THE S'fe M ONROE JOURNAL. VOLUME XII. NO 20 MONROE, N. C, TUESDAY JULY 23 1903 One Dollar a Year A SENATORS LETTER. Pernna as a Nme and Ca turrit Tonic the Talk of the World. DAN TEACH EY EXECUTED. 7 II oa. W. V. Hulimn. r. a, fteaator frost MiMUMppi. Hon. W. V. Sulllvaa, failed HttUt 8enalr from MlasiMlppI, In a lette recently written to Dr. liarlmao. from Oxford, MIm., nn the following! For soma time I have been a sufferer from catarrh in tu moat Incipient etage, so murh ao that t became alarmed a to Bijr general health. But, hearing of Pfr rn-na as a (uud remedy, I gar it a fair trial and aoon began to improve. "I take. nleaaure In reoommendlni reruna a the beat catarrh cure I liavt ever tried." W. V. HulllTan. Parana earee catarrh whererer locat ed. Peruna hai no subetttutee no ri vals. Inaiatupon having feruua. Ad drew The Parana Medicine Co, Colum bus, O for a free book on catarrh. CRAZY MAN SHOOTS THREE. Wm. F. Wtlllnmi Shoots ami In tantly Kill Hla Employer ami fatally Injure Two Other. Ivnueula. Fie., W-uah-li, lih. IVaml with driuk and with tlit ll i-iight Unit lie wasto bedischarg ed, A liiiitiu K. Williams, a sales man iu the clothing store of Jobn White, late this afternoon walked up to tbe ofliee where Mr. White wits sitting reading and idiot hiui dead, lie turned bin revolver upoti another salesman, Kd Daimby, and inflicted a mortal wouud iu the buck, then fired upon Jainca White, the manager n f ,De V prietor, the bullet passing through the lungs and causing a wouud frooi which it ia expected that he will die before nioruitig. Another clerk waa lired upon but tbe Lullet went wide of the mark. All during the day William" seemed nervous, and lain in the aft ei noon be began to imbibe to audi au extent that it waa noticed about the atore and some remark wan made by the proprietor. Thia iu furiated Williams, it secius, anil without a word he walked to his coat, took therefrom a new revol ver and walking clow up to Mr. White, fired, the bullet striking him near the right ear ami passiug out on the left aide. White never moved. The pmt he w aa reading dropped from hit) grasp. Dansby, the wounded clerk, waa waiting upou a customer and waa bending over a trunk when the crazed man turned aud fired a ahot into his Wk. Jamea White leaped to hi feet to defend hia father when the revolver waa turned on him. After being ahot be grappled with Wil Hants in an effort to wrench the re volver from hia band, but could not do ao. Officers arrived and tMk the revolver, placing Wil liams in juil. The only Mtittcment nuule by Wil liuma waa that aome one in the atore waa endeavoring to do hi in an injury and that if White bad at tended to bis own business be would never have killed him. Mr. White waa one of the moat promt iieut busiuess men iu the city, bav ing been engaged iu the habcrdash- ery busiuess tliirty years. Beautify your complexion with little coat. If you wish a smooth. clear, cream like complexion, rtwy cheeks, laughing eyes, take Mollis ter'a Rocky Mountain Tea, greateat lieautiher kuowu. 3a ecu is. bug listt J)rug Company. "pe doctor tclla me dat ter eat nix i." . . . - . . n aj waicrmiinoii &i one unie wouiu sno kill me." "An what you gwinedo'bout it?' ''J gwine ter die game!" Forced to Starve. B. F. Leek of Concord, Ky., aaya: "For 20 years 1 suffered agouire. with a sore on my upie.r lip, an painful sometimes that I could not eat. After vainly trying every thing else I cured it with IJucklen's Aruica Salve," It a great lor hums, ruts aud wounds. At English Drug Co.'a; ouly 25c. A Brother Without Ambition. AlisauGoMiltutlua. - - "Dar you ia, in de common eoun ty chain gang," said Bro. Dickey to a backsliding member of hi flock. "I)ar you la, worklo' side l.y side wid de ign'nnt en oneddi rated, w'en you wight er ant yo stakea fur de national Fed' ml pris on ol de guver'niiut youae raiae eu bo'n under! i on alu t got no mo ainbition dan a elephant, or a oys ter!" The pilla that act as a tonic and not si s drastic purpe are DeWitt'a Utile Early Kiaert. They core headache, biliouaneiw .etc. EarlyKisera are small, easy l ! sod easy to act a tale pill. Mack Hamilton, hotel clerk at Valley City, N.D., lays: "Two bottles ol Iheae famous little pills cured me of chronic constipation." Good for chit . drea or adults. Sold by English Drag Co. and S. J. Welsh. The Murderer of Robert Rtvenbark. Executed at Kenans ills he Protested His Innocence to the l.ast. Declaring that Lies Had Been Sworn on Him. Kraaa.tllUr .part!. . lolhrlotelHrTr Ihtu Tea hey waa executed here thia morning iu tbe prrewe of alaiut thirty perxoua, including oni eera, guardu, miliiet, phMiriaua, uiiuiNtera