THE MONROE JOURNAI VOLUME XIV. NO. 31 MONROE, N.O, TUESDAY NOVEMBER 12. 1907. One Dollar a Year The Spoilers. By REX E. BEACH. Coprrlfht. IM. hjr R' E. Duel). rilAPTKK XIV. Y dear Hi-k-u. n't j re allie thiit my "-III" 111 lwl I I tkn carrlc with It cer 1 1 tain social obllKatloa winch It I our duty tu dl bnrc" "I iukim Hi. I'ncle Arthur; but 1 would much rather stay t boiuc." "Tut, tut! I mi anil bar a good thue " "Paurluic dieu't a-al tu m auj wore. I toft that sort of thin; ktk home. Now, If jrou would only coin along" "No; I'm too busy. 1 must work to ulxht. and I'm not In a mood tor audi thine, anyhow." You're not well." hi uicce Mid. "I have noticed It for wk. Is It hard work or utv you truly III? You're uervou: you dou't a': you're irnw liur mltlvely Kaunt. Why. you're cd tine wrinkles like un old man"' S!ic Mw from her scat at the lin-ukfust ta ble and weut lo him. inithini; bis allvenil bead with affection. He took her cool hand nud preieosl It to bin cheek, while the wony I hut hniinted hlui haliilually of lute pive way tu a miille. "H'a work, little itlrl-hsrd nnd thnnklcsa work, that' all. Tills coun try Ik Intended foryiuitnt nu n, and I'm too far alone." Ilia eyes crew crave attain, and be sipnvxcd her tliwrs uerroualy as thouch nt the tbuiulit. "If a terrilile country this. I -I-w lsh we bad never wen it." "Ihiu't my that." Helen cried spirit eilly. "Why, It's glorious. Think of the honor. You're a I'nlted Stales Judce and the llrst one to come here. You're making history; you're ImlMlnit a state; opk will rend nl-oiit you." Klie stHiied and klsvd li i in. hut he Deemed to flinch beneath her caress. "Of course I'll go If you think I'd tietter," she wild, "thouch I'm not fond of Alaskan society. Some of the worn en are ulce, but the others"-- She ahnigged her dainty shoulder. "Tliey talk acaudal ull the time. One would think that a great, clean, fresh, vlcw oiis country like this would hroadcu the women n It broaden the ineii but It doesn't." "I'll tell McNantnrn to cull for ynnnt il o'clock," said the Judge as he arose. Ho, later In the day, she prepared her long unused tlncry to mi. li good pur tose that when her escort called for her that evclilng he Is'lleved her I he loveliest of women. I'pou their arrival at the hotel be re garded her with a fndi arivss of pride, for the function prov. d to lieur little resemlilauce to a tultiiuiz :nn; party. The women wore handsome gowns, nud every mini was In evening dress. The wide hall run the length of the hotel und was flunked wlili boles, while Its fl'sir was like polished glass and Its walls cfTiitlvely ihvo rnted. "Oh. how lovely!" exclaimed Helen as ah first caught sight of It. "It's just like home." "I've seen quick rising clllea W' fore," he sulil. "but nothing like tills Still. If these northerners can build a railroad In a month and a city In u summer why shouldn't they he sj-n-phony orchestras and Inils (Juiuze ballrooms?" "I know you're a splendid dancer," ahe said. "You shall Is? my Judge and Jury. I'll sign this card ns often as I dare without the certainty of violence at the hands of these young men. and the rest of the time I'll smoke In the lobby. I don't care to dunce with any one but you." After the first walta be left her sur rounded by partners und made his way out of the ballr sun. This was his lint relaxation since landing In the north. It was well not to Is-oonie n dull hoy. he mused, and ns he chewed his cigar be pictured, with an odd thrill, quite unusual with hliu, that slender, gray eyed girl, with her coiled mass of hair, her Ivory shoulder and merry smile He saw her float past to the measure of a two-slep and caught himself re senting the thought of another n un's enjoyment of the girl' charms even for an Instant. "Ilnld on. Alec." he muttered "You're too old a bird to lose your bead." However, he wna waiting for her before the time for their next dance. She teemed to have lost a part of her gayety. "What'a the matter? Aren't you en joying yourself?" "Oh. yes," ihe returned brightly. "I'm having a delightful time" When he came for bia third dance he was mora distrait than ever. As he led her to a aeat they passed a group of women, among whom were Mrs. Chitnipnln and othera whom he knew to be wives of men prominent In the town. He had seen aome of thetn at tea In Judge Btlllman'a house and therefore waa astonished when they re turned bla greeting, but Ignored Helen, (the shrank slightly, and he realized that there was aomethlng wrong. He could uut giieoa what AT.iirs of