THE MONROE JOUR 1T A I State Library mchc3 VOLUME XI. NO 6 MONROE, N.C., TUESDAY MARCH 8 1004 One Dollar a Year HOW JIMMIE i GOT HIS ENGINE ! By WILLIAM WAUH HlNrS Ctwwrl. ma. hm TC aftO 1. lAkkl ffHHHIf?fflfff WWW WW It wu Um unreal nderatandlni aawnf all lb employee of lb I-aw-nurebura; dlTlak of the X. nd T. R. B. that wbea Jlmiule Klnrakl gat hla ndM he would also (ret Nettle Oliver. Hul Jliunitr' chance for setting aa en gine la the near future did not area) particularly bright He wa fourth on toe Itat of Irriova of the Lawrence burg division, and that meant be aunt trail until four engineer died, reached the age of limit or were fired. Of rourae there waa alwajre the chance that be would be able to do aometbiof to attract the attention of the aunerla tendent of motive power, and then be might get hla engine at any time. In the meantime Nettie had fairly good pnallloa aa telegrapher at Ben aoa elation, and Jlmmle could get chance to chat with ber for a few mlnutea every day when hla train, pas senger No. 14. lay over on the aiding at Menaoa to allow the limited mall to pas. When be had begna arraplng aa acquaintance wltb Nettle aome thlng over a year before Jlmmle bad used the preteit that he waa thinking of learning telegraphy, and nndVr her tutorship be had picked up a fair working knowledge of the Morae rode. Many a aly Joke did the train crew of No. 14 crack at Jlmmle'a auddenly bora ambition to learn telrgrapliy, but be bore all of theee with eiiuanlmlty and aald that the knowledge might come In ha inly aome time. After awhile It became andrratood among all the men that Jlmmle'a raae waa really ecrloua, and then the Jokes atop-iett. Keen the bead brakeman of No. 14. who had a reputation aa a wit, forbore to make remarka about the connection between the Morae code aud pretty girl. rVnaon station la at the foot of Twelve Mile hllL and thla hill la re garded by the englmvra aa the worst place on the division. The grade la an hoary that the trark wlmla np the hill In two long loops. When you get to the beginning of I lie ai-cond loop you are only a mile from llcnsnn atatlon on a atralglit line, hut It la alt mile diatant by the track. After be had mastered the nidtmcnta of the Morae code Jlmmle would take bold of the whistle cord when No. 14 came to the loop on the dwa grade and algual "Hello" to Nettle at llenaon atatlon In aharp hlasta Umn the whistle, which atood for the (Iota and dashea of the code. Ho tlilngn went along for a year and Jlimnlo'a, proHMcta of promotion got little brighter, (in the recorda of thr office- of, -I lie auiciiiitendent of motive power he waa atlll merely Jamea K In Olid, (mirth on Hie Hat of firemen, wltb a good reputation and the proa pect of succeeding to an engine In thr course of fire or all yeara. When business picked up In the full a nuiu ber of extra freight tralna were put on. and he got hla Drat chance to run an engine. On the drat trip It fell to hla lot to take out the third aectlon of freight train No. KM. eaat bound. The third section of No. 1ml waa made up of thlr ty-one heavily loaded ran, and none of theae wna equipped wltb air brakea. Aa he pul'ed out of Adalrrllle the old yard master awnng hlmaelf np into the cab of the engine and aald: "I think ye ll pull the engine all right Jlmmle, me bye, but for the love of the aalnta le careful when ye atrlke the top of the bill this aide of Itcnaon. Faith, It'a a heavy train they've given ye, and If It ahould break In two going down that bill and till in ryara wltn no air brakea on to them tliero'll be the devil and all to pay." Peeplte thla warning, there waa no fear of a "break In two" In Jltniule'a a art aa he nuraed hla engine along toward the top of the hill on the other aide of which lay Benson. Thla la an accident whlrb bapiena very rarely and which not even the moat experi enced engineer ran aucceaafully guard agalnat. Hut aa he atnirk the top of the hill and began to deacend on the aide toward Itcnaon he felt a Jerk which nearly threw lilin off hla aeat I-ooklng back, be aaw that the worat bad happened. A coupling bad snap ped In the middle of the train. Kor the preaent there waa but one thing to do, and that waa to go down grade aa fnat aa he could. Looking back, he could aee Hint the roar brake man, who wna the only man on the cara which hail been left behind, had made one Ineffectual attempt to aet tba brakea and then bad Jumped to aafety. Jlmmle knew that If the fourteen can running wild behind caught up with the forward half of the train there would be a wreck which would eaus damage to the extent of tbouannda