THE MONROE JOURNAL. VOLUME XII. NO 12 MONROE, N. C, TUESDAY APRIL 23 1903 One Dollar a Year NEW THINGS IN THE BIBLE. Many Thltifs the Young Minister found While Looklnf for a Church Letter. uir. Mr-. bl.tatrk. iHiu't you fiiulMuiK-thing new in the Bible every time you luuk into iif" avdted a Calais lawyer of a ire.M.'ber an they were watcd to p'tlier ou a train cowing iuto Ban-iror. "Kvery time," said the young' minister, "i never open the book but I find Mime new food for thought, and s-akiiig of food for thought, I must tell you what I found in the llible last week," aud the minister Mulled a regular orth oloi am He. 'You see, a family moved to 8t Stephen this fall, aud the llrat Sun lay they come to our church aud found they wanted to join us on letter from their former church. apKinled a time to receive Ibem and cive the right hand of fellow lii p. but heu the time came it had to be postponed because they could not lind the letter from their former church. "The lady Raid she had mislaid the letter. I called at the house twice and they had not found it. ''The lady Mid nlie was sure she had laid it away dome where, bnt could not find it. I was anxious to get them into our church out of the cold, mo I suggested different places for tlieni to hunt for it. "Finally, I saw a Bible on the table and I RiiggeKted that maybe tdey nail it in the liible. The lady Raid ma) be, but if it was in there it waa loat, because they never could find an) thing in the Bible. "i took up the good hook and 0ened it at the New Teatament, ami hi the first chanter of Matthew I found a iiM'r and oeiied it, the brother and sister looking over my snoiiiiicr. i)enlug the paiier, was alHiut to read it, when the lady mid that wan not the letter; it was only a rcctiie for making fiwe pow der. "I let np on that and turned over a lew leaves, wheu I found au en vcloe, aud oMning it learned how to make mixed pickles. Iu Luke I struck pay dirt, turning up au old ('ou federate 10 bill, which was good for its face iu two years after the acknowledgment of the Boutli eru Cjnlederacy. "T ere were a couple of long hair pins iu Luke, also a piece of black court planter. In flenesis I found a remedy for rheumatism, and a little further along wasa for mula for preparing a gargle for sure throat, aud over a leaf were two blocks all patched ready for a silk quilt, and the tail of several neckties. "When I 0ened on Icnteroiio my I thought I had the letter. There was an envelope with some thing in it, and I opened it, but it wasn't a church letter. It waa ten shares of stock in the lie v. Mr. Jerncgaii's salt water gold mine at Liils-c, and on the back of the en velope was written iu pencil. "The greatest fraud on record!'' "IH'iiterouonjy didn't pan out any more except a recipe, for mak ing a salve, but when I struck lie vitictis there seemed to be a graud Held lor research, there, was a new white kid glove with the thumb half torn oil', and a lock of curly hair which brought tears to the eyes of the brother and sister who were aiding me in the search, and I knew it was from the bead of their darling who bad lieen taken away from them. "On the next page was a recipe for making preserves of watcmelou rinds, a root lieer recipe, aud a chi'omo from a tea store. "In Paul's epistle to the Ephe si a us I rail on a recipe for making soft soap, and a clipping from au agricultural pajier telling how to start a balky horse, besides a for mula for an insect powder. "The search was becoming inter esting. When I got to Chronicles new beauties were open to me, aud I found a porus plaster aud a pho tograph of Laugtry. Proverbs con tained a recipe for suuer kraut. "I tackled Revelation aud after reading a glowing account of how to wash llanuels so they wouldu't shrink, we found the letter we were looking for In an envelope with a A NURSE SAYS Pe-rtMia it a Tonic of Efficiency. (READ WMXt WOMEN EAT OF IT. 5TOKY. A Robber now Serving Time Tells 7 C S MRS. KATK TAYLOR. Air, A. ate Taylor, m graduated mart at prota aence, rlrea her ez- aerlemca with Parana Im am opem hitter. Her