'GOVERNOR GLENN REDS His" DIED SUDDENLY OWN nESSAOE. OF HEART DISEASE. flGASTOIl Atotabk rVfarttionfor As similating ihcFoodaixtKei'uKi hng the 5 toaarts anlDow Is of rromotrs Diestionf Iwrfu! np9sandftrsl.Ccnldinsneiihcr 0(ium.Mantuive iwrMiuaaL 'OT NARCOTIC. Aperfecl Remedy forronsupa flon . Sour Stomach. DiarrUva Worms .t'onvulsiuiw .rowrish nrss and Los OF SLEEP. FacSirnib Sigrmlurt of NEW YORK. For Infanta and Children. The Kind You Have Always Bought Bears the Signature pears mo , In Use For Over Thirty Years Exact copy or wrappcr. iGASTonm MRIMMHIMMi aW knka brTU. 30CXXXXXX5C0OOO0CXXXOOOO0000CXX)OO00O Heath Hardware Co. if Another car load of the celebrated Chattanooga Plows j ust arrived. They are going like wild lire. Come quick and get one lest you miss the size you want. Your neighbor has one. Watch as he reaps this harvest. You fail to get one and you will have none to reap. Heath Hardware Co. 6CXXXXXXXXX90OOO00O000O00O00OOOO000O00OOOO0000000O0O0 mm RIIEUf.lATISLl LUOBIGO, SCIATICA NEURALGIA and KIDNEY TROUBLE Tmtf" taken Internally, rid, the blood bf Ik. poisonous uwr and Midi which bra lb. dimt uei of the, disoaaos. Applied .itorbblir It affords allnoM IB Mam KIM Iron Palo, w kl I. k permanent Mr It bolnt boosted br porirrltif tit. Mood, dioBol.Inf ,b potaoDous sub Sbnwas bad i OTlas U Im lbs WW DR. t. D. BLAND Dt""t I OfliwwdftMHtmw "I iws) a. i iwtwwlw aasaiiatsf ysaee nk Lmmbmtv m4 RInmUm la ai m ad ht, a- rt M a lb rMNM thai 1 m 14 Mr taa ! pantotoaa, Ml tmm4 MfclM i rMaf MaaisrM h-osa FIR EE H tm art toffdHnf wtlk Bkaaktra. ttoarbiila. KMIooy TnmM or aor kin dred dtaeaaa. writ. b as for a trial book) m b-UKura.- mat mm it rowMiL a-THrOf-' saw M aoxd uir Imlll at without seQulttnf b arus babtt,- or op m M lb satiroiy (rb tokol laadbAasfe plk. . H.bHMW UK m mm auao awuwjajaa mwi pnum tsn eoartiT, Tbo rod lotto? -H I. iin wi bouls. ! iold by M .E. McC'auley, Druggist. JM. L. FLOW, Commissioner of Deeds for Soutn Ctrollu, la I Nona UroliDt: us t Jnstlci of U Peace for L'dIod County, ud Moltrj Public for Mortti Caroilaa. :: :-; Special attentioo given to taking At fidavtts, Ackoowledfenient or Proof ol Deeds, Mortgages, Contracts, Bills of Sale, Powers of Attorney, Renuncia tions of Dower and Inheritance, Dep ositions, Writing add Probating Deeds, Mortgages and all other papers, issuing State Warrants, Claim and Delivery and Attachment papers, Civil Sum mons and ths Collection of Claims. Office at M. L. Flow Co. 'a Store east of courthouse, Monroe, N. C. Ring's Dyspepsia Tablets CURE INDIGESTION AND STOMACH TROUBLES. Sold by M. E. McCuuley, Druggist .wan IbMkM th. tool stop. pais liwtftMrf Tko CM Pit. Cora Fat bp latvbovtlk I H.'W frm)tkmUv 6 a eA lino sibI Much X)ppoitio toThi, But the, luuuw rH i ia - . , . .... ., , Miwn. Tno ruh, pish bikl ouwtfcHt- lx giature Finally wJ A ! ot tiw Aimi p.. b irn SpkrnJul paper. ,a.uoii ol uto ton. biktbini b ir- (iuvernor Gleno expnwsea a tie- hnuiar at-uun. iMii-iuiK-n. uiMin, all loapjar wmnriuc irnaiu, ttulkml&. ....I kit h.m in wntuB. I Thn-ool Ibo pr.m.n.v.1 In ivllralji ol Thf If J Biuch opposition to thU, ""T U aiaJr r r.umtnMid-d aa tbe old custom was don away for Um cur f ua ua (tunica ... u N-ol root lor linw. la uid bf llu. wilh when the kriluJi rule waiter- i,rn Srtrt irb.tTtM. a tJ- miuated in thi. country. However. J aa a matter of courtenv, th Icciala- fimwMut tb u-a.nn uib.n-i rr- . " , I rnriit tMn S.-I a aa Mnuri-a tur deculed to receive the Oover- iMit U ik nuu:ti Tin in . !H-rl, wboiiv O'tn- I fore were den of iuiqnity and rice plentiful, or so many t em put ions placed in tbe path of youth to warp and dnJroy their moral stamina, Se ib tboosinda of ripirette fiend, the opium eaters, the ca i n ivt i run, t be a h iakey and beer driiiterx, tbe tJa lountain fre queuter. and wauy others a ho are taking drur, opiate, stininlanta, and nerve lotiiot, and yon will see why our Uiya, aud ala! aometiniea our puK are becoming nervoub vm-ka aud moral degenerate. New Notes. THE EYEBROWS. Birmingham, Ala., boa been select ed aa tbe location fur a sub-treasury of tbe I n i ted States in tbeouth. Atlanta tried it but got WfL The I'nion Copper mine was sold Monday to tl. W. IVi of IL,lon for I "3.Us.t. Tbe prorty conisU of 5J3 acres and a complete mine equip ment in luaan couuty. Tbcy have unearthed a ?70,ftH Sibib SoeorMltiaao XurwithbUBJiiia: Itirir u-oipicBoas- Ibo rjrtuvws have kea lb eea- ! and , Ol Iho heart U !ai't ur il nuir;!t uor. Tbe message is thus densed by tbe Charlotte Chronicle: ,77X1 Br long otitis the nieiage of tJor- proit'iy th m..-i tu.iuui iincr.tli.-iii eruur Olenn to the ortn taroliua , ...u. .rf t.ivukr an J legislature, which we priut tod.V, I uthnr -u..n. ul ihc b.-art aiv cou- i. the most interot.ng State ,.?r S. Z I claimcl that Hearst i m tvor and 1!?- .f l that M-.