THE MONROE JOURNAL Telephone N. I. Tuesday. March 7. IWS. Death 4 a Patriarch. Mr. Ervio William "Inele Bill rTiu"-dirl at hi boaia ia rant Mouruc toauahip early Sunday tuoruiug. He m 9.1 yr old Ut 8riMrtutr. Ha watt z.- 'ow of th bun ir-IUM-iia of phva- lottuu 7:M. Triuity College Gle llutt I iral aiauboud that tbia i plenty of ruevuVi ia tbe tow neb in, aiore prrhapa tbaa ia any I ber tovnabip ia tbe Htat. It will fwtt alwut t per aiile to marauUni ire, but it U not urn-wary to rock , all uarta of the iuuIm. Ia manr Mr. 8. K. Mooreafentleold Mark I ptt nature baa duiie enough fur With 7 People. tlOB iJ waa hitched ia front of tbe rjiglUb Bight. 1. ever awn, ataoiiiug ail feet two, Urge liaibrd auil aituralar. 1'ua Jinv r. w. iimcl(W. k Dew what aickoeeu waa, LivUitiiijjb.rimreuUbere. "i vu hlUe aud h(mrty ntil Mr. a a Kicbanlion of Canuel within a few month of bU death. ht lievu quite tick lor auuie time, j He was aa robtit a matt morally a W. Pe!k ol Huford -l'"J'J ""-: maul niurva R.rr, out nr, vr vrm meuibentbip in any church. He Mr. Joliu towifehip lust (11 lant Saturday on hia way borne (rout Mourue. Mra, Amelia Holme of Marsh villa ia vutitiujf her aister, Mra, Joaliua Lowe. was born and reared in tbe section iu which he spent his life and died, and for three quarters of a century be was model for his community, drug store tbe otber day, when tbe reporter and a by stauder began to talk of the ancient looking saddle that adorned hia hark. "Look at that saddle," said tbe by atandvr, Mr. and Mr. II. K. Taylor of, )'oun(t " io the prime of life. KutberforUtou are vuitiug relative here. Tbe Merchants' Protective Asso ciation is fitting down to buaiucaa. Hee tbe notice el w here. Mim Callie Futcb left Friday for New York, where Mie goes to eu gage iu tbe proftwaiou of osteo pathy. Mr. J. C. Austin has sold the Mandiville telephone exchange to Mraxrs. r rank Jones of lugut and UuIUhI of Marsbville. The lud weather has cmitM-d sev eral cam-s of pneumonia among the hamU ou tbe chain gang. Joe Twitty, colored, of Kut her ford county, died Friday. Two white men, while driving a borne on the road near Hhilob church iu this township, are re ported to have stabbed it iu tbe ueck aud left it to die iu the road. The county commissioners, who are in scssiou today, are discussing the advisability of putting a steel bridge over Hear Skin Creek just at tbe northern edge of town. Messrs. V. X. Simpson and It. IL lied wine returned from lUleigh last tiight. 'Squire II. ('. Moore, who hud a job iu the House, re turned this uioruing. Mrs. J. S. Hasty, Miss Puttie Ia, Mrs. A. Levy, and Jlessrs. h, O. Itluir, K. ('. Winchester, and I A. tvrrcst went to Washington to see the inauguration. There are not many saw mills It-It in this country oeratcd by water mer, hut Messrs. 8. L. Mull is and J. 1). ltrooks have start ed one at their mill ou llig Hich-urdsou. Itev. Dr. V. V. Iiays, one of the strongest ministers of the Western conference, preached iu Central church Sunday. He is travelling in the interest of Kuthcrford Col lege. Presiding I'.lder Thoiupsou preached Sunday night. The legislature has nppointcd Messrs, V. li. Ashcraft, J. '. Price and 8. K. Ik-Ik as the Ixmid of education for this county for the next two years, the term beginning next July. The two gentlemeu first mined, with Mr. J. W. lliveus, now compose tbe board. The re opening exercises of the Ilaptist church will embrace the week in April begiuuing on the first Sunday. lr. Lynch, who preaches the opening sermon, Dr. ( lias. K. Taylor, and A. Johnson have already accepted invitations to lie present. Mrs. Martha V illiaum of east Mouroe township fell and broke her arm last Wednesday uight. Mrs. Williams is years old, and her accident is very unfortunate, though she is doing as well as could be expected. Ilou. li. IS. Kcdwine, Judge