XWCflahle Pr(rsdoiror As similating fccFortlandBoula ling the Stands and 13uv Is uf ness and IVst Contains neither Dpium .Morphute norXiucraL Not Nahc otic. A perfect Remedy forronstipa fion Sour Stomach. Diarrhoea Worms .Convulsions .Feverish nrss and Loss or Sleep. FttSimk SiOrvalurt of NEW YORK. IT 1 For Infants and Children. The Kind You Have Always Bough! Bears the Signature The Bucket Shop Evil Dead lor All Tim. ews u4 ONsersrr True Greatness. Sew U Observer. Tb world bean ao much of the Nature's Way Is Best. The funrboa strengthening and tiaaus) building pian of irewtiiuf rhruair, limyr- At J si U I In Use For Over Thirty Years GRSTOItlA T iK. Iwt .-t nf i k. big and ots-tinat rue uf nni uur- .u.j.. 'u-.-K'T,ij by I. I". I lol lowing; imr the Legislature of l!H).s wnicn lidUUiy ,0 go., one public service N.turas piaa o ivMurioe acai th ru uv irood thiutrs. was the paseaire , ihr the vtrt fir! cLsjm citizen I natural rwnedie. that 1$ of the V outlaid act, deigned toi ho doe. his duty aud doe. it quirt- i 'ET," wtouTS shut up the bucket shot stud rod , . i aa-ldora heard about in the in nimiiiun- uf u.h time and paper. The Atlauta treorgian, in ita Christina, eve natter, print a t i 7 CUBES RHEUMATISM LUMBAGO. SCIATICA NEURALGIA and KIDNEY TROUBLE "I WOW" taken tntvrcallr. rtda the blood of lb poiaonous matter aud acids which are iba direct cause, of these disraara Applied eiiernaily It aflorda almost in stant relief from pain, w htle a .er'naoent ur. la being .fleeted by puritying the blood, dissolving trie poisonous ut stanos and removing It from tb system- DR. S. D. BLAND Of Brvwtoa, Gat.. wrtti had bam a auffarwr for a nntabuW of ymr with l.urotaatfo ai'dJ Klicuoiatlam tn niv arm anil la, and trl1 all Ui ru.ts1rea that 1 cmii d smths from roa.tt. al worki. ami aiao .-onittl a lib a aumhar of tha hai yrii alilana. bin lound Bothlnsr tbavt h ret otomiu-A fr-ra tvlK Pft " I (ball oraiTtta It tn my pnoUoa a and Kiaoran uaaaaaa. a -- . If I ji 11 BettHf I I B I2r ) I I n I Cauaa. Eta. J I 7f p-yVr'1Mr I I T" '"'at 1 yCfr" I I ararj iKii'"a. 1 1 If Ttn are anfforlna with RbeumatimB. Nmiraiaia. Uuincf Trouble or an? kin dred dieae. write to us for a trial bottla of a-Dliurs." arid teat It jouraelf. "(mtOPS can be uaed nr lemili of time without awiulrlna a "drua bahit." aa It Is enilrelr frea of opium, alexins, alcohol. laudaauiB. and oibsr aimiiar Intfredienta. Laraeai.e BMtl. "K.nnnr"eeDM.) ai.aa. ft ai. bf Draasi.t tWAMOl IHEOMATta OUR! C0MF1IY, BH. nil. - tt. t-ai. Slil l -M.K. Met 'an ley, llrngjtist. ; M h. FLOW, Conmiioaer of Deeds for South Carolina, It North Carolina: also a Justice or tbe Peace (or Union County, and MoUrj Public lor North Carolina. :-: :-: Special attention given to taking Af fijavita, Ackuowledtrment or I'roof ol Deeds, Mortgages, Contracts, Kill Sale, Powers of Attorney, Keuuncia tions of Power and Inheritance, Uep ositious, Writing and I'rohating Deeds Mortgages and all otlier parers, issuui Slate Wan ants, Claim and Deliver) and Attachment papers, Civil Sura muiis and the Collection of Claims. Office at M. L. Flow Co.'s Store east of courthouse, Monroe, N. C ling's Dyspepsia Tablets r.URE INDIGESTION AND STOMACH TROUBLES Sold by M. K. MeCuiiley, Druggist ManZani Sold by M. E. McUuley, Druggist. eachct th Spoi Stops paiin intUutlr tie Orv.il Pila Curt ut up in Itibei witb f acta I Dotslt. 3COOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO Heath Hardware Co. the celebrated Plows j ust arrived. They are going like wild fire. Come quick miss the size you is one. Watch as he reaps this harvest. You fail to get one and you will have none to reap. Another car load Chattanooga arc going lik and get one lest you want. Your neighbor Heath Hardware Co. ; JOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO tbe bucket aliop eviL It bad haid aleddiog to get through the Legia- lature, and when it pata ita op poueut declared that the anieud meuta put ou it in tbe Senate would dent ivy it. But it shut up the bucket ttbopa aud lu tota year auu a half baa Mved many tliousaud dollar to North t'arolina. Tbe bucket shop folks hated to give up , tbe soft auap of makiug big mouey by that a beel or lortuue ui istalleu aridoai "business" aud they have for near-1 fa" ' ) 'r'J l tt.. .h..t. . r ur.,1 . Klf ,,.nrl,r Utwi Ihlra d Uila- ' " - t through tbe cou-U to have the law annulled thrvugh coutititutional or other grouud. The Supreme Court