THE MONROE JOURN. VOLUME XIV. NO. 10 MONROE, N.C., TUESDAY JULY 2, 1007. One Dollar a Yesr Ufhtninr Kills Bicycle Rider. lrtuiltc auk. ui t'karluilr ubvr While riding a bicycle along the public road war bia home at V al uut Grove, this county, Joe tin itett was struck by lightning ami instantly killea. Mr. Gomel t bad Wn toSartaii burg on bin wheel and vim return ing to hia home. A ueighlior, mounted ou a tuule, wan riding along the road ith Mr. Gotttctt, when auddeuly tbere van a Hush of lightumg, which first tttrtiek the telephone wire. The lightniug ri piied np a telephone iole and then bounded oil' and struck Mr. GoHMett, knocking him off his wheel and killing him instantly. The man on the mule van badly atuu ued by the electric shock. Had Burn Quickly Healed. "I am to delighted with whit Cham berlaio's Salve hai done (or me that I (eel bound to write and tell you to, says Mrs. Kobt. Mytlon. 457 John st., Hamilton, Ontario. "My little daugh ter had a bad buru on her knee. I ap plied Chatnlerlain'a Salve and it heal ed beautitully." This salve allays Hit paiu o( a burn almost iustantly. It is lor sale by lCnglirb Drug Company. float Remarkable Accident. I'awtengera on a trolley car rnt ing the Kruoklyn bridge tonight were horrified when the rear win dow suddenly crashed in, admit ting the form of a inau who lauded aefiseletw and bleediug in the car abde. Where the man came from is a mystery, and be was dead when au ambulance surgeon reached the scene a lev minutes later. The neck van broken and a fractured rib bad pierced a lung. 1'aiwra found on the body indi cated that the victim was John Nelson, an electrical engineer of Brooklyn. The police, after a thor ough investigation, failed to deter mine bov such an acenleut vas possible. The force behind the man carried biui through the ves tibule ana veil into the car proper, Your braiu goes on a strike when you overload your Btoiuacli; botb need blood to do business. Autn tiou is what you want, and it comes by taking Hollister 8 Korky Moun tain Tea. :(-' centM, tea or tablets. English lrug Company. If You Want YOUR DAUGHTER To have a good home and good healtlh, with good influences and thorough instruction, send her to Davenport College Department of Music unexcelled. For Catalogue address CHAS. C. WEAVER, - - Lenoir, N. C. THE NORTH CAROLINA State Normal and industrial college. Regular Courses leading to degrees of Bachelor of PeibiKopy, Bachelor of Arts, Bachelor ofSoienee, and a ncwcourse lending to the degree of Bachelor of Music. Board, laundry, tuition, and fees for use of text books, etc., $ 170 a year. For free-tuition students, $1-5. The Normal Department gives thorough instruction in tho subjects taught in the schools and colleges, and special iedagogicaI training for tlio profession of teaching. Teachers and Graduates of other colleges arc offered a one-year special course in l'edagogy and allied subjects. The Commercial Department offers practical instruction in Stenography. Typewriting, Bookkeeping and other business subjects. The Departments of Manual Arts and Domestic Science provide instruc tion in Manual Training and in such subjects as relate directly to the home and family. The Music Department, in addition to the degree course, oilers a certifi cate course in vocal and instrumental music. To secure board in the dormitories, all free-tuition applications should be made before July 15. Tho fall term ojiens September 18, P.HI7. For catalogue and other information, address J. I. poust, President, Greensboro, N. C. W. S. Bl.AKKNKY, President. J. It. Shiitk, Vice President. W. 0. Stack, Cashier. C. H. Ahams, Asst. Cush'r. The Bank of Union, riHONMOK. M.C. TllK Is now established in Its permanent home. The location was Bank OP selected and the building erected with an eye to the convenience Union of the public. The site and the Huiierstrticture are ideal for busi ness. Not only this, but the Bank has installed in its offices an entirely new outfit. A vault has lieen built that is absolutely fireproof for the keeping of books, paper and records, with private lock boxes for rent cheap. Considerable money has been invested in a safe in order that the customers of the Bank may feel safe at all times in regard to their deposits. This safe is a marvel of mechanism and has no suerior in this country for strength and safety. It will lie shown to customers and visitors with pleasure. In short, the Bank of Union has made an effort to please the public and to pro vide every comfort, convenience and safeguard for those doing business with it. The accommodations afforded are now unsurpassed. If the people will recognize these facta by bringing their deposits, their patronage will be highly appreciated and the benefits will be mutual. The Bank of