of dollare and blackllat If Dot kill, the engineer responsible. Faster and faster the telegraph polea on the aide of the track flow pant blm. Jlmmle'a mind waa working faater than It bad ever done In hla life. Ilia ordera directed blm to wait on the aiding at Benson atatloa for tht west bound paaaenger train to paaa, and he knew that at any coat bt mnat aave the paaaenger. Away off to the farther aide of Renann he could already aee the faint line of imoke coming up from It and be knew that It would arrive at Benson In Just about ten minute. lie figured that hla own train waa go ing about a mile a mlnnte and would reach Hcnann In aeren mlnutea, If no alternative offered Itaelf be reaolred to put on all brake when be got to the . font of the hill and deliberately wreck hla own train. There waa a atralght track for three ml lea on the farther Cold Causa Pneumonia. One of the moil rtmarkable caaes of a cold, deep sealed on Ih lunga, cans ine nneumunia. il that of Mrs. Gar trude E Frnner, Marion, lod., who waa entirely Cured by the use of One UinAia Cnuvh Cur. She aave: "The coughing aod atrainiog so weakened mo that I ran down to weight irom liAtnninonnili. I tried a Dumber of remedie lo 00 avail until I used One Minota Cough Cur. Four bottle of tbia wonderful remedy cored me en tirely of tha coogb. atreogthened my lung and restored m to my normal weight, health and strength." Sold by English Drug Co. aod S. J. Walsh. side of Renann, and toe engineer of the 1 paaarnger trala would are the wreck la ample time to mm to a atop. Thla plan. If carried oat weald f ahly meaa death for Jlmmle, but be analysed the situation none the lea coolly becaoee of that Ileatb la some thing that engineer get acraatutuH to facing. But If be coo Id aoly dtaoav er aome way of letting Nettle knew the eoodlttoa of affair It would be a easy Mia tier for ber to throw the de railing switch after be bad paaaed aod allow the rear half of the train to come to a safe havea la to cornfield beside toe track. IHwa at the elation Nettle beard a sound which scut brr ruablnc out to the platform. Away op the hill ah could are a freight trala coming dowa at a terrific rate of speed. The whlatle cord aeemed to be lo the band of a lunatic, fur the whistle was sounding la strange, unearthly ahrleka. Aa ahe watched It something (truck ber a being strangely familiar about the way the whlatle waa aoundlng. AU of a euddeu It struck her there waa meth od In the shrieks, and that Interpreted by the Morae code, tbey were saying. -UN, UN. US," ber itatloa calL Tble waa continued for a few aecaoda, and then began: "Broke la twel Throw derailing switch when first section I paat atatlon." Three time thla waa repeated, and then trie engine went round the curve at the farther end of the loop, and an could bear the wule tle only faintly. But ahe beard enough, and when Jlmmle'a engine whlxxed paat the ata tlon with bla white face pressed close ly against the glaaa at the aid of the englue rah be aaw Nettle atandlug at the switch. When the last car la the part of the train which atlll remained Intact had passed the frog he saw her throw all her weight on the aw itch handle, and tlie signals told him that every one of the curs which, wen fol lowing lilin would pile themselves un gracefully, but harnilcsaly. on the soft earth of the cornfield. Bringing bis ?nglne to a atop, be ran back to the atatlon ami on to the aiding In ample time to let the paaaenger train paa blm. The train master examined Jlmmle very closely a to the necessity of pil ing valuable freight car on useful ag ricultural land and paaaed the case up to the division superintendent. He ex amined the paper carefully, mads nine note on the bottom of them and referred tlie whole matter to th su perintendent of motive power. When Jlmmle walked nut of the oOc be was a full fledged engineer and had been congratulati'd on bla presence of mind. And th superintendent of motive pow er congratulated him again a month later when the railroad lost the eorv- lece of the telegraph operator at I ten son atatlon and Jlmpile got a wife. fader the AI Blaasaiaaa. 