THE MONROE JOURNAL Telephone N. I Tuesday, November 21 104. Local Happenings. Mrs. V. J. Rudge u v biting in Coucord. Mr. and Mrs. C. C. Sik returnwl Bat unlay from tbe World's Fair. Dr. and Mrs. J. W. Xw.1 kit tbU morning fur the World's Fair. Everything will lie cloned at tbe Oil Mill on Tbaukiviug lhy. Mr. Ihtvia AriufiVld ami Mim rattie Lr are visiting in A I be aiarle. The Fridar Afternoon IUik Club will meet with Mrs. It. A. Coving too Friday afternoon at 3::M. There are now fifty-two band on the rbain gung, the largest uum ber in aouietiine. Mr. W. J. I'ratt of New York hao rouie to Monroe for his health. He is boarding at Mi) Caldwell's. Miss F.thel Moore is vutiting the family of ber father in law, Mr. 1). F. Moore, at I'laius. MiM Kfli Johnson f Meckleu burg is visiting Mrs. W. T. Whit fit-Id. Mr. E. W. Grifliu left this morn ing for the West to buy stock for the I nion Trade and Live Block Company. Mr. Ham Long, son of 'Squire W. (1. Long, has lieen roniielled to return from wake roret ol lege on amniut of bis health. The vote of Mr. li. K Kedwine for representative at smith Monroe preoiiu't was incorrectly stated last week. It was l.VI, instead of V'X Mr. P. II. Higgera of Coneord is visiting in towu. lie has lately sold out bis business iu Concord and bus not yet decided where he will go. Mrs. MaggieStiirdivant, who bad been in Mismsnippi with her daugh ter for uie time, returned home last week. Hhe will teach at Hi iff, in Goose Creek. Mr. Heury W. I'UMser, who linn for a long time rtiu a store at oar, is preparing to move to Chester field, where he will merchandise ami furni. Kd Itcdfeai'ii, son of Watt Ked fearn, colored, who works for Mr. K. C. Williams accidentally shot and killed biiuself this morning, while ont hunting on llrowu creek. No purtirulars of the accident have jet been received here. '8iuire A. C. Jolinsou performed two marriage wreinonies Holiday. They were Mr. K. II. Trice to Mrs. Thetistirillin, snilMr. Isaac Cooper to Miss Mary 11 Simpson, at the residence of the bride's father in north Mouroe. Ou the night of iHrembcr the second there will lie ft fine musical entertainment In the opera house, for the benefit of the Indies' Aid rWicty of the Methodist church. Tbe entertainment will be given by Charlotte parties. The crib of Mr. Sanford King, who lives two miles west of Wax haw, was burned Friday night. Mr. King bad just finished putting ,'tlKI bushels of corn in the crib on, Friday, and all of it was lost. The origin of the lire is unknown. Mr. N. 8. Matthews, who lately sold out to Mr. A. J. 1'riee at Wsrdlaw, will move, with his mother, to Monroe the first of Jan uary. They will hoard with Mr. It. V. Lemuioud. Mr. Matthews will prolialily go into the real estate business. Messrs. T. J. Payne and J. C. Bikes, Jr., left yesterday for Mt. Airy, where Mr. Payne will lie married this evening to Miss Hudie Yokley of that place. Mr. Hikes is liest man. Mr. Payne will bring his bride directly to Monroe and they will board at the Central for the present A very sad death of one of the young men students of Wingate oc curred Sunday night. It was that of Mr. Vann Allen of Steele's Mills. Lost Wednesday night he was taken violently ill, apparently with appendicitis. He was carried to St. Peter's iu Charlotte and died Sunday night. He was a bright young man and greatly liked by his fellow students. Miss Kllen Elizabeth Howey will be married at nine o'clock this evening at the home of her mother, on Lafayette street, to Mr. Joel E. Fowler of Georgia. There will tie a reception from nine to eleven, and the couple will leave ou the midnight train. Miss Howey is a pretty and pcpular young lady and has many friends to wish her much happiness. The groom is iu tbe employ of the Bouthern, and the conple will live at Taylor, 8. C. 