THE MONROE JOURNAL' Other Interests Than Politics. Tuesday, Noember H IW6. Ttia Matter ol New School Books. A dral i1'11 aiJ almt the itpwd ert-at expense that a trons iif the piiblu" svliu'l are to be put U as a rtult f -linj?s mail in the public s hl U-M l'k by tlie Suite commission that met during the ast sumnnT. Then is alU'RotluT needles alarm over the matter, both on account of the fa t that there are really few chan-s and btvanse the time and mean allowed for e lchauo1 are so reasonable. Evi dently the people have Urn misled by Ute talk of somebody who as not up on the facts. Then- are ten subjects to le taught from text book in the public schools, namelv: si-elling. reailin;. writing. arithmetic, agriculture, language and grammar, history, physiology, aiul drawing. The spelling book was changed Children who have ohl sMling U'ks can gf't new ones by bringing m the old one and ing eight cents boot. Those w ho have none can buy a new one for twenty cents. The reading books were changed. The old Holmes readers are known hv heart to about all the children that have been to the public scli.iols A much more interesting and al li able book was nut in tlieir place. The cost of the new books when the old ones are exchanged are ten, thir teen, fifteen, and sixteen and a half cents for the first, second, third, and fourth resjieelively. Of course, chil dren who have not before had books would have to buy new ones anyway. In writing, the copy looks cost live cents each and must le bought new each year, so they need not be con sidered. In arithmetic there were no changes. Hut many teachers hav ing complained that there was too great a jump from the first to the second books, an intermediate one was added. This book taking the place of no other, adds no new ex pense. In agriculture there was no change. In geographies then' was no change, except that the newer books by the same author were adopted, but no exchange is necessary. In the language and grammar there was no change, but the intio diietion of a new book between the two, as in the case of the arithmetic, entailing no new expense. In history there was one change White's primary Imok w;is put in the place of Chambers'. The exchange price is twenty cents. The price of the new lmok is the same as the old In physiology there was a change, but schools of one teacher are not re quired to use a text Imok on this subject, but to gie the instruction in lectures, so this need not 1m counted. In diawing, as in writing, new books have to lie gotten each year, and so this puts on no additional cost. Hesules, very few children had the old books. Teachers have a whole year to com plete their exchanges, and so b using such uf the old lmoks as they cannot get exchanged this year, and having the children who arc buying for the first time to get the new ones, there will be very little if any hard ship, on even the poorest people. Children should not be furnished books until they have gone to school and got word from the teacher which books to get. So it w ill le. seen that no one need fear the expense 01 trouble, there being very little of either. The supplementary books were not changed, except that one book, instead of two, is required for each grade, which lessens the cost. While an unusual service was being celebrated in the famous Cath edral of St. Peters in Home on Sun day, a bomb that had been placed under a scaffolding by a would-be assassin exploded and caused the greatest alarm. As by a miracle no body in the great throng was hurt The Pope immediately offered a pray er for the misguided erpetrator of the crime. No motive is assigned for the deed other than tlie general beartlessness of bomb throwers. We have seen no explanation of why the negro Lindsey, who wanton ly killed five pooplc in Ashevillo, was prompted to his deed. No one was troubling him, he had not been hunt ed by the law, and so far as apears bad no grievance. The devil must have been crazy. It sceiua that he bad been in the United States army and there learned the use of the high grade rifle which he used. It is another illustration of