THE MONROE JOURNAL Tcicpbooe No. I. Tw day. November M, H06. Cotton today 10.73. Mr. II. V. llargi baa gnu to Oklahoma to Wit relative. Mr. J. K. lWer of Waikaw vaa in town tWurUay. Ir. J. B. Kubank rnt part of tat ink with bia brolh.-r, Mr. H M. KulNioka, in Btateaville. Mr. (iarrunn Mxllinof Miut Hill hut awepted position aith Ike ('nth Men-atitile Company. If any oue known of a boy in need of a home it would be a aw vire to anxwer the advertiwiurut el here of Mr. a B. Weplietutou Dr. J. K. Aitherart baa bought the W. C Wolfe boutte on auuth Church atmt aud will umke it bia home anon. An) tiling omler the aun to buy or tell get iu the eyra of the pro ple if you put it in our iK-iat notice coliiuin. That column u read like local new. Urn. W. C. Wolfe of Ride towuHhip will Ml her imtnoiihI property at auction at her home on Thurwlay. Mm. Wolfe aud clnl dreo will move to Albemarle to live. Mr. R. L. Thompson, of Sandy Kulge tow url, will have a sale ou November 3d, aud will move to Anson county to manage a large farm for Mr. T. J. Dhauuon. The local pansenger traina which go from here in the morning to Cheater and Charlotte, aud return iu the afternoon, will be taken off uext Sunday. Iu gi ving the name of the direc tors of the Monroe luaurauce aud Investment Comitaoy lant week, the name of Mr. J. K. Hhute was inadvertcutly omitted. See the company' ad. MeMtra, J. F. MrMauua and It. Y. Knight have bought the gro cery bimi liens of Mr. C. H. Hich Hnlnon and will coutinue the bimi new at the itame stand ai.d carry a full and up-to-date stock of good. Mr. W. C, McKorin, who bua been practicing law in liutliei ford ton for four years, has located in Monroe. He in a good lawyer and will no doubt niuke a fine hiicccnh iu hia home county. Ilia oflice ia iu the Law building. The lute cabbage crop iu this we tiou wag a iailure and the kraut makers are having to buy their cabbage for thin purpose. Seven car loads of this vegetable have lately bevii Bold ou this market and more are on the way. Xo services were held in the liuptist church Sunday, ou account of the illueas of the pastor, Uev. Mr. Tboiuaa, who U sufl'ering with rheumatism. Neither were there services at the Methodist church, the pastor being at conference. The Journal wag mistaken lust week iu giving the names of the magistrates and the cuustuhle elected in Hufortl township. The magistrates are L. A. Helms, A. M. Kubanka and W. P. l'lyler. The constable is Mr. 1). J. Meltou. Mr. J. M. Austin has bought the interest of his partner, Mr. Mcdliu, iu the Five and Ten (Vnts Store aud will continue to operate the business at the same stand. Mr. Austin is a straight, clever young man, worthy of trade and conniloue. A sale of lota is in progress today at the Fox place, in Chesterfield comity, the present terminus of the Cheraw and Lancaster railroad. The new town is named Pagelaud. This is the point where the road would branch to Mouroe if the Mon roe line were built. Mr. Horace Clark, assistant cash ier of the Savings, Loan aud Trust Company, is preparing to again be come a country gentleman. He baa bought five acres from Mr. F. U. Wolfe on the Willoughby rood near tlie tatter's home, and is preparing to build and live there. Mr. Bishop Clark will build his bouse, which will be a nice modern cottage. Some time ago Mr. J. T. Cox, carrier on No. 7, reported that the section of his road over which Mr. T. L. Hiuson is overseer, was in fine shape. We are informed that Mr. C. K. B. Parker, who was late ly overseer of this section before Mr. Hiuson was appointed, also did fine work and turned hi road over iu spleudid fix. John Heron Williams, the negro boy who was sentenced to a term of fifteen years in the penitentiary at the July term of court for