THE MONROE JQURHAL R. F. BEASLEY. I p.... Tuesday. October 17. IWS. Farm Labor Not the Only Scarce Ererybxly ha heard lout the rarity of farm labor. But tliU if nut the onlv kind of Libur tlat U afarce in the South, There U i ararcity in every line uf activity. The remarkable thing about the sit nation U that nftonly is both skilled and unskilled labor aearw, but there u a W k of men U till position of trust and iilace that require nuuiag ing ability. Right here in Mnn the Uiing that most prevent new and small but profitable enterprise from springing up faster is that there are no capable men to manage them. Capital could be had fi r many small industries if there were promoters in whose managing ability people had confidence. Not only is this true in manufacturing, but it is also true m the mercantile business. With the accumulation of capital the nunilier of places here men of character and ability are needed increase daily. Heretofore capital has been employ ed in the South under the supervi sion of the men who owned it Its increase has Urn so rapid that the time has come when more managers are needed. The production of men has not kept up with this demand.' and today this is the one tlung that I most cripples our dev elo ment. Only' few days ago a man living here re-1 marked to the writer that he could j The CUnaman wis a tremendou success in Charlotte, as at all other Southern point. Mr. Thomas Dixon. the author, is traveling with the corn - A Darinf Jail Delivery. Atttmiir Ith. u. I -..4tr !' The nnwt delilierately planned and shreJ!v executed jail delivery that h is occurred in u estern Ninth t aro- panj for the purpose of observing Una smce the notoriou lUy and An the effect the play has upon the pub lic. It is netting him about the hun dred dollars a week, but be says that dersun esca(e here, some it' years aii. took, tdjce at the Iiuninil- countv jail in thiscity between and aeuoes uot care m niuvu ior e t,su-and si v colored, cut their wav nnaocial as for the artistic effect,' through the steel cag-s. sawed Ke already having made enough to live on. The curtain had not gone down on the play on the first night of its presentation before he had oilers from New York managers who were an- an outer iron bar acns the ventila tor, and uii::n clear of the win dow, clamored down the brick wall of the jail building and escaird tn the darkness. The while prisoners who nude their cseaie were John loustogetit for their house in the rate of JIadisou county, cliargiM metronolui. It will set the ,u iu r m,an- aml , , ..... , , lone of the most desiderate nun iu .wnonnrewua iu poeriui pre-, WwWn Xor,h ,-ari,hl Slr!lrtl senUtionof theiMnditionstiiatcalieJ ijjj. i(.nr- jv,v forth and necessitated the Klu Mux, (and Hob Duncan, all chare d witu and when it gets on the Northern larceny The escaped m-cro pr:-n- (stage it will open some eyes. While SLM Mr. Dixon is the first U write a book , jt.7t,tlilh lliv,n" a! h with Klu Klux characters that ob-j bnvuy, and Je Sal ley. cii.irpd uined wide publicity, he is nt Hie i w ith burinsy Jam.-s Allen is the first to couceive the" value of those I negro w ho ix.blrd ti e nsi.ieive of i i.- .lit Supt. Kam-'ur of the Ashevi e ui- times and conditions as the back- , .. " ,. . ,. . .. , vision of the Nutliern liau; , and ground for a great book. Jlr. 1. J. , acalI1;it ,, ,.te wert. r;Vt. ,-as. s Jerome of this place wrote the first j t the time of the jail delivery novel embracing this subject. It (there were 2i prisoners cutined in was called "Klu Klux Clan No. 40." j th two cas ..f the county jail. Of, this nurr.U-r, nine declined to take The davs of piracy and mutiny at J vantage of an op,vrtuu.ty to wain ' ' . (gain tlieir liU rtv and remained U- sea have passed, but a cruel andhnJ ,ht in n lif lt, Kl,tlU, j