5 m choj THE MONROE JOURNA VOLUME XIII. NO. 49 MONROE, N. C, TUESDAY JANUARY 22, 1007. One Dollar a Year ! OLD TITIE DEBATE IN MONROE. have no syniiathy with the weak Janti erring one. They Uyl that One ol the Remarks Stuck in the! there is a great gulf fiscJ, like Mind ol a Boy. Who Now Writes the one between Dive ami Lax- About It from Far-Oil Arizona. To lh Jltor Tkr Juaraal : The whirligig of time has marie many revolutions since Johu 1). Hodges waa principal of Mounie High School. I sometime recall pleasant reminiscences of that de lightful time. For one thing, I re menilier that the students of the school once held a sort of mock debate npou the much mooted sub ject of "Woman's SuH'rage," the girls contending for it and the boys ridiculing their contention. There were mauy sharp retorts, hard thrusts and sarcastic replies that were intended to provoke mirth. Alter the discussiou had proceeded arus, t ct seen theiu and their su perior children and the common herd of humanity and their low down childreu. To my niiud at one time iu life we were all on the same footing as to morals. Where we stand uow depeuds npou the nature and force of the influences that have home on us and have swerved us. Aud if a mau escapes the great evils of life it furnishes no just ground for boasting, tine of the grandest characters in this whole western country is Judge lieu Lindsev, who holds the court for juveniles in Denver, Col orado. lie was an orphan boy, at some considerable length Kugeue aud was early cast npon the cold MclJtrty, then a bright eyed boy chanties of an uufrieudly world of some seven or eight summers, He knows by experience w hat it hopped up and shouted out : "I j is to cry for help and sympathy inum we nave tnscusseti tins quea- lautf receive it not, but to receive tiou of Woiunu'a Suffrage long instead the world's hard knocks. euoiigh, and for my part I say let Since he has become a judge he her sutler." As time has passed I , has become the true friend of the have concluded that what was friendless boy aud girl. Some time thus said to produce a laugh illus-1 ago a boy was accused of robbing t rates a principle that is deeply the pigeon loft of an old man aud iinlMNiueu in weak human nature, was brought before Judge Lind There are those who have an abun- sey. There seemed to him some dance of prejudice against the thing rather familiar alKiut the weak and seeiningly rejoice to see 'pigeon loft robliery, and he let his them sutler. Of every one to whom adversity and misfortune have come in life it is said ''let It i in suffer. " Of every child, w ho by the accident of birth, has a worthless father, it is reapted : ''Let him suffer for he deserves it all." The self constituted high and holy people who say this, or rather who practice it, are lietter mind run backward to the time when he was a lxiy and joined a nuiulicr of other Isiys and robls'd this same pigeon loft. So he found himself in a rather funny predica meut. There was the stern, hard law and the lioy was guilty, Rut could he afford to punish the boy for doing what he had done him sclft Judge Lindscy acted quite than other people, they tau really differently from the judge iu I'nion Warm,Dry Feet Blake Health, Save Wealth andProlongLife! Right Now We are Feet Doctors. We charge nothing for prescriptions Here Is Our Medicine: Good 5hoes that will fit the feet, wear well and last a long time; shoes that will keep the feet dry and warm in wet and cold weather. We have been doing a good deal In the shoe line for a long time but now we are DOINU MOKE THAN EVER. Every kind of shoe for men, women and children, flore of them to select from than we have ever had. We sell you once; we sell you all the time. This Is shoe time; our's Is the place. BIcRae Mercantile Company. oooooovooooxoaac Arc your children troubled with croup, colds, chapped hands and lips? Simpson's Magic Cream will positive ly cure it or money refunded. Price 25c. Trial package can be secured at our drug store. C. N. SIMPSON, Jr. i The Siloes Co. 1 g I We are offering some blO BARGAINS in 1 Bug gy and Wag on ! f HAENESS A lot of Men's and Boy's Saddles that we I will sell cheap. Wagons, Buggies, Surries, 1 Horses and Mules for sale at all times. 