Union, Monroe, N. C. Saying "The next time I build a house, I'll build the Hath Kooni first and the house around it." A Batb Room is no longer n luxury to the privileged few, but n common necessity for the many. It's Surprising to sec what a nice Bath Room Outfit we furnish for a comparatively small sum of money. Better consult us if you want a good job. Heath Hardware Co, Bildad Akcrs on the Weather. Well, Ivry, l'roverdeuce is try in the grit of iMtre farmers thene days. j Craps is baekard, uiity barkard. tVru, cotton, and sich looks the same to me as poor leettle childer which ia tryin to keep from bein hungry and cold. When I think about it, tho, 1 alien plunk my thoughts down ou the forrerd jeers we have bad. Last jeer was the lorreritest jeer, to l sure. I w as jest rum iu fi uiu drappin corn tot her day and w as set tin ou a log nigh the spring w hen old I V- ter AMiillis cuui iu frum bis pas tar. He set down aide o' me and I Heed at once that be was iu the dumps. His lighta, I kuow, was as blear as a huckelberry. The blew run in streets thru his tawk If a Methodis stew art ever rum nigh to cussiu the wether, I'ete was the feller. I tole him be had 01 ter be ashamed of himself. I axed him ef he had ever starved to deth. He almost wanted me to beleev he hed ou severial casions, but I kimwed U tter. I axed him if he had ever seen a veer without sum kind o' crapst He got to tawkiu almut lSlti, and I told hi 111 be had never seed that yeer. I aed, "l'ete, you ole graspiu skin flint, you had 01 ter tie ashamed of yourself, ion re wun of the stripe that God has bin so good to that you waut to take all that He has got, and more. 1 ou are like a hawg which chomps his corn all rite as long as the yeers are throwed to him, but if he has to wait a leetle, why then he hoi lew. Why, Pete, you hev got the same kind of faith as a hawg. Can't you trust in Provenience ciiufl'to beleev that the corn' 11 lie throwed to you iu good timet Cheer up, ole man, and go to work like me. This is the third time I'vedrappcd this corn. I'm goin to do my part, and I jest know Provenience will do His'n." EDITORIAL. Comments About Various Matters. more than double the present value redc M, kjtJ hy ,,,., nin(t ,v , KlIt f yu, wjng. ofthatpm,rty. Our Home. i p CfWhiTm FyhaiKt I -"-... Kemierly and John tlmaty Practically all hoopitals are run i i "vJ JUi 11UU1 LAUQUJl X SaturdayeveiiiiigalMiutiioVlofk. eie not badly idierkedl and were T ft Cotton, at Six Cents Per Spool. Autrutta Hrlt. The fact that the thread trust has raised the price of that useful and necessary article hits attracted lit tle attention save among dealers and persons who use a great deal of it. The addition of one cent to the price of a hihhiI of thread will not inconvenience many people and will be paid without protest. Let us see, However, what the ellect will be with respect to results from the viewpoiut of the thread manufacturers. Before the iuereased price was anounced the thread manufacturer priced his goods at "i."i cents per dozen spools. This price, however, was subject to several discounts whereby the dealer litmlly secured his thread from the manufacturer at 45.1.1 cent per dozen. There are t dozen spools to the pound of cotton, hencu the manufacturer sold his finished product at the fat price of $2.40 per pound. 1 lie new price, which has caused the retailer to add a cent to the price of each spool, is given us t7 cents per dozen, but being subject to the usual three discounts is dual ly found to lie C4.!i" cents per do. en, or $2.9.1 per pound for the fin ished product. hen compared to the price of other cotton goods this price seems extraordinarily exorbi tant, notwithstanding the fact that the best thread is manufactured from the finest grades of long sta ple cotton. At 0 cents per spool, the present retail price of thread, the fanner is buying bis cotton back at $.1.4 per pound. One of the Most Remarkable Spots on the Globe. Iu the July American Magazine there is an article ou the traffic im provement now lieing made in New Vork city improvements costing twice as much as the Panama Ca nal. An idea of the extraordinary work being done may bu had from this one paragraph: " hen the new tunnels are done the junction of Thirty-third street and Sixth avenue will lie one of the most remarkable spots on the glolie, for there will lie five distinct traffic levels there, with a sixth projected; liret, a foot bridge over the elevat ed tracks, theu the elevated road, then the surface line, then the Mc- Adoo tunnels, then a proposed new city subway, and finally, far below, the croastown Pennsylvania till to Long Island. An airship over- heart alone Is needed to complete the wonder." Nearly all old fashioned cough syr ups are constipating, especially those that contain