THE MONROE JOUESS So VOLUME XII. NO 28 MONROE, N.C., TUESDAY AUGUST 10 1905 One Dollar a Year Healthy Women. Mary J. Kenm-dr, tnanaeer nf Af BK-ur A C-o." Kahlhlt at the Trmnt StUslaaippI KipualllonatOniaha, Neh, writes lb Mluwing of reruns, a a eui for that eoutmoa phaae ol lummrr es tarrh.knuwaea tadlgesUos). Mtsa Keanedy says: I found lb oall nil change of diet Incidental to eight years' traveling com- , . i . -TTvl mjdlgeetlT. I I sjatem. Ineon- V, ii ' 1 suiting LTC V'l PkjiHUii they derided I suffered with catarrh of tht tumaoh. "Their pre ecrlptlone did Dot seem to help no any, so, reading of th remarkable cures effected by tha ne of I'eruna I decided to try It and anon found myself well repaid. "1 hat now used reruns fur about three months and feel completely re juvenated. 1 believe I am permanently enred, and do not hesitate, to give un stinted praise to your great remedy, 1'eruns, The rauaea of summer catarrh are Brat, chronic catarrh) second, derange Dtentaof the stomach and liver 1 third, Impure blood. Such being tha case anyone who knows anything whatever about the operations of l'eruna can nnderstand why this remedy la a permanent cure for summer catarrh. It eradicates ehronie catarrh from the system, Invig orates the stomach and liver, cleanses the blood of all Impurities, and there fore permanently cures by removing the eauiie, a host of maladies peculiar to hot weather. The causa being removed the symptoms disappear of themselves. Summer Catarrh" sent free to any address by The Perun Medicine Co, Uulumbua, Ohio, hi i i III a, r I CONSTELLATION OF ARIES. The Ram With the Golden Fleece t4 Areoxautie Fame. Eurly on the 2 M vf March the sun niters the oin of Aries, and agronomical spring brgiiia. Two or throe thoututtul yours ago, licn the heavenly group wito originally fashioned, Aries marked the vernal eiiiinoi, the pasxago of the iun through which betokens the opening of (-tiring. Owing, however, to the slow westward movement of the equinoctial points Aric in reality hai no longer the honor nnee ac conlWl it, but litis drifted to the east ward. The conntellution of Arie repre sents in mythology the rain with the golden fleece of argonautic fume, and a short iketeh of its history nay be of interest. Athuniui, legendary king of Tluwaly, had two children, Phrixu and 1 telle, a.:d he also had two wives, having repudi ated the first and token a second. The stepmother was not at all good to the children and treated them so badly that she aroused sympathy in their behalf. Among those inter ested in the youngster! wan Mer cury, who sent a ram, which took thein on ita back, sprang into the air and hustled them oil to the east, ward. In tlioae days Europe and Asia ' were separated by a strait, as we find in a measure to lie the caae today, and the girl Hellc became frighten ed or perhaps dizzy from Kcasickneae in crowing the water at thia very "rough time in hnr experience, lost her hold and fell into the straita which to thia day are known aa the He'lespont The boy had a better hold and kept on until he reached the far end of the lllaek sea. l'hnx ii showed a spirit of sacrifice, not of self, however, by killing the ram and presenting ita golden fleece to the king of the country, who caused it to lie hung in the sacred grovo of the Ariea under the guard of a sleep less dragon. The star marking the forehead was called by the Arabs Hamal, which means aheep. In very early times it ia said that the Greeks considered thia atar aa the aunrise herald of the vernal equinox. New York Time. Cendolenee. One of the hardest thing In the world ia to condole with anybody in a misfortune or a bereavement If it were not that the matter ia generally serious a great many fun ny stories could be printed about the condolences people offer to the be reaved. But at Manchester aome time ago a hardworking Irishman fell out of a fourth story window and broke his neck. Ilia wife was of course in great distress. After the funeral a neighbor call ed to offer her sympathy and eon dolcnce. "It waa verr aad thins indeed." "Indeed it was. To die like that to fall out of t fourth story win. dow" "An' waa it so bad T asked tha visitor. "Sure, an' I heard it was anly a third atorj window. Fiendish Suffering ia often canned by sore, ulcers and canoe rn that eat away your akin. Vm. Bedell of Plat Kork, Mich., ays: "I have used Bticklen'a Ar nica Halve for ulcers, sort and can cers. It ia the bfMt healing dreflrting I ever found." Hoot lie and heala cuts, burn and aculdg. 23o, at Eng lish Drag Co. 