You can't chew braggadocio you can't chew a lot of hot air neither can you chew inferior tobaccos without great damage to your health you CAN chew Bill Bailey it s a moderate price tobacco that pleases. BAILEY BROTHERS. (Incorporated) Winston-Salon, N. G 'o totter tobacco mads thaa taoae ataasrar- . lured b DA11.LV BROb. MOT IN A TRUST. Notice to Creditor. Having qualified as administrator of Willis Mtfdlin, deceased, before I. A. Houston, clerk of the Superior Court of Union county. North Carolina, I hereby notify all persons holdinit claims against the estate of my intestate, to exhibit them to me for payment on or before the litth dav of February. l!i!, or this notice will be pleaded in bar of their re covery. Persons indebted to said intes tate are required to make payment to me prompt iv and thus save costs. This 12th "dav of February. I1" C. J. raswku., Ailm'r of Willis Medlin. IVceased. Adams. Jerome & Armlield, Attys. .IlMi. to aal. at puhlti aiH'tl-i (tlilnfr, SI Iii4mturt n. Re-Sale of Land. Br virtue nf an order and deereeof tht Olera of the Superior 1'nurt of I'mmi county. Vrta C arolina. in s aperlV pr'H'ee.luitf therein ueml Ins witfffia 1.. 1.. t.riitin ei al sr. plaintiff, and Alice Urlffiu rial, are dWetidant. I will, un Monday, March 11th, 1!)0T, the hu-hel ue dr in Mnrm. N t, that cert. In pieoe. travt ur irre! of land lylnH and linit lit aaid founty uf I ni.m. Mate tif North Carolina, tit Mar.nvllle townhiii, bounded ami deurild a. follow.- Wlllllllll. alaalske hjr pine, a earner of J Marh emate land and w B. Treadawai ' corner and mil Mid Trfadaway line S i'- W. lit Tn chain. 14x111 hi corner and with 1) Y ilrtf. fin'ii line to a roolt. hi-, form-'-. llo-n,-. S 5K Jn 1A chain to a rock in a llfid. tliem-e s M, E XI 12 chain to a aru.e, tlo-io-e ly IA VI chain to a stake, I V corner tlienor with hi line h. ;o, t : t .-lum. to the i tlnnintf. eontalnini; acre more or le. and ruin that part of t lie H 1. 1 inttln ctate land, that wa allotted to in. widow, SamaMlha lirlttin. a her dower Term of ale: one third ami ttie -e maiiider on a credit of li 1110111)1. uih ap proved eonnty and title retained im'.ii all tne purcha-e tnonev ha ten (wild. Riddinir to wcin at t:-. . Till the vh .lav of r.o..-un. I i IwC. K rt KCI'HIM.i uliiiii.loiier. a- ike, Atty. Re-Sale of One-Horse Karm. By virtue of an ortier and decree made y Fred Moore, judire iretdlttii at rVI'ruary term of the Minor f ourt of I nion county. North t'arollns. In a civil sctlon therein pending wherein T R. Veal et ai are pialntitT.-andl'.S While I defendant, we will, on Monday, March 1 1W7, eipoar to aale at puldie auction, at the court htiuar diMir in Monro.. S i'.. Hint certain piece, tract or parcel of ism! iylnif and lieuiir in Jack son towii.liip. In -aid founiy and tafe. a.1 Jotnins the p.tat. land of Mr. Julia t'ureloli and oilier. Ininded a follow: I in the South l-j the line between the state of North I'aroll naand South t'arojlna on the North and Kt by the etate lanil of Mr. Julia t'ureton mow Mrs K J. Halknpi.and on the Wet by the land of Jane Hood atni liavld MikhI now' Mr M. K. HtMid 1. coiilamlnir i-j acre more or !e and known a s part of the Alexander H -id tract of the etate landa of Jatnea Hood, dee'd Term of ale : l i.ti Rl tll tin to atart at em l, rard hid. Tina February nth, lt'7. FRANK ARMKIKLD, K. r) KKIin iNK. t'onmiiioner. Notice of 5le. By virtue of power of sale contained in a mortraK ueed executed to Mrs. U. A. McLartv bv Albert Cureton and wife, Amanda. on the 3rd day of January Iii5, and recorded in the twister ol deeds' office of Union countv, N. C, ii Book AK, at pstre 51, and rlulv assiin ed to D. S. Davis. I will sell at the court house door in Monroe, N. C, on Monday, March ISth. 17. at 12 o'clock m. , to the highest bidde for cash, the following described real estate: '.yingand being in thecounty of L nion, Jackson township. .V i.. and bounded as follows: lieginnini; at a pint south side of Maxhaw road that lead out from Waxhaw bv John L. Osborne place, and runs with said road N. S" dt'if. 41 feet; thence 2.t E. about s. feet to a street that runs parallel wit 0. C. and N. Kv.; thence with said street N. S81 W. alsiut 45 feet to a stak in comer of said street and alley t' thence with said alley C about N. 27 V. dir feet to the tietrinnint;, contain ink, containine a little more than i acre being on west part of block 9, as sur veved bv M. 1). L. Bieeers Oct. 4 and 5. 