THE MONROE JOURNaI Vo VOLUME XII. NO 8 MONROE, N.O, TUESDAY MARCH 7 1908 One Dollar a Year 4 XU Death of Mrs. LeUnd Stsnford. The dmth of Mr. LeUnd 8tu ford, at Honolulu hut WediKwIay, U oi of the most remarkable that has occurred in a Ionic time. The Charlotte Observer say of it: 'There U a niynterj alxmt the poimmiug of Mrs. Lelaud Stan fold that sdds to the horror of the crime, as bad as is the killing of a do rVncplees wotuau. It was reported about two weeks ago that an at tempt bad been made to poison the widow of the late Senator, and fol lowing the publication of the story an authorized denial, in such ex plicit terms as to really excite sus picion as to it trutbfuluem, was rut out. Then Mrs. Stanford set sail for Honolulu, where her death occurred Tuesday night It appears that Mrs. Stanford bad taken with her from Han Francisco a bottle of bi carbouute of soda, and on taking a de she was made violently ill aud died before tnythiug could be done for her. The soda, which had appareutly never been opened, con tained a large amount of strych nine, which, it beema, oiust have been placed in the bottle before Mrs. Stanford left home. There is do statement as to the object iu poisouing Mrs. Stanford. Since the dctb of her husband, Leland Stan foid, has had entire control of the LHa.uI qanford, Jr., Univer jjj, h', .s endowed for nearly twe'.V' X" of dollars in mem .v n m. - child. Thel'niver niU ix i: t' . .Ve ocntiol of trus tV iiuiiK ' v Irs. Sliiuford and mUf had ch:i:Ae of the nuances of the illuliou, and since herd tut li nwniy the whole of the remainder oi the Stanford fortune will go to the institution. It is hard, iudced, to imagine that auy oue interested in or connected with the Univer sity would resort to such a crime, and there is no apparent reason why it should be desirous to take the woman's life. Mrs. Stanford was doubtless cognizant of a good deal more than hasbeeu made pub lic. She tied from Situ Francisco in order to escape her enemies, af ter mi unsuccessful attempt to kill ber by strychnine placed iu min eral water, but her fate was not averted, for she carried along with ber the deadly agency of the mur derer, and it was not slow in get ting iu its work. It is au interest ing rase, and the solution will be wstched by the country at large." A San Francisco dmpatch to the New York World says: "Friends of Mrs. Stanford say that for months she had beeua vic tim of hallucinations and a prey to mental worries, mostly groundless. It has been known for some time by intimate friends that these, hal lucinations took the form of fears that her life was in danger from supposed enemies. At one time iu rugged health she had frequent spells of illness which in recent weeks she invariably attributed to poison. "The private detectives employ ed by Mrs. Stanford's attorneys, siuce her remit alleged poisouing, have maintained silence regarding the nature of their discoveries, but in guarded statements made by rela tives the impression was conveyed that nothing bad bceu found to in dicate au attempt to poison her. "After the investigation by the city detectives bad failed to impli cate any oue even remotely, the theory was evolved that Mrs. Stanford, finding herself unnble to convince those about her that ber fears of poisoniug were well found ed, had herself placed strychuiue THE WHCLESYSTEU lay Bscoas IiTtded by CaUrrk laaagtr ffat'l Cass. Every Two Minutes Physicians tell us that all the blood in a healthy human body passes through the heart once in every two minutes. If this action be comes irregular the whole body suffers. Poor health follows poor blood ; Scott's Emulsion makes the blood pure. One reason why SCOTT'S EMULSION is luch a great aid is because it passes so quickly into the blood. It is partly di gested before it enters the stomach ; double advan tage in this. Less work for the stomach; quicker and more direct benefits. To get the greatest amount of good with the least pos sible effort, is the desire of everyone in poor health. Scott's F.mulsion does just that. A change for the better takes place even be fore you expect it Wt win m4 yam ample frto. St Hit that thi ptctvrr in eke (arm af ktl a m