THE MONROE JOURNAI VOLUME XII. NO 39 MONROE, N. C, TUESDAY OCTOBEP 31 i90B One Dollar a Year HAVE you ever thought about havint vour life insured? ? ? ? ? Well, you better quit so much 'thinking and do some acting There are lot of policies, but only one Income In demnity I'.Iicy. . . . GEO. B. CRAVEN, Monroe, N. C. Tire in Charlotte. ChArMtv l Hrm, tti . At 2 10 o'clock yesterday after noun, when the rily ami the fair ground were full iif people, a lire broke out in the livery and feed stable of J. C. Cochrane & lint, at 15 North College street, and swept north to Fifth, ami then went to Moore's milk demt. in the rear of the city hall, gutting building after building as it went Something like ? !S,nh worth of property, includ ing '-".) horses anil mules, was de stroyed. The lire was nothing short of a calamity, not because of the amount ef damage done but the way it is distributed. Kirring eight horses, seven owned by S. I- Voder and his partner, Mr. Kenna, traders from Maiden, and one, by the Messrs Cochrane, the dead slock belonged to farmers of the county who had come to town to attend the. fair 1 nis maKes me story oi uie loss a sail one. Man v of the men who lost their horses and buggies are hit hard. A Judicious Inquiry. A well known traveling man who visits Hi ill in; tiadu says lie liasofteu heard iIiuckIkIh inonire ul cii?timera ho asked fur a cough mrdinne, li-thri il ai wanted (or a rhili) or for an adult, anil if for a child they almost in vurialily recom mended (. haiiiberlaina Cough Remedy. The reason fur tliit in that they know there is no danger from it and that it always curea. There ia not the leant dancer from it and that it alaays cures. There i not the least danger in giving it, and for coughs, cold am croup it is unsur passed. For aale by C. N. Simpson and S. J. Wel.h. Hone 5easc Hints. fmrm hmrmml. Don't leave nie hitched in niy stall at nielli with a big coi right here 1 must lie down, lam tired I ami can't wleet a smooth place. I Dou't roiiiiel me to eat more suit than I want by mixing it with my louts. 1 know better than any oth er animal how much I need. Don't think tieeause I go free un der the whip 1 dou't gvt tired. j Yn would move nuder the whip. lhiu't think lieeause I am a horse , that weeda and briars won't hurt my hay. Don't w hip me when I get fright ened along the road, or I will ex pect it next time and niaylie make troutile. IKm't trot me up hill, for I have to carry you and the buggy and myself too. Try it yourself some time, linn up lull with a big load, I ton t keen my stable very daik for w lien I go out into the light my eyes are injured. I Mn t say "whoa unless vou mean it. Teach me to slop at the word. It may check me if the lines break. and save a runaway and smash i p. I on t ask me to kick w ith blind; on. I am afraid to. IKm't run me down a steep hill. lor if anything should give way might break my neck. i "on i put on my iiiiuii hrniie so that it irritates my eyes, or so leave my forelock that it w ill be in my eyes. Don't le ho can-lias of niy liar nens as to liml a great sore on me liefoie you attend to it. Dou't forget the old Itook that is friend of all the oppressed, that says: "A merciful man is merciful to his Insist. " TWO STATE SENATORS ENDORSE PE-RU-NA. One Arc you certain that you love the girl? Tutlicr-Certain? Why, I can't sleep of nights for thinking about her. (ne-l get the same effect from my lailur' bills. New Yorker. Some Seasonable Advice. It may be a piece of snparftous advice to urge people at this season of the year to lay in a supply of Chamber Iain's Cough Remedy. It ia almost sure to lie needed before winter is over, and much More prompt and sat isfactory results are obtained when taken as soon as a cold is contracted and before it lias become settled in the system, which ran only be done by keeping the remedy at hand. This remedy is so widely known and so al together good that no one should hes itate about buying it in preference to any other. It is for sale by C. N. Simpson, Jr., and S. J. Welsh, Sick