-CIcllan unlawfully bolds the cription of a ' ot recent years. It is a Mate alma nac, and will bold the attention of North Caroliuiaua. The t!o ernor Kl'iiomy f M.-Ji.-ino. l II: L B4 tod Lwf ln.-. had b I t! lent H(f was .tk-a mn.rvMAl oith tal.ul.r .liw aM. .4 too Ik-art tltat kl Inrn.t. o.-i t4.lltc.-J l.i hrst reviews the prosperous cotitii- ..nsi ttj..r o u.nu.".v oi c, ii...,a tiou of the State. ctm..ner,-ially. in- u'1.''" w duMriallv and acriculturallv. then hum.. phyu-ian i. . o.. r.-n,.-jr , ' . . , . (.thwnk'l. j Jllr.-iiMI and pnnvedsw it n the ueetisoitlie I oiu- t maia-ir 'iwn it i.v .. l. .k. M.t-o.irk. anJ H f.rfui!r oarmtl llw. mouweaiiii as ur ht. .uriu. ", mat A .m oa.ir at ba.- l C.- brst recommendation is tor nieaa- Sold by M.E. McCauley, Druggist. urea to secure more etimble as!tet incut of taxable property to the end ofwcuritiga Inner valuation and a lower rate, aud that is a nail well driven. He thiuks the tax return could be more thau doubled. Some thing ought to be done to prod those forty five counties that are living on the State. The Governor pays considerable attention to the railroads and is very fair with them. He want a fare of :M cents a mile and a mile agebook'at 2 cents and he wants the bulletin board service reformed. All the State is with him there, tine excellent recommendation is that relatives of parties w ho are killed, aud those who are hurt while trespassing on the railroad's right of way, lc barred from secur ing damages from the railroad com pany. He thiuks the Corporation Com mission has done a great work, but would have its powers eularged. Foreign insurance companies would do right by the State if the (ioveriior has his way. They would be required to leave some of their money here aud not take it all out. As tlie Governor says, our home companies are able to take care of all the needs of the State in tbe w ay of insurance, if the foreign insur ance compaiiies are not willing to become interested iu Slate securi tie. He would break up the de ferred dividend business. He docs not dwell at any very great length oti child labor, but would tiot allow au uneducated child under H years of age to go into the mills, and thiuks the time is cowing when compulsory eiluca tion will be required. The Governor would have the jury system amended. There are too many exemptions, ami in cer taiu cases it should le permissable to send to other comities for jury men. The corporations are buying up too much laud. He would have it so that no corporation could get control of more thau :K) acres of land. The legislature will probably ac cept his recommendatiou for the re-enactment of the law establish ing the State immigration bureau and appropriating 110,000 a year for its support, without delmte. Another appropriation he wants is au additional -'", 000 forthe State's exhibit at the Jamestown Exposi tion. There will lie a debate over that, but the money ought to le voted. He would also do some thing better for the old soldiers. The message makes passing men tion of the good work of the State Board of Health andtheGeologica Survey, and advocates a good road law that would meet the require ments in every county. It siieaks of the soberness, peace and gtHxi order prevailing iu the State and gives credit therefor to the enforce nient of the Ward and Watts laws. It says that there must be uo back ward step in the matter of temper ance legislation, and there is an S.A.L. SCHEDULE Knim thl. date till furth.r ntlc (hp leavtiiic tl uio uf iriitn. from Hitnri 1. an Toili'W.: No. .isf'T Attanta. HirmlnKham. M.miihl. ami lical point...... HlSftbm So. 41 for Atlanta. Birimmrham and local point... Il-H p m So. 3 for kalPtifh, I'ort.ltioutu and liN-al point. ft:10b.n So. Ki-for Hamlet. Wilmington and loral point. &:Sua.m So. W for kalrlKli. Port. mouth. KU-h- monil, Nw York S:4fi p.nt No. lllb-for Charlntt. I.lncolnton and Kutlifrfonlton a m So. bj fort'harloitc and local point.. S:M p ut The M-lif dule In more detail li a. follow. : I.t Wilmington.. Ar H.ntlet I.v H. inlet ArMonri I.T Monn ArCharlottr . No. 39. 3 p m ... 7: ... " S :.' ' ... :( ...10 Up 1 I.T Hint let Ar Monroe I.t Monroe A r Atlanta I.T Atlanta Ar Birmingham I.T Hamlet Ar Monro I.T Monroe ....... ArAtlanta l. Atlanta Ar Birmingham .. I.t Birmingham.. ArAtlanta... I.T Ail.nta .... Ar Monroe ........ I.t Monroe Ar Hamlet I.t Norllna ArPorlaooulh ... Ar Monroe.. 1.. Monn .. Ar H. inlet I.T Hamlet , Ar Aberdeen ArKalelih Lt Baltlgb Lt Charlotte Ar Monroe I.T Monroe ... Ar H.nilet ...... I.TH.mlel Ar WIlbilnRtoB.. No. ii. No. 41 No. 31 No. 38. No. 40. .. n-wa m .. k- ' .. B aft " .. t p .. 4:t " ..Ul:l " .HMO pa .11 : " .11 :W " . ana m . :4 " . iiiop.m . am .11 tk " . Ipb . : " . S:l M .Kink. 14 . 4 :i b n . S:U .. S :1b i t .. It .. :M " .. t:tt " .. b-ib -..l " ..II M " . Iltll .. S " .. " .. M -.. 