Take Your Bridal Trip to and select your furnishings from One Coleman "K. of the most complete stocks of Furm-: ZTitiZ FLuTS ture ever shown in the city of Monroe. SKaSa&t: FOLLOWED AND klUXD HER V"" of 1WL Than told several j TheStvooJ Catholic la Roosevelt! Reached Its Destination. ! HUSBAND. I of bia friend thai h Mt as if btl Cabinet: ! umm. j aiifwustautly iulhal!ey of the rw. The MWinR iwuIiarW a.Miw- I The Strange Dent of a Ma4 Worn- ahadosr. Hu vile'a biumU bn-aiiie WkJ.lVma parte bt he aefot ed lettfra revved it the uit.-i I an W ho Could Not I ndcrsUnd ' wore uwvrtaiu. She frequently at t'atkolie to be appointed to a plat Sairtn -u4hw the past e-k It rterHushanJ. I teudwl the theatrmautl -ul Urg j in I'mudm! Kouwvrlt'a Cabinet, a mailed at IfcumlU'. Va: ! . Hum for dower. If the artora nt i I'.uiJrr tJewral K. J. Wvaue ! Ion V. f in th mm J nuil ! Ijounrts. I'ouvhos, In vans. Settet-s from Ifa.UU to $45.00. Suits from $ll.w to Old Beds from $100 to $25.00. Oak Washstamis from $2.50 to $25.00. In fact, anything ym can wish for m the turniture line. Just year ago last April Mr. ja'trtieii pleawnl her ah would I'liaiNt. a liatidsouie . ud ttiriu the nearer. Mother i the bioNHows would be ar it : tered io a rae. j Thaix planned a path which he believed would lead to deliverance ' iu April. DHM. He ld hi Ium j im to Adolpb ('. killiaii, the prea ; eiit occuiiaut of the store, receiving ('.'..'tiHl iu rash, aud aligning 1.-! MH) to hi w He. He told her he wa ! going to !ittKlturg to eiMablitdi a l)UiiK there, and alien tbia wan i done he would wild for her. Mr. Thai took an apartment in liar- j inou atrvrt. Thai told au Ulti mate friend In-fore his departure ; that he believed he wait a doomed , man, hut he would do his tmit to raue of her threats against bis life, to the ends of the earth if necessary to kill him. Neighbor who knew llie family well, and to w bow Mrs. Th.n had stated her purse, learned jesler- d.iy by dipalchi-s that her ni;ul pursuit bad strett-bol Itsell trout city to city aTiw the continent to Uw AugeleK, t ul. 1 here site foimd her husband, and luring huu to an orange grove a lew miles iroiu towu she shot him dead, and put ting a bullet through her heart fell j eM-afie. iieuig the nrsl. rwcretary Hay u a Presbyterian and at tends the church of the Covenant, of which !reideut Harrison was a aieajber. Secretary Wilson is also a lreaby terian aud is a nientrwr of the New York Aveuue I'resbvteriau church. num. I foris-t her name or number. ! I will tell you w Ik re she live. She! live on Kast 4th just a you go un- uV-r the X. W. It 11 You wilt a water plug to tour right. The house sits in front of the water I'luif to rour inshL The first hoiie I ost master i ieneral Curtelyou ia a , after you leave the bridge." The ail merulier of Mark'a Kpiscoral dress was promptly interpnHed and church. Secretary Hitchcock ia a , delivered hi the party intended. IVt mewber of the same denouiination, ! roaster Kcj nold and his corps of i f but attends at St. Johu'a. the fa Itioienl clerk snd rarritr art sniiil t'iVSi? f ill Carjx't. Mattings. Pruggvts and Rugs of ana patterns. It is a great pleasure to us to Kugs- all the latest patterns. Center Tables 75c. to !?S.in. Clocks. Hat Uacks. Desks. lnn lieds from $1.50 t $25.00. Iimps. Ward KoUs. Hammocks from $1.5n to $7.(n. All kinds of Mu.