THE IOIROE JOURNAL Telephone Nta. Tuesday, January I. 1904. liest cottOD today 13.2-V Mr. F- R Stark returned to the A. & M. Collegt. yesterday. Mr. Duuk Tberrell of Troy apeul taut night 10 tuwn. Allan Heath and Phifer Fulleu wider, two Monroe boys, left Mon lay to euter Triuily rullrge. Miss KateShaDkletpeut tli hoi idays with her sister, Mis. F. M. 11)) tc Mr. filenu Wolfe baa gone to Ktvauuah to take a wliou iu the service of the Keatioaiu. Mr. L. K. Helms haa boucht lot from Mr. M. V. Lone and will build a resideuee. Mia Corrinne Wolfe of I'uion ville ajveut Christinas with her pa renta iu Meeklenburg. Mr. Irvin Ritch of Charlotte speut last week with friends and relatives here. Mr. am! Mrs. L II. Thompson returned from a visit to Wadesboro yesterday. Mr. David Sell of Tennessee is visiting relatives iu Uoose Creek towusliip. Miss Ona Lnug returned to the JUptist I enisle I uiversity at Kal eij-h last night alter speudiug the holiday with her pareuta. Miss Velina Chears, who has been visiting her futher, Est). V. T. ('hears, returned to school at Wax haw lust it ute Monday. Miss Mary Purefoy, who has lieeu with Mrs, A. Levy the past season, left fur her home at Wake Forest last week. Miss Florence Maynard, milliner for Iielk Bros, during the season, left tor her home iu Itultiiuore lust week. The imstofueo has been moved into the rear of the English Irug o. s old stand until the improve incuts iu the building can be made. Mr. Ed J. Ilivens of northeast Monroe township has moved to Wiugate to send his children to t-ehool. All members of Monroe Lodge K. of '. are rt (juesled to meet at the hall ut ' o'clock tonight to transact important busiuess. Messrs. C. C. and V. I). Bikes re'urned Haturduy night from St. Louis, whey they have beeu to buy rSlU'K. Social Mr. and Mrs. F. R. AslversAea WrtaiDed betweea thirty and forty of their friends on New Tear's night After aa elegant tapper had been served, a most entertaining diversion was introduced. Cards and pencils were pawed to each guest with the directioa that each one write the name of his profes sion in three words tbe condition being tbst the words must begin with tbe three initiate of tbe wri ter's uanie. To do this required a good deal of ingeuuity, and it be came apiarent that the humorous must be tbe largest clement. A good many of tbe auswers were re vised by friends before being read out. Some of them were as follows: Mr. It. A. Moi row "Racing Af ter Money." Mr. C, It. Richardson "Cutline Ham Kiirut." Mr. J. J. Crow "Jolly Jamb Cotton buyer." Capt. W. K. Cason Watching hverj body s Comfort." Mr. G. U. Beasley 'Good Mis sionary Baptist." Dr.J.M. Iklk "Jumping Many Uargaius." Mr. lit'. Ashcraft "Bald bead ed City Auditor." Capt. W. A. Lane "Watching All Ladies." Mayor R. V. Iloustou "Raisiuc ulualile Hogs." Mr. K. C. Williams "Eseelleut Case Wiuuer." 'Mr. II. E. Copple "Haudling r.nony coraus." Some of the occupation of tbe ladies were: "After Moore ork," "Excellent Johnny rake Baker," "liking Always Lovely," "Al ways Varying (,'ookiug," "Joyful ly Watthiug Cliildrsu," "Mewling Ever -Lasting," "Making Alu Cake," Making Biscuits Always," air. K C. illiaius was declared the prize wiuuer aud received s pretty book. Mis. E. C. Williams entertained Thursday evening in honor of Miss Kagie or .Monroe ami aliases K.ijfle and Walters of Coueord. i Mrs. Wi iston Lee eiitertulued the "youug set" Saturday night. Miss Alice and Mr. Wurreu Stack entertained a large number of their friends Thursday evening. Miss Margnrette Parker enter taiued some of her frieuds Wedues dny night. Each guest represented (be title of a book, nud a most pleasant eveuiug was spent. Death tt John H. Secrest. Mr. John H. Seerest. mavur Waxhaw, died of pnenmonia last Wednesday night, after just one week's illness. Though but a young man ZS years of age, Mr. Secrest was pretty well known over the county by reason of the fact that he was a candidate year before last for the office of register of deeds, 1 1 is untimely takiug off will be a source of general regret, as he was a youug man of fine character, pleatting ad dresa.aud bad a great mauy