THE M ONROE JOURNAI VOLUME XII. NO 40 MONROE, N.CTUF'i AY NOVEMBEP 7 .903 One Dollar a Year The Cur'l Manifesto. The following is the text of the manifesto which confern-d lilierty upon Russia: "We, Nicholas the Serum!, ly IW grace of (i'xI. hmiMTttr mm An torrat of nil the Kuwias, (I mini lhike of Finland, nr., h cl.ire to II our faithful subjects tbat the troubles ami agitatiou lu our rapi Ula ami iu numerous other phut fill our b-Hrtn wilh extfawive iam and sorrow. 'The happiness of t lit Kuvdan sovereign in iudisMiluUly IhhiihI up with the happiness of our (tropic. ad the sorrow of our nHipU- is the Morrow of the sovcre ign. "From the present disorder may great national disruption. They meiiaee the integrity and unity of our Kin pi re. "The supreme duty impoMcd up on us liy our sovcre igu oilier re quires us to educe ourxelf ami to he all the force ami reason at our command to haMcn in securing the unity and coordination on the power of the cential government and to assume the sucecNN of men urea for pacification iu all circles or public life, which are essential to the well-being of our people. "We, therefore, din-el our gov eminent to carry out our iiitlexib'e will iu the following inaiiiicr: "First. To extend to the poputa tiou the immutable foundation of civie liberty, liased on the real in violability of the person, Iniilom of conscience, stM-ech, union and aMHervatioii, 'Second. Without suspending the already ordered elections to I lie HI ate Douiua, to invite to partiei pat ion in the Ilouma, t far us the limited time before the convocation of the Ihiuma will ji uit, those classes of the population now com pletely deprived of electoral rights, leaving the ultimate development of the people of the electoral righl HEALTH AM BEAUTY. i Book Tbat Shoald Ba li tit Buda of tier Woman. -er -c: , 'j Mia. k Mr. M.-Ko Kuiaia, ou of the fr- mwt and brat k nivichtrvmtcli ami U; artUta of thla gnratloa,la peaking of Prrana,ayss "No wotnaa olioulj ba wlib-Mila boitlaol Parana la reserv..."-!. MrKaa Bank In. M ra. K I i ta W ik a, 1 3D I ron it ml, 4 kfon, Ohiogaaya:! would be ia my grave now If II had not been for your tiod-ant rem edy, rerun. I waa a broken dowa man, had no nppetlta; what Utile I did eatJidnotaxreewtthmTalomach. Ilia Dow HVtn yeara part thai I uaed Paruna and I can aat anything. Mra. Ellis Wiko. Every woman ahould hare a eopy ol Dr. Ilartman'a hook anlltlad "Health and Heautj." Tbla book contains man facta of especial interest to women. Dt Ilartinan baa treated mora allmanta pe culiar to women than any oilier pbyal elan In the world. rVnd for free booki on catarrh. Ad droaa Dr. Ilartinan. 'uluinlHia.Ohlo. When HavtTbcy Oooe? What baa become of the old fash ioned aian who carried a shot bag ia his pocket to keep change int Who wore baro door trousersf Who kept bootjack to pull off hisbooliit Who had his trousers lined with nubleachrd lualiut Who wore a long liuen duster when traveling? Who carried an old flat carpet bag Who greased his boot ou Sun dart Who wore ahkwlt Who wore watch-cord with watch key fastened to itf Cleveland Eutopic a IV Ufeee.buf tfeil? w. Ou Saturday ei Vir ' tlevelaud, w ho ha. "the foreuioHt j.rivir "' worhl." delivtved ' -unveiling of a uioi ' . ling Morto'i wbir by ever) o-can' i yoUUg LI.'O j llf- buxy, b .liiii.- i . 1 The 'r bi Sentiment and Sense. the .! fi whi i ' or bu: idaed fi.i a ekv !? d. I t'chei i.s arltia ' iie .il I U t Sler . lie read bj every , iijmii) h? lay. i) he lit lug to I earth. When he came to a pl.Mle he looked ail ma for danger and tlieu ran arrows it like a streak. I'htler rer wt the brainMe beyond you nii(;lil hate walked within two )anls of him without .m n.jr him xi si ill did he si and. so Mill that lie wi-iii. -d to In-a dead leaf. Ah. he wait a dapicr. Veil led, whole some thoiihtiil fi-llow, up to the way of hunters and haaks. There A Fatal and Premeditated Affair. It lias recently devclnped tli.d nut on the Morgan Mill road, near llie ritv limit there havn lM4-n