THE MONROE JOURNAL. VOLUME XII. NO 37 MONROE, N. C, TUESDAY OCTOBER 17 1908 One Dollar a Year SU4LY SAYS WAIT FUR THIlS'ataple in freiKa countries where CONGRESSMAN LIV1NGST01 Saving Hank Incidents. TEEN AND FOLRTEEN. ....I- -..!.. I...- ,.l.,.-..tu tM.liltl That confederation has the help Savs Pe-ru-na is a Splendid Ca Cotton king Speaks to Farmer In ' ami assistance uf every spinner iu UmU-Wh and Sav II the Farmer! America an well a in Euroi-, lie Fail 1 hi Time Cotton Will Never, cause the Mief is universal among Uo lieyond Ten Ccnti Again. tUb-tch llhtrrirt. Illh. Parmer from thirteen counties, numbering alsuit .VNt, assembled iu Mctroiiolitau Hull yesterday at ihhiu to hear lhtniel J. Sully, the ex cotton king, deliver bisuiewwge to the collou grower. Kvery seat in the bull was occupied. Scores were standing iu the aisles, the plat form was crowded with well knowu collou nien, ami in the galleries were a few dark it, forming a dark bu-kgrouud. Secretary T. Ik Parker nf the North Carolina division of the Southern (Villon Association pre sided, ami Ike Wake ouuuty otti cent of the association were on the Maps together with Commissioner of Agriculture S. U Patterson and leaders in tlie cotton movement, w ho seemed to endorse the aetili incuts expressed liy the man who haa mastered the cotton markets of the world. Mr. Sully' sHch was plain and hi in lf, easily uudcrstiHsl by any w bo heard him. He in not an ora tor, and docs not possess eltHpience, lull the freiiicut outbursts ol enthu siastic applause attested the popu larily of the man, and his speech seeim-d nil inspiration to the crowd. Mr. Sully isgau by assuring the audience of the pleasure it gave him to express to them a few of the ideas and thoughts that hud im pressed him for years. He declared that one of the most momentous l motions that hail confronted the South for a generation wan the price of cotton, and that this ques lion is fraught with tivtnendous possibilities lor either good or evil. "If the prices go lower," he ex claimed, "every industry iu the Southern Statin will In- disorgan ized t hereby." He waded into his subject without further prelimina ries, and said: "Today there in organized nil over Europe the Spinners' Confed eration, and they have for eighty yeara Isrll living on the pnsiucts of American soil. Eumieuua have siient many millions of dollars in endeavors to raise cotton on their territories, but every experiment proving a failure it haa liccu dem onstrated that no future attempt can succeed. They have learned now that the cotton growers of the Routhern portion of the 1'nited Slates have organized, and that with a cron of I I.IMhi.oimi haled the organized farmera kept the prices, and are willing to get ihick, ami them that the South if once on its feet firmly, as it was iu 1WKI and I'MH, and continues so during this year, they will never see cheap cotton again (applause), and they are out and hound to break the price of cotton. "If the whole South, its farmers, tanker and merchants, determined to sell for not less than 10 cent, and bold the Maple thiee weeks they will get 11 and li cents, for the Eurois-aii manufacturers are to day wiling their cotton goods on the basis ol 1.' ceiita cotton, and Americau tnanufactureni ou the basis of M cents collou, and they ar realizing good profits and divi dends ou their mills. The spinners will not give more (ban li cents foi cotton if they can purchase at that price. A week ago we had the Wash ington Bureau report of 71.1' Hashed throughout the cottoii world, and it broke cotton price PJ5 points, which means $ii per !ale. On the preseat crop it means that if the cottou wero sold for prevailing pric-s there would lie a loss o. .4,lMMi,(NNi to the growers. What is 71.St It was billowed by the weather nport which indicated that till to 70 mt cent, of the crop was picked, and 71.'.' therefore means the condition of the present plant. As soon as the world real Uea that there are not Me of cotton it will lie avaricious in giving yon l.'i cents, for the world is consuming 1l',."hi0,(Iihi (talcs. If this crop is what I he lieve it is, the world this year will not sec lil,'.'