'Squire V. T. Chears, chairman of the county board of elections, went to Norwood last Thursday, aud, with the chairmen from Stan ly, Anson and Davidson, canvassed the vote for senators from this dis trict 'Squire Chears was made chairman of the body. The total vote in the four counties was: Wil liams, 6.7U9; Coxe, 5,712 both Democrats; Wall, 3,370; Stone, 3,385. The latter two Republican. There will be a Thanksgiving and praise service at the Preabyt rian chnrch on Thursday morning at 10:30 o'clock. The service will be conducted by Rev. W. F. Wat ton. It is hoped that this service may become a permanent feature of the churches of the city each ThankairiviDC Day. A cordial in vlution is riven to all to attend. This service will not conflict with to service In tbe churches la the evening. If yon want to please your best girl, nioUier, or anyone, give mem a photograph made oy oy Boyoe's photographs i lease every body. Prices o. k. Mr. Howard Mclauly of Char lotte, son of Mr. Gen. C. Mtl-arty of this towiudiip, was arridrutally shot in tbe arm in the hardware store of the Allen Hardware Com pany of Charlotte Saturday morn iug. Mr. McLarty went in tbe store for the pur, of buyiug a shovel and coal M-uttle, aud was stauding in the back Mart of the store, about IU feet away trow Mr. Cat hey, who was showing a pistol to a railroad man. Mr. Cat bey was snapping tbe pistol, which was of ..'W calibre, to show its action, when it was discharged, the bullet euteriug Mr. McLarty'a arm be tween the ellmw and the shoulder. The Hesh of the arm was penetrat ed, and though the wound gave considerable pain, it was fouud not to lie dangerous. Mr. Mcljrty was standing with his back to Mr. ( i they, in such a mauner that when the bullet left the pistol, a step to tbe front would have caused bun to miss it altogether, w hile a back ward step, iierhaiMi, would have giveu hiiu a fatal wound. A young man, J. C. Ilowdcn, of a prominent family, hired a horse aud buggy at a livery stable in Charlotte Saturday to drive one hour. Instead of going back be drove to Monroe and stopiied at Sikes' stables, and acted in such a way and told such a story as to arouse the suspicion of Mr. V. D. Sikes, who was in charge. The young mail first represented him self as Mr. Wadswnrth of Char lotte, then as someone else, aud of fered to sell the horse aud buggy for fid. Mr. Sikes got out aud 'phoned to Charlotte to Mr. Ieui moud, a livery man there, who owned the horse, and was request ed to have the young mau held. He was put in jail, and on next dav, through his attorney, Mr. J. C. Sikes, Jr., succeeded in compro mising the case, by paving dam ages to the owner of the horse. To pay up the cost of his escapade, he telegraphed to bis father at Wil mington lor money, winch was sent. Saturday three weeks ago, a quiet boy, apparently 12 yean of age, walked into the express ollice uud asked for change forf.V Mr. II. D. Browning handed out the change, the boy laid a bill ou the counter slid went out. The bill was wadded up, and on oieniug it Mr. Drown ing found it to lie af.'O bill instead of a f ") one. He went out to call the bov, but the latter had already- disappeared. Mr. Drowning said nothing, but thought the boy would surely discover his mistake and come back, but he has not done so. It is hard to explain how any boy, tew of whom at that age handle much money, should have a '-'0 bill and think it ". Mr. Drown ing says he will know the boy when he sees him, and if be will come up he can get his 15. The marriage of Miss Onie Iw Itodiuan to Mr. Kmest Lee Drown occurs at six o'clock, at the home of the bride's parents at Wax Isirn, this evening. The attendants are Miss Isibcl Stacy, maid of hon or; Miss Margaret McMillan of Ay coth, Ga., Miss Kliziilieth Mt-Clin-toch of Charlotte and Miss Pearl Itodiuan, sister of the bride, brides maids. Mr. ('. II. Kosebro of Cleve land will be best man, aud Messrs. Flowers of Charlotte, Drown of Cleveland and Sherrill of Mount I'lla will act as groomsmen. Miss AiiiiIh Sanders of Wingate will preside at the piano, and Miss Klina Warburton of Rockingham will render a solo. Mrs. Catherine IVxiley died Sun day morning at her home in Mom roe. She was 1 1 years old and a devout member of the Catholic church. She was stricken with paralysis last Thursday night. rather Francis of Charlotte came down Friday morning and admin istered the last sacraments. The body was interred at Charlotte, from St. Peters church, where requiem mass was celebrated. Mrs. Dooley leaves two sons, Mr. James Doolcy of Wilmington and Mr. P. M. Dooley of Monroe, and two daughters, Miss Maggie Dooley aud Mrs. f . A. Teuant of Monroe. The silver tea given by the aux iliary of tbe Baptist church nt the residence of Mr. C. II. Kichaidson, Friday night, was