lh wnp frr rt ftr WTtt at tnaikian J SCOTT & BoWHI Cbemmu 409 Putl St., N. T. ferMMMi t'- ' J. Imh eiM,JrCntMo,lll. J. Loola rfao, Jr., Manager Central Troat Co write from suite aui, Times Herald Building, Chicago, IU, as fol lows: 'Lmtt Jmm I h4 a straw attack W matal emlarrm waka waa vary aaaoy log arnd lebllltatrt my tyttcm. See. lag your advarlhtateatt I wnta yam lor advka. I aata Paraam eaaataatty until latt Navaatber, waaa law tymf torn 4ltappara4 aatlnly. " J. Lou It Ptaa, Jr. Hon. James Lewis, Burvyor Genera Of Louisiana, eayat t have need Parana for s abort time and ean cheerfully recommend tl as being all jroa represent and wlab every man who la aufferin with catarrh oonld know of Ita great value." Jamas Lewis. Wherever the eatarrh la, there la aura to be a waat of mucus. The mucin Is aa preeloaa aa blood. It la blood, In fact It la blood plasma Mood with th cor' puacles removed. To atop thla wait, you moat atop Ihla oatarrh. A coarse ol treatment with Parana never f alia to do thla. Hon. W. E.Scbnelder.proprletorof the Baltlo Hotel, of Washington, D. O, speaks of Pernna aa followa: I deslra to eay that I have found Pernna a moat wonderful remedy. I have only aaed one bottle and am thoroughly eatlsfled aa to Ita merits. I cannot And worda to axpreea my gratification for the reaulta Obtained." Bead for free catarrh book. Addreaf The Pernna Medicine Company, Colum boa. Ohio. Wheat Is 5ucmm a F.ilure? j fT in the water after she bad partaken of part of it. "Mrs. Stanford's last report to the trustees of Leland Stanford University was suppressed, al though previous reports had leen giveu publicity. It is said that the report was so worded as to leave no doubt of Mrs. Stanford's mental state. It was intimated that pub licity of the report would be inju rious to the university. "Siuce the first of the year Mrs. Stanford had been kept in semi seel union. She had arranged for several receptions, to take place in her San Iraucisco mansion, but these were vetoed by ber physi cian. 'It is known that when Mrs. Stanford sailed from Sau Francisco on the steamship she was very ill, mentally and physically. l p to the time of her departure Mrs. Stan ford was haunted by the fear that her life was threatened. The geu eral opinion here is that this state of constant mental unrest, coupled with her weakened condition, led to a sudden collapse. "The university was closed to day, aud is not expected to reopeu until after Mrs, Stanford 8 body has been placed beside that of ber husband and sou In their mauso leum on the university campus." A Safe Cough Medicine for Children In buying a couth medicine for chit dren never be afraid to buy Chamber lain't Cough Remedy. There la no danger from it aud relief ia alwayt aura to follow. It ii especially valu able for colda, croup and whoopiug cougb. For aale by C. N. Simpson, Jr., and S. J. Welsh. The Bad Dancer One more turn and I would have lost my breath entirely. The Victim Just one more turn please, Mr. Poiisonby. Clevelauc I'lain IJealer. Pleasant and Harmless. Don't drug the stomach to cart cough. Oue Minute Cough Cute cuts the mucus, draws the intummation out of the throat, lungs and -bronchial tubes, beala, soothes tod cures. A quick cure for croup and whooping cough. Sold by English Drug to. and S. J. Welsh. Pompous Waiter Have you or dcred. Misst Timid Little Utrl (taking ner first meal at a restaurant )H no, sir; but I've requested. Chicago Tribune. If taken this mouth, keeps yon well all summer. It makes the lit tie ones eat. sleep and grow. A snrine tonic for the whole family, Holluters ltocky Mountain Tea. 35c, tea or tablets. Eng. Drug Co, "It's really very kind of you, Mr. Dumly, to give me your seat," said Miss Kov. "Not at all.'' replied Dumly, "We men are getting very tired of being accused of giving op onr seats only to pretty girto." I'hil adelphia Ledger. Champion Liniment for Rumatlsm Chaa. Drake, a mail carrier in tbapio ville. Conn., saw: "Chamberlain'! Pain Balm ia the champion of all lini meats. The past year I waa troubled a great deal with rheumatism in my shoulder. After trying several corea the storekeeper here recommended tbia remedy and it completely