I I 4 AAV A A AAAsV aV JWwV A' A fc--vXs V I r I . 1 fAA M I 12 Trespasser The Kind Too Have Always Tto light, and which haa berm in 110 far over 'JO Jean, hu born the slrrnatnre of A and has been made under hie pr r j tf-ff- tonal super Uion since It Infancy. JUZJcUo4ti Allow no one to dwflv you in thin. All Counterfeit, Imitation and JutHU.fil"r but EHK-riiuenU that trill with aud emtaiigr r the hrwlth of luluul and ChUdreu-Expcrieiioe agaiust ExperiiueuU What is CASTORIA Castorta Is harmless substitute for Cwstor Oil. Fare gorie. Drop and Soothing Ktruu, It i IMcauwuL. It contain neither Opium, Morphine nor other Narcotist substance. It age l it guarantee. It dewtroys Worms anil allay JYverUhiie. It eure IMarrhira and Wind Colic. It relieve Teething Trouble, cure Cmistlimliou and Flatulency. It aimiUte the Food, regulate.) the Stomach and i towel, givlnir heulthy aud nuiurul sleep. The t'bihlreu's lauucca Tbe Mother's Frk-ud. GENUINE CASTORIA ALWAYS Bears the Signature of 7 The Kind You Have Alwajs Bought In Use For Over 30 Years. fMC mmm. Tf MuaMt twilt, wmm art. 'rTirr Fmrvr iffl Don't be Alarmed even' lime the tire Ml rinss. Have your premises and stock covered with INSURANCE.. You don't know how much worry toil I1 ;ivoj,il fur such a small out lay, Should tin- then roach you, you arc assured tlu-rt- w ill lie no juvui.i aiy loss. Claims arc adjusted prompt ly by the companies we represent, (let our rales. W. M. GORDON, Aoent. At People's Hank. IRK MULLIS, Civil Engineer, I'lloVH II. WlM.ATK, X. ('. I'rr'ii'eii'r ..f (,, ri, .!. -v in Mirwviiitr fl"iti f fi-ii.t.ntf iii N I I (- h.m . n. 'f hi Kt.iJ.t, M an H'i-l an-t ranti Watt Ashcraft, M. D. C, (Veterinarian.) Day calls 78. Night 223. MONROE. N. C. Lawyers' Directory. Office in Savings, Loan and Trust l'tiildiuc,, Corner of Franklin and llanie Strerls, Monroe, N.C Adani, Jerome 3t Ariuietd, Kooins 16, 17 and is, I- F, Urilhn, Kooins 11 and ii. A. M. Stack, Kooins 4 and 5. K. It, KeiUiue, Kmims 6 tu 10, J. C. Sikes, Jr., K oonis 1 aud i. VV'illiains St Lriuiiioud, Koutna 14 St 15. K. L. Stevens, office formerly occu pied liy Arm field & Williams, in the courthouse, J, E, ASUCRAi r 11 n. STFWABT DRS. ASHCRAFT 4 STEWART, y ON ROB, N. C. SANATORIUM for the treatment of stttgical diseases and diseases of wo men. Diseases of the stomach and iutestiues a specialty. Training School for nurses, DR.B, C. REDFEARN.C DKNTIST. i Charges reasonahle. Satisfaction gvarauteed. Office iver Kudte's Book Store. MONROE. M O. Will be at Marshville, N. C.,on first and third Mondays of each month, and at Matthews ou second and fourth Mondays, Phone Ija Jno,I.Meal,M,d MONROE, N. C, Solicits tin patrona(e of the people of Monroe and surroundinf; community. Calls answered in day from English Prne, Store; at night from residence 00 Church street. Phone No. 48. W. B. HOUSTON, SURGEON DENTIST, Office up stairs, FiUgerald Building Northwest of Courthouse, Monroe, N. C. HOtXISTt". Rocky Mountain Tea Nuggets A Bny Hrildat at tuy fxplt BHin Qoldn BmII ui Rraawal Tlrae. k .rwrifle tnr Cnnlpolna. !natir.(kKi. t.lw ana Kl'lnf. TrmihlMi. Ptmpto. InnM, Inipur bl-t. Si Brawn. Nuirc-Mi Rowrl. Hiklvl and HuckAclw. It '. Rocky MhibuIb Tm In W M (nrm. SS mu boa. uniula matt k Houjaria Oar Ooar.ict, NxlMna, Wl. W PEW RU06ETI FOR SAUO PCOPtf KILLthi COUGH m CURE tni LUNC8 WITH Dr.King's lev Discovery riM lOeaft.M Frte Trial. Kurwat end ttmckMt Curw for ail THROAT n4 LUHO X&OUB LXS, MOUZT SACK. SEABOARD Air Line Railway Direct Line tu all point in the Suth, Southwest. North and Northwest IK1 IU.E DAILY SERVICE tktween lioston, New Vork, Phil adelphia, llaltimore, Washington, Norfolk, Richmond, Ralei(h, Char lotte, Wilmington. Atlanta, Hir minithani, Memphis, Chattanooica. Nashville, .Inntiromery, Mobile, New