M M W ft M r U an n I if Tv II I U Jl X c So VOLUME XII. NO 11 MONROE, N.C TUESDAY APRIL 18 1003 One Dollar a Year Practical Poultry Talks. X HowT Rait Young Turkeys l n Jo" la Pniilv rirwr The Duliject of my talk this week is turkey, and there is nothing mor charming on the farm in the hole circle of feathered depend nils than a flock of beautiful limine or White Holland turkeys. Auil apart trom their beauty, their money value on the market in ftotuethini; kandwiiiie. For the past tiro wstMoim drwted turkeys have rangt-d from tweuty to twenty-five renin per pound on the city mar ket, aud at that price, any little extra attrutiou given them is well reiiaid. As my spare is limited, I cannot eutcr inlo any long detail as to tare of parent stock except Avoid to advise again in Inbreeding breeding (as it's worm and Feed with turkeys than Well In ith liens), aud alno Sprinir. that a liberal ration of meat be fed the old stock while laying. For early in spriii);, when turkeys flrttt begiu to lay, there are very few bugs, worms or insectn for them to pick up, aud a turkey's diet must consist largely of meat if yon want strong, healthy pOllllM. It is nut nocetisary that the male bird should lie with the bens dur ing the laying season, as one day's service ill fertilize an entire litter of eggs, tie they eleven or fifteen. If the male bird is kept away from the liens, they will not wander oft' so far and will make their ueet close in. Kggs should lie removed from nest daily after first one is laid, leaving one iu the nest. IK) not put your band in the nest, as with wiiiih nervous hens it will cause them to leave the neat. Take a stick and remove the egg. If the nest has been made too fur from the house, aud there is dan ger of "varmints" (letting the getting the heu at Hen to Set iugt, when she be at the comes broody, place Right Place, a barrel on its side iu gome secluded spot near the house aud put eggs iu it Then go after dark and take the hen olT the old uest aud place iu the barrel with the eggs, throwing an old sack or cloth over the mouth of the barrel. Iu the day place water near barrel, also feed, and remove cover. She will soon come off, and finding water and feed con venient, will make her meal, theu go back ou the nest again, and you w ill have no further trouble with her. I used to raise lots of turkeys, and hud good success with them, but our hamlet is Mow to Keep becoming so thick the Young ly settled we have Turkeys no range for onr from Dying, birds and bad to part with them very much to my regret. I have often heard people say they "cau't raise turkeys; they all die." This may lie true in some cases. There-are some things to be considered, but if you start right withyouug poults and keep it up, there is very little trouble. As soon as the turkeys aro all hatched, give each one a groin of black peper; then take hog's lard and a few drops of car bolic acid mixed well, and grease the wings just a little at a time, but often, say at least three times a week. Also dust the hen with wime good insect powder every few days, and put a little of the grease on her. Remove hen and ponlts to a pen 15x15, if couveuient in the shade on nice, clean AS A TONIC For Convalescing Invalids Pe-ru-n is Unequaled. Uncle Tobey's Lecture on Hearts. -l tt.1 T.ly In Hott n.l Fna. A Com mua Curthat Traveled Much L'nder a High Sounding Name. Ub I It lUiiMlk. The Landmark has been iuterwd ed la the rase of Sir. Jordan of kernersville, who advertised high pedigreed dogs and then tilled the orders with any common curs he could pick up. Jordan was in- ... .. It,. ...uil.a .4a. I f.l .nd nlut milt in the Fed Wi pregat ion eral Court at Ureeualioro last meek. Judge itoyd first senteuced him to pay a tine of t-HK) and to serve 'M dsys in jail. At the argent solici- tat ion of counsel the jail sentence was remitted and the hue increased to I'.'