cored me." Tbara Is no ose of anyone tut fering from that painful ailment when Ibis liniraeot can be obtained for a small sum. One application gives prompt relief sod its continued nse for abort time will produce a permanent core. For aale by C. N. Simpson, jr, and 8. J. Welsh. W ben yon have font on your way op to your fortune yonr self- respect, your courage, your self control, or any other quality of manhood. j Vbeo it has made eouetrience an acctMer, and shut the saulight out, of yonr life. ; ... ... ' v nen me atiainmeura oi yonr ambition have blighted the apira- tioua and crashed the hopes of others. When yonr highest brain cells have been crowded out ol business by g reed. When all sympathy has been crushed out of yonr nature by yonr selfish devotion to your vocation. When yon plead that yon never had time to cultivate your friend ships, politeness, or good manners. When you have lived a double life and practiced double dealing. When it brings you no message of culture, education, travel or of opportunities to help others. When it dwarfs, cramps or inter feres with another's rights; when it blinds yon to the interests of the man at the other end of the bar gain. When there is a dishoneat or a deceitful dollar in your possession; when your fortune spells the ruiu of widows and orphans, or the crushing of the opportunities of others. When the banger for more money, more laud, more houses aud bonds bas grown to be your dominant passion. ben it bas dwarled yon men tally and morally, aud roblied you of the spontaneity and enthusiasm of youth. hen it bas made you a physi cal wreck a victim of "uerves" and nioods. When it bas lowered your stan dards and made you a traitor to all your highettt and noblet impulsea. ben it has hardened you to the needs and sufferings of others, aud made you a scoruerof the poor aud unfortunate. When you rob those who work for yon of what is Justly their due, aud then pose as a philanthropist by contributing a small fraction of yonr unjust gains to some charity or to the endowment of some pub lie institution. When the world is not the better and the richer for your life, when you have hoarded every dollar you have made, aud have refused to help your less fortunate fellowmeu. When you have used others as stepping-stones to fortune, aud ig nored tbeir existence when your selfish ends were attained. When in your climb to power you have trampled on duty, friend ship, love, honor, patriotism, and all the most sacred feeliugs of hu manity. Wbeu your example has dragged others down; when your injustice snd tyranny have driven men and women to desperation, and destroy ed their faith in God aud man. When your absorption iu yonr work has made you practically a stranger to yonr family. ben your children do not look upon you as tbeir best friend next to their mother. When the nervous irritability engendered by constant work, with out any relaxation, has made you a brute in your home and a nuis ance to those who work for you. When your greed for mouey has darkened and cramped your wife's life, and deprived her of needed rest aud recreation, or amusemeut of any kind. When your narrow spirit makes you cry out, "vnat was goou enough for me is good enough for my children," and you ret use to give them the education thttt they crave, aud which you can ampiy afford. When yon have met your chil dren's caresses with repulses, and have denied them the help of your companionship and loving encoiir agement and guidance during their formative years. When the dissolute lives of your sons cry out against you as the one who. either by direct example or by complete neglect of them, has pointed their downward patn. Startling Mortality. Statistics show startling mortality from appendicitis and peritonitis. To prevent and cure these awful diseases there la just oue rename remedy, Dr. King's ew Lite rills. M.Flannery of H Custom House l'l Chicago says: "They have no equal for constipation and billousuees." 25c at English Drug Co. 