7:n -.11 I lUA-ntn on-iumkiaal-llt a!T..rla tvltM m au. b Obaaa. aud in but butaucra rlle.-u a "Stone root l albo rwommfinl-J by Ir. Halo and Ellin..l. of t hi.--ii.is f"r valvular and otU.T dla- ol Hi b-'urt. The latter aaya: "It m a heart toutc ol d.rtvt and ivrm.i.rrtl tnfluoti.-.v' tlld Mtlt.-l IHeivvery. not only fur.-a biTHMib heart a:T.tnin. but is a rn.nl oRhieul n-ral fc-uu- and itivuror au. stn'twt Ii.-iiiik th st.nna.-li. !tn! oraUtK the ltvr. e.uulatiiiu Iho lm.-i ami (urine calnrrhai atlii'lioua iu ail poru of tli yM.tn. Dr. Plerco's IV.li-ucuroCoustlpaUoa. lJ graft in the citv government of I W bile aeektug to build a reiorma- I'i its burg, This is a large sized tory to take care of tuir wayward scandal, lt is in connection with youth, let us not neglect to take giving a railroad certain cincessiona away the caust-t aud cures tlut, t , make such institutions aJ hw Uvn bought against M,ke the nut stringent laws, well ' t,f N" ykh t . ii. in.. . I the State attornev general, and it such as cocaine, niorp u v .... tl.M ti.uu.ri practicing physician, aud add eii-1 altie and forfeiture of liceuse to a Suit ha been begun against the ph.it-i.tu or druggist aiding any j Knight of IVthias order for $j,ti one to tiolate thi law. Knforce' insurant on Hr. J. H. Matthews, who the law most rigidly against any 'murdered his wife and committed one st lling liquor, cigarettes, etc., ' suicide in ltaltimore. The order re to minoix and roinN'l all oflicers fused to pay on the ground that Mat tiu.liiig a Iy w ith liquor, cigar- thews was a dw liend. 'ettes or opiate to make him testify j lv,or YjU-t h.) has btvn mail before some justice or mayor as to in Win'sl.n f.r vears and who i where he got bis liquor, cigarettes. le mv Wf,n on-,he forvv has etc., aud then at once arrest the PkipiH-d out leaving tl. bts unpaid to HOLtltTtftt Rocky HounUiu Tea Nuggets i any KaJutM at lwy ftala Irlafa aWdaa loaltk aa4 Immi Tlv. A roorlSa for CnootlrjaUoo. Indlrartioa. Iw and Kidney Trouble. Plmplea, IcMnut, lmturo Stood. Bad Braattk Shiniab Boveia. Hawteebr badBaoiorha. It '. Kud; Mouatala Tea la tab let form. St oaou a boa. OeauNM mada by BoaubTbS Daoo Ooavan, Madum, Wla. uuu lutsETt roa ialu noru intimatiou that a sefial mes.ige ou prohibition is (Mining. An eulargemeiit of the capittd building is rcconi mended, but this should not be done until other uiore pressing neetis of the State have Urn atteutled to. The penitentiary is making mou cy, but ou account of the farming out of the inmates is likely to again become a burden to the State. Public school he would have made a ueeessary expense. There is a comprehensive review of the condition of all the State educa tional institutions. The Governor sjH'aks from ersonal knowledge ami makes an excellent report. He particularly desires additional fa cilities at tbe State 1'iiiversily ami the Agricultural aud Mechanical College. He does not take kindly to the proposition for an appropri ation of .fnHi.oiHi lor high schools of the State. The duty of the legislature to the Slate hospitals could uot have liecn more clearly pointed out than has liecn done by Governor Glenn, and the hotte may be entertained that the present legislature will uct lib erally iu the matter. The friends of the reformatory will see in tbe paragraph touching upon that proosition, a delay in the fulfillment of their dream, and that is all that need be said altout it. It transpires that it hits cost t iov eriior Glenn 1,."00 a year in ex cess of his salary to live iu Iialeigh. He would have the Governor's sal ary increased to ti,(HMt, and this should be done without quibble. The Governor shows that the State is in fine condition financi ally, owing practically nothing, ami he emphasizes the fact that the time has come when it is in posi tion to equip all of its educational aud benevolent institutions accord ing to the demands of the times. He suggest) a bond issue of two and a half million dollars if neces sary. There will be a spontaneous en dorsement all over the State of his plea for safeguarding the youth of the country against the dope evil. There should have been no occa sion for him defending himself ii; the matter of granting pardons. As a pardon Governor his admin istration has lieeu about jM?rfect. The Governor's message cannot be Miflicietitly discussed in a single article. It furnishes us a good many paragraphs for future editions. The Reformatory Plank in Full. The Governor's ideas on the re formatory question are in full as follows: Youthful criminals should not be confined with old aud vicious of fenders, for such association har dens their natures aud lessens the chances of ever reclaiming them. I will, therefore, throw no obstacle in the way of establishing some kind of a reformatory or home for