bloody deed like those of old wao , Althn:h these nine pnnors re-l enacted on the sea somewhere off the frained from making their escape.' Carolina coast some time ago. Tlwithey nevertheless faded to warn or; ,-rv- f , .mall vel mutinied, slew " 111 "w es, arr, , u.r the otlicers of the ship, and took harge. When the Uat was appre hended and broudit into Sut!nort : went into the ;ai! to l.n-k tin lii-r ,Wks hk.kml lik,. slanclitor ers into their cells for the l::ght. IVrsiJent will Break,iait In Ral- live tln re at I III p m. instead of 7 eith oa ThursJay ami Kca.h a:iJ t ave at 1 -.V The st.-p at Lex Charlotte at 7.IU. a.-, n is wt s heduled. tut the ar-iu'nii- ! (.Cig.:! tit to sinltwti n.inutcs at Tlie cmiiiiitlee having in clare tll p-'int will rarrutl out Tlte the HMrpth i4 the rrsni-! t lu re I'lesideiit l;isy a long while this met this afternn and n adetae tiii.d nirmt:g aith Secrrtjnr li b. He arraiigcuienis. Streiary l.bM.'t has prepared tiieniaj.ity of hi kng by a geiitleman wlw can:e here sptvhes t! at he will dt-liter in the to k k over the ground, tlart it was So.i!h. notably t!i.e in lUhmoiid. dired to haie the slnvt ah iig ILil.-ih and A'lauuv. and copies are winch the pnvesic-n wou;j ,t roi-vl. as is il.'Ue iu the huaf ecus, and M;ior.l.'li!i-.'U s-i.J this would be atu-mled to. The lresident will U'tak. n t, t!i Kveeiitue M uimoii, and after break fast the hue of march w ill U- taken to the fair grounds, .jmte a ftx'twu of tlie city .erd in the i ute On the of the I'reM.h nt"s car nagewill l a vret service nun and thnr others will I in ti c cai riage unmeilutely follow a-g that of the IVesi.lciit. ii arrival at the fail grounds t:.e prui i. it w.ileutcr the nii-e course, the Presidential pa:t. tiie tJoxernor and ('uticil of !.it. . going to the ngM. and the n.ilitary to the left. The isiilit.iry will, march past the President and ti t- eni.T. wtio wis; Ik-on t: iHaki: stand N taoin the :r ud?.in I ra.v course Provisi -n has Uvh ma.Se ly winch at i-at .hium . pie oli easily sv the IV si.tcnl U the stand will U the pies, h ut and his party of seven, ii ,veni- i ilh nn. the Council of S:at-an.i the i r.nal u:T. in the h inds f t,v a;us lire a- -ia!:,ns Many other siwhe are vet to l pn-p.ire, and tlw IVrsidcut will ! busy on these uutil he h-ave V aslutigton. 1 other eleven. and the first knowledge Sheriff Keed had of a jail delivery ; shortlv after 10 o'cl.n-k when he nsn- The othoial itenerary dent's S'Uthern t, ur gotten up in leaflet f,,r from the white h. is.' oulv change in tin sche Carolina, as p;.l!isl nspon,hiice, is !h f '-e "as -I.e. ,! it' l.oi;i at t turiotte The ;::e.v s'led Hie rth !a! 1 ar- pcu. The crew were negroes and are now in jail at Southport. j i Cestive Britie and Uroom of the Rowan Countv Home. not get men to attend to parts of his: Wingate News, business which required them and; the expansion of his business inter Wingate, Oct. IC Mr. and Mrs. ests was thereby hampered. Another K. H Hivensof M,.iir,r sjHiit yester- oue said that he had been looking in , JV at the home of the former s pa- vain for a man to take charge of a rents. The marriage of Miss h:i Dawson and Mr. Joe M, Daniel, those antique paupers, was dii,y celebrate.! yester day evening in the chapel a! the county home, four miles fi' : Salis bury. Kev. Dr. 1'. .! Mur.l.vk per- Mr W n,l,ta i,,l,irn..,l ( ' ' ' " . 1 . business, and being unable to find ! hi; C'Z iwkinJlr in list Kn-' , mT' '" ' r-v ,. ,,. , ,11 ins uome near uoikini.tiam tost rn- ,,,,lm.ut ,,f .Lnnny was evident, lum. could not ojrn up the business.; day to spend a few- days. jTU, u,,.(i lh,,ir,,m. So it gix's. I he only explanation is I Mr. . h. Iwoek left fort wis. S.