aoaltkm la aoclety and aroteaatoaal tending combine to give apaeial prominence to bet at-, terancea. Big Meeting Changed from First THE SAFE CRACKER'S Tuesday to First Saturday. To Um rrar at the Cwwaiy : Owing to the" farmers being so very busy, I will pttone tlte meet ing called for Uie first Tuesday in May. to the first Saturday in May at 2 o rl.u k, in court house in Monroe. Now, the object of tlie meeting ' Im-owe the niaiii part of the bnsi which are called by President J r- nem. 8o niauv robberira bat e oe dan, i to ascertain whether or not curred iu North aud Ninth Canili tl . . . , . . I luroiignineMrM-tsai-.inu.eiflti.k'A Ijincsstcr Man With a Death or ptviuiiicr. e look ratefully. i Orip. It nay lie ix-o-wury to catch , ''' i-Un- Mow the ProfcsfionaU (to About-watrhnian. pig himand tic hiiu tip. ! "' " plant a seed or cotton Their Work. i Int watchmen like to tlcep when thixyear. 'mid Mr. W.r.1)buru The robbing of safes has lireome;"vw')',n'"l! gets quiet, and things! editor of the I-edger ) ester a prefession aud the exploitation' '' ' average ciinlr) j ). "ami every tenant on any of the sparsely -ttl-l districts has',"w" midnight. We get the, place will reduce his col tin. acreage : ' I.MtlM Hllal II Lh.m.I.. .. 1.1 II. u M IfMtJ ttlu la.lirlli " In .ua... I.. locks we tlien break I'lx li the dour ! further iUi-stioiis he stated: "I run tlte farmers hare stuck to their pledges Ui reduce acreage. There is much talk of no reduction in acreage, and as a consequence cotton is going down. This shows that the reduc tion talk helped the price. President Jordan wishes to. get out an acreage rejiort. The government ua that anything connected with the subjwet is of interest. John McCarthy, a cracker now serving a seven years seutcucn in the Yer moot penitentiary, claims to have reformed. He has been scut to Charleston to testify iu some im4 olhce robberies, and gives The CUICAUO, ILL, tS W. Monro HU "Ailiru I hsveoboerved 1'erunalt th flnmt tonic any msn or woman can um who is weak rroin um alter fleeU of toy serluuii lllniwa. " I hsv Kvn It used In s number ol eonvalearvnt rues, and hsva seen mer rsl other tonics used, but I found that thow who nad Poruos had the quickest relief. Parana aaema torettort vitality , la- create bodily vigor and renew health aad atrtngth la a wonderfully abort time. "MRS. KA TE TA YLOR. In view of the (treat multitude ol women fullering from aume form 01 tumal. ilitnauu, anil iinslilfl li flrwi snr core, Pr. Qartman, the renowned; uikiiik or o ceius tor iu ipvclallut on female catarrhal dlneac, .Now, brother farmer, Will you hat announced hli willlngneMi to dirts'! come lip ami help make this rcurt. tlx treatment of ss many cases ai make j or W ill you leave it to SolllC otic else, application to mm during ine aummei monthi without charge. Address Tb Peruna Medicine Co., Culumhan, Ohio, will issue one in June, and the spec-Charleston Post some facts as to uiators win give out theirs. .Now the i how robls-rs operate. After sa)ing niiiiie miirse oi me marsei win oe end largely upon these report. If the reports show no material reduc lion, cotton win go lower than we have yet seen it this season. If they how that the farmers have stuck to their pledges, we will see the price booming. Now, as so much dcivends 1 on the acreage report, it is up to the Tanner to see that it is correct. There is certainly none more compe tent than he to make it: that is, if he will tell the truth about it. President Jordan has called meet ings in every cotton county for this purpose, and it is earnestly desirec that every rtion of the county be represented in this meeting, r.verv school district should be represcnt- en. i ask every iarmer to observe and make inquiry as to what is being planted in his neighborhood. If there is a reduction in acres planted to cotton come and n-jiort it, if there is no reduction come and report it. The truth is what we want, and if it is against us we want it in tin:e to apply the remedy plow up and plant hi corn or ieas, or sorghum r anything but working it out and Throat Coughs A tickling in the throat; hoarseness at times; adeep breath irritates it; these are features of a throat cough. They're very de ceptive and a cough mix ture won't cure them. You want something that will heal the inflamed membranes, enrich the blood and tone up the system .'