1 Ti)e Siloes Co. a county, of whom fquire Mcll wai lie tells us, who sentenced to the roads two boys for breaking into the dinner buckets of some road bauds, for he kUmmI for the hoys' good conduct him-elf. And he coiitinually stands sensor for ! the boys aud girls brought before him, becoming resHnsible to so ciety for their good conduct iu the ! future, lint you ask how can he 'guarantee that tley will behave. ! .o one else could make such a guarantee. This is where his great ness comes in. He lielieves that every Imy has a soft Smt iu his heatt and goes about (hiding that spot iu his own unioue way. If the boy's pareuts are living he se cures their co-opcrat ion. Then he euliststhe help and sympathy of the I oy s teacher aud has the boy to bring the teacher's rcort to him at one of the sittings of his court. If the teacher's rcMrt is good the boy is kept on probation and his conduct is approved, aud thus Judge Liudsey's court has tie come a court of commendation in stead of a court of damnation. The secret of it all is that he has a genj uine iuterest and sympathy, horn of his own bitter experience in early life, for these friendless ones. There is a wonderful restorative principle in nature. It is found everywhere; wounds heal, the broken limb knits together again, but we are not to discard helps, the baudage, antiseptics, etc; so the broken life will adjust itself agaiu if the liest inlliiences and supports ant brought to licar npou it. "IImw many a talhiT have 1 wmmi, A !inli!r man anmntf hi l..v-. W huM Yoilltl full of f.Mtli-.lt nitii, W ho wear. lit. nianhiNHl liali aiul iircvn. I heartily concur with you upon the quest ion of a reformatory and believe that good w ill come of the discussion if a kindlier feeling for the neglected and erring ones shall lie engendered thereby. It has been truthfully said that if half the money spent for battle ships, guns aud forts were spent to tree the human mind from error there would lie no use for the.se battleships, forts and guns. The lie.st use money can Iks put to, whether the money of the individ ual or of the State, is to spend it iu educating, reclaiming and ele vating humanity to a iositiou where it ran best fulfill the high destiny for which we were cre ated. B. V. Hi HUH. Tucson, Arizona, Jan. lit. When the cold winds dry and crack the akin a box of aalva can save much discomfort. In buying salve look for the name on the box to avoid any iiu- ationa, and tie sure you get the orig inal DeWitt's Witch Hazel Salve. Sold hy Dr. S.J. Welsh and C.N. Simpson, Jr. Letters From Abroad. y A. N. STACK. On the Field of Waterloo A Great Hound, 5tirmounted by lironzc Lion, narks the r atal Field fleets Col. Roosevelt. Who It a Warm Admirer of North Carolina Soldiers. (Copyrighted, I by R. F. Ben-dry. J No. S who visited lloiigniuoiit farm years and no doubt would be willing to afterwards sums it up as follows: risk another venture. The lawyers "Arson, massacre, carnage: a wear gowus and dark caps in court, stream composed of English, i They have no jury iu civil eases , French and German blood furious- j whatever, and have a jurv in oulvl was broiiL'l.t to lj inei,.n l.-istir,t Iy mingled; a well tilled w it li a very few criiuiual eases, w here' and turned over to the county auihor corjwes; the Nassau regiment and the punishment is capital or thejitiesto care for until lie might In) uie lirunswii K regiment Uestroyert: ; imprisonment hve years or more, admitted into the hospital for the in- Strange Case of Insanity. lklt.tclMli l'i.Mtrll. N". II. I'n-vo of I'uini oiis tittiis!iip, a young man of almct :."ior :ti years. The liouse refused to strike out an item of one million dollars for the militia national guard last week. Hy tins appropriation a reserve corps is maintained and encamp ments held each year where raw troops are drilled. Half the World Wonders how the other half lives. Those who use liuckleu's Arnica Salve never wonder if it w ill cure cuts, wounds, burns, sores and all skin eruptions; they know it will. Mrs. (irant Shy, 11.10 K. Keynolds st.. Springfield, 111., says: "1 regard it one of the absolute necessities of housekeeping." (iiiarautccd by Knglish Drug Co. 2."i Michael Hoffman died in 1'lain- field. N. J., last week, leavine . 10.- (HK) to the. pope of Rome. Ho was a miser, lived on charity and was not known to own anything. As ho left his wife and children nothing, they will contest the will. Clear up the complexion, cleanse the liver and tone the system. You can hfHt fin thia hv a dusfl nr two nl Witt's Little Early Kiaers. Safe, ro uble little pills with a reputation, 'he nills that evervonc knows. Kec ommended liy Dr. S. . Welsh and C. N. Simpson, Jr. Four million people in an area as large as New York Stato are starv ing to death in China. The winter is on them and il is live months till harvest. Suffering is intense. The led cross people are trying to help thera. Nearly every person who is subject to attacks from the stomach sutlers from a morbid dread of a dietetic treatment for relief, that is three fourths starvation