THE MONROE VOLUME XII. NO. 82 MONROE, N.C., TUESDAY JANUARY 30, 1906. JOURNAL. J One Dollar a Year MMMMMMIMNI MimMUIIM H mUHUIUI W IIWIMMMimUM Ml MM I I you Should start a Bank flGGOOMl To provide for a "rainy day." To establish a business standing. To do business in a business way. To provide for opportunity of investment To establish habits of thrift and economy. To build up self-esteem -a quality required for success in business. To protect life; avoij robbery; lessen crime; conduce to peace ana saiety. For convenience and safety in keeping of receipU and disbursements; also for settling for accounts and purchases. lastly but not least, '"for the glorious purpose of being IXDLPEXDKNT." START NOW. and with us. The PcoDlc's BanK ot Monroe. a HmmHHnMHMMINIHIirillll;IMIIIIIMIIIHUIIIUIWimiMUIUUUHNtMUHMHMtnt t Prop hoc In for This Year. Death of fir. R. T. McCain ami Uth- President Moore Calls the County i Those mho like to hear of events' er News About Washaw. Mertlnfs for rebruary 3rd. before they happen, way paMethel Jr a tirdon. a riti-nl 'Kvery eouutytonswuiation .following predictions, from the New i0f the tN-eola m-i.-hltorhood. who president is reonested to call a York World, iu their hats aud see sold his is-rsmial irii-rtv a few meeting of farmers at tbe court how many com true during 1!HK: j mouth sir" and moved to Sanford, houw of his eouul y, to I held Sat Las just returiKHl to In old home ur y, l-etiruary 3, at lloclora a. lo take lip life where he left it off Ul. Kvery cotloti grower, liusinewt and hereafter to let well enough ana profettsional man, anil all nib alone. era iutereted lu the general pros- Mr. H. J. McManus, who moved "enty of North Carolina, are cord to Sanford in the fall, h:is now re- tally invited tosltend this meeting, The pleasure to be derived from a good smoke is lost if you have j a bad pipe. Our line has every- thing from 5 cents to five dollars. Every one of them is a choice smoker. Look over them Mid get your choice. C.N. Simpson, Jr. Druggist Look and Be Convinced of the fact that Dillon's Furniture is the Furniture for you to buy. In quality and price it cannot be equalled. Our fall goods are coming in every day the biggest lot and the nicest selection we have ever had. When in need of anything in the way of lied Room Suits, Parlor Suits, Couches and Lounges, JL- i .OOOOOOOQ 1 The devolution of Kiiwda. The overthrow of Turkey. The amutii nation of the Czar of Russia. Tbe amassiuatioa of the Sultan of Turkey. The prevention of three wars by President Roosevelt. A protracted race - war ia the South. instructive spriug tloods in the United States. A destructive eruption of Mount Vesuvius. Tbe activity of Mouut Pelee and Popocatepelet. Yolcauic eruptions in all parts of the world, The eruption of uiauy volcanoes now supposed to be eitiuct. Ureal Ions of life at sea bv storms. Destruction of two Western cities by cyclones. hartbiiuukea iu all parts of the world. Destructive earthquakes iu Cali fornia and the Philippines. Rebellion in Spain. Hpangler says further that the summer of ltniti will lie hot and sul try throughout the tern ierate zone, with extensive death rate; That Christ will make his spirit felt among the people of the Uuited Stales and Knglund, in which coun tries there are to 1 fervent relig ions aud potent political move nieuts m il ic li are to overcome in a great degree tbe present spirit of Kraft and commercialism; Hint the I nited Slates will rnn tinun as a world power and the leader of other nations: That rennsylviinm is to have an administration of the people, and that discoveries of corruption ill he made which w ill drive some of the guilty to suicide That God will wreck terrible ven geance upon the KusMiuiis for the massacre of the Jews. Dootor-a In G.rmany, Overcrowding of the medical pro fession in Ot-rmanr is s mutter of grave concern, l here are now in tin) umpire X9,200 physicians, which doublet th number found in 1 STtf. In other words, there is one physi cian in Germany for every l,?oo in habitants. In tlis city of Berlin 46 per cent of all the pnveiriana have in income of less than TOO, and 5 ncr cent of the whole number do not have a lutTicient income to return it for taxation. (Leather and Velour), Felt Mattresses, Rockers, Children's Chairs and Rockers, Musical Instruments of all kinds, Pianos and Organs, be sure to see us before you buy. T. P. Dillon, Leader In Low Prices on High Class Furniture. 