THE MONROE JOURNAL Tetcpboo No. 19. TiKfrUy, February 26. 1907. Cotton today 11 eeuU. Tbe House lawt week passed a reformatory bill, bat bat the Sen ate will do remain to be wen. Mr. II. C. Ashcmft of Mt. Airy wm in town Friday en route to Manhville to nee hi father. Mm rvilie Futch returned lut Kit unlay from aneitended vwit to Florida. Mr. W. a Blakeney, president of tbe lUuk of I own, U in aew York ou busineaa. Mr. Xev McXeelev ha located in Monroe to practice law and has au oflice in the Law buiiumg. There will be no r vices at the Lutheran church next Sunday, the patnr being at Synod Conference at Hickory. Mr. Chall Thoutaxand Mrs. Fan uie St il well of Sandy Kidee were married on the 17th by Eth. Geo. T. Winchester of Mineral Spring. Mr. F. A. Krauas of Waxhaw iipeut several days last week with hw pareuts here, Mr. and Mm. W. II. Mr. I). F. Kelk and daughter of (iastouia returned yestenlay irom a visit to relatives inliuiord township. Kq. J. 8. Little, carrier on route number one, is visiting bis son, lr. J. It. Little of Newton. Ki. Little has a leave of alxwnce for thirty days. Mr. J. W. Harvey, who has been Bnierinteodent for the Monroe Cot ton Mills for sometime, has cone with his family to Macon, Ga., to live. Mrs France A. Helms of Car niel had the misfortuue to fall on the ice last Thursday and was quite severely hurt, so much so that she itf yet unable to walk. A bill to amend the town charter of Mouroe so as to allow water to be sold outside of the town limits, and to allow the aldermen to levy certain xpeciul taxes, has been in troduced in tbe legislature. Simnis & Harmon is the name of a new firm who will deal in musi cal instruments in Monroe. These gentlemen have been working for Frix & Co. for a long time, but will now open out for themselves. ltev. James Long, son of County Commissioner W. G. Loug, spent a few days in the county with his pareuts last week. Kev. Mr. Long is a successful pastor of Virginia, Wing at the present time pastor of the First liaptist church of Charles town, West Va. There will be a public debate at Vutouville Saturday night, March 2ud, betweeu the l'hilomatheau and Franklin societies, on the re formatory question; II. C Hamil ton and W. F. Starnes on the allirmative, aud G. C. Buruette and M. A. Osborne ou the nega tive. The case of Mrs. Lula II. Smith againxt the railroad for damages for the death of her busband, which occurred while lie was working on the yard here last March, was the only case tried by the court last week. The jury awarded Mrs. Smith the sum of two thousand dol lars which was two hundred and fifty less ttinu the road had offered her. Mr. C. H. Gattis, traveling pas senger sgent for the Sealniard, writes The Journal that the day trains between Wilmington and Shelby that were discontinued last full, will be rcitistuted iu April. This train will pass Monioe late in the uflernoou and arrive at Wil mington at midnight, and return ing will leave Wilmington at 4:20 in the morning, pass Monroe for Charlotte at about 11 o'clock. This makes a very convenient schedule for this section. The Hodman-Heath Cotton Mills here bought fifty bales of cotton last Monday from Misses Maggie and Sallie Koss of Marvin. Mr. J. L. Koduian says it is the best all rouud lot of cotton ever sold iu Waxhaw. The price paid was 11:15. This cotton was made and selected by the Misses Itoss in 1905. Tbe yarn that will be made from it is to go to Philadelphia and Khode Island at a fancy price. Waxhaw Enterprise. Tbe police took In charge Jeff Dargan, who has a pretty long chain gang record, last week. Jeff made the mistake of having his liquor shipped by express from Atlanta, when the regular way of such of the tiger artists as have the nerve to try to operate, is to go in person to Wadesboro for supplies and smuggle it in. At bis house Jeff had fitted up a regular little bar to distribute his gallon, when the police broke np his play house. The rouLty cowiuUiouer have asked tbe legislature to pais an art Uoiug thein to levy a bridge Ux uot wore than five ceuta on the hundred and fifteen cents on the poll, for tbe purpose of building and keeping in repair the bridge of the county. Tbe ordinary rev euuesare uot aufheieut for this aud the work that tbe