II dm i.ssaMSiN ! 14 ANeJetauk Prfparalionfor As suuilaiing fteFiXxlandG;uia bsg (he Stoaads andBowvIs of rromolcs KUcmf Iverrul- raws and hrsl conutins neiihvr Ojntmi Morpluiw noriuiciaL OT NARCOTIC. t'taih!raaaeaa4 Atperfecl Remedy forfoitslii lion, Sour Sionwf h.l)i.irrNa and Losh OF SLEFP. Facsimile Signature of exact copy or wrapper. GASTORIA Tor Infants and Children. The Kind You Have Always Bought Bears the Signature J ft if In Use For Over Thirty Years GASTOBIA I if .sCS A We r - - ..- LUMBAGO, SCIATICA! NEURALGIA and! KIDNEY TBO'JSLC! "I IrtflM' tak-ii intf mAllff ri.ls the- .ilmni ol tbc poi'ofuius oihttr and ockiH wtu-u re tb dirrii caUHt of th. sj.-tr', I Aipil(d fiu-riiAily it lT'rds nl.juit hi- B taut rhrl from van. wbile irti u:?.!. J our Is twin, edtcif J bv punlmnf tkit blood. diKwivinii tbo i oisono-M ini' 1 tod rumoriDk t ifum urn hvsu-d- b I r? 3 ci.cii. 1 I E I I KoWi I I " Tb ml :euat 1 T 2 ewr tuii'. I 1 fl - ewa I I I . -f J ft-. I - ,!Ib araaait-aa I DR. S. D. BLAND Of flrawioii. Oil, wrtf: bad bm a iHllPr-r dw nnmtw or" wlta I itatwf' "i l;ii uma.ii'in In tnv r n ami hK. t.J trM kit f ha rcn H e tut.. 1 1 U t-.tl.ar (roii. Uall "-. ..'"Uf.! tin inumln i of tit l.-t ((" Rla . but ru'iml aothi'itf thtl II '' ni,l llt 'l " 1 miaH pT.riiv it in mi un lor rbuuiUd uii ktu-irotl OImam.'' I Soli! ly M . K. MH'Hiiley, I riijruist. !, M. L FLOW ! Coiiiiliuaer of Ms for South Caruliu, la I I Sorlij UimI na: also t Justice of tli Peace I j for Union County, and Nourj Public I for North Carolina. :: :: I I Special attention Kiveu to taking Af j fiJiivits, Ackiiowledlcineiit or I'ruof ol ' IVeds, Mortuaijes, Couttacts, Hills of I ! Sale, Powers of Attorney, Keouncia j tionn of Hower anJ Inheritance. Pep j j ositions.WritiiiK anJ l'rol)atiuK DecJs, I M irtq.ises and all otlier papers, issuing j State Warinnts, Claim auJ Oeliery ' mil Attachment papers, Civil Sum ! in'ii anil tlie Collection of Claims, j Office at M. L. Flow Co.- Store east of courthouse, Monroe, N. C If 100 are enffetlnr ,",t,l Ifnnniula, aiuu-y i rou JrH dlf'n- wui to in Ol ' VIIKOf S." aiiJ lest U jturKit. "MWOPS" Oili M ufJ an; Ifrniih or time wiiijounr.mirtng a "urug hn: i." M It tlMtlnMy Crwa of vlilura. oocrnn. uroi.oi. ladUkuaui, ajil otuer tiuiiia lunrMiiAnia. il.Vtt, I at al0 fcf Uwnu'.H. IWAxaoi iH'unana ouif corpiit, 0 Ring's Dyspepsia Tablets CURE INDIGESTION AND STOMACH TROUBLES. Sold by M. MK'anU'y, DniKnist. lanZasii RfKche Hit 9rl i D4iD Instaollf iGil HiltCuif I up In tubct wat Sold by M. K. McC'auley, DruirKiHt. Heath Hardware Co, Another car load of the celebrated Chattanooga Tlows j ust arrived. They arc going like wild fire. Come quick and get one lest you miss the size you want. Your neighbor has one. Watch as he reaps this harvest. You fail to get one and you will have none to reap. Heath Hardware Co. OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOpOOOrxiOOOOOOOaOOOOtXOOOOQr "Moot the Woman." Inwt koc TW Juara!. Th above w Mttjert that nucL haa beeD vrittea about, uikb ol vbich in my opioioa was on tbo extreme. It ia ai'Birthing a(ou aUita I hate aiaaya fnantl to say much abrt, lor fo tr of doing tuorc ham than food; but after argum with arlf I Teuture for the first tiute to mrite aoue tboupht diho it So many avera to rrmeuibrr ouly that Christ wid, "N-ith-r do 1 cou tleiun tluv," forgrttiuK that he alxo Mid, 'Hio tbon and am no more.'' Nov I do uth that theoUudanl of nianbtmd aeiT more equal with that of voruaii, but if that cauuot or will not be without lowering the staJHlard of pure woiuuuhood, then let it May where it U. I do uot wh for the hand -claajt that in given the aiuful auau to If giveu to the fallen woman, for ia it uot a eane to the man instead of a bleating? Yea, I hold that Ukiiu; everything into eoiiaideration, it Ut a blniii)f to woman that she in oliuunetl for simiiug. If man were Klighted and shunned for ilrtiikiu ami doing other disgraceful tUitiga. would it uot in the eud prove a blessing to him by causing him to refrain from doing much that is causing Ins mint Head