. .'. . .. Scott s Emulsion is just such a remedy. It has wonderful healing and nourishing power. Removes the cause of the cough and the whole system is given new strength and vigor .. .. tnJ fir frm mmfk SCOTT 6f BOlfNE, chtmut, 409-4IS Perl Strut, Ntw Th jot. mi $i.ea. Mam prepared mustard plaster. 80 I hink I have shown you that he who searches the Scriptures, in the ordinary family liilile, will lind much that will make him tired." One Hundred Thousand Deaths from Drink Each Year. "Dr. Norman Kerr, the greatest authority on inebriety that the world has produced, tells of his study of this pnibletn in his work, ".Mortality of Intemperance," published in In don in 187'J. Ho says: "When, a few years ago, I instituted an in quiry into the causes contributing to the mortality in the practice of sev eral medical friends, it was with the avowed object of demonstrating and exposing the utter falsity of Jhe per petual teetotal assertion that (K,()(Kt drunkards died every year in the t'nitcd Kingdom. "1 had not long pursued this line of inquiry before it was made clear to me that there was little, if any, exaggeration ill these temperance statistics; and when asked to present the final results of my investigation to the last Social Science Congress, I was compelled to admit that nt least 120,(100 of our population an nually lost their lives through alco holic excess 40,500 dying from their own intemperance, and 7t,r(KI from accident, violence, poverty, or disease, arising from the intemper ance of others." "Tho late Dr. Willard Tarker. of New York, one of tho foremost sur geons that America ever produced, after a thorough study of the sub ject in New York city, gave it as his mature opinion 'that 3.'!) per cent, of all the deaths in New York city were occasioned directly or indirectly by the use of alcoholic drink.' Kvery medical expert known outside of his own precinct who has made an ex haustive study of the problem has come to practically tho same conclu sion, i.e., that a minimum proortion of deaths caused by alcohol is 10 per cent As there were 1,039,091 deaths in the census year 1900, that would make about 100,000 as alcohol's share." Feel tired, no appetite, cannot sleep, work or end That's spring tiredness aud will disappear at once if you take Ilollister's Itocky Mountain Tea this month. ,'t,c, tea or tablets. English Drug Co. The dead tssly of Autney Morri son, colored, was found hanging to a tree, in the woods near Thomas ville Wednesday morning. He had been missing for several days. He had taken off his overalls and with these made a rope and banged him self. His mind was impaired. Rheumatic Paina Quickly Relieved The aicruciatitig paina characteristic of rheumatism and sciatica are quick ly relieved by spplyinf Chamberlain'! Pain Balm. The great pain relieving power of the liniment has been the nurpriie and delight of thousands of sufferers. The quick relief from paio which it affords is alone worth many time Its cost. Fur sale by C. N. Simpson, Jr., and S. J Welsh. The government of India has lately decided to add one com pany of native christians to each of the twelve Madras regiments. I his is a new departure and a recognition of the numerical im portance of christians in the em pire. Ex. A wonderful spring tonic. Drives nut all winter impurities, givea yon strength, henlth and happi ness. That's what Ilollister's Rocky Mountain Tea will do. 3.rK tea or tablets. English Drag Co. ' . i iHTnans vnur j W hy, Ur. Jordan told the writer that some one came to him at the hotel after the speaking hem, and after the fanners from dilTereiit sec tions of the county had testified that the acreage would be reduced, and told him that lie need not pay any attention to w hat the farmers of this county said, that they were not