KnflTf 1 J THE MONROE JOUMnAL. VOLUME XIII NO. 13 MONROE. N.G, TUESDAY MAY 1. 1906. One Dollar a Year Funston's Fine Kccortl. Ckarlon llaarna. We have uever hml iu the opiuioo thai Funston a not a good soldier nU eutitlrtt to hia promo lion, denpite the fart that be via in eonte quarters n-pinled m a hero of the mushroom variety and one who hal been promotes! Berly 1 rsoae of certain daring exploit. He la not a e;ralusteof Wrt-t Point, but wan appointed from civil life, and therefor hia suit-ess is the more marked, from the fact thai br hal no previous niilitaiy tmininir It in, in view of our pre ioti Kuud opinion of Uie mau a real vorlh pleasure to uole the tine record he baa made for hiuist-lf and the army in connection m it It the 8au Kran ciaco disaster. The New York Hun says that he ha handled the drvad ful aitnation in San Pram-isco with no much judgment and resolution that he ia entitled to the th inks of Congmw. Funston, always noted for dome thing, did not await or ders from Washington, but as auou an the ailuatiou in the -ity became known be rushed bia troop thither to patrol the streets and guard the bunks and other buildings. II? took what steps he deemed necessary aud then reported the matter to the Announcement. To the voters, and all those who are not voters, of I n ion and ad joining counlies.with great pleas. ure and confidence we make the following announcement: We are doing a handsome, up- to-date grocery business in the brick store room formerly occu pied by Newman's Ilakery. We carry a full line of heavy groceries that are freshest and bent on the market We sell the best goods at the lowest price. Our flour, meat, coffee, sugar, tobacco and various other articles too numerous to mention give the very best satisfaction to nil who buy them, both in quality and price. We take pleasure in waiting on our customers and always give good weights and mcasnres. We pay highest market price for country produce. Come to see us. Bivens & Helms. Notice of Administration. H.vln Irtla.lay iulltlrt la-forr K A. Arm AJ1.C n C , a fhnitit-lmtnr f tlir r-tilri.t W A. Sttftrra, drm-awd, .11 p. r-.m bimtlii. l.lni. atfainat all ralair arr hrrM n.nllr.l I. T-rrnl thr ramr In Itir n.trrMrrirrt .tlmtn on or hrturr thr atli .tav i.l Aril, A D. Imfi. r thl ntlrr will ta pl-mUi In hr ,.r Itirtr rrrtivrry. All irri.ri tntrl.trl t. wltl rtalr arr nollrirl k niahr imni.i ayiiiriil. Thl. Ihr KhdJ ut Marrh. IJ . JiillN II Miliums. A'lmr. iif K A. HurKtTM, itrr.1. a a Rmwin., auj. I War lH-HUiutrnt Of bia conduct the Sun sajs: "t uuntou was fireman as well aa polin-ruau, for be art hit soldiers to work Mow inr up buildiuga ' aave the city from destruction, and w ben the last stick of dyuaiuite waagone ' he emptied the arsenals of the Pre nitllu. He took it npoa hiniaelf to order the Twentieth lufrantry from Monterey to re enforce hia over worked command. 'I nhall do everything In my power to render asnistauce,' he telegraphed to the Secretary, "ami trust to the War IH'partuieut to authorize any art I may have to take.' He still stuck to the letter of the law: 'Working iu conjunction with the civil au tborilica,' he advised the Secretary. lii another dispatch: 'Yon can't send too many tents or ration.' And (uuston was undertaker well aa fireman and policeman, lie pretwed every unattached man into service to dig graves, and be picked out a part of the rrewdio to bury the dead in. Iu doing this he was health nicer as well as undertaker. Then there were the living to feed aud shelter. He formed eoucentra tiou cainita in tiolden tiale ISrk, and one of bis dispatches indicate, that he w as looking after the water -npply. Workiug in conjunction nit thenvil authorities! In a way, yes; but the strickeu city was really iimler martial law, and (ieucral Kuiistou was saving it from an urchv. . . . "1'eace hath her victories no less renown' d than war, a.d Frederick Funston must be saluted as a vie tor in a Htucndiua crisis." The