'How sweet, how pure, they are!" ahe aald, breathing In the fragrance of the apple blnasnmi ob the branch be bent down for her. "I.Ike your like a mnlden'a love," be added, with designed sentimentality. "And bow quickly they wither and come to naught another similarity." ahe aald, with malic aforvthougbt beading him off. "Or turn hard and lour and fill u with pain and anguish If. Ilk silly lit tle boys, we think w like them," h amended grimly, aware of ber object For half second bc looked Into hi scowling eyoa with relenting twinkle growing in ber own. "But If we hare a little patience they grow sweet and wbnlcaome again, tnd and delirium for domestic use plea, for instance," ahe whispered between a la nun and a algh. Th cowl turned Into a bewildered tare. Then I'rovldonc ent blm a spark of Intelligence. "Mabel," he cried eagerly, aelxlng ber hands "MuM, I adore apple plea." "And -and. Juck, I make very good ones," ahe murmured demurely. And then all the apple blossoms flushed I delicate pink. ft, Rllsaawtk et Haaararr. It la curious that Bt Elixahetb of Hungary should bar spent only the first four years of ber life In th coun try which always distinguishes ber name. 8h waa only Juat four when her father, the king of Hungary, sent ber to Thurlngla to be betrothed to the nine-year-old I'rlnes touts, and there all remained all through ber cblldliond and married life until her death In 1231. I'er lisps, aay the Urn don Chronicle, because she la one of toe tew aalnta whuae bollnesa did not preclude love and marriage she always seems a particularly human saint ami the tales that are told of her-how, for Instance, ahe gave away ber toy and doll to poor children when ahe was but a baby herself, how the food ahe was taking to bogus rs In a covered basket turned to red and white rose when ber husband lifted the lid, bow ahe heard a bird singing to ber on ber deathbed and aang to It In reply-all polut to tlie poetry and charm wbleh are associated wltb ber name. ke Heast Dea, Net Hasbaa. The late Edwlu tord Weeks, th paluter and llluatrator, had always a great dislike for doga. It was sin us ing, bis friend aay, to bear blm harangue agalnat doga, and Innumera ble were th toriea reflecting upon dog In an unfavorable light which Mr. Week bad on th tip of bit tongue. "I dined laat night" h aald on day. "with Blank. After dinner Blank and I went Into th library to look ever aome John Iech prints. Blank was talking learnedly about Leech wbea be beard hla wife In the next room say: "'Where la my guardian angel r " 'Here I am, my dear,' Blank called. Rut his wife retorted: "Oh, I don't meaa yon. I meaa Fldo.' "-New York Tribune.. The Present Cotton Situation. Bt Hisvil sfrMlilMl of lh Vtbra Ccattna Qrufn' afnttvrtlw AwurUMtss. Do You Want 5trenfth f If you want lo increase yoor strength you must add to and not take from th physical. Io other word, tb food that you cal most b digested, assiml lated aod appropriated by Ih nerve, blood and (issues before being expelled from lb intestines. Kodol Dyspepsia Cur add to tha physical. It give strength to aod builds op trnglb io th bumao system. It i pleasant to tb last aod palatable, and Iba only combination of digeatanls that will dil Iba food and aaable tb system lo appropriate all of it health aod strength giving qualities. Sold by English Drue, Co. and S. J. WUb. The prca-nt consumption of Ame rican colli o by the spinners of the world having exceeded the supplies, prices fur the staple have advanced more than 101) per rent, since last (VU)ber. Naturally, the present price of cotton, higher than it has been be fore in twenty years, has Gred the hearts of Southern cotton producers with feverish impatience to become the possessor of as many bales of this valuable staple as possible in the year 11)04. Those who had the pd judgment to market their crop slow ly through the present season, en joyed a part of the recent high prices, but a vast majority of the producers pursued the old method of rushing their staple on the market as fast as ginned, and the simulators reaped the profits. Present indications point not only to an increased cotton acreage throughout the belt this year, but it is apparent that producers are also preparing to largely increase the use of commercial fertilizers. The gen eral disposition of many planters at this time is to make the effort not only to increase their cotton acreage per plow, but to increase the yield per acre. Iist year we were forced to abandon live per cent, of (he acre age planted on account of the scar city of labor, and we are now con fronted with labor conditions not so flattering as they were in January, 1903. The increase of our cotton acreage can only be made at the ex pense of our supply crops. This would be a suicidal policy, even if we felt assured that the prices of cot ton for next season could be main tained at 10 and 12 cents per pound from the oening to the close of the selling season. Price of Provisions Minn. The present prices for Western wheat have advanced to more than f I per bushel and flour will