-ieal Instruments all the lattest stylos across his Isslv. liesideiits of Kidjp'aood Heights are deeply stirreil l y the tragetly Ist-ause it bail its iucciitiou there. Thais was a prusiierous lriiggit with a pl;v of business at Wood ward avenue und ISIeecker street, where he liviil with his wile for three vears. Thev had no children. haisz wits an ewrt in pharmacy. unassuming, and devoted to study and research. His wife could not understand his studious moods, aud they seemed to arouse her to in Nine jealousy. It a its not until mole than titleeu months ao that neighbor learned that the home te of the couple was unhappy. Mrs. Thais complained that her husliaiid ill-treated her. Neighbors never saw anvthing to jiltifv the I'oiuplaiut, but on the contrary ex tended their sympathy to the bus- tuiml. Mrs. Thais was looked upon with considerable mystery by the wives of the community. Her hus band, toward the latter part of his residence iu the community, ci pressed to a few intimate friends fears for his life. Paralysis grad ually took hold of him until his left side was blasted. Physicians could not satisfactorily diagnose its origin. lhaiss lather, .lohii. a how you our line of Mattings and man of patriarchal appearance und said to have belonged to a tit I including Kdisoii' nographs. laundry Baskets. Screens of all kinds, Pictures, Trunks. Window Shades. Instant Crockery Mender. Try a Uttle of it and be convinced. latest Pho- Silver Cream for your silverware. T. F. Dillon. At Our Store You will find everything that a first-class, up-to-date drug store should have, and it is a pleasure to fill your wants. i family in Hnngary, was devoted to him. The old man ccaW his visits to the home Itcctmse of the tits of temper which Mrs. Thaisz showed wheu he appeared. She was a native of Hungary and the Magyar blood flowed hot in her veins. b' is (iainar, who lived in the same hmise. at No. J,"4 Wood ward avenue, with the Thaiss, said that at times the woman's an ger knew no Imumls. Mie took a dislike to the (iamarcliihlrcii. Mr. (iainar said yesterday that Mis. Thais, on oiieocc;isi(in dauls-d with lacking a pole around which the children played so as to ruin their gowns, tin several invasions, he said, she threw hot water out of the window upon their heads. With childish intuition the Isiys aud girls of the neigh Imrhood dart eil aside w hen ti e licautifiil woman with the black eyes, which seemed to pierce theiu through, appeared in the street, lliais. shared this feeling of horror with which his wife impressed others, but for a longtime he resigned himself to what he considered his doom. Matters came to a climax in the mous little rhurth in Sixteenth street. SvrHary Metcalf ia an K.piscopaliau aud Secretary shaw is a Met hod is!. Attorney (ieneral Moody is a Presbyterian, aud no Usly kuowa to what denomination, if any. Secretary Morton belong. He left for Pittsburg, and a week later sent Ins w ile a letter iu which he said he never would live Willi heragaiu. The distance separating j alter, up him from the ticautiful woman had ! "'"I'- " The Wilkeatioro Chronicle ia re ssiiisible for these three spicy items: Sometime ago llarrisou u Lewi Fork town- five young foxes in a C.N. Simpson, Jr. Always liny me Standard Refrigerators -AND- Ice Cream Freezers. The reputation of the manufacturer is at stake, and yon may be sure that nothing will enter their product that will mar their excellence. The White Mountain is the Standard as far as quality is con cerned, and your choice of this well known brand will be correct. Their reputation is well known, workmanship and material the very best, and service .unsurpassed. Call us up and let us price them. Cut Glass! Cut Glass! Is the latest article for June weddings. You will find a complete as sortment at our store. We also have a nice line of Sterling Silver and Hand Painted China that will make a June bride happy. Would be show you. pleased to