THE ' MONROE JOURN 4,L VOLUME XII. NO 41 MONROE, N.C TUESDAY NOVEMBER 14 .908 Ono Dollar a Year WHERE'S MOTHER? Bursting in from svhool or play, This is what the children say; Trooping, crowding, big and small On the threshold in tlie hall Joining in the constant cry, Err r as the days pi by, "Where's mother?" From the weary bed of pain This same question conies again; From the boy with sparkling eyes. Bearing home his earliest prize; From the bronzed and bearded son Perils p ist and honors won "Where's mother?" Burdened with a lonely task, One day we may vainly ask For the comfort of her face, For the rest of her embrace; ns love her while we may, Well for us that we can say, "Wherea mother?" Mother, wi'.li untiring hands, At the post of duty stands, Patient seeking not her own, Anxious for the good alune Of the children as they cry, Ever as the davs go by, "Where's mother?" Over Two Bales on One Acre. Charluli Ofaatnror. Mr. B. T. 1'riee, a nieinlier of the hoard of county commiwtioiiers and one of the best knowu farmers of the county, has an acre of land in cottou of which he ia justly very proud. At the lieginning of the year he worked the plot very care fully, fertilized it well, aud has since giveu it the very closest at tention, lie has alreitdy gathered 2.700 pound of the best-grade ol m-ed cotton aud there is yet about IKK) pounds which remain to lie picked. This amount will gin two bale of 500 pounds lint, which at the preseut market price will total 110, by no lueiiim an insignificant sum, when all things are consider ed. A well knowu citizen of the county when he heard these facts merely remarked, "Land like that at almost any price, when the re turns are considered, would be a good Investment" Every ounce of food you est that fails to diKt does a pound of harm It turns the eutira meal into poison. This not only deprives the blood ol the necuury tissue building material, but it puiaons it. Kodol Dyspepsia Cure is a perfect digestant. It digest the food regardless of the condition of the stomach. It allows that organ to rest and get strong again. Relieves belching, heartburn, sour stomach, in digeatioo, palpitatiou of the hrart.etc. Sold by S J. Welsh, C.N.Simpaon.Jr. A Fatal and Premeditated Affair. It has recently developed that out on the Morgan Mill road, near the city limits, there have been things going on which when brought to light will startle the public. Headers of advertisements will re member that some time ago The J. W. Hill Co. advertised tho opening of a new grocery store at the Oil M ill. They advertised all new goods and especial low prices. The public has been interested in the development of that part of our city. Certain enterprises have been established there, among them The J. W. Hill Co., which sells groceries and dry goods. They sell their goods so cheaply and they give such excellent satisfaction that most ev erybody trades with them and the result is that, to a stranger, it would seem that the principal thoroughfare of Monroe is now at and around this store at the Oil Mill. There was never a new enterprise that met with such success and general approba tion on the part of the trading public. We make special effort to please and accommodate our patrons. Come over and see what we are doing. We will give you a treat. J. W. HILL CO. Its What You Receive That Counts. Note the benefits to the policyholders of The Provident Savings Life Auoranc Society of New York. IDWARD W. SCOTT, Through the agency of Gold & Gold, Inc., and their pre decessors, has been RETURN ED to Carolina Policy Holders in 10 years over besides loan ING THEM OVER l30O.0OO.0O, and at present protect! eg them to the extent of nearly fseos.eoooo. Such are the practical re sults of Life Insurance in Iht Provident Savings Life. Reliable men wanted to rep resent us in every North Carolina town. GOLD I GOLD, Inc., Gen. stents llHimri to r jrt t tl"ld Cob p7, Greensboro, N. C. "PE-MJ-IU NECESSARY TO TEE HOME," (lay rttTtlfbw4 ii.WOiii.l PROf. TALTOtriU) SMITH. PLANT FRUIT TREES IN the