and one-fouith toast and milk. On the other hand you ran eat as you please and digest the food hv the aid of a good diestnnt, thus giving the tired stomach eipiully as much rest. I. at what you pit ase ami take a little Kodol Tor Indigestion af ter your meals. It digests what you eat. Sold by Dr. S. I. Welsh aud C. N. Simpson, Jr. There is still trouble with the ma chinists at Spencer, who struck some time ago for higher wages. They were granted an increase, but two non-union men were retained in the shops. This nettled the union men and the trouble is not yet set tled. It means that either there will be another strike or else that the union must work with the non-union men. May Live 100 Years. The chances for living a full cen tury are exeelleut in the case of Mrs. Jennie Duncan of Ilaynesville,! Me., now 70 years old. She writes: 'Llectrtc Hitters cured me of chron ic dyspepsia of 20 years standing and made me feel as well and strong as a young girl." Electric Hitters cure stomach aud liver diseases, blood disorders, general debility and bodily weakness. Sold on a guarantee at Knglish Drug Co. 'a I'rice ouly 60c In his commentaries on the Gallic wars, Caesar tells us that all Gaul was divided into three parts, one of w hich the "Itelgae ' inhabited. The territory occupied by that peo ple nearly 2,000 years ago was ap proximately the same aa modern Itclgiuni. Since then the country has been kicked mud cuffed about a great deal and has had many mas ters. At one time or another it has lielonged to Burgundy, France, Germany, Spain, Austria, and at one time united with Holland un der William of Orange. If Julius Caesar could re-visit by the light of the moon the Belgian part of his proviuce he would not recognize it at all. It is now full of teeming millions of busy people w hose victories of eace are no less renowned than those of his wars. Although one of the smallest coun tries on the globe, it is one of the most densely opuIated. It has an average of over (UK) persons to every sipiare mile. So crowded are the people that the battle for bread is a fierce one with many. The strong push aside the weak and we see the survival of the fittest. The soil produces abundantly everything that will grow in this climate. A large portion of the country on the north aud west is perfectly level like Holland. Much of it is rolling and hilly, but all ol it is rich and productive. About one half of it is iu cultivation and something like a fourth is pasture lauds, the other part timbered or marshes. Twenty per cent, of the people are eugaged in farming. The government fosters and eucour ages agriculture, and in every prov ince there is au agricultural com mission appoiuted by the King. The farms are very small, about what we would consider a good garden, but they keep them rich and a little soil produces a surpris ingly large tiaiitity of truck. Perhaps no one thing would sur prise old man Caesar more than the hihwsys and bridges hi the north west portion of his province. No other country has better or prettier public roarfs, and it is a pleasure to drive over them. Many of them are puved with stone blocks and have a row of pretty trees on each side. The superior advantages of good highways are especially ob vious ut this time of year when there is so much rain. The weath er here is very variable. More than once I have seen the sun shin ing brightly and in less than fifteen minutes it would lie snowing, raiu ing or hailing. Belgium is essentially a manu facturing country, aud it makes a little of everything from a steam engine to the tine lace which the ladies rave over so much. It is full of factories and the smoke from them ciiu lie seen iu every direc tion. The whole country is a scene of busy life and activity. It is no place for a la.y mau. Belgium is one of those countries that have uo language of their own. The language of the court is French and Flemish, and every lawyer must be able to plead iu both, but the people geuerally speak every thing. The kingdom is surrounded by France, Germany, Holland, and just across the channel is England. A business man, to lie successful, should be able to talk at least those four languages. But whether he can or not, he w ill try. The busi ness men here have an eye to busi ness aud they do business. They are right up with the procession. lhe w omen, too, are workers "from away back." They enter the arena with men and ask no quarters. They peddle fruits, flowers and vegetables, sell newspapers, black shoes, keep shops, etc. They ask neither the weather nor the men any odds. I have never More seen women make such a brave fight for an honest living. They