.'iO. In his remarks on the case Judge Itoyd said that from all them ran break this binding force. The Psychology of Gardening on The head is a receptacle in whirh Shares, to store knowledge; the heart is the -- monitor that directs that kuowl- in the want eolumnsof the edge. The glad hearts! llowwel- uewpaieni one runs across little come they are iu this old world!' advertisements that spit wonder The hearts that wear a smiling " ' ,,ilu- ,h Charlotte face and extern! the glad hand! Olwerver a Tew days ago a patron They scatter sunshine wherever 'advertised his dewre to "sell 15 I lliav TKv iiiKitir iiti mil h Uiles of irood cotton, first Dirking. will please be! gtMH, th,,U.jlta ,( the desire to do j to any mill at I ceuts." Now, ran seated. Brother Edvaid will noble things. They Miioolli down Mr. Yal. Schmidt, on of the rounder sad charter member of California Tent Ho. , KnlghU of lb Maerabe, lb second largest tent In the elate (having Marl 7U0 members.) Then are about 1,000 member of the order tn the eity and with all of them Mr. Schmidt la Im mensely popular, la s recent letter trom Su Wllehlra Boulevard, Los An galea, Cal he wiitesi Some month ago while protecut- Ing my calling of miner, I contracted the so-caW deadly mountain fever and wa confined to a bed from wbkh I had little hope of ever arltlng. I tried many remedlea and doctors without any favorable remit, until having hat twenty pound of fleih I wa Induced to try Ptnioa, and after roe ax of nine bottle I wa complete ly cured and am at bale and bearty aa my picture oow. and Intend to atand by H, and am atill taking It a a tonic, as f feel that nothing give ma mora Urength when I am worn out than Parana. "I alwaya apeak a good word tor It" YAL. SCHMIDT. It von do not derive prompt and aatuv factory reaulU from the uae of Peruna, trrlte at once to Dr. Uartman, giving s fall statement of your case and he will be pleased to give you hi valuable ad rice gratia. Addreaa Dr. Uartman, President of Ths Bartman Sanitarium, Columbus, O. pilch him out of doors. Yellow dogs should not be allowed in lee lure rooms or in politic. The young lady with a turkey feather iu her bat will take that chewing T4V9C tfUUEC rca va laica ai xaaa - . . .. l . .penances Jordan was engaged i 0' . f,,"" n,,,u,b '"ln8,"P 1 . . frrl.tiilliir At IliA t'lMllitv Until ttn the in sending worthless dogs out ol please lake mar yellow u..g iy tue lh. r,.mrh iiuv. in iif Ti... nape of the neck aud the tail and ' f be olwtll,.lM fr,lW tmr j,;,, and sweeteu the pleasures ol this old world. Oh, the glad hearts, what could we do without themt Then there are the hearts that are sail and apieal to our sympa Feeding grass, and move Young Turkeys, every d days; place barrel pn side in sun for shelter. Feed young turkeys on hard boiled eggs, giving a little at each time, but often, say six times a day, giving fresh water with each meal. As they grow older, In crease the feed in quantity, chang ing it every other day to stale bread soaked in milk with all stir- plus milk S4iuee.ed out, and rolled or pin-bead oats. hen three weeks old open the pen on all clear days and let the heu aud brood run, hut be sure to get them back at night, and do not let them out until dew Is oil the grass, for dampness is lutal to young turkeys. Match constantly for droopy poults, aud examine carefully for lice. If their wing feathers seem to grow too fart and seem to weight them down, do uot Avoid Dew; cut the w i ng as some and a Storm do, but geutly pull Is Fatal. out the first three or four feathers, as by only cutting them you do not stop the growth at the llesh end. Until the young are fully renin- ered watch the clouds and if signs of a storm appear, drop eveiy thing aud drive up the youngsters at once, for lrcaugnt out iu a storm, it will be the last of them. hen fully feathered they can be taught to roost iu the hen bouse or on fences until cold weather sets in, when they should lie well taken care of, if you want a sumptuous Christmas dinner. Laat Hope Vanished. When leading physicians said that V. M. Smitbart of Pekiu, la., had incuralle consumption, bis last hotie vanished; but Dr. King's New Discovery for consumption, coughs and colds, kept him out