A. W. Urahaiu and Senator ollicoll'er were Nppointcd by the legislature a committee to inspect and approve the final work of the coda commis sion after they have digested the laws of this session. There will be a public debute at I'tiiou Friday night, the lHtk. yueiy: "Kesolved, That tbe South was j list tied i n seced i ng. " The af Urinative will be represented by J. 1. Tucker, II. ('. Hamilton and T. C. Smith, the negative by J. S. Harrell, U. M. Smith and W. T. 1'arelock. There will be a debute at Win gate on Friday night, together with a musical entertainment. A special feature will be the rendi tion of au original com posit iou by l'rof. W. K. Stewart, on the piano and violin, by the Messrs. Stewart aud Joues. There w ill be a public debate at the Kichardson school bouse, in ltuford township, uext Saturday at 2 o'clock, and the following ques tion discussed: "Kesolved, That education increases Christianity. " Tbe affirmative will be represented by 8. II. Rogers, W. E. Richard eon and J. S. Broom; the negative by J. II. Edwards, M. II. Richard son and J. E. Moser. The Grand Chancellor, Knights of I'ytbias of the grand domain of - North Carolina, has set apart Thursday night, March !th, as l'ythian big night. Every Pythian in North Carolina is especially re quested to be in his castle hull on that uight. There are matters of importance to come before the lodges. Rev. Geo. II. Atkinson will deliver an address to tbe mem bers of Mouroe Lodge No. 38 on tbat night. The Southern Cotton Growers' Association has adopted a badge of striking design, to be worn by members of tbe association. It is a miniature bale of cotton with these words: "In Unity There Shall be Strength; S. C. A., 25 per cent Re daction; We'll Do It." Singly the badge costs 25 cents, in one thou sand lots 13 rents, tbe money to be used for the benefit of the associa tion. All -w ho want badges should let President Broom know so tbat he can order. Don't forget the 11.00 sale Itodge'a Friday at 10 o'clock. al and as patriarch. He was looked iion by young and old as a man of sterling worth, fine sense, and amiable qualities. Two sons and one daughter sur vive Mr. illiams: Messrs. II. F. and S. A. Williams, and Mrs. J no. I). Griftin. Many grandchildren and great grandchildren honor tbe uame aud memory of this fine old man. To show the remarkable vitality of Mr. Williams, it baa been re called by some of bis friends that be was able to write without the use of glasses wheu he was M years old. For decade after decade be was a ronstaut attendant at Meadow Branch church, and his towering shoulders, fine bead aud striking figure caught tbe attention of all strangers who might bsppen to be preseut A grand old man has passed to his reward after a pil grimsge in length seldom reached, during all of which he walked in the path of bouesty, faithfulness, temperance, virtue, houor and mau liuess. Death of Mrs. W. C. Ogburn. Mrs. W. C Dgburn died at ber home here at four o clock Sunday uioruing. She had not licen strong for years, aud since her daughter's death a year ago, she weut into decline that resulted iu a complica tion of diseases, which, on account of advauced uge, caused ber death The remains w ere buried yesterday uioruing, the funeral being con ducted at tbe borne by Rev. Mr. vt are. Mrs. Oglmrn was Louisa Ann, laughter of John and Elizuheth Tye. She was lsiru Aug. 8, 181 iu this county, eight miles north west of Monroe, She first came to Mouroe as a school girl and board ed at the old II. M. Houston home. now the Gloucester Hotel. Here she was married to Mr. W. C. Og burn on April 2.', 1SHI. All her married life was siieut here with he exception of four years. Slu- had strong characteristics, tbe pre dominating ones being love of home, family and neiglilHirs, and generosity, cheerfuluessaud appre ciation of