of the giKl and neait paper men, for tbe murder of Bob ert Kivenlurk. At !; W the death warrant was read to him, to which he Iteteued unmovel, although his sutler, who sat by hia aide, wan greatly agitated. He waa then bap fixed aud received into tbe I'resby teriau church by the ptutlor and aeion of tbe Keuauarille church. Frayera were otTered by i-eueat by Ber. V. A. Koyul, a Methodist minister, aud IWiunHtcr Jones. (ioveruor (Jlenn was iuterceuted by telephone at araaw ou his way to Wrighlaville, but refused to iu terfere. The prisoner waa appri.icd of this fact and was earnestly re pleated to make a statement. The ouly thing he would any was: "1 am not guilt v, but waa sou victed becauae peojile swore lies on me." His sister was eHCorted fntm the jail and be was then led from his cell arouud to the rear of the jail. where the gallowa had been erect ed aud bid troiu view by a high fence covered with canvas. Id mounted the gallows with the pre eisiou of a soldier, coolly and deli!) eralely watching the roie altove his bead aud taking Ins imwiIioh exactly U'lieuth it. Asked if be would make a statement, he re plied: "No, I believe not. I want you all to pray for me." lookiii: at one of the witnesses, be saitl: "(ieorge, tell my iM-ople not tt grieve alter me. Tell all that have rented me wrong that 1 have no malice against them." The black cap was then ailliisted sud he said, "Oh, Lord, have men') 011 me." Borne one then veiled. "Don't pull tbe trap; you haven't got the rope 011 yet.'' Teaehey then mid, "Make haste aud kill uie, ateu; don't murder me this way." The roe was then placed around his neck and tii trap fell at 10:11 a. ui. At ln-.M lie waa ttrouounced lead by the attending physicians. The body waa takeu down, placed u a cofliti and taken iinmediiitel) to the family burying ground There were probably l,thMI people iu the oulMiie trying to get a glimpse of the scMie, but no one ou the outside could see anything from any ponition. Story of the Crime. Ou Wednesday night, March 4, l!Hi;l, near the village of Wallace, Mohcrt Uivenbai k left the home ol his father alsmt K-'.M, and went to the home of one Faster Williams, colored, alxxit one mile away, to secure her services as a lalmrcr on his strawberry farm the next day. At thia house were two negro wo men, one negro man and a child. The evidence is that Biveubark made a contract with the two wom en aud the mail to come to his place to work for him the following day, and started away iu search ol other hands. As soon as the door waa closed aud ho hud proceeded eight or ten steps from the house, aud there waa no light visible ex cept the moon, which was shining brightly, the negroes heard the iUii:k, sharp report of a pistol and almost immediately Kivenlwtik pushed t lie door open aud fell in side the riKiiu, saying he .was shot. lie was followed closely by Teaeh ey, who sprang upon biiu and beat and kicked him unmercifully. When be bad finished with Biveu bark he turned to the negro wom an, Faster Williams, and Wan beating her over the head with the pistol, which was still smoking in his right hand, aud a stick iu his left, W hue this was going ou Hivenbark, having to some extent regained consciousness, got out the door and started home, lie pro ceeded about 150 yards dowu the road, when be fell exhausted, and began calling at the top of his voice for help. He was heard by Mr. Jim Dixon, a farmer near there, who came to his relief. He told Dixon that he had been shot by Dun Tcacbey without cause, aud knowing he could live but a very short time, he w ished to make a statement concerning the affair to some one while he was still iu his right mind. Dixon then called Mr. Harvey Booth, who came to the road, and together with aim beard the story of the killing from the lips of Biveubark, who said that when he left the house he met Dsn Teaehey, who said r "By , what are you doing beret" Biveu bark replied, "I am here to get these people to help me work my strawberries," learbcy then said, "Hod d m y6u, they get their liv ing without work and I am going to kill you," and fired, with the result above mentioned. 