of North Carolina upheld tbe act aud then au appeal waa wade to the Supreme Court of the I'nited States. Ou the day lefore Christ mas that great tribuual kauded dowu au opiuiou upholding the North Carolina act. That perma nently ends the bucket shop evil in North Caroliua. Tbe actiou of the State in this matter ha not only helped North Carolina folks, but has as well helped other States, for Georgia has passed and Alabama will pass effective auti bucket shop legislation. North t'arolina sets the pace! Of course there is no way of tell ing how much money these eut ic ing shops carried out of North Caro lina every year. Now aud then by the sort of gambling practiced a mau would make money by gouie turn of the wheel, and then the whole country would hear of his cood luck, aud hard workiug men would lose their "gumption" aud take a turu in the hoe that tbey could make a fortune by gambling. Of course they called it "specula tiou" but the fact is it was a more demoralizing form of gambling than that which poses under no high sounding name. Not many years ago a proserou9 farmer of Wake, who had dug a small sized fortune out of the ground, was persuaded to give the wheel a turn. It pnt several kuudred dollars in his pocket and was his ruin, for he lost iu future operations all that he had accumulated iu a lifetime of thrift and economy. All over the South there are meu who have been ruined by this gambling which wa. given respectability. Meu who would have scorned to play cards moved into the vortex of lietting iu these bucket shops to see tlieii fortunes swallowed up. Like Silas Warner they put their money iu "a hole iu the ground," and it nev er came back. Hut worst of all, the young men of small incomes iu brokers and business men's ollices, seeing their employers bet in these shops, followed their bad example. lieu one out of a hundred hit it lucky, ninety out of every huudred lost all they had, aud the balance became einltezzlers or made ship wrecks of life. If all tue money lost in bucket shops iu the past twenty years iu this species ol gambling could lie returned tn North Caroliua, it would surprisi the people to see how many cotton factories it would erect and equip for we have lost many hundreds ol thousands of dollars by our peo ple'g attempting to get rich by bet ting against the men who run thi game tbutit Ihw ttae ul alcubul. ai b aaiNrul cuuilMiuitua la Just Ibarujul prtvtHa. nwluhrm nnknnarn twwt in the! " InifTrdlMrta Of IV. Pfenvl f; . , T , . , , i Uoktra Mrtluai Iftiwtrrr. llia.k I hrrrj- thirago Kcord Herald aa ita lead-. ur. y.i.. rx tkWa tval ruut. iog editorial. Here is the poem: Hlr.4 aid sui r. "iaii nn " llH-ir inDurnrw In ravauf lunf. brunrbiaJ "Yoa wrTer heard uf lum'l urrt. I dua l 1 iik! threat Urouuln. kbal tliu lNaivv bmt i. I aaT la. ifjrrrdirr. nervij- rvamlT I want , u-ll ;o there are frw a. ral a. hi- ' hrrwhiua. Imrtriijrilia. fhR cuuba. The almve mute ru also ha the GROWTH OF QOV ERN1ENT OWNERSHIP. Chamberlain's Cough Remedy a safe niediciue for children. In buy ing a cough medicine for children nev er be afraid to buy Chamberlain lougn Kemedy, lheie is no dangei from it, and relief is always sure t( follow. It is intended especially for coughs, colds, croup and whooping cough, and there is no better medicine in the world for these diseases. It is not only a certain cure for croup, but wlien given as soon as the croupy cough appears, will prevent the attack Whooping cougb is not dangerous when this remedy is given as directed It contains no opium or other harmful drugs, and may be given as conhdeut ly to a baby as to an adult. For sale by English Drug Co. FOR SALE! Very About 225 Acres Very Fine land. Needs the Money Land lien well, five-room tenant house, good barn and outbuildings, well watered with as fine spring as ever bubbled from the mountain side; about 25 acres open land, which pays lu rent yearly from fa to 4M0 per acre. About 100 acres natural forest, about 100 acres of second growth, which will average at least 1 5 or 80 cords wood per acre. '1 bis land Is very fertile and early, black gravel with red clay fonudation. It will easily produce from twelve to fifteen hundred lbs. seed cotton per acre. About 15 acres bottom land that will produce from forty to fifty bushels corn per acre. If it the most good land and timber (both lumber and cord wood timber) you want in a small body, here it is. rartiea wishing, can