young oft cutlers, provided you hud it expedieut and the State can now afford it. At the last session of the General Assembly, in order to protect youthful criminals all I could, I sent a special message, and got the legislature to pass a law allowing me to grant conditional pardon, or rather pardon on parole. I'nder this authority I have taken several young criminals out of prison and got them good homes w here they are being properly trained. Under this parole, if the criminal remains of good behavior, be is free; if be violates his parole, he is returned to prison. The law has worked well, and with the help of good peo ple in securing suitable homes, I believe I can reclaim the wayward boys without cost to the State. Therefore, as this is a matter of grave importance and no mistake should be made, and as for the present I can by parole pardons provide home foryoung criminals, wonld it not be wise for yon to ap point or have tbe Governor appoint a committee of wise and humane men to take the whole matter iuto consideration and report to the next legislature If a reformatory is abso lutely needed, and if so, to recom mend the kind most suitable for such criminals, and then with all necessary information before them, there will be alight chance of there being any mistake madet In this connection, I desire most earnestly to ask. this serious ques tion, W by is there today such a crying demand for a reformatory, and what is causing so much ain and vice among our tender youtht , The answer is easy, for never be otVendt-r Mlling to the boy, and make him liable to indictment aud , most severe punishment, fas a law, also, requiring regular inspec-l tiou of fountains; for while con-' s. lentio us men will uot do so, many 1 will sell in their fountains the drinks that breed the doie and! the amount of hundreds of dollars. He is in Fort Worth, Texas, but can not be brought back btvause he has done nothing against the law. He borrowed money from the postofliee crowd in ati.ouuts from 1 to $ 100. The disensary at Wilson shows a liquor habits. You cau not too Phl ol .m.iM tor I'.""., in uns closely safeguard our youth bv m.'uni ..s.tM goe to me Mate ana checking these fearful practices. " jthe remainder is equally divided by Lust year it was estimated that, the Uwu and couuty. sixteen millions of dollars was spent . charter has been applied for a iu North Carolina for liquor and company in High Point to make au beer. Add to this equally as much ju.mobiles. The paid iu capital is lor cigarettes, opiatesand so called $73,11(10, which is said to lie onlv the soft driuks, aud we have about; beginning. High Point makes almost tinny two minions a year, or fi' everything. per capua lor every man, woman ami child in the State that is wast ed or worse thau wasted, while only four and a half millions is spent by the State for educating txir youth and iu building up our institutions, etc. I can by parole take care of the few young criminals who are con victed and sent to prison; but you alone cau stop the practices that are now at work corrupting and destroying the 1 todies, minds, mid souls of our lioys and girls. If you w ill only pass laws helping to save our youth before they fall, what a blessing it will lie to them, and in saving our youth we save the State that we love and should protect Otficers of the Legislature. At the I H'Uiocratic House caucus held Tuesday night, Hon. E. J. .Justice of Greenslioro was nomi nated for Speaker. Frank I), liackett of likes couuty was named for Chief Clerk. F. 11 Arcmlcll of Wake was nominated for IJecording Clerk. M. 1. Kins- land of Hiivwood was re elected Kngrossing Clerk. John A. Lisk of Montgomery was elected door keeper. All these nominees of the caucus were formally elected upon the assembling of the House of Kcp resent alive. The Seuate was for mally organized with Lieutenant (ioveriior Francis 1). Winston pre siding. A. J. Maxwell was elected Chief Clerk; Kobtert L. Hallou, Heading Clerk; Charles Strayhorn, Kngrossing ( lerk; L. IS. regram Sergeant at-Arms, with It. M. Sta- ley, assistant Bad Stomach Trouble Cured. Having liren sick tor the past two years vtith a had stomach trouble, a frieau gave nie a dose ol Chamberlain's Stomach and Liver Tablets. They did me so much good that I boiiKht a hot tie of them and have used twelve hot ties in all. Today I am well of a bad stomach trouble. Mrs. John Lowe, Cooper, Maine. These tablets are for sale by English Drug Co, A theological student, supposed to lie tleticieiit in judgment, was asked by a professor in the course of a class examination: "Pray, Mr. K, how would you discover a looir' ''Iiy the questions he wonld ask," was the rather stunning reply. Philadelphia Inquirer. Mothers who give their children Kennedy's Laxative Cough Syrup in variably indorse it. Children like