1 lie null took effect In the right side of the abdomen, causing ileal h two days' WHEN YOTR LAND OETS INDI- 1 irticlc, thus furnishing available later, alxuit 6 o'clock Friday after- j UE5TION. - I plant food. Theu give it thorough noon, March & I cultivation mi as to enable it lo In the meantime Teacbey was! A Simple Explanation that flakes I prvjiare food for tbe plant, aud you supposed to have left, but an hour llain the Need of Vegetable Mat- after Biveubark a death a very ter In the Soil. large uu tuber of the must sulxtan-: w.iiare . ra-r tial citizens in the neihUirlnKHl of j The 1 Via ware Agricultural Fx Wallace went to the home of Teach- j peri meat Station has recently pub- ey a father and demanded the sur- ashed bulletin .No. tki, which isun- Mother's Ear t for ire tun mmmn m wwr, Me mv rmm monrm That com aeroaa nut COTT'W MMULtlON euewuee ewe rau irMMW mmm eowiieweter mo eceeer oe rmm mmM-rm oe morm aarxieiee SCOTT a SHIWNE. vei'l r-rl s.k. n Yak, reuder of the art-used. Alter a short conference lietweeu tlie father of Teaehey and the crowd of riti leus, his father stepiied to the 1 k door of hia resilience and called hint, aud he came from the woods uear the house immediately and waa taken in charge by the sheriff and driveu to keuausville, where he was lodged in jail. The coroner held hia inquest on Saturday aud his Jury's verdict was that "KoU'rt Biveubark came to bis death as result of a pistol shot from the hand of Dan Teaehey." Ou the fol lowing Mouday the prisoner was arraigned before a magistrate and examination was waived and pris oner was committed to juil without bail to await the action of the grand jury. At tbe August terra ol thenupe rior Court for Duplin county. Judge (. II. Allen presiding, Solicitor Duffy, being assisted by Messrs. Steveus, Beasley and Weeks, and Harsden Bellamy, Fj., of Wil uiiugton, aud the prisoner Is-ing represented by Messrs. Bouutree & Carr of Wilmington, Dortch & liar ham of (loldslsiro, Kerr & Gavin of Keuausville and J. T. Bland of lEurgaw, the trial was held. After four days hard work, the jury hav ing been out two hours, returned a verdict of guilty of murder in the lirst degree, and the prisoner was sentenced to be hanged in Oetols-r of that year. Teaehey took an ap peal to the Supreme court and was given tf new trial. The second trial was fiuallv reached at the Octols-r term, ltMll, at which trial the jury again re turned a verdict of guilty of mur- ler in the first degree, aud the prisoner was sentenced to lie hang ed January l.'l, l!Ki."i. An apaal was agaiu taken to the Supreme court, but this time the higher court roulirmed the decision of tin- lower court, date ol execution Is-iug uamed as May 18, 1 !K-". Petition waa tuade to the Governor for par dou aud pending his investigation of the mailer the governor respited tbe prisoner uutil June 2th. Fetitiou for almoin le imnlou hav ing been denied, the father aud sis- 'ttrofthe prisoner started anther pclitlou, this tune for commutation of the sentence to life imprison ment, which petition grew so rap idly that when it was presented to the (ioveruor by the attorneys ol the prisoner at the executive clitim lier in Baleigh, the Governor la'ing very desirous of giving the prison er the benefit of every possible mit igating circumstance affecting the use, agaiu respited him until July .'(), and went to Goldslstro and Wilmington in order to have every witness available give his testi mouy in person and under cross- examination, so he could get at the whole facts in the case. IuGolds- boro the Governor eveu went into the ce ll of the prisoner aud gave bun a long personal interview, and after considering every t h i ng i n con nection with the case the ctition was deuied and the last named date was fixed. lk-feudant's counsel, relatives and friends have left no stone un turned to help him in any way pos sible The father who, at the lie giunicg of this proceeding, was one of the most substantial truck farmers iu this part of tlie State, woith many thousand dollars over and above exemptions and liabili ties, and living in comparative ease, is now much reduced in cir cumstances aud broken in health. The four or five sisters of the prisoner have worked like beavers for biiu and have resorted to the most heroic measures to have his life spared if for ouly a few days at time. They have each named around their petitions to tlie Gov ernor aud personally solicited the signature of practically every citi zen within radius of ten miles ol their home. Unusual Damage Suit. SorranKMi Special, Hth, l Cherlmir ilb-errrr W. 1. Malie has brought suit for damagea against Messrs. J. D. liose man, J. A. rotect. It. K Coleman and W. T. Clark, ineiuhersoffoun ril Oak Camp, Woodmen of the World, the amount claimed not iieing named in the complaint. Ou May 4th Ea Mabe, a son of the ulaiiitiff, was initiated into the mysteries of the lodge of Woodmen of the World, and alter the regular lodge initiation side degree was given the young man, in w hich, it was claimed, be was foreeu to sit on a tin bottom chair with a light ed candle under it, aud it was sev