headache ia caused by a disor dered condition of the stomach and is quickly cured by Chamberlain's Stom ach and Liver Tablets. For sale by C. N. Simpson, Jr., and S. J. Welsh. (lil ts, if you want red lips, laugh lug eves, sweet li anil vimm! looks use llollixter's Kocky Moun tain Tea, The greatest heuutilier known. .'I.! cents, tea or tablets. Kuglish Drug Company. Cockleburs are getting scattered, and everv farmer should see that the seeds are not li lt in his fields. If cut or pulled up early these weed could lie dropped any w here, but now it is too late. It would not take long to go over the fields and get them out. They could tie put in piles on ditch or dike bunks or at the end of rows, to lie burnt later when they are dry and the crop ia off. Selected. There ia moie catarrh in this sec- tiou of the country than all other dis eases put together, and until the last few years was aupposed to be in incur able. Foi a great many years doctors pronounced it a local disease and pre scribed local remedies, and by con stautly failing to cure with local treat ment, pronounced it incurable. Science has pronounced catarth to be a consti tutional disease and therefore requires constitutional treatment. Hall's Ca tarrh Cure, manufactured by K. J. Cheuey 4t Co., Toledo, Ohio, is the only constitutional cure on the market. It is taken internally in doses troin in drops to a teaspoouful. It acts directly on the blood and mucous surfaces ot the system They offer one hundred dollars for any case it fails to cure. Send for circulars and testimonials. Address: F. J. CHENF.Y & CO., Toledo, Ohio. Sold by druggists, 75c, Take Hall's Family fills for constipation. BON. J. U. WHY BCY ATOTONiATED FER TtUZLRS? finest wheat growing section of and spread on it all the home accu-;K-Jeru.M.iryl.iiicl. and visitril there1 muluiiou of manure ami turn all about ten days ago. W bib-riding for com and a uew round ol the Every Farmer 5houl! Rotate Hi on the tram i-ouversatl with a rotation. Crop,Urow Nitrogen-Uatheflng leading farmer and said that in the I Cropland Save the Million Now .hM'g tiiue since I had Is-en there I ' A number of years ago a voiinir Wasted lor l'nncceary I'ertU could see a grvat iiiipruriii-ut ju farmer, u4 in the coll on district, llr. i the rroii, though good farm i 111; had but w hoxe main cron is wheat, com- -t Nnti (..low alwaxi. Ut-u the rule there. Yes." im-m-ed rorrcMioudiiiir with said be, "we used to think that to seeking advice 1nthe1111prov11n. nl bteilielsof corn was a pretty rood f his land. 1 had not heard from BACER. w r ---t h Klria,rMI suit., la rnh-hr taint Will our Southern farmers ever ,nm . .,IU..,I -. ..-. I.I l f"!'' .,'u, w I-'"' '" "'" f"r ""- hiltill yealerday ,- - w ' I. a I .. 1 1 I I - 1 : I . siiecial fertilizer formula to mix. -1. "V" " . ' " " pni.H:n.pii an. alw.vs w ith . lar ,tat ""7'. " r "V" " "y-M r I'-' n I lltaal l'nu luii .ii.ll. .....I ..A luma I ....a) ....l 1 I m - nf ' " hum aiu-r- n rui llK'ktU 101 uav I V An lilt lal-tiiiila inivtuiui ttlul hit is r,.lu .1.. f!.A I in the lWreive Farmer of lMo.;Ti T. . " 1 T, , J IZ " " "JV. " l-r .tr.1 I ,ml.l v fl.,.l l.u i- . ' " jem I lit- ISTsI ,im. fc-u lll.ll neiq wa IOO little off in the fiL-urea alsiut heat. ! w !"!'! h"v " !K,"':,', '! !!':."' to. "?k ' '"f .r.",Pof n IThirtv five bushels of wheat will lw """'P" "m '""'K. i vy miiowing my 1 a 1 1 lSnJLn " '"' f -id vie and stiekinp to the na ;,K.unds of nitrtigen, IS.titl ,H,nds T! -hmt u!y l1" ver thirty Hiuuds l"? " "T, wr 'H'r -v- f ..... 1. ti. . . a- imu hihi runrr, me ( UIV mn iruiirin w rum, vii-tnwm. i.r mmi.iiMdnj u.l , . f , r LAtm .in uii.,it ....... - iii an iiKii - 1 a'iaiari. aaiiii lirsbehas feetlilig all the roughage of the w heat tier ar" and all the cotton seed, it similar land no evident that the farmer in the rot lo iter than any of our red clay i' lands, if as giMsl, naturally. 