THE MONROE JOURNAL Telephone No. I. Tuesday, August 31. IW7. Mr. I.rler Tiiuiuotwoft'liarlolte is siting Mr. lleury Myers. Mi.v Mary Covington of Floriibj in visiting Mm. W. H. lllulenej. Klder J. V. Mil! mill preaeh at LilM'rty KU unlay and Suiitlay. Mr. J. K. LittleofCharlottcsneut Saturday ami Suuday here. Mr. ami Mrs. G. I. I'.rixnu are visiling nlalive at lied Spring. Mr. IS. M. Jones of Xewm k, O., is visiting Mr. Ifctxid ( oiingtou. MiiM Nancy Iowe is visiting rel ative ill M.tixliville. Mm. J. I'.lakeney is visiting her daughter, Mrs. R( . Meaehaiu, in KinMoii. Mr. J. V. Yates ami family are KHMiliiiK (lie wevk in Meekleu- Mai. Koliert Hiiighani of Ashe- ville KMnt Saturday iu town in I lie J interest of Iiih school. Mrs. J. A. ScliMchner of ('liar lotte MM-nt l;tst week with relatives in towu. Iivo, hate, gold, fighting, and (in illy tlii triumph ol right - all in "The Spoilers." Kcv. K. II. ("line ill preach at Kiiimaiiiicl's church next Sunday afternoon ut .'!:.'!() o'clock. Mr. anil Mix II. V. Mungoof Keiliaw are visiting Mr. J. A l.ingic. Mis. 1 It'll iy Austin and children mv sjieniliiig a lew da)s in atles- Ull'll. Mi. T. .1. W. Iiroom will lxat riiH'it Saturday night Iodising I lie warehouse proposition, r.vcry body in invited. Mr. S. 1 Little of the linn ol" Little lints.. Iiiinlieiiiieii of (ietir- giit, is visiting his lather, Mr. J .S. Little of Ijiiiih Creek. At mi election in Chesterfield eouiity last week the ieuple tlecid ed that there should lx no more ilipeiisary iu that county. Mrs. ('. T. Vandle and sou, Kaiu sec, of Vance township have re turned from il visit to relatives in Noilolk, mid the ,laiuestou expo hit ion. Mrs. M. J. Cox returned last week from (icorgin, w hen she had been visiting her son, V. I'. ('. Cnx, whose wife lias lieen right sick, lint is now much improved. Mr. L. L Harris of Chesterfield returned yesterday from u trip to various points in lexas. lleNpeiil il month iu the Iine Star State, mid brought hack some of the iesky Ixill weevils itl H bottle. Mr. K. I!. Kowlcr, who taught in the city schools here some years ago. is visiting Mr. 1. A. ( 'ovine ton. Mr. Fowler lias lately liecn elected to n professorship in. the liuptist I'nTWsity iu Jtalcigh. Mr. J. V. ('adieu, who knows u great deal about the live stock of the county, says that there are more hogs in the county this year than there has ever lieen. He says that folks me mighty "sassy" when there is plenty of meat whether there is much of a cotton crop or not. The family reunion nt the home nf Mr. William linker, iu the lift li h'lieui ncigliltoihood, is to Im on August the .'Hull, instead of l.ith. ( apt. ('. A. 1'lylcr will deliver an address, liesiilcs all the children mid family connection, the public is invited to he prrweut with bus kits, Mr. W. A. Reynolds, assistant district manager of the Southern Cottnu Oil Company, spent some ilavs here last week on business with the Monroe mill. Mr. Key Holds attended the cotton meeting iu the court house on Saturday and is very much in sympathy with the nssiiciatioii. Miss Kdna Harris of Fort Mill, H. ('., has 1st elected to teach the second grade iu the Monroe public school, mid Miss Mary Stouer of Knoxville, Tenn., hits lceu elected to the eighth grade. The gymna sium has been titled up and every thing else is Is'ing gotten in readi ness for the opening on the 2nd. The tow n has sold to a New York linn l".,iMH),in bonds of the denom ination of one thousand dollars, to run Iwcnly-thice years and draw six percent, interest. The price re ceived was par plus one hundred dollars on the lot. The town has the privilege of redeeming the lstmls, one the first year, und two thereafter each year. A two weeks' term of ronrt for the trial of civil rases convened yesterday under Judge Webb. One case has so far occupied the time, thai of W. Damp Helms against the Monroe Manufacturing Com pany, who issuing for damages to the extent of 7,.VhI for the loss of two lingers while ho wan working at a rip saw for the company in l'Ni:l. Mrs. Alice IVrmcnta Broom, wife of Mr. . I. 11 Broom, a mem ler of the county lioaid of educa