nic"! be could cope with, but the suutlelir of women were out of bis realm. "Wbst ails those people? Have they offended yon?" "I don't know what It I. I hare spoken to them, but tbey rut nic" "i 'lit your he exclnlmed. "Yes." Her voice trembled, but she held her head high. "It mvnw a though all the woiuen In Nome were here and In fc-ngue to Iguore me. It dazast lo. I do not undcrstaud." Ila anybody aald anything to you?" he Inquired Hercely. "Any man. I mean':" "No. no! The men are kind. It's the women." t'oine. we'll go home." lmhcd. we will not," shesnid proud. v. " nhall stay and face It out. I have done nothing to rim away from, and I intend to And out what la the matter." When he bad surrendered her. at the beginning of the next dance. ll. Na mnra sought for some acquaintance whom he might question. Most of the men In Nome either hated or feared him, but he espied one that he thought suited his purpose and led him luto corner. "I want yon to auswer a question. Xi hctitlng about the bush. I'nder stand? I'm blunt, and I want yon to be" "All right." "Yonr w Ife has been entertained at Miss t'hoster'a house. I've seen her thenv Tonight she refuse to seak to the girl. She rut her dead, and I WHnt to know what It'a about" "How should I knowT "If you don't know, I'll ask you to And out." The other shook hi hemt amusedly, at which McNiuiinru tlar nl up. "I say yoii will, and you'll make your wife apologize lieforo she leave this ball. t". or you'll answer lo Ine. man to man. I won't stand to have a gill like Misa t'bestcr cold decked by a bunch of mining camp swilN, and that gss as it tics." In bis excitement McNiiiuura reverted to his western Idiom. The other did not reply nt once, for It Is cnibiirritxiiiir to deal with x person who disregards the conventions utterly, and at the same time ha the Inclina tion and fori'e to compel olM-dii'iii-e. 'J'lic lss" reputation had gone abroad. "Well-er I know nlsmt It in a pin cral w ay, but of course I don't go much on stub tilings. You'd better let it drop." "!o on." "There has been a lot of talk oninng the ladles about-well, er -the fact Is, It's that young OlonMcr. Mrs. Cham plan hail the next stateroom to them er him-I should say-on the way up from the Slates, and she saw thln.-s Now, as far ns I'm conivnnsl. a girl rim do as she pleases, but Mrs. Cham plan has her own Ideas of propriety. From what my wife could learn, there's some truth In the story, ton, so you can't blne her." With a word M.N'amarn could have explained the gossip ami made this li in 1 1 put his wife right, forcing through her an elucidation of the silly ailalr In such a way ns to spare Helm's feelings ami cover the busy t mguisl magpies Willi confusion. Yet he hesl tntitl It Is a wise skiqsr who trims his sails to every hnsw. He thanked his informant ami left linn. Entering the lobby, lie saw the girl hurr.ilng towiiril him. "Take me away, quick! I want to go home." "You've changed your mind?" "Yes, let ns go," she panted, and w hen they wen' outside she walked so rapidly that be had dlllleulty In ktvp Ing pace w ith her. She was silent, and be knew better than to question, but when they arrived lit her house he entered, took oft" his oveniiat and tin ne. I up the light in the tiny pnrlor. She Hung her wrap over n chair, storming back and forth like a little fury, lier eye were slurry with tears of nnircr. lier face was Unfiled, her hands worked nervously. He leanisl against the mantel, watching her through his cigar smoke. "You needu't tell me." he said nl length. "I know nil about It." "I inn glad you do. I never could repeat what they said. Oh, It was brutal"' Her voh-e caucht, and she bit her lip. "What made me nk them? Why didn't 1 keep still? After you left 1 went to those women ami faced them. Oh, but they were bru tal! Yet. why should I care?" She stamped h T slippered foot. "I shall hare to kill that man some day," be f:i!d, flecking bis cigar ashes Into the grate. "What man?" She stood still and looked nt him. "(.Jlenlster, of course. If I had thought tiie story would ever reach you I'd have shut hlui up long ngo." "It didn't come from blin," she cried, hot with Indignation. "He's a gcnllc nian. It'a that cut, Mr. Chaniplau." lie ahragged bis shoulders the slight est hit. but II was eloquent, nud she Hotel It. "Oh. 1 don't menu that he did It liitcntlonally-he's too decent a chap for that- but nnybody'a tongue will wag to a beautiful girl! My lady Malotte I a Jealous trick." "Mulottc! Who In she?" Helen ques tioned curiously. He seemed surprised. "I thought ev ery one knew who she Is. It's Just ns well that yon dou'tj , ""! nn tn'v Mr. Uleio-ter would not i talk of n:e" Tlfc-re waa a au "Wli I Mi- Mab.lle?" He studied for a moment, wh'le she wan-h -d him. Wbt a splendid tb-ure ' b n.rde In hi ev-ili:g clothe' The oy p.m with II shub-l bs'tts en Ih.