couiniuwiouers have been compelled to do by rea son of the deniaud for more bridgi s aud tbe replacing so many that were washed awsy, baa made a de ficit from year to year that had to be covered with loud iuea. Tbe commissioners have beeu faring this problem for several years, and the preseut board thought it better to provide for the matter than to go on aud allow more bonds to be issued. The matter of the liquor situa tion at Wadesboro is before the committee of tbe legislature at Hal eigb today. More that a majority of the qualified white voters of An son have signed petitions asking for the removal of tbe evil from Wadesboro. Mr. Link hart, the representative from Anson, is sup posed to favor an elect iou on the subject, while Mr. Kedwiue's bill takes the liquor out without a vote. Those who have gone to present the cause as it apiears to this coun ty are Messrs. II. li. Adams, W. H. 1'hifer, ). C. Curlce, F. B. Ash- craft, J. E. Heudersou and Kev. Messrs. Aberuethy aud Atkinson. A bill will be introduced in the legislature creating a recorder's court in this county. The court will have a judge with jurisdiction to try all misdemeanors committed anywhere in the cotiuty, and the magistrates outside of Monroe township, iu w hich township there will be no magistrates, will make all their warrauts returnable before the recorder, who will prom-d to dispose of the case. The object is to save the enormous jail fees and other costs entailed uxn the couu- ty by carrying so many frivilotis cases to the superior court. The follow ing pledges have been made iu resiMinse to President Broom's request tbut some good citizens iu each school district pledge to raise five dollars for the cottou association: 8. M. Parker for Carmel, II. P. Meigs for Win gate, T. J. Gordon for Tiudal, W. A. Kubanks for Trinity and J. . Lathan for Prospect. All these districts have already paid their proportion before, but will pay this in additiou. Mr. Broom says the proposition is still oiwju. a loafer, but he is worth as little to himself as to society. No wan, whether young or old, who has any energy ran lit e an idle life. Here Special Notices. FOR .iu DAYS i Uiru '. prr window. Laundry Company. fur ule basht-L WILL rluth- . earn, dry Company. FOR SALE pigeon. Talking With The People. i at Marshvtik isau old couple who have spent all ' I K'vr" away the rich years of youth in working and planning to lay deep the fouud tioiofa home, w beret bey reared their cbildreu, who iu turn started out he old, old jouruey for thrru wives, following it as eagerly, as freely aud happily as if it bail ne'er been trod before by myriad feet. The old couple are left behiud, but instead of having lost iuterent intheir home they love it ten times more dearly, for is it not the nest in which the young were hatched, in whose walls and ground tbe common place objects are associ ated with ten thousand precious nietuoriefcf Here is a tree planted by the first born, there is an ob ject uiade sacred by the bauds of tbe one bo went to heaveu in tbe sweet days of youth, so long, so long ago. Why should the old couple be torn away from tbe things whose roots are iu their hearts merely for the Nike of a warmer room, a fancy carpet aud finer fur niture. Iu kindness tbe sons aud daughters think they art, but they are mistaken. Look around aud see how often the old plants die when they are thus uprooted. A dismantled old homestead is al ways a sad object, but when the tired, old hands that built it iu their youth are living elsewhere, it is the saddest sight iu the world. Mr. J. G. Barton, the well- known brick maxou, w ho is 7( aud cau vet go to the top of a chim ney on the inside and ajieak mighty sharp to the young fellows who are loitering behiud, was iu the Journal oflice last week. He had a paer, old aud faded, that he prizes more highly than most folks do a land deed. It was his dis charge as a paroled prisoner at ApiHUuattox, aud ou t lie back of it was this munificent endorse ment : "Issue one day's rat ions." That would sound like a mighty little bit as thing go now, but when Mr. Barton and his comrades started to walk home it seemed good to them. . If a boy who went to school for any length of time to Professor O. U Haiuiltou were