V 1UK MUNKUll, JUUKi VOLUME XII. NO 27 STOMACH CATA1I1W. MONROE, N.C., TUESDAY AUGUST 8 1903 One Dollar a Year From Halie To Florid Pt-n nat Fame Hat Spread. A Cmi . I.I. I ill Ht'n4 Caere pooilewrc Lambert. k..t Bit tit ia Bow under way, in ha-ated on the n strive river, which North Caroliua in known a (be , . . .... Catawba. It U aU.ttt K utile, from ' . The ""P U,","t ,a"1 '' "f , l-.t-, i- u I "'It mule and happy plow bands O.Htfrle.1 !l,ml, fP.m. n. 1 U.r,. IS A, US miiW fr... l'l.l-r!"' through the Ia.4 rot MUi'wiBKtarecwiViv-M'aml almut 10 utile from HwilhsiU,u middle -juM brwkii.jj Ilie; kr catarrh of liw giusuacbi Mr. OottfrMst llrmntrnrh. My truulil til catarrh u( tha atom, aeh, anil your mnllrluv ku perforini a aiirat'le In my raao, ai the doctor cuDnullnl said I ouulil But ltva If stayed la Klurtda. II wanted to wad r loa huapital In Knosvllle, Tron. II I had dun thit I would surely liar died. I took lVru-na aud bow again I hava life and energy, aud new float and blid has replaced what 1 lint." lion. J. I. Itotkin, I'ungreaaman-al-Urge from Kanaaa, says! "A few bot tle! of your medicine hare given Bi Blmoat complete relief from catarrh of tli itomarh, with wliirh I hav been afflicted more or leu tor a quarter of a aentury. Addreea I'r. ItarUnao, Uo lumbaa, Ohio, for fra book. DEVELOPMENT ON CATAWBA The President of the Company Say that Me Can Furnish Electrical Power for the Same Price the Manufacturers Pay for Coal. Charlotte New-. iMh lr. V. Gill Wylie, president of t lie Southern 1'ower Company, re ceiilly chartered ui.der the laws of the tStalo of Jtew Jersey, w ith WK,(HMI capital, arrived ia Char lotte tli ih morning. Dr. Wylie was seen in bis oftce in the Trust building aud anketl to give the News au interview eon ccruing the great jwwer develop meiitH that are uow and will soon lie uuder construction. Wheu elec trical power is under discussion, Dr. Wylie may be counted on to lie the most interesting talker that cau be found either North or 8011th. As soon as the News man enter ed the handsome offices, Dr. Wylie seemed ready for the fray. Klec trieal power is his hobby and the harnessing of the Catawba in or der to develop this Kiwer, is bis jtmbitiou the goal of his life. "Yon may suy in the News that the Southern 1'ower Company is now iu a position to guarantee the delivery of electrical imwer at a .cost not to exceed the price of the icoal used -by the steam plants." Thus -spoke Dr. Wylie, aud bis spyea fairly sparkled when he tin Mied the sentence. "You kuow, three yearn ago I came to Charlotte aud told these cotton mill owners what I proposed to do, they looked at me us if I was au escaped lunatic Many of them thought 1 had lost my reason. I urn in a position today to make good all those seemingly extrava gant Htaten.euts. "If all the power needed by this immediate section is not available just now, I promise that it will be iu the shortest possible time. "Today I am prepared to sign contracts to furnish any amount of power to new enterprises, erect their buildings and am ready to turn their wheels. "The Houthern Power Company is uow engaged iu a tremendous undertaking at Great Falls, ('lies ter county, 8. C. There we have three falls of 70, 50 aud 45 feet We are now at work developing the 70 fall, and as soou as this work is completed we will begin ou the other two. "This work is now being carried on by practically the same force that built and put iu service the power plant formerly kuown as the Catawba Power Company. With the developing of the three falls at Great Falls our capacity will be augmented by liO.OOO horse power this, too, at low water. "When the work at Great Falls is completed we will move on up 4 the Catawba to Mountain Island, ' and there begiu the development of that proierty, which will add about 20,000 horse power to our supply. "It may seem a fairy story to many, but the probability is that my company will not even stop at Mountain Island. I am inclined to believe that we will continue on np the Catawba even as far as Hickory, where there ia a fall of f0 feet that would greatly Increase our capacity. "And when we land at Hickory we will be in a position to turn every piece of. -Machinery to the vast area that include upper South Carolina and the bordering coun ties of North Carolina." Great Falls, where the develop- Mill. It is the purHMe of the Southern Power Company to dis tribute the Miwer developed at Great Falls in the towns and cities iu South Carolina, or at least as much as may tie taken. Camden w ill waut some, Columbia w ill take 10,000 horse poaer. Then, Itl.two horse power will lie brought to Charlotte, thereby increasing the actual amount of horse (siwer to ."