THE MONROE JOURNAL G. at. BEASLEY. I ... K. F. BEASLEY. rl tLISHISS, Tuesday. May 31. 1904. na.UhornrottleJth.Fair? jjAPS STORM TORTinCATlON They Drive Russian From a rV sltioa Thoujnt to b Imprei lia ble and TaWe rUny Oum-Ev-cry Man in Line Shot Down. Fierce fight iog took ylaee bet eeo the Japaues ul Kuewan ft'reca last W rJoeaMy Thursday, with heavy UaeWon both aide aud emu late victory for the Japaueae their march utB toward I'ort Ar thur. The fighting on W ed needav. and ou Thursday suoruiuf, the Japanese army wf l the Ku diuitd frail-la k iu fhou aud in a des perate attack atoruied aud carried the Kuwiaiwou Naudlau Hill, we of Talieowau. The Kuiau bad made elaborate preparations to check theJaf'Huese uioveueututh on the l.iaoTuiiR petiiiututa toward I'ort Arthur, planting heavy forti ticatious aud artillery. A dispatch , "The Japanese ault oo ao aban Hill was one of the fiercest -ml bloodiest alTiini iu modern warfare. In the earlier rushes of ilieeninureiueiit. every inau partici natinir was shot dowu lielore be If :1V lied the tirst Hue of Russian tiwiiehea. It was fouud uecessary to Kt.m these infantry charges and renew the artillery tire from the rear liefore the linal aud successful assault ou the Kussiau posiliou coultl lie made. The suci-ess of this assault was brought alxuit by ue detiU-hluent of Japanese troola. . . .1 . .: i I id, hi tli.'ir i-oiiimiles. warfc would aiiuiuni u me u.i sum , mmr imir,.... ----- of 2S SO. equivalent, under the pe-j who succeeded in piercing the lUi miliar rules of the union, to his pay ! sian line. A splendid stroke or for Ihrve davs of right hours each ' j fortune was the diivcry and . e And conditions almost as tad haveUriiction by the Japanese of the .1 ..I r ...... L. in. .lit ' x u.lrii K lll-M li:i(llIlLr IU llir llinirc that moans so mud, for the comfort , - " ' C " f(lut 0fNansl,an .1.11. thai 1 Lis nrexcuieti ue uiiwiaus i Monro Should Have a HoaptuL j .There is a movement on foot look ing to the establishment of a hospital in Monroe. This is ery much need ed, and it is to be hoped that the project may come to full fruition. A modest institution of this kind would not be expensive. The promoters feel that it could be sustained, so far as running exense are concerned, if a suiUble building could be se cured. Every year more and more patients are seut to hospitals by prac ticing physicians. This has become a necessity in all cases where there is serious illness that requires care- fill and scientific nursing to effect cures, to say nothing of surgical treatment, in which hospital treat ment is becoming wholly necessary Auv one who reads the local papers will readily recall the number of cases that are constantly going out of this county to hospitals elsewhere, and the equally as great a number, it not indeed more cases where, such treatment is as necessary, but the patients are unable for lack of means to take it. 1 here is no reason wny a community like this should suffer itself to co without an institution This is the day when the labor unions of the country are making hay. if they are able in many cases to do what the New York Commer cial says they have done for the St Louis Fair. That paper says that Almost since the first shovelful of earth was thrown up on the equa tion grounds, every nook and corner of the place, every department of con structive activity have been under the complete and alwolute domina tion of unionism. Not wily has the exposition company felt the blight of this control from the very begin ning but everv contractor and sub contractor, even tlie Fuited States government itself, have had to bend their necks to the yoke of organued labor." And the Commercial continues: Strikes on the exposition grounds have been so numerous iu the past three years that the count of them was lost kng aga One employer of plumbers, for instance, has had about one hundred aud fifty strikes to eon tend with, and all of