the .Mb chapter of I. lorinthiaus ou the kiud ofcvmany we should keep or w ith w hom we should avsnciate. You may talk almut public opinion as slightly as you please, but 1 tell vou it is oue of the grcittt forces ou earth, ami if it would hold tuau as strictly as it doca woman, il would le the grciitest blesstng it could Itestow lllMiu him. t, I think it is unin to whom the world is unjust instead of the woman unjust in that it leatls and helps In in to ruin his soul, blinding him so that it is hard for him to see "the straight aud narrow way." Some time since I read a story aUuit a young girl w ho bad fat leu. The object of the w i iter was to ex cite sympathy and gain recognition for the erring one, and so the story w tis very pathetic, so much so as to bring tears to the reader's eyes. The young man who had ruined her was from a high, proud family. He entered college to study for the ministry. He did uot know that there was a child, and when he graduated with honors he came home to find that be was a father and the mother of the child was ill unto death. Oh, how sorry, how full of remorse he was! He was willing to make nmends for the ruiu he had wrought, but alas! it w as too late. The (xsir girl died. Well, the story defeated its object, for could not auy one see that the writer had the girl to die to pre vent the possibility of the young man having to marry herl lint in real life they are not so easily got ten rid of; they do not always die. The fallen woman certainly is to lie pitied, and she should Im treat ed with the kindness that is due her. Hut if I had daughters 1 should not want ieople to come around them ftlkiug alsnit women not getting justice aud that they were ouly to lie pitied and not blamed and should lie treated as well after they fell ( if they fell ) as before. No, sir, I shouldn't want my daughters to hear any such talk, aud I'd soon let the talkers know it, loo. Yes, I'd wish for them to sfieak in no light terms ol the woman who sells her birthright for naught. And thcxe folks who are talking aud writing about the ill treatment the world gives the fallen woman, would these folks take her into their homes as equals? Would they lie willing for their sons to many her if they knew she had beeu guilty in the least, even though she repented in "sack cloth aud ashes"f Ah! I fear their words are as sounding brass. All honor to pure and noble womanhood! May it never come down. "A spotless woman in a world of shame, With splendid and silent scorn. Go back to (iod as pure as you came. The kindliest warrior bora Kl)XA V. Ft'XDKKlll KK. Your stomach churns and digests the food yon eat and if foul, or tor pid, or out of order, your whole system sufTerH from blood poison. Ilolhster's Kocky Mouutain Tea keeps yon well. 'M rents, tea or tablets. English Drug Company. Willet M. Haves, assistant sec retary of agriculture, has deserted the peacelul study of scientific farming and taken np the difficult task of improving the bumaii race. He has appointed a committee to take up aud devise means of re cording the values of the blood of the different races. Dr. Hayes, while head of the Minnesota Ex periiueut Station, worked with plants and animals aud gave his heredity ideas full play, and now wants to apply his scien tific deductions to human beings. Taken as directed it becomes the greatest enrative agent for the re lief of suffering humanity ever de vised. Such is Hoi lister1 Kocky Mountain Tea. cents, tea or tablets. English Drag Company, As a result of the failure of the voters of New Hampshire to poll a sufficient number of votes to elect a Governor, that official is to be named by the Legislature, and the probabilities are that by a com bination the Republicans will vote with the Democrats to elect Jame son the Democratic candidate. In return, the Democrats will help the Republicans to send Winston Chnrvhill, the novelist, to the United States Senate, Churchill was a candidate for the nomination for Governor, by a small margin, The prospects seem to be good that he will go to the Senate. Had a Close Call. "A dangerous surgical operation, involving the removal of a malig nant nicer, as large aa my band, from my daughter s blp was pre vented by the application of Buck ten's Arnica Salve." says A. G. Stkkel of Miletus, W. Vs. "Per sistent nse of the salve completely cared it." Cores cats, barns aud injuries. 