well patronized, aud the ladies realized 'IN on the piano fund. Fourteen ladies repre sented as many different books, and a souvenir was offered the one guessing the greatest number. Miss Until Vt illiams, daughter or Mr. J. II. Williams, won the prize, guess ing every one correctly. Rev. Dr. Rowe and family ieave tomorrow for Salisbury. No man has ever lived here who carried away more of tlio good wishes of the people than Dr. Kowc, and me departure of none has caused more geueral regret. Rev. F. W. Dradley, who has been returned to the Monroe cir cuit, is received with pleasure by his several congregations for anoth er year, tie is an earnest aim use ful minister, much beloved oy nis people. Douglas Leftwich iu opera house next Chnreday evening. Tickets on sale at Shute's. Prices 25 and 50 cents. Special price of 15 cents to graded school children. Buy your raisins, currants, dates aud citron from W. A. Stewart & Bro. Right fresh aud the best made. If vou want a eood hearty langb, . - - . . . one with n dissatistaction- ana pang of regret after it is over, go to bear Douglas Leftwich next Thursday eveuiog. Dr. II. Smith, eyesight specialist of Mouroe, N. C, will visit Marsh ville Saturday, Nov. 20th, at hotel one day only Another car load of New York cabbage will arrive about the last of this week. They will be sold cheap. A. O. Johnson. Best homemade niolassM, made by T. F. James. L. 8. Holms. Talkinrf 1 i at:i en.. r i "I saw six bales of cotton brought I in on one wagon this morning," said a geutlemaa yesterday. I "Ana, lie cvntinuea, "it asea u break a wagon down to baul two on it." "You ought to write often in your paper," said Dr. J. C. Kowe to tbe writer, "about tbe way a good many people treat their stock. Many wen briug their horse to town, tie them np with the harness on all day, without food or water. seeming to think that these faith ful creatures have no feeling. It is a shame to a wan to mistreat or ucglect bis horse." Pretty soon after this conversa tion the same writer met Rev. Dr. Higga of the Episcopal church, aud bis mind was on the same subject. ''I have just come across the best story I ever saw," said he. "It is alwut the love the Japanese sol diers have for their horses. We say that these men are pagans, but I tell yon that a man who ran act towards his horse as the soldier did has some of the elements of tbe true belief in him." The story is published on the lirst page. 'I don't admire W. J. Bryan in many respects," said Dr. W. B. Houston after the landslide, "but I lielieve he is the biggest and truest man in any party in this country, and that the country will know it, too, some day." Here are some more after-election reflections. This brother had the "fine Npa mldnlrM drrarjr, A I i-. . nl wrry" feeling as be went home on the night of elect uiii, after bearing that it was all np. So be wrote: "KoWTrlt teflrrlnl. Ain't It nittrhiy Kmntl: CiMtlilr l thr l-l di. In lit -fctulhrm Untj. W hllr man In the utorvrttott. pMr -SuckrV on u r firm: CtMttttr nit muat-le, In hit brvwny mtm. t'h king tilrultnr: ('n I ttfiwr hi rrarfH-, S"rnl ! In u tlr. W hit mnn In in imlth hop, Hniiimi-rlnff tin Ihr lrl : C.miiu- at Ihf rhlrkA tnmU Unking up n aivnl. W hit man In Hip munlry. Working on the farm: Nrtfn. In III rlljr. Ki-Iiik vry warm. Whltr man In thr ton mom, HaititlnK out 111 rlmr: Kifro at iti. voiniK la-e, IiInIiIiih mil Ihf Mif r. Whllr lt.r In thr kltolin. swtnmnir t ami krtilra: Co"iil on tli Inirhwava, I'lajiliiitot ihr lll,lli-a. W hli at thr wain il-, svmltMnff on Ihr lioaril : Ml l'o..nir in a rvil tlrr, llrlvlnit up III road. Cooiitr. won't you work for nr No. aim. no! Koon-trlt I In thr Whltr Houa, I am IT. jrnu know." Not in the history of this good county has it been bkwsed with a poet laureate. We have, on divers occasions, felt the need or one, 'Tis true, we have occasionally bad song that showed a limited amount of genius. Indeed, the hies of The Journal will show a nuiutier of such. But not before have we hail one of surpassing talent Who is it t That is a small matter. What difference does it make as to the mere name that a poet may have, provided be have the poetry t If it were a matter of any consequence, we might say that his name is Houston I). A. Dut what's the use to talk of that t Tbe important fact is, that we now have a poet laureate, and The Jour nal promises to prod biiu up to singing often. 