'a, guaranteed. Girl Burglar. New Vert WrM. I.illie Henry, eleven yearn old, of Xo. ION Kasl rVventv tilth xlrvW. jaml Lillian llotlw, ten y earn old, I a ho liven next dtnir, cotiiinittcd a mliliery Ilia! wax ingeniously plait lied and at U'lilly ew tiled. They pmUilily would lave exuiH-d Iim- ciivery if tht-y had liol Irietl to dls- Mwe uf iMMiiy to a relative. The behavior of the girl has hitherto beeu exeuiplary, and their parenla are at a Km to exiilmu their auiazing conduct. Laxt Friday Mrs. Michiwl I'olit- rheck, who lives at the at-coiid- tloor rial at the aotithweot comer of Seventy-fourth street and I-exing- tou avenue, went to Coney Island. The Henry and Herle girls, aoon after Mrs. l'olitcheck let!, -entered the rear yard, each currying a ban ket. "LeVa climb the fire excaiM," suggested Lillie Henry, llerconi- wnioit Ritul it wait too lngh. I.illie trietl to btMiHt her tin, but Lillian could not reach the fire ecitii. ".Never miud: I kuow win-re the key ia," aaid I.illie. Ieudiug the way, ahe weut np the frout Maira, reached umler the ice boi iu the hall and drew out the key. The girls eutered the Hat, untile aome chocolate, cooked half a do.en eggs ami bad a delightful lunch. 1 hen they Iwcauie burglars. They atunVd their basketa full, gathering up but pins, kjksiIs ofailk and cot tou, Uixea of inatelies, rililMins, a inipl of a sts ami a icurl nct-k- lace worth iilHiut 910. Then they tried on Mrs. I'olit- check'a Im in nets, but these did not (it, so they riniHsI the leathers oil and took them. Locking the door, the girls put the key back and went to I.illie Henry a home, where they divided the HHiil. when Mrs. rolitcheek returned there was great excitement. Her daughter ran to the Henry giil'a home and said the Hat had Ix-en roblied. "How awful!" exclaimed Miss Henry. I.illie did not say any thing. Next day the girl burglars called on Lillie Henry's mint, in Ninety second at reel, and tillered to m-11 the necklace for "0. The aunt called on the llerlis girl's mother and the girls finally confessed. The police dropped the rase when in formed that Mrs. I'olilcheck'a prop erty had been restored. The Habit of Observation. Newark NVw. "He.olwerving, my win," said Willie's father. "Cultivate the habit of seeing nnd you w ill Ui a successful man." Yes,' milled Willie's uncle. Don't go through the world blind ly. Lcaru Ut use your eyes." "Little boys who are observing know a great ileal more than those who am not, ' W illie aunt put in. line timk their nilvice to henrt. A day passed, and once more lie stood before tho lamily council. "Well, Willie,'' said his father, "have you liecii using your eyes :" I he laiy lioddeiL "Tell ns what you've learned." "I ncle Jim's got a Isittle of whiskey hid lichind his trunk," said Willie, "Aunt Jennie's got au extra set of let th in her dresser, and pa'a got a deck of cards and a box of chips behind the luniks in the secretary." "The little sneak!" exclaimed the family. If yon are troubled with dizzy spells, headache, indigestion, con stipation, Hollister's liiu-ky Moun tain lea will make you well and keep you well. If it fails get your money back. That's fair. cents. English Drug Co. "Why tlou't you try to win the confidence of the people" "Not now," answered Senator Sorghum. "The people have been gold bricked so much of late years that every time they see amau try ing to make himself agreeable they get 8UHpicioiis."-Vasliingtou Star. They Appeal to Our Sympathies. The bilious and dyspeptic are constant sufferers and appeal lo our sympathies There is not one of tliem, however, who may not be brought back to health and happiness by the use of (.haiuberlaiii's Stomach and Liver Tablets. These lab lets invigorate the stomach and liver and strengthen the digestion. They also regulate the bowels r or sale by C. N. Simpson, jr., and S. J. Welsh. "Well, yon married a wealthy woman. Is she the treasure you boHMl fort ' "Can't say ahe Is. She won't give me any of her money." "Then, by Oeorge! she ia a treas ure, She not only has money, but common sense, too." Baltimore Sun. , Take Kodol After Eating. After a hearty meal a dose of Kodol Dyspepsia Cute will preveul an attack of indigestion. Kodol is a thorough digeslant and a guaranteed cure for indigestion, dyspepsia. gai on slomarh, weak heart, sour risings, bad breath and all stomach troubles. Sold by English Drug Co. aud S. J. Welsh. Q "Did the father give the bride awayf" "1 should any be did. He got rattled, and what do you think he aaid aa he handed her over to the groomf" "What!" "It is more bleated to give than to receive,'' Cleaveland Leader. TWO