facts strove set forth are mat tela of record, and have been told from time to time in the disiiatchcs of the past week. The conclusion. are no more limn just to a man who M ifirnied Ins duly well in the lace of many difficulties. Fuuxtoii is all right. Stomach Troubles. Mil. Sue Martin, u old and highly re peeled iraitlcnt of Kaituitia, Miu il k with atomach truuhle for ruori Iiiii til month.. Chanilierlain'a Slum ach and Liver Tablet, cured ber. Slit say.: "1 cau uow eat anything 1 want aud am the proudest woman in Hit world to hud tuih a good medicine. Kur .ale by C.N. Simpon, S.J. Welsh. Notice. Havlnr thlt ilajr qiiatint-rl hrforr W..h. Arm rVM, rlrrk ! Ihr Kiiwnc.r r..urt of I nl.m iniiii. ly, N V. a etfulur uf thr lal ill ainl mrnl uf JiMrph T Hateiim, (Iw.!, t lit id i notify all prranna havtnif claim atfalii'l Hit' rlata of my Mailt tr.lator to trrM.nt .ilie aiitr to nit on or twforr llir .,th itay of Atrlt. IW'T. or thl notlr. lll t lrail In tr of a rnivrr thrrrof. And alt tmtrhtnl to aUt rlatr arr hrrvhy niillllrtl u nmar (iromut tay nimt uf III. nani. Till" fitli lar of Aio il. A. b. iwa. . Al.l.IrM N HI M I'XiS. Kr uf J'lwph T. Hau'om, ilrt' d. ''fly the greatest heroism the) succeeded in saving the mint iu Sun Francisco," said I'ourjoiir. "That was a mercy," said Cain Tuck, "for they could surely get the whisky and ice." Postmaster Robbed. (i. W. Fouls, postmaster at Hiver ton, la., nearly lost his life and wat rolilied of all comfort, according to his letter, which says: "For twenty years I had chronic liver eoinplainl w bich led to such a severe case ol j mi ml ice that even my finger nailr turned yellow; when my doctoi prescribed Klectrie Hitters, wbicb cured me and have kept me well fur eleven years." Sure cure foi biliousness, neuralgia, weakness, and all stomach, liver, kidney and bladder derangements." A won derful tonic At all druggists, oil cents. Cut Prices for Thirty Days! We are in a business that should be patronized for various rea sons. Every town the size of Monroe should have a good Laundry, but the promoters cannot afford to run them without sufficient pat ronage from the public. We have one of the best laundry plants in the State, but, unfortunately, we made some mistakes in the beginning of our career which led to the execution of some work unsatisfactory to us as well as to our patrons. We are now pleased to announce that all the former difficulties have been overcome and we areturning out strictly first-class work. In order to convince everybody that the work we are now doing is of the highest quality, we are going to make the following prices for the next 30 days, beginning on Wednes4ay, Aprill 11th: Shirts, 6 cents; Cuffs. 3 cents; Collars, 2 cents; White Vests, 15 cents; Lace Curtains, 35 cents; Blankets, 25 cents pair; Quilts, 15 cents; Shirt Waists, 10 cents; Suit of Clothes, 25 cents. . Call Phone 1 19 and we will send one of our wagons. Out of town orJers may be left at Newman's Bakery or J. A. Lingle'a store. P. S. Shirts will not be laundered at this cut rate price unless accompanied by other work. Monroe Steam Laundry Co. wTiTmTTTiTirmriTnrnTTrmTriTf.irrrnrnTnfrrrrrTmni SEND MAIL ORDERS to THE LITTLE LONG CO. They pet prompt nttontion, brniden they carry the .urgent stock of merchandise to he found in I he Carolina.'. What von jjet there "IS RIGHT." All the new thing In tre tloods. Silks. Ladles' and rtlsscs' Furnlsih'nti. Vtiiir t. .:rrvt, i hlna. Jewelry, Coat Stilts, Shura, doming. I IC Sot r nis lor l.jKJk Ho or J urnal Patterns, 10 and 15c , and Centlmcri kid (i !. THE LITTLE-LONG CO. WbotcaaU niHi fcet i tmiii uniiiiiiiiiiiiHUHMmiiiiimnnMimiinn ol V.KLOTTE, NCR aa Twa Character from the Seamy Side el Lite. rkariatat l ibarrrvr. The scanty aitle of life ia inter- rating to the uearaapr aiau. The dull every day Telio does but lit tle that is worth recording, but the dashing, atreniMMia fellow bo atirs the world with bis brilliancy, his bravery, or bis gallantry, or the ' aian or woman who drift from the paths of rectitude aud becomes an outcast ia the person who make material for good eony. There were two characters of more than ordinary interest at the police station last night, lhiaty Maawy, a resident of the notorious t'muuatory avenue, occupied a cell aud Charles Johuaou, au inhabi tant of the Belmont, was carried there in a dying condition from an overdose of a poisonous drug. Dusty Massey is young in years but old iu experience. 