1 and small grain and lieas to more The grain farmer and the col than pay all the expense of his is ' I.... I...I 1.1 1.. ... . i-ii t-ouiii uiHkv proiu enoiii'li out of t bene auxiliary crops ol com Hob. J. n. Saner, State Senator from Urr lfreeiitage of jHitash than , f . IViuRlaa Co, to the Kebrwka lttl,he grain,) that the imtash ami j, Ulure, write from Frank1. Hotel, ' pb.phorie acid n-moved will uot v,.! V. 1 Omaha. Neb, aa follow: H , Lrio Lsl v differ. I " w 81,1 w " xmUi "Having tried Ptnina I can com I Biend It to an at a prat tonk and par1 Vow it w ill lie safe to usNiinio frutarrfoofasaremeOft-ca(arrft.n,tli;it a Kood clay anil suitable for J. H. SALHIf. ii .11 : - 11- ....1.: ' 1if.11 win iu our 01111-r euiiMaiiii ' . .- - Honorable ratriek Kennedy. Member l..,LU,.,..,,l..,. ii.,i...,.i... farmer have 110 need for tuivim' ''"'""K " leave the roltou croi of the Maasachusetta Uirlslature. write ....,i. ,i,i Illilrogell. This is esneciallv tni,...l d,ar I'""hf. P.Ut it will not lie ine rouowlnn letter from the Housed ,,,.,, ,e Z m ,,, 111!ii(1,ir the cotton fanner, if he fe.-ds t be ! ' '' ftrti M-ifrvmruiaiiven. Iioaion. - - ,1 f....... 1.; .... , . , foet.,rS. It. Hartman: aim any jtimm! fai mer can improve "" ""m MW ,,, Dear Sin '! bava no beltatloo it land and hla crops without buy-1 'aae m.,,, ,-ow ,s-as aayint that after having trlcHdoicna B " ,,uut ,r ""wp-u. liut , -' -- "s coin ,,. of other itmedlea without relief Iowa idiosjdiorUH and M)ta.ssiuiu are e- Nl,l1'u,u'(1 a"" carelully ki-s tl. . .. .. " ....i ... .1... t .i ... manure toretuni loll,.. I.o.l l,e....l. r Perrec, ir. art clear voka ol " . I ", . tltt , " . ' r . ' , . J "' for pim based fertiliser execnt loaay to neruna. I know It to lie a sura grain, ami musi ia- piiuwi mine --, i- ........ . e,. ... ,.o... , . . " if ii...v hn.tin.r I corn is promriv cultivated and s 1 " ,u ",,u l"',awu ",r " ........M aim ii anenaani J ' ... .. i i 1 , , - , . , . iri:& mm tur miction, nerrou. debility. ForthesH While the clay soil may contain . r"' a",1' "bilked while tl. fiwhler " ' m-.k. Ik.l .t -I r. ..I.:.. I :i I IS L'IMmI. Illlll I M-isi I. i v .. I m... . . .. ' I'MCl lOrilllS on ine eiairorm a targe amount 01 iHiiasu in uie su-1 - u . , . ... . ... throuEh the recent rmn.i..n i ..i i. ; r. - in i. among it la-lore the last ..i L ii.,r .''" "' l"d and the st.M k at the 1 r r - l,f III, Ifc w 111 ll, l in- KIIT- 111 . - --- . p,, n.. . . , -' ....... an, ,. in w iiiiiii I lii-r formula for everv croo nlant ied, and who merely use fertilizers to get a little more stuff to sell I After a few rounds of theaUive ro itation there will be alisolutelv no Come and See a lot of the finest horses that have heen of fered on this market in years, every one of them well hred Virginia and Tennessee horses. They were selected with eare and hought direct from the raiser. We all know that Virginia or Tennessee horses arehetter adapted to this section than those brought from other states. If you want a fine har ness horse that carries his head up and tan over the dash board, a pleasure to drive and something to be proud of, or a good saddle or combination horse we have it, all young, well broken, irood action and oualities richt. Our Mr. E. W. Griffin will do his best to suit you in every way. Remember we pay the highest market price for cotton and cotton seed and sell heavy and fancy groceries at rock bottom prices. Come in and let us do business with you; we will treat you o as to sell you again. me union Trade and Live slock go. HHrMwntttMiuiHU4iiniiiMiiitimtuiUrtMnramitunimniiiiiinniBUuiiiiuiRim Gnnvonioiino and Solely. ; These are the characteristics of the modern banking busi- ness. xmo man wno wishes to have his money in an absolute ly safe place can afford to let it stay out of the bank. There it is not only safe, but there it can be best and most easily used by him. W hen you have a bank account you are never bothered about making change or sending money off. All you have to do is to write a check on your bank. All this saving costs you nothing. When you deposit money we give you a check book free and charge you nothing for keeping the account, and you can take