-',000 for Charlotte. It is also the intention of the company to distribute 10,000 horse power in Gastouia aud that imme diate section. In this connection Dr. Wylie states that the principal disirili utiug points will lie Charlotte, Gas Ionia and Mountain Island. To complete this gigautic under' taking the rompauy has now ou its iay rolls a large force of hands. The uumber will I si increased just as rapidly as the help ran lie eu guged. Another bill undertaking that will soou be launched by the Southern Power Company is the building of a railroad from Great Falls to one of two points, either llaacouville or rort Iiwn, S. C. This will connect with the Chester and Lancaster at either of the alsive M lints. Dr. Wylie statiw that the output of the plant near holt Mill, form erly known as the Culaalia Power Company, has Is-en practically en gaged. The capacity of this plant may lie increased by steam power to the amount of 10,000 primary and 4, (MM) secondary horse poa er. The district to lie traversed by the electrical power fniiu the dif ferent plants of the Southern Pow er Company is almut IVi miles in length and (ill to NO miles in width. This embraces the valley of the watershed of the Catawba. Iu connection with the loss of power in transmission, Dr. Wylie states that when his circuit is com pleted and the different plants are sending out their electrical forces, the loss entransit w ill not amount to more than '1 J per cent. He says that some people imagine that a great deal of the power is lost on account of the distance it count. With high voltage the loss w ill lie reduced to a very small per cent. The oflicers of the Southern Pow er Company are as follows: W. G. Wylie, president; 15. N. Duke, fust vice president; W. S. Iah, second vice president and engineer iu charge; Richard It. Arrington, sec retary and treasurer; . 11. Mar tiu, assistant secretary and treas urer. crust, as 11 were. 1 lie corunriti 11-11 the plowman's farewell toui li days ago. Hut the bottom blades are begiuning to riia-n, and after a few days of aaeet rouipauionsliip with the "Georgia ItalllcMiake'' and the "Or Swimuiliig I!"!-, fodder pulling time will sound a clarion call for the scattered hands. Then the darkies tiegin to sing on even ings when the cured bundle are lieing placed systematically around the stark-poles by exiwriciiced "stackers who received the bull dies from their companions w ith as much seriousness of puristse as the mason evince lu constructing a building from the brick ami mor tar laid at their feet by the stoop, iug In si carriers. This, however, is only intrmlue tory to the graud chorus. The real depth of feeling, the sheer ahuu dou and the proiier selling doei uot come until SeptemtsT has touched the cotton lichls and the great hearts of the maturing bolls burst withjoy. 1 hat is the supreme moment aud the beautiful blended voices of the negro cotton pickers of the South is a sound, once heard, never to be forgotten. One can not find any adjectives to ex press the wild, untutored tieauty of it- It is a chant of inexpressible rj tli 111, w ith a note of sadness and mingled hojie aud regret, and one cannot stop without burdening it with that indetinablo o,ualiliuttion aud call it weird, lint this at tempt at descriptiou is arraut non sense. It has all ticeii said lielore, and it is all inadequate. If seeing is laMieving, hearing is the only poKsible way of knowing what the sound ucgrocH singing in the cotton fields in Scptcmlier is like. lint the opiMirtuuity for satisfy ing this auditory curiosity is near at hand. For, are we uot laying by, and won't fodder wmui be ready to pull! And theu the towu will yield its pilgrimage to the cotton held, the Mecca of the negro of the South. Then will come days and uights Riled with song and laugh ter and the nimble plying of lingers set to musio that is perhaps a lone relio ot a long forgotten (ougo. In the Unbounded West. (' H. . m fnartiaa k'tmrr. Bill Nyc'a Literary rWttuxJs. Just uow there is heavy eniigra I Relicious Cranks Must Observe th tiou from the Xorthaeitt acne the rivil 1 1 1 rat allium auvtiuiiir with is-r religious leei impunity, except health hl. - - - vi Z bonier to Cauada. This part f llie iimiii Ua.iart lHiiuiiiiua stands almost unrivalled In Wiuston tl there is a I as a wheat country, and so many crank, one Tom liege, who is of j That is the only thing I ever hav 9 Aun-iiiam XT" n-uiiiigr iiirre llini il.u.