8he has a rather sweet, girlish face that bears the marks of weakness and dissi pation. At the age of I. 'I lusty married a man who, she says, al ready had two wives, tjbe lived ith hint from some time in No vember until the following August, when she It'll bim and went back to her mother. In the con rue of time Dusty bet-awe a mother, aud for quite a while lived a decent life, but she gradually drifted and lHcaiiie a wanderer. Last uuday afternoon several tuiet, peace loving citizens of Bid tlleville saw several men dragging nr tugging at something that looked like a limp and helpless buuiau Immiik. The party of on lookers watched from a far oil until they saw the procession go into a piece f woods and then iolice oflieers were uotilied. Wheu the oflieers arrived oo the scene the men had down but they fouud Dusty lying in a field, half covered with dirt, where her ungallant friends hail fried to bury ber long liefore her lime. Dusty was nearer dead than ill ve and It required careful nurs ing to bring her back" to life. Hut last night, as Dusty sat near the door of her cell and begged the pojiceiuen to notify some friend that she was mi trouble aud aak l hem to come and go on her bond, die looked freah and sober. Her wealth of black bair was brushed back and carefully parted. Every si rami of it was In the right place. Iter face was cleau and her eyes bright' : hat have I done to be sub mitted to this buiuiliatioiit" asked the queen of the Avvnoo, as Mat thew Yaudle opeucd the door aud ushered the newspaper men in. I want my Utterly, aud if tuey would ouly telephone Mr. Ho and do he would go on my bond." "How old are you, Dusty T" in quired a rejMirter. "I am li years old. I can't see why they want to do me this way when they know that 1 have been trying to do better. It is not right I wasu t drank, but doped. Have they brought the boys here who poisoned me! " Dusty was dressed in her best clothes aud looked well for a jail bird. "Do you smoke cigarettes!" she inked just after declaring that she was trying to reform. 'Dusty, you ought to lead a bet ter life," suggested Matthew. . "I will if they will let me out of here." At this juncture a great noise hroke out In the front oflice. Dr. ( 8. McLaughlin, Fatrolman Mack haruhardt and Countable S. C. Koss had bronght Charles ' Johnson In the station and were giving him heroic treatment for too much dojie. ibey had stripped the young fel low to the waist and were jostling him up and down and beating bis back with a wet towel in an effort to keep him alive. It was a serious work, aud the men who lifted and tossed the dying mau worked bard. I banes Johnaorj is a young mar ried man. For some time be has been night watchmun at the Char lotte Cartket Company. Last Sat iinlsy he stole from the office a iiuinlier of checks and succeeded in forging the name of J. L. Martin, the lxH)kkeeier, to them aud pass in? them ou various merchants in town. Since that time the officers hsve hreu ou the lookout for John. son. Karly yesterday as Kev. J. r, Davis passed near a strip of woods he saw Johnson, who seemed to hsve been drinking some. Late in the afternoon Mr. Davis passed back by the atiue place aud, hear ing a groaning noise, went out to see where it came from and found the young fellow in a stupid condi tion. Officers were notified and they went and brought him to the station where. he was treated. At a late bour be was doing well. Home thought that Johnson was playing 'possum. Johnson was brought in by Rural Officer Lotuox, and Sergeant Far riugton aud Officers Cbristeobury and Porter. The Truth About Panama. ' Hountaln Desperado Recaptured. Lindsay Deniaon, who, qnhara-j '"""-"' ' .''