to become presi dent of the I'uited States iu his old age, he would quote Prof. Hamilton in his messages to congress as the words of the wiscast man he ever knew. Not that this little man with sandy whiskers thinks he is wise or that he wants any body else to thiuk so, but there is some way he gets hold of his boys that they never forget him nor his instruction. The other day the writer encounter ed a fine fellow who has made a sue cess iu another State, and iu con ATTEND the big auction uk of Ms Mure 7th. A kit will Monroe Realty Co. A FEW valuable city kU for L 0. BtcketL 'PHONE lis vhrB you have laundry work. Call answered promptly. Mon roe Steam Laundry Company. BUY a kt at Manhville. one of the best towns in North Carolina. Big sW on March 7. Monroe Realty to. ionrue Steam Sl'N Flower Lone Staple cotton wed sale by J. M. f airley. $1.25 per Ionrue Steam Laun- T n 1' t : . -. - . -II ur. l. r. arriUKion, it im oiu .,,. i;,. i,.. i,(.... ; ..-..i geutlemau with white hair and am, ia ,M)Ut uva uo beard and spotless lineu, and mau-; , h,.ir .',.., ,1H ,...,, ou. suushine, spent last,wilh , i..it1t ,,,! fr, his old teacher. Said be: "I re- member w heu 1 was a IkJ' hearing i Professor Hamilton talking to my last! Ho lives iu Golds- uer like the week in town boro, was for years a practicing physician, then a practicing den- father about educating his chil dreu. Father had a very large family and made all his support from the farm, and while trying to keep the older children in school, he was expressing fear that he wouldn't be able to hold out all along down the line. 'Vby,Sqiiire,' said Professor Hamilton, '1 have always noticed that when a man educates a large family of boys aud girls he somehow gets rich w hile he is doing it.' And when father got through with his job of nearly a dozen he was a long ways better oft' in money than when he started." wii!S,a For Ladies Only. The Skating Rink will bo open Friday Afternoon from 2:30 to 5 o'clock especially for Ladles. Long Brothers. mmmm tist, and finally gave up all for the practice of a specialty the disease of the gums. Ou his subject he is as enthusiastic as a boy and finds a positive pleasure in giving in formation on the subject. His tes timonials are of so high an order that no one cau doubt that he is a thorough iniust'T of his sjiecialty Higg s disease of the gums. I he doctor looks to be about sixty- five, and it tires him just a little to come up the wonderful steps, to the Journal oflice. But hear Kim on old age. Hays he : "I do nut doubt that wheu the next genera tion learus to keep a clean mouth, and therefore a healthy body, aud mothers begin with their childien at the proper time, we shall 1' able to live and be useful to our fellows up to the age of ninety or a hundred, instead of sixty or seventy. Now, I did not begin iu time, yet I think I shall go a hun dred. I am now over eight y." If a clean mouth aud a sweet spirit cannot carry a man to a hundred, what could 1 "I have just been to see my pa rents." said a gentleman who lives iu another state, but who is a native of this couuty. "They are now in good health, surrounded by all the well-earned coinfotrs of a life of thrift. But though they have reared eleven children, they have not one with them. Of course they feel lonely a good deal of the time and their happiest moments are when some of the grandchildren come to spend a while with them. Now the ques tion that is troubling their minds is had they not lietter break up house keeping and accept some of the urgent invitations of their chil dren to make their home with them. I advised jtheni not to do this, for my observation along this liue has been extensive, and in all my exporience I have not known a movement of this kind to turn out well." There is a deep truth iu the statement above. Did you ever notice," said the same one, "that when one of an old couple who have lived a great many years together dies, the other, though apparently well enough, does not live long t" Extremely old peo- pie lost their wives or husbands in their younger years or middle life And old people who break np and go to live with the children be cause they are lonesome at home, often show the same effect. They either do uot live long