eral weeks before he 'was able to sit again. An operation was per formed and it waa only last week that he waa able to go to work agaiu. The defendants deny that he waa forced to sit on the chair, and a breezy time is promised when tbe rase cornea up for trial. Both side have employed lawyers to fight the ease to finish. Where are yon sirkt IleadacV. fool tongue, no appetite, lack en ergy, pain In your stomach, const i pation. Hollister's-Rocky Moun tain Tea, will make yon weJl and keep you well. 35 rents. Knglish D ug Company. Indigestion and all kidney and bladder trouble cured by Mida Water. At Mculey's Drnij Store. usually suggestive to men who are thinking alsut fertility, rommer- rial fertilizers, and in geueral about have wilveil the problem. Komctiiuc the soil la-comes arid and needs au alkali iu this rase lime just as you, reader, may sometimes lie troubled m it It sour sloinai h aud nerd alkali. I'leuty of good, plain food, well rooked. aud exercise out of doors will keep a healthy mail from getting sick the methods of increasin:: rri'ii pro-'and w ill often make a sick mail duet ion. The title. "The Bieterio-i ell. Plenty of vegetable matter logical Analysis of Soils," might for bacteria the digestion cells ol scare some readers, aud for that the soil -to feed Umu, and thor reason we have chose u a different ough cultivation, will make asick heading for our article. We assure soil wave with productive crops, them that a Wtcriuui (singular fr There is a rawer relation lietweeu bacteria) ia something that one man aud the, soil than we some need not be afraid of, aud it is well imagine. Both of them are that we should know just how he liable to indigj-stiou, aud as the is helping us. ' man w ho has indigestion falls away 1 be bulletin goes on to state that u flesh because be is using more forty nine analyses of the typical soils of the I'liited States showed aa an average result thut they had iu the first eight inches enough nitrogen to last for ninety rrops, enough phosphorus for "SHI, aud potash for 1,0SI, and yet these same soils w liere the chemist has found so much fertility may under certain conditions heroine so utterly barren of results to the farmer as to lead him to believe thut they are actu ally devoid of plant imkI. ihe bulletiu goes on further to state that the soil at Bothauisted, Fugland, which has been cropjieil with wheat for titty yea is without manure, and which had consequent ly lieen exhausted, producing ouly eight bushels tier arre, still con tained phosphorus, iu winch it was esecially exhausted, to lust a hun dred years to come. v e have seen this identical piece of laud and saw two or three rrops of wheat grow ing on it. The reason this plot, with a supply of phosphorus to last a blind ml years, had ls-comc ex hausted was simply Is-cause it was not in shape to U- available for I lie plants. ou say what hits this to do with mirrolH-s or hucteriut A very great leal. The trouble with the Itoth- a tn at cad soil, and the trouble with nearly all so-called exhausted soils, is not that tliev are deficient in the lemeuts supplied by commercial frit Mixers, but because they are de-licit-lit in vegetable matter humus something for the bacteria or nil crols-s to feed on. It is through these that the unavailable forms of plant food become available. To piote from the bulletin: 'W hen vegetable or animal mat ter is incorporated with the soil it undergoes a process of decay. In this decay certain products are formed which react iimiii the insol uble or unavailable forms of plant food iu the soil and render them soluble and available. This latter decay is brought ulsmt through the agency of myriads of bacteria pres ent in the soil." Here is an idea which may be uite new to many of our readers, and yet it explains a good many things that happen in their exjieri- euce. i ou must use vegetable mat ter in order to make your mineral matter available to plants; in other words, to allow digestion and as similation to go ou. The bacteria of the soil are simply cells and they work quite similar to what the mils which line the glands of onrown Ixjdies do in the process of diges tion. No matter how much fisid we may have in our stomach, or the stomachs of our live stock, it does neither them nor us any good unless it is digested. If our digeg tion is out of order, or if we take something indigestible into our stomachs, we run to the drug stores to get patent medicines. If some thing is the matter with our lands which we do not understand we buy commercial fertilizers. What we need in either case is to get our digestive system at work regularly