obtain public road right through tbe place. One of as healthy loca tions aa on the globe. Parties look ing for an ideal all-round farm, for health, fine water, money making, near Monroe, (11 miles,) with the most timber and most fertile land in one small body, look at this. It's neccmary for it to be seen to be appreciated. This plantation is aa cheap at ten thousand dollars aa potatoes at thirty cents per bushel. The timber alone on the land will more than pay for the same and when in cultivation three or four years' rent will pay for the land the second time. Finest cotton, clover and small grain grit in the county and easiest cultivated. For particulars see John C Sikes or Q. M. Beaaley, real estate deal ers, Monroe, N. C kUr . He aever held a,onVe. but jul tial Biearut Alat thl. her a4dta' .oTt.-e .nethli. nat Ih ked alone 0.ultlln' late and ilartm' early. aterOa' t rttiUe lib a arta. He didn't leave no autll-in. Iul airain I wtb to taw That, la any itnlm lnl houM l nuwhere.1 with tbe ureal. "He never d..ne no fljrhttn' .ii the land or the ee. He wk.nl ao Np.le-'n nor a 'i-snt. nor ret a lee. No doubt thl l'terHint Morgan rould of hm nel him la a trade. And to far aa ed.lj.-alion l eoneerned, why. I'm afraid That Ian"l ato l hardly what you'd rail X number one. r'orhe pt hl srhooltn' ai.wlly out lienealh the binin' uu ; The paper arner bothrred over Hau l lireiM'r affair. But a (real aian had drpated alien hei-lum the itoldrn stairs. "He never wrote no poem, nor ot up Inven tion so The world would move on swifter than the iro-Hl Uird blade It iro; He eouldn't preach a sermon nor expound tbe law to you. But he ml-ie.1 two boys, by folly. that were do rent throuirh and throuich. H laiutht 'eni to Ir holiest. nd he tauitlit 'em to l true; He tautfht em to tw nianly. and that there's a lot to do. He raised his boys to honor him. and so 1 w ixh to state That. In my opinion. Pan'l should be number ed wllh the ureal." After priuting the poeui, the Georgian happily sas: "Now why should we Iwther a ptiem like this with au editorial comment. It explains itself. It carries its own lesson and its ow n moral. It is belter than any edi torial which could harass it. "What constitutes a at ate! Not high raised battlements nor martial armament, but meu, clean meu, brave meu mid true. "As a annulment to any man's memory there's no sort of compari son between a fortune for children to waste, and children who are a fortune iu themselves. The debt of Georgia is not to the Eli's who raise up children after the build of Ilaphui ami l'liineas, but to the Cornelias who whose sons are not less the 'jewels' of their mother than the real ornaments of the State. "We will take our chances on the orators and statesmen of the coming decade if God will send Georgia iu every voting precinct a Dan'l Gregi;, Who'll raise two boys, by a-olly. who are de rent iliruiitrh and throuirh.'" Bishop Smith Dies 5uddenly of Heart Failure. Bishop A. Coke Smith of the Methodist Episcopal church, South, died suddenly of heart failure at Asheville last Thursday. He had been at Asheville for some two vehrs for treatuieut for tnberculo sis, from which he was thought to have beeu recovering, and had be come able to preach frequently. The reiuaius were buried at Nor folk, Va. ltishop Smith presided over the Western North Carolina Conference when it held its scsnion in Monroe a few years ago, and his fine personality will be readily re called by all who saw and heard bim. The following sketch of his life is taken from the Charlotte Ob server: 'Bishop Smith was Ii7 years of age, having lieen born in Sumter county, 8. C, September Hi, l4!t. He was a sou of Iiev. W. II. and Isabella Smith, his mother before marriage being a Mcleod. He was graduated from Wofford College, Spartanburg, S. C, in 1872, receiv ing in 1874 the degree of A. M. He became a doctor of divinity in 188., by act of Lrskine College, Due West, 8. C. On December 22, 1875, he was wedded to Miss Kate Kinard of Newberry, S. C. From 18StJ to 18!0 Dr. Smith occupied the chair of mental and moral phil osonhy in Wofford College, aud was a professor of practical theol ogy in Vanderbilt University from 18!)0 to 18!2. He resigned in the latter year to return to the pastor ate. In 18!)1 he was a delegate to tbe Ecumenical Conference at Washington, where he read a paper on Christian co-operation. He was a fraternal delegate to the general conference of the