25c, at all druggists. KO MAN IS STRONGER; THAN nis stuhacm. m Im fc treat athlrtr ai ari iia aa4 feu atuan wuunl u (a L rbji- a ka iMMifteiMii fad a kw tuva .a. 1! t aa ao kut h m k 4 a -rwu miu auimma Utfuuca ia . a anl buavu. It fc-iMl o iim ttn-ntfia ul la u,m. fc u a mi rila-BI f.al NM m l4d ail a BMIaUaL Little Joe's Church. rdnHpaJnl kaaluel lipmi A idainlv rlad woman with great warm trans stealing down ber ' lVo.U ran die u tuntiiM su a cheeks. stepied into the office ol ! Bhunlul fci turml. abrB I Br sbAavfe ... .1,,w..,,.,.., ..f ,k H,,, nrpnau s lioiue ai turiuoi ppnngs ou dav. ithout delay or cere niony she toll ber errand. She was t lie widowed mother of three I'hildreu, the eldest vf whom was of unsound mind. Her husband had been a c.triieuter aud had loxt hw life by a fall while engaged iu his trade. The county eoiuniissioner were , considering the newt ion of binding I our ner runureii ami sne wouui : have uo voue in the select lou ol ' their homes. Being a lYesbyterian, she came to see if ber two childreu iuWIUob do Bui a-rl,nB Uirff dulf Thiu tb .kiOBch i rr.11 tbrtlul ur- ai UMtul. If thbHna.h a'araa Um bl BUI I auu, i.iur it w uikiB tit abiatb i!m Uv r-le- fr ita atn-ncih. Ami a hr tU, eiuleivd a h"4, is Biadv up o iu ar,Tl Bu-at-t-r and oritaiw. th weakim. uf lb blr a a niBwiiH-BM-v i( rk' skHB av h will he iinU I-uml ani4 the laiis whk-k iaM tW lli. If lh lr k B,a bn-aiiM H is lll-aurihnl Uial phrai trakm. will he lousd la ail the urt-au h. aru lirr. kulneia. rie. Th liter Bill la bTpsI ail liw,-tit, f it lng n- k NlMMianeMB, lia ui aH"tlti, Beak nerte. thl nr im-aru.ar a. uaj k4 heart, tialpuatsm. liiiirMUM, headache. barka-h and kiudnsl uutturbBSxta atst Mr Lxik, Par. 4? Qwhre. r1ta: For r aiu. h.u-i a-r. anal a t .wia.a could in t be received into the VJJMvhn home that she might tm iy tia,-lv l tie a-t.'ra ,-lalnird Ittak II .toMuniartt' ttvaitifar ilae a, ui iM-ita. anU lr- r,l-u nw. bjm! altlaHWli ' a Ibeir tA.aifc.pft rvtmlarll let I f.il I M Bifr aUitartl ivfcitri lr tVn-, k'il up tlM treainieni. 1 hk on at-ah. a.r al.ia.'k laa-atnett. .'khm u. Tiuai. ui dm a,w,wl twrfa.-Ur and 1 ata l lika a diw-nsti tvru. I can ,-T ivm- ui "Can to aan I atatiful SirBlial t .Hir BM-dh iim. ka tfcHi fr um and I vnaial tut It hub! iraie Ik'b'l bs Bhia-d'tai bv a uii tiralitiml dealer Into Ukin( iRdvkar u!tituu t It I'lerce't neilletuea, reeuaiBM-udnl to he "Jui ri T asm knew leilte ttl vnur nam I1t in ifc'kneiai aod health- end I, the I'eu ple't Conimou Sa-tim Medical Adler. A lak uf h s iid ? one-eeiit staui) Uf p r-cov-Tl r 31 stamps I, cloth-hiMiiKl ftn'. Addroa I r. K. V. t'lrrcD. flUi Mam Mra-rl, iiullalu. N. V. a'aelaa a llaaf ataraa. It la forty miles to Airra. twenty of them over roua-li eountry tracks. As we leave the town, we pass a small temple where a llruhman priest la :ish!ii blinseir In the sun He Is :ia oU mail and the last left t took after the temple, which he will uot shut up or desert, be the plaeue or famine erw an I'sil W say a few words to lilm ami leave a small present fur the lent pie and heifin to tin Terse th dreary track that Ilea ahead Inirliiaj the .-on-venation three of the sreat pillars of hot air and dust have HUiulirauiated. An Indian dust storm la upon ns. Sud denly the sky stows durk. How the h it w ind roam over the parched plain! Th' nn Is obscured by a d-'n hate f heat siul dust. Imrker and darker :-iwa th skr. while a mlirhty wind ..ems to snatch the very irround from mmiUt one's feet, nntll all Is lost In a i, -ry hurrliwne of hot. tdlndlns, ehok I nit duit that hl.lca the desnlate aceua atvuud. bluttlns out both tlx dreary track on tvhlvb we are traveling and the Inst irrtm horrors, of Jaitanlr.