-.n.-el his ite and innirth and rug g.-d oii'l.nes. In hi eye s that ad- 1 iiCriti'in which woinea live for. He I f'.d heboid, haudsotue face and met her gtie. J had!T leave for y.n to flu I out. for I'm not at scambil I have s.'lm'lhi.ig i.iore lr.qairt.iiit tJ tell inn. It's the tiHn. l:ii;-rtai:t thing I have ever sa'd to yon. llcl-n." Il was the f.rt time he hid use.l that mine, and she l-g.-n to tremble, while her ere souc-it tin door In a panic. She had c--td this moment, aud yet was not ready. "Not tonight. Iu't say It uow," she managed to articulate. "Ye, this I a g l lime. If you can't answer. I'll come back tomorrow I want you to !c my wife. I want to give ou everything the w.irld olTers, and I want to make y hi happy. grl llicreil lie n. g'nslp hereafter-I'll shield you from everything unpleasant, ami If there Is anything you want la life. I'll lay It nt your feet I can do it." He lifted bis massive amis, and In the set of his strong, square face was fie promise that she should have what evi-r she craved if mortal man could glie it to her-love, pritcctioH. ioal tion, adoration. She stammered uncertainly till the limaillation aud chagrin she had suf fered this night swept over her again This town this crude, half lm uiln lug eani h:id turned against ber, nils Judged her cruelly. The women were envious, clacking acandal mongers, all of them, who would ostracise her and make her life lu the uorthlund a lula cry. niake her nn outcast with nothing to sustain her but ber own solitary pride. She could picture her future clearly, pitilessly, and see herself standing ulone, vlllfled. harassed In a thousand cuttlug nays, yet nimble to run n. ay or to explain. She would have to stay nnd fav It. for her life was iKiund up here during the next few years or so, or us long as her uncle remained a Judge. Tills man would free ber. He loved her; he offered her everything. He wn bigger thau all the rest combined. They were Ills play things, and they knew It. hue was not sure that she loved hlui. but his mag nelism was ovcrpoweiing and her ad miration Intense. No other man she had ever known compared with him. except lib-Ulster Hah! The beast! He hail Insulted her at first; he wronged her now. "Will you be nir wife, Helen':" the man related softly. She dropped her lead, and he strode forward to t.e her lu his arms, then topped IMci.ig. Some one ran up on the porch and hammered loiullv at the tloor. McNuiiuiru scowled, walked Into the hall and flung the portal open, ills closing Stnive. "Hello, McN'nninra! Itccu looking all over for you. There' Uie ilcuce lo "Ivi I'ncle Arthur know about J Th- e tlin.g. an- a u rt of every tt.lT she continued. ' new country. Thoy were about all we , "No: dont let htm know anythini ' bad till tb'.renr Hut It U women' 4 Most peopla know tfiat if they have been ick they need Scott . Emul sion to bring bach health and trength. But the strongest point about Scott' J Emulsion is that you don't have to bo tick to get results from it. It keeps up the athlete's strength, puts fat on thin people, makes a fretful baby happy, brings color to a pale girl's cheeks, and pre vents coughs, colds and consumption. Food in concentrated form for sick and welL young and old, rich and poor. And it contains no drugs and no alcohoL ALL DRUCOISTSl BOo. AND tl.OO. ".Woh.ttc.' iriio i siuf" pay!" Helen sighed with n'llef and gathcnil up her clonk, while Ihe hum of their voice reached her ludistinctly She was given plenty of time to regain her composure before tliey appeared. When they did, the politician spoke aourly: "I've been called to Hie mines, and 1 tint it go nt once." "You ls.'t! It may be tot late now. The new cntne nu hour ago, but I couldn't find you," anld Struve. "Your horse Is saddled nt the otllee. Itcttcr not wnlt to change your clothes." "You nay Voorheea has gone Willi twenty deputies, ch? That's good. Yon stay here und liud out n'l you can." "I tclcphonisl out to Vie creek for the Irivs to arm tbemselies nud throw out plckcti. If you hurry, you can get there In time. It's only midnight now." "What Is the trouble?" Miss fhcstci Inquired anxiously. "There's a plot 11 to attack the mini's tonight," answered the lawyer. "The other