frieuds. Physically he was tall aud band some, and apparently destined to live to good old age. He was tbe youngest son of Mr. Milas A. Se crest of Waxbaw, and between lit ther and sol there was an unusually strong attaebmeut The young uiau has always stood well among those who knew him. As a testimony of mis fact oe was la May elected ma or of bis town. He wss an ac tive and loyal member of the Pres byterian church. Ten days before bis death no young man in the county would be accounted more fortunate, or more possessed of brighter prospects in life. But, verily, iu life are we in the midst of death and no man knows whom tbe grim reaper will next claim for bis own. Mr. Secrest was an ambitious and energetic young man. He bad spent a good deal of time in school preparing himself for life's battles. And it is a poiut in his favor tbst, though he little knew that his first great and ouly battle was to be with Death, be was not unprepared for it. it is well witb the young niau, The morning's mail broimbt The Journal three new cash iu advance ! subscribers. One icentlcmau in niv Mr. Mvlburu Howard, who was ing bis subscription in advance yesterday remarked that The Jour nal was lb besj county paper lie knew of. These aieonjy examples oi me guou tilings mat ae coming Tbe Journal's way, aud we meu- tion tbem only for the puiposo of operated on iu Charlotte some lima ago for appendicitis, has almost re covered from tbe uttack aud will come home tomorrow. Mr. L 0. Brooks of Kinston has become a member of the travelling fori of the Heath Lee Hardware 8? j ''g that with the beginning of me new year we icei as u we can not work hard enough during the year to make a paper worthy of such appreciative readers, but that we will do our besf, Qur aim is to be a representative paper of tlm wholo tounty, to make a weekly mirror of the county's activity in Company. Mr. Brooks is a brother of Prof. E. C. Brooks, and will re ceive a warm welcome iu Monroe, Tbe directors of the Saving, Loau and Trust Company met Friday ud docuired su eight per ceut div idend to stockholders. The bank was opened for business on the U'th a) iuw, au(i a5ove M to plating and interesting to every citiseo of good old I'uiou. of last March Last week Dr. S. A. Stevens car ried Mr. Sum lloituii to Charlotte, where lie was operated on by Dr. Gibbon ut tbe Presbyterian Hospi tal. One of Mr, Ho; tun's brothers is iu Atlanta fur treatment also. Mr. Luiher Williams bas return ed to bis farm uear Rock Rest, af ter living in town for a year, Mr, J. W. Ricbardsou bas resumed his old place at L. It. Helms & Co.'s, made vacaut by the retirement of Mr. Williams. Ou tbe 21th 'Suiire W. 0. Long uuited in mariiago Mr. Buren Helms aud Miss Carrie Crowell, daughter of Mr. David Crowell of Goose Creek, and on the 31st, Mr. J. S. RiiNsell to Mies Ellie Austin, daughter of Mr. James Austiu, also of Goose Creek. The many frieuds of Mr. Chits, fl. Wall, formerly of Monroe, now of Pine Bluff, Ark., will be both poriiri.Hcd and plwised to learn that lie bas taken the vows of matriuio riy, He was married ou Christmas night to Miss Jessie Lee Woolfolk, a member of a prominent Arkansas fuciily. Rev. Edward Long, who spent Christmas with his father, 'Squire W. 0. Long of (loose Creek, re turned to M ake Forest Saturday, Mr. Himh Long, another son of: Mr. Long, who is editor of the GaSf tonia News, also sjicut Christmas with bis father. Mr. J. C. Harris of Buford town ship died ou December 31st. Mr. Il.irris wss a good miin and a use ful citizen. His neighbors all speak in the highest terms of his charac ter. Ho was a niriuberof the Meth odist church. He is survived by bis wife, having no children. Mr. Harris wits about 02 years of age. Mrs. Bradley, wife of Rer. F. W. Bradley, tbe new pastor of the Mon . roe circuit, died at 9 o'clock Sun day uftcruoon of heart droiisy, The body was taken to Concord, where it was iuterred'today, Mrs. Bradley being s native of Cabarrus. She was about 51 years of sge and had been twicn marrieiL One daughter, Mrs. Ciiaudler, who lives in Charlotte, survives her. She bad been sick some seven mouths, found a Cure for Indigestion. I