them started on the most triiiiug and flimsy pretexts. Wages meantime have jumped from Si ail to So tor an eiuni .tour ua One foreman of the modelers in staff is paid $u 60 for an eight-hour day, with double tune for overtime and Sundays, and as the extra time often has been necessary, 1" frequently has received $ 20 fr a day's work Siimlav of twelve hours In ODD BATTLE PLACES, rhe Economic Value of Bob White. Theornothologistsof the IVpart ueut of Agriculture have been waking au iuvetigation of the -tvuoiuic xalne of the bobwhite. a i result of which it is now au nonurnl that that bird i "probably l lie must u-a-ful alHimUnt specie, .mi the farms." Field otwervations, ex ei iuieuts aud exaiuiuat iousshow that it roosuuies large tpiautities .if weed needs ami destroys many ir tlie worM InseH liesla with w huh lariuers eonteiid, and yet it does j not injure grain, fruit or any other, ,-rop. ' It w figured that from S.-p j teiuber I to Apr:? M, annually, in j Viitiuia, alone the total cousiiuip-, liou of iml seetl 1.V lioliwnoeii amounts to ,M ton. Some of tlie pets which it habitually destroxa, the re'rt Siiys. are the Mexican ooitoti IniII weevil, which damage the cotton crop upidof l.Vtmo, ihhI a Xear; the esl8 of the potuto ero. the cotton worms, w hieh have . L-eu kuoan to cause Hl.WKI.lHKl ' in a xear; the chim h bug, aud the Kink Mount lo-ust. The re Hrt urges meitsure to secure the ol l lie iMiitauiies and happiness of humanity and the amelioration of suffering. Other towns of like size are building them rijjlit along and receiving untold blessings. The institution in contemplation for Monroe would also be a training school for nurses, at which there would always be undergraduate nur ses to be stmt out iu the town and county whenever their services were demanded. Ik-side this, there could no doubt be built up a good foreign patronage from patients who desired to receive the benefit of the artesian water. There is an ample field, an urgent necessity, lt us have a hos pital. Tlie quarrel In-tween Judge Pee bles and the Uoln-son lawyers is yet in full vigor. When the case came up last week, Judge Peebles backed water far enough to grant the defend ants' request that the case be tried liefore another judge, a thing he at first refused. It is now to come up on June fourteenth before Judge Brown. Meanwhile, two or three ...,.uutii4u ii rdiii sitie. A goou many of these relate to the charge that tlie judge has been drunk, a great many persons swearing that they had seen him in such condition, and one hotel man asserting that he found fourteen quart bottles in a room w hich the judge had just va cated, another saying that he had seen I half gallon jugs on the judge's m.uiU-l. Tlie judge ordered three men, one of them a lawyer of Clin ton, to go to jail thirty days and pay a line of for contempt in swear ing that he was drunk. The sen-b-nce has not yet been executed, and a light against it will probably bring on a long suit. With these affida vits and the case In-fore another judge, Judge Peebles' case does not look as hoH'ful as it did when he was sitting on it himself with three lawyers appearing before him iu his own behalf. We said last week that Mr. Bryan had not indicated whether he would support tlie nominee of the St. Ijouis convention whether or no, but he has since said, in a letter to a friend, and in tlie following unmistakable terms: "While a Iiemocrat presumes that his convention will write a platform and nominate a ticket that he can conscientiously support, it is not a conclusive presumption, and I do not lielieve that any one ought to be asked, or exjiected to say that, no matter what a convention does, he will support the ticket. For that rea son I defer until the convention has acted a decision upon the course that I will pursue." Mr. ltryan goes on to say that if any other rule than this be applied, campaigns would be useless, for the reason that no votes