- pered by any aeeeswty of eatchinj! ' !'. the Madison dainty the next boat back, recently made desa-rado who is alleged to have a detailed investigation of the work foniuitted one or the moat brutal being done on the Panama Canal, 'auddaatardly munjers ever per, does not share the gloomy views of. ,n,M ' "n Nor,h eawl" certain of the admiuistration,slongio bo with others escaped from " i ,, i . ... I lueituiH-oiuue rvunijr jmii uvh inii, bat been recaptured aud was this awning brought here and again phced behind lock and key. The capture was made in the lUltl Mtxutains, in I'uicoi county. Ten oewee, shortly before day rlunday nicning by three Madison county ma who bail beard of rate's wlereabouts and were seeking to ottain the f.'UHl reward olfered for hi rapture, Jim Khelton, Baxter dieltou and (irant hheltou. These seu, as quick on the trigger aud as SHicrate of chances aa Pate him elf, heard that theoutlaw was hid ing in the fasti wan of the Bald nountains, and rrlday morning Jiey left Madison county over the distance critics. In aa extremely sane article in the current Every body's entitled "Makiug Good at Panama," be says: "On the Isthmus of Panama the husiueaa of the American people is being well done. It is not perfect. There is too much petty graft as on the railroad; but it Is of no more importance than mosquito bites on an elephant. But one baa ouly to use his eyes to aee that we have gene into one of the pest holes of. tbe world and bave made It fairly habitable; that we bave tackled a job In which another great nation failed conspicuously and are so con ducting it as to keep clear of shame; that io spite of tremeudous diflicul ties ou the spot aud malicious ami ro,,K tr''. s"oilf horseback and mercenary htndrauceshereatbomd'""- "oul "'r we are doing sane, effective, bon searched, in the vicintty of his hid est work; that we are going to build K P1. ' i''s"y the man was ' . il ....I I- ,; ;.l ... .1 l I. Fortunate nissourlans. - "When I was a druggist at Livonia, Mo," writes T. J. Dwyer, now of Orsvsville. Mo., "three of mv ens- Moiuera were permanently cured of 'consumption by Dr. King ew Discovery aud are well and strong today. One was trying to sell bis property and move to Arisooa, but after using New Discovery a short time be found it unnecessary to do so. I regard Dr. King's New Dis ejvery as tbe most wonderful uied iclii In existence," Surest cough and cold core and throat' and lung bealer. Guaranteed by all drug gists. 60c and f 1. Trial bottle free. the canal and build it well! "There are too many men on the isthmus who ought not to be there. But io John P. Stevens and in the men who surround him there burns the spirit embodied in the wonts whirh Theodoie Roosevelt is said to bave uttered recently to an eu gineer about to depart for Panama " 'Remember this: that whatever the American people may think of you aud me, the last thine they will ever forget about either of us will be that we had to do with the making of the Panama Canal!' " We all know that when a gentle Wall Btreet pirate wants to depress the market price of a railroad secu riiy the customary tactics are tbe starting of a strike on that road; the instruments used by financial pirates are these same furtive, smooth tongued, ingeuious, trouble starters who have appeared ou tbe isthmus with such persistent regu larity. The men and agencies and corporal ious which are battling against the canal's progress, which are seeking to under mine the Pres ident's determination for its rapid completion, which are behiud the congrewioual delays and tbs nmg nifying of every possible excuse for discussion into an awful scandal these are the same men and agen- cies who go out railroad-wrecking. There is a deep-seated belief on the isthmus