kindness. She loved the church, and wheu in good health was a regular attendant and did active service. She was fond of flowers and music, two of tbe most refining influences known. In her last illness she said the sentiment, 'Jesus, Lover of My Soul," was constantly with ber in ber quiet moments. Though for many years she lived a quiet and retiring life, she had many friends, both among the old citizens and the young peo- ile, of whose many kindnesses she often spoke during her last illness. Mrs. Ogburu leaves a husband, four daughters, Mrs. E. II. Austin, Mrs. Sandy Morrison, and Misses Mattie and Nena Ogburn; aud two sons, Messrs. W, C. Dgburn, Jr., and Louie Ogburn; two brothers, Mr. W illiam Brown Tye of Atlanta and Col. John F. Tyeof Mississippi; aud two sisters, Mrs. Martha liar key of Mecklenburg and Mrs. J as. Houston of this county. Death of Mr. W. A. Austin. Mrs. W. A. Austin died at her home, "Gibralter," iu New Salem township, at 7 o'clock Sunday evening of pneumonia, after an ill ness of about thirteen days. She would have been 05 years old in April. She leaves a husband aud ten children. While she was not a church member, she was willing and ready to die. The remains were buried at the Little graveyard yesterday. Mrs. Austin was a sis ter of Esq. J. Lube Little. Her children are all married. They are Messrs. Henry, John, James aud Tillman Austin, and Mesdames Davis, Griflin, Helms, King, Thoa. Grifiiu and Stewart Mrs. Austin was a quiet, good woman, a faith ful mother, wife and neighbor. A 0 rest SuccessCrowded to the Walls. The great ml tag sale of Tbe People's Dry Goods Co. was so crowded all day Saturday that bait the people could not get waited on, but tbey are now prepared with plenty of salespeople so you will not have to wait horse dealer. "They m towank jt j thirty Win nies, and we must take the matter np aud push it through." Si e the page ad. of The People's Dry Goods Co. While getting this ad. ready to print the printer's mind ran back some sixteen or sev enteen years ago, when the Drat page ad. was printed in Mouroe. It was for Belk Bros. Tbe writer and M. A. I'uderwood (deceased) were running The Monroe Register over the English drug store aud the ad. apieared in tbat paper. To the Overseers of Roads of Moo- roe Township, Chain Gang and All: You most warn your hands out at once and fill up the holes, cleau out the ditches and put your sec tions of roads in good condition or the law will be enforced against yoa for failure to do so. The chain gang will not be able to scrape the roads before the 1st May. M. I Fuw, Cur. By A. C. Johnson, Sec'y. Xarcn lith. VMKt. who was niade good onea wheu that was wade." "Yea," said Mr. Moore, who came out just then, "that's been good saddle, and will be a good one still when I have another skirt put on this side. I bought that saddle thirty years ago in Charlotte from Henry Houston for r.'V "Saddles were pretty high tbeu. weren't tbeyr' Mr. Moore asked. "Oh, I donno" was the reply. "Not so high, I guess, taking other things iuto consideration. The same day I bought this one from Henry for f J5, I sold him a yallei bale of cotton for 27 cents a pound." "I'm ahead on big trees," said Mr. Fred Hays, Saturday. "I sawed up a pine the other dsy tbat turned out 1,811 feet of good timber. But it came from over the hue in Lau caster." A newspaper man may not get rich, but be gets a good deal of ex per if nee, which, if he is wise, he charges np on the profit side of the ledger. W ben be is young in tbe business it makes him feel very unhappy to be criticised. He is nearly as "touchus" as an office holder, aud wheu a mad sulisrriber orders tbe paper stopped be feels like going to bed. But as be gets older, be doesn't mind it, aud learns to feel as if be ia not doing much if he dnesn t get a few rouuds from somebody