- Miuv .... u l;ii. .. al.u ..rt . - i. .... iwmii- 1 1 1. iu tin- I lllsl'IISM-il lilmi fur I uiimlliiii amiei liieesi isalamloliiiagnilHvnt aliou. The whi-at is sown, grown iipsiniiiiiiieH, 01 course, nut so is the South, aud my conviction is that we have the lim-st iN-opIc, the tiest men ami women, in the South that are to lie found any a here. It is a gtssl atuiuKphcre iu which to In lairu and iu which to grow up. We have some line old U'diioncd ideals of honor, aud a reverence for sacred things, that the bustling North aud the brvety West seem to me to lack. For one thing, take our regard for women. A u Oregon young man whose mother was a Texan ssike to me alsiut thisdillerence between the West and the South. "In Port land," he said, "not one man in a thousand w ill let a woman go lie fore him in getting on a street c-i: ;r, 1.. .1 I .:n .1 uh our iu a iiiousuuii in iuKe on his hat if a woman comes into aud Blow u - to speak rlivthnncally iu alaiut ninety days, I am told. I believe it is said that there were originally ouly twenty-seven joke ami that all that we hate in the world are variations of the origiual twenty seven. Certain it is that au absolutely new joke is one of the rarest of hmuau bless ings; aud I have a new illustration of this faet. Out ou the Pacific Ocean a party of fellow travellers on the deck were telliug jokes; aud they were the same stories that you aud I have heard on the shores of the Atlantic or on the steamers lie tween Suffolk aud New York. Ulhei tb.u vary gfeatly, but you aisiui me same stories and 1 llMOir lltu ....... i.. U.... L'. "I .... ... V.. 1-....L rirmur; win its his lur nmj; We like best to call SC0TTS BMULSION a food because it stand so em phatically for perfect nutrition. And yet in the matter of restor ing appetite, of giving new strength to the tiasues. especially to the nerves, its action is that of a rnedu inc. SCOTT a BOW Ml, HmhIi'I, aMi M , N"Tk. "l'"l', If you are troubled with dizzy siiclls, headache, indigestion, con stipation, Hollistcr's Kocky Moun tain Tea will make vou well and keep you well. If it fails get your money back. That's fair. Jl.'i cents. huglish Drug Co. Deadly Parallel: Alfalfa vs. Clover. Ciiuntry Life III Amerli-a. Alfalfa is ready for cutting n full mouth lieuirered clover. There is a strong advantage in dairy farm ing, since green crops are needed at the earliest iHissihle mouth in the Rpriug. After cutting alfalfa springs into growth more promptly than clover and a second crop is produced withiu eight to six weeks. Clover lasts two years and alfalfa teu to thirty years. In uew Jersey the average yield of green forage per acre was ;Hi,.H0 Ilia, for alfalfa and 14,000 lbs. for red clover. The weights of dry buy were ,2"i.S His. and LOSS His,, and of protein 2,21 1 lbs. and lilti lbs per acre, respect ively. In tlio same state alfalta was found to contain 1,IS0!) His. of dry matter and 2i His. of proteiu per ton as compared with 1, lilti 11m. for clover. In other words, alsalfa not only yields two and one half times us much us red clover, but its feeding value is much great er pound for pound. Fiendish Suffering is often caused by sores, ulcers and CAUcers that eat away your skin. Wm. Bedell of Flat Uxk, Mich., says: "I have used Buckleu's Ar nica Salve for ulcers, sores and can cers. It is the best healing dreaing I ever found." Soothes and heals cuts, burns and scalds. at P.ng lish Drng Co.'s, guaranteed. If a man runs into debt he must either rrawl out or stay in. Chi cago News. They Appeal to Our Sympathies. The bilious and dyspeptic are constant sufferers and appeal to our sympathies. There is not one of them,however,wbo may not be brought back to health and happiness by tha us of Chamberlain's Stomach and Liver Tablets. These lab lets invigorate Ilia stomach and liver and strengthen the digestion. They also regulate the bowels For sale by C. N. Simpson, Jr., and S. J. Welsh. Beware of the red flag. It's an archy tir au auction. Chicago Kewa. Nothing on the Market equal tu Chamberlain's Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy. This fact is well known to druggists everywhere, and nine out of ten will give their cus tomers this prepsrstion when the best is asked for. Mr Ota.Wittner,a prom inent druggist of Joplin, Mo. , iu a cir cular to his customers, says: "There is nothing 00 the market in tba way of patent medicine which eqnalaCham berlain's Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea Kemedy for bowel complaints, W'asell and recommend this preparalina." For sale bC.N SimptoD.Jr.andS.J. Welsh. Afraid of Work! Cleveland evidently hits a kind of boy that courts the strenuous life, if the following by "W.U.K." in the Plain lcaler signifies: "Did you advertise for a Iwyf "Yes." Have you answered the advert isementf ' "I have. But I'd like to know llrst what you mean by saying