Methodist church of Canada, at Toronto, in Septem ber, 1S!I8. "It was at the general conference of the Methodist Episcopal church, South, held at Dallas, Tex., iu May of 1!)02, that Dr. Smith attained bis crowning distinction, being elected bishop. This office he held unto bis death. "Bishop Smith waa an original thinker and a forceful speaker. He was well known throughout this section. About four years ago he waa for one year a resident of Char lotte. He was, during bis career, pastor at CLeraw, Charleston, Co lumbia and other South Carolina points. It was while pastor of Ep worth church, Norfolk, Vs., in 1902. that he waa elected bishop. Two years ago be removed to Ashe ville for his health." strHuii4 isHteitils mltiTMnHfit frona the leaUniK airtlit-al w mora, of all the several avtionts ol pra. lux. lor the rurw not only ol the di a-os named ivvi but also It liktiavsiii n. tn "f liver, or bilaoua loa. ultimate eouMipatitin. knit? aud bladder ir.Hitil,- ami catarrh, no aiatu-r where lor!!. You V'l havw to take Or. PWtreVs t3y-.i alone aa this; what he riaim lor Itia lhivtry a is harked up by tbe wriMiMTtof the ni.iet eminent tnvn in the Hiediral prof ! hi. A roouet by postal rard or k-ltrr. a.l.ltvwd V. lr. R. V. r-m. Hiitlalo. X. V . for little bnnk ol ettrarta lrtm eminent medical au-thonll,- ruilorsiii the tnifmtit'iiU of his modu'lnoa. will linn a litlks l'k trtt that la worthy of your attention if m-edina a (st. safe, n hable reme.lv of knoern tsimisiaiton for the riire of aimoat any old rhruun.. or luncring malady. Ir. IMetw'a Pleasant Hellew cure eon sttation. thie little IVIl. t " I a avutl. Uvalivw, and two a mild cathartic. . The mint valuable book tor both men and women la lr. lVrcea .'omruon N.ne Medlral Ad- sseai viwr. A splendid U uaife si. volume, with ni:raving and nilored plates. A ropy. pnia-r-ruvered. will b aviit to anyone sendina 11 eenta in one-rrnt atamiov to pay thee t of niailum mlu. to lr. K. V flen-e. Hutlalo. X. V. 1 loth-bound. 31 slauiua. Children in Factories-. Senator Tillman. I Mieve with all my heart that no child under fourteen years of age should be permitted to work in a factory or mill uuless it has had sufficient schooling. The only ex ceptiou I make of this is iu the cases of children who have lost both parents and are absolutely depending on their own efforts for support. If the choice lies between letting the child work or commit ting it to a charitable institution I would take the first alternative that is, of course, if the child was physically strong and able to do the work it was given. But I Mieve that in no circum stances should any child twelve years old or under be allowed to work iu a factory and become stunted aud dwarfed iu mind aud body. The State should provide for the maintenance of children under that age who have no parents or legal guardians to support them, aud 1 favor a drastic law that would prevent parents from putting children of that tender age iu fac tories. I have not read Senator Hever idge's bill carefully, but I under stand that it provides that uo car rier of interstate commerce shall accept for transportation the pro ducts of any factory or mine iu which children under It years old are employed. I dou't know wheth er I would be iu favor of a propo- sitioe like that or not. It seems to me that the interstate commerce act is In'ing worked too hard. If we keep ou using it to right every wrong that is alledged to exist we shall soon wear it out. County Assessor Waylaid J. W. Coulter of Leslie, S. D., as sessor of Stanley couuty, relates tbe following: "I was waylaid by complication of throat and lung troubles, bronchitis, asthma and terrible cough, which had affected me for years, when I was persuad ed to try Dr. King s New Discov ery. lielief came almost immedi ately, and iu a short time a perma nent cure resulted." No other medicine compares with it as a sure and quick cure for coughs and colds. It cures after all other rem edies have failed. Every bottle guaranteed at English Drug Co.'s. Price 50c. aud (1. Trial bottle free. The Price of Peace. Tbe terrible itching and smarting, in cident to certaio skin diseases, is al most instantly allayed by applying Chamberlain's Salve. Price ij centa. For sale by English Drag Co. The Duke of Bedford has pre sented Lord Tavistock, his eldest son, with silver-mounted motor car for his use while at Oxford University. Tbat'a the house th. Dnetor