Orleans, Columbia. Savannah, Jacksonville, Tampa, and all Hor ida points Two Trains Daily ISetween New Vork, Washinitton, Portsmouth and Atlanta, Birmingham, Memphis, Savannah and Jacksonville New Vork, Philadelphia, llaltimore, Washinitton and Richmond to Memphis without change of cars Trains composed of Vestibule Day Coaches, Pullman Drawing Room Sleeping Cars, and the latest Cafe Dining Cars Direct connections at Hemphis, St. Louis and New Orleans for ALL POINTS in Texas, California, Ar kansas, Colorado and all western points Interchangeable mileage hooks good over I5.IMKI miles of Southern lines Vortlm uMf", ttiltltT or -mniilT Ixx.kliM. Ulmtr.i!,- ..f tlif Si. 11:11 .ii.t H.,lll wf-l .,it t S.lir,l l' rti,T Kf .r,'-, ntUvr or e h hi s 1 1 e a . e..rt u v. ' H OA I I IS. r f A . Ki.t. ili. N I KliW AMI K rosr. in, I lF . ,r t in..iit u . Vtt M7i,7FLOwr Commissioner of Ms Tor South Ctralliii, In North UraliDi; also i Justin of the Peace for Union County, and Notary Public for Norti Carolina. :-: :-: Special attention given to taking Af fidavits, Ackiiowledtemeut or Proof ot Deeds, Mortgages, Contracts, Hills 01 Sale, Powers of Attorney, Keuuncia lions of Dower and Inheritance, Dep ositions, Writing and Probating Deeds, Mortgages and all other papers, issuing State Wanants, Claim and Deoer and Attachment papers. Civil Sum mons and the Collection of Claims, Office at M. L. Flow Co. 'a Store east of courthouse, Monroe, N. C I Oil I CO I -K 5 in s 5 'i'T-J ' t - Uisl 'I -I M. J Indigestion Causes Catarrh of the Stomach. Per man years H haa been uBpoewl Kiel Catarrh of the Stomach caused Indifastlot and dyspeeala. but the truth la eiacily Iha peoeile. Indifaatioa causae eetarrh. R. psalsd attacks el InalfsaMoa Inllames the woo memhranaa llnlnf the stomach and aipoeea the nernia of the stomach, thus caus ing the (lands to secrete mjcla Instead of Ihe uioa et aatural dlfeetloa. This Is ealled Catarrh at the Stomach. Kcdol Dytptpsia Cert leHevea all IntlammaHoa ef the aisceta SMmbreMe lalnf tie stomach, protects the erne, and oars had breath, seer risings, e sane af (ulliwaa alter earlnf. tadipauoa, drapapata and ail stomach troubles. Kolol Diswts What Yea lal SMemJI M. hoWnwlHd totrMMM. wwca mm tar ao mil. T OeWITT OOk, Caueeae, a Fonale by Dr. S. J. Weleb. and C. N. Simpeoo. Jr. rsa ie era imj aaat ruaaeva UKiiUnr Pills Sold by If. . MoCeoley, Igiat BO SOKE WILLS IE rnonehi. r. h, . . CMtMl 4 d 4 r.T.T.'fNT.TATj'r.T.T.T.Te The auov tu,l iHaiiearnl from tbr Tatky. heilml uiou tlirw aide b niouutaitta. Iut tar up la ttie kte there mere .till Ktval hile esiv of It liru'My murried a great ileal atwut th,e anow iHttrneii At uiht. heu tlie eaitip u attll. tie lay awake hour after hour oMist.ltriui! the uiatn-r Ihe York attn-khikLlera who haj aent ttie outuc lutuuuf euaoieer tut te etploru a tut tel ihe Bilue ha J yiteu bun no luforuiatuui aa to lhw. when or where to rut.vt hi wtkiiu'tuen Ou Tu.-a.lay el the 'rel..u a gn-at wele f mw an.l U'e had looa-eiu-vl fism ttie ak. bad hurtU-.! Oj.wu Ihe UHu:itatn si,u. iMttiniic .vd aud aire as II went, ami hi. I k:lksl J tut lirady. ttie fori'iunu, Hh.wit wen top pltitf to Urtp him alter the dtvj waa done. "The el.lest Inhaliltatit" tl tirltshy tb:tt f o. h would protwMy ie 111.- pro gmiiutie uulil irlint h.el a't tu thur ouhty. So f aeveral nichts Crush? wor rlel. Ttien on a certain ild. .Inuly Uionmig he calM tlie uieu from the Uiltie aud set ttM'iu. one aud all al work ou his Idea lite Idea ee!iittisl of a fcivat -V." with Its 11 1 . turlieil up Ihe valley, and wheti eou:,eted Itieeu glue bullae our tlie mill wa to aet siiiicly In the antle of a smit feme of l-k-s nii.l t. I.I.th It t.A.k thtv,' dn) to iMiui'lete the idea, and whe It was itnne Juek i;r.tl'.v U.irel bis handsome aliotilders. .'t his t,s-ih Qrtu ly on tlie aiul.T stem of til" ru "'"I aald "t'l.