THE MONROE OURnAL. VOLUME XII. NO 43 MONROE, N. C, TUESDAY NOVEMBEP 28 .908 One Dollar a Year TALKING WITH THE PEOPLE. We desire to commend the exam ple that the directors of tbe new cot- toa mill at this place have aet in their decision to couple some good (rid fashioned religion with business in their plana for building their new mill settlement Fur the people wboaa labor will be needed to oper ate the mill, they propoee to prepare real bouse that can be made real homes, instead of a aet of box car shanties that are often built around the milla for people to live in. The met) who hare decided to do this are all chrialiaa men who would go any length in their peraonal Uvea to help tboae who need help, but in deciding lbs character of tbe comforts they expect to offer their help, they do not pat themselves on the back and aay, as too many do who are working fur elfish motives, "Look at ua, behold what good men and philanthropists we are!" Not a bit of it They aay frankly that this it a business mat ter. Good housea capable of being made into real homes will bring us the very beet help that can be had. It will do more, it will keep auch help by giving ua people of charac ter and good citizenship. Such help can and will willingly do more and bettor work, be worth more to them- elves, to ua and to their country, than a ahiftlesa population that is willing to put up with anything for a makeshift until they can run off to some other place. And the value of this action is the greater for the rea son that it is put upon its proper basis. Put that way, it becomes an example that must spread rapidly because its worth will soon be appa rent And this example could well be looked into by other employers of labor. A gentleman who has made close observation in more than half the counties of the State, told the writer recently that much of the cry about the negroes and the white ten- Sully in the Market If 70 bivi tnythinl to tell, come tt tee ne. I MitUl In the market for cotton, seed cttton, cotton teed, cross ties, con try produce, etc. Bihast frices paid. One car 1m cotton seed hulls, In bales and balk, tor sale. One car leal best cotton seed meal tt the lowest price. k few good horses and mules for sale ee tzchanjt. Will buy l lew horses and mules. If yon have one to sail come to see me. y Mum farm la luford town ship for rent or tor sale Ne matter what you want te buy, MO, erswap, tee me. Phone 4. J. B. Nash, Old Courthouse. Don't t)G Alarmed very Urn the fire bell rings. Have your premises and stock covered with INSURANG&. Tot don't know how much worry can be avoided for such a email out lay. Should firs then reach you, you are assured there will be no pecuni ary loss. Claims are adjusted prompt ly by the oompaniea we represent. Oet our rates. . W.IU GORDON, floent. At People'! Bank. 'ant class leaving the farm would be a thing of the past if landowners would make it possible for them to hsve something like comforts tbe landlords themselves enjoy and which the laborers can secure in the towns, lie said that the farmers of the eastern section of the State who complained about not being able to keep help were tbe one who could not realize that the negroes had ever been freed; that, on the other hand, those who were willing to let them have schools. churches and comfortable houses to live in, had all tbe help they wanted. This ia not the popular stuff, but its true, and people will learn it some time. The dispensary officials of South Carolina have made an analysis of a number of well advertised patent medicines, and say that they contain so much alcohol that they must not be sold except by druggists on regu lar prescriptions of physicians. Some lime ago the treasury department at Washington made a ruling that druggists who sell certain of these remedies must have retail liquor licences. This is a movement that ia likely to increase. Some of the slop that ia put off on the public as cure-alls, are worse than worthless. Host of them contain harmful drugs or are worthloss.and there should be law compelling manufacturers to label their goods in such a way that the public could know what it ia buying. Mr. R. A. Morrow, who is a mem ber of tbe State board of internal improvements, returned a few days ago from a visit to the hospital for the insane at Morcanton. and the hospital for the colored insane at Goldsbord He