Trua bit of Happiness, Thepleasure derived from chewing M05T MYSTERIOUS ASSAIX.T. 1 X VI or 1 . RQCKft REH:obacco i lYy 3 j ...:iu u cannoi De comparevvn n iiictubi. A Rock Rye ctiewer has the habit of contentment which has bee'n contagious from thefactthat hundreds of converts are added each day. A'o better tobaccos made than those BAILEY BROTHERS.INC WinstorvSalcnrvN-C. NOT IN ATRlST V W. S. Itl.AKKNKV. I'resi.lellt. J. K. SlH'TK, Wo lYcsuivht. W. C. Sta'k, Cashier. C. B. Aimms, Asst-1'a.-.h'r. The Bank of Union, TlIK 1USK OF I MipN Milium, vi:. U now rst;il.!ihed in its permanent home. The location m 'livii .1 ami the lueliliiitf erected with an eye to the convenience of the puhlie. The site ami the suiirstructure are uleal for iii ss. Not oi'ty this, l ilt the ItiuiK nas installed in us unices an ei'.tin'iv new oii'tit. A vault has tieen huilt that is absolute!) fireproof for the k.-. ; ivu' of Looks. p:iiers and munis, with private lock Imxer for rent rh.-:in. ( oi;vi,li ral'! money has Ihvii invested in a safe in order that the customers of the l'...i mav feel safe at all times in retail to their deposits. This safe is a marvel of niivhutii-im and has no suierior in this country for strength ami safitv. 1' will lie shown to customers and visitors with pleasure. In short, the ll.uik of I "moil has made an effort to please the puUie and to pro vide every comfort, convenience and safeguard for those doiiu; business with it. The accommodations a 'forded are now unsurpassed. If the people will recne;niz these facts l y lirmjrinc tru ir deposits, their patronage will lie highly appreciated and the laneiils wiil he mutual. The Bank Union, Monroe, N. C. Court Calendar Union Superior Court. August Term. 1W. FIRST l I k. MOSim. Au,ui P7. R & S and Sta.k A . J. fc A Rr.l inr and Sta. k . R fdl.n.l M.Call .J h A Mom.. ill K & S and Sn.k . R S and Sia.k . . J fc A R & S i'. . J & A .V . 1 1: "You Wanted to see Vtn enn be mrc that it I the bet, because we'll ihow 70a the tni.!f. u .iin l ii.ive to jud-e by ippearancei alone, ti Jou would if you shojipe J elsewhere. It is iin;-ossiLIc to nuke any better thin The Stearns & Foster lATTRESS (Ovr name provei u't genulae. Look fof (t.) MO filmy wehs, form the nine snow-white downy felts of which it ll built. N..t a particle of anything but m 'W, clean cotton guei into ny Sli-artu I'd-', r Mattress. iJ. .u't lie natisiie I tr secinc; "open end" Samples, nor een an open sample in.itue-s. We'll show you the inside and outside ol tlit Iden iTTal ui otri es ynu bav. And we'll let you try it sixty nights, free then ii y u me satisfied, will promptly return your money. Could anvihinu' be (tirer than that? Not a l.nurv, but a neces-itr in all households. Come in to.d ay delay means regret on your part. T. P. DILLON Littleton Female College. Splendid location. Health resort. Hot water heat. Klertrie lights and other modern improvements. t Ixiardiiaf pupils last year, llijrh standard of scholarship, cullnie unit s'ial life. I onservittury advantages in Music. Ad vanced courses in Art and Klocution. Kusiness Colleire, liible, and Normal courses. 