soon be selling at from $H to $'J per barrel Mules are already selling at 25 per cent, higher figures than they com manded one year ago. Commercial fertilizers have advanced fully 25 per cent. Clothing and all the neces saries of life have recently been marked up in the same proportion. Farmers who purchase their sup plies with which to make the cotton crop under existing conditions can not do so at less than 10 cents per pound for their staple. (Sreat nations are now at war, and the price of pro visions will necessarily be much higher than at present lieforc the end of the year. The question of provis ions for the vast armies is of more importance than that of clothing The greatest mistake ever made by Southern cotton producers will be to reduce their usual acreage in wheat, corn, oats, peas, sorghum and other similar crops in order to create an abnormal acreage in cotton which cannot be profitably cultivated or sold. We want to make enough cot ton to meet the world's requirement for our staple next fall, but we will nerd the supply crops just as much, if not more, than the cotton. A Great Opportunity. Southern cotton producers now face the greatest opportunity they have had since 18C5 to control the cotton situation next season an 1 force the buyers of their staple to pay them its true and legitimate value. The first thing most needful is to make the smokehouse and corn crib the bulwark of safety between the grow ers and the commercial world. This can only be done by steadfastly cling ing to the usual acreage devote l to supply crops and appreciating the high importance of a correct system of diversified agriculture. e have already learned that a short crop of cotton sells for more money in the aggregate lhan an abormally large crop. The second important lesson to learn is to mar ket the crop slowly. No farmer Women u Well is Men Art Miserable bj Kidnej and Bladder Trouble. Kidney trouble pre)- upon th mind, discouragraandleasensamliition; beauty, vigor ana cnrenui nrse soon disappear when thekUlncyaare out of order or dis eased. Kidney trouble haa become so prevslent that it ia not uncom mon for a child to be born afflicted with weak kilnr vt. If the child urinate toooften, if the urine acalds the flesh, or If, whrn the child reaches an age when it ahould be able to control the passage, it la vet afflicted with bed-wet-iing, depend upon it, the cause of the di Ifi cnlty ia kidney trouble, and the first step should be towards the treatment of these important organa. Thiaunnleaaant trouble ia due to a diseased condition of the kidneva and bladder and not to a habit aa moat people suppose. Women aa well aa men are made miser able with kidney ami bladder trouble, and both need th earn great remedy. Th mild and the immediate effect of waanB.Boot is soon realiied. It is sold by druggists, in nity cent and one-dollar size bottle. Yoamay bar a samp! bottle he mail free, also a iaa f pamphlet telling all (bout Swamp Root, including many of the thousands of teati monial letter received from sufferers cared. In writing Dr. Kilmer ft Co., Binghamtoa, N. Y be sore and mention tbia paper. Don t snake any mistake, hat mncmher th name. Swamp-Root, ! Dr. Kilmer's Swamp-Root, and th ad dres. Bingham too, N. Y., oa erery ' bottle. isiir should sell more than one-tenth of his crop each month, thereby ?x tend ing the marketing season through ten instead of four month as at present Uradual Marketin;. We break the market every fall by the excessive weight t-f the staple and dump a twelve months' supply on a ninety days' market. It will be utterly implausible to maintain prices under that plan, and it must la?, and I am glad to say, is gradually Icing abandoned. It is bad policy to make allot the year's obligations due in tlctober. Farmers' accounts should be lengthened out through January and April of the next year. Any credit system is lad enough, but our system places every debtor alawilute ly in the hands of the merchants dur ingtVUiberand November. Through the Agricultural and Census Hun an IVpartments at Washington, l. C, we are now assured of correct statis tics regarding the yield of the cnp each season in advance of Mies, and 1 am much gratified to know that such men as Neil, Huston and others of like calibre, have been thereby put out of business. Farmers can no longer be handicaped or hood winked by the false reKirts of com mercial concerns issued for private and selfish purposes. The work of years in bringing alamt these safe guards for cotton producers has al last been accomplished, and now the producers must put forward some