THE IOHROE JOCRHAL B. F. BE4SLEY. """ Tuesday. March 21. IMS. The Southbound Railwty. As result of the mass meeting in Winston last Wednesday the corre tpondraU it that place state that tbe proposed Southbound railroad from that place to tome point oa the Car olina Central railway, will certainly be built The scheme is a very am bitioua one, judging from the fol lowing, taken from the report aent out: "In a nut-shell. there ia back of the scheme a wonderful plan looking forward to the construction of the Panama Canal The plan embrace the connection of the Norfolk Western, the great coal-hauling road, with both the Seaboard and the At lantic Coast line systems, and the entrance into Charleston, S. C, a city south of Cape Hatter. By connecting with the two great sys tems mentioned, it means the deliv ery to thera of their entire supply of coal for their Southern point over the Southbound Railway, and it meana the construction of a great coaling station at Charleston, where all vessels bound for Pacific points through the Panama Canal can coal south of the dreaded Cape HaUeras." Col. F. H. Fries, president of the Wachovia Loan A Trust Co., and a very weathly and interprising man, says that he is assured by those be hind him that they are ready to build the road, and he knows that they are able to do so. The conditions seems to be that the communities along the line must furnish right of way and f 500,000, whether, the latter is to be a donation or a subscription to stock is not stated, presumably the former. The three routes proposed are as follows: One from Winston-Salem, via High Point, down the Uwharrie river and along the left bank of the Pee Dee river, to Rockingham and Hamlet, thence connecting with the Atlantic Coast Line at Gibson for Charleston. Another route, via Isl ington and Wadesboro, connecting with the Atlantic Coast Line at the latter point for Charleston. A third route, via Lexington, Mount Pleas ant, Monroe, Jefferson, S. C, McKee, 8. C, connecting with the Atlantic Coast Line near Sumter for Charles ton. Still there is another rout bidding for the road by Salisbury, Concord and Monroe. At the meet ing last Wednesday a great many speeches were made by representa tives from the several sections, in cluding those of Messrs. Armfield and Stack from Monroe. It is to be hoped that the project will not fail. Other places are doing their best, and it is to our interest to be stirring hereabouts whenever the time comes to stir. From a most graphic and enter taining article in Everybody's Mag azine, entitled Hell at Port Arthur, by an eye witness, we take the fol lowing: ' Before General Baron Nogi sail ed for Manchuria his first son, 8ho ten, climbed the frightful Nanshan Jlill, only to get a builct in the brain at be sabeed a Russian lieutenant cross the parapet. The corpse ar rived in Tokyo tho day the General left, and Nogi said to his wife: "De lay funeral services until Hoten and I are brought back to lie with Sho ten." Hoten went with the father a a lieutenant in the first division. On December 18th a Keissheitai (certain death party) was called for to make the last assault against the hill known as "203-meter." Hoten led it The hill fell. Hoten went to join Shoten." Compare this with the heroism of the man, who, in the great fire at Brocton yesterday, when pinned down and staring awful death in the face, told the rescuers to let him lone and help those behind, at the same time reaching over and help ing the girls behind, and you will realize that "peace hath her victories do less renowned than those of war." The complete disaster to the Rus sian arms ha seemed to bring peace little nearer than before. General Linevitch haa succeeded General Ku ropatkin, and the retreat continues. The Cur declares that another big army shall be sent out, but those who study the situation say that Russia is now really helpless and that it would be a year before she could hope to strike an effective blow. Catarrh Cannot be Cured with Local Applications, as they tan aot raach the teat of tbsditeat. Ca tarrh is a blood or constitutional dis ease, and la order to car it yon mail take internal renodiw. Hall's Catarrh Cora is takon iotwaslly, and