tiiiii''s goiiif? on which when bruited to! trouble and to apply their force in general to the newly established legislative order of things. third. To eetablish an an nn changeuble rule that no law shall be enforceable without the appro val of the State Ifcmiua, and tbat it shall he poivtihle for the elected of the licople to exercise real partici pation in the auperviHion of the legality of the acta of the author! I tun approved by us. "We apieal to all faithful soiix of KiiKsia to reiueinlier their duty towards the Fatherland, to aid in terminating theae unprecedented light will gtartlc the public. Readers of advertisements will re momher that mitne time a?i Tlie J. W. Hill Co. advertised the opening of a new grocery store at tlie Oil Mill. They advertised all new goods and esiH'oiai low prices. -Tho public lias been interesU d in in co-ntie ration with ua, to the res ion of culm and peace upon our national (toil. "(liven at IVtethof, October 30, in the eleventh year of our reigu. "(Signed ) N uhoi.ah." $100 Reward, $100 The rraclrra ol lliia naner will be the development of that part of our 0 learn that there ia at leaat city. Certain enterprises have been one droaded disease that science bat established there, among them The been able to cure in all iu stagea and J. W. Hill Co.. which sells grmcricH hnt is Catarrh. Hall's Catarrh Cure and dry goods. Tliev sell their, ' only positive cure now known to irood an and ll.ev rive such "e medical iraiernny. taiarrn neina rt - -r-.- - . excellent satisfaction that most ev erybody trades with them and the result is that, to a stranger, it would seem that the principal thoroughfare of Monroe is now at ami around this 8toreat the Oil Mill. There was never a new enterprise that met with such success ami general approba tion on the part of tlie trading public. We make sM'cial effort to please and accommodate our patrons. Come over and see what we are doing. We will give you a treat. J. W. HILL CO. a constitutional disease, requires s constitutional treatment. Hall's Ca tarrh Cure is taken internally, acting directly upon the blood and mucous surtaxes ol the system, thereby de stroying the foundation of the disease, and Riving the patient strength by building up the constitution and assist ing nature in doing its work. The proprietors have so much faith in its rotative powers, that they offer one Hundred Dollars for any case that it fails to cure. Send lor list of testi monials. Address, Address: F.J. CHENEY & CO., Toledo, Ohio. Sold by druggists, 75c. Take Hall's Family Fills for constipation. bodkin Come and See n lot of the finest horses that have been of fered on this market in years, every one ol them well bred Virginia and Tennessee horses. They were selected with care and bought direct from the raiser. We all know that Virginia or Tennessee horses are better adapted to this section than those brought from other states. If you want a fine har ness horse that carries his head up and tail over the dash board, a pleasure to drive and something to be proud of. or a good saddle or combination horse we have it, all young, well broken, good action and qualities right. Our Mr. E. W. Griffin will do his best to suit you in every way. Remember we pay the highest market price for cotton and cotton teed and sell heavy and fancy groceries at rock bottom price. Come In and let us do business w ith you; we will treat you so as to tell you gain. The union Trade and Live stocK Go. BmiHmtuiiiMiitiiitiiiiiiinnHiiiiiiiiitiminiHittinumirattiHMsNuwiaw Convenience and Safety. These are the characteristics of the modern banking busi ness. No man who wishes to have his money in an absolute ly safe place can afford to let it stay out of the bank. There it is not only safe, but there it can be best and most easily used by him. When you have a bank account you are never bothered about making change or sending money off. All you have to do is to write a check on your bank. All this saving costs you nothing. When