going to reduce. Are you content for such a rcHrt to go up as this? Yet the government may have among its re porters men who w ill give just such a report, and thereby cause great loss to the cotton growers. Remember the day, the first Satur day in May, and let's make it a rally day that is what President Jordan calls it. In the meantime prepare for plenty of corn and forage. If you nave been making a failure in the oat crop, plant some of your cot ton land in peas and fertilize them, and then sow your oats early next fall, and by this time next year they will lie a source of joy and pride to yon. Don t depend on an oat crop after cotton; it is simply too late, and for this reason the oat crop is usually a failure in this county I hero is money in oats, there is money 111 corn; there is monev in lots of things that can be raised in Union county. The farmer who plants his usual quota of cotton and fails to make ample provision for food and forage crops, is just walking up to the maw of the five cent-cotton wolf, and the wolf will camp around his door all next winter. Ho is just furnishing the stick with which the speculators will beat him to his financial death If cotton is 5 cents next fall, don't blame the Southern Cotton Associa tion; don't abuse the buyer or curse the speculator, but place the blame where it belongs on the planters themselves. I. J. . Hiioom, Pres. Lnion Co. Branch S. C. A. On the wall behind the desk of the ollice of a mountain hotel hung a motto, "Do it now. Tourists us ually noticed it at once on visiting the bouse for the first time, and often some ono would ask its meaning, The proprietor said he was continu ally being consulted by travelers as to the best lime to climb this or that mountain, to visit the falls or to take some ot the other excursions for which the region was famous. He had concentrated all his wisdom into those three little words and placed it there it could be of service to all his guests. As the new year opens this is a good motto for every one of the three hundred and sixty-five days to apply to the good offices which you have planned, the services you moan to no some time, and can do now. e know that there is a "too late. It is the awful tragedy of many a life. A word of affection that ought to have been swken, but it was kept back until it was too late; a kind deed that ought to have been done, but it was left undone until it was too late; a good resolution that should have been made a deed, but it tarried until it was too late. There is a too late, an irrevocable too late, in the highest and tenderest realms of a man s life, and men everywhere suffer loss and are tortured by remorse in conse quence. It is not too late yet. "Vo it now." The Congregational ist. For a Weak Digestion. No medicine can replace food but Chamberlain's Stomach and Liver Tablets will help yoa to digest your food. It is not the qnantity of food taken that gives strength and vigot to the system, but the amount digested aod assimilated. If troubled with a weak digestion, don't fail to give these tablets a trial. Thousands have been benefitted by their as. They only coat a quarter. For sals by C. N. Simpson, Jr., and S. j. Welsh, 1 11 at Niutn I arolina Is a very eay Stale to ojierate in, McCarthy sas 'The first thing we do when we reach onr base of ojierations,'' said McCarty, "is to secure a Cram's map, giving the names and loca lion of banks iu our vicinity, for we always try to preceed intelli gently in our work, and the hanks are more inviting than postoflicea. A job is usually done by four men, although sometimes there may be tliree, but four at least is ai most neeesoaiy for a successful oiiera tion. When we secure the uiap, we study the railroad time tables ami the general biographical feat urea of the immediate sect ion. We select the bank and one or more of the gang will go 'scouting' to see that the job can be safely pulled of. The police protection of the town is investigated, and atlcntiou is given to the movements of trains and general avenues of esca)e, as well as h place w