acts di rectly oa the blood and biocom sur faces. Hall's Catarrh Car is not a quack medicin. It was prescribed by a of tbe best physiciaos ia this tannic far tun. and is I ref ulaf ore- ecriptioa. It ia compoMd of the best tonics known, comoinM nun me ti Mood purifier, acting directly on the mucous surfaces. Tb perfect combi nation of tbe two ingredients Is what produces such wooded ul resells ia cur luf catarrh. Send for testimonials free. F.J.CURNKY A 00. Tolido, Ohio. Sold by druggist, 75c. Hall s family pi Us art the bust Bee Doster Grocery Co. for erock ery at rock bottom prices. Beat grade Cuba molaww. V. U. Austin Bro. SCORES KILLED BY EXPLOSION Shock Wreck tb BuOdiag and lama tea are FUnea uwb ana Roasted Oreat tterekwa. Rt tho inkwioa at boiler in a big shoe factory at Broctoa, Mass., yesterday, about seventy-nve peopie were killed or burned to death by the subsequent fire. The explosion was immediately fcJLwuH he a Hash of tknte. which consumed the factory, a long, four inr iti-M-inm. a if it were a house of card, and incinerated an unknow n number of men and women, woo WAN) unable to extricate thenwelve from a mass of tangled wreckage formed by the terrible upheaval in the boiler room. More than half a hiin.1rwi of the emDlovea in the building were maimed, burned or bruised by the time they reached safe ground. Some had jumped from ihA nmf aume from windows, and others had been injured in the mad rush to escape trom me aomnea we tory, which from all part emitted the intense, awful heat f an inferno, driving back the band of heroic res cuer w ho in a few brief moments had performed gallant service. Scarcely had the rear portion of th structure oollaosed when a tongue of flame started up from the boiler pit and reaching out as it ascenuea. and setting fire to the wreckage. Soon the entire factory was in flames. Instant death was the fate of many who went down with the floors that collapsed. A large number of men and women who were working near th aunnorta were alive after the floors and walls fell. From these unfortunates the dying agonies of terror went up, and they rent the air with their cries. By this time near by citizens bad arrived to assist the employes who escaped, in the rescue f thir fallow This task became momentarily more difficult and pe rilous, for the neat Jrora tne nre was ilmmt unbearable. Bv the use of long piece of timber the rescuers were able to raise parts oi mewreca age and thereby release some of the imnnsoned men and women, and then by rushing into the smoke pull them from the rums. Then it was that acts of sacrifice and heroism were seen. One man whose legs were caught under an iron beam, cried to the rescuers that they could not extricate him, and to help the girl behind him Stretch ing his arms, he lifted several girls, one by one, and passed them to the rescuers. Then the fire reached him and he died. A woman who was KntanLrled in a shoe machine cried out that she was dying, and com manded the rescuers to attend to others who might live. She begged to be shot Soon flames enveloed her. Among the first to arrive on the scene was Rev. James O'Rourke, eiirate at St. Marcaret's Roman Cath olic church, near by. At the risk of his life, he removod seven persons from the ruins before the tire had reached them and was returning for the eighth time when he fainted from the effect of the smoke and the shock. Father 'Rourke said last night: "In order to reach the imnnsoned sufferers we had to crawl through the debris, and with tlie aid oi a large timber we raised the wreckage which held fast several men and women. In this manner, and by brute strength, we pulled out seven employes. "By this time the flames were al most upon us and we were aUmt to rW fur aafntv. when one Door fellow begged that a last effort be made to save him. Three of us grasped the man by the shoulders and arms ana twamA anil nulled until suddenly he cried: 'My God, my leg is pulled off!' "It was terrible and especially so heratise a moment later, with our clothing scorched, we were ordered away by the chief of the fire depart ment and were reluctantly compelled to leave the poor man to his fate. "Just before leaving I saw just fifteen of