Heath-Lee Hardware Co. The W.J.Rudge Co. Easy Pill r Euv to t.ka and un In id la I thtl famous Hula pill DeWiu't Lilll Early Rissrs. This la du to th. fact thai Ihey tonlo lh llrw In. Head of puilnf Iu Thsy new (rip nor tlck.n. not awn th moat de Ileal lady, and yt they art as car tain la reaulti thai no ona who utai tham la diaappolnlad. Thay cur torpid Hirer, constipation, biliousness, Jaundlca, bMdacha. malaria and ward elf pn monla and ftvart, nuuu oaxT st i. e. Dwirr co., chicaoo j Boil Firjit thi lint, Early Risers For sal by English Drug Compao) pai Dr. S: J. Welsh. lent li i in eourne. Mrs. T1i.uk showed the letter to Mr. killuu and to nellilsirs. Sin lout uieiu tuai site ual taken a solemn outh to kill her huxtiauil "Wheu I see him, which will lie sooner or later," the moiuau said, iu a manner hieh ehillel her hear ers, "I w ill kill him. I w ill folio hiiu to the ends of the earth, hut I will tind huu. aud I lien I will sl.iy." Thais hail many friends to w houi the woiuau reM-ated her threat. They got word to I'lHstiilix while Tlmisz was still there that his wile was soon to start on his trail, lie wrote a Neeond letter to her in w hich he stated he had left a revol ver with fi lends iu New York, ami if she was going to kill any one. it was letter to get it aud kill herself. This letter further infuriated the woman. She got the pistol, and it is Itelieved to he the one with which she killed her huslmnd and herself. Friends of the couple learned of Mrs. Thais's arrival in Citthluirir. Thuisz had Ixvu warned, and had tied iu time. At intervals word eoiue of the woman's presence iu several Western cities, whither she had gone iu her search. Those who first knew of her threats hoed that time would cool her auger, but with the tiding of her relent less pursuit, residents of Ikidgewotsl Heights feared that she would succeed in tracing her hus hand in his flight which in now proven to have been futile. Dispatches from Is Angeles Ixst night said that the coroner's in iiiest was held yesterday. The tes tiinony of the men who found the bodies of husband and w ile, ami ol I lie physician, showed that themur dcr was perpetrated with the great est dclilicratioii. After her year's pitiless cincst Mrs. Thais, found her liu-baml in l.os AugclcM. He had inaniiged store ior tne wun lrug ( ompituy iu fttsademi, but learning that his w ife was on bis trail, he found em ployment on un orange ranch near Angeles, After his wile's ap-s-araiice on last Sunday, Thaisji confided to. I. 11. Johns who had worked with him, that he feared his wife would follow and kill him. After she had demanded 1,000 from htm Thais promised to pay her fl."0 if she would leave him lorever. Ihey had arranged to meet and talk the matter over on Monday. The Ios Angeles author ities now lielieve that this was only a ruse by which the desperate wo man planned to fullill her vow, She persuaded him lo-acconipany her to an orange grove near Ver dugo Canyon, supposedly to talk over the ter ins of settlement. There is evidence that Thais, was brought fu-e to face with his jieril. He leais-d to his feet, as indicated by tracks on the ground, and made a desperate, efloit to escae. The woman paused until he had gone Halt a Uo.eu paces, then dropped him in his steps with a bullet which eutered his back and pierced his heart. Not content with this, she advanced to the prostrate Issly, and placing the pistol to her hus hand'a head, fired a shot into his brain. Theu she seated herself by the body, placed the revolver to her heart, aud pulled the trigger, dying Instantly. lr. Canipltell, who performed the Hntopsy, testi fied liefore the