1S97. and conveyed to 0. S. Massev I). S. I 'a vis and J. E. Stephenson by heirs of V. diven. N)lu to satisfy the provisions of said above mentioned mortgage deed. This February the 11th, 1907. l. S. Davis. Assignee of Mortgagee JNO.WJEAL.M.D., MONROE, N. C, Solicits tbs patronage of the people ol Monroe and surrounding community. Calls answered io day from English Drug Store; at night from residence oo Cburcb street. Phone No. 48. IRK MULLIS, Civil Engineer, Phonb 44. Winqatb, N. C. C.rtlflcst .f Proflc.neT In SnrreTlns from na of the leading college in N Tworeari siperlrncs la Hallway. Mumolisl and Faro StirTeylnjr Notice of 5i le. By virtu of a pow er of sale contained in a mortgage deed executed to me by l.illie Stitt and her husband, Jas. Stitt. on the 27th day of January, li. and recorded in the register of deeds' office of Union county, N. (.'.. in Book AH of 1 1.. ... 1 I ...111 . . .1 . ticrus, at par 01, t win sen a. tne court house door in Mor.roe, r. t.,on Monday, March 18th, 1907, at I. 0 clock m., to the highest bidder for cash, the following described real estate: Lying and being in the town of Waxhaw, N. t., adjoining the lands of J. H. SUrnes, J. W. McCain and Ema- line Givens, and bounded at follows: on the north by the lands of J. H. Starnes. on the east by the lands of J. W. Mc Cain, on the south by the lands of Ems line Givens, and on the west by lands of J. H. Starnes. Said lands being' sold to satisfy the provisions of the said alsive mentioned mortgage deed. This the 11th day of february, 1'.17 D. S. Davis, Mortgagee. DR. E. S. G RE EX, DENTIST. Offices upstairs in Law building. Mr 'Phone 158. 7BrcrDFEARN DENTIST. Charges reasonable. Satisfaction guaranteed. Office over Rudge'a Book Store. MONROE, N. 0. W 11 be at Marsh ville, N. C, on first ad third Mondays of each month, and t Matthews on aecond and fourth Mondays. Phone 232 Notice. Notice is hereby given that James I Griffin and T. A. Little enter and lav claim to the following described piece or parcel of land lying and being in the county of L'nion, Goose Creek town ship, North Carolina, adjacent to Cow branch, a tributary of Goose creek, and bounded as follows, to-wit: On the north and west by the lands of T. A. Little. and on the south and east by the lands of James I. Griffin, the same being va cant and unappropriated land and sub ject to entry and containing by estima tion two and one-half acres. Entered this 3Mh day of January. A. D. 19U7. J. E. Stewart, Register of Deeds. W. B. HOUSTON, SURGEON DENTIST, Office op stairs, Fitigcrald Building, Horthwest of Courthouse, Monroe, N. C. Ring's Dyspepsia Tablets CURE INDIGESTION AND STOMACH TROUBLES, Bold by M. E. McQtuley, Druggist. Trustee's Sale of Real Estate. By virtue of a power of sale contain ed in a deed of trust executed to me on the lth day of July, A. D. im, by Bill Williams and wife, Frances Wil liams, a record of which has been duly made in the office of the register of deeds for L'nion county, in Book AI of deeds, on page 137. etc.. to which ref erence is hereby made; and whereas, application has been made to me by The Sikes Company, the holder of the bonds secured thereby; and whereas, the said Bud Williams has failed to comply with the conditions of said deed of trust, 1 will, at the court house door in Monroe, Union county, N. C, on Monday, March 4th, 1907, at 12 o'clock m., expose to sale at pub lic auction certain piece or parcel of land, lying and being in the county of L'nion, State of North Carolina, about 4 miles from the town of Monroe, near the G. C, and N. railway, adjoining the lands of R. V. Houston, Root. L. Gor don and others, and containing 77 acres more or less, the said land being fully described in Book 21, page 452, of the office of the register of deeds for Union county, to which reference is hereby made. The interest to be sold is a one fourth interest of said land subject to the life estate of Oma Jackson. Since the execution of this mortgage the property has been divided, and the lot alloted to Bill Williams will be sold. Said land is sold to satisfy the terms of said deed of trust. Terms of sale: Cash. This February 2nd, liW7. John C. Sikes, Trustee. Redwine A Sikes, Attys. msmmiiwmHiinMiminntsnwttiiw The Sies Co. We are offering some bIQ BARGAINS in S Buggy and W agon ...... HAKNESS A lot of Men's and Boy's Saddles that we will sell cheap. Wagons, Buggies, Surries, Horses and Mules for sale at all times. The Sikes Co. The MINISTER'S SURPRISE Tbajrttr Cavrrfckt. ha. y P. C. EaaUMl Tbe Rev. Calvia Morns was quite an ttored- II was la anything but a suluistehal mood when be tuaaetl his hat oo the table amid the cottfaskm of books and paiwrs and tat down in his study to toluk It over. It was siM-h a ridiculous situation that at Brat be had beea niikl ly auius.'d at It. but uow pahs i Why cuuldu't be lguore it; But It had passed the stage when It