MEN DIE IN A WEli- ) The Dtantrrs Against Wall Street. riiri.4lll-Mnr-r. Oe CuthbtTtsoei and Charlie Cov' "We will bust Wall street." ington Succomb to l ire' Damp That, according to a New Oi lcans in a Well on fir. I'inUton' r.irrwKm.leiit of The Xcw Vmk Hace Near Wadcshoro, j Kveniitg Pun, is the m..tlo tiring Mrrner an4 lulelllfenerr. j Woril Oil buttons Slid badges ll Hie Mr. V. X. I'inkstoii'a place.lwo cotloii planters throughout Texas, and a half wiles north of town, on ! Iouisiaiia, Miwissippi, Arkansas which resides Mr. J. J. Alleii, waaiand all over the cotton la-It. To the scene early last Monday morn j bn-ak Wall slm-t wuld Is a tre- ing or a lerrilile occnrreiM, in nicntioiis tass, nut iiiHiiMuiioiiy me which two oilored nien lost their farmers will give trouble to the Local Happenings. lives. The men were George Cnth lierlson and Charlie Covington. CutlitMTtsoii was about .VI years of age aud was a wliool teacher, but also dug wells. He lived on Maj. J. M. Wall's place, six miles north of town, aud bore an excellent rep ion. Covington was a son of Jack Cov iugtoii and was -'-t years old. He live I in sight of the place where he met h(,H tleath. The particulars of the sad occur rence are given lirlow: CuthliertMon aud W at Tice went to work in an unfinished well on Mr. l'inkston's place, as stated above Friday. The well was 47 feet deep, but no work had bceu done in it since early spring, and the well had never yielded any water. One blast was put oil' in the well Friday, ami another made ready to be fired Saturday. Sat urday morning Cuthltertsoii fired a handful of oat straw and threw it in the well to touch oil' the blast. This failed of its puristse and he threw a quantity of coals and em bers iu the well, but still the fuse did not ignite. The men, however, did uot risk themselves in the well that day for fear the blattt might go off. At tin early hour Monday morn ing I uthhertsou and I lee again went to the place prepared to re sume work in the well. Cuthhcrt- son was let down into the well by Tice for the purpose of removing the tincxploded dynamite, iu order that another blast might Is put in. lust as CiithlMTtsoii readied the bottom in the well Mr. I'inkston, the owner of the place, rode up and said to Ciithlicrtson: "How is it down there!" Cutlilx-itson replied that it was mighty bad, whereupon Mr. I'inkston gave orders that he lie immediately drawn out. Culli licrtsoii at this time wits able to get on the bucket and was drawn about half way out of the well when he fell hack with a dull, heavy Hum. hen ( iithltcrtson fell back into the well there was great excite ment, and no one seemed lo know just what to do. About this time ( liar lie Covington came up ami volunteered to go into the well ami tie a rope around the body of the slrickeiiuian iuonler that lie might 1st rescued. Covington wits then let down into the well. Mr. Allen, who lived on the place, called to Covington just as he reached the IhiIUiiii, but receiving no answer, looked in the well and saw the doomed man throw his hands over his head and heard him say, in ag onizing tones: "Oh Lord, have mercy!" And then all was still. Of course after this there were no further volunteers to go into the well until good air had Imhui pump ed into it, and thia could uot he done until a section of lire hose and a blacksmith's bellows had been procured from Wadesboro. After a considerable amount of good air had been pumped into tho well liol Meadows, colored, volunteered to go tlown and fasten rojies around the bodies. This he did without niislmi) and the bodies were finally gotten to the surface of the ground alter having been iu the well two hours. Drs. Ashe and Bennett were on the scene by this time aud it required little examination to show them that both men were iuit dead. Cuthbertson's neck wits broken and his skull fractured' when he fell back into the well. Public ia Aroused. The public is aroused to a knowl edge of the curative merits of that great medicinal tonic, hleetrie Bit ters, for sick stomach, liver and kidneys. Mary H. Walters, of 510' St. Clairave., Columbus, O., writes: "For several months I was given nptodie. I had fever nud ague, my nerves were wrecked; I could not sleep and my stomach was so weak from useless doctors' drugs that I could not eat. Soon after be ginning to take Electric Bitters I obtained relief and in a short time I was entirely enred." fiusrai.t'M'd at English Drug Co.'s; price 51k!. Sick headache results from a disord ered condition of the stomach and is quickly cured by Chamberlain's Slom ' sen and Liver Tablets. For sale by IC. N. Simpson, Jr., aud S. J. Welsh. Sorry for the Queen. lAtlleV Huine Journal. An English professor wrote on bis black beard in hialatstratory: "I'rofcBsor Wilson informs his students (hat he has this day been appointed honorary physician to her Majesty, (jtreen Victoria." In the course of the morning he bad occasion to leave the room and found on his return that mime student-wag had added to the announ cement the words: "tlod save the Queen." The Only Way. There is no way lo maintain the health and strength of mind and body except by nourishment. There is no way to nourish except through tha stomach. Tha stomach must be kept healthy, pure and sweet or tha strength will lei down and disease will set up. no ap petite, loss ot strength, nervousness, headache, constipation, bad breath, sour risings, rifting, indigestion, dys pepsia and all stomach troubles that are curable are quickly cured by the nsa ol Kodol Dyspepsia Cure. Kodol digests what you eat and strengthens Ilia whole digestive apparatus. Sold by English Prof Co. and S. j. Welsh. cotton simulators. The progress made by the Southern Col Ion As siM'iatiou is interesting. Its ollicers are working uight and day. They are sending proclamations out to more thaua milliou members of the asstM-'iatiou telling the farmer that he must not sell a latle of col Ion for less thau 11 cents, either of the old or new crop. It is pointed out that the old crop for all commerci al urose no longer carries with it a surplus large enough to he con sidered iu any commercial statistic and that I lie present crop does not promise to lie larger thau !I,ihkI,(HH) bales, or less than the year's ex Kirts. A New York cotton broker last week sent to his followers, it is said, the tip that he had Wall street solidly behind him and was going to sell cotton down to ! cents this week and still lower next. It wits made to apear that the broker feared the growing power of the Southern Cotton Association and lecided to crush it at once. But the method of crushing by the limn ey ol Wall street wits not proiici'ly considered. Farmers hauling their (Hit ton to (own and finding out ilsiut this threat have Iss-n induc ed to put on one of the buttons and take their loads back home, where they w ill keep it for 12 cents. This light Is-t ween the planters and W all street is the newest phase of the cotton holding war. Women Rioters Throw Bread Into the (lutters. Nrw Yitrk liiximu-li.tilli. Women today joined iu the strike iiH-ralions of the kosher bread bakers w ho are producing a bread famine in the Hebrew ipiailei-sol New fork and Bnsiklyu. Hun dreds of loaves of this bread wei-e taken by women from the peddlers who attempted to sell them ami thrown into the gutters, w here the mud caused by recent rams in stantly mined the foodstuff. I here wits a riotous ticinnust ra tion in the front of a delicatessen store iu Clinton street early today when a gang of young roughs dis covered that the store wasolVering kosher bread for sal". They rushed into the store, seized the bread and threw into the street. Two policeman were injured to lav iu a bread riot which occurred in the basement of a Hebrew bak ery in Allen street. Two hundred men entered the shop anil, over powering the policemen who guard ed it, carried out barrels of dough which were ready for the baking and empted it into the gutter. Several barrels of Hour also were empted into the street. Extra po lice were called out to disperse the mob. Cool Spring Items. f (irre-iMimleiiee u( The Journal. Marshville U. F. 1). .1, Aug. 10. The live-year-old son of Mr. J. A. (lullcdge is right seriously sick uf this writing. Mrs. Lucy Grant nnd son, Mr. Bediuan, of South Carolina are vis iting relatives iu this community. Miss Fronia Morgan and Mr, Hurley Leonard are visiting rela tives near Deep Creek, Anson county, this week. The rains this week have been unusually heavy iu this section. Crops are looking right promis ing now, but are very late and lia ble to le damaged by early frost. The colored brethren had a pic nic or Sunday school convention or something of the kind at their school house in this community last Saturday. We learn that there was no quarrelling or righting among them, which is something unusual for so large a gathering ot coloicd pH-ople. How'aThls? We offer One Hundred Dollars Ke ward for any case of catarrh that can not be cured by Hall s Catarrh Cure. F. J. CHENEY CO., Toledo.O We, the undersigned, have knowu F. J. Cheney for the last 15 years and believe him perfectly honorable in all