FOR HGNCR'S SAKE a, CATHERINE ICVIS wvvwvwwwwwfa. I avswwwV" mm.MdVl 1 7 Borrowing I 5 8 5 8 -i r t s B Ami I'l All ATT 9 8 IUU1 lJJLUllCyJ i : On (M. 1st your notes and tie- ;! rouiita wen due, lut you wanted ! to hold futtou for higher price, ji Hi is an sauie old story ou Nov. j 1st, and, HlJ cotton declining j every day, e cau't M you to pay j us. You are simply borrow i tig our ',' nioney to sweulale. i We have giveu you every oi'ivk- i; i! Tl'MTVand l AvrvnK the eoltou ; X market all.iriled -all the Atx!Mi- !j ! li.iTttis any reasonable mau inuld i I a,k and yet you vou't ay usaud ! X ant to hold cot tou louder. j!j We say to you. in all candor, that we want immkiiuik t:rn.K ! $1 HUNT IN Ki ll. t'K Al l. AitnlNrX i Vj AVI NuTKK. If you insist ou Uot Ji j! ayint; us we ire going to give ;! fl M.VIMIoliY Tkol M.K. A wold to i S the ise is siillicient. X ltKrit I.kk IUkkwakk i'ii. ;! Heath-Lee Hardware Co. wwiMMJ j WU1 tbe aivbl before IL 4. "I hall njr rurtii frum IU rut(aM.ta ewr ItxT to Bivrl Cullki a be eutiwr ul flue IwftiuJ lii bluffs, alki I lull 4a tuf Iwl la kill him. will M sut (uult.; . I M to to twra at UiU tuiue boar i.iiimctuw alcbt' Servant dirt Ucts VSCftO. ! e. iM.palrk flk alt Miwtiertrude Tanoehill of thia rity. (or aeveraj Teu a arrrmnt ia the New York house of Cbarlea E. : Ho)t, preaideul of the Ho) t Metal l ur it am tiu. elave tbe Jut t'otupauv of St. Ixmiis, ha beea bt t!kl about tbe tri waa alL quealhed f 0.(H0 by bia wilL Tb Thrr u N traKin(. oo Tartuc but a quid, (no) ttrumulaaUtfav llnljr tbe i"o bojr vara to wltise-a tbe cvwbu duri. aad thrf tram polul afar off Not a wont waa dift-U to tbe ulnta (uaarocera who .t,'-l f.r bnrakruat at S w'rlut-k la the ui.miliuj arirr au all al-bt rlda. At W Vluia al ! la tba d.rwJ Thrr waa a bun of talk at tba Tliree " ran. b. at thr ur X at tb nwd bou- UHvu tbem anU at thr tbi or four i-alHMvd cablua aluoa bip KuJke -r a Tb-r bad Uva a clJb liawtt lhir ll.o.l.TK.-a ot llw Tbnv SI.'iw aiKl liuliki lluiua- yun f tlw tour 'a It bad Iw n rt- rl to a Bnf allt-uui nit a. r. nittl for lotii! ai-'-k. and flnalli aliula the rudU-u alivt.ta of aaiielirwli 1W- ba.l lm rtbiiiii:nL and tiuillo bad hliid twr ran tbe cnttuuaoml Hue bera alit-allr avnihlrd. Mea bad inter-1 arhi.-b uiarknl tba titer ruunM. and (ered Ibru. but B"t until a duel to tb tbe bluffa. Hut tbe ILi at tlw leaato. aani( with rte. Deaaratue from a hrtu of New York la avert repreKDHag tbe Hoy ea tateJ The millionaire, died few day a ago. Seven year ago Mr. Hoyt broke doa a under the strain ot an unusu ally active career and it waa then that the Wheeling girl entered bia death on taorwiiuk leen arraotad to come o!I a e Inter. Tbe widow wbo had o-tne to a-t aa Uthllady at tbe rwd a year ! wna to Hie whK-w llutwr and her daughter VtoU. tbe Intler a girl of eUblwti Tbcir dare waa a hnae of rail for tmeler an.1 waa well iiatruuiard. altlK-'iih there waa ud bar and no ll.Utv waa sold. If tbe ae'enljr-fl eowbujra employ ed on be three mutiauoua raiu-bea were a u; It In de.-lurltii X l-da Ilutr to to tbe baikbauneat. eiitt, J.lllet !trl ever aeen on the irraima' itrouuda of tlw wet. tliere w:i uu one to dia pnte. If half t!ie utmitor fell In bv at tlrt algbt. Unit waa only to to e pei'tL la-t It to aald. hoenr. that the itirl waa not a coquette ami tbat tbe abira tlou and adulation were entirely un oucbt f r NiT iliuat one Jinup to the roii. lnaion that tlilrty or rrty cow boys rule down to tbe rtaidbonse and fere.1 marrlatie In am-eeasbm. tn tbe contrarj. few of them eer p.swl a worl with the girl or tfot more tliaa a rllmpMt of her. They aluiply bel In tlie abntrmt IVrbapa ten of the lot In the i-oiiroe of a year bad rtiinl Ilea for eunreiwntlon. altlioutrh ly tw, of them danM to natter her or acenk nf love I Hive llemler- aou. ermllled wllh I Ml one ef the amnrti-t of the Antlo -Saxon rnwlmya. ami