that when other means fail, tjie enemies of the caual the secret financial enemies, not the short-sighted fellows who are try ing to make .capital by dragging the caual into polities wlllemleav or to use all that is corruptible aud mercenary in the administration ol the labor anions of the United States to opset tne great work that Mr. Stevens aud bis subordinates are carrying on. It is believed that the work of planting the' seed has already begun. Jamaicans are apparently Jack of all trades. Hungry for the big wages of Panama, school teachers, barbers, shoemakers, stoi clerks have flocked to tbe Isthmus to find employment as masons, carpenters. blacksmiths and painters IndifTer- eutly. They are wasteful; they are stupid; they are posseesed with an unutterable hatred of exertion oth er than conversation, preferably on religious or ethical topics. Here are some more statistics from nij friend the foreman of painters: Hospital 54 is a building about 40 feet square; the amount of white lead ret; ni red for tbe paint to be applied to it would be, here in the States, about 79 pounds; it was nee essary to use 250 pounds of white lead on the Job; none of it was stolen; none was carried away; thai white lead and all the other wasted materials which were mixed with it are chargeable to tbe Jamaica negro's inefficiency. Yet the ci nal must be built with Jamaican labor, In the main. Some workmen are being brought from (ialicia in Spain; some bave been imported from Martinique; a few, very few, have come down from the United Slates. It pours the oil of life Into your system. It warms you up and starts the life blow! circulating. That's what Holllster's Rocky Mountain Tea dor. Xi cents, tea or tablets. English Drug Company. "The President is again indors ing Democratic platforms," said Col. Jim Ham. "In view of the usual fate ol those who stand on Democratic platforms, doesn't that augur rath er ioauspiciously for bis political future!" asked old Oen. Dissati faction. Sore Nipples. A ears miy b affected by applying Cbtaibsrlaia's Salve si tooa the sbild is done auraio. Wipe it off with a soft doth before allowiof the child to sorts. Mas trained nurtti dm this wire with the best reeulle. Price aj cents per boi. Sold by C N. Simpson Jr., and Dr. S j. Welih. "Making maple sugar is an in teresting procesa," said Acer. "And an economical one, too,' said Haocharlnos, "because yon need little or no maple sap." A Mountain of Uold eould not bring as much happiness to Mrs. Lucia Wilke or Caroline, Wis., as did one S.te. box of Bock ten's Arnica Halve, when it com pletely eared running sore on ber leg, which had tortured ber 33 long years. Greatest antiseptie healer of piles, wonnda and sores. 25c. at all druggists. ksrated io a dilapidated shack vhich hail every apiearauce of Icing diwerted, w ith oten wimlnws Hid crumbling roof. Pate was aleep ou a bunk, as was also au ttier man lying lu the opposite ride of the room, aud the alleged tinnlerer was awakened by the fU.-ti of a lantern. He instantly spin g for a table across w hich was lyiiif two shot guns aud some k n is, biif was as quickly covered and .irdcred to halt He and his couii.uiou made further elforts to reach the weapons, but were stem ly wanted, and while two of those outside kept the inmates uf the room u check, Baxter .Sherman tiattcrco. down the door. An en trance laving lieeu effected, the men bound their prize and set out to retrace their slow and tortuous way. Thiy stated here today that they had tlept almost none in the past three days, but their prisoner had given them uo trouble. Pate apeared unconcerned today. He stated that he has ever since his escape lived in the Bsld mountains. What Potted Ham Is Hade ol. The current Everybody's eon- taius Upton Sinclair's reply to J. Ogden Armour's recent defense ol the (ioveiument insiiectiou ol slaughter houses. It is strong writ tog lnio.a too strong for pleasant before break fust reading but the subject demands