tion, died of typhoid fever on the l:tth of July at her home iu Vance township. The deceased was .IS years old and a meiiilicrnf the Bap tist church for twenty live years. She Is survived liy her husband and ten children, two of whom are married. A daughter of Mr. Broom is now very low with fever also. The story going the rounds yen terday that a white woman had lieen insulted by some young ne groes at her home in east Monroe was not true. Chief of Police La ney made a thorough investigation and found merely that the lady iu question had become alarmed nn necessai ily by some boys who had been looking at some chickens on the premises. j The Musical Ktrgaii4 and Vaudet i!!e Cim-i t to be giveti at the oMta licni mi Monday uigl.t, August for tl.e ln-IK-lit of thr Monroe I nd-M-ud-iil Fire Compa iiv, will inclihli- HHilar m-let-lioiw fi oia the following tjiumis oiera: "M'i," "IU IU" ' When John met ims Man King Ilonie.""King 1 1 KhIo and "Sj It ia." There w ill I In- Meruit ics by Miss Iillie M.iv Blair, and a millilarv dull. The prograutiiie is :t ks mlid one, and thM who attend the roucert will not tiulv help a good r.iu but will reivive the full moith of the price id adiuisdioii. Seats on sale at W. J. Budge's. A big crowd b-tt this morning for the rxpoMtioii. Uls of ieople frm Monroe, Waxliaw, Marshville, and all over the county aiv going continually, esins-ially on Tues days, when the round tiip rate is jii. Among thM who lel this morning were Mrs. 1 1 ai grave, Mr. Claude Heat hand Mii Lum Heath; ('apt. S. II. (irven ami threeilaugh tem; Mr. and Mrs. S. Ik Bundy, Mix J. D. Futch and Miss Mary Futch ami Miss Lucy Stewart; Mrs, IL l'relar and Mis (oruie B,ie; Frank Ashci-aft, Fred and Tris Williams; Mr. and Mix 1. B. Sny der. Miss Husie ( ovingtoii, Messis. W. K. Fumlerbiiik and Tom tT, and no doubt many others. The stockholders of the Building and Ioan Association met at the First National I lank vestcrday. The following ollii-ers and directors! were elected: J. II. pivM dent, B. A. Morrow vice pi-sident, B. C. Ashcrafl w'it-tary and tiviis urer: C. W. Bruuer, J. IL I-ee, 1). A. Houston, F. B. Ashciaft. The ninrd of the association is a splen did one. Death ol Mr. John Uub Wed inc. Warehouse Certain to Be Built Mr. John Bob Bfdainc, sou of I As a leoitlt of the meeting of tlw Mr. . 1. liedaine, dusl at hi fa j hx-al cotton asMiciatiou last Satur ther'a home last Weilnelay after- day. the nw-cl are bright loi ixx'U. latri w acauel iiom n eu the buildiiig of a cotton warehoiM iugitiafollowiugtyphoid fever with I in Munw right away. I u fact whk-b disrase h took his Istl oujthe pnie-ts sreui so bright as ti i ue tin oi j my. i ne ihvx-.i '-- years old, hating Is-eu tsuu Nov. Sth, vv."V. FuiHTal was ru ducted from the home oil morning by l-v. Messix Ware and Alsriiethy. The dtH-easeI was cashier in The I'eople'n lry GiHttlsCouipany, and gate prouiLse of Is-ing a most care ful, conscientious and sipular bus mem man. Iu the store and with all who knew him he was a favor ite. lii irt, good uatured, honest to the core ami uiost obliging iu his conduct, he could not but ta nked by his associates. His death carried sorrow uot only to his pa rents and near kindred, but to a large circle of friends. He was houext, true to every trust, olicdi eut to parents. He was most de voted to his invalid mother ami her comfort was his constant care. But a few weeks la fore his death he in s ii red his life for a thousand dol lars, making the policy payable to his mother. For many yean he had been a meiulicr of the Metho dist eh u ri'h. Organization of Superior Court Clerks. At the instaiii of Mr. I). A. Houston, clerk of the court of this county, there was held intireeus Uiro last week a meeting of the Siiierior court clerks of the State that is expected to result iu ei ina neut improvement iu the metlimls of transacting business in this im- iMtria in oiuce. ine inis'tuiL' was It has bellM-d t build attend.Hl bv aliont sivlv i liLs m.I the homes of the tow ii to a wonder- practically all of the others have ful extent. It has loaned for this signified their desire to become