thinks that if the colored people throughout the State could go to Goldsboro and see what is being done for the unfortunates of their race by tbe State, they would have a much better feeling towards the white people than some of them manifest at times. At the colored hospital Mr. Morrow says he found the oldest bookkeeper that he ever saw. Mr. Daniel Reid is hia name and he has charge of all the books of the institution and isninety-one years old. It is the policy of the authori ties of hospitals for the insane to give the patients auch amusements (CONTINUED ON PAG I TWO.) Son Lost not her, "Consumption runs in our family, and through it I lost my mother," writes K. B. Held of Harmony, Me. "For the past five years, however, on the slightest sign of a cough or cold, I nave taken Dr. King's New Discovery for consumption, which baa saved me from aerioua lung trouble." Hia mother's death was a aad loss for Mr. Reid, but he has learned that lung trouble must not be neglected aud how te core it Quickest relief and cure for coughs and colds. Price 50c aud $1, guar anteed at English Drug Company' a. Trial bottle free. "Talk aboot our sturdy grand mothers. Bottht'' "As to bowf "Could our atnrdy grandmothers face the rigors of winter in open work stock ingst" Philadelphia Bulletin. When yon want a pleasant phytic, try Chamberlain's Stomach and Liver Tablet. They are anjf to taka and product do griping ur other oopleas ant effect. Sold by C. N. Simpson, Jr., and S. J.JVeltbj Man in the Chair Doctor, can insomnia be curedf Doctor Nothing easier. Any man can mil Into sound aleep by trying to count a thousand. Man in tbe Chair Y-e-a; bntonr baby can t ooont The Tatter. $100 Reward, $100 Tba readers ot Ibis paper will bt pleated to learn that there it at least one dreaded diteaaa that science baa been able to care ia til itt stages and that it Catarrh. Hall's Catarrh Care it the only positive care now known to the medical fraternity. Catarrh being a constitutional diteaae, requires a constitutional treatment. Hall's Ca tarrh Core it taken internally, acting directly opon the blood and mocoos surfaces ot tbe ayitem, thereby de stroying the foundation of the diaeaae, and giving tbe patient strength by building up tbe constitution and assist iog nature in doing itt work. Tbe proprietors have to much faith in itt curative powers, that they offer one Hundred Dollars (or any case that it failt to cure. Send tor list of testi monials. Address, Address: F. J. CHENEY CO. Toledo, Ohio. Sold by druggists, 75c. Take Hall's Family Pills (or coast! patios. Xomin' Home to ThanksgivinT Sri Rev. E. A. Hand in Kew York Obmrer. IT rUA Square! Thantagivin'a A a-eotnin'. Anybody com in' borne to Thaneagivin't" Tba speaker, David Howard, a man with a thin, hatchet face, could never have told why John Tomp kins always1 received the auuire title. Neither could anyone else give him the reason. "Squire Tompkins," be was called, a man with a smooth, round lace, blue eyea and very much of a lower jaw. When saluted by hia neighbor he waa ia a little structure called bia "shop." If farm duties permitted it, or when the weather forbade out door work, John Tompkina would, there la hia shop, patch a hole in a shoe or thickea a thin sole. At the eight of DavW'e hatchet fare throat into the doorway, "Squire Tompkina" lifted hia eyea and eye ing David through hia gold bowed spectacles, replied: "Thankagiviu' coniin', that's good. like a weaknese to allow anything of the kind and she always made aome disparaging remark. "Wish I could make some really good ones, and I'd aend some to Square Tompkins' housekeeper, Miss Jones." "Send these. She'll like 'em, and I'll take ta to her. The Square, too, he likes turnovers. 