-tou- don tllolje Sells More of Chamberlain's Cough Remedy than all other put together. Mr. Thot. George, a merchant of Mt. hlcin, Out., says: "I have had the lo cal agency for Cbamberlain'i Cough Remedy ever since it was introduced into Canada, and 1 sell as much of it as 1 do of all other lines I have on my shelves put together. Of the many do eus sold under guarantee, I have not liaj one bottle returned, I cau per sonally recommend this ineJiciue as 1 have used it myself and giveu it to my children and always with the best re sults." For sale by C. N. Simpson, Jr., aud Dr. S. J. Welsh. The luteal. Customer - V'Mi say. then, that this material Is the latest? ili..iiuiiii-The very latest, minium. Customer-Hut will It fade In the sun? Kh.uau Why, It lias been lylns In the wiudow for two years, and look how well It liaa stood.- London Mall. have the joy of their companion shin when their course at the or U-tl. r I , , , , , . . , . t.,.,i,-a ' ItiiatiHe iitiuie snouiu or rtinmiei M-0l-al it,si'r aivd u-p laklnc tl d- iMl l'i,ur a,rw timmiMMil ntui1 in kn-ialru. ! .hl mm a Ull. aud MHI- 1 W rre ProW"' Place 1U Beaai f.siiHi that l i.aan k, ,aiK.. u l i the home, and the mother went away with a glad heart aud her fate radiant with smiles. When they came one was a little boy named J(eph. He soou lie came a universal favorite iu the uew home and every hotly called him "Little Joe." He was a musi cal genius aud sang correctly auy thing he heard others sing just oue time, and so Utanie a favorite of auy visitors who might he privi leged to hear his child like per formance. Oue day little Joe tmk sick, but there was no alarming symptoms aud no apprehension was felt for him: but the next morning he sank into a collapse and passed away suddenly, to the great grief of the w hole orphan family. Little Joe's life dream was to build a church "a church with a porch to it." This was his answer to anyone who would inquire w hat he hojied to lie w lieu he reached manhood. His architectural tastes were pcilntis inherited from his lather, but the hardshiis eeri enced ami w itnessed iu the big or ;hau family attending church more .iiaii two miles distant over wet, muddy roads iu winter and hot, dusty ones in summer, perhaps raised iu his mind uud heart the thought of a church where Uod could In worshiped with conveni ence aud comfort. Wbru little Joe's mother, who was devoutly attached to him, examined his lit tle belongings after his death, she round in his possession 4" cents, w ti it'll had been given to him a few days before by some delighted vis itor, for whom he had sung in his child like inuocetice. Keciilling the dream of little Joe's 1 1 le, she resolved to take his lew (K'nuies anil build the church which hail Iss'ii the dream of his child-life. These pennies have grown to more than .',000, with which material has Wo Isuight aud a beautiful brick church is iu the course of erection, known to all the friend's of the Orphan's Home as "Little Joe's Church." This amount has beeu raised by contri butions varying in si.u from a sit.gle K'iiuy up to I.TiO. Perhaps iu no building of the size sud the promised cost have so many love llenngs Ist'n placed. The gift of the little child and au old niau on his death pillow, handing his last gilt for the orphans to his loving daughter awaiting at his bedside, and asking that she forward it while be was yet alive, are alike wrought into this church. 1 he church stands at the south east end of the campus of the Or phan s Home. This cam nut is oue of the most beautiful iu the State, and this church will add much to its appearance. In the fl.'