you want a lioy who ain't afraid of work." "It's plain enough, isn't it!"' "Maybe it is, but I should think you'd rather have a boy that wits a little afraid of work. Just enough afraid of it to catch hold of it and tussle with it, and down it and jump on it, and get llie best of it, and show it that it won t get a a chance to prove too much for him. That's the kind o' Isiy I should thiuk you'd like instead o' the kind that isu t ulraid of work. Why, I knew a Isiy once who wasn't the least mite afraid of it, and he'd rub up against it, and walk right iuto tlio cage where they kept it, mid let it eat oil' his hands, and at the same time never meddle with it enough to soil his j8 m,t in the Bible.' one's seat to a woman iu a street car. I have done this when it made me so conspicuous I almost felt asham ed of myself." But let me not do an injustice to the Western men. It is not all their fault uot by any means. The Western woman seems to have been trying so aggressively to prove hei-self the "equal" of mail bv breaking into his sphere that he docs uot think of her as U'longing to any higher sphere. Dow 11 South the women don't vote not because the men don't think them good enough, but liccuuse we think them tiHigiMsl. And the exiH-rieiice of I tali and Colorado and Wyoming and other States where woman suf frage obtains only gis's to show the striking htuess oi the toast a man once proimsed in one of these Stall's: "Here's to woman - once our siijiei ior, now our equal!'' So after a Southeruor has Is-en out West he is moved to thank God lor the Southern woman and the Southern Sabbath! And our ob servance of Sunday is only an evi dence of our old-fashioned Puritan faith in God and the Bible. Then is no doubt but that at times we have interpreted both with a rigid and unlovely coldness that has Ism harmful; but austerest Puritanism is ever to Is? preferred to any sort of easy F.piciireauism that never theless leaves man rudderless ou a sea of doubt. In a former letter I mentioned the Westerner's lack of regard for Sunday, and reported some s cilic illustrations. In San Fran cisco Sundiiy closing is entirely op tional with the merchant or shop keeper. Saloons are full blast; the market stalls are lilwrally patron ized; the sound of carpenters build ing wakes you on Sunday morning; picnic parties march through the streets with brass bands; and at night the theatres prolmly draw larger crowds than the churches. Church spires not only are not so prominent in the outlines of W estern towns as in the South, but of the churches a large proportion litre of the freak sort Christian Science and 1'niversalist churches, not to mention the Mormons whose missionary zeal has already ls-en not iced. SoinelsMly has represented a thorough-going Athest as saying: "I can believe anything provided So it is fingertips." 'that many jieople who think it "That's enough, young fellow, jcredulty U) accept Biblical stories the job is yours." iW true, are yet ready to credit the I wildest stores of unsavory spirit Public U Aroused. I ualistsand "in' liuuis." I was very The public is aroused to a kuowl-1 much impressed by the large mim ed ge of the curative merits of that ber of fakirs of this sort who adver great medicinal touic, Klectric Bit- Use iu the San Francisco papers, tern, for sick stomach, liver and I The reader may think that the kidneys. Mary II. Walters, of Alt! day iu which the desert claimed its St. Clair avc., Columbus, O., writes: victims passed long ago. but this is "For several months I was given not true. The day we arrived in up to die. I had fever and ugue, I Los Angeles the daily piticrs told my nerves were wrecked; I could I of three young miners who went uot sleep aud my stomach was so jout prosiectiiig iu the Death Yal weak from useless doctors' drugs j Icy vicinity. Wuter failing, they that I could not eat. Shiu after be- decided at last to separate in their ginning to take Klectric Bitters I nmd search for it. Two lived to obtained relief and iu a short time I get water, but the third died of I was entirely cured." Guaranteed j thirst, and the burial took place at Knglish Drug Co.'s; price JiOc while we were there. Facts Are Stubborn Things Uniform excellent quality for 0Vr quifitr Of I Ctntury baa ateadily increased the sales of LION COFFEE, The leader oi all package coffees. Lion Coffee la now used In millions of home. Such popular sucoeaa speaka for itaelf. It is a aesltlvc irtei that LI01 COFFEE has tha Confidence of the people. The uniform quality of LION COFFEE survives all opposition. UON COFFEE rataa Ita Streaajtk. Flavstr ? QsisuV Ity to ewcasBCwel IU Oai arrival traaa ik BUaitatlwas. It is earctsUly resist, si at ear factories aa4 aeewrctw a eke la 1 Ik. aale4 paekaf es. Mel awt caeel agala wata aec4ea twr wee la the haute. This predate th oaalbtllty af aslallaratloa er eeataet with (crave. eUrt. slaat. lauxeis ar aaeleaa haada. Tha ahaetata parity of UON COHtl la therefore f aaraatcea ta tha caaaasaar. Bold ealy la 1 tb. parkafr'e. Iioa-Wl oa evary package. Bave tbeae Uoe-haade foe ralaable prrams. SOLD BY GROCERS EVERYWHERE WOOMO 8PICX CO., ToWde, Ohio. . At Monerey, I am sorry that I did not see the famous old cypress trees L'.ismi years old is their est mated age gnarled and knotted evergreens, the eiiilxMlinient ot pa iiem endurance. 