occasionally. Aud, then, it shows wbat tbe people are feel ng and thinking, keeps In m in closer touch with his constituency and makes his paier closer akin to the soil in which it nourishes. No editor should feel bad over a little criticism, especially if it's in a friendly manner and has no real venom. He learus to "give and bike,' and likes it "I see lota of things I don't like," said Mr. W. L. Parker of New Salem, aa be forked over his dollar for another year. "Ihat s it," replied the captain of the pen, "we have to make a paper for lots of folks, and what oudou t like will please somebody else. If we had to make a puper to please ouly one man, we'd have to charge him at least a thousand dollars a year, but making it for great tuauy, we deliver the goods for II per. This is so cheap that oue mau can afford to overlook tbe w things he doesn't like." Carrying this idea a little further, it may be of interest to relate some of the conversations the reitorter had in one whort walk looking for news last week. Wbat in tbe thunder are you lumping on Bob tileun for! ' said one man. "Areu t a Governor's public actions a reasonable subject for comment or criticismt'' he was asked. "Yes, but I like him and dou'tlike to see him criticised, and remember this," he concluded, 'you won t hurt him half as much as yoa hurt yourself; his friends are mad about it He's a good man; I know him." Well, now, wouldn't that jar you t It didu't for several reasons. The first is that tbe same man will be gleeful before his subscription expires over tbe criticism that he'll see about somebody hedoesu t like, Tbe second is that the very- next mau the reporter saw, called him behind a pile of goods and said: "You bit Bob Glenn just right; give it to him again!" Ten steps further np the street: 'No, I've got no news, but I want to say that you are right about poll tax being too bigb, aud shoulilu t be more thau $2 for all purposes. This country is taxed to death now." 1 he next man: " 1 ou newspaper people seem to know so much, now want yoa to tell me how we are going to run this town, county and State if poll taxes are limited to "It's a shame on Union county that we don't Ituild a Confederate touament," said Mr. Jobs K. Simpson. "I know where I ran If you cauuot eat sleep or work, feel mean, cross and ngly, take Hoi lister's Rocky Mountain Tea this mouth. A tonic for the sick. There is no remedy equal to it 3."c, tea or tablets. English Drug Company His Sad "Dmtb tbe lurk! I lost a peach oi an umbrella to day." "Yen, people dou't seem to have any eouM-ieoce about swipiug uiu brellaa. How did you hate itf "Well, it waa standing against the wall in tbe restaurant 1 ket myeye on it ' "You bet you have to! YYellf "Aud lost aa I waa getting np tbe fellow that owned it caiue aloug and took It. Catarrh Cannot be Cured itb Local Application!, aa tfaer ran svl reach the teat o( the diaea.t. Ca tarrfa ia a blood or couslitutiooal di eaae, and in order to cure it you mutt take internal reiueJiea. Hall's Catanh Cure i taken iutecnallr, and art ill recti on the blood and nioruua aur lacei. Mail t Catarrh Cure is not quack medicine. It was prcacribetl bit oue ol me tkt pltysiciana io tins country fur years, aud is a regular pre scriptiua. It is computed ol the beat tonics kuuwo, combined with the est blood purifiers, acting directly on the mucous surfaces. Tbe perfect comtii oation ol the two inicredienls is wha prod urea such wondeiful results io cur iug catarrh. Send fur testimonials free K.J.CUEXKY & CO. ToLino, Ohio. Sokl bv druggists, 75c Hall s family pilb are the best SrEGIALNOTIGES.'