could be changed, and one party could never be put out and another one put in. For our part, we are glad that Mr. Bryan has the courage to say it. The most real war that the world has seen for some time is undoubt edly going on now between Russia and Japan, a war in which well matched foes meet each other with all the modern means of destruction that man's ingenuity has yet devised. And coupled with these, each side is armed with an ancient hate and a bloodthirstinesi that cannot be satis fied easily. Verily, there is becom ing a great cheapening of human life in the "FarEast. In their attack upon Port Arthur, the Japanese are pursuing the same plana that they did in 1894 when that place was taken by them from the Chinese. 'Then Russia, abetted by the other powers, robbed Japan of it Now the plucky little men will take it from the robber. Glorious little fellows! gM War M to mm4 tw M Karah- Battlr have bKi fjutbt la nuny e rioin pUoM. raining frutu awwiUui pk to Iiwm Sata to dr rt aanda. At tb battl of Montvy. la thr llrikwa war. It Aufrfn ww at-lr to cuwiuand tlx lrwt ol tlaf tilj wilt UH-lr anUWrr. tut e hJ dm-ltj la diakfcltftoa tt Mrnuaoa from the briuwa: a the city I" '"" ar adobe la aulul !- of burnt, tlx Vaakrr beu lhruul the walla n buua to aaollHrr. aglilu aud drtv tuf Mil lb roeiur. bat ll batll of Uuoteref Wrgvljf fuutibt la duura. In un of tb bank uT tn wara at W IllUm tli Kllenl for lb ln.WwooVti.T of lb NtbfiaiHb tb Si-aul.h hlw war fruara la on tb Zuy.U-r Ze. The 1 lutrh rauw out oa bonrua. k Tr IIh h and attacked llwiu. Till la prol lily th wuli baltl la wbkb cat.lrj was vr vanl Jlrwtljr agalual lilx Havvral ulkar eouilmta wvr f.ntbl lr twa truoua Ibe ! la tow war. aud uo uue otvatlon lb lurauuy la aid to ba wura k lea, Tla ballla of Au-rilts wt partly fouicbt ou frofc-u lak. and wliea tb atll wrr rvtrvatlns acrua It tb allot j preservation from tb rrwub artillery. pluD1n Iu- tiis ciiintrv. to th. k and bralug tt up. eauJ j - tTreenwoud. th. d.tb uf tbouaaud. uf Ku-ta and J A",rf.u- -,...i Fullv one half the business por- IU 111V tWaUJ atl- "" - i I wbkta bar takn pla. Iu Ul.Wrjr tli:tiou if tirwliw.HHl was Wlie. out flrwt tn probably tliat of lb alja v tire la-tweeu .1 and u o'elm k of Ilaarlvui tn ttw I'uteb vara. TU1,, morning aud Mix Annie Moa- Bpanlanta iulud and lli luub emu-Imrm-.! to death trruilnrd with mI limuairy, anu ue low tb (round a netw eonrll. t nuiwl. XX-bn lb Veraulllm troop look Vr- ii,. r.,,.h .miiinL wli.-rv lol hiiu to iu - Special Umbrella Sales! Wednesday Morning, June 1st, we put on sale the greatest line of I.alie and Oeuta Umbrellas that we have ever bad and at price that w id astonish you. Wet Weather Umbrellas at Dry Weather Prices. .VI rent Steel Kl Umbrellas at For this sale, I (HI Steel ltotl iu. Congo handle Umbrellas, usual retail price jOc.. our sin-rial sale price '-1HI Ladies and Oeuts guaranteed silk top, 20 and W in. steel rod, par agon frame, titix edges, amorted lianrlle. This lot sella from 11.50 to J.tHI, but owing to alight imperfee tiou fcud small hits, we cleaued them up and they are jours for . 9 Sc. Big Saving in Embroidery and Insertions. arwra of tow dvaperat airulfle took puua. Waablnalon I'ot. THE ANGRY TREE. Ij unn taitiiil.r lhrrffnri S3 tv at " i . i the exposition companv found itseit 'exploding tue mines u.-u ...r,. seriously embarrassed in its finances: anese infantry the ground more than a vear ago and was forc-il where tney nan oeen pi.