or their laM days are not as happy as they should be. It is the result of breaking up old associations, and trying to give a new interest in life to people who have long since formed their habits, not only of living, but of thinking and feeling, The man who retires to "take it easy" has bis roughest time ahead of him. Men and wo.nen who have any soul cannot live without an interest in life. Here and there yon see a fellow tbat has been drag- Barrel home made kraut, mighty a-inr out an existence for Tears as fine quality, at 8. li. Doster'a. Stoddard's Lectures. The fact that so many sets of Stoddard's lectures were sold in Monroe during the past three weeks goes to prove tbut the peo ple of this town are not behind those of larger cities in their ap preciation of good literature. Those who have received their books have been more than satis fied wiih them, aud have recom mended them to their friends and neighbors, luis lias beeu a rare opportuuity for our people, and will be of lasting benelit to the families who have purchased these hooks, and to the town itself, for it caunot rise any higher than its best citizens ; and these liooks fur nisli the very best in history, bi ography, art, travel and literature, in such an entertaining form that they attract aud hold the atten tion of the young as well as older people, and are instructive to a The sale of these valuable books will cease when the agent leaves town, as the books are never wild at any other time. This will prob ably be the last week of tho sale here. Any who have not been called upon may address box "LMi, Mouroe, . C Monroe, N. C, Feb. 25, 15H)7. It was with a keen sense of pleas ure that I opened my set of "Stod dard's Lectures," lately received, aud dived at ouce into tbe volume on England and Scotland. The style is so entertaining, the pic tures so accurate and beautiful, that I read on aud on till the book was well nigh finished before it oc curred to me to examine the titles of tbe other volumes. I can iiu agiue no better court-e of reading to take preparatory to a trip abroad; and to those who have traveled these books will bring back most vividly the delightful days spent in other lands. Then there will always be a uumber of stay at homes: some from choice, some from necessity. To them this work will give all the pleasures of travel without its discomforts or disappointments or dangers. In deed, there are few so dull that they would not find much enter tamment in this brilliant, compre hensive description of the wonder ful world in which we live. Mtw. Fka.nk Armhkld. LOST-GoM medal, monogram "U. I." Reward if returned to telegraph office in court house. GIVE us your clothe to be rough dried and starched. Monroe Steam laundry Company. FODDER WANTF.DpplytiCT Y. (adieu at Journal office. f'KEMU'MS-A new lot of copies of Pilgrim's Progress aud Robeson Crusoe just received, to be given free to those who nay one year in advance for The Journal. Or if you prefer it, good pocket knife. One pair Red Antwerp Apply to Albert Mclall. NOW is the time to art out fruit I OAF brea l. the tmt to be had. at I ,rv ami I hav a fif mfcfhrt- alt- I . Parker's BMtftnrinl 'tihun .t ! plea, cherries, apncou, pecans, etc. that I will aril cheap. They are frum one of the very best nurseres and all are good stock. J. D. Futch. P1CTI KES s cents up, at Mouroe Furniture Company's. IF you wsnt good kucuits buy Cham pion and Woodstock Flour rant got Woodt and Rooster brands.! brat-class grocers. (the Lion Sold by all SEED CORN. SfcEO COK.V-Tbw Word's Fiemiuin Seed Corn, which took the premium at the World's Fair, Raised and solj uuly by tbe Daisy ! Seed Coiupaoy. Write today fur cat- EGOS-From pure bred barred I'ly-.slojue and price list, which are tree, mouth Rocks, fur sale. "he. prr art ting ' Tbe Daisv Seed Company. of 15 eggs. M. D. Myers. i R. f. D. No. i. Wiustoo Saelm, N. C. SAND for sale. C. T. Mailman. . HOS T eat soddy biscuits when you U can get the best bread at Parker', FOR RENT-Down stairs front room. Mrs. E. H. Austin. EGGS FOR SALE White Wyan dot u. winners of first pnie at Monroe I'oultry Mww; 11.50 for 13 eggs. W. S. krauaa. TIMBER FOR SALE-About Suo.Ouo or nuu.uiiu feet of lumber on stump, at Ml cent per hundred. About