! INSURANCE L. h. THOMPSON, Fire, Life, Accident, Health, Lit bility and all clauses of Casuality urauce. Ouly the beat and strongest companies represented . I respect I ul ly solicit your Dullness, assuring prompt sod efficitut attention to all matters. Office: Cordon & Thomp son s old stand. I'luine INo. i. Special dollar sale at 10 o'clock Friday. at Rudge's First-class Restaurant in connection with Parker's Market. Meals all hours, 25 cents. Buy your tickets for the Trinity College Glee Club now and be ready for tbe most delightful en tertainment of the season. Now is the time to get cut glass cheap at Rudge's Friday at 10 o'clock one dollar. FOR SALE One of the best farms near Monroe for sale at a bar gain. Also other farms and lots. Apply to MEDLIN & MEDLIN, 4 & 5 Loan & Trust Hldg., Phone No. 249. MONROK, N. G ' We couldn't tell him. That's for the lawmakers. "Here's something I want to give you editors,' said the next man, and he held up a pewter badge which bore this strange device, Licensed to Rutt In." "Yes," saM tbe reporter, "'ll take that, as you dun I need it; you II butt Iu ithout a license." "You didu't get all of it about the fellow who sold me wet cotton and then sold lne another soaked bale to get even,'1 said Mr. J. M. Fairley this morning. "Why, when I threatened to expose him to bis neighbors by hauling that cotton back to his neighborhood, he said, 'For God's sake don't do that, for I'm courting a girl down there aud if she bears about it I can't get her.' And then I told him, 'Durn yoa, you ought not to get her.' " "Wbat about road workf" The question was put to Supt Fletcher and Mr. T. E. Williams, one of tbe commissioner!. "We bare bad a very bad win ter and there has been much com plaint,'' was tbe reply, "but it is not likely tbat there will be another wluter like this one in ten years, and our roads are getting in good shape rapidly. We have now graded, when the present work is complet ed, 78 miles. There is no doubt that the work of macadamising ought to be begun as soon as pos sible. This grading has been abso lutely necessary, and the principal roads ought to be finished op. Rut we ought not to hare any more new roads to work. We have Administrator's Notice. Having, tiler tltHMiitalilu-mtluli. trn ai.iMilnt- I aitiiiiiililralnr f On iM!a!- of Nalllv Smith. ilc-eaw-d. Iiy Oir Clerk of Die su lienor Courl of l lllon county, N-1'., tilt. In to notify all mt on. tnileltteii to al1 estate to make prompt settlement. A tut all in-moiim havtnir rlamiM atfatrmt natif entate are heretiy notltleil to et lill'lt name In me of my attorney within I-.' month, from the ilate of thl. notice or lh aald nolle will l ileailc,l In lr of recoTerjr. Thl. February S, 1WA. o. 0. HKSIlRIf KM. Ailmr. of Sal I le Hnilth. dcc'il. A.hrboro, N O Adam., Jerome A Armlleld, Auy. ADVICE 10 BRIDES. Keep me for your friend, and you II never have baking troubles. ine way to a man s heart ia said to lie through his stomach - how easy, then, to keep the household happy when Invincible di : . i ! .l , , , r lour is useu in me oread, oiscuit. cakes and pastry. No more growls about the kind "mother used to make. Yours for good bread, Invincible Flour. Ask your grocer for it. Henderson Roller Mills Co. Now! for the Big Sale! A BARGAIN OPPORTUNITY FOR EVERYBODY. We are ready for you and await your coming. This sale will surpass any sale for Low Prices ever held in Mon roe. Buying the stock, as we did, at such a big discount, enables us to sell many lines at about half price. A REGULAR BARGAIN FEAST! CLOTHING! CLOTHING! Mens' Suits Shannon's price $6.50 now $J.0 a suit Mens' Suits Shannon's price $7.50 and $10 now $5 and $7.50 Hens' Corduroy and Casslmere Pants, $1.50 value, now $1 a pr. $150 and $4 value, now $1.50 and $150 Overcoats at about half price. Shoes. Shoes. Shoes! Lot No. 1. Ladios' 8ho, your choice 60e. Lot No. 2. Iidi' Shoes, value np to 2.00, your choice at 7.V. Lot No. :i. Iulies' and Men's Shoes at 11.00. Ladies' Shoes Shannou's price I2.00 now tl.fiO. Ladies' Patent Leather Shoes Slmimou's price ;-:i.. 10 now 2. Meu's Shoes, worth from 12.50 to ti, now IL.50 to f2.ft0. No man. woman or child should fail to attend this bar gain giving s&Je. We have something for all. H&lf Price Shirt Sale! Men's Shirts at l.V. Men's Shirts Shannou's price 11.00 now 50c 50 and 7."c. Shirts now 35c. Men's white nnlaundcrcd Shirts 2.". Boys' Waists at 10c Men's Hata, 50c, value, at 250. Men's Hats, 1 1.00 and 11.50 value, at 50 and !K& Lot No. 1. Dress Goods valued np to 25c. at 10c a yard. Lot No. 2. 