the killing of another boy, named With ers, at a Colored school house in Marshville township in March, died of pneumonia while working on a railroad near Wilmiugtou, where be with other convicts bad been sent by the authorities, a week or two ago. The bulletins of the North Caro lina Agricultural Experiment Sta tion are very valuable to fanners. The October bulletin contains a re port of the farmers' institutes and the lectures given; the September number is devoted to cotton. These may be had by any farmer free who will send bis name and postofflce to 8. L. Patterson, Italeigh. Send a postal and request that your name he put on the list for the bulletins each month free. Mr. II. R Barrier, of Tennease, was operated on for appeudicitis at Salisbury yesterday. He aud Mrs. Barrier were on the way to Mon roe to visit the pareuta of the lat ter, Major aud Mrs. L. V. An drews, wbeu an acute attack set in aud they were compelled to stop. The children were sent oa to Mon roe with the nurse and Mrs. Bar rier remained with ber husband. A long distance telephone message says that though the case was a very serious oue, Mr. Barrier is The doing very well. I Union. Mr. C C. Moore, presideut of the Tb Marriafc of Mr. and CuthDcrtsoa-Craig. North Carolina divuuon ot the Miss Uaddy. i.rrn iM. Southern Cotton Association, will) tm, jnt of the fed r'T.VlLn ' speak is the court boo tomorrow x,w U.,rv thus aWril-a1 0 eUk' d at 11 o'clock. Mr. Moore was la ...t ;... .., ,. v i bioUmt, Mrs. Alice L. Cuthbert - iur WWII; wi jir. i nis.i Atlanta last wee attending u.e UH, Mm f GjiiWV( ,ujrh , executive committee meeting of curv,t Wenwdllj. eveuiug: the national aoriatiom whu h be . M ,IM tlf th IllMt ,,,,,,(,! v ivDortaaaanrutbiiitiaalieooe. the ........... .. ....i plana to form a com, any tatt blU bwn Ult,j ,,,,,, , iL I"y. George H. Atkio to bur cotton when the price cm ;.w j... i. .k-i son, pastor of the Monroe Preaby too low were diseased at that ff u , j .tcria.. elm 1 performed the cere- aun. near WollesvUle, tlie riageof Miaa Marg -rite Howard Cuthberujoa to Mr. Judsoa loluu bus Craiif. of Lancaster, waa aul- auectlug. anil nr. sioure wains 10 mr1lns w the Taiarriage of Miss talk to (be pw.pleof this county on Kay iimUf ,m, Mr v liitt,u tbe subjcit He is particularly 8ikM( wlU.b oik pll4Pe , , ajixiootobsvesgoiKireprj-uta--Fintt IU4isl chu.h 1M1 eVeuing tion present. He writ. The J.r ,.t K 0'tuk. liv. d A. ii. nai that be would like to meet five Tholulul ,ue lmtaoTt performed huudred farmer tonMrrow. He the mons Tb fnurrh vm ought to have them. The farmei beHUtiruiiy drati with pott.-d will never kuow what gieat help Iu,,mi. flrn, .... 1. . i ...... 1 1 n i .. 1 1 1 7 .... IUD IWH IJtllUU UM lTH IU III'" IU securing s lair price for their rot ton. Mr. Moore wants tbe co-oiicr- mouy in bis most braatiful aud iui pmsuve manner, lue marriage was a very quiet borne affair, ouly a few relatives aud iutiuiate frieuda of tbe couple beiug preneut. Tbe beautiful aud charming bride, gowued in a pretty aud very becoming blue broadcloth, tailor- made suit with a bat to match aud . : ..i i.. . r i:i "The bridal party entered to the! " "? " ""-" strain, of Memlleid.u's wedding ' lU-y svuU uiiiWo k ui.:ir..ii.. i ..i i. i Ii-rron. uifi uv uio kivhui i lliai. ii nrsklliuii irutirim t l a J.C,8ikcs,o,of last summer's tU the f - v i -!.;, 'gather they marche.1, unattvuded. wlium satin and iearla. The' !he r,,or 10 h.e htn"M f pro.vss.on i neatled by four lit-1 . . . ... n H. .. " ''J i 1 11 r kioi'ui wo uinoni iu iuq ittc' .. , ; i ular conventional black with white atiou of all the farmer iu securing even better things for the future. The Southern Express Compuny is foud of having "old boss" sales here unclaimed itackages that tie riblmn liearers Mattel Lane, have accumulated for a period of,cluii Horn, Marcella u. w u, I V. a .al.i..iid ul.ili..t. Ittiiil kutullA Miinnyi atflru.1 In CIA uiimiiHI HI IHV iwiun imoiiwih j " ..