the folly of the government in enlisting negro troops. The letter of Miss Kestler publish ed this week is exceedingly interest ing. It is a wonderful power that compels refined women of this coun try to undergo such hardships as are portrayed here for the sake of carry ing the gospel to the ha then who prefer to be let alone. In giving, some issues ago, reasons why pulitical speakings in this coun ty are so lightly attended. The Jour nal mentioned the fact that meetings of other character attracted the peo ple. On this point liev. C. A. C. Thomas, in an article in the North Carolina Baptist, says: "When we see this conditio f things, the church people need not become discouraged about the at tendance at church services. Ue ceutly I counted 76 at my praver meeting. On rainy nights I have counted 40 several times, and geuer- allv when there are not otlier attrac tions, between 00 and 70 persons. I attended two stereoptieon lecture on missions in Korea and Japan recent- lv, and the Presbyterian church was packed, and at similar lectures in the Methodist church by a foreign missionary, with his curios from Ko rea, there were over 2H0 people out on week nighu, and at my own prayer meeting on one of these nights there were over 50 people out 1 am not guessing at numbers; I couuted heads. The attendance of our peo ple on their religious services during the week are not as large as they ought to be, but if we are to judge their interest bv attendant, they are showing more interest in religion than (mlities." President Koosevelt has been over the canal zone in Panama and has expressed the heartiest approval of the progress that has been made. This trip of the President seems to us to be the most sensible thing that he has undertaken. His information is now as mar first liand as it can be and he is in position to carry on tlie work. "I do this for fear that I might some time take the others with me," wrote Mr. W. It. Ogden of Cliarlotte in notes he prepared before taking gas to end his life. A mor, haunted fellow, losing his eyesight and over-: whelmed with the thought that he might some time kill not only him self, but his loved ones also. Not half the tragedies are in fiction. The I'uited Suites, through Attor ney Cioneral Moody, has liegun a suit against the Standard Oil Company, in which it is declared that the con cern is an unlawful organization un der the Sherman anti-trust law. If Mr. Roosevelt's administration can curb the bell wether of trusts, it will lie justly entitled to the name of trust buster. A great memorial meeting in hon- irof the late president, Charles I) Mclver, of the State Normal and In dustrial College, is lieing held at the college Unlay. The meeting is wide ly attended by well known Jieople both in and out of the SLate. No honor can be too great to the mem ory of the dead man. A StDtland Neck correspondent re lates that Mr. M. White, a citizen of Halifax county, tR) years old, told his folks last Sunday that he would die next day if it was a pretty day. The ,av was fair and he died in the fore noon. .NoiKMiy can sav mat me oiu jentleinan didn't make good. Cattle Tick Extermination. The State and Federal department if agriculture have begun work in I 'nion countv for the complete eradi cation of the cattle ticks which have for so long hampered the cattle in- lustry of the county. Dr. Tait But ler, State veterinarian, will spend the last week in November in the county liscussing live stock questions and How to Kill the Cattle Ticks." He w ill speak at the following places, on the days named, at 2 p. ui.: esley liael Saturday , Nov. r.. Marshville Monday, Nov. 2t. Wingate Tuesday, Nov. 27. I'nionville Wednesday, Nov. 2S. Trinity Thursday, Nov. 20. Waxhaw Friday, Nov. 30. Monroe Saturday, Dec. 1. In these lectures Dr. Butler will give in simple language the methods by which pastures may be freed of licks and kept free, and will also give valuable information on other live stock questions. All are invited to attend. Let all farmers come out and give encouragement and active Assistance in this valuable work. S. L. Pattbrson, Commissioner. Put