it because the taste is so pleasant. Con tains honey aud tar. It is the original laxative cough syrup and is unrivaled for the relief of croup. Drivea the cold out through the bowels. Conforms to the national pure food aud drug law. Sold by Dr. S. J. Welsh and C. N. bimpson, Jr. "Yon are so popular," sighs the swain, "lou have so many suit ore." "The idea!" smiles the fair young thing. " hy, I can count them all ou the fingers of my left band. See! The iudez finger ia Mr, Smugforth, the second finger is Mr, Balder, aud the third finger the third finger of my left baud tbe third finger is you." Next day he got the ring for it Chicago Evening Poet She That Mr. Planz, the arch I tect has a funny way of prouounc ing things, hasu't het He I haven't noticed it She hy, yes. Didu t you bear him allude to a sore throat!" He A sore throatt She Yes. I heard him mention a gargoyle several times. We al ways call it a gargle, you know. Cleveland Plain Dealer. Chamberlain's Cough Remedy a safe medicine for children. In buy ing a cough medicine for children nev er ba afraid to boy Chamberlain's Cough Remedy. Thete is no danger from it, and relief is always tor to follow. It is intended especially for coughs, colds, croup and wnooping cough, and there is no better medicine in tbe world for these diseases. It is not only a certaia cure for croup, but, when given as soon as tb croupy cough appears, will prevent tbe attack. Whooping cough is not dangerous when this remedy is given as directed. It contains no opium or other harmful drugs, and may ba given as confident ly to a baby as to in adult For sals by English Dtug Co. llcccivcrs Lave been asked and ap pointed for the Weekly Tar Heel. Blackburn's paer in Greensboro, and for the Tar Heel club, a Black burn organization that thrived for a while. Blackburn's business con nections seem to Is) crumbling as well as hi iolitical structures. The Southern Power Company has begun to put up lines of transmis sion for electric power from Char lotte to Concord. Concord will be run by electricity and other towns are contracting with the company for the cheap power. This Concord work vvi'l be linished the tirst of June. .John Hodge of Durham, guilty of a most brutal murder of his wife, has been denied a new trial by the Supreme Court of the I'liited States and will hang on the 8th of Febru ary. This is the man that swore he was glad he killed his wife and didn't care if he did hang for it, and after ward decided that he wanted to live. High Point has abandoned the pro ject of owning her own light plant and has made another contract with a private concern. The town com missioners also have practically set tled on calling an election sxn to vote 4 1 cents on the $100 to raise money for a public library in order to secure the money offered by Car negie. Governor Glenn has no inclination to deal with the petition presented him in behalf of the White brothers who murdered Kusscll Slierrill. The Governor took an active part in the trial before his election and docs not feci that he should pass upon the merits of the case. The petition is long and tilled with many names of prominent people. The civil service authorities will send a commissioner and an inspec tor to this State the 15th of the month to inquire further into the charge that Federal ollice holders were un duly active during the campaign in behalf of the Republican party. Sen ator Simmons appears sure that something will be doing in the way of jacking up perniciously active pie- eaters. The school girl with the large feet was sitting with them stretch ed far out into the aisle, and was busily chewing gum when the teacher espied her. "Mary!" called the teacher, sharply. "Yea, ma'amT" questioned the pupil. "Take that gum out of your mouth, and put your feet iu!" was the command, somewhat diflicult to lie strictly observed. Florida Times-Union. "They like the taste as well as ma ple sugar" ia what one mother wrote of Kennedy's Laxative Cough Syrup. This modern cough syrup is absolutely free from any opiate or narcotic. Con tains boney and tar. Conforms to Hie national pure food and drug law. Sold by Dr.S.J. Welsh and C.N Simpson, Jr. Ingenuous Maiden Some one told me that tbe eighth day of the month was the luckiest to be mar ried on. Woman Hater Then you were deceived, my child. Tbe eighth day of the week is the luckiest Berliner Illustrierte Zcitung. The Price of Peace. The terrible itching and smarting, in cident to certain skin diseases, is al most instantly allayed by applying Chamberlain's Salve. Price 25 cents. For sale by English Drug Co. Miss Skremer Papa says if I give up my singing lessons he'll give me a pair of diamond ear rings. Miss Sharpe You've never worn earrings, have youf Miss Skremer No, I'll have to have iay ears pierced. Miss Sharpe Oh, I see his Idea. He wants to pay you back in your own coin. Philadelphia Public Ledger. Bi ilds up waste tissue, promotes appetite, improves digestion, in duces refreshing sleep, gives re newed strength and health. That's what Hollister's Rocky Mountain Tes does. 33 cents, tea or tablets. English Drug Company. tT of a rertata amount of tan and oira suKTtltl.. Pot litt cbhrf point at wht.b suwtltiua or folklore la found la thi ruurvtioa r la tboa Iraava. Bat lufrv.ju.