-i. .... .....u.v-, hiu.'.i WaistCOSt. A lot of really valuable package white organdie and white kid slip- TaT were sol P. Keu ..I.I h..n, Muinmluv I U lurfL t limil i klmll tiinb rililmniL I . 'B i U. .rr . ...i ... ... ' -...i 1 i -....? .i.:.i.i -,i J I leutiful arch of pure white cbryi Utlttll WsW IUr mm UUiri HUM rniTironi kii inuMVM iviuuinn, ... I ..... lU . uin a, i r i.. i s.; -i v'..s uiurumuia aim i3 uu uwi K a rcgumr r ui "'" " " " T ". V. Vi! grouud of lotted plants, ivy and "."Ji;!" "rT"i L V r.. X rZrVl " I iw chrysanthemums, the cere- iur UHim, nrinw fAiimiiir ihhiriv i-hhk- iiuim i i hiiiii i, wamv mm-- ... .i . . i . , . . .. 1 : , .,' ... , .. . 7'.i.. n-;i... i iiuouy that made them man and iwuiurroiiarcuea, minern, cigiuis ,, "m v...., - .a....,-.! .-.ij s!!0 Xim OB:.Z vtJSS 11 Morrow aud IK'tav la lioustou, in : . " , .... ... cents; and some got Iwxe of de cayed flower at the same price. Hi unuw anil nuiiiii uuuoivui ill'.. ,. .... pink organdie dresses with L,. l uring he ceremony 'Medii was beautifully and softly The tM... . ..... ..... ... . ...... ami K.....I..AII w a ....ifi-h Mrn-ltii. I ' i . 1...;.. ..t . i i:. reudeudered by the organist. uveiy u.uuing, me iiv.uti lucuuj . i...u u. u .... u..,- . tasfpfullv decoratexl for U-lieving that it had come fn.uj.antbeuiuuis. Coming down the1 !TKt..! Wailesboro, but it turned out not: middle aisle, they divided at the I 07X, JntheuTmi ivv and tobefullofbugjuice. altar halfgoing ,o the left and S' 3 nrn'V' VlTriTZ uiol glf, ITediate.y after the ceremony ofthePresbytemu church at Jef lM,ailliflll ,,.t , fll, ti the bridal party came to Wax- fcrson. 8. C, moved to Matthews . . , . f . , . haw, where the happy couple took last Wednesday. A mmise will i ..." ,,' ..' ; ' . the 5 o'clock train for taucaster VlrTZl W;. alid ''- They ? . 21n u I 'J'ili Siki-s. The bridesmaids and " pastoroftl.eIrtbyterian's . im n ,lt ., to day (Tbui-sday), where a de- "d..,, ..... . , ,,. ;.. . , ; linhtiiil receutiou awaits thera at walking atone louoaeu ov , gnsmisman alone, seven of each, I u0!!' . ? KroVu 8 Put. r....i...i..... ii... .....;.i r i ,.,, ,lbe will make their home iu Lau- Ist man, the bridesmaids being I1' bre tue Km fa iat ,he at Matthews, Indian Trail iMhlchem, aud will also preach at I uionville. He will preach at IMhlchem next Sunday morning at 11 o clock and at I uionville next Sunday evening at 7:.' to o'clock. The public is cordially invited. Tbe register of deeds has sent in to the State auditor the list of taxable proerty in Union county. The total valuatinu of real estate is -'MI,0!i!l. The total valuation of personal proiierty is f J,:tt!l,Si.!i. The total numlier of white polls is :,:it.l; of negro polls, 1,012; total tax on personal property, -l.!!i7. ''J; special tux for snsions, ti, Pni,!HI; income tax, rj'.,..'!tl; the total amount of school taxes payable to county treasurer is l!,(i(is.iiT; total of county taxes, .t;, l!Mi.!U ; the total of State, school and coun ty taxes is (i!,l l2.!Mi. Uncle 8tepheu Barrett asks The Journal to say that bis sou James, aged eighteen and a half years, died Thursday night, and be desires to say that both white and colored people were very kind to the boy in bis illness, for which the old man is very grateful. The dark skin of Uncle Stephen covers the heart of an uouest and Hardworking limn, and if even half of the colored pop ulation would take pattern after him there would lie little race troubles. The Upholstering ami Itcpairing Company, with shop next disir to tbe 1 ive and Ten ceut store, is pre pared, under the management of Messrs. J. 1). 