In Your Votes! The Ureat Power of a Steel Capped Bullet. Referring to the statement that the bullet fired by the Asheville negro went through a telephone post before striking one of its victims, the Char lotte Observer says: "Those who are unacquainted with the steel capped or steel jacketed bul let are disposed to laugh at the fore going statement Those who know the sieel jacketed bullet do not doubt the veracity of the statement This death-dealing bullet is made of lead, covered or tipped with a steel jacket, and has a round nose. 1 he shell that carries it is loaded with smoke less, high explosive powder. In the government test with a Krag rifle die penetrating ability of this bullet is 30 7-10 inches in seasoned, grained oak. In the government rillet this bullet ia sighted at 2,000 yards; it would pass through four or five ordi nary telephone poles. In appearance the bullet ia long and slender.". Her is our condensed opinion of lbs original laiative coafb syrup: "Near ly ail other cougb ajrropt are constipa ting, especially tboae containing opi ates Kennedy's Laiative (containing) Honey and Tar moves the bowels. Contains do opiates. Conforms to the national pnre food and drag law Sold by C. N. Simpson, Jr., and Dr. S. J. Welib. Sir. Stack started fiura New rk this morning It takes about a week to cross the pond. About the time most of you are reading this, Mr. and Mrs. Stack will doubtless be struggling with that most violent of all nausea seasickness. We hope to have a letter about week after next The votes are coming in right along. Interest grows every day. Th conditions are simule. Who will get one of the ten preseuta? Every old or new subscriber who pays one dollar m advance gets the label on his paper run up one year geta the regular premium, and hi name on the eligible roll ft one ol the three presents. Then he can cast I. Ten votes for the preacuer hi rhoi.-e. 2. Ten votes for tlie young lady of his choice. 3. Ten votes tor the rural mail carrier of his choice. Then buy as many votes as he wants at 10 cents per hundred. The voting now stands: KAIL (AKKIKkS. JacobS. Ijltle J. K. IVister S. II. Rogers O. K. Cunnigliam A t . IVnegar S. M. Harrell J. II. Mills T. L I-ove W. B Prcsson W. B. Jones Zeb Preslev Pearl Sturdivant Iluxlev McNeeley L. S. Griffin .1. T. Cox Thos. Little John Fullenwider W.I.. Belk... MINISTERS. ,1. M Price II Atkinson A. Bivens R Ware F. Mills A. (i. Thomas . A. Snider T. Mann (ieo. Stevens J. P. Hipps It. 11 James J.O. Shellev J. II. Phelps A. Marsh J. 11. (iulledge ... J. L. McKinstry . T. P. Little ('.. J. W. J C. D. L If yon want rood biscuits try sav lour. & B. Dorter. 70 4t'0 tfsi SO 70 ....l.w . 30 .... 40 50 .... j 10 30 10 10 GO 3t 10 130 ISt 670 120 130 120 110 3( t's 2 10 10 50 30 3t 10 Yol'MI LAD1KS. Miss llallie Horn H " Belle Howie 1 " Pattie l,ee 110 " Pearl Rodman 40 " Alma Marsh 70 " FaveOaddv 3tU " Margie Williamson 230 " Mary 1 Bivens 200 " Connie Horn 120 " Eunice Walkup 100 " Mary Davis 130 " Florida Morris 1W " Bright Richardson 330 " Richardson H' " Iteiilah Price 30 " Bessie Price 20 " Clara Richardson 30 " Verdie Snider 10 " Essie Serrest 1" " Ashe Caddy 30 " Julia Hunter ICO " Arlie McCain 10 " 1ittie Williams 10 " Julia Critlin 1 " Mattie Rone 400 " Lillie Tillman 5K " Maggie Davis 10 " ( J race Marsh 10 e Come along and vote for your friends! Home nifii drink, miine men smoke, some nieu are gotxl and some are bad; some men tell won derful tales but all men eat, aud we tell you the solemn trutn wbeu wo wtv tli tt vou can buv all Tour - " - eatables from us cheaper than any where else in Monroe. Kendall Grocery Co. Give children a remedy with a pleas ant taste. Don't force unpleasant med icine down their throats. Kennedy's Laiative (coutaiuing) Hooey and Tar it moit pleasant to take. Children like it, and as a relief lor colds, coughs, etc., there is oothiug better. No opi ates. Conforms to national pore food and drug law. Sold by C. N. Simpson, Jr., aud Dr. S. . Welsh. Saturday night and Sunday morn ing a destructive wind and rain storm swept over portions of