without tonics or stimulants, and the best tonic yon ran give to your laud is vegetable matter. This will start digestion to work by giving it something to work ou and the rest it does itself. Man suffers from indigestion; so does the soil, and the woru out soil is simply one that has a bad rase of dyspepsia. Give it something for the bacteria to work on and they will increase and multiply and digest even the rocky force than his system is supplying biiu day by day. so soil that is troubled with indigestion is using up plant food faster than it can be made available in the soil and it, like a dysieptic man, goes into a decline anil is said to lie morn out We do not think the gissl Lord in tended the soils of the Mississippi Valley to lie worn out iu ten, fitly or five hundred years, and they will not he unless the fanner allows them to get au attack, through his neglect or inefficiency, of either acute or chronic iudigestiou. THE BEEF PARADOX. Raw Material Is Cheaper Than Ev er. Finished Product is Dearer. Discussing "The Greatest Trust iu the World," Mr. Charles Fd ward Bussell says, in the July in stalment iu KverylMsly's: ''Iu the three years ending Jan uary 1, IIhi.i, the value of the Ins-1 cattle of the Fuited States declined $li;.'t,(HMI,KH. "I cull attention to this fact, of ficially reported. It is pivotal. The whole discussion turns Uhiii it. "The value of cattle has declined. Has the price of meat to the con sumer declined! "The tables from the retail mar kets of dillcrcnt cities do not show that meat has U-come cheaper. They show that it has ls-comc steadily dearer. "Here, then, is the great slgnih cant truth we are to fare: The cost of the raw material has diminished. The price of tlie finished product has increased. "In the history of commerce no such condition has existed without designed and abnormal control and manipulation. Without abnormal manipulation no such condition would lie possible. If the cost of the raw material and the cost of the finished product had kept some measure of relative pace, one ignor ant of or blind to the operation of this trust might assert that raw material and finished product to gether had merely taken part in a worldwide movement of rising prices. No one can say that now. The discrepancy is too glaring. Tlie ntw material is cheaper; the finished product is dearer. In view of this fact, what shall we think of those laborious arguments by which a government department tries to show that this trust is no trust, that the packers' profits are very small, that the public has no rea son to complaint Where are the 'hooks' now that will explain cheap cattle aud dear la-eft And of w hat value are any 'reports' against the certain, plain dollar and cents ex IM'i ience of every householder iu tlie coiintryt" Beware of Ointments for Catarrh That Contain Mercury an mercury will surely dmtioy the sense ol smell and completely deraiiKe the whole system whtn entering it through the mucous surfaces. Such articles should never be uaed except ou prescriptions from reputaule phy siciaiis, as the damace they will do it ten (old to the good yon can possibly derive from them Mall's Catarrh Cure, manufactured by F. J. Cheney & Co., Toledo, O., contains no mer cury, and is taken internally, actios: directly upon the blood and mucous surfaces o( the system. In buying Mall's Caiarih Cure be sure you gel the genuiue. It is taken internally aud made in Toledo, Ohio, by F, j Cheney & Co. Testimonials free. Sold by druggists, price 75c. bottle Hall's Family Pills are the best. Punished for Embracery. UIMVIU Ub.lMlt lu akeSus-rior Court last week ex Sheriff J. 1C Bogers aud Johu I. Sorrel I, who were recently aen letMvd to thirty days in jail bv Judge Mi sire, for attempting to iu Itueuce jurors iu tbe Gattis Kilgo case, were found guilty of embra cery aud aruteim-d by Judge W. B. Allen to six mouths each iu priaou. No defence was luade for lingers aud Sorrel I, the rase agaiust them la-iug perfectly plaiu one. A tre, nieiitli I 111 aVf ll iff Maknt III iaj la !) vat a I Ut save them from puuishment, ami had Judge Allen beeu a weak man it would have succeeded. All sorts of apiieals were made by counsel the nieu were Confederate soldiers; tbe disgrace to their families; oue of 1 hem had lost hia mouev in a nant la 1 in re aud bad uot romnlain ed; previous good character. These aud uumerous other flimsy argu meiils were tuade to save the prut ouera, the strougest poiut beiug that they were serviug a mouth's imprisoumeut for eoutempt aud this was sufficient punishment. A petitiou sigued by several hundred citizeus, many of them promiueut and