.'"i,000 bales of cottou. If not, and you hold your cotton until the true dition is realized, you will obtain 10, II, l'J and II cuts for cotton. The world must get it, and is already selling gtssls ou thai bufis. "As far as interest goes, there was never a time when the mnnictl men of the world were so much in favor of high prices for cotton. Wall Street is not against you, but it is opposed to low prices, Isvause the entire country is prosperous, and high prices for cotton will bring more money and gold hack into this countiy from Kurope. There is not a Is-ar of any conse quence, w ho would he unwilling to give II cents, and except for the 71.2 reiort I hey themselves would have evcu given 1 1 cents. These men are scared ol the 'condition, up fairly well, and now, as Kuroie has found that cotton cannot lie grown elsewhere, the spinners over there are trying to break the price of cotton, sons to put it where it w ill never rise iigaiu. The Euro caii spinners are using lit) per cent, of the cotton of the South. If they can get it at (i cents they will never again attempt to cultivate the will give you, the masters of the entire situation, 11 cents for cot ton, 1'.' the month after and 1't the month after that, when they know the true situation. The only inter est opposed to you are the entire spinners of Kurope. They are tie terniiucd to put the price of cotton down. 1'ultiiig the price of cotton down not only hurts the fanner. tarrhal Tonic ; J. I. lieiim-tl , with the Pleasant 1L U D k" w "'' church in South Carolina. A ragged little newsUiy entered X imvh rin s j e had a good meetiiu,'. AUmtJ.V a Pittsburg buiik one day aud bold . anu and they had l.u blewed during ly invaded the private tillice of the lOood Results in the County. X the meeting, but only two uuited 'resident. In,'..-.. with the church. At Mountain "Say, mister, ..Fall Opening... OF THE LITTLE-LONG CO., CHARLOTTE, N. C, Where the greatest stocks of all kinds ol merchandise are to be found. Our long experience and being able to buy in large quantities for both wholesale and retail puts us In position to defy competition in Dress Goods, Dry (loads, Coat 5uits, Milli nery, Carpets, Jewelry, Clocks, Watches, China. Clothing, Hats and 5hoes. SOLE AGENTS FOR Ladles' Home Journal Patterns- 10c. and 15c; "Centlmerl" Kid Gloves; "American Lady" and "Artistic" SJ.00 Shoes; American Gentleman and Crosset $3.50 and $4 00 Shoes; "Uil worth" $2.50 hats; Hawes $J-00 Hat. THE LITTLE -LONG CO. Wholesale and Retail, Charlotte, N. C. COLONEL U I. L1VIXGSTO!. Colonel L I. Urincnum, ktemher of the InduiitrialComniiwionsnil the lrtd BK DcmoiTitto memls-r of the Com muceon Approprislion in the IIous tf Reprveenutivee, whotfe home it at Atlanta, fifc, wrltem " Uk0 pleMsur la folnlng lib General Wheeler, Congreummm Hrem-er and when In rcxmmcndlnt Peruna aa an excellent Ionic and catarrh curt." Col. L. I. Livingston. Catarrh Carrd. All phaaee of catarrh, acute or chronlo, ire promptly and permanently curwi. It U through IU operation upon the nrr roua ay.lem that IVruna haa attainrd lurh a world-wide rx'pulatioo a a aura wd rellalile remedy for all phaMM of UUrrh whereTer loeatcd. Mr. Jaa.O. Morln, 11T1I Ontario atroet Montreal, Canada, write. ! 44 IVruna la certainly a great catarrh remedy. It rured me uf catarrh uf the head and I Kladly Indorse iu Canadians are peruliarly afflicted with thin diwasa and for yeara the doctor, have tried to overcome it with cliilm, powdera and pills, hut IVruna haaMilved the queiiUon and alnce the medicine haa two eital lihud here hundred of people have been cured of ralarrh." J. ). Morln. If you do not derive prompt and .alls factory mull from the ue of l'eruna, write at once to Ir. llartman, pivinn a full atatcment of your case and he will be pleaned to give you hU valuable ad Tic free. Address Dr. llartman, President of The llartniau Nauilariuin, Coluinliiu,0, & MATTER OF HEALTH Come and See a lot of the finest horses that have boon of fered on this market in years, every one of them