purMse liny inoiisaiiu itoiiai-s ami is doing more today than ever ls- fon. It deserves much of the citi zens of Moun. President ('. ('. Moore asks The Journal to call the attention of the incinU-ix of the cotton assts iation to the fact that they tire expected to meet at their resiiective places on next I- inlay uui to pass resolu tions setting forth w hat they think the minimum price of cotton ought to Ih this year and send it to the county chairman, who iu turn will send it to Stale headquarters. Such local meetings, w ill Is- held all over the South on that day, as the asso ciation wants to know what the ac tual cotton growers think thu price ought to be. A crowd of fishermen, consisting of Messrs. K. L. I.vans, Uivisaml Unfits Ariulield, J. S. h'astv, II. Slieppaid, Brooks Myers, Uoscoc I'hiler, Ice Williamson of Momoc., Horace Ariulield and Kd Snuggsof Alls'iuarle, spent last week fishing it (jianl s mill ford, six miles from Chcniw. They had tine luck. Mrs. Jennie James of Cuionville eft Tuesday to visit her sisters, Mrs. Lillie Haines of Springfield, Mo., and Mis. Clara Buck of Itural Uctreut, Va. She w ill also visit the Jamestown exposition while away. "The Spoilers" is the most powe rful mill dramatic short story that hashecu published in current liter ature for some time, lion't miss the first chapter. Miss Bessie Davis is visiting her sister, Mrs. It. T. Williams, iu At lanta. She will spend sometime iu Abbeville licfore returning. 'Squire V. T. ('hears returned this morning from u week's visit ti) his sou, Mr. W. P. ('hears, at Saiiford. Mr. A. M. Kikernnd Miss Brodie Hail (Oin, both oft loose Creek town ship, were married at noun today by 'Stpnre A. ('. Johnson. 'Sipiire W. A. Austin, who is now in the insurance Imsiuess at Asheville and Ilendeisouville, is spending a few days in the county. Messrs. W. G. Iong, John F. (iordnn und J. T. Helms returned this morning from the exposition. Church Notice. Lutheran Bev. IMLCIine, pas tor. Begnlar services next Sunday. Subjects: 11 a. in., "The Heath in the Itesei't and the Tree by the Biver," the Book of the Prophet Icremhtli .xvii:ti, ,N; S p. m., "The Two Paths," the (iospel according to St. Matthew vii:l i, II. Sabbath school at !:.'I0 a. lit. A cordial iu- vitatiou to all. Bev. C. A. (i. Thomas asks The Journal to say that, he will Is home for the prayer meeting service to morrow night, and for the Sunday services. Subject Sunday night, Tossed by the Winds." Announcement. Having accepted the manage ment of the Monroe Oil Mill, it shall 1e our aim and puiose to so conduct the affairs of the mill to merit the continued patronage of those having formerly favored us with their trade. We are having our ginnery put in first class condition mid we feel safe in raying that we can give you entire satisfaction iu this line ol the business. We are goinc t p'v J' highest market pi ices for your seed during the whole season. If you are uot a patron of the mill, we want you to lie. Come to see ns, visit our null, and you shall receive polite and courteous attention. We solicit your business. Y onrs truly, Munhok Oir. Mi i.t. V. W. Skinner, Manager. We have so arranged our busi ness that our customers can he waited on with greater ease and more satisfaction all round. We are ready witn everytuing mat your wants majr suggest. lleatu Hardware loin pany. We are again handling Mother's Bread made in Washington the Itest to lie had. John U. Simpson & Co. iiiembeix A permanent organi.a- tion was effected with Mr. Houston as president, Mr. ClappofCuilford vice president, Mr. Covington of Bich:aond secretary and treasurer. The meetings are to be held annu ally. The constitution adopted sets forth the object of the organization as follows: "To bring alHiut a closer relation for the exchange of ideas with a view of increasing the efficiency of the public service of the clerk s ofhee, and for the estab lishment of a uniform system, and for the adoption of the latest mid most improved methods of keeping the olhcial records and papers to Ik- filed and kept in the otlice." Perhaps no offices in the State so closely nllccliiig