influential, was presented to Judge Allen asking that no puu ishuieut be iu Hie ted. But Judge Allen stood bis ground, pithily re marking aneut the petition that there was a good deal of difference between signing a petitiou asking some other person to do something and doing that thing yourself. The seutence is liirht enouifh. The nieu could have heenseuteuced to the roads or the peuiteutiary for as long as two years. Bogers bad beeu sheriff and be knew the seri ousuessof taui-ring with jurors. Both men knew they were doing wrong and there is gissl reasou to U-lieve they were employed to do what they did. The offence is a umst grievous one aud oue that is lKcouiing very common iu North Carolina. The puuislimeut meted out to lingers andSorrell will have a wholesome effect, and Judge Al len is to lie commended for doing his duty iu the face of the pressure brought to bear ou him. fr'KrXII 1NHHTMKNT AliAlNHT KlSi- KKH KXI'Kn Kl). K.l.lxli Citrrrtoiiat-ii!i- ClisrltilieolMenrrr. It apM-ars tu be understood that there will be fresh indictments against Bogers certainly. A uews pajsT wants lingers forced to tell what he knows, but people who know the uutu say that he is a hard proposition; iu other words, that he is not oue of the telling kind. It is contended that, ol course, he dtx-s know who induced him to want to see certain jurors aud that he did not do this out of friendship for Kilgo, who did uot even know him, so the latter swore; hut on the other hand the friends of Bogers, who have known linu as a soldier ami a citizen, say be does uot mind punishment, but was never kuowu to betray anyliody. They admire this trait very murh indeed. Of course it is well understood uow that uo further efforts will be made secure a reduction of his wh ence of six months in jail, lie broke dowu wheu sentenced, but that was uot ou his own account, but on account of his family, which is so much esteemed here, Mr. liogers is a brother of the late Con gressman Sion II. lingers. Every day fi nee he has beeu in jail he and Sorrell have been supplied with the I est fiKsl, from a private table. Some persons want such a punish ment put 11 pou liogers as will force him to tell everything, but the question comes up whether any- hing which might be imposed could make him "peach." liogers has assumed tho. entire responsibil ity aud even ottered, iu fact begged, to Ins allowed to take the punish ment both for himself aud for Sor rell. Of course there is no telling what will be done as to this matter. It is but frank to say that, if one listens to street talk, it would quickly be surmised that several awyers were concerned in the mat ter, but further thau mere talk nothing has yet develojied. Dame Bumor has certainly been busy alsiut this case and for the past nine days few things have beeu so talked alsxit here. A COLNTER CLAIM. Say Plainly loYonr Grocer That you want LION COITEE always, and he, being a square man, will not try to nil you any thing else. You may not care for our opinion, but Wnat About tbe United jQdjpncnt ol Millions of housekeepers who hare used LION COFFEE tot ovr a quarter of century ? Ia there any ttronger proof of mtrit, than the Confldeice ol tbe People and ewer tstereaBtna popularity T LION COFFEE la earelwlty est. lecled at tke pUatatla. shipped wired emr varioM Uefoetea, where It Is klllrnlly roturtc. ear rally packet la sealed pacb aaeav-anaWte loose) eotlee, which to exposed ta geraaaw dwat, ta sects, el e. UON COITEE reaches yow mm par mm eleu aw wheat It left th tutelary. Sold eeOy la 1 lb, paehaoes. Don-head on every package. Bare theee Lion-heads for valuable premiuma, SOLD BY GROCERS EVERYWHERE w-OOLBO BPICI CO., Toledo, Ohio. I'nclc Sam Asked by E-Con feder ate to Practice Golden Kule. S I art Tntib- The punial authorities rereiilly fouud a Southern post master short iu hia accounts iu the sum of 910. They brought suit agaiust his sureties, and after a bitter conii-si obtained judgiueut for the full amount. As a general proiswit ion. Isuidxiueu object seriously to set tling up for loone Una u-id trausac tioua of ofticiala for w hick they are responsible, aud former t on fed crate soldier, who may be railed Johusou, because that is uot bis name, ia no exceptiou to the rule. Tbe department informed Mr. Johnson that a judgmeut forSI, bad been obtained agaiust him, aud suggested au immediate settle luetit. In reply be set up a counter claim for l."i,:(!H, askiug that the judgment be deducted and the bal- auee seut ou to biiu. lie explained that he is now .tf years old, ami that he has beeu waiting ever since tbe close of tbe civil war for the goverutueut to square