the imprisoned operatives: some already suffering untold agon ies from the flames which were ac tually cooking their flesh, and others watching with terror-stricken eyes the fate of their companions, know ing that a moment or two would bring to them similar suffering, and then death." With tear-stained and haggard faces women and children besieged the church during the day, pleading with the nriests for information about husband, father, sister or brother who failed to return home. Little comfort could be given to these people. At the Campbello police station a similar scene was enacted. Early in the dav. Msvor Keith, foreseeins the confusion which would ensue, posted notices in conspicuous places, iwiiipatinv all emnlnvea who had es- n - - s - ' , caped to go at once to the police . . i . L : rrl siauon ana give ineir names, i u-m-names were posted, and around this list of names hovered a throng of women many hysterical with grief, because the list did not include a relative. Back and forth from the ruins to Wood's Grass Clover Seeds. For eieaa acUs and dean crops, InWiwftTiKarkM, the beet qualities obtainable. Weed's Seed Book eWe tbe fullest Information about Ormas and Oarers, beat thete and wlaaae of eeewtof, triads beet aa to shlereat , ue title ta aee ear acre, beet cewf ! for bay or seatarace, ad mack other information of tbe greatest vale to every turner. Wee See Beat w well tiwea f net WrlM aw II, aaa Sinn I rife IW at turn enda., Uiiitii, mnoit, Tiwuia. "WOOD'S SEEDS IWIrtiH .IT.1383. 1184 m Kai . tm. iia, the station, and from the station k.uu m th ruin, three enef -slack en women filed in never-ending proression, looking at the fragment of flesh and bone as they were placed in pine boie and hurried aay to the morgue. Only in extremely rare t-ase wa there the slightest chance of identification. Resolutions el Respect. . The Woman's Foreign Missionary Society of Central Methodist church. U.uinw sorrow much over tbe kvs of one of their most faithful and consecrated member. Just as the February days were closing, ending our conference year, the spirit of Mr. Nora Allen Ie left u and en- tereJ the portal of the heavenly .itv Her List sickness was of sev eral weeks duration, her sufferings were intense, but tbe heaiin ana blessedness now hers, are hers for ever. We. her sorrow ing sisters, have no fuar n.i mw.-ivinn as to her exalta tion' and salvation. She pmsessed admirable traits of character. coupled with those of grace, unsel fishness and modesty so essenuai to th hi .'host tvueof christian woman hood. To give her up cheerfully is not yet possible for we need ner; need her counsel, advice and prayers as a member of our society: and need her loving kindness as a friend and helper. Her church will miss her, but Uh1 doeth all things well. She trulv his and loved, honored and served him; and though we can not see the wisdom of this sad dis pensation, we can wail and work un til the "iv.iv Star" from on hih re veals it all. Therefore be it resolved. 1st, That, we imitate her virtues and double our diligence to advance the cause she loved and for which she worked to the last nii That, our sincere sympathy goes out to the bereaved husband and dear little children, nou omj can comfort them. M iy hi graif be sutlicient in this time of distress' 3rd. That, a copy of the above be recorded in our minutes, in our town papers and a copy sent to the sor rowing family. Mrs. C. F. I. owe. Mrs. S. W. ISkham, Mrs, J. J. Crow, Committee. Champion Liniment for Kumatism Chas. Drake, a mail carrier (n thapin ville, toun., ay: "Chamberlain's Tain Balm is the cbampiuu ot all lini ments. The past year I wa troubled a great deal with iheumatism iu my thouldrr. After trying arveral cure the itorekrener heie recommended this remedy and it completely cuied me." There uo use ot anyone sui fering from that painful ailment hen this liniment can be obtained for a small sum. One application give nruinnt lelief and its coutiuued use for a short time will produce a permanent cure. For sale by C. N. Sunpsou, Jr., and S. J. Welsh. (Jet interested ill our line of fan cy mixed cakes. V. C. Austin K llro. Barrel of the nicest kraut in town. Iioster Oroeery Co. Special