5tore phone 7; Residence Phone 64 30O0OO00OO0O0000OOO0OO0000A 100 Head of Fall Purchases We have on hand only one crip ple and one plug mule. Our sta bles are not to keep stock in but to sell from and at our prices they go. f We liave a fresh lot to arrive this week and they are going to he sold at one short profit ana no feed bill pinned on to the price. Give us a chance and we will save you money every time. We work our business to make it to your advantage to be our customer. Our expenses are light and we can and do make our profits light Buy from us and save grunting and groaning over paying too much for your whistles Mules and Horses. E. ft. flrniileld & Sods. oooooocooooooooooooooooooooooooooeooooooooooooooocoo The Wflds Publications. Germany lead European coun tries in the number of publication, with 5,500 newspaper, of which 800 are dailies. Kugland is second, with 3,(100, of which H0! are dailies. France, Italy, Austria-Hungary, Spain, Russia, Greece and Switier land followed in order. Asia has not less than 9,000 periodical pa pen and Africa 200 dailies. Ameri ca baa 17,V'.'3 publications, of which i,2 15 are dailies. Th. Suprtm. Court. Melville W. Puller of Illinois is chief justice of the United States supreme court. The associate jus tices are: John M. Harlan, Ken tucky; David J. Brewer, Kansas; Henry B. Drown, Michigan: Ed ward D. Whits, Louisiana; Rufui W. Peckham, New York; Joseph McKenna, California; Oliver W. Holmes, Massachusetts, and William R. Day, Ohio. Tbe secret of successfully ridding the system of a cold is thorough evac uation of tbe bowels. Kennedy's Lis alive Honey and Tsr does this liquid cold cure, drives all cold out of the system. Best for coughs, croup, etc. Sold by C.N.Simpson and S.J Welsh. UVASOL Are yonr Kidneys, Liver or Bladder e fleeted! If so read our guarantee: f 25.00 Reward. We offer 125.00 reward for any case of Kidney, Liver or Bladder trouble that cannot be cured by Uva Sol. INTERSTATE CHEMICAL CO., Baltimore, M. D. For sale by Price & Moore, R. F. D. 5, Monroe, N. C. -THE- FATSH0LES Lightest Touch. Highest 5peed. Interchangeable carriages and platens from 9J to 24 inches long. Haa the largest numtier of prac tical feature ever embodied in one machine. Correspondence solicited. P. DAVES, Southern Manager, Atlanta, Oa. turned to Waihaw aud will engage in the mercantile business. Mr. McManus is a very industrious and deserving young man, who is now fully decided that Waxhaw is good enough for him. H. J. McManus & Co. is a new mercantile firm for Waxhaw just launched in business The new firm occupies what is known as the Me Cain building recently vacated by John U W alkup & t o. 1 he luisi ness is iu charge of Mr. II. J. Mc Man us. Here is wit-hing tbe uew Arm Uiueh success in business. As will be seen from a notice elsewhere in this pajs-r, Johu I- Walkun & Co. have just moved into their handsome new storeroom in the new brick building next to the Jackson Drug Compaiiv. It is one of the prettiest and most attrae live store rooms in town and is very conveniently arranged and located. this popular mercantile In 111 ih justly proud of its new (planers. anil their numerous customers are proud of it, too. Mr. Wulktip's lace, always delightsome to look upon, is now wreathed iu a more gracious and pleasant smile than ever la-fore. Mr. Keiuh strives to conceal his exultant feelings but h" cannot. Mr. Harris doesu t seem to let on but he docs just the same. Even tbe old store rat, whom our friend, Henry Gilliam, has made fatuous in story and song, has caught the contagion of the elegant new iiurters and barely blinks at customers when they step iu. Mr. W. P. ('hears bits moved his family from this place to Sanford, where he will engage in mercantile business with his father-in-law, Mr. II. M. Williams. His family left for Sanford last week mid Mr. Chears, alio remained behind to pack up, will go this week. Mr. ('hears has been engaged in the jewelry and fancy goods business here for several years, and the bent wishes of his friends for his success go with him to Sanford. Have you ever noticed the end- scat hog at church! Surely every body lias bad to crawl over him many times to get toaseat. Maybe you have often woudered, as we have, why the end seat hog doesu t wait and come in lust, so that other people would not he forced to crawl over him to get to their seats. Well, it's this way: He knows that there are other end seat hogs just like himself, and so he hastens to church early to secure a favorite end seat iH-fore any of the other end scut hogs get ahead of him. So the end seat hog is always in evi deuce, early and bile, at church, and he's a pretty thing, too. Mr. R. T. .McCain, Sr., one of the oldest and ts-st known citizens of this township, died at his home in the Walkersvilie ncighlmrhood last Friday. He was 711 years old and was the oldest surviving iuemlH-r of the McCain family in this sec tion. He had liecn in very fcchlc