up the ac count The duty of l ucle Sam, ac cording to Mr. Johnson, is that he should do as he would Is done by, but he expresses the fear, iu some what vigorous language, that the practice of the goldeu rule is a lost art among government officials. The following is an esact rrpro ductiou of Mr. Johnsou's bill against the government: i;n' I. -Ml I.IM l. When you want a pleasant laxative that is easy to take and certaiu to act use Chimlx-ilain s Momach and I.iver Tablets. Fur sale by C, N. Simpson Jr., sod S. J. Welsh. Cnt-le Ssm, llr Tu Ji-n-nuli Jliiia : one Mulallr uitfiw tl-luntti ow Slet-t Nlmlrr. U inn ..Id one Slat-k Nivifr-r Woman Cui.k,i--Ml air. one Harp Hark Bn.onr Mulra. ami I jreara ull one Horat Han. .11 and Harui-u Two Hilt (' Hou-M-h.-ld ailtt ClU-hi-n Kurullura ukrii by ifc-neral ami burnetl ami a tw-lory Sulltiinir tnkiat ft. tw-i siurvya . a-in- Burnin'aud ls-.tmyln'Oul -if fur CuatteilumM Three Iron. Latlm K.'Uf WiaaW-n Lath. Nut SiuIOi runt!- villi TmiIm one lull set Sw-kfiir Machinery K.iiir alien '.. Sanlb ShobauilTiuiU-r Sl,l T-.ul Ou the hack of this bill was in serild "U. S. America account with Jeremiah Johusou." Thia account has lieeu referred to the proM-r auditing officers for their consideration and report. Bent Her Double. I knew uo one for four weeks wheu I was sick with typhoid and kidney trouble," writes Mrs. An nie Hrniter of 1'ittsiHirg, Pa., "su when I got better, although I had one of the best doctors I could get, I was Iwnt double aud had to rest my nanus on my knees when 1 walked. From this terrible aillic- tiou I was rescued by Klectric Hit ters, which restored my health and strength, and uow I ran walk as straight as ever. They are simply wonderful." Uuaranled to cure stomach, liver and kidney disord rs,at KuglisbDrtig Co.s; price Title. Ten-cent cotton should mean boys and girls for the schools, the gosiel for the lost, relief for the orphans, help for the aged minis ters, better salaries for tlie others, aud a new dress for your wife. It is an ill wind that blows good only for yourself! Biblical liecorder. A Smooth Article. When you find it necessary to use a salve use PeWitt's Witch Hazel Salve. It ia the purest and best for sores, burna, boils, ecieina, blind, bleeding, itching or protruding piles. Get the geouiue DeWitt'a Witch Hazel Salve Sold by English Drug Co. and S. J, Welsh. Dr. A. J. McKelway, editor of tlie Presbyterian Standard of Char lotte, has instituted suit against Editor.). P, Caldwell and the Char lotte Oliserver Company for dam ages for libel, because of the publi ratiou in a recent issue of the Oil server of an editorial attacking the private and public character of Dr. McKelway. It promises to be a bitterly fought suit. A Surprise Party. A pleasant surprise parly may la- given to your stomach and liver by taking a medicine which will re lieve their pain and discomfort, viz: Dr. King's New Life Pills. They are a most wonderful remedy, affording sure relief and cure for headache, dizziness and const 1 pa tion. '.'-Vi. at Knglish Drug Co.'s. William Deau Ilowells was talk ing about memory and he expressed his wonder over that of the suave tiersons who receive the hata of guests at the entrances of big hotel diumg rooms and uever fail to re turn them to the proper owners. "1 do not think such feats are an indication of intelligence,'' remark ed his companion. "It ia merely a peculiar gilt I do not tbiuk those men are very bright as a rule.'' "Oh, I don't know," observed the novelist; "1 remember onoe askiug man who returned me my hat from among a hundred or more, bow he kuew the nat banded me waa mine. 'I don't know, sir,' he replied, " Then why did yon give it to met I inquired. " 'Because yon banded it to me, sir. "UndertheSpreading Cheat nut Tree," Everybody's Magazine for-August. Three Oood and Just Retuona. There are three reasons why mothers prefer One Miaote Cough Cure: First, it it absolutely harmless; second, it taatet good children love it; third, it curei conghs, croup and whooping cough when other remedies (ail. Sold by Euglitb Drug Co. sad S. J. Welsh .Vcing by Telephone. -Wilt ilh, Cnl.. t.rr, !.!, , Sanilw ii a u'u-t "How well you're looking thia moriiiugr' Nt)s the facetiiMMiuau in telephonic greeting lo his frieud a bundled miU-M aaay. Mr. J. B. Fo lerof Portland. I iir.. has taken the nub out of this juke by iuveut- ingau apparatus liy wliu-b iiuaife. displayed ta-fure a leus at one eud ol a telephone w ire are projected Umiu a srreeu at the tit her end. Mr. Fowh r invites his visitors to talk tth hisduughti-r. They pla the telephone transmitter lo the ear, apply the cje to