( ..; i,m,.j a,lS ,,f j;,; years plighted that hinted at above, namely, that!1' inst.. where he will take tu.lrtr; n, with auieaiimgness The development lias been so rapid that:"'; 'V T f, . i . ls '' ''"de just past ... I , ' jiim tftiiur rvcint.tii, a !uuuin tn trains men could not U prluced , thp wingate Miol, returned to h-r within the time. hatevcr the cause, h(e near Wadesboro tmlav, on ac me dehciency is a serious matter count of the illness ot tier lather. How it shall lie owicome we ,lo n..i I The young ladies of Wingate hav lniw :orgiiiu,'.e. I he old gentleman crop: i aisie t the a.tar wearing i sat down ith his tiaiic down t lu lus :,at and -. He was lilt tin a Hible c!as. academy on Saturday Lax Views Among W hites as Crime Anionic Negroes. to made by the city editor of the Char- uuie I'oserver, in reporting a municr among the negroes: "Coroner W, A. Cirvsham, w ith the following jurors, held an inquest over the remains of Calvin Simmons, the negro who was shot to death at Moses' Sanctuary church, in lierry hill township, Friday night; Messrs. S. C. Ross, W. ().' Johnson, C. It. Flournov, Joe Thornley, James H. I,. Phillips ami J. II. Hatch. The ver dict, after abundance of evidence, was fo this effect, that the deceased came to his death by knife and pistol wounds made by Dave and Joe Alex ander, respectively. The sheriff was ordered to hold the slavers without bail. "The evidence in this case devcl ojied the fact that the killing of Sim mons was after the up-to date negro fashion. Mecklenburg county has had more than one hundred' such murders among the colored popula tion. The negro becomes offended over a trivial matter and draws his weapon with the lixed purpose of dealing out death to a fellow man. Very few murderers of this sort have suffered the full penalty of the law in tins county. So long as a w hite man is not concerned, the authorities, as well as the people, fail to become interested in the bloody deeds If Iteve and Joe Alexander are good field hands some reputable white man will beg for mercy, when they are tried, and ask the court to make the sentence light. This has been the rule heretofore, and there is no reason to hoi for a change. The law-abiding citizen does not think enough about the negro murderer so long as the victims are of his own race. If the testimony heard yester day proves to be correct, Joe Alex wider is guilty of willful and pre meditated murder, and his brother Dave is an accessory in the crime. It looks like dastardly murder. These negro rows and shooting scrapes come too quick on the heels of each other, and if they continue, white persons may suffer. There came near being a double homicide at Salem colored church Sunday a week ago Yi ithin a week followed the lierryhill affair. There is no telling where the next win occur. Wind tiger liquor lurnisnes the fuel for the outbursts of brutal passion, and the rural com munities are bound to feel the bloody hand soon or late. It is a serious proposition for the law-abiding per son, whether he be white or b ack Tbe fear of tlie gallows keeps the hot- blooded negro from shooting down i white man when he becomes infuri ated because of some imaginary or real wrong. This is the boldest statement of an unpleasant truth that we have seen, but who can doubt that it is true? There is no question that a large class of the negro population holds Terr lightly the killing of each other. If this idea is allowed to flourish through the cupidity of white men, how long, as the Observer suggests, will it be that the brutes can be held in leash from attacking white men with the same unprovoked fury? The white men who secure the liberty of such brutes for the sake of their labor are playing with fire. Still In tlie ring for chickens and ggs, J. A. Lingle. Jlr. D. 11. Perrv has sold his house ami lot to Mr .1 A. W atson win siime ancharitical S.ilisl W ,10 .'Ain't win move Here in the near future ,,i,,r , , he Mlii. Ue 1, 1 think l! : jir. l . .u to .Mr. J. J. business at Jinn me. 