of bis grave. He says: "This great spe cilio completely cured ine and saved my life. Since theu I have used it for over 10 years aud con sider it a marvelous throat and lung enro," Strictly scientific cure for coughs, sore throats or colds; sure preventive of pneumonia. Guaranteed, 50c aud 1 bottles at English Drug l'o.'s. Trial pottles free, If a Cow gave Butter mankind would have to invent milk. Milk Is Na ture's emulsion butter put in shape for diges tion. Cod liver oil Is ex tremely nourishing, but It has to be emulsified before we can digest it, Young Woman Kills Herself Be cause She Uot too Fat. Lot AnarlM. Cal., Dltpatch, iwh. Miss Dora Young, once a belle of this city and yet handsome despite an extraordinary gain iu flesh, was talking with friends in her home today, her 33rd birthday, when she suddenly produced a revolver and blew out her brains. The cause of the deed was that the young wom an bad so increased in weight that she was becoming a monstrosity, acquaintance failing to recoguize her oo account of the rapid change in her appearance. She was so greatly depressed by her misfor tune that her reason was under mined. Hiss Yonng's rase was the stran gest ever kuown to medical science. Normally weighing 170 pounds, she became ill six mouths ago and had to submit to a surgical opera itlon. From that day she began gaining flesh at the rate of five r ,4f pounds a week, and this contiuued LjCOU S OnUlSIOn until she tipped the scales at not for from 300 pounds. the State, which was, iu a sense, a commeudable act, but be was gross ly wrong iu taking money lor a sorry cur, nnder fraudulent repre sentations; and that be could not see how auybody could waut to pay ftiO for a dog, stating that he was no expert ou dogs only knowing Newfoundlands, mastiffs, pointers and those box-faced things womeu ride in carriages with. Postoflice Inspector Keddy, lieing examined by the district attorney, related how be had investigated the I case, lie touud mat joi uan, un der ine uame oi me inn i.iver Kennel Company, bad advertised highly pedigreed dogs all over the coiiutry and received orders through the mails for many dogs, costing from (30 Ut fjikl each; that iu almost every iustance the dog was returned, but no money was refunded. As stsin as Jordan got the dog back he would fill another order with him. The big dog iu the case which the iusjicctor had kept for exhibition to the jury should the case come to trial hud been reshipped seveu times to par tics iu Nebraska, New York, Penn sylvania and South Carolina. This dog, be said, was advertised with the following pedigree: ''Husha way Hap out of lie use of I lent he- cote; close relation to Lad of Kush, Jingo, Kip Hap aud King of Kent." He said the dog was a stray cur alniut the freight yards iu Winston, and last December followed a rail road man named Longworth to Kernersville. There be took up with a uegro, who sold him to Jor dan for 13. This dog was first shipped to Dr. A. L. Olt, a dentist of Hidgeway, 8.C., December liiith; was returned by bun, and lliesame dog bad been hipicd to Georgia, Pennsylvania, Tsew loik ana Ne braska to prominent sportsmen, who bad invariably returned him, with the statement that some mis take must have been made. He brought all the way from 130 to 50 each time, but there was never any change iu his pedigree. The inspector said lie bad Deen ante to stalilish at least thirty cases oi worthless dogs being shipped, but none of them was as well traveled as the dog under especial consideration. Judge Adams, in pleading for the young mun, said lie hud bud but little chance iu life; that he had the support of a mother and sister ou his hands, his father and broth er having been shot down in their owu home iu Kernersville when he was a little boy by revenue (iflicers and killed; that he really dealt in high pedigreed dogs, but as numer ous orders came in for them and the real dogs gave out, the young fellow could not resist the tempta tion to till an order with any sort of dog that came bandy. Judge Boyd, in remitting the