-r. . ... n.ii .r.i.. nxvints to the1 lHissible that the fortune of the da) d u.a....i.;i.' f.r tli. Ian : hini'ftl tiiMMi tht'se mimn. If in of 4 WWlKHI? Sunplv be-ause the! Russians had lieen able to explode enterprise was am ambitious one. re-'them at the right tune, the biases quiring financing on a most exten-1 among the Japanese tr.Kiis would sive scale, organizeil laUir iinmedi-; have teen and it is atelvlaid its plans to hold up the1 possible also that the Kusamiui company and loot it. And that it has would have been able to hold tlie done, in a manner that would compel hill. the instant admiration of a Kobm; "Xaiishau was splendidly tlet. n ii,nH" ded. Nearly lifty gnus ol various This is a pretty heavy arraignment ' sizes were mounted .... the various ,11 I-'- 'i . ..i.,H eniplaceuieiits, and there were also of the lain Imons, but it should lyMWU of MUit.k-iiriiiE field lie taken with some grain of allow-; (iitrs artillery was sheltered aiu-e, coming as it does, from one ! behind loopholes treiielied on the iwed enemies. Siuthern! terraces ol the lull. Hie iiiianiij uiaiiiiuig the held pieces ran iiu them around the lull, thus using these l'iiiis for the protection of the of its avowed enemies. people have not yet had any experi ence wtth labor unions like the North ... . i has, ami it we can arrive ai a ujm , j,11IMirtant points. that shall give to both employer and Th,. Japanese began the fight by employee everv just right and elinii-' bringing all their field guns into nate the tyrannies of each, our coun- ! .-ntmlitiB their lire ... . Ion the eiiiplaivnieuts ou the bill, try will be fortunate indeed. , ... .. . , k j . Im,ruj,li:i the - I principal Russian batteries had No one can doubt that the Agricul- 1hm,1( Ki u-tx-sfil. The two Russian tural Department of the United States n,., batteries then withdrew to ; lrl., inlurtal in tl. V..II .. i V.... I l....n t i I. il I anil frniu lhn r, f.,r tl.a rni-.... ,,f ll.lj f ,. Ulltll lliglltfilll. . , . . ' '.! "After the Russian batteries had gnmingpesi. ,vm. u is uoing agreai 1(m sll,mr JaianrHe llrtirrv ueai oi wiKing on tne sunject, too.i,M.,le,j tt,e enemy's tn-iiches, A we-k or two ago one of its agents the Japanese infantry advancing announced that the case was boneless, meanw hilt- to witliiu ritle range. ami that aliout half of everv cron was!The giadually worked to , .. . . i within 4iMI metres of the Russian j lines, where they encountered wire ol the weevils appetite. Hut lastia, ther entaiiglenients. They week the department got more hope-i siicce.-ded in discovering an om-u- fill and said that one of its agents in ! ' these obstacles ami getting South America had certainly discov ered an ant which was an unfailing murderer of the weevil, and that it would lie introduced into Texas at once. We have never felt hopeless about the boll weevil, anyway. If a judge or other officer so con ducts himself as to inspire the con tempt of the people, that contempt will be expressed all right, and the attempt of a petty officer in this country to stop such expression is like unto the spectacle of a stick- broom artist trying b sweep back the waters of the Atlantic. BANK WORRIES. Haw Oa ll.rk a What War All Par lalklii. An i bui-k otlkliil atiM tlmt during bta earevr Iu th hanking liunlut-aii b bad known moru than on etnuloyt-a of a bank to get into trouble on ac count of careleaanrM Iu handling money. On collector, who was a light heart ed Mlow, was going along tb alrwt In high water seaaon flipping uu s twenty dollar pier with hla thumb aud linger and catching It as It cam down. Klnullr It slipped and fell through a grating on th aklvwilk Into about two fvet of water. II mad soma tfforts to raeovvr It, but Snail deckled to wait till tb water wai gon, and then It waa found tbat tb coin wa tlao gon. Another tlmt tb aam fellow wai coming up tb street wttb 10,000 In twenty dollar pierei oa bis ahoukler. In aotu wa b loat hla hold on tb wok, and In atrlkiug th aldewalk It burst, and tb col in rolled In all dlrc-tloua. A nuuihr of pooplo rnabd to hla aaalataoec, but h dearrlbvd a lane clrcl around th tack and, waving hla anna wlldl, or dered Tr7bodr to "aland back." IU recoTrd moat of th coin, but dacldad to gt out of tb banking business. Another Oiu a Chinaman ram Into th bank and depoettrd 2U0 and took a certlflcat of depoalt Tb elerk who mado out th certlncat was pre eccapled and