individual thought and action in or der to fully protect their interests from the avaricious hands of the com mercial world. It cannot lie done by increasing the present acreage in cot ton and decreasing the acreage in supply crops. It cannot be done by rushing the staple on a glutted mar ket and selling it at whatever price the buyers may offer. It can only be done by planting a reasonable acreage of each farm in cotton and by making a procr effort to increase the yield er acre; by raising all the supplies needed on the farm with which to make the crop, and the im mediate adoption of a system which will provide for a slow movement of the crop from the farms each season. We must learn to be business men as well as the mere producers of the most valuable agricultural product in the world. We must learn Imw to sell as well as produce, anil whi n we have mado a crop sell it for a profit, else the year's lalior has been in vain. 1 think great good would result from large meetings held in the States this summer by cotton producers, and the question of mar keting their cotton and cotton seed fully discussed from the business standpoint of the situation. 1 am satisfied that the, more these ques tions are agitated among the pro ducers the belter the results. The time has come when the producers have a bright prospedt ahead of them if the situation is handled prop erly. Co-operation throughout Un belt is essential to success, l't us not make the vital mistake at the very threshold of so bright a future by trying to raise a surplus which can be used to blight the present hoics w hich animates the heart of every grower. Ixt every farmer who reads these lines pause and consider before he plants his cotton acreage for tlie year 1904. Working Overtime. Eight hour laws are ignored by those tireless little workers Dr. King's New Life Pills. Millions are always at work, night and day, curing indigestion, biliousness, constipation, sick heudache and all stomach, liver and bowel troubles. Kixy, pleasant, safe, sure. Only '.' eta at hiiglwli Drug l o.'s. John (luan, or (Jant, who during the holidays, in Rockingham county purposely or recklessly fired off his pistol at a dance ami killed a young girl, was found guilty of murder in tho second degree in Kockingnam Superior Court this week and sen tenced to thirty years in the penitentiary. It Saved His Leg. P. A. Danforth of Lutl range, da., suffered for six mouths with a frightful running sore on his leg; but writes that iitickleu's Arnica Halve wholly cured it in five days. For ulcers, wounds, piles, it's the best salve in the world. Cure guar anteed. Only 25 cts. Bold by Kng lish Drug Co. In a mental anguish suit against the telegraph company in Rowan Superior Court last week, Judge Al len took the matter in hand and de cided that the plaint ills were en titled to recover 37 cents, the cost of the delayed message. Mr. J. L. Ramsey, formerly editor of the Progressive Farmer and a cen turion in the days of the Alliance and Populism ; later a patent medi cine vender with headquarters in Bal timore, has returned to Raleigh and will engage in the insurance busi ness. Proper Treatment of Pneumonia. Pneumonia is too dangerous a dis ease for anyone to attempt to doctor himself, although be may have the proper remedies al band. A physician should always be called. It should be born in mind, however, that pneu monia always result from a cold or from aa attack of th grip, and that by giving Chamberlain's Cough Rem edy th Ibreiteoed attack of pneu monia may b warded off. This rem edy is also used by physician in the ttsslmcDt of poeumotiit with Ih belt alts. Dr. W. J. Smith of Sanders, Ala., who is also a droigisl, says of it: "I bv ben selling Cbsmberlain'i Cough Remedy and prescribing it io my practise lur tha past sii year. I as il ia case of poaamonia and have always gottea tba best malt." Sold by S. J. Welsh and C N. Simpsoo.Jr Th Oldest Man Dead. Xw Bniafc-t. S J . In.irt. la. Noah Rabr ili.-d t.l.iv in the Pis ralaway r hiise,nf which he had been an inmate for tlie las! forty years. If he had lived until April 1 next, according lo his own statemi ut. Raby would hate Urn 132 yearsoid lie lelained his memory and would recall many incidents of his long ca reer until very recently. Rady is said to have Urn Imrn in Kdii'"ii C.ati-s rnunly.N C, on April I. I7T2 lie enlisted in the navy in sCi. and served on the ship Constitution ami the frigate ltanl wine, on the laller of which Furrau il was a lieutenant No North Carolinian, of all the great number of tin an1 abroad. h.i U-en more in llie newspapers of late years than Nuh Rahy, who died Tuesday in a New Jersey ior In mix at the alleged age of 1.12 years. For many years pat when times hae got too dull in he newspaa-r business in New York and vicinity, the re IMirters have h"pcd on Noah Raby. Kvery time he was interviewed and written up he got yean, older, and his memory reached further back. We have no doubt that the venerable prevaricator was at least !H) rears old. Mav liml forgive him -Charlotte Observer. Woody Tragedy in Jail. W h him, tt . . ii-t.