you deposit money we give you check book free ami charge you nothing for keeping the account, and you can take all the money out whenever you want to. If you w ant to leave it for a stated time we will pay you interest on it. Put your money where it will serve you best, and where neither burglars r.oi fire can touch it. The People's Bank is the olddst and largest bank In this section, and has a long and splendid history for honesty. safety and liberal treatment of its customers. We want every man in Union county who hasn't already a bank account to open one with us. We take large or small accounts. Ibt PEOPLE'S BANK MONROE. 0. P. Heath, Pres. J. R. English, Vice-Pres. Roecoe Ph if er, Cashier.' IsjSjHNtmiUisMlMUItUUMtl IIHUWUWtt WUHWNWiilMWIfSI ioned woman who kept io her work-baaketf Who baked custard for tea when she had com pan) t Who made iupreasiona aronnd the edge of pies witb a key to make them look fancy T Who wore calico suubo jets witb pasteboard alaltff Who wore Shaker bonnets! Who seasoned apple pie with all spieet Who naed indigo to bine the water when washing clothe? What has become of the old fwdi ioned people who poured tea in the aaueer aud blew on it to make it ooolt Who driuk saMsafras tea in the spring to purify their bloodt ho bad to learn to like tonia- toesf Who saved old rags to trade oil' to the tinware peddlert What has become of the old fiuOi- ioned novelist who always describ ed heroine as having dark auburn ringlets hanging dowu their alabas ter ueekst Of the old-fashioned elocutionist who read "Widow Itedot Papers" at entertaiDQientst Of the old-fashioned little girls who wore long naukiu pantalettes? Of the old fashioued woman who gave catnip tea to babiesf Of the old fashioned young men who greased their bair with bear's oil sceuted with bergamott A liquid cold cure and the only conch syrup which moves tba bowels works sll cold out of tli. system is Keu oedy's Laiative Honey and Tar. Clears lh bead and throat and makes weak lungs slroni. Rest for croup, hoopinf couch, etc. Children love it. Sold by S. J. Welsh, C.N. Simpson, Jr. Ill.Ki: folliiweth Ian Libit- Mil nt inga kingle moral and l ui intend -tl lav wriuon tu iiiuiiii-iiM am! yourg widows, tu it: 1. Toae.-it.iin old field, grown1 ""nhty '"He Miiging on lii .. .. with short l.-:if nine. oak and "I". " 110 eooliur at all. All be me frie. 'tnhip, dogwood, there came, 111 the luonlli tiiimte ma plea "f Mireb, a certain cock iloxe that ner v.ew of life, deired to mate. I hie fi-uiale of bis Jiigalioi.s, which I ind would sere an well as iiuotli- .i.d tl.e hrl odor of "ereas mey an took aiine. lie, then-ion-, -i!i( Ms court to the ?rst hen dove that he found, and, oh, but be was a sweet lover. At iioou would he sit ou a limb aud ."loiirn alone; at evening close would he cuddle to his dearie and coo to her anil bill with her, that , hr .Mitle little bird heart fluttered '".V ami went nii-h to break for iov. Nl''' Tho look in bis eves was so 'lists-1 U i,s ""' '"".' I" fre she asi-er gnishing and pleading, but not ,:,"1,mI ,,lil "he had a busier. J I. than the iris on his " '"'A iu-wh-k 01 w ire or than bis gnu grew lip Hallist ail old log. of every truly useful life, aud 'fLhjuiuiiig red feet. He pi mil and "'.v '"er leaves had drifted hi .1 conies like a trum- t 1.. I fi!l .irlit. hr A nil w llil ll:lri What baa become of the old lash-1 lHKt, j 0, itW m gone on hia way as he saw it, regardless of the clamor of the m jltiiude. What coulu U- liner or truer than thist "Here we should learn that char acter, uncorruptcd by the contagion of ignoble things and weakened by the corrosion of wordiness ud juw ravWli,s ,Man uioney madness, is the corner stone j tm. or h,j,i,.,s could niv was his own name, IU.I White. When he met up with a sensible little plump brown pullet among (he briers, be east Ins bright eyes 011 her. he slid to liiuii-H, "She's the medicine,' and promised on the siHit. Ol rtiui-M. the littic thing thought I It its mi. Men, but it sounded like There was no whimiH-r lie lookeit at ber with leve waiting her answer, and she sud es. every genuinely noble acbieveiuei.t. !, all), ,ir.s.isd and melted, ,l"'lv "'H'd. Itia.kUrrj e shall to violence to tlie moral j ,i 1 .. 