deserve a lietter lot The country is thoroughly Ilo- man Catholic. Out of over 7,000,- 000 people, less than 20,000 are 1'rotestauts. The public schools are in the hands or tno clergy, ami Catu ic the country will remain. To a -nan boru and reared in the Unit.! States, w here there are so many Methodists, Baptists, Presbv- teriaus aud F.piscopaliaua, it issur prising to hud virtually none of them in these parts. What is still more surprising, many of the ieo pie seeiu never to have heard of those denominations. Auy Auieri can r ho belongs to either and who has the "big head 'over hisehurch, ought to visit this country, and it will give his sectarian pride a jolt. A large per ceut. of the jieople never heard of Johu esley aud Johu Kuox, and some evidently never heard of John the Baptist. I had a pleasant conversation with a gentleman over in Rotterdam a mau holding a good positiou aud well posted in the allairs of his owu country and I uever could make niui uuuersiaim wnat i meant tv a Baptist I tried him on the Meth odists and he droptied his head, studied for a moment, and repeated to himself, "Messcugerst Messen gers!"' and then answered that he knew of none. I changed the sub ject It. The Belgians do some things like they do over in Holland, but not a great many. They tax doors, win dows and dogs, and also a special tax for every servant you keep and for every horse you keep. Not an AD vai.iikkm tax on the horse, but for having a horse; and likewise a tax for having a servant. The dogs also are put to work and are worked hard. The State owns aud operates its railroads and the service is very satisfactory and popular with the eople, so I am informed. But how it would work in our country is another question. It might work all right and it might uot I leave that to the politicians. While in Brussels I have looked up some of the historical places aud visited them. I was anxious to see the house in which occurred that fumnus hn'd given by Die Dutchess of Richmond on the eve of the battle of Waterloo, aud which was immortalized by Byron in the poem beginning, "Tlierf wan s anund ut rHrjr by ulKht,"rtr. Like the birth of Andrew Jacksou, it happened at more than one place. There is no trouble in finding the place there are four of them. No one really knows where it took place, but these clever jieople are always ready to gratify the travel ler's love for the historical or the heroic. One guide wits showing some visitors the sights. He point ed out a painting of a very noted warrior aud said to the visitors that the general he was telling them about lost a leg in every bat tle he fought A moment later one of the party asked him how many battles was that noted general in. "Forty," was his prompt reply. But there is no doubt where Wat erloo is, and I seiit a day there. The field of battle is three miles from the village of Waterloo, but Wellington had his headquarters in that village and from there wrote his dispatches. Ou the field is an enormous earthen mound 200 feet high and 1,700 feet iu circumfer ence, it was limit entirely by female labor. Several hundred wo men were four years iu raising it. They carried the dirt in baskets aud received eight cents per day for their work. At the top is a latgc bronze lion. You ascend the mound by 225 steps, and from the top the positions of the armies can easily be seen. An elderly English man (whose grandfather was in the tight ) was on hand to point out and explain the whole thing. He ap pears to take much pleasure in doing so but takes more pleasure in annexing your cash for his speech. Nearby is a museum full of dole ful reminders of that fatal day caps, coats, guns, pistols, sutlers, bullets, cannon balls, hones, skulls, etc., including Napoleon s silver spurs and brass coffee kettle. And what was it all for! V ictor Hugo, t Grippe or Influetua, whichever you like to call it, it one of the most weakening diseases known. Scoffs Emulsion, which U Cod Liver Oil and Hypophosphitet in easily di gested form, is the greatest strength-builder known to medical science. It is so easily digested that it sinks into the system, making new blood and new fat, and strengthening nerves and muscles. Use Scott's mutslofi after Influenza. Invaluable for Coogha and Colda. ALL DRUQOISTSi BOe. AND SI.OO. 111 llnnlit LiII.hI- 1:1 ..In, ,.i. lillu.!.) the English guards mutilated; twenty French Initial ions of the forty composing Beille's corps dec imated; three thousand meii in this chateau of Hoiigomout alone, sabred, gashed, butchered, shot and burnt all (his that a peasant may say to a traveller at the pres ent day, 'If you like to give me three francs, sir, I will tell you all aiMtut tue battle ol aterloo.' " or iu political crimes aud ollences : sane at .M.irgaiiUm. Application has where the press is concerned. Cap-1 been made and the case w ill le pa.