here we may safe ly meet iH'tore beginning work. man will go into the hank or tHwt olhce to have a bill elianired thai lie might survey the location ol things, and as the 'scouting' is most iniKirtaut part of the job, it is carelully attended to, some times two or tliree days Is-ing de voted to this work. The 'scout returns to the base, and acquaints the party of his investigation, and 11 ins report is iiivoraiile, a time is then fixed for the job and arrange incuts made aecoidingly. "Hie preparation of the nitro glycerine is a matter of the first concern, of course. On hi count of its dangerous nut lire, we cau t buy It, and we are forced to extract it from dynamite, which we usually steal from a quarry or mag azine, near the bi'se of ooerations. We never start out on a Job with less than a pint of the explosive, for we need at least a quarter or a half pint for a job. e take ulfoiit teu sticks, six inches long and a half inch in diameter, crumble it in a piece of cloth, and then place it siisM'iided in a ran of warm water. We keep constantly renewing the warm water, which gives the oper ation the name of "cooking the soup." "Ono man will carry the lsittlc of glycerine anil the tools, which consists of a few cakes of soap, dril'sand implements, but gener ally speaking, we do not laden our selves with tools, for we always lind a blacksmith's shop, or a rail road section house at some point convenient to the lot), which we break oiien and get the brace, sledge hammer and a few chiselsor crow bars to prize the outside door of the bank or postoflice and then to operate with 011 the bank or vault. "In going to the place we all do not go together. Ono or two will make some other jraiut nearby, that the suspicions of the condtic tor and train crew may not be ex cited. We drop oil' the train as near together, however, as we can, and then we make the point of icn dezvous, generally in the woods at some point already agreed upon. "The time of operating is he tween midnight and two o'clock iu tne morning, we time ourselves to licgin work alHiut 12 o'clock. The first thing we do, upon coming from utider cover, is to take a stroll aud reach the safe or vault. T men stay ou the ouNide to walrh. while the other two, with an eh-c trie dash light, or daik lantern, get to work on the sale. The I nt port a nc of the Ineu ou the outside Take I cAnoui AT HOMC Art you a suffotx? Hal your dodar been casfulT Wouldn't yoa prefer to yourself AT HOME? Nearly l,S00,O00 won 1 ten have benight Wine of Canlni rum their drnggiiU and hara cured themselves at borne, of such troubles as periodical, brwring down and ovarian pains, leucor rhma, Uutpmmm, nerrouswess, dissinen, nan and dnrpond encr, caused by female weakness. Iheae are aot easy treat Wine uf C&rdui cores wbea the durtor can't. Wineof Cardnl does Bnt irri tate the organs. There is wo pais in the treatment. It is a soouunf tonic of healing herbs, fret from strong and d radio drug- I' i successful benauas it euros ia a nataral way. v Wine of Oardul caa be bnaaht from your druggist at 11.00 a bottle and yoa ran begin this treatment Inlay. W ill you try it 1 la mm mtlr!a ! St .-vromai, sMrm, st.tne wr4,mt, Tke ldlaa Artnvwr Itepl, Tfc ChMMnoueW MeSMMS Oft oaasuMoam, t isshowu by the breakers wattii ou their signal for the blowing i the safe. When the holes ha been drilled and prepared for blow lug It is the uien ou the outsnl who give the signal for the act the principle that if an) -suspicious movement of an oluceror neighlx nas iwen uoteel, the iioim-o! llieex plosion ma) hedclem-d until thing' agaiu become quiet. The report ot the glycerine is a sharp and quick noise which eslM-cially eoiiinuinl its use, for hardly does it take place than it is all over and if it should lie heard by anybody in the iicighlKirhood, they soon turn ove in their lds and go hack to sleep, believing that they diva in pi of the rewirt. A safe is a 'm-te in the par lauce ol yegguieu. lie two men on the iiisMle get down ou their knees before it and begin work lliey thomilglilv soap the crevices of the outside