the people have becu so negligent and alow in adopting new and convenient meth ods of business as these. It is the idea of Mr. Houston and the other promoters of the movement to make improvements that will not only create improved methods, but sim plify them as well, so that the rec ords of the oflice w ill lie more ac cessible to the ordinary citien, so that he ran find what he wants to know without the aid of an expert. Recorder's Court. The following cases have 1mcii disposed of since last Tuesday: Tom Horn, gambling; 10 days in jail to lie worked on roads. Hiram illiams, assault and bat tery; 10 and costs. Culw Smith, gambling; Jl ami costs. Will Gather, gambling; ltd days. Henry Taylor and Bobt. Hay wood, utility ; .sit) and i costs, .! and J costs. . ( . Ogliurn, assault and bat tery with deadly weapon; 10 and costs. Lum Hinson, assault and bat tery; lined one penny. Have Stediiiau, assault and bat tery; to pay cost in Lum Hinson case. What kcciis tip the price of all kinds of country produce in Mon roe! Ask the Hosier Grocery Co. Would you have the shadow pass over, and the agony of sleepless nights give way to the bright sun shining upon the perfect day? Then buy your groceries from The Monroe Supply Co. F.vcrvthing that is made on the farm linds a ready sale in Monroe. Bring your stnlt to the I istci Gro cery Company's. We liclieve that no place in North Carolina oilers a letter ser vice to the retail buyers bf hard ware and its kindred lines, than we are doing. Our customers ap preciate this and we enjoy their iippreciatlon. Heath Hardware Company. Whenever you need anything to eat, we are the people who can supply your wants for the least money. Poster Grocery ( ouipany. The Limit ol Life. The most eminent med ical scient ists are unanimous iu the conclusion that the generally accepted limita tion of human life is many years below the attainment possible w ith the advanced knowledge of which the race is now possessed. The critical period that determines its duration, seems to lie Is'tween ."o and t0; the proer care of the body during this decade cannot be too strongly urged, carelessness then lieing fatal to longevity. Nature's best helper after fit) is Electric Bit ters, the scientific tonic medicine that revitalizes every organ of the Issly. Guaranteed by English Irug Company. Mc. If you have anything to aell ace us. Doster Grocery Company. Chamberlain's Colic, Cholera and Diirrboea Remedy letter than three iloctoti. 'Thte yeri ago we had three doctor with our little boy anil everything that they could do seemed io vain. At last when all hope aeenied to be gone we began nuiug Chamberlain'! Colic, Cholera and Di arrhoea Remedy ind in a few houra he beigan to improve. Today he in an healthy a child as parents could wish loi."-Mrs. B. J. Johnston, I.ioton, Miss. For sale by English Urna Co. amount to a practical certainty. .Viler President C. t Moore ski and iirgnt the necessity for a waie lion--, show ing how it would eu able the farmers to store and hold their rot Ion, how it would keep money in the towu and county bt not letting the cotton go out iu Oc tidier at the depressed price of that time, and how the investment iu iwaivhoiise would uiy, uot only Hit farmers who used it but the stock holders iu the enterprise, a sub script ion to stock w as (ciied. The rapital to be siibserilssl is ten (hoiixaud dollars, for which a ware house of four thousand hales ca p.icitycau be built. The shares are to be of live dollars each. The fol low ing subscriptions, amounting to over ?I,7in, were made at once: T. J. W. Broom lis) (Mi John Griffith ,"st tsi F. M. Sutton '.'.Mi on I. F. Plyler T. ('. Ie John IL Williams W. H. Gribble G. S. W. a la-e J. B. Parker W. A. Luhauks J. N. Bigham T. L. A. Helms J. W. Asheraft T. C. F.ubanks, Jr G. M. Laney J.C. Limey. I. S. Smith l.