-s- ital punishment is still adjudged .ed on at the next tan -ting of the h.is- tuit uever carried out. l.ven iu larceny there is no jury. I saw a woman tried for larceuv and three lit. Our Consul General at Brussclls is George Washington Roosevelt of Pennsylvania, a til's! cousin of the President, aud a splendid fellow he is. He has all the dash, gallantry and intelligence of "Teddy," and even greater manaminity. He has a lofty opinion ol the Southern eo pie, aud his praise of them is gen erous and unstinted. He is a vet eran of the civil war, lost a leg at Gettysburg and still curries iu his IsKly eleven bullets from Southern guns. He showed me a gold medal given him by Congress for bravery on the battlefield. His tribute to Southern soldiers was outspoken and undoubtedly sincere. After the war he went South aud married a Georgia lady. Speaking of his mar riage he used these words, ''I de cided that the incest women iu the world lived south of Mason and Dixon's line." He has no children and the President will heir his medal, sword, etc. Col. Roosevelt has lieen iu the consular service twenty-nine years continuously, lie writes well in prose and verse, and let me see a w itty poem on Mr. Cleveland and the Miiirwumiis, which so amused Mr. Cleveland that he sent for Col. Roosevelt aud told him that he could keep his consular position. Some ol his conversation tickled my Slate pride. Said he, "I am glad to meet a North Carolinian. I have met them when it was uot a pleasure to do so, lint happily those days are gone. The North Caioliua soldiers were the liest fighters in the war, and the Northern army so considered them. They always staid longer." Col. Roosevelt fa cetiously remarked that the North Carolina soldiers looked taller to the Northern soldiers than any other people, and, said he, 4,at the battle of illiamsburg the Tar Heels looked like they were ten feet high and our Isiys turned sml ran." I u order to see whether or not they were correct in their opin ion, he said they measured the first North Carolina prisoner that they captured and he was seven feet aud two inches tall. He said many nice things about the Southern peo ple and their hospitality which 1 will not take space to repeat. A lawyer has a hard road to travel in Belgium. He is required to attend law schools for six vears before he can get license to prac tice. For three years after coming to the bar he is assigned to appear for poor jieople without a fee. (After three years the court cannot assign hint to do such work1). As a rule it takes ten years lieforc he can support himself by his prac tice, making sixteen years Is-fore he cau get a living out of his pro fession. And yet, in this city there are 821 lawyers and all of them rich. But they were rich when they took up the law. A poor man can hardly become a lawyer here. The Belgian lawyers have an un usually high code of professional ethics. They are not allowed to advertise, not permitted to talk to clients out of their otlices (except at client's home when sick). No one is allowed to bring a client to a lawyer's office. Law partnerships are not allowed and the S21 law yers here are all alone in the prac tice. They regard the relation of attorney and client so strictly con fidential that only one lawyer should enjoy that relation towards a client. There is no such thing here as the "damage suit" lawyer with his healers and drummers working up cases on a commission. For the least violation of the rules a lawyer is promptly disbarred. I was privileged to meet the counsel for the English and American lega tions in Belgium, Mr. (S. de Iievel of Brussels. He is a Belgian but speaks English well. List year he visited America and lectured at Yale, Cleveland aud other places on international law. Next April he will again visit our country aud lecture before law schools in the South, and said he would lie glad to lecture in our State. He makes no charge whatever. He is a law yer of large means aud travels and lectures for his own pleasure. IV. I paid a visit to the "Palace of Justice" in this city, in which twenty-seven different courts are held. The building is a gigantic structure which cost 112,000,000 and is made of marble of nearly every country in the world. Many of the doors are made of American oak. Borne of the courts were in session and I dropped in to witness a Belgian trial. In one room the divorce mill was running rapidly and grinding out separations for the