door, and then begin to drill the hole for the cotton sal mated with the tUcerine. Tin hole is drilled hctwevu the comlii nation aud the handle, close to the combination, first with a quarter inch drill, then w ith a lie eight and next with a half inch drill. Into this hole is placed the satuta ted cotton, connected wilh a cap and fuse, which ure held in place with soap w hich also deadens the sound. Then everything is rend) for the signal from the outside. It is given and the explosion takes place iu the lock box on the inside, breaking the Ita-k and sometimes forcing oil' the hinges. Tlieoprra I loll of blowing the sale requires just a certain amount, for too heav ier a charge of glycerine might knock oil' the handle and jam (In door and give trouble. Once Hie outsidu diMir is oil' I hen I lie vegg men turn their attention to the iu side sheet door, which is called the keister'' iu the language of the safe blowers. This is the haidest distr to oiien, and the blowers ere sometimes at their wils cud to get on the inside. A hole is drilled and theexplosive is inserted. An other explosion takes place, and probably only one sheet of metal comes oil'. A Isilt is loosened or knocked out of place, and into this opening another charge of glycer I lie is inserted, and the opeiatlon is continued, until the door is final ly down und the cash drawer is li tied. The work of blowing a safe re quires ulMiut an hour anil a halt, aud immediately lit its conclusion the gang makes oil' as soon as pus sible. We strike across country unless a convenient frciuht train passes, never, however, dividing the Issity until daylight the next morning. Sometimes we have to bury the treasure, or a part of it, aud the tools have to lie hidden sometimes, too. W lieu we take the train we never ride more limn aliout twenty live miles, when we then strike across country, putting further distance Is't ween us and our pursuers. Iu burying the tool bag or treasure, we always carefully se lect the place, making it easy of finding upon our return. 'Dodging bloodhounds is done by attaching a small piece of cloth saturated well w ith the oil of mus tard to the heeds of our shin's. We used to use vaseline with iodoform, tint the trouble about this drug is that we could not get the smell oil our clothes wheu we wanted to do so. The oil of mustard is now used to advantage. In dodging officers we have a merry tune of it some times being often forced to face the music. It all dciMMids upon the character of the man or men at the head of the posse." Frightful Suffering Relieved. Snflering frightfully from the viru lent poisons of undigested lood, C. 0. (i ray son of Lola, Miss., tisik lr. King's ew Life rills, "with the result," he write-, "that I was cured." All stomach and lswel disorders give way to their tonic, laxative properties. I'.V at Kng lisli Drug Co. 'a, guaranteed. At the Democratic primary in Charlotte Tuesday Mr. M. S. Me .Nincli was nominated for mayor without opposition. The Right Name is I)eW Itt. HeWitt's Witch Hazel Salve cools, soothes and heals cuts, burns, boils, bruises, piles and all skin diarist i. k.t. kitkefoose, Adolph.W.Va ,sayi: My htlle daughter had white swell ing so bsd that piece after piece of bone worked out of her leg. PrWitt's Witch llsiel Salve cured tier." It is the most wonderful healing salve in the world. Beware of counterfeit. Sold by English Drug Co. aod S. J. Welsh. While attempt to burn their way out, three prisoners In a Jail near New Orleans were burned to death, au eight honse farm llidividuallv ami there are i plows ruu by teu ants ami rropiens on my places. I am holding U-twern Usi and .'too luh-s ed col ton for 10 cents, and uu less some stir misfortune befalls me than ever has, I cau bold it long as I live." Mr. CI) burn is one l Ijtncasler county t largest and l-st farmers. He attended the New Orleans col ton convention aud is enthusiastic in the Iwlief that the only way for the South to get iu the saddle is to reduce itseottou production-make no more cotton than is uct-dcei. jLt Hope Vanished. When leading physicians said that W. M. Smithart of ivkin, la., had incurable consumption, bis last hope vauished; but Dr. King's New hiscovery for consumption, coughs and colds, kept hiiu out of his grave. He says: "This great siks cihc completely cured me aud saved my life. Hinee then I have used it lor over 10 years and con nler it a marvelous throat aud uug cure." Strictly scientific cure lor coughs, sore throats or colils; Mire preventive ol pneumonia. tiuaraiiteed, ."tie and l bottles at Drug Co.'