could be Ignored, la the past three days he had been tola flre tnues that his eongrvgatkm would like very much to see him married. Nor had tin marks been the tinlf Jovular words ou bis bachelor condition that he had of ten heart! since coming to the chuivh at Littleton, but baj been earnest words of advice expressed by the uioat prominent members of his dvk. lie was populsr lu the pariah, and bis two years' pastorate had been pro ductive of good results, but there had been one thing lucking. Accustomed for years before Ms ad veut to the service of a most devoted minister au.l his able wife whose home bad been the center for a vigorous church life, the eople simply could not get used to a minister In a board lug bouse, llesides. there stood the Hue ura parsonage empty, t'ertsiuly It was his duty to live up t the de- niauds of his people. When Miss (ill bert. the wealthy maiden lady who had contributed so much to the church. both In money and good deed, died two yesrs ago the parvouage she was building for the churvb wa uot quite lluiabed. The Iter. Calvin Morris knew he would ue It lu time. Indeed, all un known to bis people, vacuo plans had lieen floHtlng through the nilnlater's head for some mouth, and he had fre- lueutly looknt very rertivtlvely at the quiet bou' liesiile the church. lint the real vexing, dlaquletlng point of the whole matter was that the cougregatlou had Uot only decided that he should marry, but apparently had fixed on w hom he should marry. This was awiired the ulglit he took tea with Mrs. Thonie. one of the most acthe ladies In his church, when the chief topic of conversation was Xll Nell Wllliert. Now, Mr. Morris had taken a most unreasonable aiid uuuiluisterial dislike to Miss (illliert. s member of his church whom he bad never seen. She was the ulece of the grerit M' !ll bert mid had with her aunt until the hitter's death, when the great house on the hill had been closed. Since then the young lady bad trstel ed, so the minister had never seen her. lie had heard a treat deal of her, though, and had formed an Impression of a person of undoubted energy and ability, accustomed to have things ltit is she w anted 11 ml Inclined to be dom lncerlng. Miss Neil ideas l her own on church music. MM is NVir bad designed this and hud attended to that It sootnisl to the minister there was I little too much of "Miss Nell" every' when-. Tall mid muscular and ngirrcsslve himself, accustomed to shouldering burdens and clearing difficulties, the Uev. Calrln had. of course, nn Ideal of feminine grace very different from his own vigorous personality. Indeed, as he sat thinking In his study that morn ing a smile rose to the firm lips and softened the austere lines Into which he hud framed them as he saw In his mind's eye a petite, graceful form, soft, npieiillng dark eyes and masses of cloudy brown hair. Alas for the plans of the people who had made tip their minds that "Miss Nell" and the minister would be an eminently well lilted pair. Rut the vision faded quickly, and the many hints thnt bail leen dropped during the last few dart flashed In rapid suiTesslon through his mind, Miss Nell" was coming home next week. He would lie thrown at her head ami she at bis by his well mean- ig flock until something bapiiened. Oh, be well knew how It would be done. The opportunities a congregs tlon possesses for snnoylng Its minis ter aud making him do things be does uot want to do are legion, lie suppos ed every lady of the aid society had planned some function to which be must go and meet "Miss Nell." The minister groaned. Already the sub ject bad assumed alarming propor tions. He could not, be would not. tay round snd tie made a football of, to be tossed Into sny womsn's srtus. Again came unhidden that alluring vision of brown hair and eloquent lyes. It was preiiosterou! How could they badger blm now, Just ss bis heart as beating more madly every day for some oue? Ah. If he were only sure! Did that friendship, formed s few short months ago, that soul satis fying friendship, mean to the girl of the vision what It bad come to mean to him? Could be, dare be, offer her bis love? He bad been living since then In s beautiful dream. Suppose that dream should be fulfilled? lie hesitated. Dreaming bad been sweet he feared the awakening. Dare he risk "the last leaf?" With a bound be sprang to his feet. He could nd he would. He would please him self In the choice of a wife snyway, nd. If fortune favored blm, give bis efflrloua congregation a surprise and a sharp lesson. A short phone message to a neigh boring town secured a supply for next Sunday's pulpit. "Urgent business out of town" was the message left for