dm Ctunibtrlain'a Stotnich sod Liver Tibleii for iodigetlioo and find that thtjr tuit my ce hrtler thio any dyspepsia ninedji I have tver tried aud I have utfd many different reme dies. I am nearly ji )eri of age and have LHi-reJ a treat drtl Irom lodt eti'i. I can eat atBtoat soylhing I want U now. Ceo. W. Emory, Rock Willi, Ala. for sale by Dr. S. . IVeUb sad C. H. Smipiun, )t. ' Tbe niee-4 Floi ida or inges to be seu are for tl by S. K. Duster. Methodist Church Debt Paid. The congregation of Central Meth odist church are happy. At the Sunday night service, Dr. Itowe, the pastor, held up the f7,(XX) note whit'h had been evidence of the church debt, and stated that it had been redeemed by Ihij fuJJ payment of tlifl atnoupt in cab, and thai he would keep the old paper, now made worthless by tearing off the signers, as a souvenir. This completes every cent of the expense of building the handsome new church, which ap proximates $20,000. The last note of $7,000 was liquidated by one week's effort. The gift of one citi zen of Monroe made it possible he started the subscription with $2,500. Two others gave $800, two others $500. The other amount ranged on down as low as one dollar. The congregation is how ready to dedi cate their diurch' whenever they see fit Their effort has probably not been surpassed by any conerccalion of their Church in the State. A Letter to Everybody Wjbo Has nous to faint. Have you read many letters about paints that under any condi tions wonld never stop lasting t A paiuter could get .drunk and just throw th.c palut np against bonse and it vould just lust and last, but not least. We sell paint sometimes ourselvss, and we know it's good paint There may be some paint somewhere just as good, wight be made of tbe same material in the snme proportion, but a palut can't be made better tbao Ji. V. o. It is not guaranteed against Ore and flood, improper applications, and labor-saving paiuter who are afraid to rub It in l but applied uuder proper condition it is strict ly guaranteed. While others write letters about paiut, we saw wood and sell paint, good paint, aud stack of it in fact, nearly all that is sold in town. If you bave hou- to paint, come to sec us. We can tell yon things about paiut yon dyu't know. Ekui.mii Dri o Ou tofkhUderf-' Meeting. Tbe annual meeting of the Stock holders of The Bank of liuiou will be held at it banking bouse ou Tuesday, January 1 Jtb. l04,atjl o'clock a. in., for the purpose of electing board of directors for the ensuing year and attending' to such other business a may be ueceesary. A prompt and full attendance is desired. December 28th, 1903. W. 8. Blaeknet, TWdent Waictkd I want to buy geese, for which will pay tbe highest price, also (tl chickens sod birds. tj. frpusU. In Memory of a Friend. When we look npon oue who bas climbed the rugged hills of life aud is far down on tbe other side, we mow tnat the tourney is not lone, aud we live in tbe expectancy of bis aeatn. But wneu there is a sud den departure from a life full of energy, of beauty aud of joy, radi eut with hope, sweet witb kiuduess aud love, tbe shadow comes over us like some miduiubt darkness. and (he fountain of light aud even tue stars seem to be forever ob scured. Such a cloud has so over shadowed us in the death of our beloved brother, John H. Secrest, who, on December 31st, was called to render bis eccomit nnto that being whom the sun, moon and stars obey, who judgetb the world n righteousness aud His people iu love, rewarding us socoidiug to our merit. His was a life of that higher kiud, made beautiful by a naturally sweet ieuiper?iueiit, ex emplified iu a lovely devotion to home, to parents, to brothers, sis ters, relatives and friends a life whitl) laught rather by example than by precept, which, yoii of deceit, breathed ever of sincerity and of truth. To bis many friends. John is not dead but sleeneth. His earthly remains are laid bo ueuib te b; If tit clods of the valley, in the old home graveyard uear Shiloh church. "Im havp lh,ir tlmi. Ij, fall. And Srra lu wlilior al (lie norm vlml'i limns : And tar to H hut all waion fur Tfalne own, u