'a, Harold, aired five, had met with an accident "I'm afraid," said the doctor, "that a permanent scar will remain on vour chin." "Ob, my whiskers win soon cov er it op," answered the small op timiat Chicago News. Practical Poultry Talks. How Te Managa Sitting Hens And Young Biddies. Tart Jo" la Fftfral rarawr. I a Utile pprkW4l Mi utr prt. I kt Knififtiid H-rlli Mil, Hr m wii r , SMI va;iil fcvraue, Anrf kiai b r.rli, InlMM Rvaat I trn4 Hvr au oml Mvr rw. As the haU'hiug season is now about on for thoxe who use bens for incubation, a few suggestions will not be out of place. During cold weather rather all eggs as soon as possible after tbey are laid, keep them in a room where the temper ature never gets below 50 degrees. If aouveuieut stand all eggs to be used for batching, on the small end or point. This prevents the Stand weight of the egg from Eggs breaking through the thin film or skim, which en- End, closes the egg, aud filling the air cell which would be fatal to the batching of that egg. A cheap coutrivauce for this pur- pone can be made of cardboard on same principle as fillers are made for tbe ordinary egg crates holding thirty dozen. Place one of these partitions In the bottom or s split basket, box or anything couveuieut, put an egg in each compartment large end np. When section is tilled lay old newsjiajiers or card board on top, if you have hen fruit enough. Kggs packed in this way ill keep longer thau in any other way, and at tne same time win in sure a greater number oi ferine hen yonr heu becomes broody, don't be iu too great a hurry to set her, as ut this season bens, Don't "the pesky things," are Hurry very apt to leave the uet to a"t'r staying on just, long 5et enough to simuI the egg. After she has beeu on the Hen. nest for at least two nights would be time to set ber. Fill the nest with about three iu dies of dry dirt, or road dust is better, slightly scooping it out Iu the centre; oil top of this some lit ter from the baru floor or cutting room cau lie placed (never use cot ton seed hulls as they contain grease and close the (Mires of the eggs through which the chick breathes). In summertime a hand ful of dry onion hulls added to uesting material is a great thing, as their odor is sure death to Ii and mites, the poultryiuau's worst enemy. In selecting your eggs to put un der lieu, discard all small or extra large oues, and all those Use Mud. are rough and un Medium even, using those of me- Sized diuiii sue, smooth and Eggs, clean. Never set a soiled egg, for nine times out of ten it will not hatch. During February aud March thirteen eggs is euough to put un der even the largest heu, as she can more readily cover them, and those on the outer edge will not become chilled. To obtain the best results eggs should be kept at 10,1 degrees for twenty -one days, those get tiug chilled may hutch out chicks, but are weak and puny things tnnt mope around for a few days and then die, and xclaiiu "Sine I am M anon lion for, I wuiidtr ll I wu begun lor." During the time the hen is on the nest feed ber every other day on corn, oats and wheat. The Feed her liberally, as "a Young sitting hen never gets Riddles, fat," When all fertile eires are hatched, about the twenty-second day remove hen to Kood warm roomy coop with board floor, take the little chicks one by one, and grease the tops of their heads with carbolated vase line (i.e., vaseliue with a few drops of carbolic acid added). This kills the lares head louse which Is een erally foiuid on young chicks Twelve hours after batching, aud has killed more little chicks than all disea combined, llace little chicks w ith hen in ruop, and now listen: Do not feed them anything for at leant thirty six hours after hatch ing. Tbe great mortality amongst lit tle chicks is caused by too early feeding. Nature has Killing provided the yolk of the Young egg (which they absorb Chickens through the veut just by before hatching) with Feeding, enough nutriment to sustain life for at least sixty hours, aud if yon feed them before miatt of this yolk has been taken up in the system, yon give them indigestion; bowel troubles follow, aud your flock diminishes. What the little chicks do need st once is clean fresh water given them iu a shallow pan with a board or rock over tbe pan to preveut them wetting their feet And they also need a few teeth, to help digest whatever