it. I have charged," writes Mr. Sinclair, "and I charge here sgaiu, that the so called 'potted ham' ami deviled ham' sold by Armour & Co. consist of the old dry waste ends of smoked beef, ground up with potato skins, with the hard cartilaginous gullets of beef, aud ith the udders of cow s, dyed to prevent their showing white. And the Federal inspection has no pow er to prevent that! The federal inspection has no power to say whether or uot any measures shall lie taken to see that roiaoned rats are not ground up iu the ssussge meat, as man alter mau in the yards told me that he had seen; if has no power to prevent the 'doc toring' of spoiled ham with all sorts of chemicals; to prevent the preserving of sausage with borax aud salicylic acid, and the dyeing f it to save the time ami expense incidental to smoking! It has no (tower to preveut the adulteration of sausages with 'potato flour,' the by-product of the manufacture ol potato-alcohol; or to prevent the adulteration of lard with beef fat, tallow and lard stearin, pnralliu and cottonseed oil. Does Mr. Ar mour deny that all these things which I have named are done in his establishment! If he does deny it, I will refer him to the Tenth Kienmal Report of the Miunesota State Dairy aud roodoiumiNNiou er, pages 17:1, " 170, aud 1'.'. Deaths from Appendicitis decrease in the same ratio that the use of Dr. King's New Life Pill increases. They save you from ilan ger and bring quick and painless release from coustipatiou and the ills growing out of it Streuglh and vigor always follow their use. Ouarnntced by all druggists. Try them. The SUr-5panglcd ttanner. 1 1 -an. sr. .11 a,i I. I . .u t.y U . a'!j Kht W m. a. l..'..tat li i.iial.!. ll-w bra.t -ti... a' 'l '.trf!'t .t-- it.-..'. tl. arn..-s- t rfl. rawtM". tfa lanti) ir.aii.u.i- Jtad the r.n-a.t . ml giar. . t:r I'.nU 'Ur.inrf IK air mx r..f thr.Mjtfh t. nut';! .' -.' aa till ItM-r., IHl, jf. 4a- It-at "tar Ji. v.l l.aii!i-r v Hi that .burr. .11111!, -r. n .rt.iiali tl' rji-l f the tW. p. W r.-iv Oh ha..t.:j li...: in k-t ti j.rr What t.lhat tal.u-h Oi !.nr'r,..Vr It..- I..rr in tn-t. Anil fltttllli f..ii..a n. .11- M..W It i-atrnr. th. elf-am f III. rm.nur.rf-. rt Ivam. la full rt.trji rrrWtt'.t, n..w i.ut. . tr.. atrram. Tt lti atar .(tan!-l lr.ti. r . . !"!? nia I' lit. OVr thr lati.l of tl.i- fiv. . ah-i tlx- ti.-iu.-It.. I. r a v. ' AnJ Blwrr art- tli. f-r- l auitlu.1. that thr hat.N' .l ' an t Hi. !," . A hi. air auilai-.'111'tn ....i.M i u. tin .,... Tie ir M.mmI ha. aa-li.-.t out t... irt-.i. f...t air)' liulli!l. M rrfuirr rul.i .a... Itii. tiirvhnir atnl .'4r Krum tilt- trrrir uf tlir rl'.-'u "I Hi' ravr; Attd thr .tar tvnnr-r in tnuniii iti.tli avr lr tttr lantl ..f tlir li.f. au-t lir h..tur ..f tli. bra v.-' Ih. thill, br I' .-.i-r, a lit-n fr.-m.-li .I.VI .lanii S.-til tln-lr Imr-it h.iii...- ami t'.r war'ti.u' Slrt wtth tl-tiry ami lira. II. ar III.- li'arit rrai-u.-il lan.l I'ralw tlir I'iikit that hath m.vlr an.t Jtrr arrvrd u. a nali.iii. Thrn e.niU..r ar nin.l. a ht-n i.ur nu- It i Jii.t . An.l thta hr iir' In l I. iiur iru.t Anrl thr .lar .wiikIi-.I lniim-i in rrjunipti -hall aavr lrr thr lan.l of tin Inr. an.l thr h.un of ttn- Cet SCOTT'S Emulsion When you go to a drug (tore and ask for Scott's Emulsion you know what you want; the man knows you ought to have rt Dont be surprised, though, if you ar offered something elae. Wines, cordials, extracts, wto, of cod Ivor oil arc plenti ful but don't Imagine you ara getting eod liver oil when you take them. Every year for thirty years we've been increasing the sales of Scott's Emulsion. Whyf Because It baa always keen setter than any auDititute for rt COTT 4 OWN, C4ntats 40S-S1I PmS Street. New Yef Oe. an tlOO. A drweaMs t'rr thr lan.l r tlir f' bra.r. .an.t tttr !i-(ti. ..f 'ti. The (ilory of Iceland. . ' lu l: ,rrj UmIj ' Maifa- They say that Iceland has one Hiliivuiiiit. ihi jail, no iutoxicatiug iiiiuor, iloinentK- or iuiisirted, and not one illiterate luist the ate of Where Had He Heard that Name. "I a.trrt.w sur.allu- l tir.ti.ui 1.. m , rr.l.lj . f-'t M., The stuge coach that carries the mail U-taeeu Kent's Hill ami lb-ad field Slatioii in Maine diew up along the roadside aud the driver accoHted a lltlle old mail wot king ten. A nr ti.unlrj ; end yet what Hi a held. c.oiiiliy is in her lu the mhes that "Do you know who Mrs. Abby do it.t bate sings and fly swaj? It, Hrowu is aud were she lives!"