au Sierture iu the telephone box, and see Ihe young woman in miniature speak ing .'i,(SH feet away. Mr. Fowler is preparing now to show a train iu uiotioti in his invention. He baa uo doubt of its commercial uracti- cability, aud declares that within a lew years it will lie in osration throughout the country. For some it may lie a boon. For others it will lie a curse. Who has uot tel ephoned a hen he wanted to avoid a face to face interview f What will frisky husbands "delaiued at the office" say to a machine that shows to suspicious w ives tliechips that iiass iu the night! Mr. Fowler may uot lie a public brut factor aft er all. $1 Saved Represents $10 Earned. The average man does not save to ei ceed 10 per cent, of Ins earnings. He must spend fif in living eijieiises for every dollar saved. That being the case he cannot be too careful about unnecessary expeuses. Very aften a few cents pro-rly invested, like buy ing seeds tor his gardi-u, Kill save several dollars outlay later on. It ia the same in buying Chamberlain's Culic.Cholera aud Diarrhoea Keinedy. It costs but a few cents, and a bottle of it in the house often saves a doc tor's lull of several dollars. For sale liy C.N. Simpson. Jr., and S. J. Welsh. central Academy! REV. M. W. HESTER, Principal. Prof. W. M. Hinton. Associate Prln. Christian Home and llinh School for Isiys and young men. Splendidly located III Warren county, one mile from depot, im mediately on S. A. I Mad iu a laautiful grove of 12 or 15 acres on a litKI acre farm. For further information address the Principal or Asatsiinte Princi pal, Littleton, N. C. UNIVERSITY OF NORTH CAROLINA. I78il-I!OS. Head of State't Educational System. DEPARLTIENTS. Collegiate, Engineering, (Jraduate, I .aw, rtedicine, Pharmacy, Library contains 43,000 volumes. New watrr works, electric lights, cen tral heating system. New dorniatories, gymnasium, V. M .C. A. building. 607 Students. 66 Instructors. The Fall Term begins Sept. 11, 1904. Adilress FRANCIS P. VKXABLK, Pkksidkxt I'lHPEI. HIM,, N. 0. "I take notice," said Uncle dat de man who tells you how easy it is to be contented with ssalt po k and beans ginenly has as line a ap petite for fried chicken as anybody. The Diamond Cure. Tbe latest news from Paris is that they have discovered a diamond cure for consumpt ion. If you fear coikstimption or pnenmonia it will, however, be best for yon to take that great remedy mentioned by W. T. McOeeof Vanleer.Tenn. "1 had m cough for fourteen years. Nothing helped me until I took Dr. King's New Discovery for con sumption, coughs and colds, which gave iiistaut relief and effected a permanent cure." Unequalled quick cure for throat and lung troubles. At Knglish Drug Co.'a; price 60c and II, guaranteed. Trial bottles free. I ajat4 A " Aav A ' WWW WW WWW WW WW WW WW THE NORTH CAROLINA COLLEGE OF AGRICULTURE AND MECHANIC ARTS Offers practical industrial edu cation in Agriculture, Kngin eering, Industrial Chemistry, ami the Textile Art. Tuition .10 a year. Board 8 a month. 120 Scholarships. Address President Winston, X West Raleigh inVaahaaafcanmanVfat sawawVanV SaWawVanV atkaaVatk ataaanVawVAi "rTwfffffT1 . N. C. I Triniii G0U6Q6 iM-iwrlnn-nla Culli-itlate, (Irad-uati-, Knitlni-erlne ami aw. I .a iv, library fx-lllllr-a. Well equlD wmI lalairalnrlea In all it-'Hirtuif-nt "I wti-nfe. liymnnaluni funilnhi-tl with !t apMratua. ). m-ii.i-ii vr-ry bum! eralr. Alii fur worthy ntu.U nla. Young men wishing to study Law should investigate the su perior advantages ottered by the Department of Law In Trin ity College. Kr i-atal-nruf ami furthi-r liifnrma tln, aaarrfta, D. W. Newsom, Registrar, iiraiiAv.N p. HOU.ITlS Rocky Mountain Tea NuQtjets A twrf HaiMae to Baty fan! Hmr tkliaa Italia sal taaewai Tlft. 4 ataartSt fnrOnwatlmthia. tenreatlea. l.r Mat KwJa-y TrawMaa, hnrniaa, Eiaama, Imptie Sfcaxt. BaaT Sraath. Shirt wa Bow-la. 8-a.uvw UHlSatttorkw. lit Boeky aMUaM Taa Hi ut l4 toraa. It eawuj a tot. OawnuM meats h) aoujarwa Dan Ootnn, MaHtua, Wav mum utsfTi rcja uuo noru taaattaaaWJt Trinity Park school a Srat-elaaa preparatory arhonl. rr USoatea of tnMluatlua amit4 lorea trance tn leadliil Southern eollrees. Best Equipped Preparatory School In the South. rsealty of tea nftlren and wselert. Cswifrtiaof teyeaty-lreaeret. LOwtrjr tnaiatnlne thirty thousand vnjamaa. Wall Miaipeed rrmnaaluni. Hlektua derd and aaodara Bwtboda of Inatrwa Uoa. rrpqnent leetarae by anmlaeat leetarert. Sipenaea eieeedlaely BHMt trata. aevea yean of ohewosaal twr eat. For Mtahifue aaS etaet lafae aasUoa, addreat, J. A. BIVINS, Headmaster, Dl SHAM, S C.

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