the The Best Quutatj of Merit b Open Publicity. lffT bottle of Pr. Pierre's world- f&SMst Msiietn) halving the grssl U to rs kry ai tiulsJu, X. ha prmml bwa lu wrapper ail the causing law 11a eosBpxauuoa. This tact loss aoa 1. Pnaroes tarnlly Modi ciars Sw a ciassiaU t lAsrtnss. They raanol be classed w 11a palest or senvl sardu-UMs becsuse they are osHihsr. This is way ao natty untmj isaicwfl paylclana Pkssltid Uiea and rvcosaamid Lbraa u tnetr paurola. Tbsy know what Ibey are rooipussd of. asal that the liigrvdlcuts are thus rndared hj Uss bm eaiuirtil avsliral auihoritiM. the luritMv fact that althr TV. rierva 1 Ooidea Sinlieal IHsnwery. the sot loow yoa were la the rhnrek at Litttetoa till we reached New Tort ess our voyage home. Tod know we were pretty well acquainted the, but I either of as knew our owa heart I often Intended to tell you la letter, but somehow I couldn't I felt that If you knew It might make a difference. Toa were uor. comparatively. 1 had all that money and property. And aud I loved yon. dear, too much thee to have yoa leave me. Then at the end yoa took me by storm. 1 have been too hpy to talk of anything like that and I had been waiting till yoa woukl say sometninc great stomach tisnie, liver invi-skr. I ot your worn to leu yon an anoui my bean M gu.sUir arvl M,a! purifier, saar h 'lavorile tYracriptHsa U aeak. over worked, broil eo-d.wa. nervous women. eoniaius any alcvhol, also eouUea Ihesi to a place all by themselves. Manv tears sn. IT. 1'ierre dlsmveeeJ that raenically pure glycerine, of proper strength. Is a better solvent and preserv ative ot the nedletual principles mid line la our I nd gemma, or aauve. sadi ciual plants than la alcohol: and. furiher Btot. that II (aafcjeeaes vslusble aiedicinal properties ot lu own. being demulcent, nutritive, antiseptic, and a most eflicieiit aulilermeut. Neither of the above medicines con- talus alcohol, or an harmful, habit tortultig dmg. as will be wen from a will null They are sal to use and glance ai in lormula pnuuM on each ooli.e wrspper. ix-tent Wi cure. Not only do phvslctans prmerlha the above, nou-serret niedlrliiee largely, but the moat Intelligent people employ them people who would not, think of using the oruinsrv patent, or serrel medlelnns. Kverv liigrsdlrnt entering Into the com position of 1st. Tierces medicines has the sIMnsest kind ot an endmraeaient from leading medical liters o( the several schools ol practice. No other medicines put np for like purpose has any such pmreanonai endorsement. Ir. Tierce's Pleasant IVIIeta cure con stipation. Constipation Is the cause of many di-eses. Cure the cause and you cure the ilist ase. (hie IVIIet" is a gentle laiative. and two a mild cathartic. I 'rug gists sell them, and nothing Is Jul as (ud. tv to Use as caudf. ehurch officers, and the minister found himself on the train bound for the east and the "vision. The minister's wnoitig was brief and blunt, but Miss Helen Atwater was uot very much t.ikeu by surprise. The acquaintance begun In Scotland the prctlous summer had rlpeucd fast on shipUsird on the return msage and tieeu brought to frultlou by juiue months of correspondence. SJie even couseuted to a sjieevly marriage, aud as she was llvlug with a married cousin In llostoii the minister took his bride from there teu days from the day be left Littleton. Hut the blissful days of his honey nioou failed to blot out entirely the re uieiiihrauce of bis church and his work and his iieo'ilo. True. In the tumult of happluess that bad MsseHfd bim since that day when their clumsy luterfer- euce had driven him, actually driven :il tu. Into the Joy that was mw bl he had almost forgotteu their plans for him, hut now It all came lan k to hi 111 and be realized that be did owe them something, for who kuous how Ion be would have doubted aud feared hud not the terror of "Miss Nell" U-en Umiii him? Suddenly the minister laughed aloud. It was alt so funny to him uow. Mrs. .Morris, sitting Isnl.le her liuatmnd, was astonished at his mirth and looked It Well, dearest, I kuow you'll think me crazy, hut It Is really In good to keep. You didn't know that I asked you to marry me so as to prevent my cougregatltiu marrying me to some oue else, did you?" And out came the whole story, bis mental picture of Miss Nell" and all. "You kuow," he coucluded, "I never for a moment thought of ber side of It. I was concerned for my own safety. What In the world a woman like ber, with money and property and the world at tier feet, would want with a Hxir struggling minister I cau't con ceive. But I bad hoard so much of ber and the people so evidently had set their mliiils on It, I tell you I was In a