1'arkei and II. B. liillingsby, the latter of whom is an exjtert workman, to do nil kinds of work in repairing and upholstering furniture, repairing sewing ma chiucs, etc. Cotton Receipts on Local Markets. The following unmlxTof bales of cotton were weighed during the post week iu the county: Monroe, .'I'.' 7; Marshville, 217; Waxhaw, 242, Wingate, 110. Total receipts to close ol last Saturday: Monroe, 4,it00; Marshville, :i,2li; Waxhaw, 2,601; Wingate, !i.r4. .. W.Vfiii-y, frralilrlll I f Hike., Vice Cn-ntilfiil (I. H CiMwell, lUc. ml Tii'. The Monroe Insurance and Investment Co. This ii a local corporation con ducting under the same charter and management several brunches of business, as follows: Acts as agent for Life, Firo, Acci dent, Burglar and other kinds of Insurance, including Bonds for em ployees. Buys and sells real estate on its own behalf or on commission tor others. Rents and manages real estste for clients on small commission. Acts as F.xecutnr, Administiatnr, Guardian, lteceiver. Trustee, and transacts a general Trust business. Iienils money and negotiates loans for borrowers. Lends money and negotiates loans for clients without expense to the lender. Guarantees to clients principal and interest on securities. The public will readily see from the foregoing that this company is a great convenience to the community and there can be no doubt that it is destined to become an important factor in the industrial and financial growth of this section. The com pany is controlled by local capital and proposes to become a benefactor to its customers and clients. attired to represent the color of a ramlxiw: Miss Bessie Simpson, in lavender crepe de chin, painted with violets, over tallcta. Miss Kail Icy, in (ireen organdie and lace over silk, Miss Alice Stack, iu yellow organdie aud silk, Miss Pat Adams, iu blue organdie and luce over tallcta, Miss Florida Moms, in w hite organdie and silk and Miss Alice Scales, in red silk over slip, each maid carrying an armful of chrysanthemums, tied with rib Iniu, to match the color of her dress. The groomsmen were Prof. J. A. Bivius and Messrs. James Garland, O. W. Kochtitsky, W. C. Stack and tins Henderson. At the altar, the bridesmaids went to the left and the groomsmc u to the right. The maid of honor, Miss Ashe Caddy, sister of the bride, came carrying an immense bouquet of pink carnations, and attired in a lovely cieat ion of pink chiftou over silk aud wearing a picture bat of tbe same shade. Sue was fol lowed by Mrs. J. M. Bulk, the dame of honor, handsomely gowned in point d'esprct unit lace over (allcla carrying a large Ixiuiiuct of while chrysanthemums. The groom, with bis best man, Dr. 1-1 S. Green, Jr., advanced to the al tar awaiting the bride. Two little llower girls, Pattie Ashcrnft and llattie May Belk, preceded the bride down the middle aisle scat tering chrysanthemum petals. The bride entered on the arm of her brother, Mr. Bennett Gaddy. She wore a tailor-made suit of rich browu chfl'on broadcloth, her trav eling dress, and carried an ex quisite bouquet of bride s roses. Following came little Alice Leak, of Wadeslioro, iH'aring the ring on au embroidered white satin pil low;. licfore the cereinony.the melody, "With my thoughts," was per formed on the organ, aud Mrs. James Griffith, sang, "Because I love you deur," and Mrs. Frank Iiney, "Why I love you," both w ith tine effect. A ft ci the marriage service the bridal party passed out while the wedding inarch from Lohengrin was being played. The bride is a daughter of the late t'liptaiu K. B. Guddy and is one of Monroe's most pspular and accomplished young ladies. She is a gifted elocutionist and combines