1 Health record not surpassed, ( lose htsoiuiI attention to the health anil social development nt each pupil. I inform worn on all public occasions. CHAUtiKS VKHY l.oW. 2i!th Annual Session will bein on Sedtemtier lfith, For catalogue, address RHV. .1. M. RIIODIOS. rmident, UTTI.ETON. N. C. K fc S . R & S . fc S .. w fc 1. . V J in, .sin1 fc 41 K fc S and Sla.k .. R & S and Sla.k... .J fc A....W I. & S and , J fc A and . Ilaih Murrow CV vs . t'.alw M. Simpvm ... M.t'am Hlolhro J.r.h l'la. ,.W I lamp llt-lm r Manula.tufin t a T I". R.lrt. T.ila..o C'o- I Irath-MorMW t o C. W Haikcv .Matihrw Ku.hinit I tow Itiutlirr. ( laud Hairrtt. rl al Rrf, r Au.lin Ainia It l'ri.rrl al . Kni.inn l'nr rl al. A w 1 Iralli ( ,mipan vs (' I'.tooin fc S,ine (' (.'. SiLr IVr.t. I hrr'tirld . Ausua .'!. l't'7. J I.. Au.nn V 1 . I ., Din., rl al L. Sinn.n Il,.ir and J A dliam.. ,...Mr klrnl.uT) Ifon Wuik. R fc S. ....0 M Saua-lrr. J fc A. and Skaw . Sc'WJ An laM R I , 1 y l-t fcS .ndw.fc L SaasA IMim II Alanh J fc C Slanlrr Cterk l uWoa Milk B M fc I R fcS... At J fc A and Sta.k . A . J fc A . A.j fc A ItKt w fcl A.J ,.M.R. t'ondrl (Vl and others J l. A Stxrest. Adim . anj udwn. U t-SPAV. Au 27. IHI7. Julia A. Hutern V S Matlhrwt Mai)(alrt A. Hat cl al VI , Mary U tliiaim Mrhantiir Cumnans j Manoa CiilU and Jrue C.r.llin J M. C'ulkl ll VI I iuk li Mui(t aa and w ilr John C Sikn. Rrtrivrt. VI R MArrlv wl iNtlAV. -Wu.i J.s. I'7. . J fc A John t' Sikes. Rr.rorr. lilt vi w fc I I'hiHip Wlullrv R fc S I fc S.n. VI A . J fc A J I laivry Slarnri. I.. Iijht I'aint Manula.lunn Cu v S R. I .nlrr IVa.W (.allani Cunipan fc A 101 R fc S A . J fc A ItC Rrdwinr. SlrvriM. M. rrlv R & S .. TI, lll w fc I R fc S Iu7 Sia.k J I.. M.Cain and w R. M.v am Till RSOAV. Amt.1.1 2', I'1I7 fc 1. . J t . Skr ..I w . f Adi mr w fc I. 4S R fcS. Rn II. Kmnhi r.'llrlmv Sikr. S.Ur.irr Sirawn "l I V and Sia.k I 1' (inrlin. Adnir. l II I. t.nltin rl al. I.ta.k ..('. w . J fc A John fc 1. Ill w fc I. ... Mallw Itlakrnry i ,. Ma,k Klakrnrv .11 I .. Owrn ll'l Martha Owrn. F ronir I luntlry VI .. Sam llunllrv. aliai IVl llunllrv wKIAI)AY. Auvti"! :i. I'K)7. I. I). Thompion SILVER KING The litJhleNt ruiiuin ball lieariii(j ulnittle linn liine ou tlit iiiai ket. Price $20, Gasii Maiiiifin liired Air and giiitranlret! by ..The.. W.J. KUdOGGO., MOXKOK, N. C miMi(iiiiiiiHuiiiuiMtMiiniiiiiiMiiiiHiiiiuiimtMiiiitHiiiniitirjtMiiiiiiiusT5 I a The Siloes Co. Now is the time to buy a new buggy. We have just received several car loads. Come and let us show you through. Solid car load of famous "Old Hickory" wagons just put together. Remember: If you can't s pay cash, we will credit you. ! Tfye Sies Co. R.fcS and.S,i,k '".ft . J. fc A R. fc S (id Sta. k W fc I (4 Sta.k ft' fc I. James K. Pulk. J ft. Na.h VI RoWrt Towlrr , Statr and Arnir Hakrl VI John Foil K. . I'andle It fc S Rrna l.mlr rt al I on vi A.. J A ' A Auitin. R fc S and Slrvrni ft'. II. ft al.lrn Itrt vi A . J fc A I- I'tioniai ft fcl. Illkl Fun and ft S. Untt III) vi Clrna lavaf. A. J fc A llrath llardwarr Companv III vi . . llanan Prc.lar. I'RIPAY, Auttu.1 It). I'l7. Sla.k Allai A Mulln 114 vi ft fcl taMMiie . Otlfca. Sla.k 1 he Hrndr.ioB-Snv.lrr I'ompanv I I i vi R fc S ... J A I'ulk Sta.k Mow! Waller I Ih VI A.J. fc A N.irah Darean and Milton larean A.J fc A ft ilham C. YanC.ildei lit! vi - - ft II Kullrn SAIVKDAY. Auuit il. I'i7 MiHiona only