Hie other was ilulllo lliiinanui. a Melan who couht trace ln an.s-try buck to klns. All other Mexicans ou the rancbea were spoken of aa itreaa- 11. W. Itiker. J. C. Foard. BAKER & POARD, Dealers in Marble and Granite Monuments. Iu erecting a tiumiiini'iit to your relative or friend you are perform ing a lalwr of love, and paying your last tribute to the departed one. It ia hut litting and appropriate that the iinality of the monument should he such as to indicate the high esteem in which yotl hold the memory of your friend. No shoddy material is w orthy to inter into it. Duly the U-st ill do. The workmanship also should he of high order. Come to see us. We can furnish monuments of the most modern and artistic design. We are now buying stock of higher grade than thai heretofore used by marble men iu this section of country. We are buying largely and are now in a position to serve you. Monroe, X. ('.. Sept. I'oth. l'.MH. A. D. N. WHITLEY, M. D., having located at Union ville, N. C, offers his professional services to that place and surround ing country. Unionville phone 8; Sincerity 4 idr.bcTearnj DSNTIST. Chargei reasonable. Satisfaction RuaraiitutJ. Office over RtidKe's Book Store. aONROE.N.C Will be it Mamhville, N. C, on first and third Muudaya of each month, and at Matthews on aecoud and fourth Mondays. I'hone 2ji JOHN P. MONROE, M. d., MONROE. N O. Day calls answered from Houstnn't drug store and olnce, 'phone 229. MkIiI from C"nmercial Hotel, 'phone 230. W. "HOUSTON," " SURGEON DENTIST, Office up stairs, Fitzgerald Huildiug Northwest of Courthouse, Monroe, N. C. Jno.1 jeauld.'. MONKOK, N. C, Solicits tht patronage of the people ol Monroe and surrounding community Calls answered in day from English Drug Store; at uight from residence on Church street. Phone No 48. Henry D. Stewart, M.D., MONRO R, N. C. Services rendered promptly and honestly. Day calls from Simpson's drug store, 'phone 35; or office in rear of dordon 4 Thompson s insurance office, 'phone 1, Night calls from re ideoce 'phone, 141. Office hours 10 to ta, 1. m. MONRCE, N. C. Calls answered in day from English Dtug Store; at night from room over English Drug Store, phone 98. Office over post office; phone 98. LORENZO MEDLIN, Attorney and Counselor at Law, MONROF, Jt. C, will pntftlt-- In anv nf llii f.mrN ami will tT!vr n till mrvful atH-tiU-ni 1 unv lmini-e-utnt-Jr.i in (miii t !lii-Hi , iit in thf l."an ah. I Tnit Hill I li tiht Miss Julia B. Hunter, Stenographer, will do typewriting at reasonable prices for all who may desire her ser vices. Urhce in Loan Trust Build nig. second ftior. I'hone No. 20. Hours: From 9:30 to 12, a. in., anJ from 2 to 4:50, p. m. SOHT. L. STFVENS J. C. SIKES, JK, STEVENS & SIEES, Attorneys and Connselors-tt-Lai, Monoe, N. C, Prompt attention given to all mat lers placed in our hands. Management of estates for guard ians, admiuistratois and eiecutors a jpecialty. Charges reasonable, Offices in Loan and Trust Huildiug. .ti. Kedwine. A. M. Stack REDWINE & STACK. Alforneys-al- Law, MONROE, N.C. Practice in all the State and Feder il Courts. Will manage estates foi ecutors, Administrators and Guar bans for reasonable pay; and will foreclose mortgages and negotiate loans, without expense to Mortgagee; od Money Lenders, when practicable. Offices in Loan and Truat Building. N. S.OGBURN, 1st Magistrate and asks a share of tba work in tbat line in L'nion county. B. C. WILLIAMS I. W, LIMMOND WILLI IMS & LEMMOND, Attorneyt-at-Law, MONROE, N.C. Practice in all th State and United Statee Courts. Prompt attention given to collec tions and general law practice. ftePeraont interested in the settle Oi.nt of estates, administrators, exe cutor, and guardians are especially Invited to call on them. Continued and painstaking attention iU b given, at a reasonable price, to all legal business. ' Offices in Loan and Trnat