'told to remove it ati-i stand, which latter o,.si!i,i!t ln.lh t.,k T:., eer,- tthicil inceUs' i ,;,,i,.i ,i ', ,...,.!.. night. i,..v.'.,l ,-,i,,l.r, .'. ,,,.1 ,,,,,- C- n'l!K-'f mm,n: 'presents. I'liev then wen! to the dili ville, . H. Nnall of laxahaw and wim, th eoun'v gave a .1. II. Hivens of Anson countv have i,,,, ,,.. n... i .... i .,' c..,; The follow ing striking remarks are ; recently entered school here. ' her s.H-ori,l-u v v,uil. vo.l t i i inmP ii ry ciothirr vi til married vet.-' I lie bach- replied that he was not. Then ii.,.,. Ilogan has ,mld his store ,. Th., Has rt,a,h. thl,' ,1llv Perry and will go into ..: a, ,,. ,.i ,..u ,;, en- ' i.,,,,. i,..,, ),,.,, ,if.,,,-..,i ,,i,i t,i ., gaged with the White Oak Dairy. ,. tk, lwam ttl ,,,,,,. iUi;, Mr. J H daddy has a very .re rile to S),,ni,.r alll, b;i, k Tll,v hand which was hurt in the gin .,n conmw to live out their dav"s some time ago. on the county's charitv and will i- uiegimiiiK i.aiii caug.u on lire ,,.,.,, ,,. llimi, ;l!t ,1(.v again Saturday, the second tune this i, i,, ..i, ,,,i,,,- seas,in, but little damage was dune - Jlr. D. F. Jones has sold his house The U-st yet! lloine inii.le mo and lot near the academy to Kev. S. I huwes. I s. Helms. II. Hnvk. I - There will be a public debate Try my new crop home made here at an early date. The! mohues. L. S. Helms, question is, "Resolved, That Japan did not receive her just dues in the' dust received u nice line of up peace conference." The alhrmative to date hats. Collins lliggrrs. will be represented by Messrs. II B Jones and W. D. Reynolds, the neg ative bv Messrs. R. L. Jh'Whirteri '"' at l.ingl' and Ray Funderburk. The public is cordially invited. J. Creo Belle" Cigars The cigar of the ii v ie) lie'le," l.ei.cise maile right, smokes rig all right. See that you it alien yo-.t want a smoke none other will i, so woll. Hand :r..u!e, imiui made. At all linar stand hav ' i; Km I! She Accepts You Tiie day won't U far distant when ou will lie confronted with the gnu-erv problem. And we'll wagi r y.ii will find it a mighty hard proposition. t.. S'art right - get acquainted w ith us -we'll help sin ith the thorny path of housekeeping for the new ly wed couple. We will serve you both iron, mically and promptly -we will kivp your wants sii j'ln -d at the miiiiinum vtvst. F' T a young couple, as a rule, must start on a small scale, we si.ppiy tlie wants oi ue small 'aii ily as readily as the demands of the largest hotel. We have a clean slore. clean goods and a clean reputation. Westaitel right and we have kept to the right ever since. Starting right half the battle we'll tight tw.v ii. Is of your starting half if you wio l'iiv your groceries here. May we have the pleasure? BRUNER 6 HUEY. ! - ,h . , I KniCfii, Ham- Atnl MrMk .ik,-r 111 all fan, lite, i Hon I ll. : l,n. I. U' Is .. 1 .-1 Villi INxiit.l guur promise to Ten We sell the old reliable brands Notice of Summons. Sttt!.'.,f ..rt'! I ,Hr,,;ia. , ,!!( I hl-.n I -Min'v i Ht-f..: I I ' u ...... I, . ... . .. f i ,i of slim', "Stone Crusher,'' "Anvil i t"Ii. I. K Tli'-in.l-. H .1 s nn I 1. till. W A A II-' 11, . I ,.'' I" H -im .