- 00 I. T. Helms L'oo oo T. J. Gordon l'oo oo T. J. Williams imi committee was appointed, con sisting of W. S. I-ec, John Griflilh, I. .1. Gordon, J. ('. Iiney and T. T. W. Broom, to take the matter up and push it till sufficient sub- Tip! ions are received. The com mittee met iu the afternoon and appointed Mr. Broom to proceed at once with a complete canvass for the purpose of securing stock subscriptions until the ten thou sand Wiis reached. He w ill devote his time to the matter and the com mittee have gone at the work in a business like manner anil will push ; it through. The chances are bl ight ! for the warehouse. After the meeting adjourned, the giuners present were called togeth-1 er and the matter of forming an! association looking towards co-l operating in a general movement In pack the cotton lietter and there- j by save w aste, was discussed. ( nly a few ginners Is-iug present, no ac tion was taken. 1 r.Ti imi IIMI 0l oo 2.1 tsi 100 INI 'IKI OO '.'."I 00 2."t 00 r.o (mi ".."t 00 j.-i no ''."i 00 10 oo W IMI Special Notices. ti to an) body who wauled ,, tn us Land ou slaving iu it to tome ... 11.... - ... ....... ! . . ... - ... . nr.-- -r.-r ,, ,uir i . " J I l-fl-AI: Bur Hxrlaky of - mi i uwi. w. -t. i uu-ini imi i.o mi- wai.n. ---lr ami -tvUlr rv uoiid Trull, all ol them Mroii and;. liwi'i fail to -x- n:m. Work Uoi,uimI. ILi. I I,ii. .. I iily puj.n-'it.-.!. .v,.it- t,ui!,iiiB. U- M-r which man could Ihrow the " ' ahers out. Whei. the wotil w-ts iveli Con ml I an 1 'I lull went at -ai h oilier like a p:iir ol aiel Kcl: ;KST I'KAVt'T ;il.. it. I . ml l'o-orn p4.rvb.-r fur .r, . I was nip and tin k lor a l..iiu tune )'-l,h- lun'o i-(.rii.m btkisf with aint hail, i-ks-tnr litfhts. imi I rot-.. .! tr-l. -nx-riM-m hiu.--r wi IVaiiklm -itr..-t. Apply at Collin A l!i).'i.'.-r . r. XI. Sulixn. IIKI'I I'HIl prUs-o mi all Uunlali-iH bihI u.o-iumt-ut for the mt ihint il;is. If yni rwsnl a jiti plut-t- your or ui-r -Mm u- ai uot-t-. tte naw a ritr joiul al ik--t and n ut nake rm-rn fur it. t:;vtfuliy. J. t Kl.rit. SI'Kl'IAI.S Krutav ainl Sjlunlav al the sen tile was to cease when the the a a:l It rent Store. t'omt- ami lir-4 mail was put out until the -" '-r '-u or not. word Wits given again. So while' I am t .! aULin.ts.-fh.iu. Ir il! was walking round and blow- mmm-f m-. h..rt noiire. K. K. krun lln? from Ins i v. illon in niiltiii!? nioir.-r. i nom- ... rui-s. Muruivant out Coiiiii-II, and waiting for the la-tween them. Iht-y llaUcued out oil the ground, their heads and -houldi-rs together, neither lieing ll.le to get a lining hold ou the other. Fiuallt Couuell wasrolhsl ier the mil. The tule was that lieu two men had hold of each other they Illllst not l-e interfeuil with. It was ii it made plain that ci-h.o-i;e. word to la-gin ou the next maa, ' Kelt IIKNT M,l. rn m w mv r..m Pilsser w alkisl carelessly Up to him h.ise. Apply to W. a. H. n.l. r..n. ill u Im i.t lif..r ..iLLaul I.,.. Ill,' -I-,.'., -., ... B , nuim nimmiir: I ran nave you and tos-cd him over the rail as neat mn y ou iumU-r for that i- hu; is a pill. This was the lst thinir ''"'I' " t'im' 1,1 ",,i,'c Monroe aiat I'll of the whole event. The judges:'" uu- '" lm-y. win uiai iiii.s .t hoi ui-tsiionij; io ruiv .-v-ti.r. hi, (?mai i.umi uni the lilies, ami so the two oling rrn-np. . I. Ionian. I.oule i. men tried it over. I!..tli of them " WAXTEIl Kveryl.sly lo -e tlh- Weill over I lie rail together locheil rietures at The Cosmomma." Oia-n ill each oilier s arms, and the prize every nigni. to n. was uit Kitsi in-iwis ii i ue two. kuK rvTK k.-.. : - south llaym- stns-l. Molina-Insurais-e I "teen Cents lor Cotton. ami InveMment Coniimny. HtilllhaTII .tlltili inlirtlal 1 - - , .. . The Coll, m .lo.irn:i! lias insi rila-.l 1 W MKN "u ,"'"1 class, rolial.1.. . liallitnur dors', see tosinrt- aiwl I nwn lls,n its bitimer for the season of ,t ore. Phone No. llorlTs. P.KI.