coroner that Mr. Thaisz, even iu death, "had the face of a desperate, woruau Doth bodies will be held until to day, when, if word is not received from relative, they will 1 buried by the Sun Drug Company. The Children's Favorite For coughs, croup, whooping cough, etc., On Minute Cough Cure is the children's favorite. This is because it contains no opiate, is perfectly harm less, tastes good and cures. Sold by tngusn urug io. ana SJ. Welsh How many schools iu the county will be represented iu the parade on the four tliT hollow log. He let Frank Vickers have one, and he was raising some young pups. The little foi took up with lhepiiNs nursed their mother w il h them and they are grow ing up friendly together. The"hairsuake" is not con tin ing itself to cabbage en tirely. The other day Mr. J. I. McCanu's daughter at Trap Hill was iHeiiiig an apple aud came across a "hair suake" that was ( indies long. It acted as if alive. tw isting, working aud roiling up itself. Kill M .ist i n shovs w ere out on the I'cdcu hill last Saturday and hack ou the rim they discovered the ground hog, and by the help of their dogs ended his existence. He was a big fat old fellow and is sup isised to Is the one who has been presiding over the weather business lor the last few- winters, Floats, floats, it's easv to make them. The school children of any district rail get together, borrow a two horse wagon, buy some bunt ing, and with the help of flowers and brandies, make a most pretty show. How many districts will try itt Now is the time for the children to meet and talk about it. Found Cure for Dyspepsia. Mrs. S. Lindsay uf Ft. Williau, tints no, Canada, who has suffered quite a nuinler of years from dyspepsia and crest pains in the atoinach, was ad vised by her druggist tu take Cham hcrlain'i Stomach aud I.iver Tablets She did so and says, "I find that they have done me a great deal of good. I have never had auy suffering since I began using them." If troubled with Jvsprpsia or indigrstiou shy not take these Uhlets, get well and stay well ? I or sale by C. N. hiniinun, Jr., and S J. Welsh. Hundreds of the farmers of the county w ho have such nice teams and vehicles should have them in the parade on the Fourth. A good pair of horses or mules and a doub le seated vehicle are the loun datiouofa pretty float. A little work on these will be nullicicnt. The Salve that Penetrates. DeWitt'i WitcbHaiel Salve penetrates the pores of the skin, and by its anti septic, rubifocent and healing influ ence subdues inflammation and cures boils, burns, cuts, eciems, tetter, nug worm and all skin diseases. A specific for blind, bleeding, itching and pro truding piles. The original and genu ine Witch Hsiel Salve is made by E. C. DaWitt & Co., and sold by English Drug Co. and S J. Welsh. Have a meeting, boys and girls, and it op your float for the 4th. Ifyoor teacher is handy ask her to help you. Kodol Dyspepsia Curs Digests all classes of food, tones and strengthens tbe stomach and digestive orgsns. Cures dyspepsia, indigestion, stomach troubles and makes rich red blood, health and strength. Kodol Dys pepsia Core rebuilds womont tissues. Gov G.W. Atkinson of W.Va. says: "I have seed i number of bottles ol Kodol Dyspepsia Cure and have found it to be a very effective, and indeed a pow erful remedy for stomach ailineuta. 