THE MM JOURNAL Telephone No. I. TncsJay, April 2$. IW5. IV.U.M, mm.ioI on thi warkrt!0" Wilk- The liU kI ,w o Unlay at 7 i. " : J" " -" ' ' 1 was making bis tirM trip up torn d Mr. T. J. Jmm weal to On-, whe- th,T narked him. While oru yeienmj. f That kworrarred in til eounty. , Mjstrriuu HurJcr at Slibury. j Liu and be wkel but boy to waUh 00000t000OoO0000000000 t Our (JMrt, lhu It III tm IW MHP tmi k.w wnr. . ;in u uibi blle br mini, louui; x -w w THE LEADING CRT GOODS, I0TI0IS, CLOTIUG. GUTS' FUUISIHG!, I1T 1ID SHOE STOEX II I0IBOL Mr. J. W. llasiy aud aoutber rrr-' miim itmcer ataiiouea la M likes Talking l l,ue (.rmrt, who i in me iw iwiw Hmjinwu ruuiity Biatle an an-ault ou I lie J wk JL D I rUi, ban Unruaed arveral M! Cauu. Ilir l.t )rr t!l mu nlilwr of I be Wilki-klxtro Cbrouk-lr j Willi Int People. from olnrrn Uo eteied lt bold iif Mr. Juiutk laiiiip. m ts ami last week on u-rnuut of auailule .....,.,..., ill nril (all aud ul il on the iuiunt!v killnl al Kwr' lun.l.-r thatapiiearedinbUjiairroucerB j The Journal baa lalrU lieen nub- ,rkrt' '" rrtur" ,'r Jaid al.ul 10 o tl. k lai i.iM in corrupt praetui-s of reveuoe i: hi .,,, , ...,' lir bale net! fall with a ten per aa be aaa tu.tkiiij;tln- pmiikI l'r In Mr. Frank Krauwof Waxbaw ia viiiilit'K t Mr. W. H. Kraua'. Mm. Harry llargu ent yealer day In ( liarlulte. Ik-Ik Brother nlvrrti imperial ruilmtidery aale tomorrow at 9:M. Mr. Krint Heath vt Yorkulle, K. V.. ia vbsiliiii her iiareuta in MiHime. U-y. M. I. L. l'lfslw m ill preaeb at Mt. IMeaKaut on next Sunday af tt-rnuoo at .1::0. lr. JiMi-hb Haney aud wife, of Kmk Hill, 8. ('., are visitiug at Mr. T. 1". Dillou a. Mr. C R. I-aney and family of WadeKuoro miI 8uuday with rvl alivea iu Monroe. The Piedmont llncny Company liut ittied a heautilul new rata logue of 150 pan, showing in fine ftlinpe lis wveral at y lea of vehicle. Mr. IL M. (iaffiiey of UafTuey mid little Mi Itaisy W'ilkiiwHpent Foster milh Mr. tiafluey a duugh ter, Mrs. J. F. I-aney. The Friday Afternoon Hook Club will meet with Mrs. F. a Axlieraft next Friday afternoon at 4 o clock. The Mouroe Steam Laundry lias put out a prelly covered delivery wuiroii. It wax limit by the l ied- luout IStiy I'ompaiiy. It is stated that eighty five new lmililiiiirs have been ere'Uil iu IMl'Ii 1'oiut Hince the first of tliic year. Mewirs. llcrnilon llawty and Webl rurhaiu fii iu Trinity aud Webb 1 1 till li from licluiout HH'iit EaHter in Monroe. Mr. ('. A. Stroud, who lived at the Tiinlale place in tlux towiiMlnp for Home t i me, d ied i n ( 'hettler coll u ty, S. ('., ou the ISth, of typhoid piii'iiiiiiiiiiii, Mr. Jjeetiriflin, who has been liv ing in WadcKhoro for Home time, li:m returned to Monroe and lie rouiea iNHikki'per for tho Mouroe Manufacturing; t'ompuiiy. Mr. Marion llcliimof thia county us married iu WadeMboro last WtslniHduy to Mra. Mat tie Ilyrd, Ucv. M. A. Smith performing the marriage ceremony. The chain gang ia now quartered in the old foundry building near the passenger depot and ia engaged in wnipiug the several roadu lead ing into town. The Journal is requested to an nounce that Klder J. A. Moiiscait will preach at I'liion (iroveon May the '.'iid, at High Hill oil the :ird, and at Liberty ou the 4tb. The list of the wiWriliers ol the Sincerity telephone exchange and its coni.ectioim, which ia given ou page four, may be of advantage to other 'phone owners iu the comity. A egg hunt wits given Friday on the luwii at the residence of Mra. 1. A. Covington, the proceeds from which go to the Coufcdcrate monument fund. Messrs. II. Miller and L. I). Og burn, two large farmers of Chester field, who sold cotton on this mar ket this morning, aay that there will Ui very little average reduc tion in their neighborhood. The family of Mr. T. Ik Hrnwn left this morning for Uastouia, where they will make thcir'home, Mr. Itrowu having a position with the J. M. Ilclk Company of that place. Maj. Ik F. Miller, one of the Wat kuowu citizens of IjRiicadter, died at that place, last Friday morning of paralysis, aged li.'i years. He was a brother of Mrs. L. M. Blair of Monroe. the other officer smashed the weak man in the face, llawty aluod by poultry and