1 cmld not "sl's grew rank h1m.uI the fertilt sense which (Jod has vom hsaled toilt ,jm jve a1, .,. .,. ,.1,,.,. pliu-e, and showed, by the tat-s ot liuinauity 11 aiuni tiiesurrouuiings,() we close our munis to me truth, i-.o fw n.,.i .i,..t...Kiu.. that chiinu ter represent the real m.r fallt u ;.. ,illt; ,,.. value of a man according to the; ,.r ,lW1,.s, w ,, ,.,,., continued unalterable standard of hue gold; ,,,,,,,, ,v aud that It dillera immeasurably i w.w ,H ,, y est he would fmm reputation, which meiisures m, ., w.r UuM ,...,n.ris.-d a few man's worth by the shilling "'! IH(J1,-se twigs on a pine limb, hardly untrue standards of mean ambition iu.,.. .1.,,,, ,, ... ..11 iii.. or successful cupidity. We have tho,t i the ,-k v. It was a fallen upon days w hen our people ,..He rr ,,e tender little male, are more than ever turning away ; h).rs,,r m..w , sll. from their old fatthlii the saving I ..w : ..,,.,.. ,1,.,,,. f.lP thai grace of character, and II.H king to ,(, ,ini, W(mU, ,,,ow ,.,,,. the woi-shipofmoney milking Idols. m(( u i..l drop her eggs to imny ami uouriy 111 uie iigui 01 .11- ,,,,, , WilS wl(. .n ., vestigation and exposuiv character- Lin HI,IM,,mi , vj,.w; r ks lives are wen 111 apllii-g;,i, ..i hawL k,..,t ,.teli nunilHTS, without chart or com- j KlP ,,,, (illlll((.rh,I llls -iiv..t pass, crowded upon the rocks mid . , .ioi,. i,.,,,,,,,! shoals of faithlessness and hivach ; i or.llt ,.,,,,.; ,, ,, (.hi,. of trust. How ill have these L , ,,,, i . turns iiguinst danger: ami nil the wretched lives exchanged the . sate nariMir 01 iionoraiiu usi-iuiness: i...,. ,,, ,1.,, 1 " v which diameter and rectitude point out, for a w ild and headlong ruli over unknown seas iu a consuming search for pelf." The "KherilV" has made many enemies, but no one can accuse him of not having the courage of bis convictions, and no one can say that some at least of those convic tions are not worthy of imitation by his countrymen. nest was to cast up his ee. That boy lite beriuali; her hus band shook her and went back into the drove; and her declining das w ere sad. 2. Into that same Ih'eket there came another wooer. He was dress ed iu a brow n plaid suit. Though he could soar w hen he li lt like it, he chose to stick right close to the jWiH.I they still held, what liem giiaroiaus Kiev Would Is-. it ad here, then, that this wise, thought lul and cunning Mr. lioli hilt burrowed a round hole through the wircgrass, so cunningly that it might hardly Is- seen, and made wallow mining the leaves ami doodle dust under the log. His neat little bride was delight cd, and she her husband the more that he did not in 'test much. but provided. Nor were they itnj of your lace suicides. When sh got ready to set, she could not get all the eggs under her wings. Hie did the best she could, though, to warm then., while her husband sIimhI sentinel on a stump and shouted out his mime all dav. One morning a little alter dawn they weii' alwajs up ahead of tin sun she led forth 11 lo.cur two tiny tols, and she and they and her proud spouse went to Vouping in the grasshoppers hclorc they could shake oil' the night's numbness, hill ing the Mine day they saw thai same farmer's hoy coming, lient on deviltry, lioth the parents tint tered ou the ground Is-lore him us t'loiigh lame, ami so led him clear away from the brood. He came hack later 11 ml stole up so near that he saw the young birds and made A Matter of Health There is a quality in Royal Baking Powder which pro motes digestion. This pecu liarity of Royal has been noted by physicians, and they accordingly use and recommend it exclusively. ovat. aaaisa KwDil Co.. sew yokk. . dive for them. He clapisil his hat dowu over them, as he thought, but hi, they had disapiM-aml: he sought them, but they