all the money out whenever you want to. If you want to leave it for a stated time we will pay you interest on it. Put your money where it will serve you best, and where neither burgtars nor fire can touch it The Teople's Bank is the olddst and largest bank in this section, and has a long and splendid history for honesty, Ig safety and liberal treatment of its customers. We want every a man in Union county who hasn't already a bank account to open one with us. We take large or small accounts. Ihe PEOPLE'S BANK MONROE. f 0. P. Heath, Pres. J. R. English, Vice-Pres. Roacoe Phifcr, Cashier. SMWIMMHIIIMalsWIBtlaWIUUIUBWBW ' y a "",,"K I P"" assume that a snllieient amount is two and three time earn day mr voice ... ..11..1.1.. ... 1...1 . .1 1... .!...; never failed me. I kn.iw that J'eruna ia r l"'"l " a reliahlo eure fo, bronchlU tmubl"". " "V"1 ,h" fT V ,wl"1, h w P. J. Kennedy. phosphorus), lor it has lieen found Ifyoudonotderlv. nromnt and ..ti.. e'er iinospnorie aem nor faetory resulta from the un of IVruna, P"'"' iH have its full effect 1111 write at onea to Hr. Hartman, Rivlne a t'o-ie is a due H-reeutage of full atan-ment of your raw and ha wilt IkiIIi available in the soil or applied be pleased to givti vou hia valualilo ad- in a fie gratia. I Thi-i-e ur millions of iIoIIhik Adilreiu Dr. Hartman. President nf 11. .... o.-u,. i, veh r..r..ii..,. Th. llMrtm.n Manltarl.,.n I .. (VluuluulNlt . , ...,, .I H ev,.rv year 111 the purehatieof nitrogen (or aiumo- Lile is an arrow therefore you nia, as the fertilizer men preler to must know w hat mark to aim tit, put it, sinee the figures look larger) how to use the Ikiw, then draw it to and it is easy, aa I have said, to the head and let it go. Van lyke. ; improve the fertility of the soil anil to get annually inei easing crops ina-in. no umerence now long without buying an ouuee of nitro- yon have ls-en sick, it you are troubled with indiircstioii. consti pation, liver and kidney troubles, llollister's lfcicky Mountain Tea will make you well. :U cents. Kuglish Drug Company. gen, provided the fanner larins and does not merely speculate on the chaucea with a formula. I am perfectly familiar with the cultivate) isgiNsI, and jM-as have Is-en sow n among it la-fore the last working, h can i-hfiii tin-mi mi ui:l, ,1... awav harrow till tin,. :m,l :.ll 1 1. ' 1 lmv "-ferred says that all the organic matter h it 011 too tl,.- .il improvement in his land hits ami can w itji a disk ill ill s.--d small i ''' ,lie f,'"l '-sed on grain and have the dead ls-uvin.-s " '"'Jiroving them, and not us a mulch and top dressing. Then . ""' K"at outlay of money he will ti... ul t ....I.. 1.... -wiuen lie uu not nave. Hounds of a mixture ti units ... i.l i 'hy not go to farming systeinat phosphate and t part muriate of l("."-v a'"' H,0I everlasting potash. Then follow the wheat , l,'"i'vpr"t lerlili.erst w ith peas, and the s-as w ill doj New Cure for Cancer. in iii't iiii int in flu. u--it;.,..1 ;..,. , j .. r ' " vll Kiirlaee cancers are now known nitrogen and making linage if u ... iir h..l-a Salve. .lames Walters of Ihitlield, Vs., writes: "I had a eaueer on mv give them a similar Hpiilieatiou both applications costing , UOIV than one of the ordinary eoinplct, fertilizer. Then cut the pe;w and cure them for hay and sow crimson clover and rye on the stubble, the ry e to guard against the failure of the clover. Turn these in the spring for col Ion without fertilizer of any sort. Sow among the cotton at last Wovkllin luurv cilinsoll i-luvre unit rye, and during the winter get out lip for years that seemed incurable till Itiicklen's Arnica Salve healed it anil now it is perfectly well." (Iimi'iinti-ed cure for cntsaiul bums. '.'