h) yo should. The nursery niau knows that people buy trees, FALL, as a rule, by height, and be grows .them an lull as poMOblet. At the eud of the first year he beads them This U the Best SeasonThe Best , Wk i;htly, and in the crowded jju. l. .i -n .! nursery rows they start uiisyniuiet- Yaricttcs tor This Climate and brmU auJ U0 fmni ,ue How to Treat In PUntinfAj,,,, twj .bp,, JOU ,,aut these Word About the drape. W. P. Mat 5 la Prof FMalv Fanner. Fratanr T alius rd Smith, Principal Slloea High School, SUoam,Oa, writes: "With much plcarare I recommend Pernoa to all who may b suffering with any trouble of the respiratory organs. I hare baea using it la my family for the put Br or alx years and Bad It to b almoat a household necessity. I aw H truly a gnat catarrh rtmtedy and general tonic aa4 will mo all that H claimed tor It by the mtaaatactmran." PROP. TALFOVBD SMITH. Catarrh Is Inflammation ot the moeoos membrane. It may be la the mucous membrane lining the eyes or the pelrlo organs, throat, stomach, liver, bowels or kidneys. Catarrh la catarrh wherever located. PeniDMares catarrh wherever located. Peruna is aa Internal remedy sot a local application. Catarrh is a systemic disease, not a local disease. If Peruna will cure catarrh la one place It will cure It in any other place, because Peruna la a ayatemlc rem edy. It reaches the dleeaee through the circulation In each organ. It eradicates the disease by eradicating It from the system. If you do not derive prompt and satis factory results from the uae ot Peruna, write at once to Dr. Hartman, giving a full statement of your case and he will be ploaaed to give you his valuable ad vice gratis. Address Dr. Hartman, President ol Tot Hartman Sanitarium, Columbus, 0, Toys and the Imagination. Since this ia the season of toy- giving, the following remarks of Dr. Grace Peckbani Murray, from the December Deliueator, have a special interest: "lbe tenueuey or the present time ia to overload children with toys. Far from being a help to a child, this defrauds him. He should not have a surfeit of any of his senses. Toys can be made the means of great development. They should be such as will aid the Imagination aud stimulate the inveutive facul ty. The imagination of the child is bis most precious faculty. I can uot latneut with a recent writer the mental activity of the child of today, who would rather have a piece of machinery or an electrical toy that be can pull to pieces aud put together again than old-fashioned playthings. Ratherone should rejoice tbat the brain activity of children expends itself on that which is useful. I have seen a boy's eyes sparkle with enjoyment and intelligent interest wheu at 10 years of age, he was working ever an electric battery. His mind was grasping the mysteries of physics with a sureness that would have done credit to an older mind. The point is: arouse the children' minds and imaginations through their games, their toys, to an inter cut in tbat which will be useful to them all their lives. Then there will not be need of so much cram niiug at school." Son Lost Hother. 'Consumption rnns in our family, and through it I lost my mother," writes E. B. Held of Harmony, Me, "For the past Ave years, however. on the slightest sign of a cough or cold, I have taken Dr. King's New Discovery for consumption, which has saved me from serious lung trouble." His mother's death was a sad loss for Mr. Beid, bnt he has learned that lung trouble must not be neglected and bow to care it (juickest relief and care for coughs and colds. Price 60c. and 11, guar anteed at English Drug Company's. Trial bottle free. just what else. Plant Year-Old Trees. Never plant any tree older than one year from the gralt or bud. Uf course no one ever plants peach trees older than this, but when it comes to apples and pears, etc., people want big trees. Now if you buy the ordinary three or four-year-old apple trees it will be utterly impossible to get them into WW vuvnitiK t r rr cjaari atAtirv nv r- r- c- .T " ire Wheat Saved by Snow. A blauket of