is fed tbem later; this is supplied by scattering pure sand on tbe coop floor, and you will be surprised to see bow tbey will de vour it. At the expiration of the thirty six hours the first few feeds should be bard boiled eggs chopped fine, or lightbread soaketl in sweet milk, squeezing out all surplus milk be fore feeding. Never feed a sloppy mess to chicks, aud never feed the chicks on the coop floor; have a little feeding board and on this put all feed. Feed five times a day for the firtit week; after that, fourtiuiea. When chicks are a week old feed cracked wheat or McreeuingH, rolled oats and cracked corn mixed. Con tinue this feeding until chicks are large enough to take care of them selves. Anu you will raise !K) iter cent of all chicks hatched if you will follow this method. But never during any stage of its growth, feed it a wet sodden mess of corn dough. Charlotte, N.C..R.F.D.7, Box til. The Journal bas received the fol lowing letter: Tbe Monroe Journal, Monroe, N. C. Gentlemen: Marked copy of The Journal of Feb. '.'8 just received. Thanks for kindness. Have no kick about your using our thuuder; in fact, would be glad to have you use it as often as you please, but when you do would like copy of thut issue. The article in this week's Progres sive rarmer is much better than the previous one. Unite the newly formed Poultry Association at Mon roe 'vill prove successful. Several of the charter members are person ally known to me, but why leave out 'Squire Float He used to be a hen crank from far back. ItesptHl fully, "I'm i.k Jo." A Dinner Invitation. After s hearty meal a duse of Kodol Dyspepsia Cure will prevent an attack of indigestion. Kodol ia a thorough dienslant and t guaranteed cure for indieeatiun. dyspepsia, cat on the stomach, sour risings, bad brrath aud all stomach troubles. N . Watkins, Lesbus, Ky., says: "1 can testify to the efficacy of Kodol in the cure ol stomach trouble. 1 was afflicted with stomach trouble for l J years and have taken an bottles of your hoilol Pys pepsia Cure, which has entirely cured me. 1 ha sii bollles were worm siooo to me." Sold by English Drug Co. and S. J. Welsh. A Chicago Alderman Owes his election to Chamberlains Cougb Remedy: "I can heartily and eooacientioasly recommend Chamber lain's Coogb Remedy for attectione oi the throat and lunge," says Hoo. John Shenick, no So. Peoria at.. Chicago. Two years age daring s political camDaicn. I caught cold after being overheated, which irritated my throat and I waa finally compelled to atop, aa I could not apeak aloud. In my ea tramily a friend adviaed me to ose Cbamberlaia's Cough Remedy. I took two doaee that aftarnooa and could ot believe my aanaes when I found the neit morning the inflammation bad largely subdued. I took several doaes that day, kept right on talking through the campaign, and I thank this medi cine that i woo my aeat ia tbe coon- ... i i-. l n u eu" il l netsi rar h hi v. n. Simpson, Jr., tod S. J. Welsh. Goldand Silver Lost 0 jn trying to econo mize in buying your Meat. What is to my customers' inter est is to my interest. I Buy Only The Very Beit and healthiest cows, sheep and hogs for the Market Such stuff as Is not fit for my market ia often sold otherwise. Un wholesome food will cause sickness and sickness costs money so buy yonr Meats from Parker's JTar ket, where every thing is guaranteed. Not Arabs at All. In a stable of the American Home Kxcbange five horses, alleged to be high-bred Arabian stallions, are having the time of their lives and, iut-identally, in horse parlance, Vating tbeir heads off." They ar rived here some weeks ago from Morocco, and at least several of them were aupiHised to be intended as a gift from the Sultau to Presi dent ICoosevelL Heralded with a blare of public ity the stallions were brought over by James Y . S. Langerman, form erly vice consul to Morocco, as it is understood, at tbe suggestion of Homer Ihtvenport, tbe cartoonist. Tbey are now like an elephaut on Mr. Iaveuxrt'a hands, although he is still doubtful if an attachment he has levied on tbem will bold good. Tbey owe a board bill of i:0 to the stable keeper aud the presideut has declined to accept them as