built. Th. blaaest boas you see: Thanh aoedness he don't ael nwr aioner. for w. UUa Holllstar's Rorty uoontalnTea. agnail uruf iaipaay The I)ean of Canterbury relates this anecdote of his own school days: lu the school house at Hug by, when he was there, new boys in the hrst winter term had to stand on a table and sing "The Brave Old Oak" before all the boys of tbe bouse. If they ftaug to tbe satisfac tiou of the house they were taken into good fellowship. Otherwise they hud to drink half a glass of salt and water, made so thick that they could stand a ruler ou it. He was very sorry to make the coufes sion that he had to drink the salt and water. Food don't digest? Because tbe atom ach lacks tome one of the essential digestants or the digestive juices are not properly balaoced. Then, too, it it this undigested food that causes sourness and painful iudigestiou. Ko- dot For Indigestion should be used for relief. Kodol is a solution of vege table acids. It digests what you eat and corrects the deficiencies of the di gestion, Kodol conforms to the na tunal pure food and drug law. Sold her by Dr. S. J. Welsh and C. N. Simpson, Jr. Soon after the Senate bad gone into action tbe other morning, W. It. Peffer slipped into the cham ber and took a vacant seat near that occupied by Senator Long of Kansas. This is believed to be tbe first time ex Senator Peffer has been on the scene of his former oratorical efforts since Kansas Pop ulism gave way to Kepublicamsm. When the cold winds dry and crack the skin a bos of salve can lave much discomfort, la buying salve look for the name on the boa to avoid any im itations, and be sure yoa get tbe orig inal DeWitt's Witch Hazel Salve. Sold by Dr.S.J. Welsh and C.N.Simpson.Jr. Wise men ascertain what is on the other side of the hurdle before jumping at conclusions. Beats the Music Cur. "To keep the body in tune," writes Mrs. Mary Brown, 20 Lafayette place, Poughkeepsie, N. Y.,"I take Dr. King's New Life Pills. They are the most reliable and pleasaut laxative I have found." Best for the stomach, liver and bowels. Guaranteed by English Drug Co. 25c la a Few Years the Uea Has Gained Great headway and Moat Roads OuUide of United Slates Now Owned by Govern ments. In "Soldiers of the Common Good" in the January Everybody's. Charles Edward Russell speaks of government control outside of the United Slate. He writes: "IVrbaps we in this country give insufficient heed to the immense f irce of this trend (outside of our on country) toward the communal good. Take but the single item of government railroad ownership. In the beginning practically all rail road enterprises were owned by private capital. In PJOO there were lti13 miles of government rail roads in the world outside of the United States. Since that year Switzerland, Italy, and Japan have taken over their privately owned lines and the principle of govern ment ownership has Uen extended even where, so that in I'.HHi there are 220,730 miles (outside of the United States' owned by govern ment and only 91.9 It! miles owned by private companies. It seems likely from preseut indications that in a few more years there will haid ly be a mile of privately owned rail road in all Europe except ossibly in Spain. The life of private own ership in England will certainly be short, and the nationalization of the French nads is definitely settled. "It is necessary to bear in mind these facts in order to understand the amazement and mirth with which intelligent foreigners learn of such legislative wonders of our making as the railroad rate bill and the meat inspection bill. To them solemnly and elaborate fooling of this kind seems to belong to the childhood of the race." No one can observe with other eyes than those of a fish the trend of progress and not percieve that elsewhere than in the I'nited States men are coming to the conclusion that modern conditions and modern industrial concentration have ren dered useless the old theories of government, anil that for the ills modern conditions create, two things must be done: First, to substitute Hie interest of the community for the interest of the fortunate or powerful indi vidual. Second, to restrain Greed, not by regulating it, but by making im possible some of its most obvious and dangerous operations. "They like the taste as well as ma ple sugar" is what one mother wrote of Kennedy's Laxative Cough Syrup This modern cough syrup is absolutely free from