Mississippi, Arkansas and Tennessee, destroying some half dozen lives and many thou sand dollars' worth of property. Need a good catbsrtir? A pill is best. Say a pill like UeWitt's Little Early Risers. About the most reliable on the market. Sold by C. N. Simpson, Jr., and Dr. S. J. Welsh. In vry rllai IU lin srv nnrarlH It Um hmm uprrul from to S nut urprlN II In th uthr world Yihi bear uf Hurky Mountain Tr. Bntfll Urujt Coutpiir. Fine Buildlnc Lota lor Sal. By virtue of the power reposed in us by section 2978 of the Reviaal of 190f, laws of North Carolina, we offer for sale st public auction, at 12 o'clock m. on Thursday, December 20, 1906, to the hirhest bidder, st the court house door in Monroe, N. C, six town kits, 9Uxl30 each, Una property fronting four loU on San'ord and two on Branch street, and lyirar on the block just back of MJ. U D. Andrews'. These are beautiful level lota, convenient to the city, gra ded schools and city water pipes, and this sale affords an unequalled opportu nity for the purchase of first elaas build ing Iota eloee in to the business centre of tne city, i nese tots win oe som as s whole and separately. Davia ArmAeM will show buyers over the property. This property is sold for the purpose of improving this eity graded school prop erty. Terms of sale: eaah. R. V. Houston, Mayor. T. C. Laa, Davis A surtax", J. A. 8TtWBT, Randolph RaonuaN, J. T. 8HUTB, Beard oi AUnrnea. Taw Merchant Asaotialiua SuuoJa a Ward of Warning. We wish to say to all who ewe us that if their account are patt due that they had better, lor their own interest, conns forward and sri'-le the same. We are hating our rating system compiled, which wifl sum be banded to tlie printet, after which all men will be rated word ing to tlieir paying tpialitirt We do n4 want to emUarra aav taw ' by giving him a low and unUvora- ble rating, but our methoos will conform to tlie way the ledger ttf tlie various merchant are found, we take facta and figures, not ptmir to iy. so if you are behind with any of our members you had better make the necrtsary arrangeni-ut at once. In the future a man with a low rating will be handuapped when becomes to buy his gtndson a credit You should tliereftre pay up your account and get a rating that will justify merchants in ex tending to you the usual favors. As previously stated, we exstvt to eliminate from our bk at men who will not pay promptly, or ac cording to agreement, in orthr that we may sell to our honest frietdsand patron at tlie lowest poasibe cost. There are some who hav Uvn trading, buying good our and above the amount of then mort gage, and then refusing to pay for the goods not secured. Tht4e par ties will be reorted and dealt with accordingly. We shall endeavor all the way thnmgh to use the gnod of tices of this Association for the mu tual benefit of our customers and ourselves, and with this end in view it will require us to know cur men before extending credit, for if all pay we will have no king accounts to charge off on the wrong side of the ledger, aud with ail this drain age stopped we can ailord to sell our giods cheaper. We wish to say, in conclusion, that our rating srsten will include vol', whether it be giod or bad, s do not forget to get your account right before this book is printed. Asheville Letter Tells of Negro Desperado Ksi. W. A Austin, who is in Ashe ville, writes The .loiiniiJ as follows: "1 thought a few facts relating to the terrible tragedy whi'h has just occurred in Asheville, would be of some interest to you and your read ers other than the nevspamT ac counts which you get. "I have been in Ashe'ille for some time previous to the xvurrence of the above mentioned tngedy. There had been a big theafical show in Asheville on the night of the 1.1th, which show closed alout 11 o'clock. The ball oiiencd almt 12 o'clock. and in a very short time the ruftian had killed two white men indicemcn and two negroes, broke the arm of the chief of police and mortally wounded a negro. Many others were also wounded and had narrow es eaes. The balls of the heligerant did many wonderful freaks, and mon