.V. at Kuglish Drug t'o.'a. Plenty of w hite fish, mullets and mackerel. I w ill save you money when )ou whiiI tirtiivl of llsli .Sv me. M. C. Hrooui. l- k -. li tt..' rrrr very t: fii ,:-f u, ,V- JrliaisUaill i a aiM , 11 I Shoes ! MM MM mm 11 f, W (r'i Shoes! Shoes! The time is now here to buy your shoes for the Fall and Winter and we desire to call your attention to our enormous stock of Shoes. We are sole agents for the Famous Old Virginia Shoes for all the fam ily and the Morris and Royal Shoes for men. These Shoes are made of all solid leather. Everybody sells cheap shoes. We sell good shoes cheap. We want your shoe trade now and in the future and if you buy these brands you will be satisfied with the price and wear and will always buy your shoes from us. We have a big stock, bought before leather advanced, and can save you some money by coming to us. Come now while the assortment is complete. Remember the brands and take no substitutes, Old Virginia, Morris and Royal stand for the best makes. We guarantee satisfaction. McRae Mercantile Co., Sole Agents. Monroe, N. C. For BreaMst Luncheon or Tea A few Royal small biscuits leaking easily mailc owdcr. Make Powd with them small as small round as a nankin rinc. 10 Mix and bake just before the meal. Serve hot. Nothing better for a light dessert than these little hot biscuits with butter and honey, marmalade or jam. You must use Royal Haking Powder to get them right. HOVai, BAKING K3WPC CO vrw vnK A NOTE OF WARNINd. Dullness of City f olk. ' v " --...I I',... 1.. A ....... President Harvie Jordan Asks for, r.-mk. who was visitimr hi. the Attention of the Farmers. m j,bew, "wlio'a Unit man in tbe funnel's anil inereliant.i of the house South are wai ne.l against cotton Mreelt I-very inorniiiK he Htamia linyers w ho mv now Imsy at iimiiy ! in front of a w indow an' hliaves interior points tryiiii: lo imluee ' himself. Il.-'ml OH,' it 1UIU' flif tlllMlA spot lii.ld.-i-N to m-II tlii-iu their eot-'daVH, hand 11 itiir." on at market pricca and airni-ini: "I mimm- he lixs done it ci erp tnpay any additional advance that morniii).' for the Ust ten yeara, may accrue within the next lid or 'uncle." n-nli.xl II - HOdajH. If you deliver up your: '-Ha he lived tiicre all that cot toil un that husix and the IniyerH timet" Ketenouch of the staple in their; "Yes, and lonucr than that, for their orders, there is all I know. I've lieeu here oulv market to ten years myself." "Who is he!" "I don't know." "What does he follert" "I haven't the slightest idea, uncle." I'ncle Amos put on hia hat and went out. In an hour or two he returned. "Henry,'' he said. "Unit eliap's mime is llorton. He runs an insu rance ollice down town, lle'awuth about fc;,(MK, owua that house an' lot, beliuipi to the I'resbyteriau church, has three boys hii' one girl, au' he's forty-six yeara old. I've found out mine almut him in an hour than yon have iu ten years. Blamed if I don't Is-licve liviu' in the city makes iK-ople stupid." very man who ia led into any of uut 'by all(l 1 l!ttnm of iijat tnnloy iu iiiiu-iltiii.tli, .... .... ' . '...'. . ijii.m-i,. .) n ., . 1 . i- hands to till hut little chanee for the advance. I he only way to force in advance ouicklv is to" refuse to part with the cotton until satisfac tory prices are ollercd. No mid dling cotton should lie sold at iute nor points fur less than 11 cents tier iMiund. The crop is short and all w ho hold w ill be rewarded as they should lie. tVirain, don't lend your cotton to local mills on the promise of settle meiit at any time within the next w mouths. With the staple in the hands of the spinners prices ran never aihnmv. Again, dou't lend your cotton to hum you ship it forstorace. Un der 110 circumstances must your cotton be loaned or sold to export ers or buyers on any sort of trade or contract until you are ready to II it All kinds of tricks and ib ices are Wini; resorted to now by buyers and spinners to induce far mers to part with their cotton. these trades ia unwittingly playing into the hands of the buyers and Against his ow n interest and that of hia neighbors. Hold your cotton like trim death. Tie up the spot market and stand linn for higher prices and the vie tory w ill aoou lie you rs ami the con tinued prosierity of the 8011th us su red. Yours truly, Hakvik Jukhax, ('resident Southern Cotton Associ ation. Atlanta, (5a., October 2."). A