1 wcommend it to my friends," Sold by English Drug Co. sad S. J. Welsh. Duality vs. Quantity. Hard muscles and strong body do not depend on the quantity of foud yuu at, hut on its perfect digestiuu snd proper assimilation. When you take Kiuiil Dyspepsia Cure your system gets all the nourishment out of all the food you eat. It digests what you eat regardless 0f the condition uf the stom ach and conveys the nutrient proper ties tu the blood and tissues. This builds up and strengthens the entire system, Kodol cures iudigestiou, dys pepsia, helchinii, sour stoiiii. h, weak heart, etc. Sold by English Drug Co, and S. J. Welsh. A nice float, carrying a lot o( school children iu it, will lie a pret ty sight in the big parade. How many districts will have vehicles tilled with their pretty boys and girls here on the fourth! Think what a big time it will be for the boys and girls. Just What Everyone Should Do. Mr. J T. Harber ef Irwiuville, Ga., al a s keeps a bottle of Chamlierlain's Lohc, Uiolera and Diarrhoea Kemedy at hand ready for instauf use. Attacks of colic, cholera morbus and diarrhoea come ou so suddenly mat there is no lime to hunt s doctor or go to tbe store for medicine. Mr. Barber ssys: "I have tried (.hamlierlain s Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea Kemedy which is one of tbe best medicines I ever saw. I keep bottle of it in my room as I have had several attacks of colic snd it has proved to le the best medicine 1 ever used " Sold by C. N. Simpson, Jr., and a. j, weisn. b any e mergM-y. There is always a reason, iu the man, for his giVl or Lad frnlune. and so, in making money. Men talk as if there were some magic about this, and believe in magic iu all parts of life. He know that all goes on the old. Mad pound for und cent hir cent for every effect n-r-fvt cause and that gind luck is an other name for tenacity of purose. F.merson's rlasay on "Wealth." "A woman s bonnet would not cost much if it wasn't for the trim uiing," said the miserly hushaud. "Neither would a man s wins ker,'' answered the wife. I'hica go News. Cuban Diarrhoea. I'. S. soldiers who served in Cubs dur ing the Spanish war kuow what this disesse is, aud that oidinary remedies have little more effect thau so much water. Cuban diarrhoea ia almost as severe aud dangerous as S mild attack of cholera. There is one remedy, how ever, that can always he depeuded upon ss will be seeu by the following rertifirste from Mrs. Minnie Jacobs of Houston, Tea.: "I hereby certify thai Chamlierlain's Colic, Cholera and Diar rhoea Kemedy cured my husbaud of a severe attack of Cuban diarrhoea, which he brought home from Cuba We baj several doctors but they did him no good. One bottle of this rem edy cured him, as our neighbors will testify. I thank God for so valuable a medicine." For sale by C. N. Simpson, Jr., and S. J Welsh. CASTOHll simnatu.fi aVhttlamilreula ung the Sfcstads and IVwvrS uf UNIVERSITY OF NOItTH CAROLINA. Head of State's Educational System. . DEPARLTtF.NTS. Collegiate, Engineering, Graduate, Law, rtedicine, Pharmacy, Library contains 43.000 volumes. Ne water works, electric lights, cen tral heating system. New dormatories, gvmuasium, V. MCA. building 667 Students. 66 Instructors. The Fall Term begins Sept. 11, 1904, Address FIUNCIS P. YKNABU:. PitKsn.m rilAPKl. HIM., X. l New Ordinances. It I- nrrtalneil jr , hi frttrri f A liter men rf I. ThaX ifVf Hi- Hr-i nf July. Iwtv thot rr inn uihir thf fify water ruriith1 ,y ihrt'ltjr f Mmm ihrtmirh ir iftr .hf fmy thfrrfnr mniiiiiJr mt tht mi of fifty urn in per lltli tlxitlMesllft Jflltl. i. Thi tit rattxs for valor and tisrhta Qrd1r IMrMMi lit thf I Ity o MiHirtj. which Irniui iii"ti rHi nifif r, "iiail ftp inrrrn nity isfrrvnt. ivr thr prstriit rmtra aud hail tar (salil niiuithljr. That th nftrr rat tor tlfHirlr llirhu wml I it wrsvunn hi th t'ltjr off Mimrur.aflrr th? nri nar r jiiir. iwty u- nn smk! a wnm prr att. ami hall l tsavtil munthlr f. inai an prns.mii