uments, poU, buildings, doors and windows beur evidence of battle. There were a number of people on the street at that hour, owing to the show. The main scene of tlie battle was from Packs square to South Main street. The negro shot at even- one he could, without discrimination in race, sect or condition. At one place he shot to pieces an electric lght, possibly to avoid the shots fired at him. He escaped for the time unharmed so far as is known. "He was hunted constattlv by a large xme until 11 o'clock yester day, the l.rth, when he was trailed by tracks in the snow hi a barn near Fletcher by possibly 1.T0 men bent on his apprehension and death. He was shot to death by tlie nisse, though he fought to the last, falling face foremost on his gun la splendid Savage rifle) with his brains shot out. "The posse brought the body in a wagon to Asheville about .1 p. m., and it was with great difficulty taken to an undertaker's, as many eople pressed hard around the posse to see the dead desperado. He was later exhibited from the second story win dow of the undertaker's to possibly 1,000 people, which somewhat ap peased the crowd, as they partially dispersed. It was announced that a few at a time would be admitted up to view the dead negro. The press was so great at the entrance of the building that the sheriff, the police and the militia had great jilliculty in keeping the throng back, and had to promise that the body would be kept until all could view it "1 be excitement is now ever. The latest reports are that the ne gro is certainly not identified. The Journal. Conference Appointments for Neat Year. The follow ing atiOHntmenta were ' nude by the conference, which ad journed yesterday: , CHARLOTTE DISTRICT. ! J. F TH,nt.. r. E.. IWUir. ' Trton Mrevt II. k. Bu)rr. W. L. I Nh-k-Ui and W. W. Rata. Krvard MrvrJ and Nurta CHarlutt - II. Turm r and W. U ShrrnU. t'altary J. K. TotUH. Kpui'.himdS-tt-rtiltr A. LXtAora. tniaurth and Biff Spring -t'.M.Shurt. Cart- W. & llak-a. 1 ruurawk V S. Oifbiirn. Trinity I. T. iHirham. AiMNitilW - M. T. Mm-k H.ih.1 ami Mill liruve W. II. IVrry. IVriu J. H. rrl!ev. I A. K Wik v. M-uhrw M. H. Hutle. Mrft- W. K. Ware. I'm-mille- A. J. Hum. IYubIkvI J. I. Iliptw. M..rwn J. 11 M.nicv. IWvilk' C. M. CK-krn. l-olktiwi J. i'. M.K-k. W.lKln M. A. Smith, Maxruiw I- T. Minn. WtiHiiivlun W. fi AtK-rttethy. VitHuir tu Jaan S. A. Stewart. Ilil.le Air:nt IV r Reid. I'nn. IVdimoit Sh.4 J.A.Kaklwia ASHEVILLE DISTRICT. A. W. IMf ler. P. E.. Aheville. I iilral T. Rowe. Haywuud Stnt-t J. A. . North Asht-ville l". I'. Muore. Ilethel J. B. Craven. Billmore and Reaverd. R. II I'arkrr. SaiuuiiHia A. K. Ham on. W.vtrillf Station U. W t rut.-hlWU. Weawrville City l. R. I'rorTet. Marshall StatHtn R. J. I'arkt-r. Hendrrsonvilkt D. M. Litaker. HaklCrtvk- U H. Onltith. Burrutvillt- Sujr. 1. K. HuMleston. Caw Crtvk K tl lWy, J.J. Brooks. Rivi-rsiile J. I. Hii'kiimn. Ivy J. C. NvaL Tr on and Saluda - W. A. NVwrIL I'n-aident Weavervilk- ColU-ge L. B. Alvrm-thv. Hot Springs C. H. Seal. FRANKLIN DISTRICT. R. M. Taylor. P. E. Franklin Station - K. L. Townnend. Franklin Citv-C. H. Cavineaa. Brvmm City - J. (i. W. Holl..way. Iillvoro and Svlva-V. I. Marh. Clenville-A. B. Honeyt-utL Hayesville-A. O. Ijiftin. Hfawasm-e-K. U IViggt'.t Mat-wn-L. P. BiikW. Murj'hv Station-t,. (5. Harley. Murphy City-J. A. Fry. Kotilunaville-John Hopkins. Welntter-V. E. FUlwardo. Whittier-J. J. F-ilwanU. Amln-ws C. S. Kirkpatrirk. CREKNSHOUO PISTRKT. S. B. Turrentine. P. E. (ireenolmni ami Went Markt-t Street U. H. IVtwiU r. P. L. Oroome. Cfnteimry - A. T. Bell. Spring (iiirden - W. A. Ijimlieth. Walnut St J.W.Moore.W.L.Oriiwom. White ()ak.E.C,reensUro A.S. Kaier. West (ireenaUiro-J. A. Bowles. Rcidsville Station L. W'. Crawford. W entworth S.T. Ruirin, H F. Fim-her. Pleasant Harden-E. 0. Kiltrore. Liberty aral Bethany - P.J. I arraway. Coleridge-J. J. Kails. KaniMfur and Franklinville C. A.W'owl Ashelmru Station - N. R. Ku-lutrdson. Ashehorn City-R. L. Melton. I'wharrie-J. W. Ingle. Itandleman and Naomi C. M.CampU'll KaiHiolph B. F. llurgett. HiKh Point, Washington Street - T. F. Murr. South