Building. G.BJMCE, M.D., Reaidenre Phooe, No. 174, Having located in Monroe offer his service to the tow and lorroanding country. Disease of the stomach and bowel specialty. Office over tbe English Drug Co. '1 drug store. Calls answered in the day from the Eoglish ajrog (torn Of residence, at night from rteideoce. ' iENRY B. A0AHS. THOMAS J. JEI0UI FRANK ARMFIELD. Adams, Jerome & Armfleld, HTT0RNEY8 T Lit, MONROE. N.O. Practice in all the Courts, State and Federal The management of estates or executors, administrators a special ty. Careful diligent attention given to the foreclosure of mortgages and collection of claims. Money loaned without expense to lender. All litigation given prompt and careful attention. Offices in Loan and Trust Building. F. F. GRIFFIN, Attorneu and Counselor at Law, Will practice in the State and Federal Courts. Rplal attention Riven to the enllertlnn nf elaimii anri to the meiiaxement and nelllenient it enlAten fur Riiarilleiiit, administrator anil executor. Office 11 and IS la tha Loan and Truel uliuln. People's BanK OF MONROE, N. C. Solicit your aceoant end banking business. W guarantee ABSOLUTE SECURITY, promptness and all the accommodation tbat SOUND bank ing will admit of. Interest paid, ac cording to sgieement, oo deposits left for our stated period. Alway ready 'or loans on approved caper. O. P. HEATH. Preaident. THKHt WAS A FLAHH. a RRPORT AUD Ol ILLO Tt'MPLkli TO Till wHcl'NO. r Cuillo in Hlwiiya rrfi-rreil to st avtior. It Whs a nuipllniiiit ta III arlKturnlic fm-e. to hla liinxlvll rld Init and to h.s well know n oiirnt;e lis hiul Untti-reil the S-norltti HiiUt. aa ha CHllwl her He had looked ut hr In a laiik'iil'lilng uv ulil hiul upoken aoft word of love, hut he hud Ihi-ii met hy t dignity and a roMnina that fros him out. In tlie end the Held had bee-n left t Dave Henderson, mid. while the girl's choice hurt lirmicht to others huiullla tton mid chiiKrin. It hnrt ami been tacit ly approved by th tunjority of the un forrttnnte. la wan suinrt. He was g il fellnw. He on the road te aeeiire nn lntert In the big Three Utnra. tiuillo alone chagrluwl and retiKeful, and It eoon twnuie pnteul that he wn hlrtlnij hl time lo pruvuk an hITih)' and to ue Inn guua. It muni he hrouirht atut dtplouiutleally. It muat eonie In aueh a way aa to prtent an apeanin'' of falriipm or he would lx ld out tiy Imres friends. To this punxxe be lient all bta mental en ergies. When the rhinh flnully cam "the st nor," too. hnd hla barklnx. and when he demanded a duel on horarhark he was oiiiiomu-vrt to t within his rights. Then cam single whisper. Otven no attention, It soon became a bnsxlng. It was aald. eveu by aoiue of liave'a fiienila. that he had shown a touch of the white feather In the ttrst encount er, anil they doubted If he would do the Three Ptara credit on the day of tlie duel. Thene wliNpem rnicheI his ear, and he simply replied. "Walt." They reached the earn of the girl, and he set forth on her broncho and tried to trace them to their ainiree. Men shook their heads In dubious way and refused to give ber bonewt ao-sm-era. and at the end of three day ah asked I lave Hendernun himself: "You nnmt know what la being aald of you In connection with the duel?" He nodded hla bead. "And what do you mean to dof" "Kill Onlllor be curtly replied. i The words were plain euo'igh, but there wn something In tlie lover's general demeanor that sent chill to tb girl's heart Something perhaps Intuition told her that the man waa either coward at heart or be wa brave man who realized his danger and was a bit nervous over It "Tomorrow forenoon at 10 o'clock, (tiara mm uiuat ivw from the raii ruad. Burtdealy Viola etarted. There waa black ape. k auikl tbe gray t"i "f the .lavbrueh. The apevk grew aiI ehmgatcd. Then sl.a realised tliat the . ttpivr part -f the Dcure aaaieU uj rett:ilu:y It was toe movement cowlioy aixldeu drunk In hla oadJi j Viola's hpa avt Bruily and her tl.rvks Mnii. hl. for the uuy beurnth the Cgiire was the calico colored t r.