-ri'. I gum' I'd I ke to see! a Kllotvl!de h.-irui tint r" The oldest liilril'ltMiit, who atmid hy J. ek' side, grtllllisl. "Vou've put a lot of work on Unit Uiiiur." he said. Well. II a worth It.'1 r pll. ,1 Jack. "Huh," tisensl the old miner. "I eoni.l -h' told you something that wouldn't "a' lsn any work t all aud would 'a txsa Ju-t as effective aa that!" "A idee time to ts- telling me that?' e.'lalmc Ja, k. "Well, what Is It T' The old niau pullisl a dejts'lerl look lug envelope out of his p. ket. after a kit: search found a stul.l y s'iicil and made a few marks 011 the cuvclo t.a. k. then walked over to 11 tree aud ta.k.sl the paper up 011 the trunk (lrlgliy followed tutu curiously. On the elivel'o was written: "AvKlau.-hes lire rcijucsto,! not to trespass here " Jack paired. "Well, you're a great Joker" Ttie old man grlmi.sl. hut luik hl head Jnt as gunl us y.nir wedge." he answered oii u -11 1 vi-cn a real slide yet. Y'011 want to move your mine, that's what you want to do." ilrtirsl.y l,..k.sl a llltle tnaihlisl "The pn'sldent of the coi'ipuny and tils daughter are d ie here this afternisin. but the w-eattier has Im'cii ao auappy lately 1 gtH"a we tire safe," Then to hltnself as he walkist away. "I'd give the world and all to see Madge, but" - Then he I.,kisl at tlie V shaped rampart, "lice, that would stand anything." be said. The visitors wen not exsetisl until late lu the afternisin, hut It was only 1 o'clock when the short, fat millionaire and his dainty, si hr daughter ills niouutiHl from their horses and left them at ttie group of shacks on the mountain aide Then they dcstendtsl Into ttie gulch, where the shaft osMiisi. "Now, reitieiiitM'r, Madge, no tioti sense." the president was putting "These young engineers are all right In their places Hut their places an' not aa sous In law of mine. S.s'Uie to uie you've ttec!i showing rather a lively In tercst In young tirlgshy." Madge siilrTi'd, hut made no reply to her father' iidnioiutlous. They were an old tale, whose moral did not lu the least Interest her. Her father took the ihaisToinige of his pretty daughter very seriously. Jack (irigshy run toward them with hansl head and outstretched baud, but the president had little time to waste on grmutiigsi. "What lu thunder la that mountain of ruM.lsh hullt around the plant for?" be demanded. Jack rxplalnisl the mission of his cherished Idea, hut the president shook bis heml. "i'ooh, xioh!" be ecofTeil. "Fearful looking mesa, lienor tear It out. I sui t need Unit to keep off a little snow and Ice." MinUte liitcn.os.sl tactfully. "Oh, come ou," she cried. "I want to eve everything." The thro w alked slow ly over toward the euglue bouse. Jack eiplaluing ea gerly. "Where are all tbe men?" asked Madge. "In Uie mine, even the engineer. We are having some" The oldest Inhabitant grasped Jack's arm. "For heaven's sake." he gasped, "ring the hell. It's conilu'." The three followed bis gaze. Far up the mountain, at the la-ginning of the valley, a Mar, and with the roar It seemed aa If the whole side of the mountain was sliding down Into U10 Tallcy- a great, gray maaa, that gath ered to Itself all that barred Us path, huge tree, ealitn tilg atones, and al waya wltb a mar. Increasing lu volume to tlie din of a thousand train. "The men are safest In the mine," Jack cried. He grassl Madge's arm, but the oldest Inhabitant thrust hlin one side. "Manage the old man," be sold; "I'll tike the girl." Then with tale arm about Madge he raa with all hie atreiw'h up tbe ua Uia hto. (.rvty aetard IW p.r.i deaf ana. ooje" he cried. The pmkleut atartej out hrn.