imprison ment, said that as be hud fined another Forsyth man at Statesville court J50 for selling pint bottles of whiskey and getting money for quart bottlea, be would impose the Lsame flue ou the mau wno soiu beuch-legged ficee as having de scended from Kushaway Hap, Hip Hap, King of Kent and other hon orable aucestors in dogdom. Feel tjred, no appetite, cannot sleep, work or eat! T hut's spring tiredness and will disappear al once if you take Hollister's Korky Mountain Tea this nionlu. ,t.e, tea or tablets. English Drug Co. grinning at the young mau on the right, r.ldcr Jiuklus will please punch up the tire in the stove. Your Uncle Toliey has lieen re quested to make several announce ments to this congregation. There will be a prayer meeting at W ulow Lnsloe s on next lliurs day night. Special request is made that the doga lie left at home. It is too trying on the uerves to listen to a prayer and a dog fight at the same tune. A suitable reward will lie given for the shortest and best prayer. A week ft-oni next Sat unlay there will In a rail splitting at Sam Lo gan's, followed at night with a reg ular old fashioned Tear-'er-down-Sal dance. No whiskey or profit n ity will be allowed on the grounds. Your Uncle Toliey will be at the prayer meeting aud at the dance. He will lie otherwise engaged dur ing the rail splitting. You will now give me your un divided attention, while I deliver a lecture on hearts. You have sr haps observed, my friends, that there lire a great many dillerent kinds of hearts. There are brave hearts and cowardly hearts; good tieails and bad hearts; hard hearts aud tender hearts; sweethearts and bobtail heart Hushes. I told you in my last lecture that your heads were made for a pur Mise, and I want yon to use your heads today to grasp the idea that (iod gave you jour hearts for a purpose. They are Just as impor tant in your physiological and psychological construction us your heads are. As you prance along the highway of life, you will dis cover that a heart is a convenient thing to carry along with you, esiieciully if it is a light and happy oue. If you have a light heart, you will find yourself wanting to help toto somebody else's before a great while. But before you un dertake to assume the care and transfer of some blue-eyed girl's heart, you would better know that it will tit reasonably well in the same grooves as your own. Your Uncle Toliey has known many a soft, tender heart to lie brokeu by coming in contact with a hard, un feeling one. And, my friends, don't mistake gush for tenderness, (iush may pnweed from a light head instead of a light heart. The subject of hearts is one that gets very near to us all. The heart is the center or all our leelmgs. it is the scale iu which we weigh the acts of our friends aud ought to weigh our own. It is the bar at which we iudire our enemies. It is the fountain head of all thoughts and deeds. It is the safe deposit where we treasure tip all the sweet memories of the past, and the tab let on which is marked the scars of ill treatment. It is the captain of the little craft iu which we journey down the stream of life. It is the dwelling place of the soul that indestructible spiritual lire that dwells within us. There are glad hearts and sail hearts, and hearts that are broken. Did you ever think, dear friends, that no human being was ever borivl whose destiny was not linked with the heart of some one else! There is the mother's solicitude for her child; the heart is its abiding place. The two hearts are bound together by the tender chords of affect ion, and no distance, that separates combines the best oil with the valuable hypo phosphites so that it Is easy to digest and does far more good than the oil alone could. That makes Scott's Emulsion the most strengthening, nourishing food -medicine In the world. Sand for fraa ampla, BCOTT BOWNE, C herniate 400-4 1 S Pearl Hreat New York BO. aru $1.00. All drusalats Cheated Death. Kidney trouble often ends fatally, but by choosing the right medicine K. H. Wolfs of Bear Orove, Iowa, cheated