business transactions and financially hie to carry out any obligations made by his firm. siding, Kinnan & Mar vin, Wholesale Druggists, Toledo, O. Hall's Catarrh Cure is taken inter nally, arling directly upon the blood and mucus surfaces ol the system, Testimonials sent free. Trice 75 cts pertiotlle. Sold by all druggists. Take Hall s raimly pills lor cousti patioo. A College Bred Mule. Atlanta r. .munition. "Only last year you wanted f:lO for this mule, and now you ve raised to fiiO." "That's nut'ral; it's a eddicated mule now. Ever since John come home from college he's Is-en swear ing at that mule iu sii langictges!" Distinguishes! Churchman Die of Yellow t ever. Scwor'.as, li.u-h. Wh A sudden change in his foluli- tmm tioutodiv siiecdily culminated iu the deuih'of Archbishop I. L. I The overswnt of Monroe iwu ChapM-lle. The end came at ten ship are notified lo make their re 1111 miles of I. The news of lite ports to thesuN-rvisirsou the lHth aivhhishiip's death created a pro at the courthouse, found sh- k. I Mf A A h H tha Mou;.g..eur t h:.p,s-lie .its lake., ; M a v W- , w 1 I on t... lay. He had return. d to .rM(, ,,mH just completed a tour of Louisiana and announced 011 his arrival his intention of co oierating in the ef forts thru iu full swing to stamp tt the fever. The archbishop, ..owever, left his house only ou one occ.tsiou Is-fore he was lakeu ick. That was to lake a drive vith his niece. Ou Friday he complained of the symptoms w hieh are the forerunner of yellw fever. lr. I-aliuc, the arclibikop's physician, was imme diately called. Ou Friday he diag mised .ne case as a genuine attack of yelk fever. From the first Dr. MclUe was apprehensive as to the results of the attack, owing to the physique of his patient. Archbishop Chapiiclle was very stout of build, lull bltssled and past sixty years of age, and the fe ver is always alarming in a patient under those conditions. The best available medical and 11 ui-sing talent was pressed into ser vice, lliey were screened and every ell'iirt made to conduct a successful scientific fight. The disease, however, made steady inroads upon the venerable patient and yesterday he wits found to Imi in a serious condition. Wlieu Dr. JlcIIae saw him early tislay there wits no improvement, but on the contrary the patient showed signs of increasing weak ness, lk-lore noon there wits an alarming change for the worse in his condition. Eminent physicians were immediately summoned I'm consultation, hut he wits lieyond succor. The end came with great rapidity, dissolution ensuing 11 1 l-'.."0. Xo arrangements have yet ls-en made for the funeral. Louis I'lacido Chappelle, arch bishop of New Orleans, one of the most ilistiguishfd prelates of the ltoiiiuu Catholic church, and one of the liest loved citizens of New Orleans, w ho dietl of yellow fever Wednesday morning while at the post of duty among the siilleivrs of the lieloved city of his see, was txirn in France August 2S, ISfJ, and came to the I'nitcd States w hen 17 yar of age. He took a com plete theological and philosophical course at St. Mary's college, Balti more, niiil taught 111 M. Charles college of the same city from 1 s:t to lMi.V He was ordained priest in his church iu lSii5, and was ad vanced to the degree of Doctor of Divinity by hisalma mater in W.K He served as pastor otSt. John s and St. Joseph's, Baltimore, and St. Mathews, Washington, and 111 1 Sit 1 his signal abilities caused him to Is- chosen coailutor bishop ol Archbishop Salpointe of Sante Fe, with right of succession. On the resignation of Archbishop Sal pointe in lH'it, he was named by pe U'o Mil arclihiscop of Santa Fe, and in November lf!7, was appointed by the pope archbishop of New Oilcans, where has since lived. In ISilS Pope Leo again honored Archbishop Chappelle by naming him apostolic, delegate to Cuba and l'orto Kico.and inScptemlMT.I.V.m, he w ;is further selected by the pope as the apostolic delegate to the Philippine Islands. Archbishop Chappelle was one of the most distinguished men of his church, and made himselt loved for his thorough Americanism, in New Orleans all denominations revered him as a hiuh type of ehrist inn gentleman, and loved him for his broad work not only among the people of bis own dock, but for tho aid he was ever ready to extend to every one who sought his assist ance. He died as lie had lived, working for his Master aud his fel low man, sndalllhecitiiia of New OrlcHiis without regard to creed are mourning his death from the plague which he was fighting when he fell. Peculiar Disappearance. .1.1). Kunyanof