oratni" The poet bos beautifully ex pressed the sentiment iu these line "Thrrr i s V'th; what Mil ay In trau- I ltln : Thin llfr of mortal limit) U but a auliurliol the llfr tlyalan, V hoar portal w oall ratti.M Farewell, dear parents, brothers, sisters, relatives and friends for a little while. Up has gone pti be-1 fore; no longer shrinking from tbo winter's cold nor the summer's heat; no longer gazing into a far off sky ; no longer toiling along the path that leads unto eternal life, but be has entered into that borne where the wicked cease from troubling and the weary shall find rest." Irloon, too, thou must go tbe way he baa gone; then be prepared; "f or in sucu an nour as ye ttiluk not the Son of Mau cometb." J. W. Kowelu mom REWBLE Another Year. r.w I lM, I If frti .Vw-.ilit tmihfttllMHasI, ft ! Iwt. kl .t""ef r f i-frti .Triy 4 vtttH-w fur Tbj Abtolutel Pure THERE IS NO SUBSTITUTE Rabbit-Eating In Raleigh. Idle Comment In Charlutte Obvmi, "I have jnst returned from Ral eigh," said tbo traveling man, "and I want to tell you that those people down there are in a bad tlx. they are suffering from an over consumption of Chatham couuty rub bits. In an eatin' way it's Just rab bit all tbe time in tbe State Capitol both at the hotels and in every household. The rabbits are ship ped up in car-loads great tall rab bits that are sold so cheap that people got Into the rabliit-eatiu' babbit before they knew what they were about: and now (he habit is fixed. Why, Raleigh is the nioht melancholy place I ever saw. Ev erywhere you see folks with gloomy expressions on their faces. ' 'Too much rabbit,' S lid a resident to me. 'But there's uo use in trying to stop it. It's worse than the pie mania. WJien Governor Aycock gives a dinner party it's rabbit biili'dj when Treasurer Lucy en tertains there Isgtewed rabbit: Col. Tom lveusn serves jugged bare; and tbe Supreme Court dines ou rabbit on toast. We are living cheap and indigestibly. Tbe in flux of theChatbam county rabbit is the worse epidemic of the year and tbe effect is such that I can al most see the esrs of State Auditor Dixon growing longer and slenderer day by day." Pur Leaf Lard. Folks who like pure home made lard can get it from us. We bave it put up in buckets from fire to ten pounds, at 121 cents per pound. Tbifi lard ' i but op by good housekeeper ju Mou'roe, sud ir the very nicest and best that can' be pougnf. if. . uiie. See our handsome Jromitare; get prices aud yon will chuckle over the bargain. Monroe Furniture Company. You Know What You are Taking Wbes rwa lake Grove's Taileleai Chill Tonic bee note lb formula is plaiuly printed oa every bottle ahooiuj that it w simply Iron and yuiome In a taile 14 (erf at, Ne Cart, No Pay. Joe. A Present for Dr. Rowe. Last Sunday inortiiiig Rev. Dr. J. C Rowe was tbe recipient of the present of a pretty gold watch from bis uicnibcrs. it was given iu tea tiniony of their love aud affection and iu particular aimreci.iliou of bis efforts in raising tbe church debt, spokeu of elsewhere iu Tbe Journal. Tbe thoughtful gift came as an utter surprise to Dr. Rowe. Aiier me moruiug sermon .Mr. it. B. Hcdwlue asked permiasiou to make a statement, and arao and said i "I u behalf of t he members of tb is church, each ouc'of whom is inter ested, I desire to preseut to you, Dr. Rowe, a token of their esteem aud love both as a pastor and as a mau. It is tbe prayer of this con gregation that you may have many years yet. We feel that your life has been and will be devoted to tbe good of man. and tbst beyond the shores of time there will bo a re ward far greater than tbe esteem, or love or praise of men. I beg you to accept this token." The reply was not full of words. but its meaning was more clear than volumes. "You know that I appreciate this, I pan say no mure HOW, " ktllll il'. ItOWtl, v.a. ,4 1 iB'tia f.i'lhtl(-rtt,k ; . ! ,riiii'lr)l,r till . or rS la h-a,rit. r fta -Cr,i Slll-Jf Hatrrral Partners I Here is soim-lliing for you to i vestiir.ite: M. M. Lipp bas invent est ami puteud a Kleiililic procti which enables anyone to luuke the best fertilizer iu ibe world at e0ti per to'l. Remember, this is uo ex ei iim-ut, but a well estali!iJied fact, as thousands of farmers throughout the country have beeu using it for the pnst three years. He has a manual of instructions giving full aud plain direHious bow to make the fertilizer. Kverv farmer should have one of the manuals, which also includes farm right to make and use ou bis owu or any land he may cultivate. 