death. He says: "Two year ago I had kidney trouble, which mused me great pain, suf fering and anxiety, but I took Electric Bitters, which effected a complete cure, I have also found tbem of great benefit in general de bility and nerve trouble, and keep them constantly on hand, aiuce, as I find they have no equal." hng lish Drag Co. guarantee tbem, 50c, Speaka Volumes for Uvt Monroe. Chariu- and Chlldrra. The meeting house as it now stands is one of the most beautiful iu all North Carolina. There is not a thing that betokens extrava gaoce about it, but the most ex quisite taste is displayed through out and it is a model of conveui ence and comfort. The open pool beside the pulpit is especially at tractive and the impressive ordi nance of baptism can be performed decently and in order. Pastor Watson has a great grip on the community and on the asso ciation as well, tie is moderator of the association aud a leader of men who never makes a parade of his leadership. There are three beautiful church buildings in Mou roe, which speaks volumes for the people who make np that live and splendid town. About Rheumatism. There are few ditenet that inflict mors torture than rheumatiim and there Is probably no diteaaa for which aucb a varied and ueleu lot of reme died have beeo loigetted. To tar it can be cured ie therefore a bold atate mertt to make, but Chamberlain's Pain Balm, which anjoyi to eitnoeive sale. hat met with treat toccets in the treatment of tbit diteate. One sppli cation of Pain Balm will relieve the pain and boodreda of tufferert htre tettified to permanent cores by itt one. W'hv to der whea Ptio Balm afford! aock qoick relief aodcotttbot s trifle? For sale by t, n, Nmpeou, jr., aoa S. J. Webb. Thediord'l Black-Draught comet nearer rpfrulating the entire ivit'tn and keeping the Isxlf in health than any other medicine made. It ia alwaya ready in any enirren7 to treat ailment that are fnurnt in any family, Rich at indigraUon, biUonimeaa, eolda, diarTtusa, and ttoniarh achee. Thedford't Blark-Dranght it the standard, never-failing remedy for toniai'h, bowel, liver and kidney trouble. It ii a cure for the domee tic ilia which to frequently tummon tbedoctor. Itiiaagnodforcliildran aa it it fur grown pmone. A dote of this medicine every day will toon eon the moat otxtinat can of dye peSkia or oonitipatinn, and when taken at directed bring qakk relief. DuTTtxi, lu Hm. W rtfnr MMt-OrmwM ku kMSOTT ftenr uMor fur iwi ne e otkv. MH)I Mi kKtlr w tak. m M aa i M rtM I tvT amii. W. ha. tpMA Iom at mm T rot nor Wllfc kat aloa M M U wuk BlM-DlMaU. IXA H. BAD KB. Aik yew tor a ." IWtsH'I Blvt-DnMcht aa II B tamm mot kra It kM. M Tta OalM aanta MkIMGo.,CfeatUiHot,Ta. aaa a taakar wd He au4 tr th ie. They water our own hearts with their tears and keep alive the spirit of love and compassion, They, too, have their (iod given purKiscs. Aud what shall we say of the aching heartsf The mother's be:irt that aches for ber wayward tioy. the wife s heart that yearns lor a caress from au erring hiiNoand What can eiial a mother's love for the boyt You Imis have grown up from tender tiabes under a moth er's watchful care. Ah, Isijs, how many heart aches do you cause that dear old mother. 1m you realize the world of affection iu a mother's heart! What joy can you have in her sorrow, f What pleasure iu her naint St on, in v lad. and think of your mother's heart. You have it iu your power to make it glad, or make it sad. U-tyonr heait win m to Iter's as it did when a luilie iu her arms. Kindly stroke the gm hairs on ber head and msmhc hei that iu your heart there is seated u deep and lasting love aud reverence for her. Disappointed hearts. How many things we boe for, expect, yet do not attain. Ail paths are not smooth in this old world of nura. There are thorns on many sides aud rocky as well as slippery places for our I'eet. Disappointment w ill come to the best of lis, but the brave heart will take new courage after each failure and press ou to victory. God bkyts the weary hearts, it they have grown weary