-ut, where lb eye j brows am-1. Every w hor Ibis lortlnj of th brow has brvw ferU to be btul ' aou la mw way or auutber. la wie of our nuutlwra rountles folk say that It la pud to have aueb l.rowa, f. tlw p.Maur will nvr bar trouble: but Hit la a rarf lutrr pretattua. X a mhr. tbe tueetiug brow a ar belj Iu I of evil otueu. Header of t'liarlew Kinptk-ys "Two Year A so" will nntH-tult-r Mrs. Itar ve"s face. whi. h had been baudaoiti tt.l wa alill rtVter: "but the eye brow. rtHtliiiura Kinffd.-y. "rrus.hrd t..-llu-r downward alo her laoa atfl. rtnitu l".h at tlw out.T rururra, In.l . iit.il a ituiYty a the rvitlea dowu lr.ii rvb a rlmrti.-ter self coo srloti. furtive. raMble of grwit liwuu-blut.SM-lt-a. Milily of trout tln-elta." In tlw bvlaiidtc tug a man with meeting eyebrow a Is aaul t.i be one of tlie .Irv.iilful t-rt-Htiirvs known as wers wolvea, ami Hie mini belief baa been tra.-rd In Ietiniark and Ueraiany; wi.. I.. In tlm-.-.. any Mr. llartiur Coul.t. they are a bleu tliitt a man la a vaiiti'lre. In horror there I Utile to rli.siM" tH'te-ii vami'irea ntt.l werewolf,-. A fan. mil nuaon which has txvli given for the. bUierllllou la that tltv iiio'tiiif brow s resemble a but-t-rt!y. "the I . miliar type of a soul ready to fly on" mid eut.T some other toidy." T'.iit IW.-II! tok-rubly far f.t.he.1. In lltitf-tiry gypsy women and men whose ef!.r..-.v grow together are eup pve.l t . lt::e in sits-lal degree the power to on. Imminent, and as llllternto folk I . a great dread of sui'h mys teri..' -i i in ert. evlntl.v as they may tie ';.;.! ti l-e dinvted strains! the well I.. t.;j or li:.pliif of their chil dren, it iv.il hardly be auilt that a luan Ti b . e brow meet lb Uot a populnr It'!i. Kveii ituw there are parte of Ilii'.-I.iinl where a tiellef In wlt.h.THft slill lhii.eni, nml not no very king ago In ..ntliiimlierliiii.l there were people n lt.i regarded a persou w hone eyebrow a met a wit.ti or w iirl.s k. lu tin. uorth of Atienleeniililre. sc rupling t.) the late Iter. Walter Cregor, who T..H a very nis'tetit authority ou Seottislt lure ntiil customs, a "vloaebruot man" Unit la, nne whoso eyebrows ni.i t - was regarded na Mug Immoral, risewhcre hi Seotlund one with "Vloso brw" w4 regarded as unlucky to be met na "lint lit." while other folk went a g khI Ueal further and regarded the unlucky iioiincKHiir of "close lirooa" as one foredoomed to 1st bunged. Loudon CI.iIhj. UoodneM does uot consist In great tie, but greatneaa lu goodneaa. Athe uaeua. Out meruit are our outward con scleues.8hakeiiare. "But this is so sudden. You had I etter give me a week to think it over." "Very well, dear. And, perhaps, it would lie us well if I thought it over myself at the same time." Sketchy Bit. Elderly Spinster Ah, I ought to have married; that's where I made the mistake. Friend And I married, and that's where I made the mistake. Megendorfer Blatttir. "Yes, MissHoxley is mad. There was a certaiu puppy with a great pedigree that she wanted her fath er to buy for her, but he wouldn't do it." "What was it a F'reuch count or a German barout" Catholic Standard and Times. Hoblm I understand that you have had an addition to your family- Dobhs More like a multiplica tion it's triplets. Boston Transcript. JN0.IJEAL,M,D MONROE, N. C, Solicits th patronage of the people of Monroe and surroundiug community. Calls auswered in day from English Drug Store; at night from residence on Church street. Phone No. 48. IKK MUkkIS, 1 vil Knglner. PlIONR 44. WlNGATR, N. C. f VrttHn.r nf ProficMifT In Nunrcrtnn from "T(Tti.- lu kilwj. Municipal fcnd kirn lurvej 111a; 1905 1907 POWERS' STRAIN. Tbaiana, mam. Eggs for hatching from Single Comb W hite Leghorns. Phone ITS. P. O. Boi ss rAVoatri. stmtwhsiis. MONKOE. N.O. Ii.HH.GUEi:N. DENTIST. Offices upstairs in Law building. MT'Phone 158. DR. B. C. REDFEARN.t DENTIST.' Charges reasonable. Satisfaction gaaranteed. Office over Rudge't Book Store. MONROE, R. 0. Will be at Marsbville, N. C.on first and third Mondays of each month, and at Matthews on second and fourth Mondays. Phone aji W. B. HOUSTON, SURGEON DENTIST, Office up stairs, Fitgerald Building, Nortbweat of Courthouse, Monroe, N. C KILL. COUCH and CURE th. LUNC8 Dr. King's Hew Discovery FCRfj onsusftios ric OUGHIaat) tOsatl.OO 0L0I Fro Trial. Guaranteed for all TH&OAT and LONO IROUBLXfl, or M0MXT BACK. Land Sale. St Tlrtoe ml