side arc trying to seize them, anil there's apt to be n light." "You mustn't go out there." she cried, aghast. "There will be blissMied." "That's Just why I must gt," said McNauinra. "I'll come back lu the morning, though, and I'd like to sec you alone, ibssl night!" There was a atrange, new light In bis eye as be ItTt ber. For one unversed In woman's ways he played the game surprisingly well, nnd a be hurried toward his of flee he smiled grimly luto the darkness. "She'll answer me tomorrow-. Thank you, Mr. Glenlster," he said to blm self. Helen questioned Struve at length, but gained nothing more than that se cret service men bad been at work for weeks and bad today unearthi-d the fact thnt vigilante hnd lieen formed. They had heard enough to make them think the mine would lie jumped again tonight aud so bad given the alarm. "Have you hired spies?" she asked Incredulously. 'Sure. We had to. The other people shadowed us, an I It's come to a point where it's life or death to one side or the other. I told McNsmnra we'd have bloodshed before we ere through, when he first outlined The acbenie I mean when the trouble began." She wrung her hands. "That's what uncle feared Is'fore we left Seattle. That's why I t..k the tifks I did In bringing ymi thnee paiers. I thought you got them In time to avoid all tbla." Struve laughed a bit, eying ber cu ore than necessary. He's not a strong man." "Yea. ye. He'a Dot well." Again the lawyer smiled. "Who la behind this vigilante movement?" "We think It b (JlenUter and his New Meik-aa bandit partner. At kst I tier git the crowd together." She vu silent for a time. "I upi they really think they own tlsNte mine." "1'nduuUedly." "Itut tbey dou't. do tliey?" Somehow thl question had recurred to her In sistently of late, for thing were con stantly hapivnttif which snowed there wa more back of this great ncrce struggle than she knew. It was hu slble that lujuatk bad len done the mine owuer. and yet scattered talk reached her whkh wa puttllng. When she strove to follow It up, her acqiialiitam-e adroitly changed the subject She waa liafflcd on every aide. The three bs-al newwpera up held the court. She read thetn care fully and waa more at sea than ever. There wa a disturbing undercurrent of alarm and unrest that caused ber to feel Insecure, as though standing on hollow ground. "Yes, thl whole disturbance Is raits. ed by those two. Only for them we'd be all right " Who I Ml Malotte?" He answered promptly. "The hnnd anmest woman In the north and the most dangvmua" "lo what way? Who Is she?" "It's hard to sny who or what she Is. She's different from other women She came to Iiawsoti In the early days Just came-we didn't know how. whence or why, and we never found out. We woke up otic morning, niul there she wns. Ity night we were all Jealous, and 111 a week we were most of it driveling Idiots. It might have !en the mystoiy or s-rhaps the com K-;;tlou. That was Die day when n dance ball girl could make a bain stake In a winter or marry a million aire In a month, but she never hotter ed. She tolled not. neither did she spin on the waxed floors, yet Solomon In ill' bl glory would have looked like a tramp llde her." "You say she Is dangerous?" "Well, there wns a young nobleman. In the winter of 'IN. luiue. I think flue family and all that big jvllou haired Isiv. He wanted to marry her. but a faro dealer shot blm. Then 1'iere was Hock of the mounted isiliec, the flin-st oilbvr in the service, lie was cashiered. She knew be w as going tu pot for her, but she didn't sisun to care nnd there were others. Yet. with It all, she Is tin' most generous person aud the most tender hearted. Why she ha fed every 'stew bum' on tile Yukon, and there Isn't a busted pros pector In the country who wouldn't swear by her, for she has grubstaked dozens of them. I w as horribly lu love with her myself. Yi1. she's dangerous all right - to everylKsly but Olenlster." "What do you menu." "She h:id lieen across the Yukon to nurse a man with scurvy, and couiiug back she was caught In the spring breakup. I wasn't then', but It sts'tm this Olenlster got her ashore somehow when nobody else would tneklc the Job. They were carried Ave mile down stream In the Ice pack In-fore he sue ceeded." "What hnp-ned then?" "She fell In love with him, of course." "And he worshiped her a madly ns all the nst of you, 1 suppoae," she said scornfully. "That's the peculiar part. She hyp notlacd him at flrst, but he ran away, and I didn't bear of blm iwuln till I came to Nome. She followed him