in well doing. Let them take ou fresh courage and bote, for there is more of good than evil in this old world of ours. A righteous life will ! rewarded, and a just cause enn never die. Soldiers may fall in battle, but others there are to take their places. The truth cannot lie vanquished. It may lie crushed to earth, but it will rise again a thou Band fold stronger and illuminate the world. Let ns lend a loving, helping band to the weary hearts. I know that the boyson the hum have splendid opporl u nit ies to keep their hearts clean. They live close, to nature aud to nature's (iod. In their everyday life they see the harmony aud grandeur of the uni verse. They are acquainted with all of uature's various iikmhIs. They feel the soothing effect of the mur muring brook, the strength and courage of the giant oak that hits withstood the storms of a century. Instead of the glittering and tempt ing sigu of the saloon, they ls-hold the forest in ils tinted glory, the majestic sweep of the liver, the clear, blue sky, the fields of wav ing gram and hear the song ol the ark and the oriole, lhey revel in the delicious fruit of the orchard and dream under the shade of ite. trees. While there are days of toil un der the rays of a sweltering sun, there are also eveniugs of rest in the rool shade, and the soft south wind is more refreshing than the cold beverage which intoxicates. The boys ou the farm are (iod s liovs. and the devil don't try half as hard to get them as he does the boys w ho live in the tow ns and the cities. Listen, boys, your Uncle Toliey has lived iu all these places, and he knows what he is talking atmut. Stay on the farm, at least until you are ripe and old enough to have heart enough and the courage to defy the world, the flesh and the gentleman with the cloven hoofs. How's This? We offer Oue Hundred Dollar Re ward for any case of catarrh that can not be cured by Hall't Catarrh Cure. F. J. CHENEY & CO., Toledo.O We, the undersigned, have knowu F. I. Cheney for the last 15 yean and believe him perfectly hunoruhl: in all buiineat tranMctiuus and financially able to carry out any obligation madr by hit firm. Wauling, hinnan & Mar vin, Wholesale Druggists, Toledo, O Hall't Catarrh Cure is taken inter nally, acting directly upon the blood and mucua surfaces of the system Testimonial ent free. Price 7j cut. per bottle. Sold by all druggists. Take Hall t ramiiy pin lor consn pation. A Timely Topic in Charlotte. Stetnmlle Ijm.lni.rk. The Charlotte Medical Society will discuss alcohol at its next meeting. The discussion is timely and Charlotte is the place. Taking into consideration the fact that 2, 544 liquor prescriptions were filled iu the drug stores of Charlotte last month, it would seem alsmt time that the Charlotte doctors were considering the use and abuse of alcohol aa a medicine. The Right Name is DeWitt. DeWttt't Witch Hxel Salve cool, toothet and bed cutsf burns, boils, braise, pile and til tkin disctset. K.E.Kickefoose, Adolph.W.Va ,ay: "My little daughter had white swell. Ing to bad that piece after piece of bone worked out of her leg. DeWitt't Witch Haxel Salve cured her." It is th most wonderful healing ! in th world. Bewre of counterfeit. Sold by English Drug Co. and S. J. Welsh. anyone help wondering if this mau hud ever sworn to "hold for ten," or if he eveutually fouud the buy er be waa looking fort Another instance cited from the same paper is positively pathetic. This was an advertisement for some one to "garden on shares.' Poor city man! He had been soaked of his money deep enough aud loug enough in a vain attempt to grow vegetables in spite of city dust, Knglisli sparrows aud Hitato bugs. He had given enough wealth to the stable manure mau, the fertilizer folks, the seed men, the paris green mau, the plow-nigger with bis bull tongue aud one-eyed mule aud the hoe nigger with more knowledge of gardening than a college profes sor, to have iierated a truck farm, and then had to go down in bis scant financial balance for the stuff to buy his vegetables with 'from the