Bittlerville, O., laid the peculiar disappearance of his painful symptoms ol Indigestion and biliousness to Dr. King's New Life Fills. He says: "They are a srfect remedy for dizziness, sour stomach, headache, constipation, etc." (luaranteed at English Drug pi lie round to be eighleeu feet iu cir cumference. The tree is ou Black creek. There will lie a Woodman rally and picnic at Mint Hill ou Friday. SiicechcM will lie made by Mr. W. C. DowU of Charlotte aud Rev. W, W. Orr. After supis the Wood man Dramatic Club of Mint Hill ill give a play entitled I'ncle Jed's Fidelity, or The Returned t owboy. Everylssly invited Mr. Claud Hainiltou of Marsh ville township aud Miss Florence Little, daughter of Mrs. Keua Lit tie of (iotwe Creek township, were married last W ednesday at the res idence of the bride's mother. Bev. A. Marsh performed the marriage service. Only a few near relatives and friends of the contracting par ties were present. Mr. aud Mrs, Hamilton w ill live near Marshville. Mix Bright Clybiim, widow of Mr. J. B. Clybiim, died at the home of her fabler, Mr. S. M. Ill) the, last Tuesday afternoon. With her death a whole family has passed out of existence within this year. Her htisliaud died lust Feb ruary of pneumonia, and sometime afleward their child died. Mrs. Clyburu was but twenty three. She was a faithful niemlierof the Meth odist church. Mrs. Clyburu had not ls-en well for sometime, but her death wits a great sin prise. She was sitting in a chair when death came. Mr. Blythe lives in Wax haw. Marshville Academy opened last week with the Is-st prosiects it has had in five or six years. Prof. Caldwell, the principal, isa gradil ate of Davidson College and a teacher of experience. Miss Annie Stewart, a fine teacher and a grail uate of the State Normal, is the principal assistant, and Miss Lil lian Marsh, one of the Is-st public teachers of the county, is teacher iu the primary department. Miss Sophia Moore, a graduate of the Woman's College of Kichuiond, is the teacher of music. The school is run by taxation, but also takes iMKtrding students. There were thirty boarders present last week. A Warning to Mothers. Too much rare cannot be used with small children during the hoi weather f the summer months to guard against uowel troubles. As a rule it is only necessary to give the child a dose of castor oil to correct any disorder of the bowels. Do not use any substitute, hut give the old fashioned castor oil, and see that it is fresh, as rancid oil tikuseates and has a teudency to gripe. If this does not check the bowels give Chamberlain's Colic.Cholera and Diar rhoea Kemedy aud theu a dose of cas tor oil, aud the disease may be check ed in its incipieucy aud all danger avoided. The castor oil and this rem edy should be procured at once and kept ready lor instant use as soon as the first indication of any bowel trouble appears. This is the most suc cessful treatment known and may be relied upon with implicit confidence even in cases of cholera infantum. For sale byC. N. Simpson, Jr. andS.J .Welsh. Why He Could Not Relieve Her Suspense 1 01. feleis llirolloli tii nirss as Vice president of the assas'iatloii aud his action iu Washington clear ly ludlcute that he is not in bar mouy with the present efforts of the associatlou concerning the full and complete organization ol the bureau of cotton statistics aud other ill vi sious of the Department of Agri ulture. "Before taking definite action I desired the endorsement of the ex eculive committee. I wired the 11 for mat ion to each memls-r aud of nineteen replies, eighteen eiuidiat it-ally authorized the demand for is resignation. live mem hers of the committee were absent from home aud could uot be reached." Col. E. 8. Peters was elected ice president of the association at its organization by the New Orleans convention List January. His home is ut 1 alvert, 1 exits. A Touching 5tory is the saving from death of (he baby III of (ieo. A. Eyler, Cumberland. Md. He writes: "At the age of 1 1 mouths our little girl was iu decliu ng health with serious throat trou hie and two physicians gave her np. We were almost iu despair w hen we resolved to try Dr. King's New Dis covery for eonsiim pi 1011, coughs anil colds. The first bottle gave relief; fter taking four Is it ties she was tired and is now iu perfect health." Never fails to relieve and cure a (iiigh or cold. At Fnglish Drug Co.'s; "ill cents aud l miarautecd. Trial Isittle free. Not The Same. ..allien Hotlit Journal. young woman w ho has recent ly taken charge of a kiuilc rgurden, say a The New York Sun, entered