well bred Virginia and Tennessee horses. They were selected with care and bought direct from the raiser. We all know that Virginia or Tennessee horses are better adapted to this section than those brought from other states. If you want a fine har ness horse that carries his head up and tail over the dash board, a pleasure to drive and something to be proud of, or a good saddle or combination horse wo have it, all young, well broken, good action and qualities right. Our Mr. E. W. Griflin will do his best to suit you in every way. Remember we pay the highest market price for cotton and cotton seed and sell heavy and fancy croceries at rock bottom prices. Come In and let us do business with you; we will treat you so as to sell you again. tub union Trade and Live siogk go. hut I eiiiiiiintee Unit if the rice of cotton in hehiw !l rents in Noveni lier you will never ee cotton alxive 10 centH iiain there ocrum a liiT crop dixn.ster. "There in another roinarkalile diet that should receive a great amount of thought from the fai in etx of the South. Iu no portion of the nlolie is the spinning industry increasini; inure rapidly than in t lie Southern States. l!ut tlie spin ner of t lie. South has arrayed against hi iu the Maine force that are op Mscd to the Southern farm. Uy depressing cotton early in the mar ket the Kiirnpean spinneis jmr chased eotton cheaper than the Southern spinners Isuiht it, and iim their Inhor wa clieaper they iiianufartiired and wild cotton goods cheaiHT, wtting up a furiiiidalile coin mI itiiMi to tho American man ufactured jjimkIs. They obtain freight rates " cents cheaper the hundred than do the New Kuglainl pinners, nnd by their ships they obtain freight on the water rheaHr, and they sell ellcct, ively in competition with Ameri can goods. The Smith iiroduces SO per rent. of the world's cotton supply. The Kiiropean spinners are alarmed lest the time soon come when instead if using jM'r cent, of this supply of Americau cottou the American mills will manufacture the full Ml imt cent., and I declare this time to lie not f.r distant. Within 20 years "" per cent, of the Americau supply w ill lie consumed by Anieri cau spinners, anil 50 ikt cent, in the South, and it is thus clearly secu to le to the interest of the spinners of the South to uphold the price ol cotton. I am ilied to hear that the hankers of the South tire for and with the Southern farmers, and will give all tlie facilities necessary to carry cotton at the prices the farmers want. As soon as it is known that a dig crop will not 1m marketed the price you demand is votlis. ( Applause). I am alisolutelv sure that It does not make any difference w hat the wars do, for the more and harder they ram, the higher the prices will go, if the farmers will but hold their cotton two or three weeks. If a liear sells a hale today, there is no surplus for him, he must buv a bale from you to re place it.'' New Cure lor Cancer. All surface cancers are now known to be curable liy ltucklen's Amic Salve. James Walters of I luflicld Va., writes: "I had a cancer on my lin fur years that seemed incurable till Ilucklen's Arnica Salve healed it and now it is perfectly well." ( iiiaranteed cure for cuts and bin lis. i!"c, at English Drug (W. The man who can and w ill not nay fur his meat and bread, nnd the shoes and clot lies lie w ears, wouui Is'tter keep bis scat in testimony meeting until he gets honest. hx A Judicious Inquiry. A well known traveling man who visits lha drue tiade says he has ollen heard druKgixts inquire ol customers who asked for a cough medicine, whether it was wauled for a child or (or an adult, and if for a child they almost invariably recommendedChamberlains Cough Remedy. The reason (or this is that they know there is no danger from it and that it always cures. There is not the least danger from it and that it always cures. There is not Ibe least danger in giving it, and for coughs, colds and croup it is unsur passed. For sale by C. N. Simpson nd S. J. Welsh. he said, 'can 1 put some money iu this liaiikt" "Certainly yon can," the presi dent aiwwrrcd: "how nint h do you want to deHiitf ' "A quarter !" exclaimed the youngster, pulling a handful of m-n ii lea and nickels out of bis HS-ket. The banker look him over to the receiving teller aud iutro dinged It i in with all the deference that he would have shown mil lionaire. The boy left the city soon after 0iening the account, but be kept adding to his deposit from time to time, aud as he was naturally bright aud shrewd, everything be undertook proMcred. lie is hack in I'iltsburg now, the head of a sue cessliil manufacturing concern aud one of the bank's most valued cus totuers. A year ago a proud young father out iu Michigan sei.t ?.'." to o'h au account for his first boru sou, then less than a week old. "The hoy'll heed it some of these days," he wrote, "aud we may as well be gin to save for him right oil." Six months later a tear dimmed letter came asking to withdraw the nion ey to pay the little fellow's funeral. A working woman iu a little tow ii in New Yoik sent it dollar bill in the name of her daughter, six years of age. "She'll lie mar ryiug by and by," she said, "aud ought to have something to start 'ile on." That was nearly two years ago, aud almost every week sitice .1 dollar bill has Is-en added to the account. There'll Is a snug little marriage jHiition for the young lady some day if nothing happen. " Not long ago a woman living iu Illinois sent , with explicit in st ructions not to let her "old man know alsmt it, as he'd be alter sieiidingevery cent of it fordi ink." Paints and Tails from Fourth Story Nio York IiiuiIi-Ii. II Ii. Notwithstanding a desiH-rate ef fort of his wife and son to hold him by the feet, alter he had fainted and toppled over the sill of an 0'h window, (icorge V. Kapp, cashier of the Coojicr Exchange bank, fell to the street from the lourtli Moor of his home at No. '.'Oil west Ninth street today and was killed. Mrs. Kapp and Iter son, llcrltcrt. saw .Mr. Kapp, who was in III health, suddenly fall over back wards, lloth mother aud son jump il to the window in time to sei.e the falling man by the feet. They Id h nit safely tor a few seconds, screaming for help, hut the assist- nice was slow in coming, ami Mr. Kapp's weight began to slip away from his rescuers. The realization of this terrible fact caused the wife's strength to desert her completely and the son, with his mother help less at his side, ami coiiiellcd to hold ins lather alone, was too light for iiis father's superior weight. Exhausted ami on the point of U'ing dragged over the window sill himself, the Isiy lost Ins grip and kapp fell to the street, lie died soon afterwards, lie was Wl years old. Don't Borrow Trouble. It is a bad habit to borrow anything hut the worst thing that you can possibly borrow is trouble. W lieu sick, sore, heavy, weary and worn- out bv the pains and poisons of lyspepsiu, biliousness, Height's dis east and similar internal disorders, don t sit down and brood over your symptoms, but fly for relief to Electric Hitters. Here you will hud sure and permanent loigeliuiness of all your troubles and your Isidy will uot be burdened by a load of debt disease. At English rug Co.'s, price 50c., guaranteed. Hills There goes a man who is always looking down in the mouth, and yet lie is happy. Wills -Who is he! Hills Smith, the dentist. Kan sas City Journal. it makes no difference how long vou have la-en sick, it you are troubled with indigestion, const i pat ion, liver and kidney troubUs, loliisler s liockv Aloiintaiii leu will make you well. .'." cents. English Drug Company. The man who laughs his way through the world leaves it with just as much in his possession as the man who tights his way through (iirls. if you want red lips, laugh iug eyes, sweet breath and good lisiks use Ilollister's llocky Moim tain Tea. The greatest beaut ilit known. .'