llnnl ly and last week evoiied up her srore. She paid blm back for saving her." "I haven't heard alsiut It." He detailed the story of the gam tiling episode nt the Northern saloon nnd concluded: "I'd like to hnve wen thnt turn, for they sny the excitement wn terrific. She wna keeping cases and at the finish slninined her rase keeper shut and declared the bet o!T because she bad made a mistake. Of course they couldn't dispute her, nnd she stuck to It. One of the bystanders told nie she lied, though." "So, In addition to hi other vices. Mr. Olenlster I a ns-kles gambler. Is be?" said Helen with heat. "I nm proud to be Indebted to such a diame ter. Truly this country breeds wonder ful species." "There's where you're wrong," Struve chuckled. "He'a never lieen kuowu to bet before." "Oh. I'm tired of thisie contradic tions:" she cried angrily. "Salisuis, gambling halls, scandal, adveiitur esse! t'gb! I hate It! I hate It! Why did I ever come here?" A Lazy Liver If ay be only a tired liver, or a itarvnd liver. It would be a stupid as well as savage thing to beat a weary or man hecausti ha lagged In his work. So In treating the lugging, torpid liver It If (trout mistake to lash It with slniiig drastic drugs. A torpid liver Is but an Indication o( an lll-uurishod, endvll.l body whose urgsns ara weary with ovot work. Start with th sUinwh and allied organs of digestion and nutrition. Till them In working order and ace hnw quickly your liver will become artlve. ht. Fierce' Golden Medical Discovery has made many marvelous cures of 'liver trouble " by Its wonderful control of the organs of digestion and nutrition. It re stores th normal activity of the stomach, Increases the secretions of the blood-mtk-Inf glands, cleanses th system from poi sonous accumulations, and so relieves Uie liver of tha burdens Imposed upon It by the defection of other org ans. If Fon bar bill" or bad taste In lb morn ing, poor orirVtsM appstll coated tooris. tool bresih. cokitlpsiisi or Irmrolsr bowdt, leel weak, sslll Urad,Vtondeol, httritrbM, palaV dIMrwaiii "small of back. cnsUi( or dt,rSfj?; auansra, perhaps wse.TWjsrWwf ritlno" In throat sfwt thn. and klniXl armptomt ( weak stomach ead torpid llA no Bintj- Cine will ine vo mnrs promptl! yi l-Vp-re MfglWillf ftm li)u 1' C.IJtn Medics! lUwT.rr. Pcrhai J4J ,!Jfn Medical I'lwori, rcrnaii unif l part of lb abut a upUiois will bs present st un II n and yet polot to torpid llvtror blllraisne and weak stomach. Avoid all be bread and biscuit, frtddl rakes and other Indlmtlbl food and take the "Golden Hedk-al Discovery " recularlr and stirk to lu ase until vow srs vigorous and alrong. Th "Ulsroverr nea-secret, iioa-alen-bollc. Is s fljTrte itrvl of native medlrl nal nu llh full M of Its Infmllenu printed o each bottle-wrapper and aticuled ander oath, lu Insrtdlents are witioned and n lolled by lb most eminent merilral viler of the tee and ar recommendnl to curs Ihe dlseaset for which It Is advised. Don't accept a substitute, of unknown composition for this non-secral atauicuti 01 mow ooatroarrioa. like you that we feiiow nerd. Mi-s , H.h-ii You can help us a Int." She. did U-t I ke the way be wa kxkillg It her ami r.oi:cr.i'-rcd tlut her uwl wa Ui't.urs nnd a-lei-p. "I n.ust a-k vu to cx-mse me uow, for It's late and I am very tired." The c!.-k -!... e I half past li so, after b t'lnj blin tt. she extinguished tlie light and dragged b-r-lf wearily up to ber ro-ou. Slie n-:uoed b--r outer garment and threw over lier bare shoulders a negligee of many flounce and bewildering, cllngtug kMWsenc4. .4 she took dow n ber heavy Imilds the t..ry of t 'berry Malitte re lumed to her torineniiiigly. So Olen lster bail save.1 her life nl at the ri.-k of Ins ow n. W loit a ery gallant cavalier be was, to lie sure! He should hear n out of anus a dritgou, an arntel knight and a fainting maiden. "I auccor holm lu distress ba idsouie ones.' sh oil I Is the motto on his shield. "The handsomest woman In the north." Struve had said. She raised h.