a trolley car the other (lav, and as she took her seat smiled pleasantly at a gentleman sitting opposite. He raised his hat and it was evident that he did not know her. ltcalizing her error she said iu tones audible throughout the entire ar: "Oh, please excuse me! I mis took you for the father of two ol my children!" She left the car at the next cor tier. w ILL you bo miner As she spoke, the tall, hiiuilsoiue brunette with a larire naaslouute movement took la hers the hand of the unlet but strange ly iM-iiutlful iiihu she addressed, aud held It closely to her heart. "My darliua." she suld, "from the drat moment 1 saw you, 1 loved you, and since then my passion has ktowu by leiips and bounds, until now 1 reel that 1 cuiiiiot live without you. OU, relieve my uH-ine." I csiinot uow." he murmured, with downcast eyes. "You must wait Perhaps next week I can tell you.' She sighed, while her whole frame shook with III suppressed emotion. "Must 1 remain In thia susenmr she cried. "Why are you so cruel? Why, oh, why cannot you give ma your answer now!" The man ahe loved tapped bis foot Impatiently on the hearth. rlccRuae, dear," he said, "all my leap year offers are not la yet hew fork Life. Covs; price 'J-'ic SUPPORT ICOTTl EMULSION serve as a brides t tarry tha wtaktnU sad starves! system slea aatil tt saa Hatt Una support la sedraary lea. acrrrr a aowNt. Hwt SHU M.aadSs IU Mntek New Sew Ins; Machine. Sew York -rei. Dennis Fhinnlgan, after sixteen years of lalmr, has invented a sew ing machine that sews from two spools of thread, without bobbins or shuttles, Its parts are tew, and the mechanism is so simple that it cuu be sold profitably at 910. This looks like a revolution. Nothing on the Market equal to Chamberlain's Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea Kemedy. This fact is well known to drusnisls everywhere, and nine out of ten will give their cus tomers this preparation when tlye best is asked tor, Mr.Ube Witmer.a prom inent druggist of Joplin, Mo., in a cir cular to his customers, says: "There is nothing on the market in the way of patent medicine which eqnaislhsm berlain's Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea Kemedy for bowel complaints, Waaell and recommend this preparation." For sale byC.N.Simpson.Jr.auUb J. Welsh Caret A Hist. "Do yon think you can draw that kail the length of the tabler Til have to, I aupiwee. But I don are why the artist didn't draw tt back there to begin with." , Dangerous and Uncertain. For sunburn, tetter and all skin and scalp diseases, DeWitt's Witch Hate1 Splve has no equal. It it a certain cure for blind, bleeding, itching and protruding pilea. It will draw tha nn out of a born and heal without leaving a scar. Boils, old sores, carbuncles, etc., are quickly cured by the ni the t-enuioa DeWitl'a Witch Hazel Salve. Accept no substitute as the) are often dangerous and uncertain Sold by Engheh Drug Co. and S, Welsh. Vc(olrsit!ennt Peters 5iispended Hy President Jordan. Atlal lltrB. SHh Hart ie Jordan, president of the Southern Coltuu today telegraphed Oil. K. 8. Peters, vice president of the asMN-ialiou, de manding his resignation, presi dent Jordan said: "I have wired Vice President Peters demanding his resignation and have stiseii(led him as an nfli cer of the Southern Cotton Associ Bernard Returns to Raleigh and (iitea liond. -Ut-.! I.a,!iarfc t'. M. IVtnai.l. ex district attor ney, who is charged with John im kery with Hie 10m of to young women of lUleigh. and who has ls-en keeping out ol' the Stale since lam-kery was shot, relumed to :t cigh Tuesday. II. C. Howell, la I her uf I he girl whom I'-irnaid is alleged lo have ruined, instituted suit against lUinaid for r'lMHiO. aiion. The public utterances of; IVinaid apH-am in Kalcigh Tiles lay and gave lsind in the sum of (mki for his MpM-arance al trial. One of his lionilsnicu is K. A. I.a key, the wealthy Hamlet dis tiller, who made affidavit that he is worth loo.tMMi all liabil ities. Southing and Cooling. The salve that heals utilh.nit a scar is Dt-Wilt's Witi-I. llaiel Salve. No rem edy 1 Herts such speedy relief. It draws nut iiitUiuuia'.ion, soothes, cools and heals all cuts, burns and bruises. A sure cure fur piles and skin diseases. DeWitt's is the only genuine Witch Hael Salve. Henare of counterfeits, thev are dauuetous. Sold by Euglish Ding Co. and S. J. Welsh. Weddington, N. C, Opens August 21st, l!tor. Hoarding arrangements for young lilies. Hoys' dormitory in course f const ruction. Prepares for the leading colleges of the State, (inod library for school Is-iug establish