snow varying from .1 to 12 inches iu depth covered the Kansas and Missouri wheat fields October 2!th. The snow melted by noon. The moisture was badly needed by the wheat, as there bad been no rains in the western part of the State this fall, and the wheat bad not sprouted west of the center of the State. Herb W. Edwards Injured. Herb W. Edwards ol Dei Moines, la., got a fall oa aa icy walk last winter, spraining his wrist and bruising bis knees. "The oeit day, "he saps, "they were so sore sod stiff I was afraid 1 would have to stay ia bed, but I rob bed them welt with Chamberlain's Pain Balm and after a lew applications all adreoeas bad disappeared." For sale byC.N. Simpson, Jr., and S.J.Welab UVASOL Are your Kidneys, Liver or Bladder effected' If so read oar guarantee: 125.00 Reward. We offer 125.00 reward for any case of Kidney, Liver or Bladder trouble that can uot be cared by Uva Sol. INT El STATE CHEMICAL CO., Baltimore, M. V. For sale by Price ft Moore, K F. D. 0, Monroe, K. a Is the South all orchard planting should be done in the fall. Our soil does not freeie deeply in wiuter, snd the trees will be making new feeding fibres before the weather is warm enough in spring to start the tops to swelling. No matter bow carefully a tree is dug from the nursery, the feeding roots, that ia the small fibres which are alone concerned in getting food from the soil, are all dried up and destroyed. Hence in planting we should prone (be roots rat her close- ly, aay to ail inches all around, for the new fibres will start more read ily from a clean cut surface than from the old dried up rootlets. But when a tree is set in spring our bot weather comes so early that the tops leaf out and the tree is apt to get exhausted before root hairs enough are formed to supply it with water. Therefore we advise fall plauting. Buy Direct from the Nursery. Do not deal withstraveling sales man, no matter If he represents a reliable nursery, for by dealing di rectly with the nursery you cau always get better trees and at low er prices. Do not let any one er suade you that far-fetched trees are better than home-grown ones, (jet the trees from the nearest reliable nursery. Send the nurseryman (or more than one of them) a list of what you want to plant, and ask bim to put his lowest prices on the list for cash, aud tell him that any thing on the list that he has not, must not have something else sub Scuppernoaf ! old trees you bae got to accept the nursery head aud the tall stem. But if yon plant a yearling tree it is a mere switch full of live buds nter varieties for the home markets, such at Karly Harvest, 1W Antra kan aud Carolina Rrd Juue. Then for fall aud early wiuter use plant the lUniiiiu, the beet fall apple grown anywhere, and a native of this State. Also Fall Pippin. Jon athan and (irinies Golden. For winter plant Stayuan Winea, York Imperial; a few Lady Apples, thrive, and in the western part of the Mate the hnest of the Itiggareau and heart varieties cau be grown and ran lie sold at as good prices as the t aliforuia cherries if put np in as neat a manner for the market. Hon. After trying over sixty varieties of tip, I have settled down on the follow ing: Ilrown Turkey (the one commonly grown here), Brunswick, Karly Yiolette, (Vies a little apple which sells for higher prices than auy other apple, but is. tial and Odiorne's Proline, I have rather nncertaiu as to bearing, but several new varieties seut me from all ready to start. Then you can; gxl eriiueus will often briugi W aMiiugtoj aa hardy and superior, cut it so aa to form the bead of the -o a imrrei at i nristiua. I should nut tney have not yet fruited, tree where the head always should be in the South, ouly a few inches from the grouud. Aa Mr. Hales, the great tieorgia peach grower, said last winter at the meeting of the Virginia Horticultural Society: "What do you want with a trunk to a fruit tree more than enough to hold the headf In my big orchards have said that fur fall some of the pu,u i ,k. II I- -1. ...I I -I " -Kl .., " planted. The