'I have lately travelled by pri vate conveyance in several adjoin ing counties in this State and South Carolina," said 'Squire V. T. Chears yesterday, "and nowhere have I seen such evidence of im provement, thrift aud prosperity as I see in Union." "You'd be surprised," said Mr. S. U. Blair, "to know the amonut of money that is dropped into this little box," as a bystander tried to count the nickels and dimes in the little cradle which sets as a collec tion box on the drng store show case. The little box is suggestive. Made in tbe shape of a tiny cradle, it rocks back and forth holding the picture of a little child, with ont stretched arms, saying, "Help find me a home." At Greensboro there is a society which does this, finds homes for homeless children. It is not an orphanage, but the society simply finds tbe little waifs and provides them with homes in good and childless families. These box collections go to help pay the ex pense. If every man who stops during the next month to bny a cigar, will drop something into the little cradle, it will be running over. "I never saw farm labor so scarce," said Mr. M. A. Walters of Zoar Saturday. "I'p until right recently I never had any trouble in getting help. I have always made tbe rule to give a Job to every man who came my way if I could do so without actual loss, aud in that way I managed to get plenty of help when I needed it. But this is uo longer so. Tbey don't oonie." "You'd be surprised," said Mr. R, A. Morrow, "to know bow much tobacco is nsed in this county Now, we don't claim to sell but about half that is sold, and we have shipped here already tbia year fonr solid car loads and enoogD in broken cars to make two more. All this was worth about tmOOO. Yon can see front this that Union county consumes a lot of it" "I call attention to the fact" said Mr. K. A. Armfield, that tbe Armfield precinct in Bnford town ship, is the banner Democratic box of the county. There Mr. Kooae ome Made Have your cake, muffins, and tea bis cuit home-made. They will be fresher, cleaner, more tasty and wholesome. Royal Baking Powder helps the house wife to produce at home, quickly and eco nomically, fine and tasty cake, the raised hot-biscuit, puddings, the frosted layer cake, crisp cookies, crullers, crusts and muffins, with which the ready-made food found at the bake-shop or grocery does not compare. Royal is the greatest of bake-day helps. OVAl SARINS NWMI CO NtW VOM. velt received only two votes, and tbe Republican candidates for the legislature received none." "Tbe development ot the country store bnsiuess in this county has been wonderful, ' said a merchant who keeps up with the business, "Tbere must now be forty country stores in the couuty, and every one of them is doiug well. They now have a little advantage over tbe retail trade of the same class iu town, Tbey can buy from jobbers at the same price, aud have less expeuse." "The last one of the old darkies of our neighborhood died last night," said 'Squire Heury Mc Whorter of Wilsou's Old Store yes terday. "It was old Aunt Jane Nelson. She was a good old woman and well liked by tbe white people." Country Merchants I Save your money by buying ap ples from me. Thirteen good full pecks in a barrel for 12.(15. Sound apples; good eating. John R. Simpson & Co. A barrel of fine sour kraut, at John It Simpson & Co.'s. Lamps, lanterns, night lamps ! Call for them at your own price. John It Simpson & Co. Come around and try a 2 pound can of that fine Carnja coffee the best in town for the money. John It Simpson & Co. j Big lot of ctispadorea for sale cheap. John R. Simpson & Co. Good prepared buckwheat, for break last or supper. John It Simpson & Co. Best oatiiakes, 10c. a package. 