-r eyes to the glass and made a mouth at the petulant, find reflec tion titer,'. She pictured Olenlster leupiiiu from floe to floe with the hun gry riier surging nud snapping at his feet, w hile the cheer of the crowd on shore gave heart to the girl crouching out there. She could see hliu snatch her up and tight his way back to safety over th pluui:iug Ice cake with death dragging at bis heels. Wbat a stning einiiittce lie had! At thirt site Mushed niul n nli.ed with a sles k that while she was mooning that very man might be lighting hand to hand III the darkness of n mountain gorge with the man she was going to marry. A mono-tit later some one mounted Uii frout steps Itelow and kms-ked sharp')'- Truly this was a night of alarms Would teople never cense coming'; She was voru out, but nt the thought of the tragedy abroad and the sh k old man sleeping near by she lit a candle ami slipicd dow ustatrs to avoid disturbing him. I huibtlesa It was some message from McNamara, she thought, ns she unchulncd the diT. As she iqicucd It she fell back amai ed while It swung wide nnd the tun die flame flickered nnd sputtered 111 the night air. lioy Olenlster sttmd there, grim ntnl determined, bis soft, white Stetson pulled low, his trousers tucked luto tan half buits, lu his hand a Wlni hostel- rltie. llouciith his cordu mv coat she saw a Itsise cartridge Mr, yellow with shells, ami the nickeled flash of a revolver, Without Invita tion be strode across the threshold, closing the door behind him. "Mis Chester, you and th Judge must dress quickly nud come with me." "I don't understand." "The vigilantes arc ou their way here to hang lilin I'oitie with tlie to my house, where I can protect you." She laid a trembling linn. I on her bosom mi l tlie color tlle.l out of her face, then at a slight noise above they liolh In.-ked up to see Judge Stillman leaning far over the banister. He had wrapped himself In n dressing gown and now gripped the rail convulsively, while his features were Munched ttt the color of putty and his eyes were wide with terror, though puffed and swollen from sleep. His lips moved II' n vain endeavor to speak. TO hk ttiM'lM T.D. A Reliable Remedy fur Croup. Mrs. S. ol Turner, Mich., says: "We have useJ v-iiaintieriain f Cough Medicine for ourselves and children for several years and like it very much. I Hunk it is the only rem edy for croup and can highly recom mend it . " Kor sale by hngJiKli Drug Lo. Mialaading Nam. rvrhnps the most misleading name on the limp Is that of Tierra del t'uego, the "Land of Kite." The unmc would Imply that It was a Innd of volcanoes In constant activity. The fact Is, how ever, that It contains no volcanoes and Is a country of perpetual wet and cold. It got It name from the fact that It was sighted by Magellan at night In cousequeiico of a large fire having Is-cn Ignited by the native on shore. Tlie same discoverer hnpeticd to hnve very line weather after be bail round ed the Horn mid so gave the name "rnclflc" to n pnrt of the ocenn which la exceptionally subject to storms. Again, Hoothla Felix, a peninsula In arctic America, In which the magnetic pole I located, li anything but "hap py" or "pleasant," as Its nnme would Imply. It wns mimed after Sir Felix Booth, who provided funds for the ex pedition which discovered It. In anoth er sense the name of America Is whol ly misleading, since It Is derived from that of Amerigo Ycspuccl, who did not discover the new world. From Personsl EKprinc. I'ncle r.ll felt he kuew the metrop olis pretty well. Had be not lsen there Hire" times In four years? And twice he hail ridden on the elevated. So when be brought Aunt Susau with him (ou the fourth trip) be naturally assumed the role of guide. She marveled at everything until they silt down for luncheon. They had gone into the Hotel Astor for that meal, but nil Its other marvels seemed lost on the visiting country hostess as she looked open eyed nt the crowds thnt tilled not only the corridors, but the restaurants. Scarcely bad they found seats w hen thl amazement took definite shiis'. "i:il," sit lil she In a stage whisper, "I can't sot here nn' cut peaceably. 1 Jos' must go downstair an' help wre Missus Aslor with the cooklu' and illsboE."- Bohemian. What Th.y Wanted. "You fellows don't know exactly what you want." snld a politician to a committee that called on him. "You remind me of a schoolteacher who once bad a tiiutluous class of pupils on his bands. "That portion of the school who at tempted this miniature relwlllon sent a committee to state their grievance In the nnmc of the rest "Rut the prlncipa, would have no word with them. He almply locked them In hi room and weut down to parley w Kh the rank and file. "'Well,' aald he, 'and what la it yon want 7" "'We want the same aa the other boys upstairs.' "Whnt I that r " 'We don't know.' "-Bucresa U inline. OTTERS AS ANGLERS. j Clever at Catching Thir fmny Prey ! and Dainty In Eating It. j llutit.