-iKho of la llenderaon. TV broncho cantered uuerrliiiclv to h.r the girl aloud, and aa It t-r- ped, the Hk'ure of Iave Ileu.lrr.,.n alld lluipl) from aaddl to rtouu I. II eyes were blomUhot hla Ui-s torn where his tw-th had shut tight upun tlieiu. Hue arru-th rtght-biinf u lex at hie Ule and the dull tan of bt ".hi-" was stained with otlniaon. lleuderaon clutched at Ills addle poiuinel and uiuumhI It. lie awuu around In a Imlf circle and caught al tbe oir Jamb. "The bunch ou the Alameda arniya taiiipled laat ulght. Mighty-iue-r buinea. And 1 thia" He tried to ml"e the uninjured arm. but falle.1. "Trewcliery-trencli" Then be lurched through tb door war. and lay at her feet, inert The Alameda arroya: And be lias ridden from there to he on time- wih bis ar-1 like" Something bard and hot nw Iu the girl's throat, and for a minute ahe could not mole, could ii 't eveu go to the aid of ttie ninn "he lured. The primeval lntinct of niolherlmod wa hot within l er T!. huht love of the girl was smothered hj the tronkci emotion. She called to her mother, and they carried hi m Into tlie girl s ow n room and closed the d'tor. Ten minute Inter the Widow Hu- ber a working over the Injured cow boy, but the team rolling down her cheek were Uot for the limn, for dart Ing toward the grove of cottoiiwc da the calico miii.v of !nve Ilenderaou carried a Mgure that tried to ait up as straight and atllt as the broin lio'a owu er ever had Tbe cowboy, grouped on tb meaa watched the cnlh-o pony come out of the grove, and the sturdy little fray broncho Invariably ridden by Ouilto duli.-e.! gingerly from Milurt tbe blufT The two horsemen circled around ea h other with aplrilwt tacllca. and then Gulllo rnlee-l hi pUtnl and sliot In the air. Hut liefore the cowboy could give vent to their amusement the fig ure on the cnlh-o pony etned to rlae from Ihe saddle, an ami darted forth, there wsa a flash, a rvport and Gulllo tumbled lo the ground. With an angry roar at anch dlhn- orahle action no the part ol a meinler of their ow n band the white cowboys tore down the Incline, while from the MnlT rushed tlie stream of Mexican re tainers. The two bands reached the tot at mtlttiuieously. and their lender stopped abort, for the hat pushed back from the figure on the calico pony showed the face of Viola llutier. tiuillo rained blinwlf on the ellmwa "Sein Hetnlernou." be aneered, "was afruld. The scnorlta would ave his honor. I do not fight the duello with women!" The girl turned upon the men with dinning eye "He Ilea with his last breath! Iave Ilenderaon was stint before he ever reached the dueling ground. Ak htm about the midnight assault on Alameda trrov " Without another glance In the direc tion of the dying man she sprang lute the saddle, and tb group parted to let her pans. liar- 1 , ii,,, ,v Ah litt.4 the ,tiiitiiuiit ol bit ee 1 ot k borne and uui-tui-r home at AljfOiHjuin, Me., and waa fmiurully in nole charge of her invalid employer. She rvturn nl liAiiue about werk go and knew aliNolutely nothing of the mhI fortune that wan to hrfall ber anlil ahe received m formal ootifi c.ilion thereof tmlay. che baa liven tbe faithful MiiHrt of berated n-ii t, and more on tbeir account than anything rltar the girl aaysabv ia rxln-mrly huppy. ntplesaatle. Hla name Is not I'at, but he t given that nickname by all the paengers on the owl car, of which he I con ductor. The name I not misapplied for I'at la lrib from the sole of bis feet to tlie top of hla Iron gray bead. As a usual tiling Pat's paaaenger wear a auille, for he Is continually making remarks tbat fairly reck with humor. They are always witty, and Tat' rick brogue only makes them tb funnier. Pat has on bugbear Devlwidero street. He cannot for the life of him pronounce the atratige name