any opiate or narcotic. Con tains honey and tar. Conforms to the national puie food and drug law. Sold by Dr.S.J. Welsh and C.N Simpson, Jr. An American citizen is a candi date for the Russian I Minna. He is Dr. Isaace A. Hourwich, for merly of Washington, 1). C, but returned to his native country two years ago to represent several pa pers prior to the Kussiau Japanese war. His friends, impressed by his familiarity with the govern ment and institutions of a free country, have prevailed upou him to run for the next Do tun a as an independent candidate from the district of Minsk. Bad Stomach Trouble Cured. Having been sick lor the past two years with a bad stomach trouble, a friend gave me a dose of Chamberlain's Stomach and Liver Tablets, They did me so much good that I bought a bot tle of them and have used twelve bot tles in all. Today I am well of a bad stomach trouble. Mrs. John Lowe, Cooper, Maine. These tablets are for sale by English Drug Co.( Mrs. ttlga Scott of Prairie du Kocher, 111., started to walk back to her old Kentucky home. At East St. Louis the police, notified by her husband, took her. She sold her wedding ring during ber sixty-mile tramp. Nearly every person who is subject to attacks bom the stomach suffers from a mor'id dread of a dietetic treatment for relief, that is three fourths starvation and one-fourth toast and milk. On tbe other hand you cati eat as you please and digest the food by the aid of good digestant, thus giving the tired stomach equally as much rest. Eat what you please and take little Kodol For Indigestion af ter your meals. It digests what you eat. Sold by Dr. S. J. Welsh and C. N. Simpson, Jr. . ill ought to be deposited In a good strong bank such as The People's Bank of Monroe. One of the great advantages of connecting with & bank of Its skill and experience Is the valuable advice it can give you on financial matters. We place t the service of our cus tomers our Judgment and knowl edge In all financial matters and heartily encourage the use of our facilities. In our career we have saved many serious losses by timely and sound advice on money matters and investments. Your Account Invited. TtieFeopie'sBanK Entombed Man Lived oa Toiaacc. Chariot Chraatrar. Tbe rescue of the miner Hicks, after having been confined in tbe bottom of a abaft tor fifteen days, was one of tbe mast remarkable in history. He bad no room to stand np, much leai to turn over, and bad to remain in practically ooe posi tion for over two weeks. People on the surface, knowing from the diagram exactly where be was im prisoned, drove a tube down, and through this ntilk was poured to bim. It also served as a speaking tube. But the strangest part of it all is that tbe wan declare, and sticks to it, that tobacco saved bis life. He had a plug in bis pocket He says: "And maybe you won't Mieve me, but sometimes down there I really enjoyed myself. That toltacco saved my life. It is the greatest foodstuff on earth, and but for it I would be in there a cold corise right now." A good many things have beeu claimed for to bacco, but ao far aa we know, it had not beeu previously placed in the list of foodstuff. He lived on this before the tube engineers got the milk supply to bim. Hicks has already received dime museum offers, aud one of his stunts should tie practical demonstrations of plug toltacco as a pure food. Half the World Wonders how the other half lives. Those who use But'kieu's Arnica Salve uever woudcr if it will cure cuts, wounds, burns, sores and all akin eruptions; they know it will. Mrs. Graut Shy, 11:10 E, Bey nobis st., Springfield, HI., says: "I regard it oue of the absolute necessities of housekeeping." Guaranteed by English Ding Co. 25c, Same Way in Union County. Char! ,tte 1.1,-rver. "If the Southern Cotton Associ ation has done nothing else, it has taught the farmers how to bold their cotton," remarked a leading merchant of the wharf to an Obser ver reporter yesterday. "For the past two weeks practically uo cot ton at all has beeu brought into Charlotte by those residing in the couuty. A few croppers brought iu several for Christmas, but none of the well-to-do farmers have sold a bale. The price is off aud they wou't sell. If the Southern Cotton Association had done nothing else than this one thing, it would have deserved the gratitude of the whole country, loucan say that Char lotte cotton merchants will resume business when the price goes