market in the good old way. He was drifting toward his finish aud wanted to unload on souiehody who would "garden on shares" misery incarnate lunging for sym pathetic copipauionsliip. Cheer up, sHirt! What you want to do is to retire from the gulden ing profes sion altogether, shares or no shares. Just buy your vegetables outright iml thus save your religion and over half of your money. You'll not get the laboring man to work your garden ou shares so long as he can find suckers to employ him at so much tier hour. No, you won't. Kut say, if you have an enemy, a real hostile euemy whom you would like to bankrupt, lock, stock and barrel, work yourself into a ticrsuasive mood and get him to take over your city patch rent Iree upon condition that he will gulden regularly every year and hire all the work. ROYAL Baking Powder Saves Health The use of Royal Baking Powder is essential to the healthfulness of the family food. Yeast ferments the food Alum baking powders are Injurious. Royal Baking Powder saves health. SOVAl IAKIN POWOC CO., SCW YORK. A Daredevil Ride ft en ends in a sad accident. To heal accidental injuries use Huck- en's A mica Salve. "A deep wound in niv loot from an accident," says! Theodore Scliruleof Columbus, O , "caused me great pain. Physicians were helpless, but lilicklcn's Arni ca Salve quickly healed it."Soothes and heals burns like magic. iMs at l.nglish Drug Co.'s. People's Bairn OF MONROE, N. C. Solicits your account nd banking business. We guarantee ABSOLUTE SECURITY, promptness and all tht accommodations that SOUND bank ing will admit of. Interest paid, ac cording to tgieement, oo deposits left lor our stated period. Always ready for loan ou approved paper, O. P. HEATH, President INSURANCE L. h- THOMPSON. Fire, Life, Accident, Health, Lia bility and all classis of Casuality In surance. Only the best and strongest companies represented. I respectful ly solicit your business, inuring prompt and efficient attention to til matter. Office: Gordon & Thomp sou' old atand. Phone No. I. First-class Restaurant in connection with Parker's Market, Meals all hours, 25 cents. Cotton Burning Story Largely a Fake. Smitten Fara Uawta. A resident of Fort Gaines, Ga., recalling the buruiug there of cot ton two or three mouths ago, w hich yellow journalism converted into a conflagration threatening to sweep through the South, now says that it wasjust a bale of old dog tail cot was burned, and that it was done ton, hardly worth Sc. a pouud, that merely to discover how it would lie taken by other farmers throughout the country. Other farmers of the country quickly showed that they had better gumption in this partic- lar than the exiienmeuters at PL (iaines, who it seems were, after all, mere boys out for a frolic Boys out for a frolic are prone to do fool things. A strength tonic that brings rich, red blood. Makes yon strong, healthy and active. That's what Hollister's Kocky Mountain Tea will do. Xic, tea or tablets. Eng lish Drug Co. "You favor an investigation of the trusU?" Certainly," answered Senator Sor ghum. "I have investigated several. 1 always make it a rule to determine the responsibility of a firm before I consent to do business with it" ashington Star. A Tried and True Friend. One Minute Cough Cur contain not to tom of any harmful drug, and It a been curing coughs, colds, croup and whooping couch so lung that it ha proven itself to be tried and true friend to the many who use it. Sold by English Drug Co. aud S. j. Welsh. ADVICE TO BRIDES. FOR SALE. Valuable and Up-to-Date Ma chine Tools, Consisting ot 1 Lodge and Shipley Lathe, 24- iuch swing, Id feet bed. 1 Sebastian Lathe, 15 inch swing, feet bed. 1 English Lathe, 2 inch swing, 16 feet bed. 1 B. P. Barnes 2ti inch Drill Press. 1 Cincinnati Simper, 2!) inch stroke. 1 Five-horse Gasoline Engine. 1 Pipe-threading Machine with dies np to 2 . 1 400-Pound Anvil. 1 Forge with 12" fun. 1 Pipe Vice. 2 Parker Bunch Vices. 