aa bis passenger do. lie know It and will not try. bl on attempt having taught htm a leswon Recently on of th regular pa seen ger got ou tb car at Powell atreet He settled himself In ( corner of Uu ear and clined hla eye. lie tronaert Jrut as the car was turning from O'Far ret! street Into Iievlsadero and peered out Into ti e darknrsa. The car was going at aueh a rapid rate that he could not locate himself, o he turner) to I'at and aald. "What street ta thlaT Pat looked at htm and amlled. Be did all the pasaengera. Then Pit reached up and gave the bell cord vigorous pull. A th ear (topped hi grin became almost a laugh, and, leao mg over toward th passenger, be aa'd "It's the strata where yon get off." Ran Franrtaeo Pall. INSURANCE L. H. THOMPSON, Fire, Life, Accident, Health, Lia bility and all clashes of Cssuslity In surance. Only th beat aod strongest companies represented. I respectful ly aolicit your business, assuring prompt aod efficient attention to all matters. Office: Gordon k Thomp son' old stand. Pboa No. I. ASolid Gold Watch Free! Think About It! I give you every cent's worth of the money you spend with me for WATCHES. CLOCKS, JEWELRY, SILVERWARE, CUT GLASS, NOVELTIES, ETC., as my prices are the low est first-class reliable goods can be sold for, and I guarantee everything I sell to be just as I represent it to you. For every 60c. cash purchase, I will give you a ticket en titling you to one chance at the solid gold watch I am going to give away on Christmas Eve. The lucky person who holds the correct number can have their choice of either a lady's or gentleman's watch. See them in my window. W. E. LINEBAOK, The Jeweler, Monroe, N. C. Grip Quickly Knocked Out. "Some weeks ago during th sever winter weather both my wife aid my nelt contracted severe cold which peedily developed into th worst kind ot la grippe with all it miserable sym ptoms," says Mr. J.S. Eg lesion of Ha pie Landing, Iowa. "Knees and joints achiug, mutcles sore, head stopped op. eyes and nose running, with alternate spells of chills and lever. We began uMtig Chamber laiu's Cough Remedy, aiding the same with a dose of Cham herUin's Stomach aud Liver Tablets, atij by its liberal use soon completely knocked oul the grip." Tbese tablets promote a healthy action of the bow tit, liver and kiduevt which is always Oenehcial wheu tbe system is congest J bv a cold or attack of the grip. Foi alr by C. N. Simpson, Jr., aad S. J Welsh. 1-iily Did you ever fivlie though you d like to workt Tramp Yea'ni. I wouldn't mind Mil); lineimiu fur a wirflttet trie jntjih company. Judge. A Frightened Horse running; like mad dowu theatres! dumping' the iMfupantH. or a htm dred other airidetito, are every day uTtirreiui-a. It tiehtMivw every body to have a reliable anlve handy iii I there a none aa good aa ltui'k leu'a Arnica Halve. Hums, ruin. aires, eezruia and pile disapiH'ui j ii i k 1 y under ita (toothing eftect. at hiiKlinb J'riig lo. a. Jealousy ia always looking for Koiufthing it does not want to hud No flore Suffering. If you are troubled with indigestion jet a bottle of Kodol Dyapepsia Cure aud ee how quickly it will cur you jfu.A. Ihomsou ut Spencer, la., says: "Have had dyspepsia for 20 year wy case was almost hopeless. Kodol dyspepsia Cure was recommended and I . ltd a few bottles of it and it is the iuly thing that has relieved me. Would .lot be without it. Have doctored with local physicians aod also at Chicago, slid eveu went to Norway with hopes if getting soma relief, but Kodol Uys pepnia Lure I the only remedy that has done me any good, and 1 beartil) recommend it. fc'very person sulfermg ith indigestion or dyspepsia should ue it." Sold by English Drug Co acd J. Welsh. THE DEST If yoa ar Mreoa and tired eat easitiBissily yoa Mid have wo clearer waraiBf ef tbe aweiaack td sHwos tvsiai tnaibla. Ts art wail antil ywi suffer mar hewraU(jua beor