Main Street - L. A. Falb and 0. II. Crowed. Kilitor North Carolina Christian Ad vis-ate II. M. Blair. Secretary- and Treasury Urvensboru College- W. M. Curtis. MoRliANTON DISTRICT. J. II. West, P. E. Morganton Station - W'. F. W'omlile. Morganton City-W. O. (ioode. Connelly Springs - 1). F. Carver ami Marvin .. Paris. Table Rock -P. L. Terrell. Kutherfordton- J. RtHlgera. HenriettaandCanleen - J. P. Rogers. Forest City -A. It. Surrutt. Ilniad Kiver S. E. Kiehardson. Oreen River J. I), liihwm. Thermal City-W. W. Peele. Bakersville J. 11. S'llers. Spruce l"ine E. S. Kichardson. Elk Parke C. H. Clyde. McOowell - A. P. Foster. North Catawba - R. L. Fruit. Cliffside- J. B. Carpenter. Old Fort W'. (i. Mallowneer. Pnnciial Martinvillv High School J. L. Erwin. Chaplain United States Navy - W. E. Edmundson. MT. AIRY DISTRICT. L. T. Conlell, P. E. Mt. Airy Station J. E. Abernethy. Ml. Airy City C. E. Burnhard. Itockfor.) T. J. Houck. East Bend P. I). Bri.lgea. Yadkvinville- W. L. Dawaon. Elkin II. C. Siirinkle. Jonetiville - T. II. Stempson. Wilkeslsiro Station R. Iwnly. North Wilkeslwro W. F. Elliott Pilot Mountain-J. W. Stnder. CO TO J. A. Lingle's n r for your Fancy Onveries: Premier t'herriea, Olives, ('urrants, Raisans, Thyera Buckwheat Flour, Preserves, Jello, Shredded Coroanut, Heinz'a Mustard Dressing, Maccaroni, Maple Syrup, Peanut Butter, Iemons, Fresh Loaf, Cakes and Crackers; Royal Dressing, Can Good! of all kinds. Headquarters for Fine Candy: Huyler'a, Willey's. Chooolatea, Reception MinU, Cake Dressing, Buttercups, Cocoanut Taffy, Alacuma, Caramels. Fine assortment of penny goods. Few- Pictures to give away yet J. A. LINGLR Land Sale. Bv virtue of anorder and decree made by the Sucrior Court of Union county in a iei'ial proceeding therein pending wherein J. 11. Medhn et at. are plain tiffs and M. A. Mudlin et aL are de fendant, I will, on Saturday, December 22nd, 1906, expose to sale at the court house door in Monroe, N. C all that certain niece, tract or parcel of land lying and being in aaid county and State, known as the late hnmeputre of Mary E. Medlin, de ceased, containing one hundred acrea more or less, a full description of which may be seen by reference to a petition filed in the above named cause. Bid ding will begin at $1,060, this being the bid of M. H. Tadlork. Terms of sale: One-third cash to be paid on date of sale, and the remainder on a credit of 12 months with approved security bear ing interest from date, and title retain ed until all the purchase money haa been paid. This the 17th day of Novem ber, lm. K. B. Rwiwink, Commissioner. Redwine a Sikes, Attys. Notice of Administration. Having this day qualified as adminis trator of John W. Carelock. deceased. sll persons holding claims against the estate of said deceased are hereby noti fied to present the same to the under signed administrator on or before the 2&th day of November. 1907. or this no tice will be pleaded in bar of their right of recovery. All persona Indebted to said estate are notihed to make imme diate payment and save cost This the 9)th day ol Pfovemner, a. u. i. Savings. Losw ft TatisT Co., Admr. of John W. Carelock, dee'd. Redwine ft Sikea, Attys. Clothing. A nice Una of new, ap to-dste Cloth ingMen's, Boys' sod Children Saits. Can fit all sites sod shapes from a a- year-old boy to a 400-pound man. Also a lot of Pawnbrokers' all wool odd Coats, men's, boys and children's Overcoats. It will pay yoo to see me before buying your winter clothing. Only 9 minutes' walk northwest of court bouse, Monroe, N, I. J. H. BENTON. Belk Brothers Ready For Cold Weather. Our store is lrim full of one of the largest and strongest lines of merchandise that we have ever shown. lUiying fur ait big Dry (.roods Stores, with our Jobbing Department at Charlotte, enables us to k.ive you it great part of your purvha at wholesale prices. We Have Never Been la Better shape to supply you the best But ter, Cream and Milk to be had in North Carolina. Cleanliness, Purity, oar motto. riN ELAND DAIRY Dreu Goods Special! This Week. Another big shipment of Illack and lirey Press floods opened up for this week. The very latest and best We are having the greatest dress goods trade this season we ever had. We have a great line to select from, the prow?r things at popular prices, 54-Inch Twilled Wool Suitings SOc All color. ll:irk. brown preen. blue, grey and navy, splendid for suits and skirts. M inches wide. 50 cents kt yard. 52-Inch Broadcloth 98c. Finest all wool Broadcloth, the $1.25 duality. 