1 lie men uamed below say it is giHMi aa any lertiiiaer tuey ever used aud a great deul cheaper, .Now is tbe time to nut it un. X. Ik This process in fully pro tected by tbo p.ileul laws of the I uited States, aud they will be rig idly enforced ai-alnst any persou infringing on the same. You can get chemicals from me as cheap as you can order them. You can ask or write the following persjus Iiensou Marsh, IYi-ks Phifer, A Phi ferf Marshville, X. C; Myei Medliu. Munroe, X. C.i YYilson Itraswell. I'nlonvllle, X. 1',; liax ter Williams, Wiugate, X. C.i Jos, J. (ii'iflin, Long s Store, X. C. W. T. Dkix Wingate, X. C. Some things are too sweet, too sacred, too much one s owu to be commented uhiu ; there are chani- lers in the heart that are not miest chambers. They are reserved for oue's inmost self, and he who would ucttdlivasly scuk to inter them is worse than a criminal, Yet and ut the additional risk uf un olleiise against good lasie something re mains to be told to make the above story complete. Ai.-! 'i-1 !!, not to satisfy idle curi isii ,, L .i i full to those who w ill ieac in l ive aud ppreciationsonmt liu; ; t he great oy imtc came to tin heart ot him whom it was sotigl ' to in.ikc bap py ou Sunday mon i . Tl e love and esteem of a g u ioih iieuple, whom be seeks to d i. t ; right, na iney nuu ekpiessioi. ;u . cm, run bring happiness, bill i': 'ie iswnne- thing that suiliasset'l cvt" ' Iu the heart of him who etbi 1 r the salvation of souls It i ac ceptance of Christ Ir- a"', "ne ; aud joy unspeakable I thM "no t the object of parent:! loe ""d uwof AMI)0 vbw ;r Dr. Rowe, witb much eHinroitot aud it seemed with iinu u l fur"", invited any one who 'It. dredge make a profession of fni i. i t'hiit to come fotwurd. One -.lue D'-1 ltowe's son, nov a stnde:.' i.iTr' it y College and a most ,.nn AVJ youth. Tho professioi v. P young man was entirely inn xrc;t ed by bis father. Thegil1 i in a', speaking love, esteem. shi- re a prexdatiou; tho gilt of ( -1, uf speakable I PUBLIC SALE Of a Vlunbl nd Very Pro Cuotlve Plantation, ('(iiiprliilnit Iwotrurl,'!!!! In the Waaha oitr-, o, itiuMu r iNtiiniy, aooin , art.lliia. ami known at llii nafciiaw iatiiailonor Hilli ertrntn hln alitl Ciirrttm laii lo ft-niirM-tlvrlv t lt former Wing VJHHt acrfa mora or l-a, ant Ilia latter 'i at-ra, Inon- or lr In aiva. ant l.tlh tract lhl land l aU.ut H mtlr from lm-ali-r limrl hoii-, on llle t'liarltillr ntat aol m.o not very rartlt'lanl rnoii Vt ali. on ilw Sf'4lioar,l Air l.nif. Tliel r,nl i-i ;iml riT lerlilr. T!'U nliliii'llo:i 4IM1 fr l.i rl ;V TIH- ni''a iilau tal'lon i llie hl.lorm Urili pUt-v if t,rneral Anil-TW J-k'H. ilia tiiili-r-uiir-1 oltlr will fM at rnl'lir atiuti..n iii Monday, February 1st, 1904, In froi! of ihi court houna lM,r at on oVtock p. m. at l.ui-ater l-oiirl holIM. H. C . all Ihr alMtve lt'M-i'jl-i lao trnt'lMor lantl, a uoov li.'iilnrtlf'Mpllon of ahti-li i-un Ik- foun tin- j,io'a.t r lilkt-r ami Uik-u tcr K4-vn .tf I inra-'-rl . II H I'. toe axhnv, I'latilallxii. ftrttlr alatve de-at-rit. .1. tut. Ihi, n mil. il'Vidi'.i i.ito all faftn. a -it i noi ."iil i,. u alxilii, a ill In- fiffon-.l In t art - aM'onit in tiiat. h eniv of wnteli un la t --;i ut th Hoe .'I II .' Muiii'i Journal TKKMs I'l- K I foii'-lli i-aNh, Iwlnnce In oiiii;iI y.'ar.y lu.l illrnilH of oll foil' ii n. I live yi'iiru, i-r nil nl tin ,oil,oi of 1'ia ( iirfhitwr: Hie ,-re.llt iKivnienti to lcnr In teie-t a'lil to l .,k urol lo ,hP aiitlaititiiil f of the ohii. ti M'SKVKKI D ASI) CllMI'ASV, TiS Flili lily HiilUtin,'. Kihlniore Manlanil. W ll MAM l-AMNKS. ..I IMwl'),, I NiHa.lar Uo.. a. When bilious try a dose oi C rul e Iain's Sloinach and Liver Jib Is u' realise for once bow tfuickly ' rjrgt class up-to-date meUicine will i iro the