health since last July and gradu ully grew weaker till the end came. His remains were buried last Sat urday at Tirzah Presbyterian church, of which he had long Im-cii a member, funeral services being conducted by his pastor, Rev. W. W. Ratchford. For many years he had Ihh-u an elder in that church and was regarded as a pious and consecrated christian man. In 1 is death another landmark has beeu removed. He is survived by four children, viz: Messrs. R. B. and Willis McCain, Mrs. J. C. McCain and Miss Maggie McCain, all ol whom reside in the same community. wr.,eh will lie the most important yet held in tbe new year. Itusinens ami professional men are iu litieral with tbe tremendous cotton wove meat in the South, and they are desirous of encouraging the plant ers iu their efforts to win their rights, and of co operating with the'u to achieve the objects of the Southern Cotton Association. We are working for their interests as for the welfare of the farm ers. If we proser they prosper als 'Farmer, are yon familiar with the cotton situation! Do you real uc that we occupy ground which can lie held only by exerting our selves earnestly, honestly, pat riot I (ally, and unanimously; and that if you go backward, this movement, mlncli is for your emancipation from tbe treacherous market con trolhsl by gamblers and specula tors, will Ik- lust! "Be careful what yon do. Learn the conditions which effect this mighty crop. Then do your duty. If yon plant more cotton this year than you did in liKl.i, you will sell your staple at a low price. But if you are wise, and remain loyal to the association, your cotton will bring yon a living and profitable price. This is your work and your opportunity. It is to support you and your family: to provide you with the necessities and comforts of I'fe, and to educate your chil- lreu. It is for all the farmers. The tenants and one-horse farmers are wanted In the association as much as the larger producers. The man U-hind the plow is the salva tion of the State, and the hope of the Southland. "I slml I endeavor to secure sm-ak ers for every meeting on the ;ird of I'chruary and these gentlemen will lie thoroughly informed in regard to the rottou situaliou. They will speak facts worth knowing and re-niciiila-ring. The leading fanners of your county will address you. February the .'ird U to be a grand rally day iu the cotton growing counties of North Carolina. Let the farinei s turn out en masse, and sing: "Long Live King Cotton." "Chaki.ks 0. Mooke, "Pres. K. U Divisou 8. C A." A Tribute to Oar Mothers. They are the foundation and key stone of the home in all ages. What is a home without a mother? Noth ing. They are entitled to the credit for the destiny and achievements of their son. In the shadow of every great man, hidden from the rarcb observer, stands that great man's mother. And in every new epoch of the world may be found a great mother giving to her son the inspir ation of his life and mission. That was notable in the case of Abraham Lincoln. "All I am and all I hope to be, I owe to my angel mother This he said after he had buried that mother's body in a lonely grave and had achieved the position (if the first American. Whitelaw Reid, the successor of Joseph Choate as ambassador at the court 01 m. .lames, when a young man went to Miami College, not very far from when he was born in Ohio Ho used to walk home Friday and back again on Monday. He carried from home each week the provisions to board himself for the week he was at school. His mother, when she heard that he had received the Pres- menis appointment, said, '.My son has greatly honored me." She then recalled that one week at school slu had sent his supplies in the raw, leaving him to do his own cooking She got anxious about him and w rote him, asking how his batter cakes that he was to mix and bake him self, tasted, and he replied that he had never eaten better cakes, because he had mixed the corn meal strictly according to her directions. Catss and His Millions. New Yorkers arc still gasping over a nonchalant remark recently made by John V. Gates while testi fying in court regarding a property in which be was interested. "How much money did you and your asso ciates really put into this venture?" queried a lawyer for the plaintiff. "Somewhere is-tween $'.'0,000,0110 and :10,000,00(," replied the wit ness to the amazed court, jurors and auditors. "Hut surely you can re member nearer the exact amount?" "No," yasned Mr. Gates wearily, "any sum that I might name would profmblv 1m) several million dollars out of the way." Th. Editor's Rot Dr. Charles Cnnpr, the veteran editor of tbe Edinburgh Scotsman, is about to retire, and his successor