lyalLimbert.ig is, in ,he grape as the alaogood for winter, but we would k., f ' . . T 111 I,!1"6 ld L"",;rtW,'?fi,";r gentleman from the North who had he Iten Davis, for people are find- j trM nu.HUmwfuIv ie ro(ri of V" ,7 7 1 V T .i ,h Khcrn grapes at Southern -" "-;pinM, receutlv wrote me that he 't IUW I'l 11X71 IU im MIT". Ant , . . aaii a I . V WMUUlHIirU HI lUC lUXUHaUCeOI in ueorgia i nave no sucu in ng u.h .. um.iy , ,e Se.ippernong there without fer a wep-iaiitier ' '' , """ tilizatiou or care, aud was deter- Last . summer a nian aiu on u.e ea..... .m me ia(-; j,, 0 ,he(.ui,ure of ,hjN gathered half the crop on .the tree here is no .use to plant .any later; fulure fur s,.umruollK cHu , la-fore getting on his l.-eU" than tllierU. Sneed is the mrlu-st ; thp pray jbj o(tU pn.n... .h- IT"' rVT ..ri" ;"?."!:.! I" the State. Parties in St. ' 1 1"1; ...u.t :... .., ., ui8 are , j ,0 t. Therefore iu planting a tree I "en8 uere tue last oi aiay. wh,e cro j 8oUlh Urolina for theCal- ineyards Halifax and turuing r .. . . . ..... v. . linn U IIUUI7IHT never anything like manure iu con- j "e is a great market jieacn and ,lllalljj08 8ua partus all over the tact witu the nxits. 1 would ram f""" J ud are getting interested in Scun every inch of soil put in as tightly of blKh qnulit v. Late ones; ,,,,, win lr))U1 (he hi a gate poet, and would "T ..T. ' ity of their inaals. I kuow of no would select a one year tree, would -;"' - -j i- - . n,e pnrpone of helping out prune the roots carefully, aud then , " J "". ' "J j jforuia wines. The great v set it, if iHiesilile, when the earth I"- 'a'J oti. f Uarrett & Co., iu is uot wet. I would put thetop.'V, . " .,' '". J J,'CuinlHTlaiid counties, are m.n in il. Iwiiiom of i lie hoi... hui B'd and Llbeita are all good. M-L, ,ila .., f j i( stituted for it, but that you w ant j from the ground. Not ouly does the uti u.tlint. n. imtA luiMr uever allow the earth to las settled. tn'r rno1"- Algiers Winter by pouring water in the hole. Then , ' Kinggold Heath, when the tree is set cut the top ofl . 1,1 -I'lant the Japan vane alsmt eighteen to twenty inches 'cs: Abundance, Iturbank, Cha fr,,... Il.e uroni..!. It U verv coin-i ' "t. SatMima HUhmI, Gold and mon to see tall stemmed trees here' '' d a few Kesley for very w on short stem one ran easily stick a shingle ou that side to keep the sun oil' till the top spreads to shade it, as it will in one season w ith such a short stein. Peach trees we would head not over eight or teu inches ity of their goods. j more promising industry iu Kastern orth l aroliua thau the cultivation of the ScupN-rnong for the wine mukers. I'ulike the graie8 of the bunch of Labrusca class, the Scup- pernongis free from fungus attacks ith the bark killed by sun scald '"' ... 'nd insiK't enemies, snd is a eraiie ... I Pl-id.1 If run ara m.niff Inirli'. .... . i the Houtiiwesi sine.. v nn t ne. , ,na, nuurlSleK you order and nothing low head soon protect the stem from the sun, but the tree is more accessible for spraying aud gather ing the fin it, aud a tall trunk mere ly makes the reverse of this, with the added tendency to blow over by the wiud. What Varieties of Fruits to Plant. And now let me suggest to you the varieties liest suited to the Caro linns and adjoining States. A I'Pi.Ks. Plant some of the sum- in our sandy soils as it docs uo where else. Its longev ity is another thing iu its favor, for the original Scupcruoig vine, the parent of all scupiei nongs, is still flourishing ou Koauoke Island 11... ...... -I.. 