(,. H II Cl. liruud," etc. They cannot bebeut. Collins iS; iliggen. K J I' Pm i. Don't Borrow Trouble. It is a bad habit to ttorrow anything but the worst thing that you eau possibly borrow is trouble. When sick, sore, heavy, weary and worn- out by the pains and poisons of fyspepsia, biliousness. Bright s dis ease and similar internal disorders, don't sit down and brood over your symptoms, but fly for relief to j ni Klectric Hitters. Here you will find sure and permanent forget fulness of all your troubles and your body will not lie burdened by a load of debt disease. At English Drug Co.'s, price Site., guaranteed. It is a Well Known Fact that we sell the best Shoes made. And we invite you to call and inspect our large fall stock. Everybody sells cheap shoes, but we sell good Shoes Cheap. You will find here a complete assortment ; of the famous Old Virginia Shoes for all; the family and the Morris and Red Raven Shoes for men. These are the best that can be made and we have them in all the leading styles and leathers. We want your shoe trade and will sell you the best shoes for the least money. McRae Mercantile Co, COMING ON ITS OWN TRAIN! THE GREAT- V&n Amburg Shows, Circus, Museum, Menagerie, Will Positively Lxhihit at Monroe, Tuesday, Oct. 24th. Combined on a scale of magnitude never attempted before. Com ing in all its vast entirety. Bigger. Hotter, tireater, Grander than cents sie onion pickles for ' , " ' , y , ;'m,V rsew heature. at l.inde's i i-itnii. i ,irantio. Moral Muzotim of Marvels. New Cohlen Menagerie. rM.-JS&a&;!&&is Many Strange Zoological Specimens Including the Rarest Animals in Captivity. The Lioness, Ql'EEN, and her family of younjr cubs. A $.im FKATURE-the larreHt living Hiri'uroTAMUS in captivity, weiKhinr 6.(MK) pountk A Mon.tter Hluod-5weatinjc IWhemoih, of H1 Writ, Captured in the uensesi Mardts oi me wildest reKHns oi the mysterious KiverNile, A Zoological Garden HrouRht to your city on wheels. The Human Meteors, the IaPearl ramny ot hensational Aenalste. Harihars Japanese Troujm. Mons. Carlosa, the great iK'rpendicular ladder Artist. Wheeler's Marine Band The finest Musical Organization traveling with any Circus in America. i-rry itn-t .nt'!' lMaiiiiitT-, 4 I ilit V II.- M I'lv.t-r ami hu,t"l anlr Hnnitiii.n, t H ! rn lit), M l ii-'im, W .1 ti-U n i M Ati-ll:t. it r u-1in, K , i - ( 'liiit)rt'it, h-i of h it- inn IVe.-v kit u i, uifi Loiti He, rn- nn. 'inkn-i ii i. ii'-ir- hi ;i (.f rit-.iii tifir m-Uw "f ? K hit v t. -l-f.'!iilittr 1 hi' tie fptKiail!-. aUiyr tin Mit'tt w tit 'rt,f ! iif tlml nn f!itu1 iti jriv.- m i-rn i-i'iti nirilf'Clt IH I ht "11 T1"M Hit rt lhf I IH"H (HUM' V IN r.furftl -flit' f'if t-flJl.tlutt l-f lll" fHl.t r-tat 1 titi t T I' I Utc. Thiiininiiiil ttttifr Mint Hf in ( ni."i rn,it!v, N.r.,n,t Hlf -Hl-i -ii-f.'ll-Utlt- Wltl fllKin-r ) trtk' in it h- t!uil f !tfV nr rr.(in In n. r Vive -t tllf lelk .'f tht- NiMrLtr ,,f I nl'Ui ct.tnitv, N r ...ri the Kitt VntMii U-r. tmifi. hicii -t.t oit.r i- In ilif r.'iirt ii.iti-' of on hi i-uiitil hi M.-tin. S r , mi.t an-wt-r i-r lit-nmr ti Hit-fiiiihimt in i. mf..'u. nr th pinU(T will ai'l'i.l ( tli c.tirf f -r th- r.-! i,.f 'tt-nimle1 Itl r..iniiiNM'f Mm- ' i-ti.U-r id, K A AKMHKI l ( l,r itf .Snjn'rinr t iiiif ; i i tv, , Ailnni. Jtrtiin' A A rnil5cii, Aliyn fur iiint iflx. MONROE, N. C. ooocooooq: mm. 2" c-i - y Gr&.nd Street Pageant. The new and costly Steam Piano to be seen daily in our Free Spec tacuiar oireei raraae. a urand liala Uay. i'repare for the com mar event One ticket admits tn all nrlvertispH shown All Chil dren Halt Price. No Qamblinic or Swindling allowed. Honest and Fair Dealing the motto of this vast concern. Two Performances Dally. Door open at I and 7 p. m. Remember the Day and Date, Monroe, Tuesday, October 24th. Our Prices for Staple Goods Are down to low water mark. There is no possibility of their going lower and the tide is sure to turn before a great while. Long experience and careful study have taught us where and how to buy. As a result of this knowledge we buy in large quantities in the best markets, and pay cash, thus obtaining the lowest prices and the biggest discounts. We give our customers the ben efit of the concessions we receive, and no one who has to pay for his stock can afford to undersell us. The prices we quote are not misleading. They are a fair representation of the values we are offering in every line. 5.m yards Apron Ginghams, JJc. yarJ. IVautiful line of Outing ami KUnmlettin for iiUfs anJ kiimmaii, only Ilk', yard. New line, pretty patterns, heavy cotton fab ric railed "Audrey Suiting. " lk like iil, especially suited for sohnl dresses and skirts. F.itra quality, fast colors, 10c. yard. Full yard-wide Bleach lVraestic, Sc. yard. Fearless Bleachings, splendid quality, only "c. yard. Amoskeag Ginghams, elegant line. Indigo Blue with stripe, guaranteed fast colors very durable. 