-ti. but his wehrbt told. nd with the th.nl step be Muiut-led and felL H 11 h mch heart tbrub Uie (mswI ,4 tbe smw h te wa bssaeouig lb.ir chauss'. li k tugged at the I iy gd mm X could er the Utw Idem that 1'rld.i! t'ie frvot nt the a iluiK-he and now It hot taken the very tree to wli.cb 1 ponied tbe uttering tr-svtae w.irni: e With a iiiertiuuuii etli.rt Jack fi' 1; the presideut out of hanu a war 1 Leu he sprang huimlf. s-invij uoti. lu a heal y Idow frxiui whuuing tree t.iji la auuther iii.au.nt ttie attl..:Hie was a thing of the past, aud a great ewathe dowu the .vnier f rhe rall.-v was poltshs uustb aa a uiacadiu, T'l With a single glalwe to s.e ! it Maifce was Mite, be .'ail.sl t.t the two area aud ran to Uie idiiift is-uing. .o.-r whli-h the while had sis.J. Il was ihoked with luus of Us. and Us "Fiud rotes." links'.? .Ti-d "any Uillig! The IjicJ knows how mini were lu tlie sh ift'" It wa au hi.ur of ternlde ted. hut somehow the thr,s a.ssiiuplistiisl rw task YVltli Ba nts ti.ru aud liks-l n. pauMug and lull eraaed with h-ar .-r ttusie Ih-Iow. ttkr IoiUhI uih-easiiuly -Uie oldest lllhntctsut. with the sl.-ci.k'h of a uiau twenty car h.a Junior. Ii s white hair wet ith erpirutioii. 'ir s by. with lak-. dranu fa.s. and ttie pis-slilent, is'l,sl it-swu o vest an-t troiiMTa, isintlug with tlie tsM of ttn-m i ;rti:sliy called down tlmm-h ttie oiK'iuiu:. and tbe answer came In. k faint, but i-tM-erfullv "All sire: W hat a the rip 7 rs-ud lis diiw 11 a roje " Wheu all were safe the insi.l.-,t cllinls-d to Jack s i-alun ami sal down 1 heavily Jack and Madge follow.il 1 He kaikesl at Jack 'W1 I titi'.it smoke, man. look at Jour ', arm!" be rrie.1 J.i, k glam-ed at the tdoisl stiun.il shsoe from which the arm du eled : beli'lessly, "I know it." he ansneted cheerfully. "A trvs? top slapHil li e us the slide passed, but I don't care: ev ery man t safe!" , The president star.il at the wh 'e 1 dirt staln.il fa.-e. "Madi.-e," he s.i 1 "I d like tn hate you marry this s,.. ot man." '"lhat'a wtiat Jack and 1 hoped," nn swersl Madge, emlliiig even as she, tnouiuV over Uie woiindul nrin. 1 "That's settksl. then." said the pi. - ! Iihut briskly. "Now let s ae whit 1 i can do for that arm." And If he no tlcul that Uie well nrm was eucircli!,: Madge'a waist lie did not mention the fact Br twe full Itenrh. A atory which us.il to l-e n-tnt-sl years ago had to do w Ith 11 n Inci.l. ; t which buppeued lu Sierra county. 1 al the principal act. in which was Ju.l-' Scar la of the district ii.urt. Ihe Judge was 011 Ins way fr..-n Nevada to nutans county. At Ikiwue lll there were two young hiwj.: who had Hgr.ssl to argue a ti. ; when Uie Jiulge arrlvnl Then, 11s t.i:.. was pressing and lilh lawyer wue also going to riuinas, It was dn'ldc.1 t- rl.k' along and curry 011 the nrgiimi nt hy the way. I'p the mule trail from Ihiwuievlll. to Monte t'rlsto, down to Oak It. im h aud so on to Kureka the nrgiiuieiil pro inilisl. At Kim ka tlie case was mam liiisl with Uie aid of refreshment, and In due time .hiisl.ui was rcacti.it Tbe loaer consoled himself wlih the thought that be hid asun.l.il the mountain witlioiit Is.lng ii.iis.inus of tbe grade "PiHslbly ttie mule felt It ns usual," siiggcstnl the Judge. "I think from the result that he, t., was utisortsil in helping to make up the opinion.'' said the la ivy. r. The JaiMaeae V.'av. It la said that Uie Japan. c are au tuueiiloiis ra.v, hut it ttppcuts to the isii.lelitnl llilllil Unit there are limits to this tsNist.il liiifcnulty. Aa ento mohulst lu a New York c.iIIcl'o tells Uie bender Mautulue of a case where a trusted upaucse assistant failed hlin In a motneut where singular liikcuulty a as re.Ulre.l. The scientist had a tray of ciiretully arranged and minute shi'i mens and was currying It from one table to another, wheu be stiiiulil.-.l on a protruding chair leg and piiiil.r fell, scattering the simimeus over the tt.sir Many boors of work were tu a s.ii.nd quite undone Some criiahlc aud bard worked eipletlve must hate hap ed to bla ll and Uieli proved iiiadc uunte to the otvaalon, for, after a preir unut motneut of slleu.