regular funk over It. It drove me to put my timid hopes to the test for you. sweetheart." There was a peculiar smile hovering around Mrs. Morris' lips, and for minute or two she said nothing. What Is It, dear?" asked the minis ter auxlously. "Y'ou nre uot vexed, are you r Xnn," hesitatingly, "not exactly, but I am Just thinking how beautifully you have played Into your congrega tion's hands, for, do yoa know, Calvin, you have really and truly married that domineering person, 'Miss Nell.'" Married 'Miss Nell I'" repented the minister blankly, staring at his wife's flushed, laiighlug face. "Yes. truly. I am Helen Glllwrt At water, called 'Miss Nell' at the old home In Littleton. Listen, dear. I bad no thnnirht of deceiving von at first. I did i self " -But. my dear, why Atwater? It was always Miss Nell GUIasTt" The minister was still bewildered. "Yes. my autit did Bl like Biy father, the man whom ber young alster mar ried, and never mentioned bis name. "J was always railed Gilbert at home, but of course I had no reason for discarding my name. There are plenty of people In tluletoo who know my real uame. but never used It for I was but a baby when I went to live with my aunt after my fathers death Really, dear, you needn't be alarmed. I am not halt as bad as I ws painted. I won't try to run the rhurrh or man age the orgaulst or or" "tr any one exvpt the minister, finished ber husband. "Well, the sur prise la certainly on me. but I must get even with those people some way. The news of the minister's marriage spread like wildfire through the town. He had sent a laconic message to one of his church officers to the effect that he had been married to Boston snd would occupy bis pulpit the following Hnnday. That was all Ms tried, after all, snd none of his congregation knew a word about It Who was she? No body knew. Conjecture wss rife on every point and one version after an other ot the story of his wedding found quick credent. Some of the older members of his flock were thunder struck. To think that Mr. Mortis should trick theiu like tbat and be engaged all the time. They had Just set their hearts ou his marrying "Miss Nell, bom everybody knew and loved. They were accustomed to "Miss Nell' and her ways. But a stranger to steal tbelr beloved minister! All week long the tongues wagged Incessantly over the minister snd hi bride, but st Saturday lutdulgut no one had seen either of them. The church wss parked Sunday morning. The bells bad ceased ringing, and only a few late comers saw the tillbert carriage drive up to the dour and the minister and lady alight from It. Straight up tne middle aisle he led ber, sweet and demure looking, while the organ played softly and the silence f the church could tie felt. At the till lie't pew be left her, aud the congregs tlon had a good view of tlie sweet face framed lu the masses of soft brown hair. Mrs. Thorite almost Jtinied out of her sent. It was none other than "Miss Nell. Glance followed glance all over the church. The minister cer tainly had surprised his congregation. For Rheumatic Sufferers. The quick relief Irom psin afforded by applying Chamberlain's rain Halm makri it a tavorite with sufferers from rheumatism, sciatica, lame back, lum htgo, snd deep seated snd muscular paius. tor sale by English Drug Co Coot Fit.geralil, a Concord tipero wi UiiiiL'cU at HarlKiurville, Ky., Friday fur the murder of a while woman. He and a negro woman plotted to kill and rob, and in murdering the woniau they severed lit-r head and mutilated the body, niakiug the crime a niont revolt iug oi.e. This North Carolina ne gro wag ou the chain pang iuost ol the time while at Coucord. Two negroes) were Binge! at Farnirille, Va., Friday for rob bery and for burning alive the aiortally wounded tuan they rob bed by setting fir to his noone. One wan lunged all right, bat the seeoDd weighed 275 pounds, and when his drop fell the rope broke. He got op aud walked back to the plat form. A aecoud time the drop fell, aud again the rope broke, (nit the negro was killed in the fall. IVotde wit newine the hang ing were almost overcome by the horror of it. MM What to Do When Bilious. The right thing to do when yon feel I bilious is to take a dose ol Chamber- Ism's Stomach aud Liver Tablets. They will cleanse the stomach and) regulate the liver and bowels. Trv it. I Trice 15 cents. Samples Ires at Eng lish tiug Co. s. ua m 1 m aw v . . w j' Willie wailed and Winnie wheeled, while wintry winds whined weirdly. Willie wriggled while Winnie wheeled wretchedly. Wisdom whispers, win ter winds work wheeies. Wherefore we write, "L'se Kennedy's Laiative Cough Syrup." Nothing else to good Sold by S. J. Welsh aud