disorder. For tale Dr. S I Welsh sod C. N. Simpson, Jr. .sv't t Notice of Election. rpon a ielltton mune1 hj ortf fourth frtH-huliif D. Wlllllll ('..llt'lf Hill Hell .ml ll ltd N. 7. Ctr the white nut, hi J ark in tow t. fmlorTtrti ty tli !ouuiy Bonl of Kiluc u oil, th hnummn-r of wtilcn nrr follow, U v it : t)irlnntnK In th funt of Taut rtwk at thct ing of MH'aln rimil, thnco up wiiil rm - 'o Jolimtoa MH-aln fonl ; thiir In northca i Ijf tlnvotlnu to in .lot in th Monrtst nt . ... rntr roAtt n-fur Its Mind at curnor of Kit -r' field; Ihftto to a imtnt In Hip town- n un norm 01 rrniikt nutrmn ihim-c; in.1 i rnMinn I'ott- rmtl ton lnt north of C. ' T)n to briitKt' .'n nvm rwl wnt of Wlllh. i McWhortrrV; thentf In a iMmtliwrmiM y (llrrriion, rmtiAiiiK Wntliiw rrrck to ' haw riNut at a ixitnt tMar Mark M-H'ulnX 1 1 f pIuiIIiik tli R'wr-' Hhmkn' to ih tifli ninif. mhra-iiisT tbi lam In of K. Hrailr. W lino old plar. W-lfy lihnl (tlac, It. S. lravl r,n1i..l i, Charley Thomt'i.-n ami liorit MH'iiln. it It , t.ff Sale of Land undor Mortgage. Uy viniiof mortautf cxivnt-fd in me on (n 27th day of N-ivi:iUm-, IMiV. hy J. Khnor KundsTlitirk and ifi. M.t. Kiii'ilrrliurk, wltkch miirijfHK'' dtHfi In duly itj( int In th-- ofllti f th lli'i.lrti-r nf lui'd for I'luo' Pj"'ti0'. in ".ink A !'.d M-'MK-ijfi.tiiuni is, 1 ill eivlf. for pa h WtV h(,t-f the tMiurl liuw ikwtrn Loiirt, Sorth ('trnlluu, on Saturday, January 30th, 1904, th folio ln ilrtrrli-rd rTtile-inlf ytrnvf-vwl in aid moriirairi', to-lt: Ktrsi truf.t situs.! hi Hit Turd ton nhf, iinU fniuty, Sntlt t'andl ia. on th ,it. rx -( Cok'Ii Krntirh, known a Hit ! I i v I (iticioit ulut'h John I'hllniaii built 4Uonr'rtd Uxtiidpd an follow-.; H'tritiniiiir t atrfk at two hiurHja-Pk Hiin rnnn m ;t' W I'D pd ti a (HMioak; thf m-i- N rt4 W l tn h-doa to a Htak iirar a iMMtoak : tlu'iu with a fV'w llnr N ryij W h Jntoh'Htoaihii-kiHit hi ili I.T-chart lln ly a H Htoak and two hin, ihciu with K-atd HlH M ,', K 1W1, solr t th arhinlnic, rotitalnz .W arrpH mow or !'. O'ld trat-t aittial In aaUl coiiutv and utiit,'. ad j iiIiik th landu di-x-rtU'tl in 'th aUivC mvn t' nd tract, and houiitit'il m ttjlomt : bKn nli sr at a hwtoak nnra bmCfL. F. SI. Ur.y s i"'tr, and rum with mlf1 Broom'. Un W1 K W m ptdt'4 to uron ui th -n- lank of MrV'om'N prlii( nrnm-h, twiul ion tafhijr n.m'; th-viv tlown and with th a rl'iiu com km o( said (vikh hraiirli to W.o. Jti-niyt' Unv, viry itar NiuriifH' and H. ti. Ia vj-i v Nifr , tlietK- with H.U. Utwl' line N He4 4i AMit-d to a tttiall hlai'ktrnm hi l-.ttnm, 'rrm-e N W inf. pni hi a iHtntoak; theii-i S K t'i lha IsfKlunintf, rmitHlninif fi1, a(r now. o Ir-. 'ih aU.v iiorl U-i land in ..lf aail-fy ald tnortKntt. default having U' aoi.d lu ,vn)i'iit of rtaiu. 1'sit tnuary lt, lwm. -a r lUtll'll'l n w.... . Ada. Jmm A AfVl(jd, xWy. Dcata of rtrm. Lavioa Dm. Mr. lAviua Itm, wife of Mr. ( CauJ lk!t diwl at hr botur tur i aiilm muth of Mou rue livvattier I'Tth, VMK after bring etiuliiird to br tied oue vk vith iiir&!y&U. Mm. Ik wast boru mud rraml in llteHierflehl MMinty, S. t Sl VsUiuurrinl to Mr. Vau.iU lM on April '.'lid, 1SJ, ami tdi aud her huMuaml niowd to tliU rtmut) in 7L To Mr. ami Mn two Mi.K aud tie d.iulitrw -t re Hue win, Mr. J. T. I ., and thrtt Jm.hlent, Mws .Siilli Ifcj-rH. Mrv J. J'. YaudU t.f ( Im --rT. K.t'.,autl .Mnc J. II, Mi4.iu.rt of Lini!-r. S. r, arf livine. tliM gou, Mr. V. ! t IVw, hit liis hie in th Civil Mil At the ageiif II yean Mrs, lolueil the Methodist eliurelt sikI iluriiii; ber luui; life she livetl Ike life ofa rhristmu snJ wan a ueiL'h sutl friend who was lovetl hv all. Her life wits so lived that hen leatb rame she was fully nreitaretl to meet it. rS0CtXo00 & LSE, THE LEADir.Q BUI WC2S, I0TICIS, CLCI33, CLSIi' lP 15D SEPE ST0 II raiPuS. :ncs, hi Wo Tli ! Tou SreciflL Notices. AJverlisemrats will be inserted in this column at the pries of one cent a word, cash in advance. WANTED Ten bushels of shite ras. limner Huer. PTRAVED OK STOLEN - Female O setter pup) aliite, with I lack spolt m bead and eats, Keturn to nit and be rewarded, Dunham Bundy. MONEV to lend on good security. Stevens & Sikes. for your kin.l LmUaml a..i, , ;.,;,., .w I v ao-rvgewrtms tltir g.U liaxe ,m a... ;..,. ,!.. have ati.1 w(e iu,ne ..., A'i.MN l e.,i.. .l Mw our over- ... f iu mi uiKti tint-ills. New Goods Arriving nearly all the liuiekeeH us rea.iy ami uvious In serve vou. AmoiiK the latest arrivals you .ill tiu.l n. w a.M.I .,hk.h jfel tous, ( hevitils, tVrses, Hiiuwllake Suitiucs MlLs fur waists, coals ami skirts. .New H, li.,,.,1 anil u.,, ,-, , i.,l Waistines from 1. to .VI cents the ysrtl. b Mines' ami Ladies' (i,ks fr.