von sark tmt kra. TiM Bard Win of Cardui now jwat as aaca aa J th trouble wet aur devaiope) aad tb tue tunag pain taf diaisr.lared sara straatioa. bearing eViwa Mia, awnarrtwea, ba kach and Vadr ache ware driving jnt to tb wa it " me of tardtti Money may tmy a tilace to live, hut it takes love to make a home. Mrs. Mary S. Crick of White Plains, Ky., writes: "I have been a dyspeptic lor years; tried all kinds of remedies hut continued to grow worse. By thr use of Kodol Dyspepsia Cure I begau to improve at once, aud after taking ( iew bottles am fully realored in weight. Health and strength and can eat what ever I like." Kodol digest what you rat sod will cur you. Sold by Eng lish Drug Co. and S. J. Welsh. It is a thirk aki nned man who will not Hi neb nt the truth. The Key that Unlocks the Door to Long Living. Th men of 83 and 90 year of age are not the rotund well fed, but thin, spare msn who live on a (lender diet. Be as i-ateful as ha will, however, a man past uiddle age, will occasionally eat too ouch ot some article ol food not lull ed lo Ins constitution, and will need lose of Chamberlain' Stomach and Liver Tablet lo cleanse and invigor ite his stomach aod regulate hi liver tud bowels. When this is don there no reason why the average man diould not live lo old age For sale by C. N. Simpson, Jr., and S. J. Welsh. The worst slaves of habit usually boiist of their chains. A CaHly nistake. Blunders are sometimes very ex pensive. (Vrfciioiially life itnelf is the price of mistHke, but you'll never 1 wrong if you take Dr. King's New Life Pills for dynnep- aia, dizziness, headache, liver or bowel troubles. They are gentle yet thorough. 2.rc, at Knglish Drug Co.'s. Honest effort is never a failure. The apologies of some atea sound wonderfully like brag. Apathy always succumbs to op position. No mau fails who tries his level best. tlChfcil I hit m nocliy Mountain lei Nugget: 4 Saty Isdlstas he Buy Fsmla Bristi 0Mm Haaltk eat lws Vigo. A tele fne (VmImiIh. Iiftlewrtloa. I.e il)4 Ki'lB-r trHiM. hwiplea. aVeMn), ln)p S.mI. Barf Hraath. Hlnrtch Hovel. Heaytae ad Raaaarh. Il s . r Mooetala Ta la la let fomv as eeats a ana. OerohM ma4a L Uucusrsa Dec Ooweaav. Naaiana. Wia. fttHOEN IUGCETT fO IAU0W ftOflt. M. L. FLOW, Cofflmlailoasr f Ddt tor Statl Ctnllu, 1i liorUUroliu: tin 1 mm m tat Psui ftrUsloa Cmtj, us Muy hsUc fcrUrellBi. :: Special attention given to takitrr Af Kdavit, Acknowledfemeot or Proof ol Deed, Mortgage, Cootnct. Bill of Silt, Power of Attorney, Renuncia tion of Dower and lobenlaace, Dep oaitions, Writing and Probating Deeds, Mortgage aod all other paper, leaning Stat Warrant, Claim aod Delivery and Attachment paper, Civil Sum moos and the Collection of Claim. Offica at M. L. Flow Co.' Star east of eoerthonse, Monro, N. C. failmar 11x1 that has brought hondmla ul tKoowski ot wcanea and will hcu.g too, Wiae ol Cardui will drive out all trace ol wvakneaa aad btnua nerrou tpella. brJa a and back ache aad prevent the STwpUioi hvm cjaickir devekwing into dan 0eniaa troulde that will be hard to check. rWoreall UObottleal Wine of Cardui today. If your dealer doe aot keep it, and th money to the lavliea' Adviaury I kept , Th Chattano.a Medicin Co.. tWtanoiva, lean., and th mail in ne will be seat yoa. Don'tForoctOneTinno! The H. Smith Watch Co. are doing watch repairing. They do high grade work. Their prices are low, and you will consult your intent! by carrying them your work. Situ ated on Houston blin k. See sign ol big watch, tbeidiapeofastar. Any body iw towtl will tell you when to find the place. :: :: :: :: Provident Savings Life Assurance Society Organized 1875. :Mfi-a48 Hroadwav. New York Edward W. Scott. President. Assurance in Force II05.I38.03S Returned to Policyholders since organization and now held for their benefit, over 130,000.000 RECORD FOR 1M3. Increases shown in Payment to Policy