-'oo ofrl.OOO yet to be raised there is room for many more love offerings and auyoue wishing to place one therein can do so by a remittance to Hev. It. W. Boyd, the superintendent of the home, lianuni Springs, who will see that it is properly applied. The best treatment for indigestion and troubles of the stomach is to rest the stomach. It can be rested by star vation or by the use of a good digest ant which will digest tlie food eaten, thus taking the work or! the stomach. At the proper temperature, a single teaspooufulof Kodol will wholly digest 3,000 grains of food. It relieve! the present annoyance, puta tlu stomach in shape to satisfactorily perform ib unctions. Good for indigestion, sour stomach, flatulence, palpitation of the heart and dyspepsia. Kodol is made iu strict conformity with the national pure food and drug law. Sold by C, N. Simpson, Jr., and Dr. S. J. Welsh. Colchester is England's great oys ter fishery, and so much of the wealth and fame of the place is de rived from the industry that the season has opened with much cere mony. "The city father sail to the fishing ground and the mayor formally assists in raising the first dredgeof bivalves. Afterward, iu fulfillment of an ancient custom, there is a luncheon, at which the distinctive luxury is gingerbread ashed down with raw gin, a com bination which, a London paper assumes, will fix the event in mem ory for several days." Good for everything a salve is used for aed especially recommended for pile. That is what we say of DeWitt'a Witch Hael Salve. On the market for years and standby in thousand! of families. Get DeWitft. Sold by C.N. Simpson, Jr., and Dr. S. J. Welsh. When you INSURE You should be SURE That you m INSURED. Ws represent companies that have enjoyed the full confidence of the Insuring public many years, not the new but the -Old and Tried- not the "square deal," but the "FAIR DEAL." It Is through fair dealing that we solicit t tit patron age of the Insuring public and ruarantes to them the best pro tection against toss, whether It be by Fire, Accident, Loss of Life, Health or otherwise. Oct the best. It costs you th same. Insurance DGoanment 01 me reooiG's Bank. W. ft. GORDON, ftQCrt. Hade Happy for Life. Great happinesacame into the home of S. C. lilair, school superintend ent, at St. Albans, W, Ya., when his little daughter was restored from the dreadful complaint he names. He says: "My little daugh ter had St. Vitus' dance, which yielded to uo treatment but grew steadily worse nutil as a last resort we tried Electric Hitters, snd I re juice to say three bottles effected a complete cure." Quick, sure cure for nervous complaints, general de bility, female weaknesses, impov erished blood and malaria. Guar anteed by all druggists. Price. 50c, B ,4 t'a ah Will! Notice. North Carolina, t Sna-rlr t'nurt, Iih.mi t'.Miiily 1 bVf..re the flerk. John Harvey kirr et al. 1 v. ( soTur Kllut arrvaay Internal, i III Hi," a'e rlllltl'.! urns-tal rtroeeedlrnr. the rrn-n,lanl. K. I'. !i"t.r, William lkalr. Tliouia IkNiter anl K I. Ik-u-r. anil Thouia Ikn-r. w,n of Frank lolt'r, ,)' ,1 a 1,1 take ti- tin thai all action enllllM ail lUrt'r ha )en commenced tit the su,crt,ir Court of I nton cotlnU, N t' , t tarlilloii the tanl of Hie lale sarlna. Orerne and lila.! Hooter Ituatcl in Huford tonhlt and fullf deiHTIId In the iielitloa Hied ta-fore the clerk, and "aid de fendant mill further take maice mat they re remnred to appear al the office ol Hie I lerk ol the suiaTl.tr Court of I nl'-n county, al Won , S c . n Monday, the Win .lay of Noiem- ler, hd. and anower or demur lo c,iii,laltit. tatiiltfN will apply to the court for the re lief demanded In aaid complaint. lliU Ih'lolirr the elh. le" K. A. AKMIIKI II.C. S C. John C.SIkra, Ally Notice of Administration. Having tht day .niallned hefope the Clerk of the Superior Court of I ti ion county. N . c., an administrator of K ti. lieeae.atl hereon hold tlnf elalin airalhat the estate of nald deceased are herehy n. Mined lo present them to the un dernlirnetf administrator on or Ivfore the;iih lav of Ih'tolMT. iwo;, or this notice will la plcaited In tar of their rlirhl of recovery. All nerMoin, Indexed to aald estate are notttled to make iinniedtate imyinenl. ThU the SMth day of sepleml-r. Ima. I It a sa v l son, i,ii mi si , i,. Administrator. R S Redwtne, Ally. The excertsive prevalence of ma laria in Greece is engaging the at tention of English physicians. It is said to be checking the develop ment of rural lile, and Is a very serious thing for