52 inches wide, all colors, tan. garnet, blue, black, etc. Koujrht two cases; retails at $1.25; our special price only tW cents per yard. Crwt lino Muhnir Rrilliantine Serges and Plaid Mixtures at 4 cents per yara. New Plaid Dress Goods. New ht cotton and mixed Plaid Drvas Crouds, bright new patterns wtnl erf ects 10 to 18c. yard. Elkin Wool Blankets. North Carolina m.-vK. Every one knows the excellent quality ,if rtf t ha ainior'MlF IYV1.1 I'lL'in blanket Now is the time to buy. e- a- I . w.i a f l . I . utg line, une lot sugntiy seconds, can't hardly tell defect $2.98 IVst Trade 10-4 all wool $3.50 Cotton Blankets 50c. up to $1. Women's, Misses' and Children's Underwear at Special Prices. We are agents for Forest Mills Underwear the best goods on the market-nothing better for the price. Women's heavy ribbed Vests and Panu - - 25c. Women's good Vests 15c. Better quality bleached Vests and Pants - - 50c. Best ribbed and shaped wool VesU and Panta - iWc. All ffizes and kinds, wool and cotton, infants' children's and misses VesU - 15 to 5tc. Children's rib. Union SuiU 25c. Oneida Union SuiU 50c. Special Hosiery Values. We have just the thing in miss es' and children's hosiery. Every mother has trouble to get chil dren's stockings that will wear. We have the stockings called ROUND TICKET STOCKING; easy to put on; hard to wear out; tfeat we think will be just what you want; comes in two weights, all sizes, - 25c. pair. Another splendid value, (ior don Dye, ribbed, two weights, special price 15c.. 2 pair for 25c. Two cases Ladies, full fashion ed, double heel and toe, fast black Hose, white feet at 2 pair for 25c. For anything in ladies Hosiery, Un. white, black, both ribbed and plain, 10 to 50 cenU, we can please you. Millinery end Ladies' Coats. Last week our Millinery Department was a busy place; sold more HaU and Ladies' Iing Coats than any other two weeks. Every lady should see our complete line before buying, if nothing else, to get posted and see what is stylish. It will be a pleasure to show you. New goods coming in daily. Belk Brothers. Koiine and Blowing Rock J. II. Itremlle Crrston W. T. t'arm-r. ll.-lt.m (1. W. I.. Hall. Jefferson D. C. BallanL 1-aurvl Spring I). W. Lewman. Sparta J. B. Itouchtim. Wautauga (1. I. AiIit. Kural Hall J. ('. Kwvcr. Walnut Cove W. T. Albright. Iinntmrv D. A. Brink try. Wilkes Circuit J. T. Stover. SAI ISIU RV IUSTRHT. 1) Atkliw, I'. K. .Sili.lmry. Kirot llnm-h - K K. MrlatlT. Swili Mhiii Sirwt J. A. J. Kimiiiou. lit Ii(h UfitHirial t). 1. Hinwii. N'iMvr J. K. tiay. K. Smfr aiil N. M.iin Si C. K. Hiiir lxint(a Sutuiii - J. N. llifiiis. W. Iiintfiiiu and IHniIi41'-,S. S. ItiiuA. Linxiaal J. W . i'li ft! SulittlHiry Cimiil P. W. Tutlrr. Wt.hllfitf J. IV Ijttinintf, lioll Hill Jiuum Jacknm Hill-II. A. SUiuprr. Nvw Uniiltin - W. L. IliiU-hiiis. Allmiiarlr Statiim It I Mifrrill. Wnl AllMiiarlr-J. V. iKvi. Allmiarlr 1'iiviiil W. S. ClifrrT ami C. II I lout it. Niwwiul A. I,. SUiifiinl. Salmi I A. IWIrr. C.iUiiuvillr T. T. Salyw. Hi(i l.u-k K. M Win Ml. I'lr-amnt - T K. 1'nrn'iint. Central J C. Iln. Koiwl Mill J C. W..4'. Kpwurlh - J. W. Iaoiu NVtiM Conrnnl - W. C. .Iiimw. Coiannl Cm-uil - A. Slu'riilt. China llnts Ayiin'k Tlur. I'rini iinl New IjiwIou Mifb S I10.1l ,1, (I liiuikin. Rlim.HY 1'ISTRIiT. K M. Il.-yl.