1 John R. Simpson & Co. You can get any thing you waut, from one cent up, at John It Simpson & Co.'s. Mince meat, at John R. Simpson & Co.'b. Entertainment Thursday Night. Dr. W. W. landrum -f AtUnU says of Mr. Insiglas Leftwich, who appears in tli (iera house here next Thursday nijrlit: "Mr. IVsigU jrfl- wit h, w tv .m 1 have been glad fr rars U niimU-r amoug-my personal j friends. jive i-h an entertainment ' as thoroughly fills my rapacity fnr an evenings pleasure. His xili throbs in hm song and stories, and ; it is a jolly, healthy soul that makes! its-!f catching. Though by scci-! dent of birth a Virginian, which ;tonie folks think mighty lucky fori him. Mr lj-flwk'h can transform ;himst-tf at will into the oldtime dar key, and whether he warbles strains 'of sentiment, or turns himself kaise in a negro dialect ballad, lie always , finds me immediately and heartily 1 resiainsive. Ing mav lie make folks laugh and grow fat" Not a Sick Day 5incc. "I w:is taken severely sick w ith kid ney I rout ile. I tried all sorts of med it-lues, none of which relieved me. due day 1 saw an ad. of your Klec tric Bitters and determined to try that. After taking a few doses I felt relieved and soon thereafter was en tirely cured, and have not seen a sick day since. Neighbors of mine have Ix-cn cured of rheumatism, neuralgia.liver and kidney troubles and general debility. This is what It. F. Hassof Fremout, N.C., writes. , Only .'""c at Knglish Drug fa's. LvER & IaEE, THE LEADING BET GOODS, I0TI0IS, CLOTHUG, CUTS' iCIHSSUGI, liT 110 SHOE STOEI II I0IR0E. Special Notices. Advertisement! will bs inserted in this column at the price of one cent t word, cash in advance. COLORED TEACHERS -Two or three may get employment by applying to County Superintendent. LOST One brooch Rhinestone pin, star shspe, Kewsrd. Return to Miss Annie Williams. WANTED A responsible party, preferably a rood farmer, to devote part of hie time between now and February, to wiling genuine Pe ruvian Guano in Union county. Must have acquaintance and confidence of the farming community, and must thoroughly appreciate the advantages of Geuuiue Peruvian Guano over man ufactured fertilizers before undertak ing this work. This is t good oppor tunity for right party. Write, giving references, to Smith-Davis Co., Im porters, Wilmington, N. C. BIG SALE On Friday, Nov. 2$, 1 will sell at auction, at my resi dence io New Salem township, a mule, wagon, good buggy, corn, louder, shucks, straw, hay, wheat, household and kitchen furniture, carpenter's tools, farming implements, cotton, bay, etc A. Baucom. IEG sour pickles at W. A. Stowart lift Bros. OR RENT The 6 room cottage on Church street within short distance of court house. Hot aud cold water, barn with two stalls and feed room and good garden lot, Apply to R. B Kedwine. 1 1 ANTED Two unfurnished rooms II one or both on first floor, in eas tern or central part of town. Address K. S., general delivery, city. PR SALE Good young borse. Will Duncan, Monroe R. F. D. l. BRING your pork to Parker's Market and get tbe highest price. Don't sell till you see me, J. D. Parker. PR RENT Good two-horse farm one mile southeast of Mouroe; dwelling and barn. Mrs. 0. A. Covington. FOR RENT Farming land on tbe Wolf Pond road, one mile south of town. Apply to Mrs, Ella Doster. Oysters for Thanksgiving! Hand in your orders now for Thanksgiving oysters. We want to have a plenty on hand. John It SimiMon Si Co. iQ,,k . i... ...i iyi . toes lor K like a big city place," said a trav Iiciiiemher you always get the elliug man at our store. W e have best meat at 1'arker s market. TrO Cum-s of the bent tomatoes that money ran buy, at ltic. wt can. Three good :t lb. cans toma 31. t . Broom. anything vou want John R. Simpson & Co. Now opeuiug up our Christmas goods. We will have a better line of toys than you ever saw before. John U. Simpson & Co. Express wagons from UN-, up to tl, at Johu K. Simpson & Co.'s. Barrel of rranlierries, for 1 hanks giving. Johu R. Simpson & Co. Lot of fine pickles, at 10c. a doz en, at John R. Simpson X Co.'s. Call at John li. Simpson & Co.'s for a sack of that fine Melrose llour the finest you ever eat. Lamps and lamp chimneys in sweet many styles. I Thev Fresh oatiiakes, Heintz's sweet mixed pickles, uiiiice meat aud apple butter, at W. A. Stewart fi Bra's. Send to Parker's Market for the liest all (silk sausage, best mixed !eef and pork sausage, and nicest rousts. Finest oysters and freshest fish on hand all the time. Also ground bones for chickens. Bring me vour Hirk and leaf sage. 'I'boneill. J. D. 1'arker. "ltelialile'' hams are the best, at W. A. Stewart & Bro.'s. Just in rived .'III of apple butter, preserves, jellies, relishes: mixed and sour pickles, have to Is- sold, (live me John R. Simpson Co. 