-r- ami trut-rs have so de-plete-1 fur Uarmo atiiniaU that few . are left who cat. li and eat lili, and ' it is fortunate the utter is now com- j paratively scarce in our northeast-1 itii stales, for he is a terrible ami pcripverinji foe to fih. lie is so1 dainty that lie will frequently kill ' several lnre b-h in a day, devour ing only tiiose tortious which le-t please his palate, leaving; the re mainder on the water side to 1 conie the prey of other lUh loving creatures. For the pursuit of his finny prey the otter is admirably adapted by nature. The Isnly is lithe and ser pentine, the feet are furnished with a hroad web that connects the toes, which arc of infinite service in pro pelling the annual through the wa ter; the tail is lopo, broad and flat, ami the short, siwerful les are ao loosely jointed that it can turn them in almost any direction. The hair nf the IkmIv is of two kinds one a close, line, soft fur, which lies next to the skin, protecting it from extreme heat or fold, and the other composed of long, shining, course hair, which jhtiuUs the ani mal to clitic easily through water. The teeth arc sharp and xiwerful, preventing the slippery prey from escaping, so (hat the quick and wary ti-h fall eay victims to the otter's superior aquatic (Miners. So eiifily does it glide into the water scarcely a ripple is scon to mark the tunc and place of its entrance, and on emerging upon the shore its body is withdrawn from the stream wilh the same noiseless ease. When the otter is engaged in eat ing the fish captured, it holds the slippery prey lietween its furepaw nnd begins with the buck of the noi k, eating away the fine, flaky meat of the shoulders and rejecting the head, tail nnd other parts. The average daily fond is alsiut four fi.-h, weighing two or three pounds, not necessarily nil trout, but trout and young salmon arc preferred to other course li-h. Inuis lilicad in Eecrout ion. A Oood Liniment. When you need a good reliable liui meut try Chamberlain's Pain Balm. It has no superior for sprains and swell ings. A piece of flannel slightly dam pened with I'alm Halm is superior to a plaster for lame back or paina in the side or chest. It also relieves rheu uistic pains aud makes sleep aud rest possible. Kor sale by English Drug Co. Remember this, in after years, Tho' msn and grief be kin. If you put your heart in what you do, You're simply bound to win. You rau't be well if you have a weak, unhealthy, tired out stomach, Neither can you feel good if by some little ir regularity in eating you have caused the stomach to get out of order. These little stomach troubles are signs of in digestion, which may and very often does turn into a very bad case of dys pepsia. Don't allow this to go on a single day without doing something to overcome it. Take some good reliable and safe digestant like Kodol For Dys pepsia. Kodul is the best remedy known today for heartburn, belching aud all troubles arising front a disord ered digestion. It is pleasant to take and affords relief promptly. Sold by S. I. Welsh ami C. N. Simpson, Jr. Contributor Has that por-many merit? Editor Oh, yes. If it hadn't 1 would throw you out of the window. Hut it is good enough to permit you to steal quietly down the back stairs. He Fought at Gettysburg. David Parker of Fayette, N. Y., who lost a foot at Gettysburg, writes: "Electric Hitters have doue me more good than any medicine I ever took. For several years I had stomach trouble and paid out much money for medicine to little pur pose, until 1 began taking Electric Hitters. 1 would uot take f.VH) for what they have done for mo." Grand tonic for the aged and for female weaknesses. Great altera live and body builder; sure cure for lame back and weak kidneys. Guaranteed by English Drug Com pany. "Oo. Pa-Wellf Tommy Does an inheritance tax punish a n ati for being dead or bis heir for being alive! Biliousness and Constipation. Kor years I was troubled with bilious nrss and constipation which made life miserable fur me. My appetite tailed me. I lost my usual force and vitah ty. Pepsin preparations aud cathartics ouly made aiatters worse. I do not know where I should have been today had I not tried Chamberlain's Stoin ach and Liver Tablets. The tablets relieve the ill feeling at once, strength ens the digestive functions, helping the system to do its work naturally, Mrs. Rosa Potts, Birmingham, Ala. These tablet Ire for sale by English Drug Company. "Your little boy seems very qui et. He's fond of aiithmetic isn't het I notice that he's counting on bia fltipcrs." "Yes. He spends most of bis time counting the days to Christ mas." There is nothing better for stomach troubles than Kodol, which contains the same juices found in a healthy stomach. Kodol la offered on a guar anteed plan for the relief of heartburn, flatulence, sour stomach, belchk of gas, nausea and all stomach troubles. I So at times when yon don't feel just right, when you are drowsy after meals I and your head ache or when you have no ambition and yon are croas and ir ritable, take a little Kodol. It digeats wbat you eat. It will make yon heal thy. Sold by S. J. Welsh and C. N. Simpson, Jr, WHEN IT COMES TO The ACTUAL fa No tobaccos re- f, . 