with her accomplishments rare charms of manner and disposition. Mr. Sikes is a young business man who has won the highest esteem and confidence of his neighbors aud Iriends. Mr. and Mrs. Hikes were the re cipients of many handsome pres enta. They left for Florida to night, iu which Slate they will spend two weeks, visiting Palm Beach, Isle of Palms and St. Au gustine. They will l at home at tho Gloucester Hotel alter Noveiu ber 2Mh. To Mrs. J. C. Fletcher too much credit cannot lie given for her efforts in arranging the plans for the ceremony and iu decorat ing the church. Clothing. "This all wool overcoat, dress coat and vest, worth at least tS.OO, only cost me l.7.", at J. II. lien- ton's." Ouly !l minutes' walk or .1 minutes' run northwest of court house, Monroe, N. C Spent another week bow ing down to the gods of high (trices, have your Some people will worship theni forever. But there is no rea son why you should not get out of the bonds of iuiquity and the gall of bitterness and come on here and get goods cheap. Low prices and good goods are the missionaries that are bringing in the converts to ns, and every week the nnmlter at the mourning bench gets larger. Come on up. The Kendall Grocery Co. I want to liny all kinds of eoun- oflice are in the Bank of 'try produce, and will pay the ton and a littlo over. 8. Ii. Duster. mercantile business, being a I took keeiier aud also a stockholder in one of the largest and best known mercantile firms of that place. Church Notices. ltcv. J. II. Aycock will preach at Salem ou the fourth Sunday at two o'clock. Itegular services at the Baptist church next Sunday: 11 a. in., "Thanksgiving Sermou"; 7:30 p. in., "Children's Bights." 3:.10 p. m., Sunday school. Prayer meeting Wednesday evening. The public cordially invited. Lutheran Rev. G.l). Beruheini, pastor. Regular services next Bun day. Subjects: 11 a. in., "Weak Faith, Strong Faith, No Faith"; 7:.'l0 p. in., Thanksgiving Services. Sunday school, :t:.'IO p. m. The piildic cordially invited to attend all services. Ladies' Auxiliary. There will be a meeting of the ladies' auxiliary comuiitlee of the Hospital at 3:M Thursday after noon, at the hospital. All mem bers are requested to be present. Mks. 8. u. Blair, President A fresh lot of good candies just iu. Come aud try some. S. K. Poster. Loaf bread, cakes, etc., for sale at Newman's old stand. We keep a full supply and also take orders for all kinds of rakes. Call on us. The Kendall Grocery Co. Currants, figs, -seedless raisins and bunch raisins, citron, dates, etc., now on hand. John U. Simpson & Co. Three barrels Malaga grapes, and apples of all kinds, at John K. Simpson & Co.'s. Mothers' fresh bread every day. John It. Simpson & Co. Mullets. Mullets. Two barrels just arrived; nicest oi the season. Large, aud beads takeu off. John K. Simpson & Co. To Tlie; Wholesale Trade: Special Attention is given to this trade. We have just received several large shipments of Tablets, Pencils, Inks, Pens, Crayon, and in fact anything that belongs to the school room or office. You will do well to get our prices before you buy. We know that we can save you money. Will be glad to give you prices. TlieW. J. RUDGE. GO., BOOKS, STATIONERY AND JEWELRY STORE. The Patriot's Prayer. la 17W) David Miller, a Hiber nian Irishman, left his native land aud come with bis wife aud 6 v. children to Anieiica. They set tied on Mountain creek, war th Broad river, live miles trow Ktiita erfordtou. lurii.g tbe ltrvolutior be warmly eMuwd the Colonists' cause against the British. He noted for his originality aud fer vor. Iu the war he was a soldiei and Med as chaplain. Iu lr. Maurice Moore's life of General Kdward Lacy. we first read forty years ago the following quaint Scotch-Irish