Pleasure to All. No pill is as pleasant and punitive as DeVVilt's Little Early Risers. These tamous little pills are so mild and ef fective that children, delicate ladies and weak people enjoy their cleansing eHect, while strong people say they are the hest liver pills sold. Sold by EiiKlitdi Drug Co. and S. J. Welsh. A Itoy'a Question. elev'!nil ller. A bishop iu full rolies of oflice, with his gown reaching to hia feet, was teaching a-Sunday school class. At the close lie said he would lie glad to answer any ipiestions. A little hand went up, and he asked: "Well, my bojt" "Can 1 askt" said the boy. "Certainly," said the bishop; "what ia itf" "Well," asked the lxiy, "ia dem an you ve goi on, or do you wear pants under deiuf" Full of Tragic Meaning are these lines from J. 11. Simmons of Casey, Iowa. Think w hat might have resulted from his terrible cough if he had not taken the med icine alsmt which he writes: "I had a fearful cough that disturlied my night's rest. 1 tried everything but nothing would relieve it until I took lr. King's New Discovery for consumption, roughs and colds, which completely cured me." In stantly relieves and permanently cures all throat and lung diseases: prevents grip and pneumonia. At Kuglish Drug ('.', guaranteed, 50 cents and VI. Trial bottle free. Prospective Guest "Do yon set a good table heref" Hotel Clerk "Why folks come here perfectly healthy aud go away with the gout and dyspepsia." Life. Inaomnla and Indigestion Cured. "Last year I had a very severe attack of indigestion. I could not sleep at night and suffered most excruciating pains tor three hoar alter eacb meal. I was troubled this way for about three month! when I osed Chamberlain's Stomach and Liver Tabled and re ceived immediate relief," says John Dixon, Tullamore, Ontario, Can. For aale by C. N. Simpeon, Jr., tod S. J I wl,l, - Sunbeam xorn starch 10 eenta ize 5 cent. J. A. Llngle. Don't liorrow Trouble. It is a bad habit to borrow anything but the worst thing that you can possibly borrow is trouble. When sick, sore, heavy, weary and worn- dysjicpsia, biliousness, Bright' s dis ease and similar internal disorders, . don t sit down and brood over your symptoms, but II y for relief to Klcctric Kitten. Here vou willtind sure and permanent forget fulness of all your troubles and your Ixsly w ill not lie burdened by a load of debt disease. At Kuglish Drug Co.'a, price liilc, (ruaranteed. dinners' Report to October 18. i.lilnrlii! li.)Mit,-h. -JMh. The Census Htireau issued a bul letin today placing the cotton ginned in the Tinted Suites up to Otober 18 at I0,7i;s bales, round bales Ix'ing counted as half bales. The statement is based on reports made by the bureau 8 special agents in the field. No estimate is made of the total crop lor the year, but hgnres are given out concerning crops of former years. 1 hese figures show that up to this date in l'.HU the product of the gins had reached a total of (i,- ll",,yi bales out of a total of 13,- ('.II3,27,.I bales for the year. In l'.K)3 the total production was 10,013,015 bales and the ginning output up to October, 2.37C218; in l'.M):, the total was ll),t2i, HIS and the output to October 25 was S,(83,00fi. Today's report covered 2(1,30 1 ginneries, and the statements iiihiii which it was prepared were supplied by telegraph by 702 special agents in the field, most of them representing a county each. The Better Way The tissues of the throat are inflamed and i r r i t a t e d ; you cough, and there is more irrita tion more coughing. You take a cough mixture and it rases the irritation for a while. You take scorrs EMULSION and it cures iht told. That's what is necessary. 1 1 soothes the throat because it reduces the irritation ; cures the cold because it drives out the inflammation ; builds up the weakened tissues because it nourishes them back to their natural strength. That's how Scott's Emulsion deals with a sore throat, a cough, 1 cold, or bronchitis. we-ii mmo vou sums mil. SCOniBOWKE,-.

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