1 am also sorry that I did not see the Sherman rose. This is a rose which Gen, Sherman aud a Monterey girl planted together long teal's la-fore Sherman Is'canie unions as a com iiiauder. " Wheu this rose bhsiius," said Sherman, "I will come hark and claim you as my bride." And the rose bloomed, but Sherman never came back; is still blooming, and Shermi.u is iu his grave. The woman, if I reineiiilier the story correctly, never married, and died a lew years ago. I have already recounted iu these columns the story of how I encoun tered the Spanish sM uking waiters iu a Mexican restaurant and as neither of us could "savvy" as to w hat the other was saying, I could get misttpm-r there. Mr. Thomas of Indiana, one of my fellow trav elers, had better luck - or worse luck, whichever you may choose to term it. Here is the ease as he puts it iu his paM'r: The writer, with two ladies. went to a Mexican restaurant and had a genuine Mexican suiim-r. The hut tamalc and other teu times hotter Mtntr, seemed to affect Isilli head ami stomach, as it was with difficulty that we were able to nav igate and one of the ladies was coin s-l led to call a physician all the next day iu crossing the desert. No more Mexican supers iu ours, please.'' 1 did not get a genuine Mexican supper, as I have said, but iu Guth rie I tried "hot chili," which shares with the "hot tamale'' the place of honor in cowtioy aud Mexican menus. Hot chili is a sort of soup made of chili pcpcr with enough IsH-f, Is'iins, etc., to season the pep-M-i'. Hot tauiale is somew hat like hot chili except that it is ten times hotter, is a sort of pudding rather than a soup, ami is cooked in a corn shuck. I ate my dish of chili with some relish, but I balked on the hot tamale ordered at Santa Cruz, Oil. not, however, until 111 v tongue had Ix-eu burned into in sensibility by the pcpicrs and my dcsicratc unties had made "hot ta male" the standi, ig joke against me for the rest of the trip. Un common iiituie tor the dish out West is "hotteVh'l," and I have no amendment to oiler. Every man's nature is the pro duct of mixed ami opposing ten dencies. 1 do not share at all Kip ling's cynical Is-lief that "The c.tainN latljr and Jullt o'liraily Ait hIhiit umtor their iklir but it is true that there are bad ten dencies in every good man which he must keep lighting, and good tendencies in every bad man which call him to Is-tter things. Hut I am not to argue on this point; what I have to observe is that while I think the sweetest tune in the world is, "Home, Sweet Home," yet in my nature, too, there is always a keen response to 'Wanderlust'' of Gerald Gould's and though at home again, still feel the cull oi the great world beyond: "lu-ytilld 111. Ca.1 tin unrl-, lyind Hi. Wt till- Mra, Ami Kt and W.l the wandt-rluMt Out will not 1.1 aic ta ; It wurk. ta air ilk. maitiirwi. ilrar, k bid aa? guixt-hf? fur tli. wma rll and tli. tar rail, and oh. the call nf the kf ! "I know Ritt where Ihe while ruatl runa, nnr what the Nlir hill, ate, Hut a Rialt cwn have the nun fur friend, and ftir hla eulrfe a atar; And thare'a ati entl uf vnyairlttic when onee Uie vutee la heard. rnr the rlrer cwlla and the hwd oalN. and tin. the rail of a bird! -Yonder la. Nma korltnn Ilea, and thera by a If hi and day The old ahlp drawa t home airaln, the rising ahlpa aall awajf ; Aadaume I aiar. bat ffo I aiut,and If awaaak jm why, Yoa na (Mil tha Mama oa Ihe aiara and the , sua and tha while nmd and the k, ." Danrerous and Uncertain. For sunburn, teller and all akin and scslp diseasea, DeWHI's Witch Hsiel Spire has bo equal, It ir a certain cure for blind, bleedine., itching and protrudiof, piles. It will draw the fire ont of a burs and heal without leavini a scar, Boila, old sores, carbuncles, etc., ara quickly cured by tha use of tha genuine DeWitt's Witch Hani Salve. Accept bo substitute as they sre oftea dao(emas snd uncertain. Sold by En(liah Drug Co. and S. J. Walsh. the Seventh Hay Ad vent 1-4 faith, liege keeM a siuall store