. Trial bottles five. The Chesterfield Advertiser says Over live hundred iieople attend d the funeral services of Marion 'air, the white murderer, in (V liimliia Sunday afternoon. It is aiil that his mother was the only iMiiviuiiai llial stuck to him from tirst tolas'. A mother's love is a irieeless diadem that shines for er no matter how dark the hour. A boy may sink to the lo st dephtH but mother's love is here." Cheated Death. Kidney trouble often ends fatally. ml by choosing the right medicine II. Wolleol Ih-artirove, Iowa, heated denth. lie says: "Two hit ago I had kidney trouble. which caused me great pain, snf lering and anxiety, hut I took ectne Hitters, which effected a complete cure. I have also found hem ot great lienetit in general de- lility and nerve trouble, and keep m-in constantly on hand, since, as hud they have no equal." Kng- isli Drug Co. guarantee them, f0c. Mr. Neal Free-land, brakeman on he Southern Kailway and a son of Mr. and Mrs. TIioh. I Free-land of harlotte, was killed Wednesday veiling by falling from the top of moving Ireight train near Sails hh v. Six mouths airo his brother. M Freeland, also an employee of he Southern, was killed near Spar nulling, 8. C, by coming in con- ict with a mail crane. I'orget About Your Stomach. f your di;esliou ia bad the vital org ns ol your body are not led and nour- lied as they should be. They grow eak and invite dieae. Kodol D)t- pepsia Cure digests what you eat. ores indigestion aud all stomach oiililt's, You forget you have a stom ach (loin the very day you begin tak- ng it . 1 his is because it gets a rest ecuperatcs and gradually grows ao trong and healthy that it troubles you no more, hold by hnelisli Drug o. aud S. J. Welsh. Andrew Carnegie has offered to ive to ( I nil ford College fl.llHKlon ondition that a like sum lie raiscel y the Irienilsor t lie college, 1 his s the excellent institution of the 'rieiids or (Quakers, and they are tain to raise the amount neces sary to seeui-e Mr. Carnegie's gift. A Tried and True Friend. One Minute Cough Cure contains not ao atom of any harmful drug, and it has beeu Caring coughs, colds, croup and whooping cough ao long that it has proven itself to be a tried and true friend to the many who use it. Sold by English Drug Co. and S. I. Welsh. People's BanR OK MONROE, N, C. Solicits your account aod banking business. We guarantee ABSOLUTE SECt'KlTY, promptness and all the acroininodationi that SOUND bank ing will admit of. Iuterest paid, ac cording to agieement, on deposits left For our stated period. Always ready for loans on approved psper. O. P. HEATH, President. Home Made Have your cake, muffins, and tea bis cuit home-made. They will be fresher, cleaner, more tasty and wholesome. Royal Baking Powder helps the house wife to produce at home, quickly and eco nomically, fine and tasty cake, the raised hot-biscuit, puddings, the frosted layer cake, crisp cookies, crullers, crusts and muffins, with which the ready-made food found at the bake-shop or grocery does not compare. Royal is the greatest of bake-day helps. SOTAl SAIUN4 POWDta CO., NEW VOSK. The Moravian mission and the IWlin mission to the north of Iake Nyassa have each under taken to open and suiiervise two le'per asylums. The existence of leprosy attracted the attention of derman officials: isolation with nursing was necessary, and the missionaries are the only people there able and willing to render such service. - Ex. INSURANCE L H- THOMPSON. Fire, Life, Accident, Health, Li a bility and all classes of Cssuality lo surauce. Only the best and