! , ;- . : The man citstdered. -Ilro.ii.l Mark Twain who Abl-v It. Itrt.witf" he related, said there mere only forty jt.kea ill You don't mean Mrs. Pollv Know n. , xU" ",r1,1 I hiUdel. do von?" ' ' think so; but that was Itefore "No, Mrs. Abby II. lirowii; we've Le ,,a'' "li,k'" J'b'sp got a h tler for her.'' ( . ,at an entiivlv eouini.-iid ilile -It, you say the middle letter is m,,,!.., M, i , i, uo you: i iiiil a wuoie i 01 ,,1 smtheiid. Ves; he's trying to live up to the eulogies that will Im plououuc- d on him when he dies," said .Capitlle. Head Tobacco1 mportant Chsnge In Railroad Schedule. Taking ell'eet Siimhiy, April 1.1, Son. 4 I I") Wits i liiiugetl us I'ltllows and will Im operated through to Charlote aud liuthei loidton: 1eave Wilmington at 1 :-"Hi a. m., conutH-ting at Pembroke with the Atlantic Cout for the north anil at Maxtou lor lied Springs and Kiy- etteville, at Hamlet with train No. till for Kalcigh and points, ninth, at Monroe with No. frl tor local points between Monroe and Atlanta; ar riving Charlotte ll:.ll a. in., con Meeting with Hoiithern Kailwa) l'i:Xt p.m. for estern North ( aro- lina iMiints; leave Charlotte ut 4:00 p. in., arrive l.iiicoluton .:!. p.m., conuectiiig with ('. ami X. W. for Hickory and U'lioir, at Hickory with Stiutheni Kailway for Ashe ville; arriving Shelby ti:;lT p. m., Kiitherforiltoii S:00 p. in. No. 41 leaves Kutherl'ordtou 6::ln a. in., Shelby 7:15 a. ui., I.iuniln (on 8:41 a. ni., connecting with C. anil N. . from Ijeuoir and Hick ory; arriving Charlotte 10:l."i a.m.; leave Charlotte .i:00 p.iti., connect ing at Monroe with No. .i'' from Atlanta; arriving llumlct at r.'.M p. in., coAuecting Willi No. 41 from Kaleigh and Portsmouth; leaving Hamlet 7:.tU p. m., Maxton S I I ni., connecting with A. C. I.. Irom Fayettevilleand Ketl Springs; arriving Wilmington 1 1 :'!' p. in. There is no rlmnge in No. .'Ill to between iliniiigtoti ami Hamlet, ith the exception that they will uot be operated beyond Hamlet, connecting with No. :w and 41 lie tween Hamlet and Charlotte. No. IS 40 will have parlor car la'tween Charlotte and Wilmington and No. :(!! 41 will have parlor car belween Wilmington and ( hiirlotte, coin iiieiicing June 1. No. l.'W will leave t harlotte now at 4:45 a. in., No. I.T.'at 7:15 p. m. No. 41 will leave Hamlet al 7:.o p.m. instead of 10:15 p. in., break ing connect mil with No. 4.1, giving psiNNcngfr from east and north ol Hamlet direct connect ion for At lanta, arriving al : 1 ' a. in., eon necting with the West Point route for Montgomery, Mobile, New Or leans, Texas sud California points: arriving liiriniughiini 11:55 a. m., coniK'ctiiig with Krisco for Mem phis and points went. 1 he latter change w ill lie of great lienclit to Western and south wentern travel, giving direct connections, while heretofore it wss necessary to lay over at either Atlanta or 1 '.inning ham. Passengers from Charlotte and points west thereof can make direct connection with tli is train for At lanta at Monroe, giving greatly iui proved service to the Southwest. C, II. (Urn, T. P. A. Have Vou weakness of any kind atoniach, hack, or any organs of the bodjt Don t dope yomaclf with ordinary medicine. Hollister's Kocky Mountain Tea is the nil preme cnratlve power. .'15 cents, tea or tablets. English Drug Co. "It is just about a hundred years since the carpenter s steel square was invented, salt! the antiquary, "and the blacksmith w ho made the first one sold it to a carireufer." That, then, was the first record ed square