will be Mr. Croul, the London rep resentative of the pupcr. Of Mr. Cooper not a few anecdotes are told. One of them Iihs reference to an anonymous scries of articles which he wrote for the Scotsman from Egypt Showing one of tbe articles to a colleague in parliament house one day, a barrister remarked, "It's easily seen the editor is sway from home when rot like this is allowed to appear." It invigorates, strengthens and builds up. It keeps you in condi tion physically, mentally and mor ally. That s what llollister a Kocky Mountain Tea will do. 35 cents, test or tablets. English Drug Co. Ft ill headquarters for fine candies, all the famous makes II ulver's and Lowney's. J. A. Lingle. Items from Marsh vllle. our IIkdii-. Mrs. (1. A. Marsh entertained a few of her friends Saturday after iiihiii in honor of her guests. Misses lilairand Kills-rof Monroe. The occasion was much enjoyed by all pi e sent. Mr. J. F. Hallmaii, who has been section master here for the past twenty years, has moved to his farm near Wingate. His brother, Mr. W. A. Hallmaii, succeeds him as section master here. Mr. J. T. Tadlock sold a hog here last week that weighed 410 pounds. Mr. George Holmes also killed one last week, nine months old, that weighed exactly '.'0 pounds net Mr. Holmes did not put his on the market, but will keep it to seison vegetables with next spring and summer. The hawks had been bothering Mr. Elisou Hamilton's chickens. One day last week he took his gun and went to an oen place to sit and try his hand at 'em "on the wing." He finally succeeded in bringing down one that measured three feet from tip to tip of the wings, For any disease of the skin (here Is nothing better than Chamberlain's Salve. It relieves the itching aud burn ing sensation instantly and soon ef fects a cure. Sold by C. N. Simpson, jr., and S. j. Welsh. "Olrd on Your Armour!" Iu his speech before the Y. M. C. A. at Charlotte some days ago, Governor G leu n, among ot her state incuts, is reported to have said: "There is coming iu the old State a great contlict. I do not know whether it will lie in llHtii, 1H07, or lltOK, but it will lie between God and the devil, light against dark ness, righteousness against wrong, the school house and the church against the saloon, distillery, broth el and gambling hell. Christianity and the bar room cannot coutinue to exist side by side and the saloon must go. It is high time that you were arousing yourself for the tight." Greatly In Demand. Nothing is more in demand than a medicine which meets modem re quirements for a blood and system cleanser, such as Dr. King's New Life Pills. They are just what you need to cure stomach and liver trouble. Try them. At English Drug Co.'s, 2.V, guaranteed. Employes who think they are only stealing their employers' time are really only robbing themselves. Spoiled Her Beauty. Harriet Howard of W. 34th street, New York, at one time bad ber beauty spoiled with skin trouble. She writes: "I bad salt rheum or ecsema for years but nothing would cure it until I nsed Bucklen's Ar nica Salve." A qnick and sure healer for cuts, burns and sores. 25c, at English Drug Co. 'a. Christianity in Japan. rth I'tMllri. Hili.. The influences of Christianity in Japan are felt in every avenue of the nation's life. And it is recognized, too. The leaders of thought and ac tion sjieak their appreciation. They see the fruits of the Christ men and gladly welcome the teachings of the missionaries. The following from the "Jiji Shimpo," a daily paper of Tokio, shows the trend of thought in the Sunrise Kingdom: Though the christian religion is of recent introduction, the improve ment it has effected in the moral condition of the nation and the influ ence it has had on the minds of the people are very great. No one can deny the great good accomplished by the believers of that religion in establishing many charitable insti tutions, in assisting the progress of the nation and in promoting the happiness of the poor and helpless. There are already in the country many schools and colleges for boys and girls, which are supported en tirely by the christians. As for the charitable institutions, excepting those which are established by the public, it is not too much to say that all are the result of christian enter prise." Perfection can only be obtained in the ph)sical by allowing uature to ap propriate and not dissipate ber own resources. Cathartics gripe, weaken dissipate, while DeWitt's Little Early Kisers simply eipel all putrid matter and bile, thus slluwing the liver to as sume normal activity. Good fur the complexion. Sold by C. N. Simpson, Jr., aud S. J. Welsh. Home Made Have your cake, muffins, and tea bis cuit home-made. They