back to the proper place." Builds up waste tissue, promotes appetite, improves digestion, in duces refreshing sleep, gives re newed strength aud health. That's what Hollister's Rocky Mountain 1 ea does. ;t5 cents, tea or tablets. English Drug Company. Clear up the completion, cleanse the liver and tone the system. You can best do this by a dose or two ol De Witt's Little Early Kiser. Safe, re liable little pills with a reputation, The pills that everyone knowa. Kec ommeudvd by Dr. S. . Welsh acd C N . Simpsou, Jr. Twelvo Chicago women will make up the jury to try the case of Mrs. M. A. Snyder against ber neighbor, Mrs. Mary Murphy. It is for slander, aud the judge de cided men could not accurately as sss the injury, if any. W I Slakewef . fnatdral J C Sites. Vkw-rnrsashml The American Magazine Has Changed Hands. For So Years It was Leslie's Popular Monthly. Ida M. Tarbell, who wrote Lincoln and the famous "Story of Rockefel ler"; William Allen White, the well known Kansas editor; F. P. Dunne, creator of "Mr. Dooley ; liay Stan nard Baker, author of "Railroads on Trial," and Lincoln Stellens of "The Shame of the Cities" fame, are un- ler the leadership of John S. Phil lips, now editing the American Mag azine. Never before has such a bril liant group been gathered together, and they are not only contributing themselves, but are filling the maga zine with the very best novels and short stories and great timely articles by other famous writers and beauti ful pictures by great artists. A Grkat Bargain. The regular price for the twelve numbers of The American Magazine is 1 1.20 little enough as it is, but for a limited time you can get the November and December, llNKi, numbers, with full year's subscription for 1907, for a dollar, or 14 numbers for only If 1. Think of it! Think of the quality of reading you get for 91. Think of the quantity at least two great nov els, 98 short stories, 28 poems, 70 timely articles, 800 beautiful pic tures, and all for SI. How Aimt'T Yoi'R Winter Rbad- ino? Cut this offer out, write your name and address on a slip of paper and mail it, with 1. Send it now today, before the special 14 months' offer is withdrawn. Send it by check, postal money order qr a dollar bill, at the publisher s risk, to The American Magazine, 141 Fifth Avenue, New York. Mortgage 5ale of Land. My virtue f a mnria-am deed .aerated to Coleman Stewart and S. A. Williams on the 1S!U day ol Kepiemher, IWS. and lit them aa sntned .nd sold to me on the asrd day of Jan. ary.ni. by Hiram Helms and his wife. Par. mrlla Helms. I will sell for rwh.at public auc tion, at tne coin nous, uoor in Monro., H. t;., on Monday, January 7th, 1907, the follnwlne uWrlls-rf tract of land lylne about iwo and a half miles alsive Monro on the t'harlole and MonMe haul, being th. home plae. of said Hiram Helms.and hounded aa follows: Heatnnlna at a stake In thet:harlotle road, A.M. Helms' corner, and runs with In. . haiiotte nstl a. at E. 7 ehalna to a stake la said nwd; Ihenee S. 10 W. f 7a chains ton staka In the Carolina Central railroad; theaoe with said rallnstd s. tai R in chains to a slake la tne center or said raiinaot; menca n.ai't K., crossing the Charlotte road al all links, the full line being M chains to a n-k; thence N.S W . i ehalna to a b I.; thene N. at E. ill .hams to a while oak; thene. S. ta E. 1st ehalna to a b. n., ly. s; Ihenee M. SI 14 I. is chain to a dead . o. by flv. plnea; thene. N. 1S W. Tli chains tn a red oak. dogwood, i C. I'haney'sand J. Helms' corner, thene. a. .7 W., passing A. M. Helms' and M. Helms' corners to the beginning, containing on. hundred and twenty arres more or less. Sold under the pro visions of th. aald mortgage deed. Thl. la a nice level tract of land eapaM. of high im provement, whereon Is a Iwo-etnrr bouse, oot good tenant house and good water. I his th loth day of Decern her, IWS) r. m si Trow. Assigns, of Mortgages. 