1'rice like. yard. Full yard-wide IVrcals at 5c yard. DRESS GOODS AND SILKS. $1.25 Yard-Wide Colored Chiffon Taf feta at 98c. per Yard. The new reds, greens, browns, greys, solid colored yard-wule CliifT.ui Tafteta, very )Hpular for suits and waists, $1.25 value, i)8c. yard. SI. 25 Guaranteed Yard Wide Black Taffeta at 88c. $1 25 Two Toue Changeable Jacqtiard at 75 cents yard. Changeable Jattpiard (noal patterns) brown, tan, blue, green, etc., 27 inches wide, .fl.2." value, l'rice 75c. yard. NEW DRESS GOODS ARRIVALS. Scotch Plaid. Mohairs and Sicilians. Tiny have just arrived and possess many posilni ilies for making effective Fall Suits". 3t inch wide 4Se. yard; 42 inch wide 5(o. yard. .KVinch full lustre Brilliantine; colors black, blues, 75c. value. Price 4Hc. yard. We are agents for the Collingswnod's Woolen Mills of Philadelphia. Not a better line of Black Dress Goods made for the money. Full line Poplins. Melrose, Grauitcs, Panamas and Indies' Cloths. Every train brings something new for ut. It would be well, therefore, to come to see us often. W.H.BELK&BRO. Cheapest Store on Earth. w ANTED Three probation uurnrv Uualificatiunt: A good charac ter, good home training, good liraltli, a tliorouKh acadrmic rduration, an even temper, a quirt toDKW, given to duty and self Hacrifire rather tliau to plramire aud arlf indulgence, enrrget' ir, aef king nursing an a clioaeu work rather than a convenient step to mar riage or other preferred loin. Appli cant must be not under to nor over 25 years of age. Aiihcraft & Stewart Sanatorium. Monroe, N. C, October j, 1005. NEW Koyal Sewing Machiuei at Dillon's. The Herrick Shoe for women. For style and comfort they have no equal. The latest fall styles now in, at The People's Dry Goods Company. The Big Show .Uonror fins litnl one sfoir ilils full untl is to liiitr miiilii r iJ one fiis month. Slimr iliuj is nhnus it (iJ iliuj. Thnusiuuls nfn o ilr vow i' to tinvn Hint tin if to sir thr li$ civ ftiimf, vfv. Itttt stioir thuj litis no vsjurittl nttrtiiiion fur us. . , ivouhl 1011 sn post f Jiirtuisc ur witnagv oiLaJii'J show six days firry link. v show Inintlirtls of -plv firry day our ti$ linv of Dry (loads and droi t rit s. Ill- hair a large and iirlt siiui vd stoeh. Mm and women t ome and look, then they vome haek ami hUy. W e hair tlie lust stork in town. New Fall and Winter Goods are Now In and Still Coming. We will sell you Shoes at a priee that will fi tide you. All kinds of winter iiootls: flats, Shoes, Hose, Stinking, deans, Shirting, Calico, Suspenders, anything you want at the very lowest figure. It is no trouble to show our stock. Come around and get our prices before you buy. W e will certainly save you money. Our Grocery Line is also complete (a t ou r ju ices before you fat y. We will pay the highest market price for your prod tier. Yours for business, KENDALL GROCERY COMPANY. We have on hand one of the highest lines of new Buggies, Surrics-, Spring Hacks, and Wagons that we have had since we began business and wc are going to sell them at a bargain. Terms reasonable. Harness, double and single. Remember that we have a man that can make your harness to order. Drop in and sec us. Horses and mules for sale or exchange. THE SIKES COMPANY.