will be fresher, cleaner, more tasty and wholesome. Royal Baking Powder helps the house wife to produce at home, quickly and eco nomically, fine and tasty cake, the raised hot-biscuit, puddings, the frosted layer cake, crisp cookies, crullers, crusts and muffins, with which the ready-made food found at the bake-shop or grocery does not compare. Royal is the greatest of bake-day helps. sovai. SAKiNa rowoca CO.. n(w VOftK. PAS5INU of the 5ILYER DOLLAR ,OD,""' therflo-t to crowd the bulky aim oironvrnieui unuar upon puo- Worry disease. digs more graves than For coughs aud colds no remedy is equal to Kennedy's Lasative Hooey aud Tar. It is different from all others better, because it espels all cold from the system by sctiug aa a cathar tic on the bowels. Affords immediate relief in croup, coughs, colds, whoop ing cough, etc. Children love it. Sold by C. N. Simpson, Jr., and S.J. Welsh. The men who lead are those who have learned to follow. You will not fiud beauty in rogue pot or complexion whitewash. True beauty comes to them only that take Hollister's Kocky Mountain Tea. It is a wonderful tonic and beaut ifier. .'15 cents, tea or tablets. English Drug Company. The boy who neglects his mother will surely neglect his wife. A reasonsble amount of food thor oughly digested aud properly aasimi lated will always iocrease the strength. If your stomach is a "little off" Kodol Dyspepsia Cure will digest what you eat and enable the digestive orgaos to assimilate and transform all foods in to tissue-building blood. Kodol relieves sour stomach, belching, heartburn and all forma of indigestion. Palatable aod strengthening. Sold by C.N. Simpson, Jr., and S. J. Welsh. A "big bluff" is as good as a "big stick" as long as it will fool the people. Jamaclan Lady Speaks Highly of Chamberlain's Cough Remedy. Mrs. Michsel Hart, wife of the superintend ent of cart service at Kingston, Jama ica, West Indies Islands,saya that sbe has for some years osed Chamberlain's Coagh Remedy for coughs, croup and whooping cough and baa found it very beneliciai. tb. has implicit confidence in it and would not be without a bottle of it In her borne. Sold by C.N. Simp son, Jr., and S. J. Welsh. The Old Cart Whxl is Doomed Why It Was and f-till is Popu ular in the South. Moiittfui.r)' Alt-rtlr. We du uut alliule to the passing of silver duLrs over the counter, or I roll i oue to auotlu-r, Iml to the (act that the useol the ' cjrt hpel" is becoming unpopular ai.d is likely tu be a thing ul the tnt as lurreiicy. Without 11 y Jisiip to slir up old issues or un cover old serrs, it is well enough to reuieiutwr that hut a few yaers have passed since a urlermiued effort was made to make die silver dollar the standard of our financial system aud to crowu the can-wheel as the king of moneys. 1 he effort tailed as it should have one, auJ the coin is losing its popularity. That it will not go eu tirely out of use is certain, because t is good Sound mnuey, and there are et many people ho prelre it to any ther form ol cuneucy. Especially is this true of tl.e ncr roes the South, and tlner prefei. nee is sensible. Un scrupulous rate; U frequently take id autaKS ot the negroes iguoiouce to wiudle tin. ill in various ways with paper money. Old louteuerate bills, repudiated State money aud money ol IJ state banks wmch have lung pass ed swsy, bib pabsid oil on ignoiant negroes and it is !rciiiei.t lor bills to be passed on ntgros of a lower denomina tion thau represrntrd ny Ihe swindler. With the tune honored silver dollar these swidles are impossible. True, tin e aie some counterfeits, but tliev re comtiai ali vi-ly lew and no account is taken of them by the colored peo pie. Tliey know what a silver dullai is snd what it represents. It appeals to them in many ways aud they value it above all other mouey. It is also true that many while people preiei this meney, partly from association aud partly because it is more couven lent tu carry in small quantities, aud when a small surplus is on hand, it can he laid away with mure safet than paper hills can. But all these varied reasons cannol keep the cart-wheel money iu the In n' as a medium of eichange. All argu meuts in its lavor, whether actual or sentimental, cannot prevent it fron losing its popularity. Our Govern ment iiself, about a score of years ago, tried to force its circulation by with drswing the greenbacks, hut all effort! to keep it going have failed. Now, ii the worda of a contemporary, "the interesting story conies from Washiug lie has beeu abandoned, and that the "cartwheels" aie goiug into the treasu ry vaulta at the rate ol several million a )ear. Their place iu circulation ia taken by silver certificates. The