-e, be turned to tlie Jamiieae and said: "Tell nie. uulck. what would you aa) la Japauese If such a thing hapHued to you? Ulv urn the translation lu stantly." "Ah," said Uie Japanese scientist, with calm gravity, "we Would ad dress tlie chair aud any, 'You arc very Impolite.' " Hawdl Work With (.lo.r.. "I b..ie," said the woman who was ordering a pair of slippers unule of lowered satin, "that you will tell your workman to wash his hsuda Is tore he bevtna to oinke these up." "Wash hi bands"' rctentisl Uc clerk. "Why, madam, he never will touch these with his I si re hands' Then tlie clerk esplalne.1 Unit all work men employed tn making allpHr of light colors worked with while gloves oa. "Try to keep thera ch-aur" he con tinned, "I should aay tttey did The) try so bard that they rliange their white glove three times a day. Which Is not so fantastic as It may seem, for If a shoemaker soils material of this kind the ripens to him of re placing tbe material, to any nothing of the ko of hi time, make It worth bl while to work In glove and keep tbem clean at that-New York Tree. W. S. BLAKENEY, President J. R. 3HLTE, W. C. STACK. ) Vlce-Preaident. Cashier. S THE ? 1 BANK; of UNION MONROE, X. a This Bank haa been operated in the Interest ot the people at large aa well as its stockholders, lu eff leers have dona their beat to build up Hon roe and the surrounding; country. It pro vides every safeguard lor the depositor and la always liberal to the borrower. No reasonable person could be dissatisfied with IU method. Remember what It haa done tot the people thus Ur and let everybody know that It will meet all legitimate competition In the future. Patroalza It with your account and thus anew your sympathy for a progressiva and obliging Institution. It mj your friend and It la hare to stay. Tried MU tirave te Insure a Fit. I !is f. js !. ilih. U, i.twasswlw wa. 'Tn the prvsrw-e of bystander at the recent li'lupletlou of hi tomb, Jt-! t't iutou, ag-cd farmer, lay down at lull len-th in the crate Im bail Iniilt ami Mind it comfort bio. IDs wile' crave adjoining was nt found in that f.wduon. At public Icsliralioti there were ruhKs of the couple by prowl iii-iil 11:1. ens and a fear aim pie e iici. i. lici, lie was si it j eight, Mr. tot tngtmi licit decided that be wanti.l to I Inmed the way be is Coic to be. He had hi wile hate I heir Inn ml did lies ready also. Il. iv is wlut be hii) alsiut hi t.-m I. : "II. 1. ton tviiietery in a bcnuliful place In lis.k lls.nl. Hie iaiwrbY, but the is iiuii 1 1 tery level with no nut let tor 1111 water to rutmolL I In tel. in-, main are -deeping; there 111 4 watery crave. Fnnu 111) touth I have lai n IiU-smiI with a good I. Miln r Nil to ret on from the liat.lsliip ol l.ittii life. Therefore I did iiol fill that ni wile and I sli.oiM la- Inn ic.l anyw.it after our lean of haul woik. Therefore, alxuil tell tears :l.-o I dug out a pla.v laic cii.ni);li to fix water tight with .'issl In 11k. with a wall .il.oiil i ihti-eii im h.lliu k la twe-eli the two -.'laies and ordercil mar hie sl.ilw to cover the same with our n nmi on thclu. "I am in my seventy sivth year and mt wife is in her sitty eighth, and we l.a.k to hav iug many a good time tit Isloie Ihe marble slut, are siipp.il icside for our inter uiiiit." Will Need Its Capital. I :- i" r I'l-l-nVH A c.u.iaiii known its the Three las l.:itior fun t'oinpitny ot lien 1st tile has lai n chattered w ith .1 capital ol 'omhi. It is wcl'. the capiial is Ian.''', tor it will take a lot of ci-li to cine 11 man of the w hiskey habit 111 jtist three days. Matthew Porter, upil L'S years, a liaptist ininisti-r mid a student at l-'iirmaii I ' n ivt-i-.it y, was