'your order. M. C. Broom. Silver Set Free! We are preparing to give away, absolutely free, a hand some $50 Silver Service. Ev ery one of our customers gets a ticket for every dollar cash which they spend with us and the prize will be awarded as soon as all tickets are given away. Look in our window and see this handsome set. Come and get a ticket before they are all gone. MRS. A. LEVY. WATCH sod Clock Repairing For quality of work sod cheapness of price, I won't be beat, W. Ogburn, at Ogburn'a store. THE JOURNAL has so unusually baodsotne line of premiums for new subscribers and fur old subscrib ers who pay s year la advance. PAWN BROKER'S CLOTHING. Tbe nicest and cheapest lot of clothing ever offered for sale in this section. Men's, boy's sod children's suite, odd coats, paots add vests, all wool and strictly sanitary, at- yoor pries. Come sod see. Only io min utes walk northeast of eonrtbouse. J. H. Benton, Monroe, N. C A Solid Gold Watch Free! Think About It! I give you every cent's worth of the money you spend with me for WATCHES, CLOCKS. JEWELRY, SILVERWARE, CUT GLASS, NOVELTIES, ETC., as my prices are the low est first-class reliable goods can be sold for, and I guarantee everything; I sell to be just as I represent it to you. For every 50c. cash purchase, I will give you a ticket en titling you to one chance at the solid gold watch I am going to give away on Christmas Eve. The lucky person who holds the correct number can have their choice of either a lady's or gentleman's watch. See them in my window. W. EL LINEBAGK, The Jeweler, Monroe, N. C. If You want to buy a suit for a child, youth or man. we think you will limt it to ymir inb-rvst to call and iwt-oiir lim-. lur lmi- of SIkh-s is (imilete. Wo run lit both vmir tivt and iki-t U..k. lilies' .hu ki ts and C& and Cliildrfn's ltn-fcrs clu-aK-r llian evi-r before. Yard wide Sheeting at 5c. Yard wide IVroal at .V. An excellent value of Outing at 5 cents kt yard. In fact, on anything you want to buy we w ill give you correct prices. McRAE MERCANTILE CO. We have the largest and best line of SHOES in town, including The Gainsville and Elkin Home-made Shoe and can suit you in style, quality and price. Examine our stock and be convinced. We also have an up-to-date line of Clothing, Hats, Caps, Dress Goods, Dry Goods, etc. We are here for business. If you cannot come yourself, fall in line and send your children, and A 1 fll 1L - Model io. iney win receive me same cour tesy that you would secure in person. Respectfully, McRAE MERCANTILE COMPANY. Phone 45. iimiiiuMiniuuiiiiiiiiuiiiiiiiniiitiiiiiiitiMiitiiiiimitiiitiiniiuuiiiimmtNinmm i 3 I New Location! I have now moved into my new store, I three doors from the Post Office. Here you 2 I will find one of the nicest lines of Watches, I Clocks, Jewelry, Silverware, Cut Glass, 1 I and Chinaware that was ever shown in I I Monroe. It will be to the interest of every fi I one to come and look and get my prices 1 before buying. g I w. s. KRAUSS, I The Monroe Jeweler. SiraiiiiiiiniiiitiJiuiiiiiiiiiMiiiiuiiiiiiiuiMiiiiiiiuuiiiiiiiiMfiiuri mtmttMnrtiMil $gi 6IVEH JSP 11 rrlLL! Insurance Headquarters! FIRE, LIFE, ACCIDENT, HEALTH, Plate Olaw and Fidelity Bonds! Tb Liverpool & London & Globe, Aetna, Hartford, New York Underwrit era, Fir Association of Philadelphia, North Carolina Home, Piedmont, Southern Stock Mutual, Pboeais, North British & Mercantile, London Assur ance Coi-poration, National Springfield Fir and Marine, German American, St. Paul Fire ft Marine. We write Burglary, Accident, and Health, PUte Glsss and Liability for The Maryland Casualty Co. and The Employers' Li ability Assurance Corporation. We write your Boilers in tbe Hartford, aad we represent the largest and best life insurance companies In the world. No stronger ageocy in the South. We make insurance our bosiaesa and can therefore give roe the best at the minimum cost. All loeaea promptly ad justed aad paid without discount. The Insurance Department of People's Bank, W. M. GORDON, Agent, Monroe, N. 0 We will on Christmas Eve give to the lucky one a $65.00 Wheeler & Wilson 5-drawer, drop-head Sewing Machine. With every 50 cent cash purchase we will give you a ticket. Goods are right and prices right. The W. J. Buda e Co. Books, Stationery, Jewelry.