opiates. Tliry duu't act just right. Kennedy'! Laxative CoiiRh Syrup contains no opiates. It drives the cold out of the system by gently moving the bowels. Contains honey and tar and tastes nrarly as good as ma pie syrup. Children like it. Sold by S. J. Welsh aud C. N. Simpson, Jr, They are telling it on Governor Glenn that one day recently while at the Jamestown exposition he wanted to enter the North Carolina building, but was refused admit tance by the young man in charge, because he had lieeu instructed to admit no one, and the head men were not at the place. The (lover nor of the State had to do some tall talking to get in. It is said the State building cost the contractor $.1,50) more than he got out of the job. Take the Postmaster's Word for It. Mr. F. M. Hamilton, postmaster at Ctierryvale, Ind., keeps also a stock of general mercbaudise and patent med icines. He says: "Chamberlain's Col ic, Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy is standard here in its line. It never fails to five satisfaction and we could hard ly afford to be without it." For sale by English Drag Company. The landmark mentioned recent ly the criticism of uature story writ ers by President ltotwevelt and the hot reply of lr. Ijong of Connecti cut, one of the writers criticised. The Presideut thinks he knows more about almost everything, iast, present aud future, than anybody, aud one of his strong Kiuts (he thinks) is his knowledge of aui mals. Id his criticism of the story writers he was rather strong in his assertions that they kuew nothing of the habits of animals and were fakirs. In contradicting the writ ers the President asserted, among other things, that a wolf will not attack a man. Tom Dean, the aui- mal keeper at the zoo at Columbus, (., accepted the President's state ment but he went too far wheu he undertook to prove it by actual test. To prove that the President was right, Dean entered a wolfs cage in the zoo, and by tho time he was inside the cage the wolf wasou him. Deau managed to get out alive but he was so badly lacerated that he is in the hospital for re pairs. Mr. Koosevelt ought at least to pay 1 Van's hospital bill, and be may be thankful if he escapes a suit for damages. Statesville land mark. If Mr. ltoosevelt said a wolf wouldn't attack a man, he certaiu- ly did not say it in the article 011 the nature fakirs, or at least we failed to note it after reading the article twice, which was in the na ture of an interview in the June uumbcr of Everybody's Magazine. There is a disposition to be mighty careless in attributing sayings and actions to Mr. Koosevelt, not ou the part of the Landmark, of course, because the story did not originate with it. The Chronicle a few days ago had something to say about the new schedule of siecial taxes adopted by the lioard of aldermen of the city of Monroe. It transpires that shortly after the schedule was printed 111 Ihe Journal, the people of that town were stricken speech less, but their voices soon came back, and loud voices thev were. As a result the aldermen knocked the whole business into what the old-time printers would call "pi," not even allow ing the f KM) tax ou tho Sealniard Air Line for doing business at the depot there to stand. To save their face, the aldermen made bold to hang ou to the tax on gypsies, but no row was raised on that point. Now a visitor to Mon roe can get oil the tram and walk up towu witn no tear 01 lieing slapped on the back by a special tax olhcer and ordered to pay tri bute on his grip. Charlotte Chronicle. Look here, Uncle Wade, lie more careful how you encourage the grip carrying idea, for while we do not tax 'em, we quite frequently run 'em in and make au examination among the box and collars for con traband fire water and firearms. Of course Union county needs a first class hospital w here the sick can be treated, especially those who are not able to lie cared for properly at home. Hut there should lie no discrimination between the charity patieuts and those who are able to pay that is, if it is to be a charitable institution. At some hospitals that claim a charity feat ure the poor patients receive only a very limited amount of attention, if reports are true. It is true that the county has some valuable town real estate around the County Home at Monroe, but it is a question as to whether now is the best tune to dis pose of it Ten years more growth at Monroe, iu the same proportion as that of the past ten years, will Do You Think For Yourself ? Or. a tnt-dlf Aiwn miir nnnlh Ilka vu,n fulp down whtuter food or mad be veered your in Intelligent tblnklnf woman. frum weaknew. arrottnA St. tbta It ncani aaoch u t,j trtnl mil Ira, turner,! I n n.a v - In nwxl ocvl f ptln and sutj Fun thtt theiAA in n eruKfi-n fur ihe cure of