they good deal of at w atch witb a drawn pistol ami defied auy body to iutcrfrre. I'.ut not wit h slandiiig this, bystanders rescued be eoutiuued, '! ani going to try to grow my own chickens and eggs- 4 lul Iia trntlij.rM.1 II l m ItiiV arn.rnl the editor, who, though a man of 'of uk ift of Tb( JoutIw rourage was phyoicully unable U)ujliuK alJ .p do anjthmg. h , , . rt The Monroe Stenm Ijiuudry has of growing poultry sucetwlully, eeut toll adih-d as rrnt. The lasr- Uilu-r, alio wait wtin; rowir eviiU-nlly U-lievm that I lie man lor Uu- n.lit. . . :n i ..ii ...I ; t : . . j . I .i . . i.. :.. trillion .n..,n nor r,Un m 1 l,rl " " ' "r "" " !" g..i..g into the poultry busine." V -rkrtiug bia Ml mery t.H..ght as it .a, 1.. ....u said a prominent luiniMer of the!rr,p", PT" V"nm lSt" J ,A ,',hr town the other day. At U-aet," I mooey. tneoi lrt thus far adiann-d. hae as to who m ill tie w inner and wu loiM-r uiil-r eertaiu rtiuditioua. tir Litti mhilt Im mIhI. Vouinr V J.H-k bail aliiMut roiupk-led bin aali b, iuM-rtiug bis key abere il Jii ru4uiii4rv. xih! bail iiuJ mw- V J - J A more key to plat-e. , X It was aluiut 10:l.'i that yoaug I Mr. Ftauk Heath, son of Mr. A. W. Heath of Wn.xliaw, who is a student at the A. and M. College, is a crack pitcher ou the college nine aud is inning games right along. The coiiiinenrc incut sermon at M'ingate will be delivered next Sunday by Kev. S. X. Watson of Heal h Springs. The address will lie delivered ou the following Fri day by Hon. K. N. Page, Mr. K. Ik ltcdwiue has been in vited to deliver au address at the State liar Association on the sub jeet of savings banks. The associ ation meets this year iu Winston, May loin. The Journal has received from Prof. Jackson Hamilton, principal of the (iold Hill Academy, n pretty program announcement of his com luencemeiit exercises, which begin tomorrow and continue three days. The English Drug Co. bas let the contract for the plans of its three story building to be erected on the comer of llayne and Frankliu streets, to Messrs. Wheeler, Kuge and Pickey or Charlotte. 0 Dr. Chapniau Heath of Rich mond, Ky., is visiting relatives in this county. Dr. Heath is a brother of Messrs. A. W., & D. and O. Heath, and left this section about forty years ago. Messrs J. C Hikes, Jr., and P. II. Austin went to Charlotte yes terday to see the game of ball be tween Wake Forest and Farman. The former wou witb a score of 12 to 5. The Light Bearers of Central Methodist church gave a pretty Faster entertainment Sunday even ing. Mrs. J.J. Crow, the manager, trained the children in a most creditable maimer and the enter tainment was highly enjoyed by a large congregation. A nice collec tion for mishiou was taken. been incorporated with Mr. J. J Lockhart as president, Mr. J. C. Smith as secretary and Mr. K. It Hayuie as general manager. A cleaning and pressing dfpartiuenl bas beeu sdd-d with Mr. A. F. Alexander of Charlotte in charge. Mr. Alexander ia au experienced man in this work aud ia prepared to do the very bent of work Wednesday evening of last week, on going to bis Wu to feed, Mr. M. F. Boyte, who liven at theSikes place near town, found that some one bad takeu bis cow from the stable ami tied her to a pt iu the lot. 1 he Inn's from a bridle had been tied in a slip knot around the cow a neck am! she was almost choked to death. Mr. Wm. B. Streeter, stitierin te.ident of tbe North Carolina Chil dren's Home Society, located iu (ireensboro, X. C, will lecture at the Preshyteriau church tonight at 8 o'clock. The public ia eonliallv invited to attend. Mr. Stivcter's ubject is "Saving Children." He has had a wideexiH-rieuceiu Mich igan as well as iu North Carolina. Tbe Huthcrfordton correspondent of the Charlotte Observer savs that tbe SeaUiard will soon put ou a train to leave there iu the morning, come to Monit- ami return to Kutherfordlon in the evening. If this is true it will he a great con venience to the iMsipleof the upper end. Because the town ow ns its own light and water plants, the mayor of Uastouia has Isf-n invited bv W. K. Hearst to go to New York and make a sticcch on municipal uership of public iitilitit-s. The mayor of Monroe may look out