unhappy. Each applicant sat by his or her attorney, and when the case was called the party wonld move over near the judges: no jury in such case. Some of the womea judges tried the issue of her guilt or lunoceuce. Her lawyer was making a game fight for her, but the Itelgiau lawyer has a small ring in w hich to fight. The judges cau consider auy kind of evidence they wish to hear, or they can reject any testimony they do not care to hear. Ouly the judges can quest io:i the witness, aud if they start a switt and biased witness to talking the lawyer has no way of stopping the wituess. llieir lules of evidence are not like ours, or rather the judges are not hampered by any rules of evidence. They have uo such thing as cross examination of witnesses. The uearest thing to it is, a lawyer may ask the judge to please ask the witness so and so, but the lawyer cau't speak to the witness. An attorney can address the opposing counsel only through the court. There is uo such thing as side remarks or personal thrusts at the opposing lawyer. Some of our lawyers would get iu jail iu five minutes if they were to try a ease here. In the case referred to above, the woman's lawyer would speak to the court, the court would make some remarks to the prose cuting attorney, and then the latter would address the court. Part of the time Isith lawyers were ad dressing the court at the same time, and once the court and Isith law yers were all talking at the same time. For small ofl'euces one judge tries the case. The great writ of habeas corpus has uo place in the Belgian law. Their laws are taken from the Code Napoleon, but modified to suit the spirit of modem times and the cus toms of the country. They have no such institution as the grand jury, but have a "public prosecu tor. ' Mis functions correspond mewhat to those of our grand jury. He is a lawyer ( but does not practice ) aud lays criminal charges before a criminal judge and the lat ter issues a warrant. Whenever a jury is allowed, twenty-four men are summoned aud each side cau stand aside six. Trials are public. lliey have no municipal courts. There are justices of the peace who may try ttetty offenders. The next court tries any crime, and in civil matters may try anything up to f.ioo without the right of appeal. hen the amount involved is over !.VHi, the losing party may appeal. The next iu order is the "Court of Appeals" aud then the "Court of Cassation," or Supreme Court. They have separate courts for mer chants and mercantile matters. Their laws and the method of their administration are very dif- lerent troiu ours and possess not the excellence of onr system. Their trials are tame allairs. I wish they could sec our lawyers try a case. An old fashion "rough and tum ble" American trial would shock Belgian judges aud lawyers but they would see a better method of getting at the truth than they have. Bin ssKijt, Br.Miit' m. Food don't digest? Because the stom ach lacks some one of the essential diKestants or the digestive juices are uot propei ly balanced. Then, too, it is litis undigested food that causes sourness aud painful indigestion. Ko dol For Indigestion should be used for relief, Kodol is a solution of vege table acids. It digests what vou eat and corrects the deficiencies of the di gestion. Kodol conforms to the na tional pure food and drug law. Sold here by Dr. S. J. Welsh and C. N. Simpson, Jr. Revenue oflicers in the northern part of Durham county made a raid Thursday night and captured a urge still, in full blast. A good deal of property was destroyed, to gether with 1,000 gallons of beer. lwo w hite men were at work at the time, but neither was captured. One grabbed his gun and ran off, while the other found himself hemmed in between the ollicers and the river. The officer grabbed him as he ran and tore oil his suspenders and part of his shirt, but the fellow ran on and leaped in the river and made his escajie. Possesses wonderful medicinal power over the human body, re moving all disorders from your system, is what Hollister's Rocky Mountain Tea will do. Makes you well, keeps you well. 3! cents. tea or tablets. English Drug Co. , suit for $60,(100. the biggest ever brougnt in Durham county, has been started against the standard Oil Company for the death of L. ebb Holloway, who ws killed a few months ago by the explosion of an oil tank. He was blown high in the air and his flesh cooked by burn ing oil, dying in a short lime. From the Antilles. Chamberlain's Cough Remedy benefits l city councilman at Kingston, Jamai ca. Mr. W. U Keilly t-ogarty, wbo u a member of the city council at Kings ton, Jamaica, West Indies, writes as follows: "One bottle ot Chamberlain's Cough Remedy had good effect on a cough that wai giving me trouble and I tbink I should bare been more quick ly relieved if I had continued the rem edy. That it waa beneficial sod quick in relieving ma there it do doubt sod it if mi intention to obtain another seeking divorces were good looking bottle." For sale by English Drug Co, pital hoard. The voung in.ui ls-tr.ivs no sign of insanity to the uniirac- jtised eye and talks sanely enough on various topic and Lis condition. Uo is watched with care, but not closely confined, and so far has given litllo trouble, save that occasionally at night he grows excited and talks a great deal. His trouble is that there is no hoie for him in the hereafter. He told the reiuirter that he had worried over his failure to live up to a profession of faith he made about three years ago until lie firmly le lieved that God had deserted" him forever. His memory is gmxl and he seems perfectly sane on everything save this point. He is above the average in education and native sense and there would apju r little doubt that once at Morgan ton under treatment he w ill speedily recover. "1 know I am 'off' in my mind," he said, "and nothing interests me. Nothing makes an impression upon mo. I seem to have U-come hard hearted and have no emotions. Were a man killed in this room before nic, it wouldn't affect me at all." Why Suffer from Rheumatism? Do you know that rheumatic pains can he relieved? It you doubt this just tiy one application of Cbambt-i Iain's Pain Halm. It will make rest and sleep possible, and that certainly meaus a Kreat deal to any one atllirted with rheumatism. For sale by Knglish Drug Co. Six Russian revolutionists, con demned to death at Klcssa, and on the verge of being executed, were saved by a clever forgery of their friends who sent the officials a ci pher tflegram purimrting to be from the government, ordering tho men released. It was not found out until too late that the telegram was bogus. Beats the Music Cure, "To keep the Isidy iu tune," writes Mrs. Mary Brown, 2 Lafayette place, Pouchkeepsie, N. Y., "I take Dr. King's New Life Pills. They are the most reliable and pleasant laxative I have found." Best for the stomach, liver aud bowels. Guaranteed by English Irug Co. 2."c. Katie Lynn, a little ten-year-old boy in I'lirham, trying to steal a rido on a shifting train, was throw n un der the wheels and killed. Ilis mother sent him dow n town to havo his shoes half-soled, and on his way back, three boys ran a race to tho train to see who could catch it first. County Assessor Waylaid. J. W. Coulter of Leslie, 8. I)., as sessor of Stanley county, relates tho following: "I was waylaid by a complication of throat mid lung troubles, bronchitis, asthma and a terrible cough, which had allected ine for years, w hen 1 was persuad ed to try Ir. King's New Discov ery. Relief came almost immedi ately, and in a short time a perma nent cure resulted." No other medicine compares with it as a sure and quick cure for coughs and colds. It cures afier all other rem edies have failed. Every bottle guaranteed at English Drug Co.'s. Price iiOe. and vl. Trial bottle free. Two boys in New York, having read about cowboys and western life, played a wild west game in a room, and one shot the othor through tho head. They were dressed like cow boys and carried guns, and accedent- ally a gun went off. So much fur reading trash. The Price of Peace. The terrible itching and smaiting, in cident to certain skin diseases, is al most instantly allayed by applying Chamberlain's Salve. Price 2j cents. For aale by English Drug Co. O. C. Gunter, a printer, said to bo from Aberdeen, Moore countv. was attacked in Lynchburg Saturday night by two negroes and badly beaten. They hit him without cause in tho face with a bottlo and mangled his face. 'fS Too VwtwdbtTtoltai17'5 14 Jftifef tmrna it you would HI j ouijr lUtm to rcaMonand "ii- Ij inwM ur yieiui pr swrv Ut V tr enrich, air your noil and feed In your plauM wiia Ut wonder-wurkr, VirguiU-Carsluii Fertilizer. It ha b the timendons hipon of many tNimcra all wit Ilia Soma, whoturtrd Ilia with onljr a lw arras andaotie-hnrtieplow. r.ow.afteruatn lhM lertUlH-ra (orsunr ymra, thrm termers are rich. beadwhattbryMrlo ouralmanao. Ak ourdM)erftrtt,or wndac. iBStamix to yaulot wrapping- and pet oo aooiT. ll fun mi auk for Vlrg inla-4'anilina aarUU arrs, aad aooept bo aubaututa. Virginia-Carolina Chemical Co., Richmond. Va. Atlanta. Da. Norlnlk, Va. Savannah. Oa. Durham, N. 0. MonwnnMrv, Ala. t hsrlniton, S. 0. Kampala, 1 tno, Baltimore, M4. BhroTapot, la. lncrtaYaf MeUa Ptr Acre ', .yv CV1fvflnlaSroijmO