Notices. Advertisements will be inserted in this column at the price of one cent a word, cash in advance. FOK EXCHANGE-One setting ot eggs from pea of Pit (juniet, the cock of which haa aeveo dead to his credit, on of these battles won in Chicago, for two settings of commou eggs. T. L. Crowell. IMPOUNDED I have taken up a Jersey colored heifer. Owuer can get same by identifying. W. T. Hays, Stout, N. C. BAKKED Plymouth Rocks (Kinglet Slraiu), good layers, ij large yel low eggs, li.oo. Address Davie Foul try Yards, Boi 19. Mocktville, N, C. HIDES WANTED bring your mink bides to me and get highest prices. W. E. Kichardsoo, at Crow Kros. M ONEY to lend, goods to sell. L. N. 1'iesson. MY five year old thoroughbred jack will be found at my farm as miles 001 tb of Wingale. C. Stewart GOOD borse fur sale at a bargain. Collins & Bigger. OOD mule chop (or cash I G. M. Beasley. TO THE PL'BLIC I will handle this teaso the old reliable Em pire (juauo and Kaisin Acid, hereto fore bandied by S. B. Buudy. M. C. Broom. FOR RENT Two upstairs rooms for young men, convenient to busi ness. Apply at Journal Office. OK SALE Oue large mule cheap for cash. Frank Armfield. FOK RENT Good s horn larm 5 mile south of Monroe, j I. Long. H ENDRSON & SNYDER wants to writ your fir insurance. FOR RENT Sn-room house, with barn and 1 acres ol land, Eorlh of coal chute, owned by Mrs. Vano. Apply to J. M Fair ley. FOK RENT A good two horse farm, with j-room dwelling and outhouse, just outside city limit. Apply to Mr. D. A.Covingtoo. DAWN BROKER'S CLOTHING I Th nicest sod cheapest lot of clothing ever offered for sal in tbia section. Men's, boy's and children's suits, odd coats, pants add vests, all wool and strictly sanitary, at your price. Com and see. Only 10 mm te walk northeast of courthouse. J. H. Benton, Monroe, N. C. FINE JACK, colt of Spiaisb Black Knight, at my stable in Goose Creek. 6. W. G. Long. FOR SALE 6 H.P.boiler and 30 H. P. engine; food condition; easy term. J. D. Hemby, R.F.D.N0.18, Mattbews.N.C. riFTY cents pay for Our Home on r t- - ...1 : 1 - i . Tear ana lum iuukiiwi s1v m j cent packet of garden seeds free. Writ for tempi copies. Our Home, Msrshrille, N. C. 'OITON SEED WANTED S5 car j toad. Highest price paid. J. M. Fairley. s EE Henderson A Snyder for fir in torance on soy thing 70 J want. Court Proceeding-. The follming rase have been disputed of by the court up till noon to-dav: D. 11. Ileldrelh, earn ing concealed weapon; rl pro, with leave. Richard Marnes, selling litiuor. nol pn. with leave. Eliza Starne, selling liquor; nol pro, with Wave. Krnest Starnea, selling liquor, nol pnis, with leave. Jack Cullius, earning concealed weapon; red pro, with leave. Jack Cullius, retailing; nol pro. with leave. Jim and Mary lWnton, fornication and adultery; cont paid off. Fulton knotis, retailing; nol pros. with leave. Avery Kippery, retailing; nol pros. with leave. lilly Parker, selling liquor, nol pro, with leave. W. I. Ashford, carrying concealr I weapon: nl pn. Roxie Forest, assault with deadly weapon: not guilty. John Stewart, larceny; nol pros, leave. Rush Smith, assault with deadly weapon; 5 and costs, lavk Cull, failure to list taxes; ? 1 and costs. Cnvrge l. Yoder, selling liquor, guilty. Harvey Nelson, selling liquor; nol pro. I'mk Carpenter, failure to list taxes; 1 penny and costs. John Klakeney, failure to list taxes; $ 1 and costs. (leo. Carelu k, failure to list taxes; a) 1 and costs. Virgil Blount, failure to list taxes; $1 and costs. W. T. Broom, failure to list taxes; $ 1 and costs. Je Mavhuo. larcenv; 12 months on countv roads. Tho. MclKiwell, carrying conceal ed weapon; not guilty. ill Shinn, selling liquor; iruiity. Tom Wall, gambling: guilty. Roxie Forrest, assault uith deadly weapon; not guilty; t Folk Miller and the old Smth. genuiue negro quartette, !'., ;t and M wuts, tonight. In au explosion Saturday tilht in the Rush Knn and Red Ashe iii i ne near Charleston, West Vir ginia, teu meu were killed. On Sunday morning rescuers went into the mine to rescue the bodies!, when another explosion occurred mid fourteen more men were killed. Buford News. rrseJuaraal. 