for a call uext to tell 'em how we do things. The story of the safe robls-r, as aptiear ou the hist page, cer tuiiily tallies closely with the actual occurrences as they have taken place about here, estN-ciallv the breaking into die nearby black smith shops to get tools to open buildings with. lvev, W. R. Ware hits announced a series of meet i hits to begin next Sunday. Rev. J. P. Rogers of Mocksvtlle will assist the pastor. there will lie preparatory player services on to-morrow, Ihursday and Friday evenings. Town Officers Nominated. The primary for the nomination of town officers, held last Friday, resulted in the nomination of Mr. It. V. Houston for univor mid Messrs. T. C. I,ec, J. f. Shute, J. A. Stewart, Randolph Redl'eiiiu and Davis Arm field for aldermen. The contest was spirited and a big vote was cast, as follows: First ward liee '-o:l, 8. W. Par ham i:2. Second ward Shute 'JII, S. Blair 127. Third ward-Slewnrt !!., J, Sikes, Sr., 1 10. Fourth ward Red fear n 172, J. D. McKae Uu. At large Armliehl IlITi, R. West 4, Frank Worley 4. For mayor Houston 20S, H Adams 12!l. O. C T. B. St. Paul's Protestant Episcopal Church. Owing to the death of Bishop Watson, the continuation service, which was to have Is-en held Wed nesday evening by Bishop Cheshire, has lieeu postponed until Ihursday at 7 ..'10 p. ui. All are cordially iu vited to ul tend. J. L. Maktiv, Itectnr. We recently had in our town Mr. J. C. Hebditch, representing Kellutn Medicine Co. of Newport News, Va., tho manufacturers of the recently famed Helium's Sure Cure for Indigestion. He reports great sales iu this city aud slate. To prove this medicine's real worth, ho has arranged with me to give a free bottle to all who sutler witb indigestion. If our opinion is worth anything, we would say you may m beiiclittcd and you cannot possibly loose by this prop osition, a J. Wkijh. Will the Farmers Cut Down the Produc tion of Cotton? This is now a great question that the Bulls and Bears and all the peo ple of the cotton producing section are interested in. The farmers have the key to the situation, if they will only unlock the door, walk in and proclaim their rights. But the great question is not how to make money, but how to SAVE it How much can you make a dollar worth to you? If you have a dollar and lose it it is worth nothing to you; if you can make it clothe you or your family for a season it is worth many times more than a hundred cents to you. Then the thing to do is make a dollar go as far as possible. You can do this only by spending your money where where you can get the best articles and the most of them for it. I have the best and cheapest goods. While my stock is not as large as a whole sale stock, yet I have a little of ev erything: Flour, Meat, Coffee, Mill Feed, Tinware, Tobaoco, and, in fact, anything you want, I have it. L. S. HELMS. The reason we do not give the gen tleman'a uame is that it would clearly tie unfair to bioi. It is cer tain that if the news that a artic ular minister were satiatlug bun self at botue continually ou fried chicken got out, the gtssl bouse wives in the country would set no rbickeu before hiiu this sn miner during the protracted meetings. No, we shall not give him away. At the same time it is not net asary to say that any good lady nei give herself any worry alsmt the matter, as in poultry growing, like in all things else, there a many ; slip twix cup and lip, and n doubt all the preachers will Mill be able to eat chicken. Of course, Dr. F. W. Sikes, the well known professor of Wake For est College, made a good speech at I uiouville last Thursday, as he al ways does. But it was not the speech to bim or to good Prof. Ham ilton that was the one wliith plain Walter Sikes, then a student iu his lust year lit college, made at i'liion ville at the commencement of l.VU That time, whu the Isiys sent oft to get a-speaker, they invited Mr. Sikes because he was one of their old comrades and a former student ot whom I rolesNor Hamilton was very fond. Nobody hut Mr. Sikea' room-mates knew how carelully t hat speech was prepared ami dili gently practiced. The quiet woods about the college rang with the liea ut i fill