mm order and derfoe ol tko clerk at tko aufvrv. lorft of t at.a .. . V-rtb 1 1 aeutltta. Ik k .oerlal b-Yrlia lb-ri-lo -r.d- too- .WITI. I t- lin.l et a. ane flllbtm. aa! AIM una, ot al an drtradaau. I a lit, " Monday, January 21 h, 1. oaaoe la kaW al kaMhe kartkMi In the klchel feXfe-r. al tiwevort btfM dMur Ik S.iw. C uat eertalk yurm, trart e kareel 4 laa-t. Ittoa- kad brio la aaid coaly .4 I ki.Mi. lia. u4 korth tas-llka. la tl.k.ille ..a p. kiu-M ml 4eonM k. kuma: HnrnomX at a Make by a b"-b euraer wt J W M.rvb aetata toad, aad W a T era-la a .) rtmr '.! raa. aid Treaoaoay'a hoe a ", w . MW eaaiaa. pmmlmt ki.cMvor aad oltfc 1. . l.rlt Sa . line to a rrt. hi. mwt. tb-aee N K. M rftatk to k na-b ta a Beid . tkenre a atOrhaia. to a .lake: llieaeo a 12 W lam rka.na to a take, I. W Mar.li . rornrr; ttrf-noe Ilk kl. Ilae a. TS . ! ktrham lo the Staalnir.e.Niuialnc i avrea at .rr or U-. .n. Wtac that part ot tho H L-tirittiaeetale lant. that oaa all-tted lo kla a ia..a , eaa.au I Ha urtSla. aa ber dower. Terav. of aale: two-thle, eah and the ee .almter oo a ere.ll! of IS ..xilh. atth .1 prwTed arrant, and tllh- relal.Mil until all U-o oa-v-ba av-oier ha U-en ai.t Tkle tko tlit da, la-reaita-r. A t lie a K kKI.WI.NK,t'obatiM.-ner. aedwlBo a Mkea. aura. Re-Sale of Land. Ut lrttt mm r.Vr sUtW Hr iT A ArmArld, elerk f Itie- rapBrikr l'Mri. n the f ii pn- wtlinir stuttbj MtsaiM Mim.. .i-iiiiuini!br Hsiimh HintHMi. ttrmavii. - !- Hin-tM rl U., lit untWrwittneni unwlwiaiier wu Mouday, jHDuary 2S, VM)7, I the? (SbUli hom tlmsrln Mlinaf. V r . n-wll I BmiImK sjisrtWtsI lai th hlhfl MlVrr r It.l UttiK ttwrthrHl trart -f lanil Ivmr in nrib ivt.hip.vih'lniii4t I1m Un.sxi-t M-- H mn nil thtr, ttt ; All that ibl-er -i rvr. of tsaittj BiHiwit lit fsarmi, Hinann iravl mnn ttir.si ih rrntalritWr lite Bintr iti mrr trmrl iVttHl hy AansM HlnwR t -ii Mtna on tt.'Ainl. InU. Ami rrctr.ltj in H.k j. t in thr i-fhtf kf ths Hnetntrr of lrrU of 1 uUm rMiniy. afisr rr.tiEt nil es-lu-hitif 41aPtiUt1olf ti MikaM Hinittrti oa t-t lrcli. Tltur ttostk li, wn V;. in all Hrtrl-lrr oltlsi, antl lttrt.rriinff (t t mt-r-m u Mitt! MtstM-. HlnMi on nh Aurui, ur ii-k lb ture lit la ltl oitlm. ami larintc ft tract 41 4.", err in r mM. Tfrmn if !: (-ah. Hulw U to-tftn W. in U haMtitT nittrtt hlhianuni. I hu Drriitrr iH, Ik-. A M. uTArK. k W I MMt-Ml, roBiM.fttfitKirn. Sale of Valuable Farm Ijnd on Horrana Hill Road, 5U Miles from Monroe. Ry Yliiiii of a drevl of tni-t nm-W nl Tt- cute.1 hy W M. It. tut ti trt-..ii anl Kva t uthtbt rtm.t0 ths lath lay of Jumiarv. If". toJolin t. mkr. Iru-le for I' (' iHikci! I ill ritHbsbT fr Atair c-ix, Ui tltt hlliral htdtlrr. Monday. January 2sth, VM)?f at ItoVlork.ftt thi rout hotig itssor In M"n ro, S . t'., in fttllowinf rtft-rriltfrl tval eti: Tltv Unit trart, conM-Uiiif of VI Mari. ami km'n an tltr hoDtrplsu-t f the -aid V) . M l 'u(hisprtn)in. rV.onl Tract : l.jrlntfoti the auti'Mof Kh'h a ! frrrk. iijotninif tht lau- of Tiionmi A lrtit. H. K TfiutbrTJiu, H H. Trull ami oifi rr. ant rontainti . crr. Thlrl Trat't : Lyliitfon thf watrraof Htuntp errs k, a hranrh of Htewnrt sj f urk rnt lt. tf jolnitiit ttit land of Mi la K llflmi amlotlf m, ant. contain il a'rvt an) kitoa ti a part of the l.utay Helm laiiit. All of th fthovr .ttrni- tl UritN lr-.fM.li-.l to A. Moll ruth.srrt-Min from H. nrv M t ilth hirtMn. iirTfl, anil l fully i----ri n tli otllif of tli Kfpfiaits-r of Iktx-tlti for I iiloi rouit tjr. in Hik Al. mu lift. t hh'h rHr.-mf li herrt-y nimlr fr a niorr full anil ionipht' -srriptlt.il of aaltl land. I will alfetriboi- f,,r mW at thf Mint tim anil i.acf.on larirf irray niarr mulf, t-i.ut h jfarnuhl, hoiurht from K. M (inillit; mnl out tray mar mulf, aUnit 7 yenr-t old. luarlit from V, V. ,kr. Thf Mid laud and tretoiml')r IkflllkT iold tu Mtlnfy th nrovt-hnis of MlU dffd tf triiwt. TliU thf afrth day of lnw nil r. A. 1 1v-i. JOHN t MkKM, lru.f . Rt .lwtnc A Hlkfa, All h. Re-Sale of Farm Land Near Altan. RyvlriUfof au ordf r mad ly K. A- Arm ttV UM'lf rk of thf Hutevrior r.mtt, tu a f.j'fial rrHtdlfitIiitlil(Ml J H tiiwiirl til. v. K f. istntfr ft al. Ihf iindirsirufl iiniimntttr will fi.iM.tbf fur Mir at uuluic auiuhm, U.t .'aU U thf htirhfit hiddfr, ou Monday, January 2S, 17, at WnVturk.at thf court hoiiM dMr In Mon ro. N ..ihf rollnwtnirdfwrllbfd trai'tof land, I v Inar and hfin In Huford toA imltlp. atj iIiiib tuftat lan dii of harllnir Hulk aiol oihft, houndftl anil dcurrlhrd aa follow: llvtrintilna at a p. o. by a . a and two pine In John lh. I r Ihif and runt Ut- dlvlln tin N. K ti chain and ?t linki.croiii.lnE? th Adani hraui'h to a b. i. by a p n. and hltkiry and h J. lu 1 1 it of thr hlit aurvf y ; the tic with Mid Hue 8. irt1, K. H chain to a b i. hy two p . and two b j. in larUn h Ik'a litifi thenr with Mid Una N. . K chain I" a dead biack twk hy a b )-. J. and two hlckorlf; theuc with Hire of Iin lKtr'N lliif a follow: N. W 4 .'lialiiM and llnh t.