-K, t. puce of hfiii n CciuV , .. - . f..r Ko..t ,H.,o l.,cia .ol,l!in r ,.t ' " "'" I'reslar for . ' . . ' ., .. watch, jewelry ami vtacle reiairnw?. all interior n.ints in the Nmtli. We ,. ,;1V,.S yu nnV; ' i avo rpi'itnii i I r,. n- iwntii iiiiit ' deliberate and painstaking investi gation of the cotton situation in all of its varied phases, and more par- m: Picnic and (James at Bras well's Store. I The picnic and rally at ('. J. Braswell's store, in Gimiso Creek township, litst Thursday was a line success. A big crowd of Goose Creek and New Salem people were on hand mid everybody seemed to thoroughly enjoy the day. Mr. J. A. Sell, the chief marshal, and his assistants took cure of things well and the day passed without a single unpleasant feature. In the alleruooii Mr. W. B. Iove, a young lawyer of MonriM, made a good speech, mid talks by others were listened to attentively. There1 seemed to lie an unusual numlsT of young people present and the iH'havior was splendid. Altogether the occasion was a very happy one and the promoters should feel! amply paid for their efforts iu; the enjoyment that the day afford. ed the people. The following were' the prize winners: In the foot race there were two sets of runners of live each. Iu the lit Mt Clarence Austin was the w in ner, and in the second Julius Wil liams came out ahead. Then these two made the race as the champions of their respective teams. Mr. Austin won in twelve and a half seconds over the track of lo.'i yards. The three-legged race was won by X. K. liong and Vann Pusser. Kcrney Williams won tho sack race and did it so smoothly that the crowd cheered mid rccheered him. The egg race was won by Adam Baucoin. Walter Baucom won both the barrel and the shoe race. The cart race was something aft er a reel race, a hand cart taking the place of a reel. Six teams en gaged iu this race. The captain of each team and the liumlicr of sec onds in which he made the run, are as follows: Julius Williams, Hi seconds; Will Scott, lli ; J. A. Hell, Hi; J. A. Couuell, l.Y;Gunn Chintz, 17; Luther Baucom, Hi1. The pen scnllle was the event of the day. A pen twelve feet wpuirc wits set out and invitation extend i U . : V) E " j j ; O S -: H ; Donl miss the opening chapters la The Journal next week. tioularv upon the basis of the legit i imate laws of supply and demand. Hill ing the past month when crop prusieets were brighter in the South western States of Texas, lmisianna, Mississippi and Arkansas, spinners were paying 1 1 to 1.1 cents for mid dling cotton in Georgia ami the Car olina. Fourteen cents is being paid for the delivery of new cotton at all large cotton centers in the Smth. Buyers at small interior cotton points all over the cotton belt are now busy trying to induce fanners to contract with them for the future delivery of the expected prod net ion at from I?', to 13 cents, basis middling. The government crop coiuliliuu report for July was the lowest on record and that for August within a few points of the lowest report ever is sued by the bureau of cotton statis tics. It is a well known fact by an examination of the records that alow condition report for August always forecasts a poor yield mid a short crop. Never but ome before in the history of these records has a full yield followed a low condition in the August report. It is well known that the entire crop from .North Car olina to Texas is from two to four weeks lute and that but little fruit has yet matured. Too much rain or too little in August and Septetnliei' will practically paralize the crop. An extended drought in Texas has already cut the crop in that State fully 23 per cent, uiiilcr last year's production. No man can forecast the disaster attending an early or even a normal frost period in October. Tho demand for cotton by the world at high prices is Unlay unpre cedented. Consumption of cotton goods at abnormally high prices is only limited U the world's present spinning capacity. If raw cotton, basis middling, is not truly ami in trinsically worth l"i rents per pound, let those who are better posted than we are present the facts and figures lo sustain their position. Specula tion can no longer regulate spot cot Uin. Tho price of spot cotton is now in the hands of the farmers of the South aided and abutted by South ern bankers. We arc offering Nice Pork Sausage, Pork, Mutton, and Really Fine 15eef these days to our trade. - J. 1). PAUKKU. Fire Insurance Life Insurance Health Insurance Accident Insurance The Best Insurance. Low Rates and Strong Companies. Don't Put It Off! Insure Now, and With Us! Gordon 6 English, Managers Insurance Department, Savings, Loan 6 Trust Co. C. HOW It, Decimal Contractor. is pirpaird to ire your house and do enteral rlectriral work. All kinds electrical futures lurnislird. WATT ASIICKAKT, M.l).C.