-m ! rvnts i l.iHi-aniou-these some very elt j.'aiit caruieiiis. B A lot of LiKlies' Sevksiar that has call' I f.u lh the warmest 1' raise ami is &tu,g like hot t akes. The best line of Kit! (i loves e have ever slu.s u to sell from U cents to t'i. .VI, an espeei illy r.k .1 value for eeuts. e tu t jjive jirouiiiienee to all, hut our Men's Clothing aud ! inmninriiiB mr -aurtliv li . A new lot of Men's Hals the latest stales just reoivetl. A oul has been circulated that I ould sell out tbe bicycle sod run business on January 1st, i-o., I wish to state to th (.suple tbst 1 will con tinue in th busiDsst sod will be bet ter prepared than tver to serve my customers by carryiog a much largei stock of Koods, bicycle parts, etc., and win nanuie everything imaginable lor nicycie or a gun. Brooks Myers. POK SALE Gioj yowui mar mule. ei;biug about 1,000 pouudt. She's "cracker-jack." H. D. Stewait. IVE fiue pigs (or sale cheap. S. II, Hudson, WANT to buy your chickens and eggs. Dou't sell till you sr-e me. I While. am going to sell my groreues at cost. When you want snvthine in my line phone 69. S. 11. Hudson. Lee I 3000-C-O--0-t00 'OK KENT For slauding reut (orty acres of Unable land; plenty of tood cotton land and corn lantl. Good three 00m bouse, sood well. bam. etc I'lsce convenient to graded school and town churches. Would make souie im provements for first clasa tenant. 11. U. Stewart. 1 ANTED A few desirable families I now living in the country, to learn cotton milt work. Our location it heal thy, living cheap, and wares good. some families making as much ssf 100 per month. Apply by letter or iu per son to II. B. Heath, S.'r. and Treat , Manetta Mills, Lando, S. t. nl-nil liy tha Hirit ( roiimy t'owinl-mtiin ara that ait elrllitt It ht-ld nn the land Sale, Sr vlrv.f ill tn iinlar ol Ihr Sitperlur t'mirl. ina iiiart, in ma nias-tal pnN-n-illns -tlhar K. Sraiwfll, ailininl.tratrii . Ilraawrll. Sn-aaarri. anil W. H Hraa a;l va. t:. i. Srawrll at al.," the untlaraljtned a,aii.ioiiani will, u Mond iy, February 1st, I90 alha r-oni hmiaa door In MoTa. N. tx aall afntilie -tttin. In lha h jfaath htll-r. tlia t.,aa ln vrlbail laiiilt MUKaKOrr-rt tuwn hti: -, v r, i Uiul ailjoluliif Ihr lamia of Vt II l ,n-li, bra-oall, Willi. Mollln .ml Clttt, ' us 111a niiiainiiar ill ma nmna 1 aol lha i. J r K Miaawall nutalilpot tin r-rrnm which Un follow na 6UC, inr iioarr III r.iiar r . MOTICE The firm of Hill & ll.ven. having dissulved. all persons in debted to the said mm are reijtiested u maae tiitincuiaie selliemeui ot their udebtaduess. You can save cost and inilile by settling at ones with E. O, vens, at llivens 4 Helms'. MESSKS. BOYCE & WHITLEY have opened a new phototranhic studio upstairs over Collins & Diggers' store, Fitzgerald building. Call to set them, and see their fiue work and low prices. Mr. Boyce has had fifteen years' experience in making photo graphs in Knoavslle, Tena., and Char lotte, N,. C.( and bis work speaks for itself, GOOD one-horse wagon and harness for sale. Bivent & Helms. DOR KENT Two farms, just out of L towu; one known as tU Kroadacre tract, the other the Lotus Lilly tract. Apply to Mrs. D. A. Covington. CO CENTS pays for Our Home one UU) yf and gets a chance at t io sewtug machine. Write for free sam ple copies. Address Our Homo, Marsh ville, N. C. WANTED-AI,V-Med cotton I can U Bet; am, oytng from to4,Sl and 23 ct;uls yet bu. for cottoa send; also takvuig hnt cottoa and cotton ei Cotton teed meal and say for aslw. J. B, Nash, at old caat house. F s )i. tti' tfit: Hririiiitinsr m 8th day ot February, 1904. V?rV 5 at rolleim Hill Hrhnol Hmn, In M