C. N. Simp son, Jt. Cse a little Kodol alter your meals and it will be found to afford prompt and efficient relief. Kodol nearly ap proximates the digestive juices. It digests what you eat. It is sold on guaranteed relief plsn, Sold here by b. J. welsh and C. N. Simpson, Jr. If" a oo.l ol,t world after all ; If Toil have no friend ur money, In thf river yon ran fall ; Marriage are quite comnmn and, Morr tieopte ihere woulil Is. Provided you ukr kis-ky Mounlsln Tes. ICns-lib Prut Comaiiy. WHEN FERTILIZERS SHOULD BE lh,:hfrr"r. APPLIED. annlM In the furrows with th seeds. Whlls this result wss not roniempiatea, 11 was quickly explsliipd by I ha fsct thsl the fertiliser thai had been In the around two weeks hsd smlrr gons the chemicsl chantes already allud ed to, and Us plant food wss ready (or the Immediate wauls of the young plsnts. This result suggests that II may be as pedlent, in any esse, to apply a smsU quantity say M to Hi pounds of nitrsts As a gsnsrsl rule, which has but few exceptions, the greater part of the fr- miser should be a up led to ths soil be fore planting the crop it Is intended to lu,n.Hl TKI. .i.l. I. .. ... .. .. I .. 1 viih ,h..,rn... 1 ...... i. ..i.. o. Ko. 1. . i. d soda In the same furrow with ths rot- abundantly sustained In actusl prsctlcs, .,K0V-? . 1 ' . ,.!! ' ""? as shown by carefully conducted n!d si. -" !7J " ' "J""" """H uerlments Instituted for the exprtw. pur- fiTlJ "r to corn If not plaoed pose of ascertaining the truth, says Hon. n ""mediate contact with tht seed. It. J. Keddlnc. Director Ueorsla Expert- APPLT1XO FERTILIZER AT TUB ment Biallon. Department of Asrlculture, TlalB OF PLANTING. In Vlrglnla-v'arollna Fertiliser Almanac. This mar be understood lo mean eithar The theory underlying Ihs rule is the n,.iin ik. ..,oi... iiju. fsct thsl must of ths Ingredients compos- immediately planting the seed; or It mar lii a commercial fsrtlllser ars not im mediately sulubls and avatllble. but must undergo certain chemical changes in the toll befors ths plant food will be In the proper condition lo be taken up by the roots of Ihs Dlanls. This is Dartk-ularlv tru in rard to salts of potash, and In less degres lo acid phosphate. II Is a fsct. also, that some forms of potash, notably kslnll. can as chemical rhana In the condition of the plant food already present In a soil, whereby ths before In soluble and non-available plant food al ready In ths soli, becomes available. The orgsnlc substances which ars large ly used In the make up of commercial fertilisers for ths purpose of supplying nuruaen u ins pianis sura as cotton- blood, lis seed meal, dried flab scrap, tank- refer to ths prsctlcs of putting the ftr tlllser In ths furrow with ths seed. In ths latter rase, there Is always a mani fest danger that Ihs coming growing sea son may be unusually dry, In which event the fertiliser, being so lightly covered, may not be dissolved and properly dis seminated throuxh ths soli. It may also follow that the fertiliser being so concen trated sn masse, as II were round ths lender rootlets of the young plsnts that the latter may bs injured, or "burned" a not Inconsiderable danger. The plan is not advisable except when a very light application la to bs made per acre. This caution la especially applicable to seeds that are planted in very shallow furrows and bdt llshtly covered, such as cotton, and It Is generally safer to Inter- SIH. ,C" k'"! TT' Mn,?..,n mtlfh '2 P" soms soil. or. better, deposit the fer- ffliniwaim TSa raS tattat 1 Sesnrkouie. 1 1 rrk. J J undergo chemical deeomiHWIIIon and suen change of form as will ensble ths roots to appropriate ths nltrrwen. Even auk. phale of ammonia, a highly soluble chemi cal sail, wnica sometimes enters into the composition of a fertiliser In a very limited amount, must undarro a eomnleia chemical decomposition In Ihs soil before the plants csn make any use of ths nitro gen, which It contains In the form of ammonia sulphate. This must bs eon veneo into nitrsts. or nitrate of lime. Nitrate of and la fha nna ,h.mWI reniuser salt that la Immediately avail' 1 1 User In ons furrow and plant the seeds In a furrow Immediately beside; or, vice vena, plant ths seeds first In Ihs furrow, and then ths fertiliser In a furrow close beside It. But the preferred plan la to bed on the fertiliser, and then plant the seeds, after harrowing down ths beds. I have often applied to MS pounds of a "complete" fertiliser per acre In the furrow wtih the cotton seeds: but it was "away back" In the lata si 1 lies and early seventies when fertilisers sold at He to 14 a tor, and very light applications wars supposed to be In ths Interest of a wise !l;!o.ill,!'n, T"7 """V '"r wh,n economy Ws did not know much about applied lo a growing eros) tasst H abowsa be applied to none other). Acid phoephste and potash assy bs ap plied to the soil and bedded on from two to sit weeks before slantine- Urns. It iZifi!lo? ?l,"yjX """V" K-Perly smlanesd high-grade fertiliser. '' ""r """'S? ssmae rsssslto saeh .ere of eottoa la not dancerous "'.h efora Planting A excessive, btrt simple liberal Md Ju fertilisers In those days, and were afraid to "pat too much guano on the col ton." That time has passed and gone, and the up-to-date farmer has found that tot and pounds of fertiliser for cotton, a to mora practical and convenient ruts. how. ever, la to apply a complete fertiliser from One to three wseks hefnea ni..H.- t the crop, when the latter Is a eorn, eot- ton. tobacco, or other Buss mar-(roving ' "e. aiwars i sins ears 10 mil the ler tlllser thoroughly with the soil of the open bedding furrow hi which It shall b applied and then "listing," or throwing " luiruwa OH x. Bold by M.E. McCauiley, Druggist nn n iiluiiLUllrr Bseches the tpa) The Great Pila Cars Bold by M. E. McCaaley, Dniggirt. exeesslve, bat elmplr liberal and ludl tows. Indeed. It la a question of simple arithmetic if jot pounds per acre Is profitable, and It costs no more labor to cultivate an acre with lot pounds of an. plied fertiliser, than why ant Increase the amount Invested In fertilisers, and, If theua-ht adrieabm, redoes the area and the labor aeeoontT Now. the waM -Informed farmer en If a,., 1 . --- wa,w w anww m . iim iphih a anal, i rf. J.T, 'h o h Oeorgla ty Sals need for the crow he wlshae to .,rL " " emjerri ror tne grow, ana as sow at a ran- prlra. and he tZ??L.Z'mrln' " hn' ITbeesllr. turn as he wwuld do la ,ITJ't .."m' fertlll e (mring anrthlruf at swrh a price that he 22 a JTi .1 f""",n and snar sell at a profit of from SO to MS par fS, T. the effeetlvne-s of renins) and inward. A hltw-arade. hnn- ..iTZi Ti-'VL. VL-Ti " "T rertiiisar set reetllhssr win soeet this requirement l.i!Lh,v-f"T," " he seed. There Is another jwstlfeatloi. lor the It's the highest atautUnl of qtiaj ity, a natural tonic, eleanura yourl system, rrxltlena the cheeks, bright ens the eyes, gives flavor to all you eat. HolliMer's Kooky Mouulaiol Tea will do this for you. ;t5 peats. tea ur tablet, hnglibh Prug Co. lawyers id lUltiuiore are work- in? on the suicide of Ir. J. B. Maltliews, who i. suppostnl tol have killed hiui.-'lf just after the! supreme court atliruied his sen tence of 20 yearn at hard labor for the munler of bis wife, lou seel he carried 2.tHK in the Knighta of rytbiat iimurHiice department! and the older refuses to pay tliel IHihcy lapcatise Matthews killed himself. The iiuriKKie of the at torneys is to controvert the suicide I idea, aud establish the fact that he I was murdered. Tb Kintl Too Havo Arwara Boarht, aisd vhkli baa bem u uss) for over 30 years, has born the slrnatnra or and has beea made) under his per aonaj aupervialoa since) Its Infknry. Allow so one) to deceive yoa In this. All Counterfeit. Imitations and "Justus-front" are but EapeariimeiiU that trlrto with and randan rer the health of InfiuiU svod Children JEiperlenco agaiuat Expesrliuenti What Is CASTORIA Cantoris, la m harmless sabstltuto for Castor Oil, raro (orids Iropa and Koo thins; Syrupa. It is PleosanU It contains neither Opium, Morphine nor other KareoUo Mbstavnrei. Its age Is its aruaxanteo. It destroys Worms and allars FeverUhneaa. It cure Diarrhoea and Wind Colic It relieves Teething; Troubles, cure Constipation and Flatulency. It assimilates the Food, reflates tho SUsraach and Bowels riving; healthy and natural sleep. Tho Children's frnccv-Tbe Mother' Friend. GENUINE CASTORIA ALWAYS Bears tho Signature of Tie Kind You Have Always Bought In Use For Over 30 Years. Neglected Cold Threaten Life, From the Chicago Tribune: Don't trifle aitb a cold, is good advice tor prudent men and women. It may be vital in the case of a child. Troper foo l, good ventilation, and dry, waim clothing are the proper safeguards sgainsl colds. If they are maintained through the changeable weather of autumn winter aud spring, the chances ot surprise from ordinary colds will be slight, but the ordinary light cold will become severe if ueglected, and a well established ripe cold is to the germs of diphtheria what honey is to the bee. 1 he greatest menace to child life at this season of the year is the neglected cold." Whether it is a child or adult, the cold slight or severe, the very best treatment that can be adop ted is to give Chamberlain's Couth Kemedy. It is safe and sure. The great popularity and immense sale of ibis preparation has been attained by its remarkable curea of tins ailment cold never results in pneumonia when i' is given. For sale by English urug Company. V. S. Rukknet, President J. K. Shuts, Vice President W. C. STACK, Cashier. C. B. Adams, Asst. Cash'r. it i The Bank qf Union, StOrtHOK. 