periods and well rounded sentences, and the ccliis-a of the burning words floated far ami wide. It was a reform speech, as the first siMeches of all young men are. To be sure, it was not the stieefh that Dr. Sikes would now make, and he would probably not recognie it uow were he to meet it iu the road, but it was nevertheless a good sccck aud wits enthusiastically re ccived. And it is safe to say that the author will never make one of which he will be prouder, or that his hearers will enjoy more, for the whole community took pride iu it. On that day the genial face of good Professor Hamilton w as more genial than ever, and his choicest bless iugs have followed his "boy" more diligently than ever. Mr. L S. Seerest of this township is a farmer who doesn't have to re duce much. He has never bought a pound of meat nor a bushel of com. List year he and his son, running a two-horse farm, made 1,(1(10 bushels of corn and planted lour acres of cotton. Ibis year they will plant their usual corn acreage ami four acres in cotton. They ulso grow clover, peas and grasses. Mr. Set-rest did not at tend the farmers' institute List year because ho thought he kuew pretty well how to farm. But he has de cided to atteud this year and sec what the other boys are sayii.g. Kd it or Bailey says that when the dogwood blooms tho fish liegiu to bite. The late Jas. G. Covington, who was an ardent fisherman, used to say that when the creek owners tH'gan to plow the bottom grounds and were near enough to greet the fisherman with "tJit onto' tliar!" then was the best time. The "Old Mail of the Lake," ('apt. Barnes, who goes to Like Waccamaw the first of May and stays till the first of November, says that those mouths inclusive are the best ones for fishing. Dr. 11. Smith says that all the time is the best if you can find gisxl waters. So far this season we have seen only two fish ermen who brought buck any luck. They were Preacher J. L. Bennett of Wingate, who lished one even ing and caught one fish for a sick neighbor, and Cupt. . C. Heath, who came in Saturday from some where with a tapering string filled with perch from microscopic pro portions to a good sardine si.e, or what Dr. Mcdill would term a "devil of a good un."' Trouble'sacoming down the road at a two-forty pace. There arc un mistakable signs that the women of Monroe are about to assert their rights. In the primary for the nomination of town oHicers last Friday, one lady of the town re ccived two votes for alderman. The women say that if they rau find out the patriotic men who cast these two votes they shall be canonized, while the men say that they should be tarred and feathered. These I votes have fired the ambition of the! Rentier side of the community and the talk of woman suffrage is in the air. One of the old bachelors pf the town wbo had trouble iu seeing over the Easter bats, says he pro poses to get np a petition asking the church authorities to require all the ladies to sit on one side and give the men a chance to see the preacher. What the thing is com ing to do one can tell. "Please say something to stir up tbe road commissioners to begiu macadamizing the roads," said Dr. II. IX Stewart this morning. "It seems to be nettled,'' said one of the newly nominated alder men, "that one set of aldermen can stay in bat one term." Ever bear of one farmer borrow ing cotton from another to sell! Dr. W. 11. Wakelield of Char lotte will be in Monroe, at Tbe Cloueenter, ou Friday, May I 'Jib, for the purpose of treutilig disrasra of the eye, ear, ihm aud tbrout, and fitting glaives. The d'tr can he sttu in bis Charlotte vltiee every Monday, Tuenday aud Wednesday, also ou Sunday iu emergency ca". Special Notices. AJvcitiwDieult will be inserted in this column at th prict of oo can! a word, cash ia advance. laucpaas iiol. Ilia father was alerp but thinks tin report of ti e pi-4o amakeiH-d him. I'pou going out be vi bi sou lying iu a pool of blind. The lull-t eutered tLe right -e, iu mhu b be was already blind. and death wa insl:iiiLiuniuiL V . ...! i.. . ... . .1 i i i i v u) ui mi, aim ii xrviu uuixa-i jiim aui-r m niunn r oioou- : sluliUiru optiiuiMii to hour lot any IiouikIm