'Iiui ...... u nl.l almiwith lSuerre D'Anjou heniost!. ,,,, vjlleyiiJrt, wU 1ks tm proline of all fall iiear. Cla.rgcau u M h a is also good. Hut forordinaryt n-a mul eHU at ,, jt wifKrowou nnt the lK-stiHam are the hybrids auU i8 alumt worlhfeH8 for the tree the proper oire, you can grow some of the finer sorts. Hurt led can be grown here, but is bad ly inclined to blight. Seckel al ways sells and the trees are very little subject to blight. This is true of the sand pear, the Kiefer, (Jar. ber and Lecoute, These will grow and bear under very adverse con ditions, but are far inferior to the ones named above. Chkkkikh. There is little use trying to grow cherries of the finer sorts anywhere from Kaleigh east ward, but iu this section the Mo rellos aud the Karly Hichmond will anything else. Therefore we ad vise planting scupperuougs iu suit able soils and localities. Kaleigh, N. C. When you want a pleasant physic, try Chamberlain's Stomach and Liver Tablets. They are easy to take and produce no griping or other unpleas ant effect. Sold by C. N. Simpson, jr., and S. J. Welsh. m BEFORE YOU BUY. iiailliSSiiiiliiiSS& People's Dry Goods Co, Clothing, Dry Goods, Shoes at & Bargain. Suits, Overcoats, Pants, fine Shoes, coarse Shoes, Overshoes, Cotton and Woolen Dress Goods, Silks, Flannels, Flannelets, -Outing, Ginghams, Percals, Shirtings, Cloaks, Jackets and Capes, Shirts, Collars, Neckwear, Underwear, Hosiery, Gloves, Hats, and Caps, Trunks and Bags. Make your selection in any of these lines and come and get a bargain. Come and look. mm flfi H V J 'i s A JITTER OF HEALTH J 11 1 kw Absolutely Pure HAS HO SUBSTITUTE A Cream bf Tartar Powder free from alum or phos phatic acid Peo Monroe, N. C. p!e9s Piry Goods NVsUasUjVeUsUr o Monroe, It C. J -Ana jioa ayojaa sn ONiaas Aa xzhou 3avs l Dewey in the Pen. charloii Thomas W. Dewey, the Newbern bank wrecker, has begun his sen tence of six years in the peniten tiary, goiug to the prison alone Tuesday. Justice seems to have bad a pretty smooth road in this case. nan's Unreasonableness is often as great as woman's. But Thus. 8. Austin, manager of the Republican of Leavenworth, Ind., was not nureasouable when he re fused to allow the doctors to oper ate on his wile for female trouble. "Instead," he says "we concluded to try Electric Bitters, My wife was then so sick she could hardly leave her bed and five physicians bad failed to relieve her. After tak ing Electric Bitters she was per fectly cured aud can now perform all her household duties." Guaran teed by English Drug Co., price 50c. Royal Arcanum Sued. Judge Armistead Burwell aud Capt. A. O. Brenizer of Charlotte have instituted suit against the Royal Arcanum for 1,000 each, the amount of premium paid into the order since they joined in 1887. These suits are the result of the re sult of the recent advance In insur ance rates made by the order. No Poison In Chamberlain's Cough Remedy. From Napier, New Zealand, Herald: Two years aeo the pharmacy board of New South Walea, Auitralia, had an analysis made of all the cough medicines tbat weie sold in that market. Out of the entire list they found only one that tbey declared was entirely free from poiaona. This ex ception was Chamberlains Cough Rem edy, made by the Chamberlain Medi cine Co., Des Moines, la., U.S.A. The abaence of all narcotics makes this remedy the safest and best that can be had; and It is with a leehne of securi ty that any mother caa give it to ber little ones. Chamberlain's Cough Rem-1 edy is especially recommended by its makers for coughs, colds, croup and whooping cough. This remedy is for ale by C.N.Simpaon, Jr., S. J. Welsh. "What do you mean by writing, Among the prettiest girls at the dance was Captain Andrews'! The captain is a man." les, but he spent most of his time among the prettiest girls there." Philadelphia Telegraph. Nature needs only a Little Early Riser now and then to keep the bowels clean, the liver active, and the system free from bile, headaches, constipa tion, etc. The famous little pills Early Risers are pleasant in effect and per fect in action. They never gripe or sicken, but tons and strengthen the liver snd kidneys. Sold by S.J.Welsh snd C. N. Simpson, Jr. "Can yon advance any argument to show why yonr political princi ples shonld winf ' "No," answered Mr. Dustan Stax, "but I can advance consider able cash." Washington Star. Many children inherit constitu tions weak and feeble, others due to childhood troubles. Hollister's Rocky Mountain Tea will positive ly care children and make them strong. 