wrota 12.000 oa It and a th atnb. Wbta ho mad op hla eaah tt night b waa f l.HOO thort M kaw wbr th nitstaka wat and tried I hnnt op tb rhlnamao; but, al though ha got a clew, ha could aerer Ond him, and ho remained 11.8UO abort on too books. He had a notir of the date of tb eortlOcate, aaaoaat, etc, paated la hla deak and waa alwtft oa lb look oat to catch tb certificate at II came la. Just a year from the 4a the depoalt wat aud the China maa walked Into the bank and prearated the certiorate to be caahed. When aaked how morh he wanted be a Id aU-2oa He bid aevar noticed the ailaUke la tb amount of the certifi cate, a ad he hat aevar foaod it oat, and the clerk suffered the worry of be ing thort tnJdt mind for a whole year all for aoUtlnt-Portlaad OregoBlaa. liuallv to within 'Joo metres of the Russian trenches, from which "iint they rusheil for the line. .Several successive charges were made, but every officer and man in the attack ing party was shot dowu, twenty or thirty metres from the line. The charges were then stopK-d, and the Japanese artillery renewed its pre paratory lire on the enemy's posi tion. Toward evening a detach ment of Japanese carried a section of the Russian trenches, breaking through the enemy's line. Hun deeds of the comrades of these men, inspired by their succevms, spraug forward, and then the entire Jap anese line swept up the hill, driv iug the Russians from their posi tions. It was iu the desperate iu Ian try charges that the Japanese sustained the bulk of their losses." BLUE GRASS It Is a Nallr al la Wabash Valle? la ladlaaa. "A grent uiiuiy iieoph- contend that blue grim was llrnt fuuml In Ken tucky," said an eminent Indiana geolo glut, "hut this la not a.i, lllue grasa la 1 native of the XVahash valley, la Inilliiiiii. It waa found tiy William Henry Harrison's truopa during that solemn march to TIpiHsamw In lsll. Harrison gathered a small army at Ohio Kails aud started north. At Vln cennes th gullant beroea reallted that they could not go 200 mtlea up tb Wabash without feed for tbelr horaea General Harrison had two rrll of corn at Terr Haute tnd perauaded tb men to go on. Aa they came on with hungry horses and scant feed they found tb ground covered with blue grasa. "Nix mtlea west of Newport oa tht Collt-tt farm, wat found a bountiful supply of blue grasa. Home placet la tb bottom It waa growing three feet high, and such feed had never bea beard ol by tb Kentucky toldler. At State Line City more blue grass was found, and from there to Tippecanoe the whole line of march wat covered with blue grasa. The axed wat carried back to Ken tucky tnd town there, bnt tbey could not mtk It thrive alone la the warm toll, and It btd to be sowa with oats sad rye. Mr. Bsndosky told me In ta early day tbat no blue grass grew la Kentucky until after It wat Imported from Indiana. Tom Downing of Terr Haute wat ta ardent admirer of Hen ry Clay and once went to Tlalt him tt bit bom near Ashland, Ky. After teeing tb fine farm well est la blot grasa Downing suggested that Mr. Clay let htm htr torn of the teed to take bark to Indiana. "Tom. dont aiake a fool of your self,' aald Clay. The grands lr of Kentucky blue grasa It growing around your house and la the feac corners of your lelda. Wt got the teed from Tsrrt Haute tnd th mid dle Wabash tad after a hard straggle got tt to grow her la Itt present ma arlottsneas.' "Indiana pout Journal. rallar Aatles ml TkU I artosltr Of riaal til. Tbrr la In the wlkta of northwestern Idabo a slKvh-s of the acacia Ire , wblcb la entitled to be t limed as on of th wonder of plant life. It grow to a height of alnnit -l:hl f--t aud j mhen full irrown clow ll leaves to- I gel her Iu colls each day at suiim-I and ' curls It twigs to th shai-e f pigtail. After the tree haa settled Itself thus The lire is supposed to have on initialed in the L.tcheu of the Cen tral Hotel. The lla.ues were first eiiL'inee Carolina, who. .. , .1... u I. gave tlie aiarm wiiiiuie mmu-. Although roused, Mix M.welcy, piopiilor if the hold, was so overcome with fright that she re iiis. d to jump. She was overcome by the llaines and burned la-fore it wa Kissible to rescue her. Her chaired remains were found this morning. The total imerty loss estimated at not less thai! ll.CI.UIMI, with not oxer T.1.tHl insurumv. 