7f ".:.ivi w- i m h..V! . , iiW t ever can surpass our Piu, Twist and Pmo'-intr. Wherever ex hibited in competition With the won,!, tin y hnve never failed to win the (fold meiul forlneirr1 m-rul excellence, hints quality oef fttr their itrcubd su;tcrooV - ocr r.U io,h m tiny front's. "SHOW DOWN" is one ,f tiiceomine; brands of America, Only a few years old, it unriviie iii ialHicji.avema Je it one of the leailinfr sellers over n I o'r.vr tiuc-cund pla-i. It thoroughly satisfies and ierfoctiy i-uit.s fvcrybouy and ail classes. Sold at Ine and l"ic ; r plu or cuts. Always buy "SHOW OOW.V," ar.d save the taps. There Is many an article you need f.r your cotf..rt or titteruun ment which these tags get for you without cost. A weyef our 117 erfwinni eatfiW-uc vth :i i . .f ll-tt bm-t and fnutllrIlvvrrrStMfMO l.v Il-lwr,, ,rt-iT w'l It,- tOSnjr ItiillfU in lht l'liit,t Su.iT .at Lii-ic. V. ul 1 V in stamp or S at the Ufa ar tvJc-1-mu.g. Hancock Bros. & Co., Lynchtirg, Va. shod in Gtoarlottc and Have TH6 Little - Looq GomDanu Fan Railroad Fare. It's the hub of the surroundino; country and Tlie Little Long Company's store is the emporium for merchandise that's up to the minute. There you'll find every thinsr that's new, and the largest stock of the Carolina to select from. The millinery and coat suit showings are far beyond anything ever seen in their stores. Ilesides, you will find every want can be supplied in the way of line dress goods, silks and trim mings, Hour coverings, china, bric-a-brac, men's and boys' high-class clothes, ladies', men's and children's fine shoes, men's and ladies' furnishings, as well as an up-to-date jew elry department containing sterling silver and plated table ware, silver novelties, solid and gold filled jewelry, watches, fobs, bracelets, diamonds, rings, etc. If you purchase $-10.00 or more, railroad fare will be refunded within a radius of fifty miles, and freight prepaid on all purchases of $5.00 or more. Ask where's the biggest store in the Carolinas, and you'll be told it's in Chorlotte, and it's The Little-Long Company Ihe Bank of Union, ISHWHIIK, N.C.. Five years ago The Bank of Union opened for business. At that time there was only one bank in Union county, with assets of about $200,000.00 or less, while now there are live banks in the county with assets aggregating about .l.(HK),(HMl.(K). What a wonderful change for so short a time! What is the reason? The principal cause lies in the enhanced values of farm products, but along with this there has been a great awakening in the way of doing business. People who were dead in financial matters have come to life, and they see the dawn of a better day- People are more thrifty than five years ago. They are more ambitious to succeed, and they do succeed. The banks have contributed no little to this revolution in financial matters. The Bank of Union Has labored Steadily to Promote Prosperity in Union and Adjoining Counties. It has spent much money to safeguard the interests of its custo mers. JNo bank coulu do more under the circumstances. Absolute safety and good service are guaranteed. The people should recog nize these facts and appreciate them. They could not do this in a more welcome way than by using this bank as a depository. A private room for the accommodation of customers has been provid ed. There they will find a desk, patter, etc., for their convenience. Welcome. S LIER I Tlie lightest running ball liearitik shuttle lmicliine ou the uiui kct. Price S20,casn MauufiM'turetl for and guaranteed by Tho ni. W.J.RudOGGO., MOXIIOK, N. C. 1,M)V-1 t Nl lt r W 7 1 I 1 Don't Experiment with Paints-It don't pay When you use "paint, use Best Prepared Paint The Best Paint that it is Possible to Make Tha Heath ft Mllllgan Bet Prepared Taint will look better anil pn tect your house longer than than any other paint, hecaue It ia mail with a thorough knowledge oi th requirements of a paint. Oct a sample card today. C. N. Simpson, Jr., Druggist.