ed, (loot! musical advantages. For catalogue or further infor mation, write C. K. Ci.Ktiii, A.M., Principal, Matthews, N. C, K. V. 1. No. is. do you need a Trinity Park School A iirM-vli!n prtMtrittiry win.. Or tlthti f k ratiutthn aHVit- fnrii trnt to lratttiiit Muiithfrii tt-KtM, BeAt Equipped Preparatory School in the South. Kaoultjr of tfti ullttfru nd hwhem. rumpim of M'vtiit) -llvf au're. I.i hi-try conUtnlntf thirty thiiUMmmt vii1uiii. Wfll H)tii)if (1 tt mnaitlum. Hitch nun tlartlf and tiUKlfrit method of in-true-Unit. KntjufiH liTturt'M by innilnii( lit'limT". Kxiavnucii f i'pttllntly iikmI friete. Mr veil yenr of plit'iuiiiifli! mip. tfn. I'ur mtalotrue ami other Infor mation, ailtlri'MK, J. A. B1VINS, Headmaster, IU kHAM. N ( Notice of Administration. Having UiU.lav iiuaMfM )fnrr K. A. Ami ItrUI. C. of I lihili rmintv, N. t. a ri.lniin lira ot of John 1,. Porter. ilwft, all iht m hoiiiinir ei Mm aKMttiM aui tutt an' hereby notitipn l iirewnt the ainr to ht terxtifneit aoinnu-irainr on or ln-rnre the lav of Auirut. A. I iwon, or tin mitti-e will u itl railed in troi tueir niHil ot rvenverv. A laerwoli Intiflttrii In NNld f-laie are notified tt, make jiayniem ami ave piwi. nix lite 71 h la l AllKU4t, Wi. MK. M.I.A lt IK IKK, A'lmrx.nt joiin i,. i-orter, tuv a. Red wine A Mark. Any. If so, don't buy until you have examined our own brand, the Silver King. We have just received the first shipment of this wonderful brand. It is light running and ball bearing. If you want a good cheap machine, do not buy until you have tried the Silver King. The W.J.Rudge Co. Lawyers' Directory. (Hires in Savings, Loan anil Trust huililiiiK, Curlier ol Franklin and Hayne Streets, Monroe, N, C. Adams, Jvruine & ArmieUI, Konnis 16, 17 and 1 14. F. Griflin, Rooms 11 and 12. Lorenzo Mi'dlin, Komiis 4 and 5. Keilwine & Stack, Kooins (1 to 10. C. Sikes, Jr., Kooins t mid j. Williams & Leinniond, Kooins 14 4 15. . L. Stevens, office formerly occu pied by Arinfiuld & Williams, in Ilia courthouse. ADVICE TO GRIDES. Notice of Administration. have otialtne.l tieforc K. A . ArmlleM. Clerk uf the Nuieror ( otirt of i nion rotiiiiy, N ( neneeutor 01 ine lant win anl e-uiiieut Unm Ahcraft, t(,ea'ei. arnl I herehv tiotif all nermann havlnir elanim atfalnt theeotatent a.m iereaetl lo brenent llieni within I welve montli from thtM 1aie. ar this notlif will W (jleaiieil in la f rwovery. Any perwtii-t tit le mi en iai Hani eaiuiie are nereny ntnnieo to maae Immediate itarment. Thl-i Jtily. mti. r HANK AHMUKI.h, Kxr. of Aanm A he raft, deed. Notice Uf virtue of two arverat morUrare defla u me eveeuteit bf H ale H. Hatr ami till I r rear I tertNl In oltice uf the Rrtliter of leei1of I nion mhiiiIJ, K. In Keetitxlof Mortttatff 11 AK. iare bit and paifeiUll.l will nHI for ctwh In the rtltrhewt Uhier lay uhllc auetlon, at eourt iioumt t1or Ir Monroe. In Mid enunly, u Friday, August 25th, 1905, tract nf land Iritis In Mitt emintr. nn th atpr of lAim (Wl, adjninlna thr laniii of K. M Hlr. Irrnr Marah.TlitM. A Klranit ihr a. f. tlaty tract, pnntalnina one hanilmt ere.., siorv nr Imi, and km.wn m the land c,,n u. wilt .i K.H..II l,r IS. R. H-lv and wife. B. A. Haty, hy desj rcirt.lcml In ldottlue la RdN.rd (rf Ifecria Nn. M. al mu:c ', etc. Hale to he made Ui Mtttfy r,,vllni. rt iaid Murta-aar accti. i nip yth day m Juir . B. Its. C. K. SIM Hat IN, Mortaas-ca. Keep me for your friend, and you'll never have baking troubles. The way to a man's heart is said to lie through his stomach how easy, then, to keep the household happy when Invincible Flour is used in the bread, biscuit, cakes and pastry. No more growls about the kind "mother used to make. Yours for good bread, Invincible Flour. Ask your grocer for it Henderson Roller Mills Co. MOtLtSTiat Rocky Mountain Tea Nuggets 1 her MstlstM a lirf Ftrale. Brlap Galeae Htta sal Imnl Tlsw. A mcdaa fir OoMtlrmtloa. la.lisloa. Lin Ml SKlncy TroiMa, nmi loot, sui Brauk. Hlaaali d Itackaclta. It's RocW Miintnln Ta In tat t form, at Ma a ka. IMnM mads k) ran imp immt, nadiaoa, wh. wntca. sVarma, Impiir tltk Koocl. H.uca 4UU itwecn roi iauov rvms TrinltU GOII606 Knur rciarlniciit rtnllcittale, tlrad aatc, Knainccrhiff and l,aw. Ijriic lllirarjr ractllllm. Well equip ped latmratoriea In all departments ot science. tljrmnailum furnished with beet apuaratuM. Kkiiciiicn very bmmI erate. Atd (r worthy students. Younf men wishing to study Law should InvutUate tha in perlor advantaei oITered by tha Department of Law la Trin ity College. for eatalnaue aad further Inlnrma Uoa, ailctreM. D. W. N'ewsom, Rejlstrar, m'RHAM.R.O. n