the nation. The statistics of the country show that ont of a population of 2,500,000 there were a.r0,0o0 cases of malaria annually, and the deaths were about 1, TOO. Last year the num ber of cases increased to 900,000, and the deaths to 5,916. Prof. Savas, of the University of Ath ens and physician to King George, is imitating a movement to deal with the platue. A Year of Blood. The rear 1903 will loot be remem bered in the home of F. N. Tacket of Alliance, Ky., asa year of blood, which Unwed so copiously from Mr, Ticket's lungs that death seemed very Dear. He writest "Severe bleeding from the lungs ud frightful congb had brought me at death's door, when I began taking Dr. King's New Discovery for con sumption, with the sstooishing re sult that after taking four bottles I was completely restored and as time has proven permanently trared." Guaranteed (or sore longs, eonghs and colds at all druggists. Price 60c. and L Trial Iwttle free Floe Huilding Lots for 5a le. By virtue of the power rrpoar-d in us by aavtwa 27 uf In Ritual of 116, list of North Caiuhna. we offer for aak at puMir auction, at U o'clock m. on Friday. Pecember 14. ta th htv'h-t bkkfc-r. at 0t court house uVair in jaonnae. N. C. six town k-U. stralJU each, this iirtsprfty fnjntinsr four lotaonSnnfurdandtwoun Branch at rt-t, and bins' on the bturk jtuthackaf Maj. U U. Andrew a . Ihear arc ueautiiui aevel Iota, convenient to the city, rra- dt-d achuola and city water ptpra. and this aale atTonla an unequalled opportu nity fur the purr hair of first class buihi iiu luts cloaa in to the business centre of the citv. These kU will he sidd asa w hoi am Bt'naratelv. lavis Arnihekl wiil show buyers over the puipk-rty. 1 hia pto-ny la uii for the pt.rnea- of inipnitirta; the rity gradni -ahtad pnp- rrty. leiltw of sak-: raah. K. s. iiot'STo.M, stayor. T. C. I.KK. IAU A'iMI IK! P, J. A. STKW AST. KaVIMU PH kl.l'r'KARN, J. T. SHITK. Hoard of Akk-micn. Notice of Administration. llavitwr this day qualiti.d before the Ch-rk of the Surriur Court of I'nion CtHinty as admii.istriitur of F. It. Ste venson. oVe"tl, notk-e ia hereby given to all those who have tUima axinat the said decvaseil hi present the same to the umk ritited administrator, on or Is fore the liith ilav of Novemls-r. A. U.. l!i7. or this notice will Is pleaded in bar of thetr riffht t f nvi.vi ry. All pei-aon itateliteU to si:lil esutte are notined n nuke immediate payment anil save cost. This the sih dav of Nnvemlter, lists. W. . LANKY. Admr. of I'. II. Stevenson, dee d. Redwine A Sil.i, Attya. SJe of Farm Und Near Allan. ft l'ttw rtsf m arstar BkAjv.W Uf A Ana WhI, I'tty-t-ft Sjaf laW BtlfemrVr ( tajr. IS ft gfjawrlatl rrttotw railtisrsi J H UBtar k mi. ft t' will sripajav IW pat hr tatriawsjm, tut ta lava bafartf4 Is'. Momlny, iVci-mbrr X7t lIKXi, At IS .i'rtU-rk. m the (fwatirt mmm 4m ia Mav rt. S 4' . trt fssdUivaiBC tawjjrrihr4 trmri vi 1 tiitf n4 tnaT 1st Huforil ( Nhl.sjvljwniakai lik tait ltni . laaratiaf atotk avavsl otaVrrs. latllBvlrJ 4UI tjasrftlsrl talti: JjWl (! I f ! p flsl ! ilssoo in iuJbffi Ksa trr lirjr ft'psi ma ia Ul tinv k.H I a atitts .( Iiiika.rriso-inaf (h A'isaaa brnt- Iwalt j bf f SIH! hh-kaaTT ! b t lift f that bm .HrvPj . lb-tra tasiiia aUU lias a S IWrhain tw a 1 I ! I- - d la . 1st Ihiriintf Mri In. 1ltw lta skmI llf ha llrltain. la a .Vsv 'iayrk (tsakl Uf b , Im artd I fa trtsterw- . Iiirnrt ana Ihrv 4 an Uk.ter'4 lm- m lss..a: Vi't ritattrto and Uk Utaisintr: Ihemf ff TI iHftialH ami at lm(fi. rrutiiiar Ins ssaraaTara a t) ti iiu art! tan p .i , ttar lx.r tH lufhoiia anal a itmt U U t-iaaiaat. p' tam in? -, arrsjBsa ar.il twin th lartsU tlwsl liy u.rl tl-r ft Hrrvn mfrr lor her lift liw a-.t l br-r sltailt hyr rutllwit iM .irw-s U It's f-wr ltr.1 la Hsa-kta aTSf- . . jMit ujim I a. ih tit if.tri tf tis kfiriir .4 I .. -af t tthtft r stiNitr TVeiM.,4 ail; caa Tin Stttra-'trr iha li'U. Iwa K KFIniK.rasMl ste-.Ulr.tw A sue. Altjr. FOR SALW. About 225 Acres Very Very Fine land. ke-Sak of l-and. Iv virtue sf ait rtlfr anal aWrt aiatW ljr h M.sr jtistsaa. tt