11 you desire lire, life, accident, health, plate this or other insur- ... i - Mice, see xx. ,i. iiuuMiii, maunei, V, S. IUJVKF.NEY, President. for t night t slwu. If tou. he,! the whole at I he .Nix ing. lAwn x irusno. thing will flutter as If agitated or Im- patient at being dlaturU-il. The ofteu.Mf th foliage la undented the more vio lent lieeomea th ahaklng of th branche. aud at length the trv mlta t uauseatlng odor, w hlch If luhftled f-r t few uiouieul- causes a vMeut. dliy headache. Th angry tree, as It has t-eeti named, was dlMwverrd by travelers, who Ufu making camp f'-r the night -lace.l on end of S canvas covering over one of th sensitive hranchea, using It for a support. Immediately the tree began to sharply Jerk Its brauchea. The motion continued, growing more nervous, mull tt lat th alckeiilng o-l..r which tt gav out drov the tlrevl camper to s mor frlndly location. CnrkMlty of rourae prompted an Investlgatlou. Hn of the angry tree was dug up and thrown to on aide. Immediately upon being removed from th ground the tree opened Its leave. Ita twigs lost their pigtails, and for something over nn I..,.. hair ouJxa.'wJ I series of (jnaklngs, which grew weaker as time passed, finally ceasing altogether, when th foliage hung limp tnd withered. The licit morning th tree waa placed upright Iu tlie ground again, a little water waa applied to the roota, and very soon It resumed Ha normal condition - Huston (ilolw. . $1.00 Umbrellas 75c. These are '-'o' and '.'S in. Congo ban dies, utragon frames, extra .(iiality aerge top, regular values at 7.V. M M. tl..Vi, 1.73 and e.MKi U dies aud (ieuta I'mprellas, sie-ial jirli-e IS cent Embroideries at 10 cents. To see this line of full pieces, very w ide and a great variety of pretty patterns, will eas ily eouviuce you that we are head.juaitein for embroidery. Vhile they last, . ltv. Another big shipment in thia week. Big value at 5c The K.nibroideries we Hell at Tic. has made us a w ide reputatiou. 7 J and Mc. kind at, jer yard, 5c. llr Men's Pants. IV) you wear punts. If so read this. .VI pairs men's fine Worsted Pants that sell from l.tM to f-.'i.OO rleauetl up from factory iu small lots. If you cau liud a fit you ran buy tbeiu at '..".o. lKiu't wait, but come at once. Belk Bros., That Cheap Store. A. M. 5TACK. Vice-President. THE W. C. WOU'E, Cashier- BANK of UNION MON'UDr-; X. c. This llank has been operated In the Interest ol the peop' large as well as its stockholders. Its officer have done their best to build up Honroe and the .unwinding country. It pro .11.. , for the dertositor and is always liberal 'VIJi iisa . - AT COST! 1 to the borrower. No reasonable person could be dissatisfied Dnwmkw h It ha done for "ennie ...Ilk la ask.Bm Am thus far and let everybody know that It will meet all legitimate competition in the future. Patronize it with your accounts and thus show your sympathy for a progressive and obliging: Institution. It is your friend and It is here to stay. a .rl. "What I a grig?" aka t eorresMind nt who has heen worried hy thephra "as haiy aa a grig " The grig shares with Mark Tnnley the honor of Ih-Iih: lnivcrllully hii-y. Hut a k.nely ad Jctlve dia-a not deflne I tulistaiitlve. In Yorkshire, we are told, t grig la a young child, baii)', w may hop. In Mtaffordahtr It la t liantaiu. Hut In I Hitch th "krlvk" la a cricket, or grass hopper, a really merry fowl. In Well Her a grig Is the provincial Kiigllsb for an cel. Hut we cannot accept 111 eel t the uihodluient of mirth, tnd w put our money on the l'utchuitn'l "krlek " Iyondoii Chruiilel. tslag aa laeasa. No