mere put utmu the trail ofi elite to the l-rpelratorol Ihe t-tilue. the murderer, hut did nothing.' There are two that have a show of They mere as much at sea as the, lilaiiHibllitv. one ot lio n. Irnditit; coroner bas been today, aud uotli- 9 only to uiyMify the identity f the tug can pvilly Inwcu the mystery ui'inli-rer, the other ihly Im-iiij: an the matter now stauda. on II soUH-tliliig. NUiie it-ksuo a Mr. Karulmrdt was guaiding the lumber yaid of Mr. C. A. Riee. AUiut that time some one Mule some i-hickeiw from Mr. I'.iruliardt and as kin 4 as he ran. Among j the oflierrs, there arc some w bo he ' lleve that the wouinh d ln.ui li.i neru waning lorail opMiiiiiniiv to Something liue. eveu up matters and shot the lx. K tiy mistake. Tins is net a good My enliie line of crockery, b Ah a hue and decorated, to lie sold at ,9 arlual eoM. My reasnu for selling 1 X at cnt, I am going to rut out the ens kery hue. M. C. Broom. Nice barrel of home made pickets put up by Mr. It. D. Browning. iKwter Grocery theory. The laiy carried a lantern. lieu be fell in histraeks, the Ian tern was extinguished and a standing up as if it had l-en placed. Aiiotherand apiiaivutlv a ! better theorv is that some one aim i-uk Aut-even iiuc. iwvui.m. D,i cMemplaled robU-rv of the DUST krep vour uiuury it home and take the rink ol Hi beiiif, stolen. I'ut il in bauk where it u absolutely I sate. 1 Tbe Savings, Loan and Trust Co. If you want to buy molasses by the quart, gallon or barrel, see me. I bate it from IOc to "Hie a gallon. M. C. Broom. aud one Black (4iiicst icaine on earth. iievii coca, inei i.,,.,!, ,. .., .,... T.L.Croell. FOR SALE A lew full Muoded Mam muutb Black pips. Some of this breed have weighed hy7 pounds uet at three years old. H. L. I'rice. Monroe, K. F. U 5. Vlf ANTED-Hi;h class, resousibt 11 man, of good social pontiou, aud possessed of some means as evidencr of past success, sobriety and economy To have full charge of office and ha 11 die the correspondence and finances No attention paid to any applicant for this poMtion unless accompanied l full particulars of lesponsiliilities and past employment. Address I'oslufflce boa 497, Hampton, Virginia. Of EN a savings account with us. Iu terest comiiouiided quarterly. The Savings, Loan aud Trust Co It LL those holding accounts agaimt f Monro & Stewart are requested to send in itemized statements at once. A Hew rl barga AFTEK this week we will gin only on Klidays and Saturdays. April 24th. Mon'oe Oil Mill. genuine I'auaina hata at a am. T he People a Dry lioi'us Company. Ol'K Ice Mouse is now oeii. will tell ice at halt cent a p mud. but will nut deliver less than ten pounds. j. 1). farter. PARKER'S Ice Mouse will deliver teu or more pounds of ice at oue- half cent a pound. LOST Fo Terrier puppv, white with black spot in forehead and short tail, warded. Ketuiu to me and he re Dunham Kundy. K SALE Two milk cows with ralves. 1. A. Clouti. I'uiouville R. F. D. No. 1. NOTICE-I wish to call the atten tion of all who owe me that your accounts are due when service ia ren dered. Come iu at once, and save yourself the trouble of telling your ueighbois how badly you have beeu treated. If you can t pay all or a pal in cash, 1 will accept auy reasonable settlement. This is my last call, and word to the wise ia siiHicient. Set tlcmmit cau be made with nurses at my office at auy time, when I am nut n Very respe:ttully, J. P. Monroe. ES0RSON & SNYDER wants to write your fire insurance. IDES WANTED Bring your mink hides to me and get highest pricea. W. E. Kichardsou, at Crow Bros. 11 the warehouse aud as the boy laix-d the lantern, he was shot by the rohlMT who did it thinking the hoy was armed before looking at him well. The little fellow was the vie tim of faithfulness. His lather is Mr. Bice's driver and recently took Mr. Kardhardt's place leiuHirai ily. The double duty was verv hard ou FggS chickens and all kiuds of country produce wanted. Higheut prices. I Kilter Grocery Co, Two hundred gallons of that nice Georgia cane syrup, the heat iu tow n, at 4c tier gallon. M. C. Broom. I have another barrel of those mackerel that I am going to sell at .1 irtits each: others are charging