-h. l-i Facing the certaintv of his third term in State's prison, Scott Neal of Martins rerry, charged with al !empting to kill his wife, tried to shoot his way to lilierty tonight and was resnsible for a bloody tragedy in the jail at St. Clairesviih-.O. Neal had secured laissession of a revolver and told James Sutton, a Rcllairc prisoner awaiting trial for two ms terous murders, of his intention. Sutton dropped a note from the w in dow warning the jailer. Clyde llul- ger, the jailer, entered the corridor to lock up the prisoners for the night and was accompanied by Slu r is1 Majors and two deputies. Nral realised that he had la-en ln'traycd and shot Sutton through the temple, killing him instantly. lie linn Miintvd his revolver at the jailer, de manding that he unlock the doors, liulger grappled with him and with a revolver resting against his temple got out his gun and shot Ntal through the hsart. If You Want to be Beloved. I'hrlatlsn WiirM. IWt contradict people, even if you're sure you are right. IKm t lie inquisitive aliotit (lie al fairs of even your most intimate friend. Don't underrate anything because you don-'; possess it. IWt conclude that von have nev er had any upKirtiiiiities in life. lion t believe all the e il you hear. IWt repeat gossip, even if it does interest a crowd. IWt go uiitidv (in the plea that evcrvbodv knows vou. IWt jeer at anvbodv's religious belief. licarn to laugh. A gxd laugh is better than medicine. lAirn to hide your aches and pains under a pleasant smile. No one cares whcllier you have the earache, headache or rheumatism. Iam to attend to your own busi-ncss-a very important point. The council of Slate Wednesday authorized the Slate Normal and In dustrial College to Ikhtow upon the credit of the Stale .S0,(KXI for the erection, equipment and furnishing of buildings, and replacing those de stroyed by the recent lire, and the Slate Treasurer is directed to turn over to the college the insurance money now in his hands lclonging U it, this amounting, to ? 32,000. V. I . .li nes of tiolilslKiio, wlio is under 500 bond for his appearanc at Wavne Superior Court in regard to the handling of stolen goods, was also arrested mi a charge of complic ity in postollice robberies, it Ix-ing alleged that Jones nt various ami sundry times disposed of large quan tities of stamps, lie was taken lie fore I'nitcd States Commissioner Nichols at Raleigh and required to give 2,000 bond for his appearance at a hearing on the 1 Ith. Inflammatory Rheumatism Cured. William Shaffer, brakrinati of Drti nison, O , was confined to his fnl lor several weeks with inftaiiuiiatory iheu matibtn. "I usrd many remedies," hr says. "Finally 1 went lo Milan's diug e tore for a bottle of Cliamher laiu's I'aiti Halm, at which lime I wan uuslilc to use hand or loot, and in our week's time wss slile to woik as liap py as a rlain." For sale by S. J. Welsh and C. N. Simpson, Jr. "That lxiy with the jug, sir, has rolled into the river: "No harm done," replied the drowsy fisherman, "the jug wuz empty. A Favorite Remedy for Ilabtes. Its plrasant taste aud prompt cures have made IfianilicrUin Collin Kent edy a favorite with the iimtlirii ul small children. It quickly cuirs thru coughs aud colds and prevents an) datif-er of pneumonia or other tetious cousripience. it not only cuies croup, bul when given aa soon as the croupi rough sppeai will prevent the attack For sal by S. J Welsh and C. N. Simpv.n, Jr "Dat tired feelin' comes lo some folks so airly in do season, said Brother Dickey. "Hits fortunate do springtime chills gives 'em a lively shakin' up, now en then!" Best Remedy for Constipation. 