tjsmv warrr ami Itrhln 1 half furnUhni hy the City itf llonnr, aftrr thr flrt rlttjr "f He-.trmlT. tw, hs. 1 1 I ntrsurvMl Uy riiur watrr artdrlrrtrtr trts-irrr- fMrrtUhetl nrt (ml tn. iimW lha llrmlon of thr rlty rmphsy havlHtf rhanm nf thr watrr ami rlmrtr ptanta. aim tnr riMt tr thr aM-r of atrr and rtrrtrh'lty. aiitl If urh Birin arr mt mi lit by thr urra 1t thr fi rut tlay f Nrpfrailirr, Iwa, thr rttf will tfl)nntlnur tit furnish water ami rleotrlrlty H. J. Ann KArT, Clrrk bi ThU Jnr l, lwS. Brd of AIWrairn Administrator! Notice. Hsu In thM day QiialttlM nrfor K. A Arm field, elrr uf the eurt of I nliMi rtHiiity.aa thr adnilnlatralMrof thrroutrof A. J. NelMii,dr-tva-tnl, this ! tt Notify all irraina bavtiif L'ialm afain4t thr aaid etaie u irerat them tumrMor IWorr the Uth day of May, tt, tr in ist Biee win ar piri in rssrof their colle thn. All permsj owlna tha aatd ratatr arty thliitff ahotild aiaar rnmpt tjaymrnl af ih tantr. utia imiiid iiar h ytmr, iwa. W.T KTKWAkT, Admf. uf A. J. NeUsa.drc'd Lawyers' Directory. Offirei is SaviDgi, Lota And Trail sBuilcliag, Corner of Franklin and Hayne Streets, Mod roe, N.C. Adami, Jerome & ArmieM, Rooms 16, 17 and 18. F. F. Griffin, Rooms it and 11. Lorenso Medlin, Rooms 4 and 5. Redvioe ft Stack, Rooms 6 to 10. J. C. Sikes, Jr., Rooms t and 3. Williams ft Lemmood, Rooms 14 ft 13. R. L. Stevens, office formerly occo-1 pied by Arm field ft Williams, ia tbe courthouse. 1 vwwww ? f r rrrrir w THE NORTH CAROLINA COLLEGE OF AGRICULTURE AND MECHANIC ARTS Offers pniflinil imlnstri.il edu cation in Atfrii'iilliirt', F.niu wrinrj, liuliislrial CVinisliy, and the 'IVxtilc Ait. Tuition i?;MI a yoar. Ilwnl s a moiilli. 120 S'holiirsliis. AddrrKS President Winston, Z West Raletfh, N. C. e)sese'ese)eee)ee)e)seeS' Tin: nessand Rtst Conlaim neiilar twwi Morphine norXutcxoi. NutN.vhcotic. au avwer nmx Arwrftfl Riiivdv rorronstitvs tion. Sour Suinch.l)iarrtvfl Worms I onvulsioiw lowrish- ru'ss ukl Loss or Sleep. facSiivds SitiMihir of xrw TORK. s J EXACT COPY Of WRAftPU. GASTORin Tor Infants) and Children. The Kind You Have Always Bought Bears the Signature In Use For Over Thirty Years uMOEI She Hf rr it a woiinilcrful thine. Thi'V hit io tii;illv troa iuj; potato -s and t4iiu:itm-H 011 I lie 8 line plant! Ile Noiliing so vwv aomlfrfiil alMtut that. lt;i' nnd toliaoro have lonj; Wvn croan tliat may. riiilmli-lpliiii r.ulli-tin. '1ojiii think they'll evt-r lap iihle to run th- liaiiiH mo fast that you ;in j;o riiuii ( liiciico to New ik ami back iu a day? "1 inM imt. lial h tlic UNf ifointr to New tork if you rant iay nil niirht?"- ( hir iro Kirord- H.-ruhl. If you want a pretty luce mid ile liizlillul air, Kv cliii ks mid lovely hair. Wedd i iik ti i aeroN the neu, l ist your luitli 111 Hoi ky Moun tain Ten. Knj;lish I i Un . People's BanK OF MONROE, N. C. Solicits ynur arcuunt and hankine hiisincm. We Kiurauire ACSDI.L'TE SECI'KITV, ri!itnri ami all the rc(ii!iinoil.iliims that SCl'M) hank ing ill ailinit of. Interest paid, ac cording to acterme nt, pn depnsits left lor our stated peridd, AUays ready for loaus ou approved paper, O I . HEATH, President. Sil I Fliw. Agnes wesusy 16 6 Wells Street , MarinttttWn FAY SHOLES Lightest Touch. Highest 5peed IiiterrhRneealile rnrriacos and platens from !) to 21 incliea lon(! linn the largest nninlier of pnic tieul features ever embodied in one machine. J. P. Correspondence 8olicitel. DAVIS, Southern Manager, Atlauta, (hi. ADVICE TO BRIDES, Keep nw for your friend, and you 'U never have baking troubles. ine way to a man a heart is said to he through hu stomach how easy, then, to keep the household happy when