es chauge is now eucouiaged by the gov ernment because of the heavy cost of shipping the silver from place to place as it ia uedeed to equable criculatiou . The silver dollar is virtually out of use iu the East, aud in a few years it will disappear trum the West also if the preseut policy is fullowed. The chief ohjectiou to Ihe paper dollar, its filthy condition aftei it haa beeu a long time 111 circulation, has been especially po tent in the West on accouut of the long distance to the sub-treasuries where new dollars could be procured. The government will endeavor to do away with this objection by making a special ettort to send clean paper to the Western States." The silver craze of a few years ago was the last spasmodic effort to keep the dollars goiug, aud it ia not likely that there will be another. Our paper currency is now practically safe, it is convenient to handle and carry, and oc.upies a comparatively sins II bulk. One ol the great objections as stated above, is that the bills Irom constant handling become ragged and filthy, and many people object to them for that reason, but the government will remove that objection aa rapidly aa possible by substituting new bills for old ones, The silver dollars are no longer coined, but the government will al ways keep enough of them lo supply all demands, so that those who prefer them can lie accommodated. And it should be remembered that the small er silver coins are still msde and are as popular as ever. They supply our 'lily small change aud immense quan tities of them are needed, but the day of the cart-wheel ia passing. Dangers of a Cold and how tu avoid them. More fatalities nave their origin in or result from a :old than from any other cause. This tact alone should make people more -arelul as there is no danger whatever from a cold when it is properly treat ed in the beginning. For many years Chamberlain's CciighKemedy bas been recognized aa the most prompt aud ef fectual medicine in use for this dis ease. It acts on nature's plan, loosens Ihe cough, relieves the lungs, opens the secretiuus aud aids nature iu re storing the system to a healthy condi tion. Sold hy C, N, Simpson, Jr., and S.J Welsh. iror Thin Babies Fat is of great account to a baby ; that is why babies are fat. If yout baby is scrawny, Scott's Emulsion is what he wants. The healthy baby stores as fat what it does not need immediately for bone and muscle. Fat babies are happy ; they do ' "l ? English rKJ Drug Co. Trial bottle free. noi cry : mey are ncu ; their fat is laid up for time of need. They are happy because they are comfortable. The fat sur rounds their little nerves and cushions them. When they are scrawny those nerves are hurt at every ungentle touch. They delight in Scott's Emul sion. It is as sweet as wholesome to them. John Mowery, Salisbury's weal thiest negro, died Saturday ttight. lie was a tailor by trade and leaves an estate worth from $20,000 to $30,000. A Grim Tragedy is daily enacted iu thousands of homes, as death claims iu each one another victim of consumption or pneumonia. But when coughs and colds are proerly treated the trag edy is averted. F. O. Huntley of Oaklandon, lud., writes: "My wife had the consumption and three doe tors gave her up. Finally she took Dr. King's New Discovery for con sumption, coughs and colds, which cured her and today she is well and strong." It kills the germs of all diseases. One dose relieves. Unar- Mrs. Sallie Black of Warrcnton aged 107 years, died Sunday. Until the day of her death she was able to go about and to help herself, and was perhaps the oldest person in the State. Stud for fr ampl: am that ana skin ft n a. twa s las.1 Is IS. tsfpM rtty kwtl. at IkHhn t toy Scott 4r Botvnt Ckmitt$ Mrm rw Ms saSII 00 ASOnffiM Deafness Cannot be Cured by local applicationa, aa they cannot reach the diseased portion of the ear. There is only one way to cure deafness and that ia by constitutional remediea. Deafness is caused by an inflamed rendition of the mucous lining of the Eustachian Tube. When this tube gets inflamed you have a rumbling sound or imperfect hearing, and when it is entirely closed deafness is the re sult, and unless the inflammation can be taken ont and tbis tube restored to its normal condition, bearing will be destroyed forever; nine cases out of ten are caused by catarrh, which ia nothing but an inflamed conditloa of the mucous surfaces. We will give One Hundred Dollars for any est. of Deafnesa (caused by catsrrh)that cannot be cored by Hall's Catarrh Core Send for circolars,free, F.J.CHXNEI4 00, TOLBDO, Ohio. Sold by druggists, 75c. Take Hall's Family Pills for constipation.

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