ittitis? al rrltruary trrw lh ui'ttr t'lturi of I iihtn rsuiMtjf. North ,r,.f i i . a nwil M'tuta ihtnin tittiiiif taattai at t.li au-ihn. at ih mturt Ittiu-f taajkt in Huniitr. P i It i I w lam i . actor iaatvtl tif laiil IjrliiaT aittl l-finn in Jak t uvwnsirhtn, amid iHtontr anl Hiait. aJ- jtniiiiitf Hi riaitf i iitU tf Mm Julia t ur-ttn and utiirr. (MsuiittsMi as Tiiii: un in kh uiii H th tin ltlt-wn tlr Hiaitp of N.trth rarll na ami i.uitlt l arit.ina u tii North antl K-l tT hvrlalt Unilwof Mr. Julia Turrhtn m Mr K J wal.uii. ami n Hit- Iv tltr lanttt f Jan H. t anil lavi.l HMtt i iit Mn K HtMMli, rHuiialiilntf it mrm m rv or !-. aikI known a a im'i f lh Alf aatnltr Hh( tract uf tlir a-ataif latiilf tsf JaiUf- Ht-tM, tH- tt. IrrtiiM t-f waif ; i ah rKNK ARMKIKID, K H KHiVMSK. (-illlllllWtllllarw. kv-Sale of l and. M) s irtits sf an r.:r aM If K A Arait-Wtri. rtrrk tf I ha tufjavrttrf 'itiil. in Ibto .(ta-i'ial pr itr-tTHluis -fi:tiltl il II IM-Mtn. alawi nttoiraliis faras lliHMtM. Vtraiw-l. v. Welej Htnaal al . IIhp umWrairnay-t fHniuli(ltttrna will, ssa Muntl.iy, lHviulHr ;l, l.HNl, al lh raturt htua tt--r In Msar-r. V .. m mII I al Hi.ttir autla l the lit' ft UtlslVr ih U4 ; lua in c tO-riii-a1 trart tf Utttt l irtr la Mttnt liiiiip.a'lj"Uiliit ihr latiaitisf Mtkatr-o H imsmhi and Hhri, ! it : All that )t.f or laanrel of lanl anoan ! Aari.ii Minnas tract aa1 lafiiiaT 1 1. mnai.ittfr l ll.e nlirij u"t arr traci Wttrtil lt 4'n Hintn in ha ran llias-sa un rtlh Aptll. lMt. a'ttl tf-t-.r,'p K.H.4 6. lavr Mi, in tft oftW of the Ktvlolrr of -r-l sf I nhw rouiily, af'rr rvtviMiia an r iclttslinr llaa-rew us sit! off to M Hmttn n . Saarvh. ltTil-ti book ti, laaue kn;. In ait Keri-Ir' isiltcsfi, ami al. -itiviuii. ia as-rw tai-ajatrti lonaltl Mftx-s M -.. .) Kh A'irii-l, Ittst trtp Hook . jttut Hi In f-aM t.ilicei. antl tay-iatf a I racl of I.", a ' i.M. Icrm taf ai: iah. Bll- t" Its-irlil at IT.., tha Ul.t. Iu.ia iH'H iaiMrtii t iui amoum. Thla latstisrr tt, I. A M (TAiK. K I.KMMOSU, I 'otH m I sMtltklTrtrni. Lxccutof 'j Notice Hx.vMn .ay .iJ4llfsl hefun th(lerk of tlirt -nri o I iii.mi o.umjf, Nttrili t antlina. aa f kis-u'.. i ( i1 e trUtf .f anialHlia rli1ia, tie tar all ttrr-atii- rr lirrvltV littllllfKl r pfe pitt mr vlaii'iav tiut ti.rjr atay have atfaintit al.' e-'hi- t .Me ntusrih,'nel iH-ntor s-n or laffitte i be vlh itajr ' n-fcohrr, A. t hwT, t thh n.t(. la- U-..tt In ltr t.f their rtifhtof rtHtke- t.11 iseiMtiitt Intlfhtftl to ilt e-tate arr it.-iilit 't ! make ininietliale ranteot. 1 1ll Ihr J'lii ta' f cVptruil-er, A l It-M I.. L tiklKKIN. Kir of riatnaiitlia ti r ifli n, der'U. K H Kf-lwlne, Atlr. with The People's Bank would be of a great advantage to the man with a small as well as k large business. We have our methods Partnership Notice. Nollee la hereLy irlven that tlie larnterNhll, of W ini'liester A Stephenson lias teeu dissolved l.y the death of r H. Stephenson. atul lite uti- ilersiitiied aurvlvliis-liartuer of said flritt will old mi the iiartiier-hlti affairs of the same. Notltv Is herel.y viveil loall creditors of said partnership to presenl their claim lotlie un terslirned survlvlim hartner on or laft,re the sth day of Novenilwr, A It li'T, or this liotlt-e alll Is. ,lealed In lar of their rnrht of rei.v ery. All ttersou. indehled to -aid Itrtn are noil tlenl to make Immediate iavRiem and saveetwl. Tills Hie sih day of N.oeTiiler. A. I' ll""l J WIM'HKBTKS.aurvtvUMt I'artner of W im-ltesler A Hti-iheliaull. Ke.lalne t Site.. Ally. established on such a thorough and systematized basis as to make banking here an absolute safe and certain method of procedure whether done by mall or In person. Small ami large accounts solicited. : : : : : The peopie'sBant NEW STORE NEW GOODS I have opened up a line of dry goods, shoes, hats and notions in the Myers' building lately occupied by T. J. Caudle, and I am prepared to sell you good goods cheap. Come around and try me. J. T. DOSTER. The Sik;es Co. Do you need a new buggy If so we have by far the larg- )) est and most comnlete lot