which he citax-rt ou Kuturtlay ( but Halilattb ) and owim ou Sunday. He hay beeu arretted uia.iy times for violating the Suuday law, h-tslweu lined and sent to jail often, but so far as ap pears be has never paid any fine or slated lu jail longer tbau a few days at a time. The mayor seems to have regarded Hege as a white elephant and to have haudled him gingerly (Just why he didu't go ahead and enforce the law aud let consequences take care of them selves it is hard to understand), the newspapers have giveu him more uotoriety thau he deserved, aud strange to say a gtssl main people have apparently leut their eflorts toward making a hero aud a I martyr out of the rouiuiouest sort of crank. A few days atro Hetre was arrested and sentenced to (HI das in jail. He apaaled aud the suiMTior lourt affirmed the may or's decision. The rase goes to the Supreme Court and Hege says be will take it to the I uited States Supreme Court. This is a land ot religious liberty and the Landmark stands for the widest freedom in religious lielief. But we have uo patience with people who come along and try to overturn existing cowl it ions li ke Sabbath observance, which has been recognized for cen turies. Ihe Jews hold that the seventh day is the Sabliath, but .lews have too much sense to defy the laws providing for the observ ance of the first day of the week. If one is allowed to practice any thing which he may hold is sanc tioned bv the liible, the Mormons should uot I (list url cd in theprac uce 01 iMtiygamy; they Have as much right to disregard the law against plural marriages as the Sev enth Day Adveutist has to disre gard the law which provide for the olMcrvauce or the first day ot the week as the Sabbath. No nan Eater There. New- and 1 Ui-rer. To the Kditor: The story printed in your patter in reference to a shark eating a boy near Davis Shore, this county, is absolutely without any foundation whatever. The boy uncle talked with me yestcrdav and said the boy was very much alive at present. 1 have been living in Heaufort since 1S93 and 1 have never known of a man-eating shark being seen in our waters during that tune. In fact, I never heard of any such sharks here infesting our waters. Ihe shark found about hen is small and is afraid of a man or a boy. I have seen fishermen jump right overboard when sharks were playing and scare them away. 1 cannot imagine how such a story should have been started as the one published in the papers about the boy being devoured by one at Davis Shore, which is about twenty-five miles from here. I sincerely trust that all the State apcrs and other paiiers which have printed this fake shark story will orrect the same and as conspicu ously as the first was published. story of that kind is calculated hi damage Heaufort and Morehead City as resorts. Nothing of the kind happened and nothing of the kind will hap(en, I am sure. Cuts. U Ahkrnktiiy. Beaufort, N. C. A Warning to Mothers. Too much care cannot be used with small childien during the hot weather of the summer months to guard agsinst buwel troubles. As a rule it is only necessary to give the cliilJ a dose ot astor oil to correct any disorder of the bowels. Do not use any substitute, but give the old f inhumed castor oil, and see that it is fresh, as rancid oil nauseates and has a tendency to gripe. It this does not check the bowels give Chamberlain's Colic, Cholera and Diar rhoea Kemedy aud then a dose of ess tor oil, aud the disease may be check ed in its iucipiency snd sll danger avoided. The castor oil and this rem edy should be procured at once aud kept ready for instant use ss soon as the first indication of any bowel trouble appears. This is the most sue eessful treatment known and may be relied upou with implicit confidence even in cases of cholera infantum. For sale byC.N. Simpson, jr.and S.J. Welsh. trouble with. Health fond will semi aty pul down to f.,rtv eiirh iu less inau au hour. A uiau luiisl have a very strong roust it utiou t stand up against food which is al ready prearvd. su that all he has to lo is to swallow IL I exercise a great deal iu tin oieu air. lu summer I follow lawn mower around for au Imu each day, and iu winter I take spin ou the elevated railroad. I keep a notebook, iu which write all my lies! thoughts. I then put the book iu a side pocket of in) coat aud give the coat to a poor man whose address I do not know. I give a great deal to chant v. Lut try to keep it out of the iiapers at- ar as possible. Wheu the weather is such that I cannot exercise iu the oien air 1 nave a heavy pair of dumb In-IIs ai my lodgiiigs, which I use for hold iug the door open. I also beloni; to au athletic club aud a nair 01 muiau cttilM with red handles. I owe much of my robust health tt this. I do most of my writing iu a sit ting posture or iu an autograph al bum. When I am uot eiiLMLi-d in iliougtit 1 am employed 111 recover ng trout its eflects, I am very L'en lal and pleasant to Is thrown amongst aud frequently submit to all kinds or indignities, esociall) from people to whom I aiu indel.t ed, rather thau reseut it and causi them pain. I keep a large nair of brast knuckles, which I wear 011 my feet while riding iu a crowded car. This I like liettcrthau irettinif hit self upholstered every week. I uo not Iwlieve iu mixim? 