1 Hope. March 2tKo Tb parse! hichMr. J. W. Belk Uw4.rr.e uiuiuu 11.20, was fooud ly Mr. j William Brutou and promptly re ' turned. The public schools taught by Mimm Kva Richardson, Birdie Sloan. Ada CuthtrtM.n, JaliaFua- ijert'urk SuhI Susan Laney have. ;brrn well pat run i ml, tbe average enrollment Iwlug larger than oxual. I The early vegetable are ot Mi-ping up and young chickens are 1 10 lieseen evervwhere. I nave nan -mute on the yard for six werks. Mr. W. T. Lauey haathe a:ot pro litie hen in the neighborhood, be eta on one hundred egge and usu ally batcbea 75 per reut of them. Her uaiue is incubator. Kev. J. 1. Higgsand hi young bride were at Triuity yerterday ud were welcomed by a Urge con (regation. They made a wont fa- vonhlr inipression ana air. ntggs preached au interesting aud forci ble ta-riuoii. Tbe infant daughter of Mr. Eher Helms wns found dead in bed last Vli!--t,.iv uiorulng. Mr. and Mix J. . I-aney and htlle son. Kuisly Armfield. visited it Mr. (i. M. Lauey' Sunday. ADPAIMG IM miUlK PfinnO MMM II. ViinilL 11UUUII i C!om1 home made inolitvies lit loster tinnvry Co.'s. ALE One of the best farms near Monroe for sale at a bar gain. Also other farms and lots. Apply to MEDLIN & MEDLIN, 4 A 5 Loan Trust lildg., Phone Xo. 2t!. MONRtlK, X. C. Ihe Snow is erone and sprinir is here. Changes are constantly being made all around me but I am still at the old stand, doing business in the same old way, that is selling you the best article for the least money. Bring me your produce, try my goods and compare my prices. You are at liberty, m fact, you are invited to weigh after me. Lowest prices also guaranteed. I'hone No. 2!U. Yonrs truly, L. S. HELMS. Spring Jewelry! We have just received a new lot of Shirt Waist Sets, Hat Pins, and Cuff Sets at prices to please all The W.J.Mge Co,- The demand for white materials for shirt waists and shirt waist suits equals any of the past seasons. ' The bargains we are offering in the popular white materials surpass anything we have put on sale. Our efforts to intensify the interest in our every "white" department have met with splendid success. Our large purchases have in every instauce been made under the market, and our customary way of selling even-thing at a close profit makes our bargains in "white" much under usual value. REPORT OF THE CONDITION OF THE People's Bank AT MONROE, N. C, at tbe close of business Mcb. 14th, 1905 KESOl'KCES. Loans and discounts, 56. 127 S J Overdrafts, secured .J' M Hanking House 4.000 00 Furniture and Futures... 00 Other Keal Estate owned, 315 00 Due from Hanks, I7. 95 Gold Cun 3 09 j 00 Silver Coin 3.S01 06 Natioual Baud Notes b. 221 00 Total 1W.54S 67 LIABILITIES. Capital Stock piilin, ... $J 000 00 .Sui plus Fund, 6,000 00 I'nJm.le.l profits, 0,479.05 Divideuda unpaid 31000 Notes 4 bills rediscouuted 15,000.00 Hills Payable 40,000 00 Tune Orposit Certificates, 89.497. "7 1 Deposits sut-jert to check, 71,640.46 1 DeiiiauJ dep. certificates, l.uo 58! Due to Hanks I,J5 ai Cabhier'l cn ksoutsUudiug 47 5 Total Ji9.J4S 7 I. Kosroe l'liifrr, Cashier of the People's Hunk of Monroe, do solemnly swear that the abov statement ia true to the best of 111 v knowledge and be lief. KOSCOE 1'lllFEK, Cashier. Cobkect Attest: K. V. Hot stok, 1 . K English, Directors. J. H. Li, ) Sworn to and subscribed before me this 2ltt day of Men., 1905. V. M. OOKDON, Notary Public. 1 '.'.V. While Mervrriied Madnm at 10a. .VS iwh Full Mervr-riaed Matlraa, all new desirna aud pattern, cheap at 3.1 to IV., all at oue prior, 2V, Enfllsh Loni Cloth Lnderprlced. Our well known 20 quality, 13 Jl. to piew, regular 11.33, price for tliia fd'k, iwr bolt -...Sc IV. ludia IJnona at 10c Iientiiul Sherr White lotlisa LiiMMm, extra quality, cheap at I V. yd., but for our white goon aale ouly 10c A Barfaln la Dimities and Naneook. Several odd piece, 13 and l!c yd., all at oue price, your choice 10c. One rase yard wide Permit, pretty figures and stripes, 8c quality, for this aale ouly, per yard, 3& Arnold' Mohair Lustre at ISc. This fabric is one of the new materials in cotton for early spring wear. Pat terns exact copies of the dainty spring wool mohairs and silks; in mixtures, small plaids and two-tone effects; price 15c yard. Big lot 50 and 75c Silk to close at 25c yard. Don't want to carry a single piece over, so we have cut the price over half in two. Lace and Embroideries. Showing a beautiful range of patterns, edging and insertions to match. 