nurn.n'. lilt Th mikvra of Dr. Pterrfi Ftrorlln Prw srrliitlun. fur tlis cure of weak, nerrout run down, orer-worked. de hlllUted, ptln-ru ked Women, knowlnf this medicine to be made up of Insrrdlenti, rerx one of which ht the Btroiitfeat poMlble, IndorM-menl of the kaillne and ituidird authorities ot Ui K'Wil rtiooln uf practice are perfectly wllllnf . and In fx t are onlr Ukj (lad to print, u ther OA Uii' formula, of Hit ot Intn-dlenta. ot whli h It Is roniposed. fsata InuA, oa every bottle-wrapper. The formula ot Dr. Plerrw't Ftrurtts Trw srrtptloa will bear the Bhistcrltlral examina tion of medical eipert. tor It runtalnn no alcohol, nsmitlra, hannfuL or hsbtt-fornilne drurt. and no stent enters Tau It that Is nut blchlr recommended by the must advanced and leadlnc amitcal tasi bers and author ities ot their several schools of prartlc. These ttiihrltle recomijiend Thelnfredena oTHr urn of t rar'Tiie TtS v rfi'l!. n f r tt'g ll Ihe Mme lUm-nt f' r nljl h No other SMdlrtaM for womsn's lilt has any aurh profeMtontl endorsement as br. t'terre'a Vavortt Preemption has received. In the un qualified reroromeodatkjii of each of Its several Inrredlenta by eoorea of leadlna medi cal men of all the arhuuls of prartk'e. Is aurh an endorsement But worthy of yoor eunslderaUua I A booklet of Infredlenta, wtta auimrrna authors live profeelunal ewdortemeata hy tb leadlna medical authorities of tale country, will he mailed frm to any one rndlnf nania and aditreei with request for same. Address Its. it, V Fleece. Bulalo. M. T. by rndowiueiits of one kind or a 11 other aud by the pay of patients w ho are able to pay. Tliow who are able to pa) are charged iu or der that those who arc not able to lay ran lie treated. The who pay get something more in the way of privacy and lietter furuiidicd rooms, but the poor are given ev ery real consideration. If there weie not some ind iiceiiiciitsnolaidy would pay. and consequently there would lie 110 hospital at all, for none is run in this country on a thorough ly charitable basis. So if we have a hospital at all it must Ite mixed pav from those who ran and free to those m ho cannot, but are worthy. W hat Our Home says almut the value of the county's real estate known as the County Home prop erty is true; it is valuable now, and would lc much more so ten years from now. lint it is now largely idle and if it can lie turned into cash by means of which the suffer ing of many of our jieople could be alleviated during all these ten years, docs not Our Home think this would compensate for the mere difference in dollars, llcside, the property now pays no tixes, when if sold iu towu lots and improved the taxes would pay the public handsomely ou whatever might have lieen sacrificed. If this is a feasible p'an to create au institu tion for the alleviation of distress iu our county we are sure that Our Home, nor any other good citi.en like it, w ill upon second thought stand lack on the money consider ation. When you go to build hos pitals, churches, schools and asy lums it takes money, lots of it, and no community that goes iu for these things can hope for anything else; yet we have not read Our Home aright if it stands back on spending a few dollai'S if it can be shown that it is for a real public good. We hope the matter may be thorughly discussed and the wise and good thing done. According to a statement just is sued, the total valuation of Meck lenburg county's macadamized roads is now placed at $.il;i,oiio. Now suppose the people of Meck lenburg had never started a move ment for good roads, bow much would the bad roads of former days have cost the people of that coun ty iu the past five years! We be lieve that bad roads, such as we have had in many parts of Union county, arecostingthe people more than the taxes m ssary to build good roads would cost. Here is something worthy of the most caiv- fill consideration. axhaw hn- terprtse. As Mr. liooley says, "so far as we have liecn able toobsarve,'" no body ever got anywhere without first having made a start. Neither will Union county have any good roads till we begin to build them. The streets iu Monroe were in a muddy slush until the road com missioners went at 'em, and now they are o. k. The point is that the job could have been done lie fore just as well. Child Hurled Alive by Stepfather. Wtnrlieter, Pa., lNiati'li, 'i-'.ili. Irwin Lewis, stepfather of Marie Newlin, aged five years, whose body was found buried in a pit in the barn yard at her home near Avondale, ou Friday, was commit ted to prison today, follow ing an inquest into the case on a formal charge of murder, liefore the in quest, Lewis made a partial confes sion to District Attorney McKlree, in which he said the child fell from a wagon shed aud was killed. He said he saw her