could not le found. They had Im-ii taught a thing or two. Thus throve Mr. I toh White and his family and prosis-red. When the fall of the ear came wilh its The Companion asa Christ masGift t an you think of a gilt more cer tain to lie acceptable than a year's subscription to the Youth's Com panion! Is there any one, young or old, who, having once had the pa H'r iu his hands and looked through it, did not w ish to possess it for his very own! It is a gilt which, far li'ggar lice and Spanish innlles, i losing its freshness as t'hrist- Ihe is-as got ripe, and this lollv crew checkered the ti-hl nil over with their tracks anil they all hud died together at night where there was shelter from the wind. Is the moral plain, virginsand widow sf Shall add to this the lory ot the hare and I he squirrel? It is the snuie story, except thai the tool in the latter case stayed on the ground and the hustler tisik a tree. You si' the moral: govern your sweet selves thereby. liet not coo lint recedes into the oast, crows more delightful, more necessary to one's enjoyment week by week. The Isiy likes it, for it rellcct ill its pages every boyish taste and every line boyish aspiration. The father likes it, not only for its tic lion but for its fund of inhu mation of the practical sort. The girl likes it for the stories, iineciotes,sketches and editorial articles printed in each nnmlxT especially for her. The mother likes it for its stories of domestic life and family all'ec- si;..,, i- . .1.M.1 ir.. mg count, save at summer resorts; ! : . ' " " lmKr ,r spend your titles on the fool, but 1 '"""'' anieie. mi receipt ol m- lone In.n.l in tl... .iu ii.eicaiii niiosci hand: hand iu the wis,- man's W ' '. suosi ri u ion price, shall von not ever seek ' " l''' " to tl.e new sub- lhe divorce court, nor shall you ind your children weep for bread. m? -s Spw.wvr?'a&.'f,'s,frv r-rv.-.-rm : r,-, xy.o y-; .s'.-.-iv'.- :-. i.-?".-.--.".-.-i Bssa x fci it I Shoes! Shoes! Shoes ! I urn te The time is now here to buy your shoes for the Fall and Winter and we desire to call your attention to our enormous stock of Shoes. We are sole agents for the Famous Old Virginia Shoes for all the fam ily and the Morris and Royal Shoes for men. These Shoes are made of all solid leather. Everybody sells cheap shoes. We sell good shoes cheap. We want your shoe trade now and in the future and if you buy these brands you will be satisfied with the price and wear and will always buy your shoes from us. We have a big stock, bought before leather advanced, and can save you some money by coming to us. Come now while the assortment is complete. Remember the brands and take no substitutes, Old Virginia, Morris and Royal stand for the best makes. We guarantee satisfaction. McRae Mercantile Co Sole Ag'enls. & 09 Monroe, N. C. "fvl, I flan's Unreasonableness is often as great as w oman's. I'm I Ihos. S. Austin, manager of the Republican of licuvc uworlh, Ind., was not unreasonable when he re fused to allow the doctors to oper ate ou bis wile for female (rouble. Instead," lie says "we concluded to try Klectric Hitters. My wife was then so sick she could hardly ive her lied and live physicians had failed to relieve her. After tak ing Klectric Hitters she was per fectly cured ami can now perform all her household duties.'' (iiiaran teed by Knglish Drug Co., price iOc. When a man rcuchc bis second (iiildhiHid be has no hair and no .... teem ami H single, lias no more sense than to want a wife. No Poison In Chamberlain's CoukIi Kemedy. From Napier, New- Zealand, Herald: Two years ago the pharmacy board ol New South Wales, Australia, had an analysis made ol all the eolith medicines Iliat weie sold in (hut market. Out of the entire list they loinid only one that they declared was entirely tree from poisons. This ex ception was Chamherlains CoiikIi Kem edy, made hy the Chamhei lain Medi cine Co., Des Moines, la., U.S.A. The ahsence of all narcotics makes tins. remedy the safest aud best that can he had; and it is with a leeliiiK of securi ty that any mother can nive it to her little ones. Chamberlain's Couh Kem edy is especially recommended by its makers for coughs, colds, croup and whooping coukIi. This remedy is for sale hy C.N. Simpson, Jr., S. J. Welsh. 