8ay, Sally, the Square'a dredful homesick for hia family. I can read him like a book, 'specially when the book ia open." "Then let him send for hia daughter, Amanday. Miss Jones would like to go home, for ahe'a told me so. There's Amanday and her little Joshey a liviu' np at the four corners, and let the Square take hia own home agin. Dear mel I can see Amanday a-comin' to her old hum arter she had married a furrener. I told the Square that good furrenera would make good Americans jest giv' 'em a trial and POPULAR ACTOS Gallia t Soldier 6oea to the FroiU U VA SOL Are your Kidneys, Liver or Bladder effected! If so read oar guarantee: 125.00 Reward. We offer 923.00 reward for any ease of Kidney, Liver or Bladder trouble that oannot be cured by uva 001. INTERSTATE CHEMICAL CO., Baltimore, M. D. For aale by Price 4t Moore, B. F. IX 6, Monroe, N. C lie did not say whether anybody be patient Anything transplant waa cominK home to Thanksgiving, ed, like my cabbages, you must Ilia eyea flashed through his gold- give it time. And I sex, Square, bowed spectacles. These gave an now 8quare, in a family we must idea of substance, wealth, and be- try to make the best of things, put cause ho was a stout, aubstantial op with some things we can t alter, looking man, lived in a substantial and Square I remember my words house, kept live stock iu anbstan- we must lie the huts with a leetle tial barns, he may have received a patience, bearin' and furbeariu' substantial title from hia neighbors, and the wheels will run all the "Squire." smoother. Ao, no, tbe Square said "I tell my wife Bally, Squire, what be said he'd do, and he'd when Tbanksgivin' comes, the stick to it; if Amanday married heaps of pies suggest that she has that man, then Amanday and the big family, and yet there's ouly Square must part and stay apart! me aud Sally. A big family's a You know what a solid jaw be has, good thing, Square." "I I had a big oae once." The face of John Tompkiua was sud denly clouded. His eyes stared. They glistened with tears. Hia voice choked when he tried to speak again. He dropped hia eyes, and turniug hia bead away, the "Square" raised hia hammer and gave a piece of leather on his lap- stone a furious blow. That day at noon, David had a little chat with his wife, Sally. It waa at the din ner table. 'I aee you're gettin' ready for Tbanksgivin', Sally, and your mince turnovers are 'maxin' good." David liked to compliment his wife, and she was glad to get the compliments, but it seemed to her and Tompkins' jaw was bigger than ever. But the Square has his ten der side. He's seen four.coflins taken out of his house, yes live, and I think it must soften him, and you know that picture of a family group a faury one, but it has a meanin' up in his sittin' room! And you do remember well Miss Jones sea she's seen him many a time go up aud stand afore that glasa aud go away, his gold specs look in' as if they'd just been dip ped in the suds. Now, Miss Jones wants me to jine her in suthin' to briug about a change and get Amanday bum for Tbanksgivin', when the family feel in' cornea out, will soon be here, aud I am a thiukin' I-L" . Mortlater Kaphas. Mr.taertlmer Kaphas, who ortaataed the aoMbr-actort' company which weal to the foot, lays ta a letter to Dr. Hart maa ta regard to Ptranai " I especially epprer u Parana at this seaeoa wkea I am liable to eolda,eoatbe aad other catarrhal affections. Parana la rack aa admirable medicine for tkeaeeompUlats Uet 1 ibau not fall to make free nae ot It wheatver the slightest ejmptom of eold annoys me. All people of my pro feu Ion hsve a great dread of a eold, a It generally entirely disables them from thelrduUes. Tbeeetordependsaomneh npoa the tlearaeee ol voice that a oong a or eold Is aa unmitigated calamity. I am told by membere of my profeeetoa that Parana Is a reliable remedy for la grippe - atr. Kaphan's address Is 101 West Wla street, New York City. A book of leetnree oa Winter Ci terra" will be cent free by The Parana Medicine Co. Columbus. Ohio. Here she paused, and sileutly be gan to nibble ner second turnover. "A thinkin' wnatT" asked Ua vid, pofllng at aud trying to cool saucer of hot tea. "Wal-I'm a thiukin' Another pause. "Say, Sally, what are yon a thinking about" "Wal, I waa a thinkin' "I should say you was. Ain't there no end to that long lane" She suddenly sprang up from her chair. "I b'lieve Til take 'em over my self aud do it now," she exclaimed, grabbing David's brown coat that hung over the back of a chair. "Take what to wharf" "Turnovers to Miss Jones." "Leave me suthin', Sally. Don't taka that It will fit me better than you." "Dear me, I thought it was my brown shawl." "Sally, you're gettin' a leetle, UMM exritMl " aad I "I'm as cool as a cucumber, or or ought to be," Bearing away a package of turn overs, Bailie hurried out of the hoose. From a window, David' hatchet-nice watched her hurrying down the road, and he pressed bis nose against tbe glasa aa if he would cat bis way out through it "If I