1 32 feet Line Shaft, Necessary Pulleys, Shaftings, Belting and attachments, shop Tools, etc., constituting a first class Machine Shop. Practically new and in fine con dition. W. G. HOWARD, Monroe, N. C. Sale to lie approved by U. B. Rbdwink, Trustee. "Diimley has taken up the study of jiu-jitsu." "ou di n t say! How is he mak ing out?" "Splendidly for him. He has al most learned how to pronounce it" Philadelphia Press. A wonderful spring tonic. Drives out all winter impurities, gives you strength, health and happi ness. That's what Hollisters Kocky Mountain Tea will do. 3.V, tea or (ablets. English Drug Co. Aunt Rachel I see you've patched it up with Archie, and he s coining here again, oftener than ever. He's asked you to marry him fifty times, hasn t he.' Hiss Handy Oh, dear, no, aunty; but I suppose he has asked me fifty turn's to marry hitn. Chicago Tri bune. For a Weak Digestion. No medicine cau replace food but Chamberlain' Stomach and Liver Tablets will help you to digest your food. It is not the quantity of food taken that gives streuKth aud vigor to the system, but the amount digested and assimilated. If troubled with weak digestion, don't (ail to give these tablets a dial. Thousands have been benefitted by their use. They only cost a quarter. Kur sale by C. N. Simpson, Jr.. and S. J. Welsh. ELECTION NOTICE. A New Registration. An nli'"timi ill lie hilil in tlie fit v of Monror on TimmIuv afier iIm linti Mnmitiy in May. In'inir llie 2ml day of May, IWI'i, for the purtio of t'lirliii! a Mavor and live Aldr- iihmi. in H.ri.nlaiK- with dip t-li.irter of the Niiid t'ity of Monroe, and for thai pnrpoHe the Boiiiil of Aldermen ot the Oiir ot Monroe have uiiiointed reciwinim who will retfinter nil iiuulilieil voter aiiulvuig for registration. lit the lollowin titn.'M und phiee: Kirt Wnnl K. ,1. Knmininuer, at the court hoiiNe. Second Ward- N. S. (liuirn, at hi store. Third Want 1.. I. Andrew, at Brook MveiV store. Fourth Ward C. K. Houston, at lliliiinA Rirhardmn'a store. l'ermim deHiruiK to reirwtcr will apply tn the renintrant on Saturday the lffth of March anil on Satnnlay Hie lid, Silt and 15ll of April, liMI'i, at the places named. The Aldermen have ali appointed tlie fol lowinu ju'lfe of election, who, with the rea" ilnir of their resctive wardu, eonntilute the election hoard, vis.: Kin Ward - 11. U. Sliute and C. N. Simp son, Sr. Second Ward - I.. II. Tliianpnou and F. M, Helm. Third Ward J. C. Blakeney aud II. W. lliHilon. fourth Ward R. T. Barrett and II. B. Ulllinuxlcy. It. C. ASIKTtAKT, (lerk to Board of Aldermen. Thi March ?g, I1NI5. Notice of Registration. All n,nlilied voters in the t'ity of Monme ilemrinK regiHtration as such for the election iu said city, to lie held on the 2nd day of May, l'.Hlo, for the election of Mayor and live Aldermen in the Cilv of Monroe, are ra- ipienled to apply to the retfinlrar of their respective ward on Saturday the Sfith of March nnil Saturday the lt, Nth and loth of April. lMOft, at the ilacc name in the Klec tion Notice. A new iritrtioo is ordered and all 'nwna w ho exiect to vote must reg ister. E. J. K It !M MINI! ICR, IW Ward. N. S. tHllll IIS. Second Ward. 1,. D. ANHHKW8, Third Ward. C. E. IKH'STON, Fourth Ward. This March ii. C.HhV Keep me for your friend, and you 11 never have baking troubles. The way to a man a heart is said to lie through his stomach- how easy, then, to keep the household happy when Invincible Flour is used in the bread, biscuit, cakes and pastry. No more growls about the kind "mother used to make." Yours for good bread. Invincible Flour. Ask your grocer for it Henderson Roller Mills CoJ At Our Store ... m . ill You will hnd everything that a first-class, up-to-date drug store should have, and it is a pleasure to fill your wants. C.N.Simpson, Jr. mW i A Liquid Vegetable Compound that takes the place of Calomel Laio 1 a Mffeet laxative I prom pi nd powerful but pleu. aatly ntl. It enre biliousness, torpid liver, dyttpepsia and oalipatloa,dipelookls and bead aciie. Contaiu no mineral. 35 Cts. uZXVZZl'& .-V- 35 Cts. For tale by Da. & J. WU3U aud C N. BIMItJON, Jh.

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