fall, and when he went to pick her up she was dead. He feared ho might lie accused of killing her and he tied a burlap bag over the head, fastened a cord about her neck and buried the botly iu the pit iu the ham yard. At the inquest Dr. U. 8. (lillord, the coroner's physician, testified that death was caused by sull'oca tiou or asphyxiation and that there was nothing in the condition ol the body to show that the child had sustained such injuries as to cause death. The condition of the Ixsly when found and the testimony of the cor oner's physician leave little room for doubt, according to the district attorney, that the child was buried alive. the Soil? altiriiitv a ud.t-urM l...!... ,1... . ..... .... r... i-i. ..... r . . . -. in, in,, i,- iWNir ,l llll-ir 1(1-1. I lie) UUIlieUl- fifteen year old mm of Mr. and Mix alcU iu-! .I to their brothers, who Not. Says Mr. French, if It Is Fed f u- Keumri-V '"' " " -; . ie u i,1)r ..-?tr by. IJmdie Ken- f inp'-i iiisuip. w.i instantly kin-. iit iiy was ami Vt ill I urislj ed by lightuing. Hrtslie and au was ltadly slim ked aud was uupou- older brother, Wahington. had ae- seiniis. Without hesitating a nu- couipanied their Jounn fi lends, 'ment the unhurt boys picked up .ion u ami v in t in wy, to uie lat- then lnotlieis and carried I hem to ter's home, about a oiiarter of a the Kenneth home. A It lum.'h (uni on the Farm and Returned to the Land in the Form of Manure. A. I Kkr.Nt II In I'r'bjrvsMve Fanner. XmMwOOMMOMwwMMw Several letters have mine recent ly asking in siiUstauee if sorghum is imt a very h-ird crop ou laud? We lielieve this dcjM-nd.s very large ly iiiMiu what use is made of the mile from the Keuuerly home, to as -,ly shocked, Will Christy will re sist them with the feedini; ol Mock cover, ou the Christy place, the parents) . - of the Christy boys being away on , V otwJerlul Happening a visit. j Tort r.vron, X. ., hits w itnessed The storm wss amu .uel.iinr r.m. "f "'" " remarkable case of ( a sorghum crop wheu harvested, j Idly, but afler tiuishmg their work "v,,"". " r "niei. aiuos r. Were we to gn.w t roimd this fotsl Ithe young men attempted to pi Kingol that plai says: "Huckleu's year after year for sale as raw pio-t k 'lie Kemierly home ls-foie i A"", a,N' ve run"1 " 011 " duct we would think tiurselvesiu a torm reached them. Just as ''' "' "''' l'l sutl. retl over f:iir sur hi ruin ...IL ,.u il,.. i tliev cere rriiKsiiiir u litlU li..,ll -" JeaiS. 1 alll How M. tiUantll- Uair way betweeu the two homes, all four were k nocked to the ground can 1m no doubt in the mind of thinking man but that the sorghum plant is oneol the greatest foragers after plant food that we cau grow on our farms. A forage plant that will produce from three to seven tons ol cured bay ht acre, and does not belong to the uitrogeu gathering crop, must secure its food from the soil ou w hich it grows and that iu large quantities. It naturally follows then its we have said above that were we to sell this large amount of rough food off our farms we would deplete the fertility of the land very materially. On the oth er hand were we to feed the pro duct to our larui animals, saving the manure very carefully and re turn the same to the soil on which the crop grew, we w ill have aided our soils iu their cfl'ortr to produce Htill larger crops, localise the decayed plants return to the soil much more humus than was burned up iu their product ion, and we have demonstrated ou our heavy soils that as we add to the humus content of that soil, iu just that ratio do we add to its crop produc ing ability. Our friends w ho believe in rest ing land are tlemoiist rating this fact. There is practically no plant food added to the soil by growing thereon from one to three succes sive crops of weeds and briars and allowing them to decay ou the land, but there is bumusadded and herein lies the secret of improve ment of soil by resting. There is no Is'iiefit from this practice, how ever, that coulil not lie obtained by growing crops of sorghum, if the crops were fed on the farm aud the manure returned to the soil. All the humus would be saved to the farm and the farm would lie ahead from i1." to i."l per acre in the stock food secured. After deduct idg cost of grow ing and harvesting the sorghum which need not ex ceed it'll per per acre the wide awake fanner would lie considera bly ahead of the land rester. We hinted above that the sor ghum plant w as a great forager af ter plant food. One has only to examine the root development of a plant of this lamily when Hearing maturity to lie convinced that if there is any dormant plant food 11 the soil the sorghum plant will surely find it. These roots not only feed upon the plant food in the up per part of the soil but they bur row down into the subsoil aud