ever! Wall, wall! Sally ia good woman, and I don t need to watch her, so I will will." He turned toward a pantry odor 00s with good cookery. "Tbauks givin' is a comin' and I guess I'll up one of Hally'a pumpkin pies." He came from tbe pantry, loaded with a pie of rich, popular depth and exclaiming, "Oh, dear, family jars ia terrible. Tbe Square had better accept what he couldu help. That is what I am goin' to do. accept tbe pumpkin pie." The minutes flew that day. and there at Square Tompkin'a house the dork bauds seemed to travel faster than anywhere else, for the Square" waa off a marketin' aud might be home any momeut and the women'a business must he pushed in his kitchen at a lively rate. Bally and Mrs. Jones, for "Miss' waa a married woman, now enter' ed into the mysterious conspiracy it waa in connection with a process or mutual sampling of Tbanksgiv ing comforts. Fragments of coun sel would be broken off at short in tervals. "Git leetle Joshey now, why not!" advised Mrs. Jones, samp ling Sally's turnovers. "He looks just like his mother." That hits tbe mark. After a busy time thinking, Sally also sampling the bousckeen er'a apple pie and cheese, inquired eagerly: "lou'U have tbe family picture on nana, miss jonesT ' I will now these turnovers are re re markable!" Thank you, at what time can we kitcn the Square a-nappin' in his shop, Miss Jonest This pie is aa ae delicious." "Now don't! Right after dinner we'll kltch him." "Oh do!" "And the day afore Thauksgiv- in'. Re re remarkable turn overs!" Yes, the day afore I mean not them turnovers are remarkable, for they're poor eatiu' but I mean the day afore 1 This cheese beats the Dntch!" r 1 SAVE MONEY BY SEEING US BEFORE YOU BUY. n8$aS"fOT3 People's Dry Goods Co Clothing, Dry Goods, Shoes &i Bargain. Suits, Overcoats, Pants, fine Shoes, coarse Shoes, Overshoes, Cotton and Woolen Dress Goods, Silks, Flannels, Flannelets, Outing, Ginghams, Percals, Shirtings, Cloaks, Jackets and Capes, Shirts, Collars, Neckwear, Underwear, Hosiery, Gloves, Hats, and Caps, Trunks and Bags. Make-your selection in any of these lines and come and get a bargain. Come and look. mm m It v 'J 1; Absolutely Pure DISTINCTIVELY A CREAM OF TARTAR BAKING POWDER It does not contain an atom of phos. phatic acid (which is the product of bones digested in sulphuric acid) or of alum (which is one-third sulphuric acid) sub stances adopted for other baking powders because of their cheapness. llonroe, N. C;; Monroe, N, C. "Xow you muMn't! Venmstirit things settled by Tbaiiksgivii;' Bar tin. Family uuarrt'la uimtt stop somehow." "Do bike another not uimrrel. Dear me, I'm all mixed up." "I win takcjUHl one more turn over, lea, we must bear and for bear." "That's my Wtrine, Tbanks givin' says, 'Forgive and forget,' " The coiiHpiiittora arimruted. The afternoon before Thauksgiviug ar rived, and John Tonipkius at 1 preliminary had eaten a dinner of such dimensions that he was more than usually sleepy, and soon he tola bliuself that he would be "a droppiu' off," which meant a drop ping down aud down, deeper and Ueeper, more and more comfortably into tbe thickly cushioned arm cnair in nig snon. une nneasv glance before sleep be gave out of tbe window that showed him a lit tie family "burying ground," where five or bis household had beeu hud away, peace in each face, their bands making Calvary's sign upon his breant. When he went to Bleep. Smiare Tompkins was think ing of his tiock, the five that had gone to sleep, and "Amanday" still uiton the earth. Sometime, iu his uap he was very confusedly aware that there was a noise at the door. If that ante Thanksgiving dinner had not smothered him so dp, he would have heard the voice of a conspira tor as she tumbled against the door, "Oh massy! Hush sli !'' He's all right," advised the other couHpirator, looking into a window. "Now open the door kind of easy there! Now set Joshey by bis chair, and that family pic ture agin tbe wall near him, so he'll sue both when be opens his eyes. Now, Joshey, dear, you tech him off. Don't be scat if he jumps. Jest say 'Ganpie.' We'll stay by the winder and be a peek in' in. Don't be scat, say HJanpie,' and tech him easy." Soon the farmer felt the gentle pressure of something on his fat cheek. "Somebody a-makin' butter and patttu' it," was the "Square's" thought Then he heard a noise. It was a boy murmuring, "Ganpie." It was