heard lo-tiay. ft ttneiiei need not appear until ihe day whnhthe raiei in whi.h thev are luhpoenaed are vel U m.l 1) A HDl'MON. C S t l.i A . J fc A Jamei K. Polk. R. fc S Solomon Maoey (Si vi Minnie ft hile THURSDAY. Aiiku.1 M. A.J dim (.7 fc A. and Sh 1. I'U7. II J M.Manui R. fc S . (18 Seaboard Air lane Rv Singer Manufacturing Company Sta. k 1.. T. Ilouiton ft . & I I.. A. Haker Company 7U vi St..k ft . R. McCain R. fc S , 71 A . J. fc A G.C. R Cc l)r R. Amheld VI nd S. A. L. R'y. L ft olle R. fc S ft' 7) . A . J. fc A J. A. Calledae. FRIDAY. Aut,M2i. I')7. R. & S. and Stack C. W. Ilarkey 7h vi A . J fc A Manhcw Ruihint. A, J fc A C ha.lri C. Caih 7') vs J. A. Laxkhart Ilrnry Moore et al. A. J. fc A....Miriiroe Manulacluring Company HO vs R. fc S M. C. Broom el al SwvenJfc Love J. R. F.ngloh HI vs A.. J fc A. and Shaw.. Seaboard Air lane Ry A.J.fcA --Crre, VI Wood. SATURDAY, Au8u.t24. IW7. J. fc A Monroe MaMfacturinf Company 8 vi W. fc L E. C. Rika and L M. Hikoa. A , J fc A TaomaiULove 67 m HnmiHlliHHt. MoMAt StVphCsUON. R. fc S Uaua Trade fc Live Stock Co. M n A, J. fc A A. C. R. fc S ..The Sikea Company 91 n W. fc 1 L C. Swtall SECOND ftTJJC. MONDAY. Aataai 26. 1907. A, I. fc A ...W. M. Gordo. 78 es R. fc S. aad K. fc K . J C. CaddeU. ruj., '. 17j 1 ii twit w i "WWW m 11 of opening nn account subject to your check, consider the great ad vantages offered your business by 'Pre First National Bank. Modem equipment; Safeguarded methods; Liberality. Strong as Steel! W. C. HEATH, President. ROSCOE PHIFER, Cashier. Administrator's Notice. I have thia day qualified aa adminis trator of the estate of Lillian Bridge Stewart, deceases!. All persons hoMtnfr claims afrainat said estate will file their claims with me on or before the 6th da jr of Autruat, 1SUH, or this notice will be pleaded in bar of their recovery. Thia 3rd day of August, Ir7. Pliimmkr Stewakt. Admr. of the estate of Lillian Bridges Stewart. I Married Lady DrutirJ. Assaulted and Throw n Into a Creek by a Nsrtro V bote Identity Will frob ably Never be Know n. niltsiry w-u!. Iwa. lo I bavrUKle ulsrmr I Xumlvrs of Sitliahury lieople I went out this afl-rmku t the t'ra jven ueililmiliotMl in ramrvh of an ' uiiknua u nens ho yewtenUj ft jrrutHiu avrriuultrl Mm. l. V. Kew Irr ami t'lrv ln-r into the ereek I tMiH--al hit Hi 11 1 uVmu r rt uie. 1 1 e after anla mniieil ami liitit inner- laeeii lieanl Inm. -Nor In 'tlieiv the alililevj clue as to alio ! lie in. I Mix Kenler U-l.mpi to one of the jla-nt iMiuitry fauiiln. U a slaiiU : ter of JiNa.ih KrislsT. Sr., a wealthy lunlaaiv uieiihant ami farmer. She livnl a iiuuiU'r of years iuthix jeily ami resvnlly nuivesl 10 llie ei.iintry. The nes of the umuhiII traveltM slottly. ultel mmll Kv. .1. t'. Keoler, a limlln-r iu law sil the injuml lady, while ailtiiin 011 the iw of lU-ul.ili at.niu N. NY. Smeii, exeurarsl liimwlf limn it after haunt; In-s'ii tol.l of a sudden illmwi of Ins mter iu law. lie did not know until lute iu the ni'lit that xlie liihl Ixtn altat kel ami tins lii.u iiiiij; went out to the mvue of I lie outrage. The lace is iiUmt nine wiles fuiiii Ihe city. Vextenl.ty iiiuriiiui; Mrs, Kesler went over to Tyack'n store ami crossing; a lu iile over Puteh ci-irk, nutieeil a wateriiielon liroken