7 1-2 and 10c Quality Torchon Lace at 5c Big lot 5c kina, sale price 3c W. H. BELK & BRO. Cheapest Store on Earth. First-class Restaurant in connection with Parker's Market, Meals all hours, 25 cents. Special Ratey via Sea board Air Line Railway. Ou account of Tabernacle Bible PjiufoiwiMw Atlanta. (Li.. March Hat-April :ini, the Scaltoard an-1 uounces a rale oi one tare aim a third on certificate pluu. i . a. s I Ou account oi rout in aiiiiuui Tournniueut Uolf Asiociatiou, Sa vannah, (la., May Mb-15th, the Healioard announce a rate of oue fure plus 35 rents from all ixiiiitH. Tickets Bold May 7th, Mb, lth, fi nal limit May 15th. Ou account of Southern Itaptiat Convention, KamuM City, Mo., May 10th-17tli, the Seaboard annouuees a rate of one fare plu fifty eeuta iu additiou to 33 ceota for validutriig lickets. Ticketa sold May 7-1 1th, iuclumve, tiiml limit May 3:rd. Uo Account of Annuttl Auaocia tion of Maniifacturera, Atlanta, (ia. May U-l, the Scattoard an noun cm a rate of one fare plus 35 rent. Ticket aold M;iy 14-15, final limit May 3Mh, with the privilege ol extension. Incredible Brutality. It would have been incredible bru tality il('htw.F.LeniU'rKerof Syr ruae,X.Y..had not done the beta he could for his Buffering son. "My I f l.A ........ limit m r.Mirfnl fruwh 'over his eye,(K) I applied Ilucklen'a Arnica Salve, which quickly neaieo it and aaved his eye." Good for Itarns aud ulcers too. Only 35c at Knglish Drug Co.'s. 1 1 wnen "y oix J We patronize W. A. STEWART & BRO. ?Do you O Do you They handle everything that is to be found in an up-to-date grocery store. This week they are selling 3 packages Premier Oat Flakes for 25c; the finest Maple Syrup produced; 4 pounds best Apple Butter for 25c; Heintz's Sweet Mixed Tickles 12 l-2c lb.; Fresh Fish and Oysters. Goods delivered promptly. Satisfaction guaranteed. Phone 201. j $10,000 worth of I Clothing at Cost! NO FAKE! No doubt you have heard ! of cost sales until they sound FISHY taste of the canbut this sale is no lake, as I bought the Lichtcnstein interest in i the firm of Lichtenstcin & Flow at a x murderous SAUlili? ana am in po ; ; sition to sell this stock at first cost and ! ! make a small profit, besides cettihe rid X of our immense stock of clothincr. As i . . 17 x X we are unloading to youradvantage, you j IttlillUli allUIU IU lillOS ll 1UU liatB UIU f advantage of my years of experience in J buying which costs you nothing. When ;; in need of anything in the clothing line ; come and see how much a dollar will! cover in a cost salc It will surprise you. ! D. WILL FLOW, 1; Successor to Lichtenstein & Flow. Buy a Harrow you want an implement that will do the work you require of it. We keep the "Deer" flexible harrow. It is strong, simple in construction! gives good service and hard wear. Does not readily get out of order. Good for all kinds of work and docs it thoroughly. Dress your beds down and plow out your ditches. The danger of break-down and delay is small if you use the Deer. Come and look it over or ask your neighbor about it. Monroe Hardware 6o'y. Randolph Redfearn, Manager. w. c. WOLFE, ) Cashier. S W. S. BLAKENEY, President. J. B. STACK, Vk-President THE- BANK of UNION MONROE, N. Q This Bank has been operated In the Interest of the people at art as well asjlts stockholders, its officers have done their best to build up Hon roe and the surrounding country. It pro- HtAma iri mmlmmrA tn th rfMMaltAT MltA la .IwlVI liberal l to the borrower. No reasonable person could to dissatisfied C with Its methods. Remember what It has done for the people thus tar and let everybody know that It will meet all kfttlmate competition In the future. Patronize It with your accounts and thus show your sympathy for a progressive and obHfftag Instttutfan. It Is your friend and It Is here to stay. For tne next lew flays, I am offering some special bargains in Watcher. If you can use one of them it will be to your advant age to buy now. Let me show you what money you can save on them. W. E. LINEBAOK, The Jeweler, Monroe, N. C.