prayer, when be was a l'resbyteriau elder in 170: "Good Uird, our God, thou art in Heaven. We have reasou to thank Thee for the many favors we have received at Thy hands aud tbe rjsy battles that we have wou. There is the great and glorious battle of kings Mouutain, where we killed the great General rer gusou aud took his whole army, and the great battles of Kamseur's Mills aud illiams' and tbe ever memorable and glorious battle of (owpens, 8. C, where we made the proud Cblouel Tarleton rnu helter skelter; aud good Lord, and if we bail not suffered tbe cruel Tories to burn Billy Hill's iron works, we would na ha' asked auy more favors at Thy hands, Amen." The above prayer was read by the orator, Senator Daniel, of ir ginia, at the King's Mountain cen tennial, October 7, 1SS0. The owner of Billy Hill's iron works in lork county, 8. U, was the grand father of General D. II. Hill. Big lot of nice vanilla wafers, at 15 ceuts a pound. John 11 Simpson & Co. Coming. Fifty boxes of oranges from W. U. Bulk's Florida grove expected every day. Will sell cheap w hen they come; home-made, so to euk. Johu lw Situpsou & Co. There is hoi for every man. No mutter if you have becu paying higher prices all your life, you can come on here even at the eleventh hour and get the benefit of all the good things. Kendall Grwery Co. Something good barrel home made kraut It's fine. S. K. Doster. Special Notice. grade New Orleann molasses, U at L. N . I'ressou's. PICTl'KESol your bouse will look nice on post cards. Have gome made aud you will be pleased. Sam L. lioyce. PING rONG pictures, j3 tor 25 ceuts; also nost cardn. at liovce'i Studio, HEN you want insurance, 'phone No. 8. W. M. Cordon, Agt. THt best bref. pork, auj purk sau sage that tlie uuflrl stlxdv, al ubcsI market pure. J. 1) i'rker. PK SALE OK KfcVr- UlarnTi mile east ui toou. I..1 drlt iug and aater. J. A. Pale. JE. I KbSLAK ill uv yoa awurjr on your watch repairing. All ork fully guaranteed. Roots forut--rly ociujucj by J aitJ 10c. slute, Shule builtliug. J ALE -Oue iuu'.e, cow, muie bugs, o euro aud loddi-r, wagon, buggy laruiniK iiupleiueuU; suine bousebuid and ailcbeu luiuiture, at auction, Su- .-tmbrr iiud, iyOt at niy resideuce iu MUdy Kiuge township. Mis. Laura A. Wolfe, Mtnnie, Route 5. MOTILE Tu thore who owe us 11 Cotton is bringing a good price aud you must call aud settle without further nutue. We meau business call aud settle at once and save tlou ule. E. A. Aruifield & Sous. LEE & LEE COMPANY. THE LEADING SIT GOODS, IGTiOIS, CLOTRISC, GUTS' FTEJISHIIGS, I1T 110 SHOE ST0E II I0H0L HE NOTICE - Mr V. Ue Wolle now baa all inv notes ami an-omitm anil all persons owiug nie ate notined to call ou bun and make settlement. N. S Ogburn. K watch rrpainug see J. E. Pres lar. He will save you uiooey. H AVING located at I nionville, 1 offer 11 my professional services to the people ol tins vicinity. I'huae 3j Luiouville. D. T. lioger, M. 0. F MACHINE SHOP-Kor machiuist ill work aud plumbing, see Austin & Correll, phone 194, Monroe, N. C. WATT ASHCKAFT. M.D. Civet eriuarian), offers his prefession al services. Day calls auswered from Tbe Euijuuer office; at uigbt, 'rliuue "J- NOTICE If you waul tu buy a suit of clothes now, or at any time this tall, do not buy without seeing us. We have ft, 000 worth of men's wiuter clothing aheady arrived that we will sell any time this fall until sold, at cost, without freight added, as we are going to close it out. People's Dry Goods Company. ANTED Country sage in auv quantity. J. D. Parker. w 500 DON'T fail to see J. E. Pieslar for watch repairing. He saves you money. GEESE wanted. Doster Grocery Co, AUCTION SALE-1 will sell at pub lic auction at my resideuce iu San dy Kidge township, oil Nov, 30, Kjoh, the