ami partly eaten. As she stoiHHl iii.iiiientai ily, a m'cro ) (waieil ami taking a Uittle of nteili eine from liis (HS'ket, thmiteiieil her if she slid not drink it. She was lorcsil to do so ami immedi ately ran sercainiii);. She soon lost eonseioii.stiess and when she came to herself, she Wits iu the creek and scraiiililiiiotit of it. She made her way throui'h the cane, brake and uUiut six limns later arrived at home at :l o'cloek. Her inother saw tier coming ami thought sin waslaiiL'hinL'. When t he elder Mrs. Kesler noticed her ill iiiiii) ctollii she asked her the liouiile and was answered, "Mamtiia, the liitrer's eot me," and then she told the slui y which was iiiiuli of a lilauk toiler. llr.l'.M. 1'inhV was culled in ami this tnornitiKshe had partly reroveriHl from the shock mid talk ed iiileiliireiitlv iilmiit I lie iseiir tvtice thotiirh she was not utile to throw any livht iiishi the itiNsteri ons man who uiaile the assault. The opinion of the physician is that no ai l ii.d assault was commit ted, the opinion Is'ii.j; that the lirutc was frightened away. There were some marks 011 the t hi oat ami apjH'ared to have Imhii one on the hack of the head, Imt 110 alirasion anywhere on the hody. That she was thrown in the creek is reason ably certain. Slit docs not reiiiein I XT this lull diN'M recall climliiii1: out of the water. The bloodhounds of I'cclcr ami l.eily were aoiight this uioiiiiu)! but could not Ire Ion ml. It is limit than likely that there never w ill lie any solution to the mysterious all. nr. 1 he diied condition of tlit victim makes identity of the 111:111 out ol the (jiicstioti and suspicion rests upon no one. The w hole dia Isilical tiling seems like a horrible nightmare to the good woman who had an csis'i ience that makes the whole country stand aghast. A Neglected (lift. i llt-lr Ki'imn'i Mmra'lii. A luiiL'li can lasciuate and u laugh can repulse. A merry, miisi -al laugh is "an excellent thing in annum." Strange that women do not cultivate it. I hey are intent on making the most of their per nal gifts, but they neglect two of these- two that if cultivated would .ulil much to their attractiveness -Ihe laugh and the voice in streak ing. Iu conversation few female voices are musical or expressive, ami few laughs lire anything twit toggles. Parents ami teachers are far from giving nccilcd attention to the voice of children in every day SH'CCll. to lie impressed with this, lisieu attentively lor a while to Ihe voices of those iilsuit you. Xote how few enunciate distinctly, how still few er modulate their voices or put into them the reiiiii-ed expression. Vet every one feels the clinrm of a Iteautiful voice. "I could listen to her talk for hours,'' was often said of a w oman w ho possessed few at tractions beside a voice she had trained by careful reading aloud every day. Of a notably handsome woman w ho had a harsh voice, it was said, "She may look like a bird of Paradise, but she talks like poor Poll." In our schools we have teachers of singing ami ol oratory, but we sing and declaim only occasionally, while we talk every day, and it lichooves ns to learn how to use with most agree able ('licet, the voice iu common speech. Don't accept a eolith cure Hint you may he told is just aa