33 cents, tea or tablets. English Drag Company. Oyer Sloboy has the automobile face. Myer Why, I wasn't aware that be owned a machine. Oyer He doesn't; bat he tried to cross the street in front of one last night Chicago News. The Exact Thing for Constipation. As a certain purgative and stomach purifier Chamberlain's Stomach and Liver Tablets seam to be the exact thing required, strong enough or the most robust, yet mild enough and safe for children and without tbat terrible griping common to most purgatives,' say R. S. Wsbetsr Co., Udora, On lario, Caa. For sale by C, N. Simp, eon, Jr., and , J. Welsh. , ' Mother ef Twenty Children. ' " Mrs. Clara Kraoss of Coal City, lud., has jost given birth to her twentieth child. Sons of then have been twins.' Bbe has been married twenty five years, and to 1 years old. . If yon are trod bled with indlge tion, constipation, soar stomach or any other pain, Hoi lister's Rocky Monntaln Tea will make yon well iand keep yon we'.!. 85 r t l ior telle-, Er;'li Prr; -y. Two Dollars a Hair. Two dollars a hair is the value placed upon a lock of his wife's tresses by the husband of Mary Goddard. A suit for the replevin of the little keepsake, as well as reimbursement at the above named figure, has been brought in jus tice court and the case will be called soon at lola, Kansas. When You Have a Baal Cold yon want s remedy that will not only give quick relief but effect a perma nent cure. Yon want a remedy that will relieve the lungs and keep expec toration easy. Yoa want a remedy tbat will counteract any tendency toward pneumonia. Yon want a remedy that is pleasant and safe to take. Cham berlain's Cough Remedy meets all of these requirements and for the speedy snd permanent cure of bad colds stands without a peer. For sale by C. N. Simpson, Jr., and S. J. Welsh. Voted for Seventeen Presidents. Geo. B. VsnMada, said to be the oldest Republican of Pike county, has just celebrated his 87th birth day. He has voted for seventeen presidential candidates in his day.' His first vote was cast for William Henry Harrison In 1840. $100 Reward, $100 The readers ot this paper will be pleased to learn that there is at least one dreaded disease that science has been able to cure in all its stages and that is Catarrh.. Hall's Catarrh Cure is the only positive cure now known to the medical fraternity. Catarrh being constitutional disease, requires a constitutional treatment. , Hall's Ca tarrh Curs is taken internally, acting directly upon the blood and mucous surfaces of the system, thereby de stroying the foundation of the diaeaae, and giving the patient strength by building up the constitution and assist ing nature in doing its work. Tbs proprietors have so much faith in its curative powers, tbat they offer ons Hundred Dollars for any case that it fails to cure. Send tor list of testi monials. Address, Address: F. J. CHENEY CO., Toledo, Ohio. Sold by druggists, 7jc, Take Hall's Family Pills for consti pation, The following advertisement ap peared in the London Express: "October 13. The aay of biesgea memory; the aay you retectea my offer of marriage. Pink Roses." rapoverlsnea Impoverished soil, like impov erished blood, needs a projier fertilizer. A chemist by analys ing the soil can tell you what fertilizer Ui use for different products. If your blood is impoverished your doctor will tell you what you need to fertilize it and give it the rich, red corpuscles that are lacking in it. It may be you need a tonic, but more likely you need a concentrated fat food, and fat is the element lacking in your system. There is no fat food that' is so easily digested and assimi lated as Scott's Emulsion of Cod Liver Oil It will nourish and strengthen the body when milk and cream fail to do it. Scott a Emulsion ia always the same; always) palatable and always beneficial where the body is wasting front any cause either in children or adult, ; Wawaam4jmmaamm&t?a, BtswfwC-tt'V tare la tbs lorsa i UM i. oa t oi rry b aw. stun jo tiy. f r ) f "7T r . .... (

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