following property: 2 good young mules, 5 head cattle, hogs, corn, fod der, hay, cotton seed, J horse wagon, farming tools, household and kitcheu furnturn. K. L. Thompson. Matthews Route 20. TEACHER wanted iu No. 11, New Salem. M. II. Mull, 9. L'uioii villr. Route 1. w WANTED To buy a mercantile business iu Monroe; nut choice as to kind or size. Address business, care Tbe Journal. NOTICE All who have accouuts against the late Mr. Levy or my self are requested to bring them in at once, as I shall leave in a Bhort while. All who owe us must pay us at once. Mrs. A. Levy, 'OR SALE-Young mule and milk cow. Easy terms. L. N, l'resson. FOR SALE-6 good building lots near Mouroe Graded School. See ad, in this issue and call on Davis Arnifield for any information desired. B THE Upholstering & Repairing Co. is now ready for business. Will upholster, repair, pack and ship any and all kinds of furniture and move pianos aud organs; will also repair sewing machines and sell fittings for any kind of sewing machine. Upholstering & Repairing Co. First door below 5 & 10c. store. OY WANTED I would like to adopt a boy between the ages of 10 and is years. I will treat him as my own, care tor him well, and give a reasonable education, keeping him with me as I travel in the photo graphic business. 1 will treat him as a son and give nun a chauce in tile. 9. d. Stephenson, Mineral Springs, N. C, WANTED Everybody to know that we are representing about twen ty old line fire insurauce companies, with good rates, and losses adjusted promptly and satisfactorily. N. C. bnglish, Ageut, At Savings, Loan and Trust Co.'s. WANTED A quantity oak logs. See us tor dimensions. Mouroe Manufacturing Company. 5ooo' FRUIT TREES will arrive here about Nov. 25II1 from oue of the best nurseries in Georgia, and will be sold at reduced prices. Peach and apple trees, 10 trees for 75c, 100 lor .oo; pear trees, 0 trees tor $ i.oo, at my home on Crawford street. I. D. Futon, ANTED Corn aud saw mill. !io 37, Waxhaw, N. C, I70R SALE Fine farm, 116 acres, 1 on Stewart's Fork creek, 2!, miles from town, a good new cottages, oue 5 room aud one 4. room, (lie larger one paiuted, 2 wells, good pasture, mead ow laud aud 300 fruit trees. See lleasley & Sikes, Real Estate Dealers. People have learned to value the Five ini Ten Cent Store, and more of them arc taking advan tages of our bargains every day. Mast any household article you want can bo bought here for a few cents. Try it. Five and Ten Cent Store, 1. M. AUSTIN, I'BOl'KIEToK. A big lot SECONDS, but the best of the kind you ever saw defects very slight and the usual 15 and 25 cent kind Ru ing at 10 and 15 cents per pair. Good black, fine ribbed for misses and children, and the smooth, flat gnuis in ladies' sizes. In addition to this our regular line is unusually strong, prices ranjnng from 10 to 50 cents a pair. We carry the cel ebrated "Black Cat" brand, and have recently added the Fay Stockings, for both ladies and children. With these no sup porter is needed. This fact alone makes them popular. You Will Be Sorry if you buy your winter underwear before seeing ours. No better 25 cent Vest, with Tanta to match, than we are show ing this season. Ix)ng sleeve Corset Covers 25 and 50 cents. New lot woolen Underwear, both light and heavy weight, and notwithstanding the advance in these goods, we can sell you at the old prices. Handkerchiefs! Handkerchiefs! I From 5 cents, pure linen, up to sheerest, finest linen, dain tily embroidered, from 15 cents to $1 each. See our Furs for ladies and children, also another lot of Cloaks. Lee & Lee Company, FLOW-REDFERN COMPANY A. Levy's Old Stand. When you buy Clothing You want best Style You want best Assortment You want liest Tailoring You want best Fabric You