ood aa Kenne dy's I. a in live CuukIi Syrup, because it isn't just as Rood - there ia quite a difference. Kennedy's l.aiative CoukIi Syrup arts gently upon the bowels and clears the whole lystem ol coueIis aud colds. It promptly relieves in flammation of the throat and allays irritation. Sold by S. I. Welsh and C, N. Simpson, Jr. Jeremiah Walker, aged 15, plead ed guilty to criminal assault on a white girl in Asheville court, and wa-t sent to the pen for 15 years. "Everybody Should Know" says (', (J. Hays, a prominent busi ness man of 111 11 ft, Mo., that Ittick- leo'a Arnica Salve is the quickest anil surest healing salve ever ap plied to a sore, burn or won ml, or to a case of piles. I've used it ami know what I'm talking about" Guaranteed by English Drag Com pany. 2.x Most of us are so pessimistic that we even exaggerate our troubles. De Witt's Little Eajiy Risers don't sicken or f rips. Small pills, essy to take. Sold by S. . Welsh and C. N. Simpson, Jr. Card From Sttptrintefldent HsbtL 1 have been thinking for some time, in view of the pubis: trust com mitted to me, that I ought to say something in recognition of the high honor thus conferred and the com pliment bestowed in entrusting to my keeping so important and so re sponi!'le a work. I trust you may n.4 judge me a'ow to appreciate be cause I have been slow la express my appreciation. 1 keenly realize that the nthce belongs to the people. ... a . 1 , 11 AII1I IIIJ1L Mill iiii-ir WI1AUI. IIIIB- UO ,.... I mnat a.rn.ll a..lL.;i thai ivll, ... w- taiinpii -.' Mv iM'arty co-operation of all the peop'e, that the result of our labors may be the best things. Having spent the prcater part of my life iu tiie school room, my sym pathy naturally goes out lo tin- teach er. I aft me say to yon, teachers: Your work has difficulties and per plexities iMtiiur,ib only to its mag nitude and retHUisibilities. For the duties incident to you, you need the strength and support that sympathy and eiirtuiragcment ahme can give. It is very hard to do our duty, to be faithful to any trust, when there are none to help, wlien we must stand alone, and when thtssc who ought to help, conspire to hinder. Now, in order to bo very helpful to any one, we must not be too far from them. Whilst the siiieriiitendcnt's place is important and therefore his respon sibilities great, yet the teacher has a work that is all his own, and one without which the work of the super intendent would be of no practical value. Therefore it is eminently proper, aud highly important, that we, as co-workers, should come very close together. Iu view of these facts we have decided to ask the teachers of the county to nie t us at the court house on Saturday, August 1' llli, 1(1 a. m , for the purKiseof organizingacouiity teacher's asstviation. Study as best you can present con dilions as to education inour county, h't us c 'lite prepared to discuss the vital and practical questions per taining to our schools. We want all the teachers to attend. The wise ones should come btvause we need their counsel, the less wise ought to atU'tid btvause of the op IHirtunity to gain wisdom. An appropriate topic as subject for discussion on that day might be this: "The rti(iiisitcs of a good school, children, teachers, home, methods, etc." Come