ever exhibited in Monroe. Big lot of surries and harness that we will sell cheap. A car of one and two-horse wagons that we will sell cheap to make room for more. We have on hand from 75 to 100 head of horses and mules for sale or ex- change. See us before buying or trading. Th)e Siloes Co. Needs the Money. Land lie well, five-room tenai t house, good laruaiidoutliuilttiii.:, well watered with as tine spring i a ever bubbled from the uiounUui side; about '2.1 acres open land, which pays in rent yearly from e to fit) per acre. About loo acres natural forest, atxnit 100 acres of seroud growth, which will average at least 7.1 or Ml cords wood -r sere. This laud is very fertile and early, black gravel with red clay foundation. It will easily produce from twelve to blteen buudred lbs. seed cotton per acre. Almut l." acres bottom laud thst will produce from forty to fifty bushels corn per sere. If it's the most good laud and timber (biih lumber and eonl wood timber) on want in a smalt body, here it is. Parties w ishing, can obtain public it mil right through the place. Hue uf as healthy loca tions as ou I be globe. Partiea look ing tor an ideal all-round farm, for health, line waceiyiuoiiey umkiug, nearMouroe, (lutilt,) with the most timber sua most fertile laud iu oue small body, look at this. It's necesttary for it to be seen to be sppreciated. This plantation is as cheap at ten thousand dollars as potatoes at thirty cents per bushel. The timber alone on the land wilt more than pay for the sune ami wheu iu cultivation three or four years' rent will pay for the land the second time. r litest cotton, clover sud small grain grit in the county and eminent cultivated. hor particulars see John ('. Sikes or li. M. lieavtley, real estate deal ers, Monroe, N. C. JN0.W.NEA1,M.D.. MONROE, N. C, Solicit! that patrouag. of the people of Uuaroa and surrouudinn community. Call! answered in day (roin English Dru( Store; at night from residence an Cburcb street. Phone No. 48. I)U.K.S.(iU10HX. DENTIST. Ofhi'ks upstairs in I-aw building. MT'Phone ISM. DR. B.C. REDFEARN.O DSNTlkT. Charges reasonable. Satisfaction guaranteed. Office over Rudge't Book Store. MONROE, N. 0. Will be at Marahville, N. C, ou first tod third Mondays of each month, and it Matthews ou second and fourth Mondays. Phone ajJ W. B. HOUSTON, SURGEON DENTIST, Office op ttairs, Fitigerald building, Northwest of Courthouse, Monroe, N. C, CItII Engineer, PUONB 44. WlNdATR, N. C. Ortlfleate of t'rofleeney In Murvevluir fri.nt na. iuT ih. Isis.ll to. eakl leues I n N I ' T. twrl eiuerlenee lu Hallway, Muiilcltial and Ymrva Sunr.yin( Tils' AUD w jr. err a eou wll M TUB 0HIOIN AL MOVE S-i-COUGH 8old by M. E. McOau'ey, Druggist. HOLUSTIS Rocky Mountain Tea Nuggets i Doty atdlalas far Bosy Pwpls. IrUfS Ooldn Btaltk sad luml Vlgsr. A speelflfi for Conatlpatloa, India-estton. Mve -ad Kidney TrouMaa, nmples. Hcrem-l, In.pursi 'luod. Ba.f Breath. Slunlah Bowela, lea.la I .ti Sackarh. It's Hooky HuuBtalg Tea In tal. S form, as oenla a bos. Oenuia. mail I y louirrsa Dsro CoarasT. N llnon. Wis. fX0Erl NUQQETt FOR ULLOtV PFOP The Youth's Companion FOR EVERY MEMBER OF THE FAMILY IlHB volume for 1907 will lUJ give lor $1.75 an amount oi good reading equivalent to twenty 400-page books history, fiction, science, biography and, miscellany costing ordinarily $1.50 each. Sample Copies of The Youth's Companion and Announcement for 1907 will be sent to any address free. Every New Subscriber was eats sat as stais thla slip st sass witk Ha aaA asartss aaa St.n WIS rsetifs FREE AH ta tsstws sf The Ctsaaaakw hw tkt Maiatsf -nska el at). Tsaaksfi-. lt, Ckrtstsua aat S Taat's Daatla StatfcMS. Th GatayaaM's rsat-laaf Saaftsf Oatoaau fat tan at ta aslw aaa (oU, aai Tas Caapaaiaa fat tka si wa.es mm a HStsryaf uw kst naauf ha ran asstsst si ta taauly. tit 90a hi cask aaa assay other speelal avarA. as saharriners ko (H Bra aabscrlyttaaa. StaS str taka-aaaUoa. Ta TfMrrrt CsstrAiiiai, twrtn. Nasi lr SBkatrlaskaas rarVn4 al IklaaAWa.

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