0. Caldwell. Se. aad Treaa. The Monroe Insurance and Investment Co. This is a local corporation con ducting under the same charter and management several branches of business, as follows: Acts u agent for Life, Fire, Acci dent, Burglar and other kinds of Insurance, including Bonds for em ployees. Buys and sells real estate on its own behalf or on commission for others. Rents and manages real estate tor clients on small commission. Acts as Executor, Administrator, Guardian, Receiver, Trustee, and transacts a general Trust businesa. .e Lends money and negotiates loans for borrowers. Lends money and negotiates loans for clients without expense to the lender. Guarantees to clients principal and interest on securities. The offices are in the Bank of Union. JN0.I.ML.M.D., MONROE, N. C, Solicits th patronage of tbe people of Monroe and surrounding community. Calls answered in day from English Drug Store; at night from residence 00 Church street. Phone No. 48. at 90S 1906 POWERS' STRAIN, aTSSLINU, MASa. Eggs for hatching from Single Comb White Leghorns. Phone ITS. r. O. Bos as rtvoaiits svaavwHias. MONHOK. N.C. DR.E.S.GREEN, DENTIST. Officbs upstairs in Law building. par'Phone 158. DR. B. C. REDFEARN,t DENTIST.; Charges reasonable. Satisfaction guaranteed. Office over Rudge's Book Store. MONROE. S O. Will he at Marshville, N. C, on first and third Mondays of each month, and at Matthews on second and fourth Mondays. Phone 13a W. B. HOUSTON, SURGEON DENTIST, Office np stairs, FiUgerald Building, Northwest of Courthouse, Monroe, N. C. r HOLLISTCH Rocky Mountain Tea Nuggets i Buy Madlalai fee Buy Psopla. trlafi Baldae HaaJtk aad Raaswad Vigor. A apacifto for Constipation, IndlgMlon. I I. Ihd Kidney Troubles, rtmplee. Krrema, impure Jl.sal. Bad Braalh. Sluggish Rowels. Hwls. h nd Uackarbe. It'a Rocky Mountain Tea In tab let form, SB oeols a bug. Oenuiua mada by aoujaraa Oat-a Oowpast, Madison, Wis. 0UER IU60ETI FOR IAU0W PEOPLE S.A.L. SCHEDULE from this dale till further notice the leaving tlma of trains front Monroe Is as follows: So.SS for Atlanta, Birmingham, Memphis and local points S:S6a.m No. tl for Atlanta. Birmingham and local points ll fsip m So. as for Kalelgh, Portsmouth and local points 1:11 a m So. M-for Hamlet, Wilmington and local points I mi m No. M-tor Kalelgh, Portsmouth, Rich mond, New York 8:46 p. ni No. llS-for Charlotte, Llnoolnton and Hutherfordton Stria m No.W forcharlotteand local points. :M p ni The schedule In nor. detail Is as follows: No. 39. I.v Wilmington . - 1 Vi p m Ar Hamlet.. 7:an l.vHsmlel 7: " Ar Monro. S U " I.v Monroe f " Ar Charlotte lu: No. 33. I.v Hamlet Sftia.u Ar Miinm. :M " Lv Monnie s JSS " Ar Atlanta 4:af p.m I.v Atlanta 4 : Ar Birmingham iu lo " No. 41. I.v Hamlet inmpm Ar Monro. 11 .4 I.v Monn It :W Ar Atlanta Smiam l.v Atlanta 7:46 " ArBlrmlughaui l:lup.m No. 31 Lv Birmingham at a in ArAllanta 1IH " l.v Atlanta.. I :isi p tn Ar Monn S:to i.v Monroe a (A " ArHsmlrl "0:i " i.v Norllna lima Ar Portsmouth s:is " No. 38. Ar Monroe S l"a m l.v Monroe 6 Ik " Ar Hamlet S:M " Lv Hamlet 7 :14 Ar Aberdeen B " A r Kalelgh io:Ml Lv Kalelgh II :W No. 40. I.v Charlotte 4 IK a m A r Monro. a i Lv Monroe... i so Ar Hamlet... J: I.v Ms in let 7 " Ar Wilmington IS: p.m nilgai esanTr!S BOWELS AUD lllf 1 aa WOSK OTP A CoLO IVlW V mm WITS TBB ORIGINAL !' LaTaTTVS ssaw av nawn a KHTffl!.M COUGH Sold by M. E. McCaoley, Druggist. Re-Sale of Firm Land Near Mian. Byvlnn. of an onMrmad. by B. A. Arm Held. Clerk of the Superior Court, In a special proceeding entitled J. H. Dosler el al. va. I.e. boater et al, lha undersigned aonimlsaioner will aipose for sale al public auction, fur cash, at Iba highest bidder, oa Monday, January 28, 1907, at It o'clock, at th. court house door In Mon ro., ni,., me following iieseri bed tract ofland, lying and being In Bnford township, adjoining theeslaU) landa of Darling Helk and others, hounded and described as follows: Keglnnlna al a p. o. by a p. . and Iwo plnea In John Hos ier's line and runs the division lln. N. 4S E CI halna and " links.. rosslng the Adama branch to a t I by a p o. and hickory and b. i. In Una of the big survey; thene. with aald line uv E 4 ehalna to a b. I by Iwo p. o and two b 1. In Darling Relk's 11ns; thene. wllh aald lln. n.ss w. ttanains to a dead Mack oak by a a I . n. ..and two btekorlea; thencw with three of Jon a Duster's lines as follows: N. salt w a chains and So links ton pine: thene. 71 W. w eaaina ana av nnaa. eroasing the branch to a p. by a pin. and Iwo p. a -. thence N 44 U W. la chains and u links to the beginning, con. talnlng att acres and being lha lands deeded by Ohed Doater to Serena Doeier for bar I lic it me and at her death to berehllrtren. Said deed being recorded In Nook of Deeds No. S, pagsa las and las. In the office of the Keg ister of (feeds of Union eoonty. Terms of sale : wash. Bids will begla at (Ul. This Osteal ber th. Knd. lww. R . mr.nwlNI.CommleeJo.er. Bedwla S Slaws, Altys.