prepared on any or all of these subdivisions an.) add others if you choose. K N. Xishrt. Another Young Man in Chester field Dies ol I 'ever, 1 arolma Cilirii. Mr. John ('. I.aney died At the home of his father, Mr. .1. W. La m-y, Tiiesilay, August tllh, after lieing sick w ith lever for a week. Mr. Lauey was Ihuii Octols-r '.'tilh, issi, and was therefore neatly lit! years of age. The greater pin t of his life had lioeii spent in ("Hester field county. A 1 wins jovial and good imturcd, ho made friends of all w ho knew him and will lie sore ly missed by his many aciUiiint anccM. He has been a meinls r of the Methodist church for a iimnltcr of years. The burial look place near Pagelaud on Wednesday. Mr. L'.mey was a memlsT of Hose Hill camp V. O. YV. ami was buried by Ihe ineiiiU'is of this ami the Jeffer son hslge with the usual riles of the order. The services were con ducted by Rev. li. A. House. A Charlotte syndicate has lxiuglit the opera liousc in Kaleigh and will build a hotel as line as the Sclwyn in Charlotte. Many a man's peck of trouble comes in liquid form. The Wingate School. Teachers tor 1907-1908. Mi'sie and Kl.ot l TloN. - Miss Kliza- lieth Hrown ((.'. H. K. Institute. Haiitist University, New lork lonservatory of music. ) I'rimarv. - Miss Nella Thomas (Ashe- ville Nornuil School.) Intkkmkimatk and Advanckii Miss Delia Kendrick (Charlotte City Schnuls, I'reslivti'riun Colliife.) rail U-rm osna July 2Mh. M. B. DRY. Principal. Wingate, N. C. UNION INSTITUTE The FAI.I. TKRM of thia m hisil nK.iia on the fith day of August, l!7. :: :: :: :: :: :: :: Only KxiM-rienred Kegular (iraduatea emiiluven in the facultv, which is now full ami thoroiu'hlv iin tiar.-d to do as giaaj work aa him Ireen iliine here in the past. He f ure going or acnding your children to any other high achool, it may oe wen to wiiil lor our CMtuiouge, etc. AllllKSSS 0. C. HAMILTON', Principal, umonvujI.k, n. v. TRINITY COLLEGE Four Departments-Collegiate, Grailuate, Kngineering and Ijiw. Iirge lilirary facilities. Well euuiped IslKiratiira s in all deiart menta of acience. (iymnasium fur nulled with heat aimnitus. KxMn aea very mok'rate. Aid for worthy stu. Inula. Y'oung men wiahing to study law Htiould investigate the superior advantages offereti by the lK'artment of Ijiw in Trinity College. For Catalogue and further infor mation, address D. W. NEWSOM, Redstnr, Durham, North Carotins. DR. B.CREDFEARN,I OSNT1ST. Charges reasonable. Satisfaction (tuarantoed. Office over Rndge's Book Stora. MONROE. H. 0. Will be at Maribville, N. C, on first and third fcf ondayt of each month, and at Matthews on second and fourth Mondays. Phone iji WHEN IT COMES TO The ACTUAL wxL mm No tobaeeo ever inado ran surpass cur Tlug, Twist and Fmolting. Wherever ex hibited in com-titi.i with iho worl.1. they have never f-iil, d to wia the rtUl medal for IlK-ir general earelU-rv. hi;h quality sd r law ip V. i.M prrNn(e overall tumtlthg krumii. "SHOW DOWN" isoneof theeomingbran.lsof "Armncx Only a few years eld. its unrivauedqualitit have niale it on. ef the leading m-lkra over all otharr Itue-rumi plugs. It thoroughly aaliatics and perfectly suits everybody and ail classea. Sold at l'lr and 1. per plug or Cc cuts. Always buy "SHOW