arrested 111 tim-uville, S. t'., last Friday for dcM-tiitij; from tlie navy, llecn Itstiil 111 the navy four .tears ago, deserti'd lu four months Isiailse In- coiil.l 1 . .t s. rvc tiisl ami remain, he sa)s, and then went to South t ainlina. where he U-gaii preach iog and (caching. He liasutie child. Ills trial will come oil' at Norfolk. I'.e careful of the main chance. I l Vlifll. - - - - tin in Is'.l without supM'- and tou'll risi' without debt. - From the Pol'tllllgliese. (ileal works are s'tl'onncd not by st length, lint by peiseverillice. .lohiisiui. Men are April when they who, 1 tciiiiilai w hen they wnl,- Shake spcaie. I he cry Itc-t Remedy for Dowel tioul le. Mr. I . M turioii:lis, au old ,tnd well known resident ol Plutttoii, lud,, savs: "I tcard Chaniliet Iain's v.ilu , (.li. liiia and Diarrhoea Kcined) is the viiv best lelllrdy tor bowel !r oil Ic I nuke this statement allei iiavin used the teinrdy in my lamil) !i.i scu i.il years. I am never without it " 1 his 1. ini-ily is almost sure to tie needed labile tin- suiiiiiiir is over Why not buy it now and he prepated ti-i Mich ,111 cuieigeucy? for sale by C N Niuipsoii, Jr., and Dr. S.J. Welsh. Backache Any person having backache, kidney pains or bladder trouble who will take two or three Pine-ules upon retiring at night shall be relieved before morning. Th mediciaal virtue of the crude euma and raaiaa nh. tained from the Native Pin. have been recognised by the medical pro fession for crnturiea. In Fuw-ales we otter II of the virtues of ths native Pin that re of value ia relieving all Kidney and Bladder Troubles (.mail M hn SaliiUcilM at Mm., Mnelis. PINE-ULH MEDICINE CO.. CHICAGO Notice of Administration. Having .(imli fie J as sdnnuiatratot 111 the estate of John A McAliater, r , dee d, all persons holding claims itamst said estate are hereby notified to present the same to the undersign cd, on or before ttie 15'b day of June, A. D , M07, or this notice will be pleaded 111 bar of their right of recov ery. All persons indebted to said es tate are untitled to nuke prompt pay men!, This June nth, tipfi K i. RLDWINE, Admr. ol John A. McAllister, Jr., deed. SurgcM Takes Si Stitches in Man's heart. i riltladrlsl SHUrk. uu J For twenty aiinute tbe pulsal , iug heart of Williaa Wyall, a ne gro, who bail Isrea kUblied ia a 1 struggle over a kuife, was beld in the hamla of two physician in the I Peuiist Ivanu tue-iuta last night, while Dr. Kifhani Hart sewed ail alitcbrw ia the organ and then re plas-ed it in the wan' body. yatt, who was at brsl thotigbt fatally injured, as reported to he rcMting coiufortably tislay, and the ihyairlana believe the uperatioii was uccrasful. It wa the third lime auch a del irate oiirratiou had breu ierfortuel lu this city. , Wlieu lr. Hart etaiiiimil the lie gro be knew there was alauit one cluuii-e iu a thousand of sat iug his life. That chance was ia pertotui , ing au oivratiou on the heart. lr Hart made a long incision in the left side, sullicietillv large for tin SUrgeon to lilt out the pulsating Heart ami place 11 in the palms hi two assistant, and then- it la throlilniig vigorously a it sent the bhssl iiuirsiug through the arteries. Dr. Halt was romiiclliil to sea six stitches in the organ. This had to Im done very slow Iv and care fully, and iu order Hint the heart actlou should uot be inlerfcreil w ith lie was cowps-lled to make the stitclnw la'tweeu the pulsation. Wheu the oH-ratiou was (Mucin dul the lieait was put Ku k in plais and the external wound srcd up. Wli.l'. Ihrtf.ssl ,.t lr.lliir fr..ni 1.1 0, St., K.