50 and 75c value, at 25 to 30c Half Price Silk Sale! Ladles' 75c Skirts at 48c; II. 50 Skirts at 98c; $2.50 Skirts at 11.48 Embroideries at 2c, 5c, 7Jc. and 10c, worth double the money. Counterpanes, Lace Curtains, Window Shades 10-4 8heeting,Tow els and hundreds of otber good things for yoa, on which we have not space to quote prices. This is a store where one person's money is as good as another. Oue price to everybody and spot cash does the work. Come, and make yourself at home at the store where dollars are doing double duty. No trouble for ns to show goods. Tours for bargains, CASH MERCANTILE CO,, (Successors to SHANNON & CO.) ol IJOK KENT A good two horse (arm, with j room dwellmg sod outhouBe, just outside cily limili. Apply to Mm. D. A. Covington. DAWN BROKER S CLOTHING. the nicest and cheapest lut ol clothing ever offered for sale in (his section. Men s, boy a and children's suits, odd coats, pants add vests, all wool and strictly sanitary, at youi price. Come aud see. Only io min utes walk northeast of courthouse. J. H. Beuton, Monroe, N. C AND on several yeara' credit We Li have a tract ol land, ?o acres, miles from Monroe, with good dwell ing and outhouses and a horse farm peo on it, that we will tell cheap on several yeara' credit. Adams, Jerome a Armneld. Advertisements will b inserted ia 9 this column at (be price of ooe cent s X word, rasa in advance. 1 4 P. K Kfc.M Good a bure tana J miles south of Monro. J I. Long. I FUK SA LE Good hjrse, buggy and baroesa. Luther Wallace al Simp son's market. WEcl. are preparing to fuinisb irst ass bvery turnouts oa short no tice . Call or phooe 69 and we will d the business for you. Shannon A Co. J. W. Houston, Msoager. IaEE & L.EE, THE LEADING SIT GOODS, I0TI0XS, CLOT RUG. GIITl' nUISOGI, I1T US SHOE ITOEI D I0IE0L 1?OR SALE Good second baud buggy. K M. Broom, K. F. U. No' 1, Monioe, N. C. ONE JACK, coll ol a kuigbt, at aiy Creek, fu. New Ginghams and Embroideries. Spanish Blsck stables ia Goose W. G. Long. rOK SALE-63 II. H boiler and jo H. P. engine; good condition; assy terms. J. I). Heuibv. K.F.D N0.18. Mattuews.N.C. I OST Between Mouroe and my res- L idroce, a pockettiook containing 1 1 fu.Ht and also a note. Liberal re-; ward to finder. J.W.Belk. Hope.N.C. , &3 FOR SALE One good young mule, one gcod aurry. J. B. Bass, at Collins Biggars, WHETROCKS-My famous "Molly Backboue" wuetrocks can be bad at J. K. Simpson's store io Monroe. John H. Winchester. FOR SALE Young family horse and 1 good buggy and harness. Brooks Myeis. FIFTY cents psys for Our Home one year and the subscriber gets bv - cent packets ol garden seeds Iree Write for sample copiea. Our Home, Marshville. N. C. B AKKtu riymouth Kock tggs 75c lor 1 5 Henry Myers. GOLD Band Hams at the Cash Gro eery Store 14c per pound. 