-aplne, thence H ii W. lu chain and link. crw "Init Ihf hranrlt to a p hy a ptnf aud two p. o thfiiif N U1, W . IN chant and att link to the U'ifltitilnir, on lalnlnir n.'( acre and Ibftnn the latul dfftled hy tihfd loier to frena Ihwter for hr life time and at her death to he r chlldr n. Hatd deed teti,f rfconlfd In Hmk of ltl No. 1, IMMre liti aud IM, In the oitire of the ltttrt"if r uf lHfd nf 1'ulon county. Term of mIc : ranli. Hid will hfttln at (V:d. This lacciulNr the '.ml, li. R. R. KKI'W.NK,('ommlit'u!r. Rfdwlnt A Bike, Attja. 136 Acres of Land for Sale Within Two Miles of Monroe, N. C. Ry Ylrtu of a deed of tnit executed to me as trutf of C. t' Hike, hy J. I,. Winchritf r, on th ihid day nf June. I-, which Mid deed of trut I recorded In th uith of the Kciflntt-r of Deed of I'nion county, In hook An, pair a. t. aq refer no to which I hereby mail for a more particular description of Mid land, I will expo for Ml, for cah, to the hlichent bidder, at th court houae dmir In Monroe, on Monday, February 4 tbt 1!K7. at II o'clock, the followlna: dencrlbetl real taaif: Adndiitn; the land of K M. (.rutin, eittat lantf of W. R. Marnh aud other, bound ed a follow: Ren Inning at a amall p. o. and peraimmon tree at th aouthweMle rn junction of Three Notch road with th former public road If ad in fnim the city of Monro to l-an caater and runnlna? thence with two line of Hi J.kfjfpht'. Helm land. li: 11 N. i W. W chains to a take hy a di-f wood, maple, wet a;um and per! tumon tree near the -uih-ern bank of the ptne bole branch, thence itud N.lvl. leMuchaln to a black jack n the weet side of the old Billy Helm road, several lanreplne pointer. t N. SlmiMon corner; thence with Mid Mtmpon's line . M K. ah 4-10 rhalns to a road IfadltiK from Monroe to l.an catr, H . R. Marh'torner;thfncealouK,Mid roa1 In a north easterly dlreciMi. th various eourfs belnir the line, but heartnK N.lMi K. T.J chains to a stake In Mid road, W. K. Marh's corner; thene with Marh' line 8. o K. T fhalntoa point In R. M.t.rlf.lit' Held, i link eagerly from a marked white n; thence with Mid (Irinin line 8 tS W. H.M chain Ut a tone In a field. Mid l.rtfflns and Jennie tmrne's corner; thf nee with Jfnnle ourne'a UneS. fcH4 W. .N.4-.IM.. rhaln to a "tone hy a weet mni and two water O. on the eatern eilirenf the new Monroe and l.anrater Mad; thence with Mid new mad HltKIl M chain, eroseln; the Hurk H ranch at on chain to a point on the oldThre Notch road a U ml A links southerly from a culvert; theut with the va rlou coure of Mid old road weterly about H chain to the beirlnnlnir, contalnlnir one hun dred and thirty ti acre, more or le The Mid J. 1.. Wlnchenter havlnir failed to MtUfy the peoTlsloiis of aald trust deed. This Ucc. list, 1W7. J(KN C. SIKKS. Trustee. Re-bSale of Land. By virtue of anoHernddtx;rcma(la by the Superior Court of Union county in r special pnicevding therein pendinf( wherein J. B. Medlin et al. are plain tiff a and M. A. Medlin et aL are de fendants), I will, on Monday, February l)th, 1907, exnoae to aate at the court houne door in Monroe, N. C, ail that certain uiece, tract or parcel of land lying and beinff in aaid county and State, known aa the late homeplace of Mary K. Medlin, de ceased, containimr one hundred acres more or leaa, a full description of which may be aeen by reference to a petition filed in the above named cause. Bid ding will befrin at $1,100. Terms of aale: ftnawthlrvi eaah in nm nalrl nn rlutA tt sale, and the remainder on a credit of 12 months with approved security bear ing interest from date, and title retain ed until all the purchase money has been paid. This the 6th day of January, t- R. B.fREnwiNB. Commissioner. . Redwine A Sikea, Attya. Re-Sale ot One-florae Farm. Br Tlrto of sa order and deerea aiade hr Fred M.mro, Jurlffe orealdliiR al February term ot th. Superior Court of In Ion eounty. North famltnk, In a rlrll krOnn therein pending wherein T R. Veal .1 kl .re plblnUS.aadC.B, W hite In defendant, ar will, on Monday, January 28, 1!V07, bxpnortosklb kl bubllk burllnti, kl the rnnrt n.aiae ooor in imrra., i.. v tnairertatn otero, tnwtt or parrel of land lylnn and la-ins In Jaelt biin toa.hlt. In Mid bounty and Htata. at tutnlaa lhatate land, nf Mm. Julia t'urehia and othera. hounded M folio: Ok the South by th. Iin. belweeb th. Stat nf M.irtb Canill nb bnd onutfe t'orollnk; on the North and F.a.t or the eatate land, of Ura. Julia (nret.in tnnar Mr.. E. J. Walkupl, and oa tho We.1 by tho land, nf Jane Hnod and Payld Hmd innv Mr. bad known' aa a part of th. Aleiander hand trart of the ..tale lands of Jam. Huod, dea d. Term, of as'.: Caeh. Btddlna to start al . ralaed Md FRANK ARM FIELD, a. a. RFiiwiNR, Vokalaat.ikMra.