--I .lioiir- ..u in., e, T1..1 win ott in i.sv.1 .r i.u.r las. K,rk) . ..iu. n. I.. li.iaii-li loug l'.nisiiij. Marshals for the Fourth of July, '06, MONROE. N. C Each Marshal ia mpiotesl to notify the tliiefof bialuwitsliip if he will In- present or lud, an said thief ran apsint uiarshaU to take Ihe place of any who can't lav present. A prize of ".til will lie given to Ihe township making tlie best show iug iu the parade. A word in earnest is as gissl us a ieecli. Dn kens. To wait aud lie patient smithes mauy a pang. From the Danish 15 ON YOUR HUNTING TRIP fVr h0 peerlT S)H.rtHH--Ollac, fc ITIV- S. V . . ... i man -. B.,Mlg. M Will arriKS . . pisrius . auoruiiNl. . . .... m. l I. .. .TllKl Iw I. rMT, r.l I iH tah. H cMUPIk m,l freta It 19 W (ISO anil, aa ae treai 1410 him. if i.i I. srarsHt aatta an not, ott. r.o bmw OMirastD.laea,.aa. tai howrixs awv Work ore a cols WIIS TOVrVIBL MOVE !-COUGH Sold by M. V. McCanlr-y, Drnggiat. CURB INDIGESTION AN6 STOMACH TROUBLES. Sold by M. E. Ucdauley. Druggist. ANNOUNCEMENTS. Tor Treasurer. I tii'i-rliv aiitiiuiu niy-rlf .-it-ii-littt fur tin ftiif ttf irvewtirf r of I 111--li timuti. -Ui-jtvl D tilt aU'llxl) l tltt- sfiiw-raYl)- riiiirT ii. M. LANKY, Tor Treasurer. .it-t'll.iii in ili ttilittt ..f Trt-tt-urt-r ff 1 iiit'ii t'l'Utit), wulgrt't tn 1 1 if Itt-nit-'rittl'' Jirtmair) JAS. II. WILLIAMS. Tor Treasurer. I liti-M a ii ii. hi titf myssflf fati.li.t.ttf f"r tlit .ifllt-s- ..f in a-urf r ..f X iil.-n fim. . iiLjf.-t . ilit v Umii ul Hit Ihfi i.srr.Hi- .riinr tl J. KIVKNS. Tor Clerk of Court. I lirrt aiiliuiiiii'? my or If t-an.li,ta!t- f-.r tli .t(tlf t I'it-r. .r n (-n.tr ( out 1 1. I in. n it t) , wtii.jevt U Ui ltlilintUi- irit,afT D. A. Hol'STON. i-'or Clerk ot Court. I aiinotintf nir!( a i'nt1ilaf- for Hit .,!!. -ttl-jfi't tu tlli' aVt tl-'tt ul tilt' Ih'lllin'iatU' Hl maty. J. II. HOYTK. Here I am at l-ast. r my Kririnlw-Kif v..ilr .if I ni..n ( ..iiniv I am a fainll'tair fir t lerla nt Ihr siisfi. t 'lHirl ia-f..rf til.-.e-tlHl'rH.' tel I SUM r to ) til l.) .li 1 It Ii Annuel. IhStrt lirntlllx- .HI, tf tin 11(1 nalfl ainl flei'iftl. tltat I mill t" thf lwt t ttn kill ami al'lhty. makt' )i-u a tsuuiwU'iit ainl IkvUiitt'lri.. M. L. FLOW. :or Clerk Superior Court. 1 hrr-by aiinnuiii't mywlf . tnlltatf f iinmniatiKii fir elf ra uf .'uii rinr ismi I l-j lln Ntuisi'raIU- LiriniarjF - JKSSE A. WILLIAMS. Vor Clerk ol Court. I tttr'liy aimmiiti niy-flf a I'ltiMh-latt' fur Mu .iftii-f i if . Itr itf tstiirl for I ui.ni cuitl) . til. tt't la i Willi era tit- (itliiiarj W. J. Hl lKStlN. For Clerk o( Court. 1 hr-rrliy atiii-niiif' u i y 1 1 armtiti.lai.ifiir the nlTtii- i.f riv-rk .if thi' t'ntirt nf I mull fi.unly, u 1 1 "11 1 llif t-HiM'ralU' (triinar) JAMKS Mt'NKKLY. Tor Clerk of Court. I annoum niwlf a ran ill da it fr iiuiiilfia Hum fur rir-r. uf i 'uurl Im I uiuii t'Utit hy itu li uiiMTBtU- pfimary. 8. E. HKLK, For Clerk of Court. I hrtij. atinuuiiif no-lf arait(lllai for Hir ulijet-t U) Hi aaMlull f thr .flli'w'raUi' jyrl tuary. P. P. W. Pl.VI.KR. For Clerk of Court. I l)rrsliv aiuioumWr f a ramlKlalp fur lh ..rtlif uf rlrra, til the tt.urt fur I'tumi ti-unty iil)Ht U thf eVtluit uf tlie UauiutnstU' yrl niary. J. W. TOWNSENI). Tor Sheriff. t hiTrhy annutnuf iti)lf avcarnllilatr fur rr lr'tlui lu llirulltif. nf Ali-nff uf I II lull ttmnly autijn'i iu th- lviua'PBlii' frlniary. B. A. HORN. For Sheriff. I hfrplty an mm no my-flf tiiitllairfurth ultttf uf alirtff uf I'nluii ruimt . .uliH't tit tlir evilun ui mr iiriniNraiK ninaiy. JOHN GRIFFITH. For Sheriff. I hrhy nnuuni niylf a a faitiltlat fur iiuniuiatluD aat anerilT lj mt iHMuurrauc ri tary. DAVIS ARMK1KLD. For Register of Deeds. I Iterstiy annoanis? airlt a mnaiaate for th. oflte nt n-aller i.f OeeU for tiooll eotnily ..il'in-t to Ilia action of ttie IN-nns-ralle prl niarr. J. E. STEWART. For County Commissioner. t hen-lit ann.ainee eiylf a rwnai.lat. for the .rft.s. .4 isHiiitv e..roniU.l.si.r, .utun'l lo Uie ell.ia or m uranR-ralH- urimarjr. JERRE C. LANEY. For County Com mis loner. I hrrrliy announn siylf ae.nai.1atr for the uliit Mi Ilia ai-lea f the lieai.s'rallr prt atari. W. A. EITRANKS. For Constabla. 