lO.taiU or IZ.UIIO cords wood, at 50 cents a cord. Three years' time to pay and remove same from land. One arid a half miles of Monroe, I mile of graded road. If interested see us within ) days. See the timber and shoot off your lip and we'll do some business with you, unless you are looking for some ready rut to give away. Beasley A Sikes, Real Estate Dealers, Monroe, N. C TO ct BIG AUCTION SALE OF LOTS at Marshville on March 7th. Sale begins at 10 o'clock. Monroe Realty Co. LAND OWENRS-llaving re. ceutly supplied myself with a first class surveyor's outfit, I am prepared to do all kinds of plane surveyiug. Dividing land iuto lotr and laying otf town and city lots a specialty. I use I niiim hul t'nilpil tafa atanJaril lin or measure. 1 ask your patronage. 'phone 91. YOU can insure your horse or mule against death Irom auy cause. I repereseot the Southern Live Stock Insurance Company, a safe aud sounJ North Carolina Institution, aud will be glad to talk the matter of live stock in surance over with you. B. C. Ashcraft, Monroe, N. C. ALL kiuds of fresh meat, the best to be bad anywhere, at Parker's Market. FIVE stippled and decorated water sets with slop jar, f 6 50. Mouroe Furniture Company. MC. HOWIE, Electrical Contractor, is prepared to wire your house and do general electrical work. All kinds electrical fiitures furnished. Havin LOST-Pocket book, containing $6 or $8 and note or two, between Monroe and Unionville. Kinder please return to Journal office. FOR SALE-The Polk land, 3 miles from Monroe on graded road. To be sold in davs. See us. Beasley and Sikes., Feb. '20, 1907. Market. w Notice. ing this day qualified as adminis trator of Frances P. Bivens, deceased. before D. A. Houston, C. S. C. of Union County, North Carolina, notice is here k.. .... .... ... .. n l. . .1.1 i . . r. 1 t ii? I VJ K"11 w ti i isoiib iioiuuuf nanus Wi McCauley, Land Surveyor. ' . the M1dVrances 1'. Kivena. de- ceased, to present them to the under signed on or by the '1 day of February, I lirt, or this notice will be plead in bar :of their recovery. I All persons indebted to the said Fran ces P. Bivens, deceased, must settle their indebtedness on or by .'nd day of ' February, 1W8. I This Zlst February. l;lo7. Thomas J. Bivkns. Admr. of I Frances P. Bivens. LEE & LEE COMPANY. THE LEADING DET GOODS, lOTIOIS, CLOT BUG, CHIT lTOJIJIir:, liT 119 S10E STORI 11 lonoL i New White Goods.. FRESH steaks, sausage, pork, veal, fish, etc., to be bad, at Parker's ATT ASHCRAFT, M.D.C. (vet- erinarian), offers bit profession al services. Day calls answered from Tbe Enquiier office; at night, 'phone "J- Figured Madras at 10 cents. A variety of patterns in mercerized cloth from 10 to 30 cents a yard. One of the best things you ever saw in India Linen for 10 cents. Pure Irish Linens from "25 cents to S1.00 per yard. .Nainsooks, Dimities, r. K., lktistes. Persian and French Lawns, all these now in stock and more on the road. Come to see us and supply your needs for early spring sewing. L66 & Lee oompanu m l Auiction SsJe of Lots Monroe, 3VTaxcli XI x tVr .41 wT n ,u fV1! mr r V 96 60 " i "N S . -h r- o . iJ I ejA If A "I 0 ft p 1 90 Q M 1 tE 3o fa TO I, JUL 77 m. a Sixteen elegant building lots situated on Charles and Everett Streets, dwdioining the Mc Cauley property. Healthy location, good neighborhood, and handsome residences going up on all sides. On easy terms: One-fourth cash, balance 6, 12 and 18 months. This is by f&r the most favored section of the city. Don't forget the day, TUESDAY, MARCH, 19th, 1907. 7S 76 I I I 7f 1 76 JL O) 4& 1: 71 I 76 rJ 7( I 76 76 '8 76 I 76 76 76 76 6Sft tn S q s 76 1 78 I Sz Jjol XJrLparallelled OpportixrLLty Act now! Take a look at these magnificent residential lots, fronting on Wolf Pond Road and South Hayne St., near in and favorably situated, on one of the best residential streets in the city of Monroe. Every lot a corner lot, except two. These twelve elegeoit lots will be sold on easy terms, one-fourth cash and balance in 6,12 and 18 months, at public auction, on Tuesday, March 19th, 1907, at ten o'clock. Twenty Dollars in gold will be given to some person who attends sale. Peony & Bodenhammer, Auctioneers, English & Blair.

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