(vrT, oilers his pielessiou al services. lay calls ansoriej Irom The Enipnrcr utliee; at unjlit, 'phune a. Fiflis'ti Years KviHTii m c. i'mfcssiiinal Ki-frn nrcs. Sat if act inn liiiarantissl. I 'halves Ki Hsunalile. S. li. 11AKM0X, Piano Tuner. nanus urn! Organs Tuned and Repaired. Must Intricate KepairiiHr. full stuck of material always en hand. Kox 2, Monroe, N. C. Ordinance Pertaining to Sabbath Ob servance. See. 17 It Oi.ill tn milartrtil any nirr I'liant or rUlk er ite.ller lit eiatH, w.,r", ruiif.H ti.iiiH ,,r nthrr ln.--,-to.ii,iii-. In Ni-ll, nr ,'p'lt In .!.t - ef IitiKiiii' fur llir tin1 pitr.m, ot "m-I I ui.l; ,,r ilrllOM'ini; mi Sun ,Liy, r fr any ts,iu t. l,uy at,v ntf.irn, 'tifis t tens. .mhIm, w:iti' or ntlicr, itii'h'liatt lis., except ne, fivsli ttteati., Imrial .Lillie atet e.tlttns 1'lte enirv )iy any liter i hatit fr rlerk tntn lii, pl.tee nf ini.tne mi Sittnl.iy Mh ill lie ifeMit,i1ive e iileliec uf a vi.iliitiiin nf tltm iiriliiiaiiee. .Vity teiNtiu vin Lttiutt tliix iitiliatiee ltalt ttty u tine nf liven ty live tl.iil.irs. All erH.ns are hert'ly ll"litie,l lliat the f.iret."im.' nr.llliatiee jiail liy the At.leiluell .,f the t'ltv -if Mmiiiiw mil lie uttu'tlv enftire l',l aflel ifm il.lle. Tllii ."!i. S. I'.tn;. I! I. .sTI'A I AS, Keeimler. Notice of Sale. !y virtue of a certain miirtiraire ileeil executed tn the umlersigneil liy U. S. Austin ami wife, nn the lL'lh (lav uf March, l!i7 (and ilulv reoorilcil inlhsik All. page :t.i.M, I will, on Saturday, September L'lst, 1I7, sell ut pulilic miction tn the highest hiil er, at the court house ilnor in Monroe, N. (".. the following lot siluateil in the (own uf Vahaw, N. t'. : Adjoining the lands of II, ,1. Winchester, It. N. Nislst mid others, heginning at a stake, cor ner on Providence street mul McKihls'ii street, mid runs with the Providence street S. 4 1 K. LNm feet to a stake, It, N. Nishet's corner; thence N. 4.", K. loo feet to a stake, . N. Nishet'a anil II. .1. Winchester' corner; thence with said Winchester's line N. -1-lf W. 3ni feet lo a stake on Mi'kihlicn street; thence with said street S. 4.'J W. Inn fis t to the la gitming, containing one half acre more nr less, lieing the lot conveyed to I. J. Austin liy ('. Hnmm anil others. See Hisik .10, page UtS, for further description. Also, ut the some time mid place anil under the same mwer of sale, I will aUi sell two lilack mare mules, 7 years old. named l.mi and Mary. Sold to satisfy the provisions of said mor'age deed, default having lieen made by the mortgagors. Terms if sale, cash. This LKlh day nf August, l!i7. .1. ('. SHANNON, Mortgagee. A. M. Slack, Atty. 1 20-Ac re Trnct of Ijnd fur Sale In Ijine. Creek Township. !y virtue of tin order and decree of II. A. Ilouhton, ilerk of SuK'rior court of t'nioti county, N. ('., in expartc iins'i'i'ilings instilulcil by the heirs Ht law of It. A. I'arker. de'e, I will sell, at public auction to the highest bidder, at the court house door in Monroe, t'nion county, N. I'., nn the tlth day of Sept., l;m", at 12 o'l'lm k, for cash, the hereinafter ilesi rils'd real estate, w hieh consists of two contiguous tracts, Ixiunilcd and de scrilssl as follows: 1st Trai t, Is'ginning nt an elm where the old corner stood liy a hall bush on the west side of I'ool Spring branch and runs with H. ('. Asheraft lines along the various courses S. N7 W. Snchs.; thence N. " W. 4. "U chs. to a stake by gum and V. 0. on the south side of said mad; thence S. tsj W. 12 chs. tea stake by a gum and P. O. : thence S. 71 K. 2Iich., the dividing line of lot No. 1 and lot No. 2, to an ash by an ash inHhe branch; thence down the various course of aaid branch to the heginning, on the west side of said branch near the big road, containing forty acre, more or les, and lieing the land deeded by G. B. Hrewer and wife to It. A. Parker by a deed dated 12th dav IVe., 18X4. bonk 14, page 4H2, to w hich reference is here by made. 2nd Tract, heginning it