!." cents, tea or tablets. English lirug Company. It is definitely learned that the entire expense of the President' Southern trip, amounting to .1,000 or ti,0O0, will be paid by the I'res ident out of his own pocket. Some Seasonable Advice. It may'be a piece of superfloua advice to urge people at this season of the year to lay in a supply of Chamber Iain's Cough Remedy. It ii almost sure to be needed before winter over, and much more prompt and eat isfactory results are obtained when taken as loon as a cold is contracted and before it has become settled in (he system, wbicb can only be done by keeping the remedy at band. This remedy is so widely known and so al together good that oo one should ties ilale about buying it in preference to any other. It is for sale by (.. N Simpson, Jr., and S. J. Welsh. Evtuv Mimuier there is carried on in the county a number of protracted meetings by the minis ters of the M-eral denominations. It (Kvuinsl to Tlie Journal its readers would lie much interested ', iu soiue account of this woik in its! Springs I held forth int. a Ncctioti ol our county dominated fur a long time bv the Primitive Haptist idea. but at this meeting the Primitive brother said he could endorse my lbs-trine 11114 heartily, aud tlie Methodist brother saiil the same, so it seemed that they all beard, the word of life iu their im-uliar tongue entirety. Therefore we have asked 'or dialect and were pleased. Kev the vveral ministers of each de nomination to give a brief account of their work during I he summer past. The total makes a great show ing. Each denomination, )iernais, know. something of what is going ou iu its own ranks, but little of that outside. The replies that have hecll received are published togeth er bet w: KKV. W. K. W'Ald', Mnilnl'IST. In the meeting that Kev. Mr. Ware has been engaged in there were over -in acceNsious, as folio: ,1. P. Ilipp-C.'iitre, I i: iictlilclicm, II: l.ik (irove, Car With Kev. .; Piosiect, Smyrna, mi'l, .1. With Kev. I.. I'. Slairy-Wav haw, 11 ; Pleasant (irove. I'll ion, 1-'. Iu the .Monroe meeting, 17. KI'.V.T, .1. Al.l.lsiiN, I'UKSIIY I t:UU. It allot ds me much pleasure in noting the progress which is being made iu the of education in I 11 it 11 . county, and iu the proseeu lion of my work as evangelist of Mcckiftihurg Presbytery. I make It a Miint to do all til my sier lierever I go to stir up the icoplc ,iik1 encourage and help them to build up their secular schools and lengthen their school terms. 1 held a meeting at Allan in tlie mid summer. Among the good re suits of that meeting was the deep- r awakening of the people in the community 011 the subject of a good school. An effort was at once Is' gun to raise by private subset ip- tion an amount sullicieut, together with the public school fund, to se cure a continuous scliool term 01 ight or nine months under the tuition of a first class teacher. It a matter of rejoicing that this lloit lias Ih'cii successful and the school is assured. Through the kindness of Mrs. Waller Hclk, the owner of the excellent school build ing at Allan, the school will lie conducted iu that house so well idapted to the work. Also I have become very much interested in the establishment of schiHil at Mineral Spring. It seems to me that it would 1m an xccedingly wise thing to move to the station tlie school iu theilistt ict that lies east of the railroad. Iet the western boundary of that dis trict lie extended sullicieiitly far to include the incorporate limits of the town. This would give a good school patronage, not too far from inyoiie. An effort is now U-iug mailt to build a suitable building at tin-slat ion. Any assistance given these M'ople Irotii the county schooM'iind w ill In' very appropri ately rendered. They are moving in the matter with a vie ol a long school term. A committee of citi zens was ntmoihtcii last night to devise a plan of a house and csti mate the cost, etc. And so the good work goes on, and may theliord continue to bless it. T. .!. A I I isux. Charlotte, Sept. LM, 100.1. KKV. W. K. WAlSdX, IIAI'TlsT. Ill compliance with yotii very kind request, I will now try togixe you a few notes about my summer's uiitiuir. 