'The h"et remedy for constipation I ever used is Chamberlain's Stomach aud Liver Tablets," saya Mr. Eli But ler of Franklinville, N. Y. "They act gently and withont any unpltasant el tect, and leav the bowels in perfect lv natural condition." Sold by S. J WUb sad C. N, Simpson, Jr. The Personal Honor of Hr. Morgan. E,rrUl)' Uiim ftr Man-a. A certain underwriting syndicate involving a gisxl many millions was organized on the eve of Mr. J. P. Morgan's departure for F.un but not completed when he sailed. his return he akiil b sec the sub criplton list and the balance shivl.s, the work of the syndicate having Is-rn completed and the I. ..ks closed As he glanced over the list, he no ticed thai one name which he pre sumed would be there was missing, and he said to his partner: "I do imt see the name of here." The re ply was' "We were able lo organize the syndicate without them, and we therefore did so." Instantly Mr. Morgan replied. "Hut I promised them that they should come in." Then, making a rapid computa tion of what these tankers' profits would have la-en had they lieell ad milted to the syndicate, Mr. Morgan drew his company's check for the amount, w hich involve I several bun drcd thousands, and sent it to tlx in A Postoffice ISlow n I'p. The Postollice lapartment has liecn ollicially notified that the ost otliee at Humphreys, Ark., has lai-n blown up, ami the St. Imus division of iostolli,'e insrtors has lieell no tified lo make an investigation im mediately. The advices lo the de partment give no details of the affair, which press reMr1s attribute to tin' dissatisfaction with the negro post master and his predecessor, also a negro. More Riots. IHsltii lianecs of strikers are not nearly as grave us an individual disorder of the system. Overwork, loss of sleep, nervous tension will lie followed by utter collapse, tin less a reliable remedy is iuiini-di ately employed. There's nothing so etlieient lo cine disorders of the liver or kidneys us PJcctrie liil lers. It's a wonderful tonic, and effective nervine aud the greatest all around medicine for run down systems. It dispels nervousness, rheumatism uiul neuralgia and ex pels malaria germs. Only otic, and satisfaction guaranteed by Fnglish lh iig Co. Ih nry Ledlietter, col., was found frozen lo death Saturday at his home near Ml. (lilead, Montgomery county, lie received a jug of liquor the day liefore. "Null ced." ar r m Tragedy Averted. "Just in the nick of time our lit tie lxiy was saved," w rites Mrs. V. WutkiiiH of Pleasant City, Ohio. "Pneumonia had played sad havoc v illi him and u terrible cough si t in Ix'sidcs. Doctors treated him, but he gii W worse every day. At length we tried Ir. King's New Discovery for Consumption, and our (hil ling was saved. He's now sound and well." F.vcryhody ought to know, its the only sure cure lor coughs, colds mid all lung diseases, (itiaruntccd by Kuglish Drug Co. Price 50c and fl. Trial bottles free. In Mclhivvcll county Superior Court this week a damage suit against the railroad for killing a man, who was diunk and asleep on the track, resulted in a verdict for the railroad. 1 ABSOLUTELY PURE I There is a quality added to the cake and biscuit by the Royal Baking Powder which promotes digestion. This peculiarity ot Royal" has been noted bv physicians, and thev accord ingly endorse and recommend it Royal Rakimr. Powder is used in baking bv the best people everywhere. Kovt C4KIN0 rwDts ca, ntw vok. Happy, Healthy Children. Any child ran take l.itlle I-ally Kis cib with perfect lafHy. They ar harmlrss, never gripe or sicken, and vi t thry are so rrilaiu in lesults that mhust cuiiktitiitions leipiiiniK drastic iiieaiis are never diHappoiiiteJ. Thrv cannot fail to prthiiiu their mission and everyone who uses IVW'itt's Lit tic l arly Kisrts prrtrr Ihrin to all oth er pills. Thev cure hilioiisurss. Sohl hy ICiifcli!.!) Diuk to. an J S. J. WeMi. Thev sav there is nothing which communicates itself so iiuickly amongst the meinlicrs of a family as in expression of coldness or discon tent on the face of one of its niein- Ikts. Il is like the frost that chills us. This is not altogether true; there is something which is communicated with cipial rapidity and greater force I mean the smiling face, the la-am- ing countenance, the happy heart. - Sehrtcd. The Name Witch Hazel. The name Witch Hazel is much aluiM-d. E C. IHW'itt & Co., Chicago, a:c the inventors uf the original mil utilv genuine Wttih Hai-l Salve. A critaiu cure for cuts, hums, Imiises, enema, tetter, piles, rlc, Thrr are many conn t er I r i (a ul this salve, sme uf which are dangerim, while they ate all worthless. In buying Witch Hazel Salve are that the name E. C. DrWitt & Co., Chicar,o, is on the hot anil a cure ta certain. Sold hy tug lish Drug to. and S . Welsh. To the brethren mid sisters who claim that preachers are taking all the money out of the country: IVar ly lleloved: A very wise man who never sieaks rashly and w ho is none other than Chancellor Dav, of Syra cuse 1'niversity, says that it cists !M',tHM' to support the ministers of the gosH-l and only 25,(X0,(HK to support ct dogs. I lunk on this. lialeigh Christian Advocate. If troubled with weak digestion, belching or rour stoniarh, use Cham berliu' Stomach and l.iver Tah'rts snd you will get quirk relief. For ssle by S. J. Welsh and C. N. Simpson.Jr. The Topic says Mr Chas. Otter of Iynoir has shipped to lialeigh, lo be placed with the State s exhibit at St. Louis, a centre table made of four teen different kinds of wood and 2, 200 separate pieces. The Topic says the table is a beautiful piece of work, showing skilled workmanship. F0IYSKIDNYCUR a KMay 4 BMMr Bit An Empty Head. I A professor !e Us this story at his, own expense, lie was instructing a class of Imys alioiit the circulation of : t!ie I.' sal, and lo make sure thatj they understood him, he said: "Can ! yon tell me why it is that if 1 stood! on my head the blood would rush' to my held, and when 1 stand on myi feet there is no rush of blood to the feel?" And then a small I my, after pausing for a short time, answered: "It is liccause your feet are in l , empty, sir." j (itiard within yourself thai treas ure, kindness. Know how to give without hesitation, how to lose with out regret, how to ucip.iirc without meanness. Know how t" replace in J your heart, by the happiness of those; you love, the happiness that may lie wauling in yourself. F. W. FaUr, The .leffcrson lleeordcr says that Alex. Osborne was arrested in Ashe county Saturday night, 20th nil., on a charge ol murder and lodged in jail. Two or three years ago Os Ixirne killed IJeeves Ward, his father-in-law, and ran away, lie had re turned to Ashe to v isil relatives when arrested. The sweetest ami happiest homes - homes to which men in weary life look back Willi yearnings loo deep for tears; homes whose recollections linger round our manhood like light and the sunshine and the sweet air, into which no base things can in trude are homes where brethren dwell together ill unit v ; where la- ause all are very dear to all. each is learer to each than himself. Canon Farrar. The old hermit Paladins, having live hundred scholars, used never to dismiss tin in without this admoni tion, ".My friends, he cheerful: forget not, I beseech you, to be cheerful." - II. Scougal. Chairman Simmons has issued a call for the Ileniocratic State com mittee to meet in Raleigh on the l'lh, at 8 p. in., to fix the time and place for the meeting of the IVmo cralic Slate convention. Charles W. Winston, a carpenter employed to work on a barn belong ing to" the city of Raleigh, fell off the I ,i ni and got hurt, and now he has la-en awarded 2.200 damages against the city of Raleigh. Catarrh Cannot be Cured with Local Applications, aa they can not reach the seat of tlie disease, ta l.o ill is a hlood or constitutional dis ease, aud in order to cure it you must lake internal remedies. Hall's Cstanh ( Cure is taken internally, and acts di , redly on the hlood and mucous sur i fairs. Hull's Catarrh Cure is not a ! quack nirdiciiie. It was prescribed by one of the brst physicians in tins I country fur years, and is a regular pre scriplinn. It is composed of the best ; tunics known, combined with the brst hlood purifiers, acting directly on the i mucous surfaces. The perfect combi nation of the two iugrrilients is what produces such woudei tul results in cur ing catarrh. Send for testimonials free. F. J. C1IKNKY 4 CO, Tolkw, Ohio. Sold by druggists, 7"ic. Hall s family pills are the best ! See our handsome Furniture; get prices mid you will chuckle over the bargains. Monroe Furniture j Company. W. S. HLAKENEY, ('resident. A. M. 5TACK, Vice-President. THE W. C WOLFE, Cashier. BANK of UNION MONIiOF., X. c. This Bank has been operated in the interest of the people at large as well as its stockholders. Its officers have done their best to build up Honroe and the surrounding country. It pro vides every safeguard for the depositor and Is always liberal to the borrower. No reasonable person could be dissatisfied with its methods. Remember what it has done for the people thus far and let everybody know that It w ill meet all legitimate competition In the future. Patroni.e it with your accounts and thus show your sympathy for a progressive and obliginf institution. It is your friend and It is here to stay. rem at You did not get as present that nice piece of furniture you have been wanting so long. I We have it for you. Come and pick it out. T. P. DILLON, Furniture Dealer and Funeral Director. Store Phone 7; Residence Phona 84.

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