bring to the surface any plant food found there, in this way adding to he available plant food on which the next crop in rotation may feed. The farmer, we lielieve, owes much to these strong-growing plants like sorghum and corn, because, as we have said, of their ability to add immense quantities of humus to our soils and extract from our sub soils dormant plant food for the use of our less stiong glowing plants. And for these reasons ami the further reason that they furnish a larger amount of stock food per acre than any other plants that grow they should lie produced in greater abundance than they have been in the south. Don t neglect the legumes and smaller varities of grasses, tint supplement them with these stroger-growing plants. Best riedicine in the World for colic and diarrhoea. "I find Cham berlaiu's Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy to be the best remedy in the world," says Mr. C. I.. Carter of Ski ruin, Ala. "1 am subject to colic and diarrhoea. Last spring it seemed as though I would die, and 1 think 1 would if I hadn't taken Chamberlain's Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea Kemedy. I haven't been troubled with it since until this eek, when I had a very se vere attack and took halt a bottle of the twenty. five rent sie Chamberlain's Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy and tins morning I teel like a new man." l or sale by English Prue Co teed Dlicj to cure all Company. sores by Kuglish 1 The effect cf malaria last a long time. xou c&tch cold easily or become run down because of the after effects of malaria. Strengthen yourself with Scott's Emulsion. It builds new blood and tones up your nervous system. ALL DRUCCISTSt 50c. AND SI.00. IroQiQg Made Easy A Long Felt Want Supplied. J ""Ul , J ; A Cool Room to do Your Work. Smoothing; Iron Hrater Co., Manufacturers, Sumter, S. C. Thealsive cut illustrates a Smoothing Iron Heater, which is some thing new, and the only thing of the kind in the L'nited Slates. Ilcscrip tion Made of No. 20 sheet inm, very heavy; size over all 13 in. by 13 in. by MI in. high and weighs In pounds. We are placing them in thousands of homes. They please all and cost only a trille, s l.'.is, and'pays for itself ti ice a season. You do your work in half tlio time and twice as neat. It works just as successful outdoors as inside, with chips, bark, corncobs or coal, at a cost of a penny or two a day; and for heating tea, colTee or serving warm nourishment is a conve nience for tho sick room and general home use. There is nothing better which costs you so little. Two thousand homes need and want one in tho county. Address all communications to (i. K, Ml IJJK. County Agent, Phone No. 3, Sincerity F.xchange. I monville, .. C, Route. No. 2. Had sick headache, biliousness or constipation are quickly relieved by DeWitt's Little Early Risers. Small pill, sura pill, safe pill prompt and pleasant in action. Sold by S, J. Welsh and C. N. Simpson, Jr. Little Edgar Crosby, whose moth er is a widow, was accidentally drowned at Caroleen Friday after noon. He was walking a plank aud fell into 12 foot water. Constipation. For constipation there is nothing quite to nice as Chamberlain's Stomach and Livar Tablets. They always produce a pleasant movement of the bowels without any disagreeable enact. I rice jjc. Sample tree. English Drug Co. UNIVERSITY of North Carolina. I 1789-1907. Head of the State's Education System. DEPARTflENTS. College Engineering, Graduate, Law, Medicine, Pharmacy Library contains 45,000 volumes, New water works, electric lights, ccn tral heating system. New dormito ries, gymnasium, Y. M. C. building, library. :: :: :: :: :: 732 Students. 74 In Faculty The Fall term begins Sept. 9, 1907. Address FRANCIS P. VENABLE, President, CHAI'SL BILL, . 0. The Keeley Do You Know What It Does? It relieves a iersonof all dwsire fur strong drink or drugs, re stores his nervous system to its normal condition, and reinstates a man to his home and business. For Full Particulars, Address - The Keelev Institute. mmmW GwcnsW. North Carolina. forrespondencc Confidential. FIRST NATIONAL BANK OF MONROE. CAPITAL STOCK, $100,000 Chartered May 29th, 1907. Safe as all safeguards known to the banking business can make it. (f It has the Govern ment back of it. (J In a speech last week on the railroad question President Roosevelt said: "No State, of course, can do for the railways what the national government has already done for the banks, and that government should do something analo gous for the railways. National bank stocks are bought and sold largely on the certificate of character which the govern ment, as a result of its examitions and supervisions, gives to them." Your business solicited. 0. P. HEATH, Pres. ROSCOE PHIFER, Cashier. a ' "I