a gift. Nobody wants them, aud horse experts have estimated their value, if put up at public auctiou, at not more than fifty or sixty dol lars each. "It's al to the good for the horses," said Mr. Davenport yes terday; "they are having a good, idle time and they have got us all guesHing as to who has the right to put the skates where they belong, with a bullet " "I asked Mr. Langermau," said Mr. laveuport, "to iui- ku1 one genuine Arabian stalliou for me, aud two for Presideut Itoosevelt. Instead of that he brought these five old crocks. They are uo more Arabians than I am. They are just ordinary 'Barbs' from Barbary; mongrels from the count of Tangier. Tbe poorest sort of horse flesh 1 ever saw. "Well, when Langerman brought me a check for f.'OO ou the bank ing house of Brown Bros., before I had looked the auimals over, I cashed it for him. It was N. (J. like the horses. "The President was going to ac cept the Sultan's gift, but after I had looked the gill horses in tne mouth, aud elsewhere, I wrote bim at once that it was au insult to of fer them." Incredible Brutality. It would have beeu iucredible bru- ulit v il Chas.F.Leuiberger of Syra cuse, N.Y.. had not done the best he could for his suffering son. "My lKy,'' he says, "cut a fearful gash over his eye, so I applied Buck leu's Arnica Salve, which quickly healed it and saved his eye." Good for burns aud ulcers too. Only 25c at English Drug Co.'s. Strikes Hidden Rocks. When your ship of health strikes the hidden rocks of consumption, pneumonia, etc., you are lost, it yon don't got help from Dr. King's New Discovery ior consumption. J.W.MtKiiuion of Talladega, Ala., writes: "1 htd been very ill with pneumonia, un.ler tbe care of two doctors, but was getting no better when I begau to take Dr. King's New Discovery. The first dose gave relief and one bottle cured me.' Sure cure for sore throat, brouchi Us. couirhs and colds. Guaranteed at Knirlish Drue Co.'s, price 50e and II. Trial bottles free. ROYAL Baking Powde? Saves Health The use of Royal Baking Powder is essential to the healthfufness of the family food. Yeast ferments the food. Alum baking powders are injurious. Royal Baking Powder saves health. soval sakino powota co ncw vosk. No 5ilk Hat for Him. WuhliiUloCrrp.liitrnr Kw York World. W. T. Tiudall, representative- elect from the fourteenth Missouri district, is in the city. Tiudall is one of the Kepublicaus swept in by tne ruioseveit flood. He lives in a town twelve miles from a railroad, and when he was nominated he did uot decline because be did not waut to waste two ceuts on a postage stamp. Tiudall has lieen a school teacher at 140 a month; his salary as a rep resentative will be ",(! HI a year, with 100 or .Mm i for mileage. 1125 for stationery account, aud 1 1,20(1 for a clerk, opening to his vistas of wealth beyond tbe dreams of avar ice. He never saw a street car or an elevator until he went to St. Iuis a few weeks after be was elected, and since he has lieeu in SHhingtou he has spent uiottt of his time walking around the streets looking at the great public build ings aud saying to himself: "So Ibis is Washington, D. C, aud I am here!'' Tiudall find went to a hotel where they charged bim II a day, but after one day he quit it and got a room with board for II a day. This afternoon he walked up Penn sylvania avenue with some friends Nothinr will cure indiirnalinn doesn't digest the food and give the stomach a rest. It isn't necessary to starve yourself in order to rest your tollmen take Kodol Dyspepaia Lure. It will digest any quantity of all the wholesome loud you want to eat while your stomach takes a rest recuper .tes and grows strong. This wonder ful preparation is justly entitled to all of its many remarkable cures, Sold by English Drug Co. and S, J. Welsh. We are Ready for you for 1905. Hardware and Farming' Implements. I from the West. As they were pass i ing a hat store oue of the friends, thinking to have some fun with Tiudall, said: "Now, here is a bat .store. In Washington everylmdy must wear a high bat Let'a all go in and buy silk hats so we can be in the game right.'' "What!'' shouted Tiudall, as he started to gallop up the street; "me