1 usually spemi Horn six to eight weeks ol the healed term. 11 time when the people al lionii1 ire really not anxious to la dis turbed bv a pastor's, visits, iu revi val meeting work with our country chinches, and this summer has la-en no except ion 10 the nil Mv first lin-etiiiir was with Weeping Joe," as he is familiar ly known among hi friends ( Kev The season's first col may be slight - may yield to early treatment, but t lie next cold will lian on longer; it will lie more troublesome, too. Un necessary to lake chances on that second one. Scott's Emulsion is a preventive as well as a cure. Take SCOTT'S E1LSI0K Li when colds abound and you'll have no cold. Take it when the cold is contracted and it checks inflamma tion, heals the membranes of the throat and lungs and drives the cold out. Send for fret umplt. SCOTT & BOW.N'E, Chemists tat-411 Psrl Street, Irw Tark Ms-SMall. l. A. Snider is the bishop of this Next I went upto llojiewell, aud for a week, despite the ram, preached to the (ssiple, and a goodly number professed faith and eleven joined the church and were bapti.'-d. "Ciicle Joe" is the pas tor of IIoHwell. Meadow llrauch was my next Miint and it was quite a joy to mingle with these gosl ieople. As a result I baptized eleven a mouth alter the meeting cloned. Baxter Fundeibiirk preaches lor this con gregation. Mount Harmony, where the twin Suslar brothers live men so much alike that it is said that the smaller children can't tell them apart and the older ones are constantly mix iiigtliem up - was tny next apioiut incut. We had line crowds and mine interest. Five united witli the church. Pastor Snider has a strong Ik 11 upon these ieople. Hamilton's Cross Koads was my next place. For two years now, I have been pi rinllled to ss-ak to these gissl people, and it is a jo) to liiid them so much iu earnest in tlie bird's wink. Teu were bap tied. Kev. A. Marsh attends to the spiritual side of this (HSiple. N'ext I went to Carthage, where I commenced the ministry, and held a leu days' meeting. Aliout thirty professed faith and fourteen were baptized, (ieo. J. Dowell is pastor. I hue to preach to the country people; they love to hear the old story, and it takes you au hour and a half to tell it. They are patient and sympathetic all the way through. I want to say this about our country pastors, they have been so kind and courteous to lue that 1 feel more anil more like placing myself iu a serviceable attitude and inviting them to command. May iod bless them all. I have aided Snider, Kennett, liivens. Marsh and Fiinderbiirk this summer, and they are a tine set of meu and give the visitor a gissl tune. Success to you, Mr. Editor, in the discharge of your duty in your very responsible xsilion. s'inccrely, W. V. Watson. Kl'.V. (I l.ii. KTKV KSrt, rilKSIIYTKHI AN. Ihiring the summer months it has Isvii my privilege to lalsir in I'uion ounty, giving one Sunday in the mouth to each of the four places, Mian, Morgan Academy, I nion ille ami Indian Trail. 1 11 addition to this regular preach ing aud work iu the several com munities, two meetings were held, with Kev. T. J. Allison doing most of the preaching. At Morgan Academy' we were not able to ac complish very much on account of trcipicnt rains. 1 lie attendance al preach ing services there is excel lent aud much good limy lie done. A church is needed iu the immedi ate vicinity of the academy, and the high school, it is lioiied, will l revived. At Altan our church has an or ganization, though 110 building. flie meeting was carried on there lor some days with much interest and good attendance. Six or seven made profession of faith ill ( hrist, three joining the Presbyterian church. Mr. Allison hopes to lie with them in another meeting this fall. At present Kev. (ieo. II. At kiuson is preaching twice a month iu the scliool house there. A good Sunday school is also being con duett d. t I nionville also the school building is used for public worship of all denominations. It will not Is long, however, until the Metho dist church will lie completed, when we hope a splendid meeting w ill Is- held. The Methodists kindly granted us the use of their church at Indian Trail for preaching and gcasl cou gregations attended. It is gratifying to note the spirit of harmony in