iiitrct.. nst . , K. S .!aws hi Utah In a to aHyi tatn thf will uf 1h jMSfl tlirtlti, I ',-i1 ih a-hwchatiif4 ni mXmkr , wh-ftht-r ttirrsa MhmiM levlcti tti Mid tllitrht li"f.. i tVclitii to -ft nmk In W. a iMKial anttiml tm of ni inirr lhau ililrij- I. -ir.s fc h W is 7Mut. chal.s w uin un th hv vnlimllitit of ih'r'y, and I . yW.m UtiMU' vomer; tli-f n. , ,tn mt Bior trmn niiinv i-s-nt mi in imii m i. ij..irs( crininn -y a tak. i.lvmctH ihi iuliic w iiiNil fiiml li lih may 1 1 " ,hwr S. ' K, Ifl K.viu rhaint aiiHtriiiit'ii 10 mii niirirt itjr tsiny nwrM , u 'rtniwaj t'iiiiuK ni a R-iucaiion. in wr mm a p'isi mi " s,ni u votr. bihI tl in furtlif r onttTPit that Hf-nrv Mi- d":r i k Whiirtrr I aitHiint.rl rrjft-siraran'l t ' l.t'lm '-riai V tblM and K. Bra-ly lt aKim-rl ju.l!. of ll ! monihi, nr tittn. tit ail -" 1nvi- -iild IfiMioti -hall It- hrld j 1 ii li iK try, v m- a I and htt aie. nulreHi 1 t-hMitiT 4, l.nw n( lin Thin till tly t't Junimry, I'.s 4. K. IKWAKT, 4'lt-rk trtB. nr.1. HtllKflWIXl, V'uiiaaMionra. Ba ARM FOR SAL-t will sell for cash or for carl cash, payable in several succe,-avs years, 125 acres) land j rrjlavt irom Monroe, witb sew houBC.iw barn, and oue liana farm opgaoait. Possession cu he given Frttiiat Armheld. BRING your chwSans sod eggs to S. H. HuJsaoo, nest to Journal Ofnre. CALL a S. H. Hudson's sod get t soaot Headlyi candies. CALL at S. H. Hudson's for Fleish maa'S compressed yeast. at , re hep 1 i) plentj' aii l j Irons :un all il We sbil! os iq'i as good hp eerie as r P4 i)sro "1 ten Ia f peace, our pa- I'gooJ people. to:ipplyjnst ' S Faury tiro- 1 ipi m r..m . Westitftp ,Hli 1 . .., ........ . . t IMfh IVIf I'. tne new yean rut ten aieats, tanneu Btiopst,o ieg , malaiies, flue California aud iHsiucstio leai)i" 1' i4 , 1'ioeapple, Com,Sugar Peas, Saur Kraut, Titokiii I e, . . Ir 1 , . ,1 . . ueets, .urn nominy, usra ana loiuaiocs, isrn ana iu fact, anything that eau be put in can breaktast, uiuiieF or luju., 1 Dou't fail to try our nice pigs lVet and all It M pork S i Our store is full of all kinds of 0 ? BRUNEK6 HUEy. ood tln&. bles, Msr- Cberries, twberry " V We for Horses, Mules, Harness. Buggies T!t Ci) mm : 1 Thrcs Car Loads Just f T - Received We have just received two more cars of good young horses and mules, one car of ' T hncoiaa snrl o Vtt TV... tit. n ' ""8B'"' M.a u wig tut vji uaixicso. wtj sail quick, so run up no long feed bills. We sell cheap and therefore sell a heap. If you want one or a car load it will pay you to come and see us. C. C. SIKES. Best Service and 1 w Perfect Drugs! That combination has made my business ! I and it is making new customers to-day, J the same as it did twenty-one years ago t J when I first started in the drug business. T J When in need of anything phone 175. f S. J. WELSH, Druggist. The bw t Line of HEATERS on earth for the money. Monroe Hardvire Companj R. REDFEARN, Mgr.. ' SSWaaaSaaaaaaSaTaBSBVSaSa9Sa J THE NECESSARY MAGAZINE IN THE PRESIDENTIAL YEAR. The Review of Reviews Is often called a necessity, in recognition of Its usefulness in keeping readers "up with the times." In Presidential election years the REVIEW OF REVIEWS is more than ever "the necessary magazine." Everybody wants to be truly and quickly informed about this or that public question that hat forged to the front ; to know about the new candi dates and personal factors in politics, to have s com plete picture at hand of the current movement of history. In Dr. Haw' aatrMrtala. la tn aoiaaarl. aaa Mkaiaa arttcMa. ta Sa knlllaa. akaraatar ttaKkaa, la, H. caaaaa. attaa. US raviawa at aU tka laaaartaat antclaa at atkar aiaf ulaaa. aia of aalaavta aonrana, wit,, anm , OF IBVISWI l ... la it. haaSraS a I aaa knaraatinf alawa, tka RSV1SW Ih. TM rlba aaatrika. H. Man In BuMla lafa. Ska TaaW.ra tka kara af taagma, aaa ! .raal eaaaiaa a, nau.irr. w tack aawrtat aaa at tka war Ms aa4 aw 'or". WarlS aada, nala-flaaa " la tlta waa aaa .akari jM kaaa "aa arttk tka tliaaa,' t aasrica, kara it a tatalllffaa. I taataaaaatala." 25c. a copy, S2.50 a year THE REVIEW OF REVIEWS CO. I Aster PUo. Nw York

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