Holders; Income; Assets; Surplus; Assur ance Written; Assurance in Force. For information as to rated, or for an agency, apply to Peacock & Gold Company, General Agents for North and South Carolina, Greensboro, N.C. riHn slinw vnn f X" J our pl-etty line of I H4 Seasonable Furniture will be a pleas ure, not onl to us, but to YOU. Then you might see something that would just SUIT you. Of course you need some new pieces. Respectfully, T. P. DILLON. tixxuuiznnzzlzxtzzlz Indigestion Cause Catarrh or the Stomach. Per many yean tt kaa eeea ussss thai CaMrrk e the Stomach eu4 inllslka (n4 4ysaal. but th truth I aiaclly th sepeall. Indlfwstian oauaa catarrh. Rt aes attacka f lrallrsla Inflame, the awes awmaranae a nine tha (teenech an aveeas the nam tl th stomach, ttiua eau (nf la f land M aeoreM mwdn instead W la laic aaiaral tHiseHea. Thia I IM Catarrh el Hie Stomach. A DUTYS Our last car load of horses and mules went like hot cakes, and we have another load just in. They were selected to suit this section's trade by our buyer from among thousands of head, and were bought with cash and will be sold at small profits, and must be to our custo mers when bought by them just as represent ed by us. All our business time, brains, money and energies are devoted to the horse and mule trade alone, so that we may be able to buy cheapest and sell cheapest We want to make you our customer for life; to do so we must treat you right in every trade. It is a duty you owe to your wife and children, heirs and assigns, administrators and executors to come and ex amine and price our stock before you buy. E. A. ARMFIELD & SONS. McRAE MERCANTILE CO. Model 0, We have the largest and best line of SHOES in town, including The Gainsville and Elkin Home-made Shoe. and can suit you in style, quality and price. Examine our stock and be convinced. We also have an up-to-date line of Clothing, Hats, Caps, Dress Goods, Dry Qoods, etc. We are here for business. If you cannot come yourself, fall in line and send your children, and they will receive the same cour tesy that you would secure in person. Respectfully, McRAE MERCANTILE COMPANY. Phone 45. W. S. BLAKENEY, President. A. M. STACK, Vice-President. THE W. C. WOLFE, Cashier- BANK of UNION MOXKOK, N. C This Bank has been operated in the Interest of the people at arte as well as its stockholders. Its officers have dona their best to build up Ion roe and the surrounding country. It pro vides every safeguard for the depositor and Is always liberal to the borrower. No reasonable person could be dissatisfied with Its methods. Remember what It has don for the people thus far and let everybody know that it will meet all legitimate competition In the future. Patronize It with your accounts and thus show your sympathy for a progressive and obliging Institution. It is your friend and It Is here to stay. iV-A When You Are 1 . SJK i 1 hink ing of Painting Your House aud cannot decide whnt paint will be tbe chwtpMit and beat, a wny, come to us and let us give yon a short talk about IIAB IiFSOX'8 TOWN AND COUNTRY READY MIXED TAINT. Remember, Town aud Country is the Taint Uncle Sam uses on the White House. For (tale by S. J. WELSH, Druggist. .;. .. 9 Sp" BEST PREPARED PAINT VT btteStmitst Factor if ltd ! sea all lailaramarisa ef the snaoea kraae Nainf aSs atomaca, eretaet Ik a, ni earee sua kreaih. eeer rtetnf,a 1 ef tullnes attar a tine, tadipaiioa, aad aSatemaoa a-sat Is. K.o4ol Digests What Yoa Eat Us.. KMaM.i n,Wiil sw Mi u. w Nr to n. tisiisrs.ewiTTaoo.cine,a For sal l Ent,lih Drat, Cotspeoy aad UT. 5. . WsUb. I hi I A TRUE COMFORT is A Tastily and Carefully Kept Noma HH FAITHFUL IN ITS WEAK TltVB IN ITS HARMONY SVHB IN ITS ECONOMY Kef si Dytpjptia Cert f mu m sixty inviting ready for use la Quart. Haff-Oaltea, Oaalea CasM (saKfeetsi rutt'larreei - C.N. Simpson, Jr.:

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