want best Values YOU WANT That vour 'money fan buy. t Strouse Brothers' High Art Clothing ! Kqual quality is imKissible to secure elsewhere at the same price we are offering this well known line for. We are going out of the clothing buiness, and handle nothing but shoes, ladies' furnishings, millinery, etc., con sequently all our Clothing Must Go At and Below Cost ! Come and see for yourself. Our Clothing consists of Men's, Hoys' and Youths' Suits. We also include in this sale over One Thousand Pairs Men's Odd Pants ! COST ! COST ! ! COST ! ! ! At and below all our Clothing must go. Come and see for yourselves. Our prices will convince you that we mean business. Just received a big lot of Ladies', Misses' and Children's Cloaks, All the new styles. Our prices will sell them. And don't forget that we carry a full line of Notions, Millinery, Shoes, edt. Come and see us before you buy. Yours for business, FLOW-REDFERN COMPANY NEILL REDFERN, Mgr. rr 6 SEE those patent oak aalei and cup boards, the heat is the Stale, at Mouroe Furniture Company'!. PICTURES s cents up, at Monroe Furniture Company's, FINE stippled and decorated watei sets with slop jar, J6.50. Monroe Furniture Company. Li White Leghorns, 'i'lione 379 GGS (or hatching from single comb O. boi 36. HIGHEST market price paid for couutry sage, hides, tallow aud beeswai. j. D. Parker. CABBAGE plants, celery plants, all kinds ol garden plants. Ws are now prepared to furnish the well known varieties of cabbage plants, the extra esrly Wakefield, the Charleston or large type Wakefield, Henderson's Success and flat dutch. These plants are grown in the open air aud will stand great cold. We guarantee qual ty and count. Prices in small lets fi.50 per 1000, in Urge lots Ii. 00 to ft. 33 per 1000, F. O. B. Meggetts Tbe eipress company has granted us a reduced rate to all points. Unless casb accompanies order plants will go C, O. D. Tbe department of agricul ture established an iiperiment station on our plant farm for testing cabbage. N. H. Blitch Company, Meggetts, S. C Get Tlie ECaJDit of coming here and you'll find it pays to spend your money over our counters. Great Shoe Sale! New Shoes at Old Prices. Women's Shoes 75 cents and up. Women's Vici Patent Leather Shoes, Rlu cher cut. at $1.00, $1.25, $1.50, $2.00, $2.50 and $3.00 Men's Shoes $1.00 and up. Men's $1.50 coarse Shoes and fine Shoes at $1.25. Men's Rox Calf and Vici Kid Shoes worth $2 50 at $2 00. Men's $J.50 Patent Leather Shoes at $3. Misses' and Children's Shoes. Sizes 5 to 8 at 50c. to $1.00 Sizes 9 to 12 at 75c. to 1.50 Sizes 13 to 2 at 90c. to 1.75 Men's and women's House Slippers at 50c. You have never bought better shoes at these prices. Another Big Bargain In Men's Pants it One-Third Under Value which we recently closed out from the manufacturers. $1.25 Pants at $1.00 2.00 Pants at 1.50 2.50 Pants at 2.00 3.00 Pants at 2.00 Men's Boys' and Children's Clothing at unusually low prices. Dress Goods and Silks. Big bargains in Black Dress Goods at 50, 75 and 90 cents a yard. 3tinch Silks at 29 cents a yard. 3G-inch Black Silks at 75 cents a yard. 50c. Plaid Silks at 39 cents yard. Ladies' Hats. Indies' Sailor Hats at 48 cents and up. Ladies $1.25 Sailor Hats at 98c. Ladles' Skirts. Ladie's Skirts at 98 cents, $1.25, $1.50, $2.00, $2.50 and $3.00 Ladies' $1.00 and $1.25 Satine Petticoats at 75 and 98 cents. Ladies' Heavy Ribbed Undervests and Pants at 25 cents. ' Woolen Fascinators and Hoods. Fascinators at 15 cents and up. Children's Hoods at 15 cents and up. 10-cent Flanneletts at 81 cents. Ladies' Black Seamless Hose at 5 cents. Men's Sox, all colors, worth 10c. at 6c The Cash Mercantile Company. The House That Saves You Money

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