on ran use au Income with tnit tniuomy who not eu-rt hit l-t judgment and put forth til th wis dom b possesses to inak it fulfill tb highest ends of which It Is capa ble iu hit peculiar circumstance. If It doe not make some lire tictter, fuller sad happier; If It doe not de velop tb body and educate the mind; If It docs not promote Industry, hon esly and good will; If, In fact. It iloet nothing to elevate and Improve man kind, then waste and not economy It tbown In Its management Ik Ha rirrrr Ills, ktls Hkrcmer I'apa says If I gtr up my sliming lessons he'll glv m a pair of diamond anrrlnga. Mlsa Sharp -You've never worn earrings, liar you? Mlsi Skremer-No; I'll have to hare my ears pierced. Mlsa Klnirpe Ob, t lee hla Idea! II wants to pay you back In your own coin.- Philadel phia rreaa. Th Real Taaaarers. Johnny-Pa, th taipaycra ar only the people who own pmpert lea, aren't tbyj I'a-No, my aon. Tb rral tn payers ar the people who rent the propertia.-rblladelphla I.etlg.-r. A nun of Integrity will never listen to tny reason against conscience. llorua. TWe Vmmf Koreaaa. It ta hardly in exaggeration to say that th Koreans ar tb tallest peopl on earth. All day long they lie about tb ttreett smoking their gigantic pip. A natlrt pip la a til foot length of bamboo, wltlta metal bowl, and U carried tacked Into th nevkhand and down the tromera leg. All work of very nearly every kind la duo by the wom en, who occupy perbapa tlie moat de graded position held by the act of any nation. The nnfortunate female popo latloa la collectively a beast of harden and denied erea the meat elementary recognition a banian beings, a Ko rean (trl bat do nam. Rlie It merely known as "daughter of Bo-and-toT her father. Steep re tke Teaaai aaa Aaree). A foar-year-old require 12 hour; OM of T yean, 11 hoars; of 1J jnr. 10 boors, tnd of 16 or 18, boors. Aft er that T or 8 hours la sufficient antll after 09; then the hour should be la creased gradually with ear decade, as the Baa or wotnaa of 80 requires at aswrk sleep aa a child of la And it afaould b remembered tbat tbt most axealtk giving beauty making time hi arly. . Now is your chance to get rare bargains x for a little money. We are offering our entire stock of . j Jewelry, Silver and China Ware j t at actusvl cost. Come early and be benefitted by the cost rr'cfiR. i S. J. WELSH, Druggist. all kinds Tor styllsii Men! This deiartmeiit of our store Iiam never tillered la tter buyiiiK atlvau Uige for spring tban at the present season. Tlie Hpring btyli-s sbown here are the ninst complete, repre Hentution of the stitiuetit lines ever oflered in Monroe, inukiiin it an easy task for men of every taste to outfit Ibeinselvesexiu'tly in accord ance, with their owu ideas. You know tlmt Strause Bros'. Clothing. is tlie liest lilting, best inaile, ami most reasonable priee.1 on tbe mar kef. We are tbe wile agents iu Monroe, :: :: :: :: :: :: MILLINERY You will be delighted twice with our Hats. First, with the pretty styles, and you will be pleased, second, with the reasonable prices. Come and see what we have. We are selling more Millinery than we ever did. We keep right up with all the late styles and new things and you can rest assured when you buy from us that you get styles that well dressed ladies wear. MRS. A. LEVY Dry Goods Our Dry Goods of every description are splen did, new, and up-to-date. Don't fail to call on us for whatever you want. ::::::: We are, as usual, the Leaders In rionroe. A. LEVY Siimt Waist Sets, Belt Jiucklcs, Belt pins, Placket pins. A new assortment of the NEW SPUING STYLES just arrived. Prices 25 cents and up. W..E. LINEBAOK, The Jeweler, Monroe, N. C. I New Buo'aies! aud Harness. We have just gotten in a car load of new buggies and have am another car on the road. All grades, from the cheapest f to the finest rubber tires. Also a lot of Harness just received. X See us for fine livery turnout-. A. X .a, M fjsw . m mm. a. ' A -.4 J