1'rosiM'rity has much the same e licet on a man as gas has on a bal loon: too much of it will result in an explosion. Nature needs only a Little Early Kiser now aud then to keep the bowels clean, the liver active, aud the system tree Irom bile, headaches, constipa tion, etc, The famous little pills Karly Kisers are pleasant in effect and per fect in action. They never gripe or sicken, but tone and strengthen the liver and kidneys. Sold by S.J. Welsh and C. N. Simpson, Jr, It was the husband ol a strenu ous woman who said tbat any man ought to lie unhappy enough with out a w ife. scriliernll the rcmaiiiimr issues of the Companion for l!Mi." and the "Miiiiitciiicu" calendar for lfioii, lithographed in twelve colors and gold. Full illustrated announce ment of the new volume for l!Miti w ill In-sent w ith sample copies of the paper to any address free. Tut: Yot tii's Companion, 1 1 1 Ilci kcley St., Huston, Mass. An obligation of any sort is a mortgage on your time. 'Vf-f'vj.'v.'V'SV- ir imi.riininto KUhftaAiA jWfcMsWssisjisiiJ Many children inherit constitu tions weak and feeble, others due to childhood troubles, llollister's lvocky Mountain Tea will jiositive ly cure children aud make them strong. ;hi cents, tea or tablets. English Drug Company. Once there was a poor man who attended strictly to his own busi ness aud today he is rich and happy. The Exact Thing for Constipation, "As a certain purgative aud stomach purifier Chamberlain's Stomach and Liver Tablets seem to b the exact thing required, strong enough for the most robust, yet mild enough and safe for children and without tbat terrible griping common to most purgatives," say K. b. Webster ft Co., Cdora, On tario, Can. For sale by C. N. Simp son, Jr., and S. J. Welsh. Possibly Solomon's wisdom may Have been acquired by association with his numerous mothers-in-law. If yon are troubled with indigent tion, constipation, soar stomach or any other pain, Holhster's Rocky Mountain Tea will make yon well and keep yon weH. 35 cents, tea or tablets. English Drng Company. W hen You Have a Had Cold you want a remedy that will not only t;ive quick relief but effect a perma nent cure. Vim want a remedy that will relieve the Imis aud keep expec toration easy. You want a remedy that will cmiiitria. t any tendency toward pneumonia. You want a remedy that is pleasant and hale to take. Cham berlain's Coiii;h Kemedy meets all of these requirements and for the speedy and permanent cure of had colds stauds without a pter. l-"or sale hy C. N. Simpsou, Jr., and S. J. Welsh. Most people uinuiil'actiire their ow n luck - lie it good or bad. When you waul a pleasant physic, try Chamberlain's Stomach and Liver Tablets. They are easy to take aud produce 110 criping or other unpleas ant effect. Sold hy C. N. Simpsou, Jr., and S. J. Welsh. He who waits for something to turn up is likely to turn up iu the alms-house. '1 i , ' v. l. :lu; i;i 'if j .H Sol '"J's'ld (,Qfr Ssllll.l0 ou Morj Hoxj Ai'ij n. ( iiiti-jniu-4 J" 4;;it i. iA -.irjw jijiui' irj jo (iuo aiji ui Aiitnid i'l liil .ml 3g j) v no A puss aojj alum pU3! IM b jnonmjtioD aq js-mu asn sit 3j3ivy uoiukunsuoD ut 'njdpuj os si )i uosoj aii si p?t) pus 'uoisinurj noog jo uuoj ui io joai poo sb tuaisXi aijl A"rj p3(ijosrjB pus ptia8ip Xiso os 'joiinq 8ui)dj3X3 JOU 'I0 OU St SJai 3UIT 8uo v joj jt sisjjjot pu S.1103S Xsi pwS apt AJ3A pip L 'U1JOJ p0 $11 UI Jl 31B )oa pnoJ )uai)ed atj) asinoo jq uotpjuiniuo3 joj no iSAtJ po3 psqiiowjrj uojxip ip puomauiiut aurq tuojj 8un suo uo tp.B3tj pool Ut pu 8utAtl 9JI pJOM atp jnoi3nojip aeaoad jo tuotj -p mo pjmcj oj IhmjiA'ut tt ojatp ji jt iwm iu AwkI ftuios jiM noispur tauoog put pooj 8uiijunou 'atpja -13 'jni tpjj uoqduiruo3 JOJ DIJI33ds OO It M3UJ, 5 uoqdumsucr)