'OTTOS SEED WANTED as car 1 loads. Highest price paid. J. M. Fairley, PR SALE-S11 room McCauley Hill. S. cottage ou T. Morgan tc iieuuerson a Mituer lor tire in surance on anything you want. LNDKSON & SNYDEK wauts tu write your fire insurance. F you bave a fat calf for aale phone Mo. C. T. Ladiau OR KENT Su room bouse, with barn and 25 acres of land, borth coal cbute, owned by Mrs. Vann. Apply to J. M Fairley. irth Camltits, iilun I'ouiitv. reari Mii;all nil. S Notice. j ftuirUr Court. The' atv tiAmed ilerVmUiit, NH'all. ill ik iiitii' that mi sw'tlon tntlilnt aivf ha4 hMMt coiiinirMUTil In the ttuiwrtiir iiurt uf I Dion coutitr for th iiurptMtMtf tli-t Iviiitf the lutnttn uf mairtiiiitny fmUtliiff I n'fii ihf plaintiff anil tlefctnUnt , iid ll n1 dt feminist will furthrr take nuti Dial h rniiiirMt apiM'ar at th net irm of the Miijd'rtor rnrt of alrl county to t hrld tm th- Uii Mom tar after th M Monday tn rrhruarv. I. IWti. it ernir the joth nay of Marvh, lwk. the court lnnie of m( county in Moiiror. irili Carolina. ant anwer. iilat or demur to lie cuniiiatnt Hied in nan! action or the plain ff Will Hi.l- to the court for the relief tie iii'ii ut km in etiniixaini. ion at my timer tVhri.Nry the i'.tfi, A. I IMtV K A. AHMKIKI.Il.O. V Don't miss your share of these goods. Our Embroideries have met with unusual favor and are going fast. Ihe Snow is gone and spring is nere. Changes are constantly being made all around me but I am still at the old stand, doing business in the same old way, that is selling you the best article for the least money. Bring me your produce, try my goods and compare my prices. You are at liberty, in fact, you are invited to weigh after me. Lowest prices also guaranteed. Phone No. 2!H. Yours truly, L. S. HELMS. Lawyers' Directory. Offices in Savings, Loan and Trust Building, Corner of Franklin and Hayne Streets, Monroe, N. C. Adams, Jerome & Armield, Rooms 16, 17 and H. . F. Griffin, Rooms tl and I a. Lorenzo Medlin, Rooms 4 and 5. Kedwine & Stack, Rooms 6 to 10. ). C. Sikes, Jr., Rooms t and 3. Williams & Lemmond, Rooms 14 & 15. , L. Stevens, office formerly occu pied by Armneld & Williams, in tbe courthouse. People's BanK OF MONROE. N. C. Snllnt. wnnr serannt .nil henkin. -" - b business, we guarantee abmjlu it SECURITY, promptness and all tbe accommodations that SOUND bank ing will admit of. Interest paid, ac cording to agi cement, on a e poena lett (or our stated period. Always ready for loans on approved paper. o. P. HEAiri. rresiaeot. IRK MULLIO, Civil Knpincar, PH0NI41. Wingati, N. C R.llwaT, Municipal, anil Far. RnrrrTlM. KaHi nuMis on, i nanjruiauuw, aaw ana, Mapa. ate. HOLLITa"l Rocky Mountain Tea Nuggets k Buy MaJMss a I try iwie. Brlira QMsa lialik ss4 Siaiwi Tiffs. i wsSa fnrrjnwrtlmllfM. Indiana! to.. M Ml Kldn.-v TmnMaa. PlmDfcia. Eoaama. Imimn !. Had Srwaih. murc'ui amk, llmtae MtttfkMctm. IliRoetr Moimuua Ta la tat 1 nm- an W.1 . . BuL (taenia was Si doUMrsa Dwrw Oowhitt, Nadlaow, Wis. MLOEM US6ET fO SALLOW KOPU t We patronize W. A. STEWART & BRO. ?Do you Do you They handle everything that is to be found in an up-to-date grocery store. t This week they are selling 3 packages Premier Oat I Flakes for 25c.; the finest Maple Syrup produced; 4 pounds best Apple Butter for 25c. ; Heintz's Sweet Mixed Pickles 12 l-2c. lb. ; Fresh Fish and Oysters. Goods delivered promptly. Satisfaction guaranteed. Phone 201. For tliti next lew dags, I am offering some special bargains in Watcher. If you can use one of them it will be to your advant age to buy now. Let me show you what money you can save on them. W. E. LINEBAGK, The Jeweler, Monroe, N. C. Insurance! We represent the strongest line of Compa nies in the WORLD, both Fire, Life, Accident, Health and Bonding Companies. We give you what you want at the correct rate nf premium. We make insurance a SPECIALTY, repre sent your interest before and after the fire. and give all business entrusted to us prompt and careful attention. W. DI. GORDON, if I'.'ople, Bank. Now is your chance to purchase a line of F&ncy China and Cut Glass Cheap! ! !w Special Dollar Sale $ Friday at 10 o'clock. $ Friday at 10 o'clock we will place on sale $2000.00 worth of Cut Glass, Fancy China and Silverware at the small price of One Dollar. Watch our show windows and see the bargains offered. Prices talk. , This is a strictly cash sale. , u The W.J. Rudge Co. Books, Stationery, . Jewelry.