Invincible Flour is used in the bread, biscuit csk.es and pastry. No more growls about the kind "mother used to make." Yours for good bread, Invincible Flour. Ask your grocer for it Henderson Roller Mills Co, W. B. HOUSTON, SURGEON DENTIST, Office up stairs, Fitsgerald Buildiug, Northwest of Courthouse, Monroe, N. C. A? D. liTwHITLEYriinr, having located at Union ville, N. C, offers his professional services to that place and surround ing country. Unionville phone 8; Sincerity 4. IRK MULLISi Civil Engineer, I'lhiSKtl. WlMiATI, N. 0. Kil. Mmili'lial. ami Krm HurTrylne, K...i.l !..(: ork. TrlaiiKUUtloa, K.nmU iiU I'm, f lli.'iil., ;i'. M. L. FLOW Commissloiter f Deeds for South Urollot, ti North C4rol.n1: also 1 Justice of ihe Not fur Union County, tad H0U17 Publie for Ntirtc Carolina. :-: :: Speri.il attention Riven to taking Af fiila vits, Arknowledlenieiit or I'roof of I Vol 9, Mortices, Coiitrarts, Hills of Sale, I'uwrrt of Attoruey, Kenuncis lions of Dower and Inheritance, Dep. ositions.WritiiiK snd rruliatinR Deeds, Mot (cages and all other papers, issuine; Slate Wan ants, Claim and Deliver jr and Attachment papers, Civil Sum mons and the Collection of Claims. Office at M. L. Flow Co. 'a Sloe east of courthouse, Monroe, N.C N.S.OGBURN, Is a Magistrate and asks a share of the work in that line iu I'nion county, J. H, ASIII KAI T II D. STf WAST DRS. ASHCRAFT 4 STEWART, HON HO R, K. O. SAN ATOKIl'M for the treafment of surgical diseaxes and diseases uf wo mcu. Diseases of the stomach and intestines a specialty. Traiuiiif; School for nurses. Plfi Wells fWt, M arikstttk, is., Spt. 2S, 1903. I was alt run rlii fnm nmntis Dim ami overwork anl luul U'nwpn bit pnsitinn ukI t.il.o a Ant. I found tliat I wiu TiA psininff mT strt'iiptli and honllh as f :it as I could wish, ami as your Wine of Cardui m'Diiuetid(l as nicii a ni.-'.uiiie f.T the illt of our si's, 1 buuclit a dottle ai d ltrn otinp it. 1 was Mti.fiM with the rwults from the n of the first bottlo, and took tlinv mori'and liwn found la rostori'd to fimi health and stmnpth and sMe to take up niy wiwic with iwiowod Tip. 1 conii.ltT it a fine Miio and esivllent for wornfHjt, imttoiis eondiUou, and aia kwt to enlorK it AHXE8 WEsTLET, AWT, irUi WlWunu ItoUanl SnSatf, I Becura a It.OO bottle of Win nf TI I Cardui and a "'. pvkir ti m Tuedfurd's Itlack-riruutrht toAnj. ) wineIardui in DR. B.C.REDFEARN,l DKNTIST. , Charges reasonable. Satisfaction guaranteed. Office over Rudge's Hook Store. MONROE. K O. Will be at Marhvil!e, N.C. on first , aud Kurd Mondays of each month, and ' st Matthew ou secoud and fourth j Mondays. Phone ija JmlNEiL,M.D.. i MUNKOK, N. C, ; Solicits the patronage of the people of j Monroe aud surrounding coiiunuuity, Calls answered in day from English , Drug Store; at uight from residence on Churrh street. Phone No. 48. Hvl4.Ua I lirtll Rocky Mountain Tea Nuggets A Bniy Hitlu for Buy Fwpls. BH3 Ooldis Hnltk sal BmW lip. A omAc fnrC,Miiir,,, ln.llra.llna. I.lrw n.l Ki.ln. r Tmul.kf llinplm Emnii, Impunt l-.l ll,i. UiMih. Hluirc'li Nol. Hra.la.-lia ;il hHfkmrtK. In R,.; HuHauiu Tn la Ul t fiirm, S5 idis a bos. Oentiloa ma4a bv Jou.iarsa Dsm CoarinT, Nadiaua, Wis. 10LOEM NUGGETS FOR SALLOW PEOPLI Insurance! We represent the stroneest line of Comna. nies in the WORLD, both Fire, Life, Accident, Health and Bonding Companies. We give you what you want at the correct rate of premium. We make insurance a SPECIALTY, repre sent your interest before and after the fire, and give all business entrusted to us prompt and careful attention. W. M. GORDON, If Peoples Bank. 1 1 aasasaWVak la ai I For sale by English Drug Company, Monroe,N.O.