joii 10 to Vi cents each for the Mine fish. M. C. Brisun. ADVANCE STYLES in Ladies Neck-wezir. A New Lot jiwt opened and ready for your inspection. The new fashionable pointed Lace Collars, Chemisettes to wear with Surplice Lace, and the more substantial styles for wear with shirt-waist suits, trim over collars and cuffs to match. Quite an at tractive display ranging in price from 5c. to $2.50. H ii car OH ON SEED WANTED U loads. Highest price paid. J. XI. Fairley EE Henderson & Snyder lor fire iu uraiice on anything yon want. ;OK SALE My improved farm half mile from Wingate, 140 acres. W. E. Hamilton. WE sell grits 40 pounds for ft 00 the year round, 10 pounds at the time. Van cans for ajc. Camp's W. A Big Hominy i Stewart & H10. IS vr 1 . Four 1- w P'i eo,.anT io l.nihV! I lisi IVi ICS m I. n. .0.1 WW We Aire Prepared to show you this week one of the most complete line of Dress Goods of all prices and patterns; la dies' misses' and boys' Shoes and Oxfords from 25c. to $6.00; Hats of all the latest styles, straw and felt, 25c. to $5. A few Panamas to close at $5. Never, Never, Never, buy a suit of clothes of any kind-boys' youths' or mans' -without looking through our tremendous stock. Some bargains that you can't afford to miss. If in need of a two-piece or medium weight suit be sure to see us. Men's and Ladies' Oxfords Tans, White Canvas, Vici Kids, Pat. Leathers, Spring Heels, Cuban Heels, Bluchers, Bals, and in fact, anything you want, in Oxfords from 60c. to $5.00 The young men or old, whichever you may be, can't afford to think they are dressed well with out a pair of our Edwin Clapp oxfords or shoes. PFP.ffT" Laaies ana men s underwear ol an styles, if tldi s ion and long sleeves, all prices. A tremendous stock of Underwear that must be sold. Great values. Light weight Work Pants, 50c. to $1.50. Light weight Overalls and Suits, 25c. to $2.50. Just arrived big lot of Overalls without aprons, very thing to work in, 50c, 75c, and $1.00. The People's Dry Goods Co. mm m um A New Addition to Our Past GrowingLaundry Business! Who P)U2SV StolT We will have at once a first-class man to take charge of our Cleaning and Pressing Department which we intend j making a success, and that will depend entirely on YOU Is not made by chance. The irresistible bargains distributed daily amongst its many satisfied patrons have done it. If you are not already one of them, you can do no better than to visit this store and investigate. Instead of the regular prices on the Shannon & Co. stock, we cut from centre to circumfer ence. Such values as these may never cross your path again! All work guaranteed to be first-class at reasonable prices. ( Club rates can be obtained on application. We clean and press gentlemen's suits, ladies' skirts, over-i coats and kid gloves. We also dye any garment. Laundry Work. Our work at first was not what we intended, but tak ing in consideration our machinery being all new and our help inexperienced, we did remarkably well. And now, having our machinery all trained and all help thoroughly experienced, we will guarantee you first-class work, espe cially in the collar, cuff and shirt departments, and this we will make a specialty. Monroe Steam Laundry Co. Phone 149. $ 6.50 Men's Suita at $3.90 7.50 Men's Suits at 6.00 10.00 Men's Suits at 7.50 1.50 Men's Pants at 1.00 2.25 Men's Pants at 1.50 3.25 Men's Pants at 2.50 1.25 Men's Shoes at 1.00 2.00 Men's Shoes at 1.60 3.50 Men's Shoes at 2.50 1.00 Ladies' Shoes at 75c. 1.25 Ladies' Shoes at 1.00 2.00 Ladies' Shoes at 1.50 3.00 Ladies' Patent Leath er Shoes now $2.00 Bargain Counter of La dies' Shoes, values up to $2.00, at 75c. $1.00 Men's Shirts at 50c. 50c. Men's Shirts at 35c. Big Sale of Wash Dress Goods, 20c. values at 10c per yard. A Bargain Wonder in La dies' Hose at Sc., often sold at 10c. We cannot begin to enumerate all the good things, but they are here for all, piled high upon the counters. We don't mind selling goods cheap. New bar gains springing up every day. Mr. Pay does not have to pay Mr. No Pay's bills at this store. One price to all and for the cash only. The C&.sh Mercantile Co. The Low Price Makers. (Succtssorj to Shmoi 4 Co.)