a soft, musical hum that came to grandpa's ears, and it seemed as if a big fly warmed out of his retreat by the November fire, kindled in the stove, were playing on a fly-fiddle; "Hum m m !" The hand that was patting butter and the fly playing on the fiddle, continued their geutle activity. Soon Square Tompkins opened his eyes. The first object he saw was the family picture leaning against the wall. The conspirators noticed this glance, and one said to the other; "Now the next thing hell see is Joshey a hand. W isb we bad put a Bible in IU That would tech him. Now wasn't that an oversight!' ' No Bible did be aee but a chub by little haud. How it made him think of hia "Amanday a" chubb; hand when she was a "leetle gal. Then came that geutle appeal, "Ganpier The next moment there was an armful of fat boy that a grand fat h er was pressing to his breast, while the tears ran in glistening streams down bis cheeks. "Oh oh see see V cried conspirator, and she said it so loud that Square Tompkina' shining "specs" were directed toward the daring and devoted pair at the window. The two conspirators were caught. However, Amanda came home the next day, in ample season for an opulent Thanksgiving dinner, Wben You Have a Bad Cold roe want a remedy that will not only fire quick relief but effect a perms neat core. Yoa want a remedy that will relieve the mors and keep eipec (oration easy. Yoa want a remedy that will counteract any tendency toward 1 poenmooia . Yoa want a remedy that is pleasant and sale to take. Cham I berlaia's Coajh Remedy meets sll of ' these requirements and for the speedy I and pensaaent cor. of bad colds stands ' wit hoot a peer. For sale by c. N. ;Siwpeoa, tH aad S. J. Welsh. Three Disappearances. StatewvUIr landmark. The Landmark mentioned Tues day three mysterious disappear ances in North Carolina. One man went away with a jug of brandy. His decomposed body was iound Itttside the empty jug a few days aj;o. Another wax under the infill ence of liquor when last seen. Later his dead ImhIv was found in the river. The third was a promi nent citizen, Hunday school super intendent, etc. Why he went away or where he went has not lieen learned, but usually a man of that type go away with a woiunu or somebody's money. Many children inherit constitu tions weak and feeble, others due to childhood troubles. Hollister'a Rooky Mountain Tea will positive ly cure children and make them strong. :i.r cents, tea or tablets. Knglish Drug Company. Breezy Why did you resign Irom the "Don't Worry" clnbt himy I discovered that the way the rest of them got out of worry ing was by telling all their troubles to me! I etroit Free Press. flan's Unreasonableness is often as great as womau'a. But Tlios. H. Austin, manager of the licpiiblicau of Leavenworth, I ml., was not unreasonable when he re fused to ul low the doctors to oper ate on his wile for female trouble. "Instead," lie says "we concluded to try Electric Bitters. Mv wife was theu so sick she could hardly leave her bed and five physicians had failed to relieve her. After tak ing Electric Hitters she was per fectly cured and cau now perform all her household duties." Guaran teed by English Drug Co., price 50c. "I wonder how graft originated!" said the studious man. "Away back in the Garden of Kden,'' answered Senator Sorghum. "Man was a grafter at the outset. Adam couldn't even let Eve enjoy an apple without getting a rake off." Washington Star. "SHU IU LIFE" That's what a prominent lruKsist saiJ of Scott's Emulsion a short time igo. As a rule we don't ase or icier to testimonials in addressing the public, but the above rems- end similar cxprecs''jns aie made so often in connec tion with Scott's Emulsion that they are worthy of occasional note. From infancy to old age Scott's Emulsion offers a reliable means of remedying im proper and weak develop ment, restoring lost flesh and vitality, and repairing waste. The action of Scott's Emulsion is no more of a secret than the composition of the Emul sion itself. What it does it does through nourish mentthe kind of nourish ment that cannot be ob tained in ordinary food. No system is too weak or delicate to retain Scott's Emulsion and gather good from it w wiu aend yoa a sample ft. fciHtakihiMie et mrv M el a ul iiii t scon k mis CkmUU 40? Pari 5U N. T. ft 1e&?J,P j

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