1 harrrsr snn.sinrs, mvlf a mnai.tate fnr the nfficr of rs.n.ul.1. ..f Monna luwn.kli, .attjepl to ma iieaiuaralli- .nmarr- R. H. MOORE. For Coroner. I hereto ann.atnc asrself a rwn.H.late fnr the .face nr(.er fi.r l al. nountT, .utaael 1. U. arlliH. f Iha naaHS-r.ll. .rloiary W. H. COLLINS. For Constable. W, .nnnaaea la aaaienf Sr. it i Tin. f..r r..n taMa.if M.Htna .wn-hl..swl.rsel I, the arll. ol Uia u.mvrwiir enaiane.. THREE GENERATIONS. For the Legislature. t herebr uihwmv mrmlt a ean4taala fur the neieanf ranrasanlallM. la the lleaarwl A -sra. Uj froa, I nl. 1 a.sia.r. atJ.s-i Ul Um artl.M. .if Ul haaMier.il ,rlBMry. J. N. PRICE. Far Surveyor; I aawnoaaa airastf a ra.'U.lsle f,v r Snail- aainsi lor I. ..silll.M. nf Cmim? aurvay.w U Oil. aimalr. Mhjael a, Iha aruua .4 la WaM- er.Uaanei.ry. R. W. ELLIOTT. , For Coroner. t herahr aawowee eirself s anrfKlaw fnr the of nf Cnmear nf Cat ,nlr. auhMN-l m UM eras f Ik. IMBMiamUa prlarr T. B. DAVIS. V. t IIKATTI. I'll AS. It IM.VN. i t'liicf Marstia! WnNk.iK Tti SHII'. IC F. Kvans. Chief, Marvin Kirhanlson, la-x I 'Inter. hemp 1 1 el ins, M. II Hit. T. K iiliaiiiM, Jr., IUii t.rillitli, K. A. Helms, J. W. Fawb r. Jr., IL A. T.Kteii. Anion Fun. let bin k. v, im i: TlW SIIIP. .1. M. ToiiiIm rliu. t hief, J. F- I It. sun, .1. i. trr, .Inn Toiiiiws.iti, V. IV M iwlicld, Frank Keiah, II. 'lilt Ilagl. r, .loll II lloltoll, .1. I. Yont.. M. K. fonder, W. t. la'tiiinond. ...s-l IKIIK ivitl Nsinp. Kols it Smith, Chief, I'. .1. tiiillin. X. f. I'rice. Iviit-e Siiilt, IUkihii l'l-cnsnii, Wriston 1'ia'Hson, loils-tt Tucker, I. o nine lmg. Hartley Helms, Watt Hamilton, V. S. Iutg. KW stl.i:t Ti nsiiip. 1'. J. C. Klinl, Chief, la Hill, Fllis It. Pussrr, Jacob Smith, II. T. Haucoin, J. C. Stegall, I. A. Cai ju'iilcr, W. II. 1'tiNs. r, Weldi l'.iggers, C. T. llraswcll, Wm. Smith, M tliSIUII.I l: Tiltt Nsllll'. K. C. fititlin. Chief, Frank I l it tell, Win. Ai mliclil, J. K. Ilailey, M tatHiiviLt K TiiW NSIl- - i.-N. J. M. Swanner, J. K Thomas, Ji-IVerson Lit lie, Chan. Myers, . Tlioev. lass, laiFayette Math, Charley Hrooks. I ttl.scKHH TnW NKIHP. Dr. J. Ik FubaiiLs, Chief, Luther I'aiker, l. I. Walden, I'earl Sturdivaiit, Henry Collins, Fat Collins, Hanforvl Siinlli, Thia. K Lin e, Fustace Iv, J tin MiHire, Sidm-y Spicey. Ill l.ikll TiiW Nsllll. Frank Walters, Chief, W. A. I'lyler, J. C. lalliey, W. Thomas l-ancy, llilliard Ik-Ik, Kultis Collins, tieo. Fuiideibiiik, llciitv tiiibble, I. K. Ilyler, Thoa. Diivis, Luke Davis. J t. hSuVi HlW NSIIIP. K, K. Xiven, Chief, Jim-I Xesbit, J. 1-1 DohIiT, J. F Heath, June Hagler, Will Crow, T. J. II ml-ui, Xey Mi Xis'ly, Henry Mcwhorler, I'ink Xcelv. Dr. W. IL MeCuin. HIMV KIIN.K TtiW N'KIIIP. T. J. fiord Chief, J. D. lleti.liy, J. I. SinipKin, J. X. I'riti', Will liiggers, C. V Howard, II. L, I'rice, Finsily M.niic, Chns, Wliicliesler, John W, Howie, Tinas. Hudson. Look and Be Convinced of the fact that Dillon's Furniture is the Furniture for you to buy. In ttality and price it cannot be equalled. Our fall go.ls are coniinK in every day the biggest lot and the nicest selection we have ever had. When in need of anything in the way uf lied Room Suits, Parlor Suits, Couches and Lounges, (Leather and Velour), Felt Mattress", Riwkers, Children's Chairs and KiH'kers, Musical Instruments of all kinds, Pianos and Organs, be sure to see us before you buy. T. P. Dillon, leader In l-ow Prices on High Class Furniture. 5tore phone 7; Residence Phone H4. i Heath Hardware Co, I Better : than I ever prepared to supply our customers with all lines of Hardware, farming implements and machinery. Heath Hardware Co, j I

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