an ash by an ash on west side of Tool Spring branch, and runs the dividing line of lot No. 1 and 2, N. 71 J W. 25 chs. to stake by a gum and P. O.: thence S. 1st W. 24.2ft ch. to a dead R. O. by two P. O., Wil liam Perry' corner; thence with the di vision line S. 52 K. M.ftO ch. to three nine; thence S. 75 K. 16 ch. to an ash by aovercupoak on the west aide of aaid branch; thence down the vsriouscoumes of Cool Sprinir Branch to the beginning, containing SO acre, more or less, being the lands willed to Jane Morgan Parker, dee'd., a will appear upon reference to IsHik of Will in the office of the clerk of Superior court of I'nion county, to which reference ia hereby made. Thi the Mh day of Aug., A. D. 19117. JOHN . SIKrS, Commissioner. Itcdwine & Sikes, Atty. Lee & Lee company. The Leading Dry Goods, Notions, Clothing, Gents' Furnishings, Hat and Shoe Store In Monroe. Hot Weaier Goods Now Ready For You. 5. 7; and Wc. Figured Ratiste at : : : New l'laiils and IXU at : : 15 and Jiik ItMmh 1 jwiis at : : : 10. 12'. and ISc. 4!-iiKh tihetr French Iaw n from : : il to fUle. 32 and 4 1-inch Mercerized liatistes, soft and silky. 25 to Stk. lively finired thin fabrics in rich llora! and conventional pat terns from : : - : : 25to5v. Donl Fail to see our Ladies' Muslin Underwear. Drawers from :::-::: 25 to .Vic. Corset Covers from : : : : : : 25 to 75c. (low ns from :::::: .Mk-. to $1.25 Skirts from : : : : : : $l.tJ to $2.lKJ I'uy those and save yourself money, time and work. LEE, & LEE COMPANY. THE LEADING DRY COODS, I0TI0IS, CLOTHING, GEITS' TUEIISHIIGS, HIT AID SHOE STORE II KOIBOE. Another Lynching! The months of July and August, 1907, will ever be re membered in Monroe as the date when a David apiieared and knocked the breath out of the Goliath of high prices. We are not so big as some but we throw the stones that will the giants of high prices. Anything you want in our ine we will save you money on. Here are a few of the hundreds of bargains: For Men. Shoes from 1.21 to 5.00 new from the factory. A good Sunday Shoe for 1. 1!) A lietter one, imtent leather, for I.!S. tiiMMl enough for any man. If yon are a sport, we ran give you the fancicMt tliini; in Monroe for I.!'S. ltring yuur feet right here to lie lilted. Socks to unit your taste from He. to 2.V, A pair of durahle work pant for Miiininer for I '''.; others charge yon l ie. lor the name. Other grades in proportion. Shirts are here in nil Hizes anil Imiguiim from 21e. to use. (iootl drawer 2tc. and up. Overalls, the liest you have seen tfle. to l..riO For Ladies. full, pretty, good and cheap line ol Shoes. We can Mit your taste for !iso. to :l. lis. All new stock, and the liest styles and ma terials that the country all'ords. Calicoes anywhere from 5c. up. 1'laids 5c, up. Outing 5c, up. (iood lilcachiug Sheeting likewise. as low as Te.; A bargain per yard. in Suitings at inc. For Children. Full line of Shoes to lit the little feet from 21c. to two and a half dollars. Speeinl prices on Caps for Ikij s and girls from inc. to VM: Hats from l!c, up. Schools are alwut to ojien. Nice liiii(il,a.skels from 5c, up. Just the thing for the little fellows. Pants for the lsyn from 20c. all up, Full line of Notions, fresh and new. Handkerchiefs 2 for 5c. A Rare Bargain. A first class 25 tlniilileset of Harness left. Undies, collars and lines all complete for 111.50, much less than wholesale cost, a rare bargain. Yours to count on. ELendall 33ry Goods Oo. Slmtc Mock. "The Home of Bargains." m M Service fl is the test of a business. Our aim is fl to meet the demands of our large trade M M . m $ in a way that will win the highest ap- &j proval of our customers. f Our buggy and harness display at m our lijir Jivotle stropt. stnro civos von m j ' m M a chance to see at a glance what you m m want. m & m At the other stand wc have every- jjjj thing so compactly arranged, and our m men right on hand in sufficient iiuni- m her to supply your wants at once. Yours to serve, ii iiitii ifiTi' wnf Mill biiti mri hrL ni'fi m-n- iif niniii n mi mVw mH" i mn ttin Heath Hardware Co.

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