - t . - jk l' - ' '- ' ' ' ooooocxxxetxxjcwcxwoooooocxwtxxy THE IEELEY CURE Do You Know What It Does? U rrltpte-" a pfrwt.ti itf nil li-ltv f'r -ir.mie HrtnV or Anif, tvaittirr Itu tifnttu yti'm (It- nrnml r.!i)i Lluit, ami i(mtaittt a nmn ! lit litinn- ft1 Ihipiih . Kjr full part(PHliTr.a.ivlr(- THE KEELEY INSTITUTE- liHKt.NSItollO, N. I'. COHHESf ON Dt'NCE CON Ft DENT 1 AL OOOOOOdOdOOfO00CO0sb04 The Prescription :-: :-: Department of our slore keeps pace with advanced medical science, No matter how unusual the ingredients of a prescription may be, we will fill it Properly. drugs f'jr it- We keep the the BEST. FRESHEST, and PUREST. 2 Pawnbroker's Clothing Vou Know What You art Taklr Whea too take Ortree Tsteless Chi Tome becsas lb formula la plainly printed on every bottl shiwins, that it is sirrrply Iron and Quinins la s tast leu form. No Care, No Pay. 50c. We will anon be ia oar handsome new bauking bouse and invite our friends to call 00 ns. Oar business, has steadily grown and wa shall continue to give our customer fair aud honest service. Call ia and sea at, The Saving, Loao ATraat Co. BTRICTLY SAX IT ART ALL WOOL men's boy and chil dren's costs, pants ar.d Testa fro 25 cents to 19.00. Overcoats fbr mea or boys front It to li Come and se will tare yon money. Only 10 minutes walk from and northwest of the courthouse. J. H. BENTON & 00 MoNBoa, X. C I t C.N. Simpson, Jr. caxxi .INSURANCE. No Stronger Agency in the South. Companies with Assets Aggregating Over Five Hundred Million Dollars. $ $ Our Line: hire. Life. Health, Acci dent,! lability, I'latcUlaeS. and Steam Boiler. Surety Bonds on short notice. - Voor business entruskd to us will receive esreful ttien hon od will be appreciled. Ibe Peoples' Bank, Agt. f.I GORDOH, lmfrt losqrance Drpartment. Grove's Tasteless Chill Tonic has stood tha tet 23 ywet. Averts Aftnaal Sa1c over One end a Ilalf M2on Kaaatoeed aeab vm y WaBe b) a Tea teas, aacan) o On No Cure, No Pay. 50c