111 tlcohol with literature. Literal tin with nothing else in it will last onger when exixised to the ail thau the other kind. lu dress exiensively, but not m as to attract attention. In flu uioruing I wear morning dress, in he evening 1 wear evening dress. and at night 1 wear uight dress. I have forgotten what book have helped me most; also what my favorite passages of prose ami poetry are. I had the benefit of tin best of home iiitltiences wheu n child, and everybody has been verj a 1 no 10 me, so 1 canuot say definite wnat it was that brought m here. The Only Way. There is no way to maintain the healtl aud strength of mind and body escep by nourishment. There is no way t nourish escept through the stomach The stomach must be kept healthy, pure and sweet or the strength will lei down and disesse will set up. No ap petite, lots ot streugth, nervousness headache, constipation, bad breath, sour risings, rifting, indigestion, dys pepsia and all stomach troubles thsi re curable are miickly cured bv tin use ot Kodol Dyspepsia Cure. Kodo. igests whst you eat and strengthen: the whole digestive apparatus. Sold bj English Drug Co. and S. J. Welsh. A mini's ideal womau is always married to some other fellow. Ch icago News. How's This We offer Oue Hundred Dollars Re ward fur any case of catarrh that can not he cured by Hall a Catarrh Cure. F.J. CHENEY & CO.,Toledo,U We, the undersigned, have known F. J. Cheney for the last 15 years and believe him perfectly honorable in all busiuesa franssclions and financially able to carry out any obligations made by bis firm. Wslding, Kinnan ft Mar vin, Wholesale Druggists, Toledo, O Hall's Catarrh Cure is taken inter nally, acting directly upon the blood and mucus surfaces of the system. Testimonials sent free. Price 75 cts, per bottle. Sold by all druggists. Tske Hall's Family pilla for Consti patioa. Nelson Bumgarner, who blew tbe whistle of a threshing engine In Wilkesboro and caused team to run away, resulting iu the death of George I'arwons, waa put under bond of (700 to answer at court. Weddington, X, ('., Opeus August 21st, 11KI5, Hoarding arrangements for vomit! ladies. Hoys' dormitory iu course of construction. 1'reiiares for the leading collect of the State. Good library for school eiii.' establish ed. ( Jotsi 111 usical ad va ntaires. For catalogue or further infor mation, write C. K. Ci.wmi, A.B., I'rincinal. Matthews, X. C, It, K. II. Xo. IS. Trlnltu Park Scnool A nrt-elaM prpiaratorji at-hcxil. (r tlnealeauf graduation anvnlrd fur en trance to Iradlna Southern eollPKeii. Best Equipped Preparatory School in the South. Kai-ully of ten oflleera and teacher.. Campua.nl aeventx Sve arm. I.llirary cuntalnlna; thtrljr Ihiiuwnd volume. Well equipped ) muaalum. High man dartla and modern method of Inntruc tlon. Frequent let-turea bjr prominent lecturer. KiprtiM-. eaceedluirlr mod erate. Seven jream ot phenomenal auc cm. For catalogue and other lii!,,r matloil, addn-iM, J. A. BIV INS, Headmaster, IU KHAM.N C. Annual rWriinc of Tiriah Bible Society. 1-aifc-a.t.r I a-l-r The Tirth litlileSa w tj held ita loth annual meeting hint Siil unlay. Cheat tendaiHv was iiiiiiMtally Urge aud theadilieeM-s high! eutertaiu mgaiid inMrueiite. The orator id" the occasion was the J..V. tieo. . Atkinson of Monroe. An address was also u;i,e by the Uev. T. H. Law, agent of the American Bible Society. The rolleeliou amounted to firo.iio. The following were made In,. memU rs of the Ameri can Kittle Ss-n-ii - l!... 11. 