DOWN." and save the tag. Them la many an article you need for your comfort or ent-ruun-BK-nt which theme tags get fur you w ithout CL ArwirfaarlWanmhiaaratalnrias. wkvh la . f tka laranrt . raHMl.Orartiwvvvr ff.4iasit bjr au4ralniirturv-. i!l U-anaUil to a n T a.1.1 ri im IK I mini Huin nm tvesuet al aa(r 4c ia -a-aUmpawr a yj ta uaa ar. ra.liw.inaT. Hancock Bros. & Co, Lynchburg. Va. Monroe Insurance and Invesfmsnt Co. Monroe. North Carolina. We represent a North Carolina Life Insurance Company that not only gives you the Best Protection, but pays 1Q per cent, dividend on your invest ment. ::: Ask us for proof. Monroe Insurance and Investment Co., In Bank of Union Building. IRK MULLIS, Civil Engineer, PaONH 4 i. WlNOATR, X. 0. IVrnntt i.f rr.(WnrT In Hurvrvln itiif the !. ink ps'llfifftt lit N '. I o Vfrg JNO.ItJEAL,M.D., MKNKOL, N. C, Solicits the patronage of the people of Muiiroe and (iirronnitini; rointiiuiiity. Calls aiikwercd in day from Knclish DniK Store; at niclit from residence on Church street. Hume No. 48, Trinity Park School A Kirst-class Preparatory Schiml. Certilicales of (irailuiition Accented for Kntrance to lA'adini? Southern CoIIikc. Ilest l'jtiipped 1'n.pnmtory School in the Sisith. t Kaeultv orTen tf licers and Teachers. 1 Campus of Seventy-five Acres. Library containinir Thirty Thntls anil Volumes. Well FUjuipHi (ivm tiusium. lli'h Staiulunln and MikI ei n Methmls of Instruction. Frequent Lectures by Prominent Lecturers. (Expenses Exceeding ly Moderate. Q Seven Years ol Phenominal Success. Kor Catalogue and other informa tion, adilretui H. M. NORTH, Headmaster, Durham. N. C. W. B. HOUSTON. SURGEON I) K N T I ST, Office up atairs, FitiKerald lluildiiiK, Northwest of Courthouse, Monroe, N. C. DUMOaSadUMOIOX. DENTIST. Offii-ks in Opera limine b'lililin. ar'Phnne 158. 1905 1907 POWERS G IIARRILL STRAIN I'.jy? fur liateliipg from Sinlf I'mnli Wliite l';liirnt. I'lii.nrSTI" I' l H. s :il First Phizi Winners mumiuk n e M. Ji. FLOW, Commissioner of Deedi for South Carolina, Id Norui Urolioa: also 1 Justice of llie Hue for Union Couotjr, and NoUrj public for Nortb Ctrolliit :: :-: Social attcution Riven to takinp. At fiJavits, Acknowledgment or I'tnof of Deeda, Mortgages, Contiacts, I 1 1 1 s of Sale, Power ol Attorney, Keumicia tiuiis of Power and Inlirritaurr, l'i p ositions.Wrilitii; and I'mhaliiiK Deeds, Morti;ai;cs aud all other papers, ifstiuit; Slate Wan ants, Claim and Delivery and Attachment papers, Civil Sum mous aud the Collection of Claims. Office at M. 1.. Flow Co.'s Store east of courthouse, Monroe, N. C The j ieeley Curc Do You Know What It Does! It relieve a person of all desire for atronfr drink or dnijrs, re atorea hia nervous ayatem to its normal condition, and reinstates a man to his home and husiness. For Full Particulars, Address The Keeley Institute, Greensboro, North Carolina. Correnpondcnce Confidential. f "Put a Little SUNSHINE till! 1 lllllll. &6 SUNSMIfNB Lend a Cheerful, Clean and Pure at mosphere to the home. Make old, worn Floors, Furniture, Bric-a-Brac and Interior Woodwork of every description look new and attractive til ffi 10 and Beautiful Colon, Easy to Apply VS Made by 5 C. N. Simpson, Jr., Druggist.

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