christian work in our county. There is room for all who are working to advance the kingdom of (!sl and for tlie salva tion of souls through Jesus Christ. Some sections of the county need more christian workers, both as teachers and ministers. It is my prayer that the laborers now in the held may have continued and abundant blessings on their efforts and that true fruit may lie more and more manifest from year to year. uui, I . BTKVKNS. Louisville, Ky. RKV. J. A. KIVKNH, BAPTIST. I was assisted at Ilethel the fifth Sunday in July by Uro. A. Marsh, two baptized; at Hopewell the first iu August by ltro. Watson, eleven baptized; Koanoke the second in August by ltro. Ed Long, no addi sun; Macedonia the third to Ang uat by Uro. Ed Long, nine baptized. J. A. Bivexm. REV. E.B. KOHIKHON,PBIBYTKBUK I have five churches in Union county. There have been some twenty -five professions in the meet ings; twelve additious to the Pre- mi' P8HDE Absolutely Pure HAS 110 SUBSTITUTE A Cream of Tartar Powder free from alum or phos phatic acid byterian chunh. Churches took 011 new life. Cordiallv. K. I!. KniilvsiiN. kkv. .1. 1.. iiKNNKrr, itxrnsr. At Pleasant Valley, with Kev. W. F. Watson; Pocky Kiver churh, with Kev. S. W. Iteniiett: at Oak I irove, with Kev. J. M.I Fleiiiming; King Street, Waxhaw; at I'uion, with Kev. A. Marsh: with Kev. TalU-rt, iu Concord; at Iht-p Springs, with Kev. A. Marsh: with Kev. ,1. M. Fleiiiming, iu l!"b eson fouiily. Churches revived,! many accessions. KKV. S. It. ItlliN'K, ItU'Tlsr. Assisted iu meetings, with follow ing liuiiils r of accessions: Ml. Mo riah, I'.'; I.ilicrty Hill, :l; Herman. Ii; Salem, 1; Antioch, in South Carolina, In. KKV. II. A., IIUMIST. At Mountain Springs w it ti Kev. W. F. Watson, !i baptized ; Fanlks, with Kev. W. T. Talls rt, il bap tized; Mount Pleasant, with Kev. Mr. Tallicrt, 1.1 baptized; Mount Harmony, with Kev. Mr. Watson, ."1 baptized; Philadelphia, with llt-v. A. C. Davis, I t baptized. KKV. A. r. UAVIS, ll.UTIST. At Pleasant Hill, this county, fi baptized; liig Lick, Stanly county, '.'1 baptized; Pleasant! irove, one of the oldest churches iu Stanly, 1 baptized; two weeks iu Mecklen burg. Several other ministers who did work iu the county have not yet reported. How to Cure Corns and Hunions. Fust soak the corn or bunion in warm water to soften it, then pare it down as closely as possible without drawing tilood and apply Chamberlain's 1 'hi 11 Halm twice daily, riililiug vigorously for five minutes at rath application. A cum plaster should be worn a lew days tu pruttct it from the shoe. As a general liniment for spraiiis.liruisrs, lameness and rheumatism, Pain Halm is uneipialed. Kor sale by C. N. Simp son, Jr., aud S. J. Welsh. What we didu't know alsint the big insurance coin panics a few months ago would fill a cyclopedia. Stanly Enterprise. A Pleasure to All. No pill is as pleasant and positive as DeWitt's Little Karly Risers. These tamous little pills are so mild ami ef fective that children, delicate ladies and weak people enjoy their cleansing effect, while strong people say they are the best liver pills sold. Sold by English Drug Co. and S. J. Welsh, Kiglit thinking iieople have a righteous contempt for proselyting, And they are right. North Caro Una Ilaptist. Faith Not Necessary. You may he just as skeptical and pes simistic as you please. Kodol will ill gesl what you eat whether you eat or not. lull can nut your food 111 a howl pour a little Kodol Dyspepsia Cure on it and it will digest it the same as it will in your stomach. II can't help but cure indigestion and dyspepsia It is curing hundreds and thousands some had lailh and some didn't. Kodol will cure you if medicine ran cute, wheth er you have faith in it or not. Sold by Knglish Drug Co and S J. Welsh. A Young- Business Woman. The Kalcigh Enterprise lias dis covered a bright young business woman. Her name is Miss Elbe Ihmd, and she lives at Angier, iu Wake county. Two years ago her father gae her a deed for a store house, stock ol giMHls and nine) dwelling houses, all hs-ated in An gler. .Miss lioiid was then but 13 