11 Ukiliw.il, lev. J. . .itpt o. M. Sander. Mrs. M. A. Sti-ele, Mrs. Im KohiiiMiii. .Sixteen tier- wins were made lite ltieiiils rsol the I ir.ih society. The old ollieers were re elected ts follows: It. X. Xisla t, president; f. B. Xisls-f, vice ni-esidi'til: J. r Walkup, secretary; T. W. Me.Mur- ray, treasurer, and It. J. Ih-lk. li. brarian. Deculiar Disappearance. J.D. liuuyanol Ilutlei ville, (., laid me iiecuimr ttisapis-arance of his paiiilul symptoms of indigestion mil biliousness to Dr. Kimr's Xew Lite 1'il Is. Hesavs: "Thev are a lierfiK t remedy for tlizim-ss, sour Joniaeh, headache, coiistiiuition. tc." (Jiiaranteeil at KiiL'lish Drtnr Co.'s; price , The date of the meeting of the Southern Cotton Association, which is to lie held at k en i worth Inn. Vsheville, has Isin changed from August Hi to Septemls-r li. A little forethought may save vou no end of trouble. Anyone who makes it rule tu kerp Chanibeilaiu's Colic. Cholera aud Diarrhoea Kemedv at and knows this to he a fact. For aale iy C.N. Simpson, Jr., and S. J. Welsh. lievenne ollieers recently can- tired a 120 gallon illicit distillery loiumliiis county. The outfit was making rum out of molasses. su t this a novelty for the moon shiners! Take Kodol After Eating. After a heaity meal a dose ot Kodol Dyspepsia Cure will prevent an attack I indigestion. No Jul is a thorough Jigeslaut aud a guaranteed cure tor ndigestion, dyspepsia, gas on stomach, eak heart, sour risings, bad breath nd all stomach troubles. Sold by Eugliah Drug Co. aud S. J. Welsh. At lialc igh Friday evening Mrs. Jas. Warreu, whose mind haslieeu 111 pa 1 red for some time, cut her hrout with a ra.or, intlictiiig inju ries Irom w hich she died later. Sick headache results from a disord ered couditioti of the stomach and is uickly cured by Chamberlain's Stom- cli and Liver Tablets. For sale by N. Simpson, Jr., and S. J. Welsh. Lawyers' Directory. Offices in Savings, Loan and Trust building, Curuer of Franklin and Hayne Streets, Monroe, N, C. Adams, Jerome & Ariuield, K00111S 16, 17 and lis. , F. Grilhii, Rooms 11 and ia. Lorenzo Medlin, Rooms 4 and . Kedwine St Stack, Rooms ( to 10. J. C. Sikes, Jr., Rooms 3 and 3. Williams St Leinmoiid, Rooms 14 4 tl. R. L. Stevens, office formerly occu pied by Armfield St Williams, in the courthouse. N. S.OGBURN, s a Magistrate and asks a share of ihe work in that line in Union county. Notice of Administration. I haveqiiallllcl before K. A . Armfleld, Clerk of Ihe Superior Court tif In ion county. K.C.. aaeaecutorof the lal will anil testament of Aaron Ahrraft, deecawd. and I hereto; nullf) all H-rmn. having claim. aKaln.t the elatc of MI1 deceaaed to prewnt th.iu within twelve month Inim UOft dale, ar thla nnllt- will In ule.iH.1 tn liar f recoverr. ln,MN.nii.. dehled to mid elate are hereliy notlSed to ma.. iniBiruiaie naynienr. lillHulrst IWA Frank armkiki i. u.r of Aaroa A.hcraft, dee d. Notice. T virtue ol two aereral morbrage deed. u a. eieculeil hr Waile H Ha.tr anil duly regl. tere.1 In office of the KcgUtrmr ll.eil.of I ntoii aounty. SO .In Beordof Mortgage INvda A K. page ,a lira page aai. I win aell lor ouih to Ihe nigneai innoer nf puniic aui-llon, al eourl hmiMe dour In Monrua. ta aald oounty, oa Friday, August 25th, 1905, a tract of land lylna la aa.4 antiary. oa the wa-ra of Uoe. Creek, adjoining the land, of T. M. natr. Irene nar.h.Th. A Fowler and the S. F. Ha.tr Iraat. containing on. hundred acre., aiore or leaa. and known a. the land con vered lo aald Wade H. Ha.tj hr Wai. a. Halr and Wife, K. A. Haalr. hr deed rMr1ti.l la aaldmWoa In Reoord of Ded. No. SS, al page ;. aw. Sale to be mau to aall.fr prorli.Mni ui wn, moriaaiep urflii. 1 ni. win oar of Jtllr A. U. IMA. C. M.SIMPWIN.Uortawrr. J)er Ona: I bave solved the mother-in law problem, just give ber regularly Hollister'a Rocky Mountain Tea. It will make ber healthy, happy and docile as a lamb. 35c, tea or tablets. Eng. Drag Co. firXfiCII lUtdnt N IAU9 KOai Moaiarta Rocky MounUia Tea Nuggett k tuy laatslss at katf Naski rhujs M4aa lasltk mt laaawia Tip. A anaritte foe CVMipaikiw. ladhraatloa. l.rea a4 Kldaav Trouakia, hmpieV Kcaana, Impure Wood, Bad kraalH, SIHRlaS Bowela. Hmilarbe aad Baafcaetn. ICa aAj BVnuttala IW la lob ret loraa, SS Oaaia a boa. OmuuM mada br niwiiiaiaa umm uwawi, laoaw, w ia. ADVICE TO BRIDES. Keep me for your friend, and you'll never have baking troubles. The way to a man's heart is said to lie through his stomach how easy, then, to keep the household happy when Invincible Flour is used in the bread, biscuit, cakes and pastry. No more growls about the kind "mother used to make." Yours for good bread, Invincible Flour. Ask your grocer for it Henderson Roller Mills Co. Trinity college Four Department. Oolleclal. Ciiwd uate, engineering and Law. Urge lll.rarr faollltlc. Well equip ped labotatorlea la all departments of acleace. Oyainaatuia fuml.hcd wlta brat apparatua. T. ipenc Trry bhjoV arate. Aid for worth atadenta. Youn men wUhlnf to ifndjr Uw should investigate tha so perior advantages oflered by the Department ot Law lo Trin ity College. For catalogue and further Infonaa tloa, addreaa, D. W. New tool, Registrar, lima a. . o.

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