stroogest coinpauies represented. I respectful ly solicit your business, aasoring prompt and efficient attention to all mailers. Office: Gordon A Thump son's old stand . fbooe No. t. First-class Restaurant in connection with Parker's Market, Meals all hours, 25 cents. Tomorrow and Today. Kt.niliHT. "Kvery drunkard," we read the other day, "was once an innocent child." The boys of Unlay are to be the soU-r men. with all that that im plies, or the drunkards think of it! -of Uiinorrow. The time U Is-gin Ui train them for the former life is nosr. An; we, parents, Uachers, pas-U-rs, iloin our whole duty iu this n-sjsvt? How's This? We offer One Hundred Dollars Re ward for any case of catarrh that caa uot be cured by Hall's Catarrh Cure. K. J. CHENEY' 4; CO., Toledo.O. We, the undersigned, have known A Daredevil Ride often ends in a sad accident. To heal accidental injuries use liuck- ten's Arnica Hal ye. "A deen wound n my fisit from un accident." says Theodore Sclieuleof Coluiuhus, ()., i . . ... i e. -fiunuDfi niu tri,.r tun,i '...m... .... were helpless. Ilui-klen s Arni- business transactions and financially able to carry out any obligations made by his firm. Walding, Kiunan & Mar vin, Wholesale Druggists, Trodo, O. Hall's Catarrh Cure is taken inter nally, acting directly upon the blood and mucus surfaces of the system. Testimonials sent free. Price 73 eta, per bottle. Sold by all druggisla. Take Hall's Family pills for constipation. ca Halve uuickly healed it."HiKithes siid heals hums like magic. nt hiiglisn Vmg t o. n Our business is not to build quickly, but to build uin a ri;ht foundation and in a rutht spirit. Ale is more than a mere compe tition as between man and man; it is not who can be done first, but who can work best: not who can rise highest, but who is work ing most patiently and lovinply in accordance with the desitrnsof God. -Joseph Parker. Keep your bowels regular by the use f Chauilierlain's Stomach and Liver Tablets There is nothing better. For sale by C. N. Simpson, Jr., aud S. J. Welsh. FOR SALE. Valuable and Up-to-Date Ma ritime Tools, Consisting ot 1 Lodjreand .Shipley Lithe, 2t nch swing, It! feet ls-d. 1 Sebastian Litthe, 1.1 inch sw ing, feet bed. 1 Knglish loathe, 27 inch swing, Iti feet ls-d. 1 II. F. Itarnes 20 inch Drill Prem 1 Cincinnati SIiiiimt, 2!) -inch stroke. 1 Five-horse Gasoline r'ugine. 1 Piiie-threadiug Machine with dies np to 2". 1 400 round Anvil. 1 Forge with 12" ran. 1 Til Vice. 2 Parker Hunch Vices. 1 32 -feet Line Hhaft, Necessary Pulleys, Shaftings, Belting and attachments, shop Tools, etc., constituting a tirst class Machine Hhop. Practically new aud in fine con dition. W. G. HOWAKI), Monroe, N. C. Sale to lie approved by It. B. Kkdwink, Trustee. HOLUHTCHU Rocky Mountain Tea Nuggets A But Medietas br Buy Fwsle. Briars Ogldea Htalta sad lumi Vigor. A nrxw-inc rirCnltllna. lnllrtlon. Lire nl Kuliir Trtmlikw, I'utipbis, hoiMlM. Impups He. I. IU.I Rrwlh. Hluirrali BowHt, Hm-Ik-Im .tid Hn-kifc-hi-. It'll KM-ky HonDtmln Tea In tab -t form. SA eeots a bni. inulM mad by 'ioiMsrsa baro CuapANf, Nullum, Wis. 90LDEN NUGGETS FOR SALLOW PEOPLE TO BRIDES. Keep me for your friend, and you'll never have baking troubles. The way to a man's heart is said to lie through his stomach how easy, then, to keep the household happy w hen Invincible Flour is used in the bread, biscuit, cakes and pastry. No more growls almut the kind "mother used to make." Yours for good bread, Invincible Flour. Ask your grocer for it Henderson Roller Mills Co. At Our Store You will find everything that a first-class, up-to-date drug store should have, and it is a pleasure to fill your wants. C.N. Simpson, Jr. imP V A Liquid Vegetable Compound that takes the place of Calomel lase Is a perfect laxsti va 1 prompt and powerful bat pleas latlj icn'W. It surra biliousness, torpid fiswr, dyspepsia and muiiiiaUoa, dispels ooUssjkI headaches. Contains no mineral. t9 VlS. aM kjr twSli, Urau All V.w iali J Vfafc For sale by Da. & J. WEL8U and a N. 8IMItON, Jr.

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