1.CZ Ths Bank or Union A tissue builder, reconstructor, builds up a luite force, makes strouir nerves and niuacle. iou will real ize after taking Holli.ster's Rocky .Mountain lea wlmt a wonderful benefit it will lie to you. 35 cents, tea or tablets, hnirlish Drue Co. 1905 1907 POWERS & HAMULI STRAIN Kg8 for hatching from Single Corab hite Leghorns. Phunr ITS. V. O. Hoi m First Prizi Winners, hiinhok. n.c M. L. FLOW, Commissioner of Deeds for Soulb Carolina, In Norm uroiiDi: also t Justice of toe Peace for UdIoi Count;, and Notirj Public for Norta Carolina. :: :: Special attention given to takint At ndavits, Acknowledgment or Proof ol Deeds, Mortgages, Contracts, Bills of Sale, Powers of Attorney, Keouncia lions of Dower and Inheritance, Dep unions, Writing snd I'robstiug Deeds, Mortgages snd all other papers, issuing State Warrants, Claim aud Delivery ana Attachment papers, Civil Sum mons and the Collection of Claims, Office at M. L. Flow Co.'i Store ast of courthouse, Monroe, N. C. Is now established in its permanent home. The location was selected snd the building erected with an eye to the convenience of the public. The site and the superstructure are ideal for busi ness. Not only this, but the Bank has installed in its offices an entirely new outfit A vault has been built that is absolutely fireproof for the keeping of books, papers snd records, with private lock boxes for rent cheap. Considerable money haa been inveated in a safe in order that the customers of the Bank may feel safe at all times in regard to their deposits. This safe is a marvel of mechanism and has no superior in this country for strength snd safety. It will be shown to customers snd visitors with pleasure. In short, the Bank of Union has made an effort to please the public and to pro vide every comfort, convenience and safeguard for those doing business with it. The accommodations affoMed are now unsurpassed. If the people will recogniie these fasts by briruring their deposits, their patronage will be hiehlv appreciated and the benefits will be mutual. The Bank qf Union, Monroe, N. C. ?0-Oe00ve000000000000 Arc )our children troubled with croup, colds, chapped hands and lips? Simpson's Magic Cream will positive ly cure it or money refunded. Price 25c. Trial package can be secured at our drug store. C. N. SIMPSON, Jr. ooooooocoooK-ooooo-a MOLLISTtR S Rocky Mountain Tea Nuggets 4 Buy UedleiBa fa Buy Tx;: unnfi union uasiia ana Ksntsta Yifr. A nrir)e for CiBtltsiloB. nlles(lon. I.t uny l rim ilea. r mna IVrair,. ih.i.ii? Bud Breath. Hluirr'ah HoH, H-a-is.-! :l linln- U.Kt. nd barsarha, It'akiK'kv MiMintaiu Tm i.i rui H form. KV cents a bus. UfnnluM mr.1. i. iokLisTta Pare Cuarasr, Nudism, Wit. WIDEN NUGGETS FOR SALLOW Propi f m a 1?"" .TTrrS bJT"0"..,w, "'"t- time of plntln-v1s, when the fsrrser kaS i . . 1 . """' ass niiea to pot hi his orter at the prop. . hTAiWiSL'M "T14 " tww ee thna. Ha may than, aenedtrw Sr. the a more psuua thaa I swr wraetkw plant, time of tlllsar kas tana l tea ar thna. wore, rame rB eolrker Snd sav ajrovarb-'banr Ista thaa lot at air- ' anirarm aland or more via -moo pot la the fertlHsar wtta tke aaad. a. as , tea easalM ea the pitta la wbjoa bit Uata sf saUn. ' RHEUMATISM L0OB160, SCUTIH NEURALGIA and KIDNEY TROUBLE 'tsssei- ask.. inMnsllr. rids tbs bloal et toa poisooens mauer sod tcta wtaloh srs tbs dlreas sail an at iaaaa duaaaia applM aitarasilr It aSonls slsiost Is saaairsiiai rroai pale, wsnss raraaaaai ears Is blu sSsstaS br aarllrlss tbs aissolvlna tbs noisoaoss snb- laait DR. t. D. BLAND Of !, (hftw, WHlsMt with mmm ol Uta sms kmt ltn4 mfMu iktl Mm Ml tslstswl rrsi asaswi sp staasjiM n ib my mmmmm tl pas) see snSWmf wits Ma Waaraisuv atklaar "roawa ar sar bia tni dni aaa writ, bs as tor s trial beaus at 'V OHO Pa." aad bast H fsmalt, S4Mtoes" saa as) seal sar ftsneta at WSM wllaoat aasalrtae a "dnsj kaMV" sslHssaUreiraraeef asSam, asausa. M.a. aaalabs sal iliT svmwm BRtm no mm towm, SajsM, 100 laSas Sasaaa, tasaaaa. BOOOOrXMOOOCXMOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO 8 XIoiVi Tin nTTTO-nn Pa 8 Another car load of tho celebrated Chattanooga Plows j ust arrived. They are going like wild fire. Come quick and get one lest you miss the size you want. Yourneighborhasone. Watch as he reaps this harvest. You fail to get one and you will have none to reap. Heath Hardware Co. ltWXXX)qX)00000OOO0000000O0O(XXXXXX0O0OOCOu