years of age, and at that time the -dock was worth alsiut t'MM. A recent inventory shows that it is worth i.lCu. i'. The Enterprise says that Miss Komi lias conducted Ibe business unaided. She collects the rents for nine houses ami rents a dairy busi ness that nets aliout i.'i.'i tier month iu addition to everything else. She knows how to buy and what to buy. Site recently arranged to buy 1,000 bushels of North Carolina corn to Is' delivered Octols-r the first. Miss Itund isdescrils-tl as bright, pretty, energetic. Ami the infer ence is that she is a favorite with young men. There is mure catarrh in this sec tion of the country than all other dis eases put together, and until the last few years was supposed to he iu incur able, l'oi a great many yeara doctors pronounced il a local disease and pre scribed local remedies, auJ hy con stantly failing to ruie with local treat ineiit, pronounced it incurable. Science has pronounced ratanh to be a consti tutional disease and therefore require constitutional treatment. Hall's Ca tarih Cure, manufactured by K. J. Cheney & Co., Toledo, Ohio, is the only constitutional cure 011 the market. It is taken internally iu doses from 10 drops to a leaspooulul. It acts directly on the blood aud mucous surfaces ot the system They otter one hundred dollars lit any case it fails to cure. Send for circulars and testimonials. Addiess: F. J. CHENEY & CO., Toledo, Ohio. Sold by druggists, 75c, Take Hall s Family Pills for consti pation. The church sullei-s every time it puts forward a ma.i of quest innnhle honor in lil'e'sallairs. North Caro lina Haptist. Insomnia and Indigestion Cured. Last year I had a very severe attack of indigestion. I could uot sleep at night aud suffered most esrruciatitig pains for three hours after each meal. I was troiihltu tins way tor about three months when I used Chamberlain's Stomach and Liver Tablets and re ived immediate relief," says John Dixou, Tullamoie, Ontario, Can. For sale by C. N. Simpson, Jr., and S. J. Welsh. The Supreme Court has refused to grant a new trial to lliomas V. IVwey, the Newls-rn bank default er, anil he will have to serve sis years in the Slate penitentiary. Full of Tragic Meaning are these lines from J. II. Simmons of Casey, Iowa. Think what might have resulted from his terrible cough if he had uot taken the med icine aliout which he writes: "I bad a feat fill cough that disturbed my night's rest. I tried everything but nothing would relieve it until I took Dr. King's New Discovery for consumption, coughs and colds, which completely cured me." In stantly relieves and permanently cures all throat and lung diseases; prevents grip and pneumonia. At English Drug Co.'s, guaranteed, 50 cents and 1. Trial Isittle free. IMMItratlNIIHUIIIINIIMIIIItNltimillllllrHlllltltllllllllllllllltlltlllllNltUIIIIHII 1 GonveiileiiGe and safety. I These are the characteristics of the modern banking biwi- ness. No man who wishes to have his money in an absolute- ly safe place can afford to let it stay out of the bank. There I it is not only safe, but there it can be best and most easily 1 used by him. When you have a bank account you are never I bothered about making change or sending money off. All I you have to do is to write a check on your bank. All this 1 saving costs you nothing. When you deposit money we give 5 you a check book free and charge you nothing for keeping S the account, and you can take all the money out whenever I you want to. If you want to leave it for a stated time we s will pay you interest on it, I Fat your money where it will serve you best, and where I neither burglars nor fire can touch it The People's Bank is the olddst and largest bank in this section, and has a lonor and splendid history for honesty, safety and liberal treatment of its customers. We want every man in Union county who hasn't already a bank account to open one wiCh us. We take large or small accounts. Iht PEOPLE'S BANK ef MONROE. LO. P. Heath, Pres. J. K. English, lce-rrea. Koscoe rniier, uumer. mmmmn&mammmnmmnanawmawawnm

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