buy a silk bat when my wife is out home making soap! No, siree!" The Colonel's Waterloo. Col. Juo.M. Fuller of Houey Grove, Tex., nearly met his Waterloo from liver and kidney trouble. In a re- ceut letter he says: "I was nearly dead of these complaints, and al though I tried my family doctor be did me no good; so I got a 5le bot tle of your great hlectnc Bitters, which cured me. I consider it the best medicine on earth and thank (iod who gave you the knowledge to make them." Sold and guaran teed to cure dyspepsia, biliousness and kidney disease by KuglishDrug Co. at 50c a bottle. Jinks What were you doiug in that pawnshopt Blinks ti, just passing away my time! Cleveland leader. A Destructive Fire. To draw the fire out of a burn or beal a cut without leaving a scar, uae De Witt's Witch Hazel Salve. A specific for piles. Get tbe genuine. J. A. Tucker, editor of the Harmouiaer, Centre, Ala. .writes: "I have used De Witt's Witch Hazel Salve in my fam ily for pilea, cuts and bums. It ia the best salve ou the market. Every fam ily should keep it on band." Sold by English Drug Co. and S. J. Welsh. The largest stock in this section of the State, bought before any advance; therefore when farming operations are begun, good business judgment would dictate that you go where the largest and best selected stock is, and where you know that goods were purchased at bottom price. Heath-Lee Hardware Co. A Word of Advice to One and All. Rich and Poor. We have just received another lot of that good old Family Flour, atill acti ng at same old price, $1.60. Mill Feed, the best, $ 1.40. We have not words to eipress our aporecialion for the good trade which we have had aince we pened. Hut w will say if we cannot do you zood we will do you no barm. Your interest ia ours and we will certainly protect your interest by selling you the best goods for the smallest money. We are to less expeuse than any house in Monroe; we live in the country and do our owu work; pay cash lor what we buy and get all the diacount off, which is a big thing, and we give our customers and friends the advantage of it, which is a great saving to them. We carry any and everything carried 10 a first-class grocery store. We buy cheap; we sell cheap. Here ia a part of what we handle: Pure Ga. Syrup, Tobacco, Snuff, Cigars, Flour, Meal, Corn, Oats, Mill Feed, Bran, Cotton Seed Meal, Cotton Seed Hulls, Salt, Meat, Sugar, Coffee, Molasses from J$ to joe., Can Goods, Tarbell Cheese, all kinds Crackers, Candies, Pickles, Jellies, Soaps, Gold Dust, Starch, Soda, Baking Powder, the best Vinegar, Kerosene Oil, Pepper, Spice, Ginger, Nutmegs, Cocoanuts, Oranges, Apples, Bananas, Sweet Potatoes, Irish Potatoes, Cabbage, Beans, Peas, Dried Ap ples, etc. Fresh Pop Cora and Hot Peanuts every day. Fresh Eggs and fat Chickens every day from our poultry farm. We guarantee every egg or chickeu you get of us to be fresh or your money back. We are proud of our poultry farm, as we believe we have one of the best in tbe State. We do not care what your wants may be in the grocery line we can and will please you. If you have not tried us, give us a call or phone 253 and your waota ahall be filled. To the country people: See us before you sell your produce. We are charged with the crime of paying more for country produce than any one else, so if you have anything to aell see us. If you wish to buy anything you will do well to see us, We will save you money going and coming. Please allow us to more thau thank you lor your past favors. Hoping to see all and to give you our prices, we remain yours truly, KENDALL. GROCERY CON P ANY Phone 253. W. P. KENDALL, Manager. P. S. Tobacco, Snuff and all Country Produce a specialty and our greatest specialty is: Mora goods for same money; same goods for less money. 5 IS IT YOUR J Have I notified you time after time to come and settle? If so, your paper is or will be in the hands of an officer to collect and you will be taxed with the cost. Can you afford to have your property dis posed of in that way? It is going to be done if you don't settle. Now, if you dont like it, ust consider it. Cull C. Sikes. i

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