-. I'. K. Sln'lliv Sutnin 41. I. Ilcruwn. SluUlnr Cin uil - H W 1U.11. t. I.. BrlM. T. S. KAiiiKton. Knitf" Mountain il. r. Kirliy lalnnia. Main Slnvi K. L Hain. Wmt K11J J M. IVmruum. Osark and Sim"r Mln - (i. W. Cnllalian BnMnifr City - W. V. Ilomycull. KiwpII -J. It'. Urnnrtl. .Mi-AiIhiuiviIIi J K AniimiimK. Stanlrv Crifk K. W. hu. yisnrt'llolly-J. B. TaLw. ljiwrwville W. M. lloring. l.iiMMliitin Station - H, M. Courtnry. I.inmliitnii rirmit-4 R. Kuan. CniUM nrruit M B ( Ii'kk. (ImrryTills It. P. Wulum. Smth Knrk - K. N. Cnilrr. Brlwunil t K. Suuvy. l'olkillr-B. A. York. HTATKHVIl l K lllSTRHT J. II. Waarsr. P K. HutOTTilla Klnt fhiin-h. V. Bilar. Waat Knd. H H KoMin.. HtaUavUla Clirult. K 8. How la. Alcxaodar. I 1 Po Catawtia. K llyari. falil-.ll. J. at Prti-a. Clarknl.urc. i. H. BraaUry. UranlU Kail., i. K. Wnlfa. Hk-kory Hutlnn. W. at Maul.y. Bk'korr Clirult. K. H Hol4 awl i, L. Ku-bola. Irlrll. T. B John.oa. ImoIt Hutloo, l. V PrW. Inolr Cirrult. W. K pnorny. MaklM t'tn ull. W. U. KurtUIII Maur.'ll Hutlua, H. T lUrlwr, MnorMTlll Ctrrult. t W 4, mm. Mt Kloa HUtlua. W. H. Willis. M.wtnn. J. I Arnold. Troutmsa. II T. Hiothaw. Htony Point. T R WrMr. Kork Hiriair, If. M MkIIIb. Pras. l)aaaort Collrf. C C Wsatar. Mm. Davaaport Collate. H H Jordan. Mlaalunary KfanfalUt. II. H. Coniaa. WAYNRSVILI.R DISTRIlT. C. F. HharriU. P. K. Wayanrlll rtutloa. Ira Irwin. ItrwTard BuUoa. K U. Tultla. HrwTard Clrrolt. K 1. Cllntoa. Hvthal. J. I. MrNalr. Cantoa. J W. Williams. Clyd. J H Urwn. Haywood, J. W. Kaanwty. Jonathu. C. B Htaadtoaa. ' Ul.tar. J. W. Camiiticll. Mill. KWar. P. C. Haiti. HMin( Cnok. II. A H Holdarby. Kulur Mprlnfa. C H Curtl. Waat A.b.IIU rltatloa. II. B. HUikar. Waat A.Sllla Clrrutt. W. U Kdiaoada WINSTON DISTRICT. J. R Brroairt. P. K. Wlwrtoa. Ontwaary, R F. CraiUljWf . Barkbaad. R K. Wllliaaaaoa. Uraraand rtakta. W. at Kobhins. KanMmllla and HmiUahU, W. at. Bllas. PonyVk, J H. Hyatt. UwUTilks.i T Katladra. Kwailaftoa. h L Hmllk. !., C P. Wood. Cuulaatnaa, H C. Byniaa. MocanlUa 1 P Kirk. Admar. W. T. Honaaa. DaTklaoa. at H. Vaital. TboRMavil, P. Holmaa. NorU TkonaaTllla at I) His. Hummwrtlald. T. C. Jurdaa. Hiokaadala A. R fMI. LMkarUla I H. Banhardt. Hrjray and Drapar. A. W Jamba. HtoarUlaaadalayodaa,J. H.RobartaoB. Madtaoa. 1). P Tata Walkarttwa J B. Wooalvy. Htadaal at rrialty Collwa C. It Caalpa Prtx-lual Aroadla Hi(brkool, p. K Parkar. TtaNSFRRRRD. J. A. Mart. P. B. MoMitl, to Wort Carolina cWarsaea. B. P. Uraaa aad R T. Bryant, to Hoaik Cralua Umlsfwa. Joka ftim aad at. P. Moot, to Florida UaHsraaia. V. P rWrfM aad J. C PaaUll. I Boatt UvMWrTW CosBfafcawajsajfwaa m. B. Kaaa la Haw Jaaalsw Cnaiaraaaw. WE ARE NOT SATURDAY MERCHANTS. Lots of fellows think if they have a fine run of trade on Saturday they are doing a big busi ness. We don't look at it that way. We want the people to keep the road hot to our place of business every day in the week. Drop around any time in the week and see how they are do In it. Every day is Saturday with us. And why is this soP It is because we make it to the interest of people who buy to come to our place and do their trading. We live for our custom ers as well as for ourselves and we want to give them a share in whatever comes our way. HeE& we put goods as low as they can be sold and then rack them off. We still have room for some more customers to make glad. Oet yourself in line of promotion. P. S. Have just bought the Newman stock and will give you bargains at Mr. Newman's old stand. i Change Your Ad. aaya Mr. Editor. Well, rhanifinif ad, is all right but we are bttter at CHANGING MO UK GOODS FOR LKS3 MON'KY than any firm that ever struck this town or auy other. We have taught the X. 8. Ogburn stock of goods at a tremendous dis count aud cau sell at loss than first cost Tobacco, factory price 2ta, our price 25c. Molasses, first cost 2'tc, our price 20c. Hoys Hats, Shirts and Overalls to clostout at cost, and a lot of other things that muat be closed out to make room for Gro ceries that are arriving daily, for the grocery business is our business and we are going to make it hum. If yon tail to see us, and pay more elsewhere, ita your fault not ours. We pay the editor to tell you. r I I CAUDLE & NASH, I On the corner next to Oloucester Hotel. Phone 150. f ,mirisinia fill More Useful, More Lasting, More Appreciated, In Better Taste, FOR PRESENTS Than a Handsome Ficce of Furniture. Look over our stock. T. P. Dillon, Leader In Low Price m lilt Ctaaa Purartura. 5iorphone7; Resldenca Phone M.