deal," said the aualyst Not If as Rich as Rockefeller. If yon hsd ill the wealth of Kockefel ler, tbe Standard Oil magnate, you could not buy s better medicine for bowel complaint, thio Chamberlain' Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy. The moat eminent phyaician can not preecribe a bettor preparation for colic aod diarrhoea, both for children and adulte. The uniform auccesa of this remedy haa thown it to be anpeiior to ail otbera. It oever faila, and whes red need with water aud .weetened, ia pleaaant to take. Every family eheuld be supplied wim it, sold ry t. n Simpioo, Jr., sad Dr. S. J . Welsh. liniwus that live on the other snte ol the road, but there am t any A Id n K. among them. You "lout nteau Albv li. Siuilh, do vouf She "No, it's II. Urown. We'll ,-1 "'e Presi.lent is storing liud her somehow. Thanks." , "1" frrtilier trust, stud . oky. The stage driver started Ins "'es: and he may dirSMver the ho,es. hut liefore the corner was 11 "V 'f " k rake Is fote he reachetl a faint Hello" rau-il the through, sjutl tjany. passengerK to turn around. The old , man, hoe in hand, wiis pursuing1 the sl:tge. "Iiiowii. Mrs. Abltv It. I'.nmn. ! did you sayf Why, i know her. I She s my w lie. ' It is Dangerous to Neglect a ColJ. Mow nlteii do we hrar tl lemarkr J, "ll'. only a Cold," and a lew days lat er Irani that the man is on In. dark with pueatttutiia. 1 tit. is of such com mon occurrence that a cold, however 'light, should not he disregarded. Chamberlain'. Couuli Krineily couiitrr act. any tendency of a colJ to result in pneumonia aud ha. Kained its Kreat popularity and titettsive sale by its prompt ruies of this most coinmou ail ment. Il alas cute, and Is pleasant to take. For sale by C. N. Simpson, Jr., and Or S J. Welsh. ''Putting iu water meters here is a fearful blow to the teinH'iauie cause," said Foggy llottoin. "How's (half" asked Murder liay. "Ilecaiise every man is allowed to pour out his own ilriuk of w his key, but now he'll have his witter measured out to liiui." Have you pains iu the back, in flammation of any kind, iheuma tisiu, fainting spells, indigestion or constipation, Holllster's Kocky Mountain Tea makes you well, keeps yoll well, ilo cents. Knglish Drug Company. aa I j Per in" Mti efliti! jr b rnlMwil with r hfiiiair, tveii iu una), sum of tbt rr-ry bent gmv, tr bu h tit hiirhmt irictf mti lw ifottnat ymir ttr b'U', nr from bixt-f lu-r yu wii, few winilubeiiun'iauijiif, uUrtill um Virtaia-CaroI!fla Fertilizers. Tm thTo turala u ft top tSnninr. or tttxnirj u,iViutn. Tbfiea ItTttiiwn Kra ni fi 't lif eaiKihld Dii'u,hu hstva lN'n Hi fprtiliMtrmu. tbii Hv, Miul Cm i tjt it iliirtlhirrf U'eti. pcttauth ami imnnfi'n, ir amiBttniA, In Un ir lrukfr iruriirtlirin to .ft urn t ur Mill iha clt-mmiti of planMlfl ttiat bnvr ! on taken from it ljr ciintlnual ouilivatiua. Aooat bo aubaututav VInclnla-CaroltiM Chenlctl C.. Kii tintoiTl, Vv Norioik. Va Durliam. N C. rtiarl. hl.n C, iiaitiUK.rv. MiU Atlanta fla. Havuiiiitth. Oa. Motitirnitry, Alt, ltm.liiai, ivnu, Mtrii'iurt, iav Never Before Has A. Levy carried such a beautiful line of goods as he now has in stock, and new goods coming in every day. The millinery is far superior to anything ever handled before. All we ask is for you to come and see for yourself. We have just recived a beautiful line of Hamilton-Brown Slippers. Our line of Dress Goods is complete. All shade: old rose, heliotrope, gray, and all the leading colors, with trimming to match. Also a large line of White Goods and Laces from 7c. to 75c. per yard. We are still keeping the High Art Clothing, The 11EST FITTING CLOTHES MADE. A. LEVY. Another Big Lot of Silver King Sewing Machines. Now is the time for you to call and Ret a bargain in Sewing Machines, Our Silver King is equal to any S40.00 sewing machine on the market You will do well to let us snow you this machine and give you prices. THE W. J. RUDGE CO. i?

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