THE MONROE JQIMMJL VOLUME XIV. NO. 03 MONROE. N.O, TUESDAY DECEMBER 31, 1907. One Dollar a Year 1 s i The Spoilers. I i By REX E. tEACH. i riurrut xxil "" OLIIERS sld tl yeon nan, who bunk no taVr at mkt- m not, ana xu nun iss-aui i rkt t"i'il survil on I fruat twlow, rtaiuortug, quetluiiuir. I1U auto ou at the tx-iij of tU stair buatssl down: "Ths'r'Y ft Roy Olenlster. He' killed McNsmara," at bk-D a murmur arua that threatened to twcome rarer. Thea B of th m-elver" factl-m nIH "Ul'i haix b!m. He killed ten of our mra last Blent" Helen srlueeJ. but fttlllmaa, mused to a airt of ina lerolent couraav, quieted the aosry vote. ttffloer. bold those people back. I'll I trod to thl man. The law'a In my bands aud I'll make Mm a in or" McNamara reared himself, ruwulnit. from the floor, his rtstit ann sainsInK from the shoulder strangely looae and distorted, with palm twisted outward. h'le bla battered faro waa hideous with pain and defeat, lie growled broken malediction at bla eneuir. Boy meanwhile aald authlnr for aa the aarag lust died In him be realized that the whlrHn fare N if ore him ware the ttrrm of bla enemies, that the Rrooco Kkl waa till at large aud that bla reoceanca wa but half coninleted. Ilia kueea were bending: hie limn wart Ilka lea.lwi bara. his cheat fur un of coala. Aa he reeled dowu the lane of human forme, aupported bylil guards, be rame abreast of the Klrl and her companion and paused, fleering hla Tlsloo slowly. "A a. there yon are"' he aald thickly to the fanibk-r aud began to wrestle with hla captors, barlug hla teeth la grimace of painful effort, but the; held him aa easily aa tnoiiiru be were a child aud drew blm forwurd. his body tagging limply, hla face Kick rer bla shoulder. They hud him near the dsir when Wheutou barred their way, crjius; HoM up a mluule! It's nil right. Iioy- "Aye. Bill-lt'a all rltrht. Te did onr boat, but we were dune by n d:im:iud blaekgUHrd. Now lic'll scud me up. but I don't nre. I broke him-with my naked bund. I'idu't I. McNa mara?" lie uioeked tiiisfiiullly tit tin boaa, who cursed uloud In return, glowering like nil evil musk, while mtlllniHii run up, I1kIicvcIcI and shrilly Irascible. -"Take blm awny, I tell you! Take blm to Jail!" Hut Whenton held Ills l:iee. while the room centered Its ejvs usioti Iliii. aceutlng aotue uuexitectr.l denouement. He aaw It, and. In concession to n ural ranlty and dramatic Instinct, lie threw back his head nnd staffed Ills hands Into Ills coat kcts, while the crowd waited. Ho grinned In wlcutly nt the Ju ! and the receiver. -ITiU will Is? a day f defeats mid rilaapiKihitnirnls M you, my f.c:i.U That Uy won't go to Jnll Imv-hii you will wear the shackles yonrwlves. o!i. you played a shrewd inline, you two with jour senators, jour politics ntid your pulls, but It's our turn now, nnd we'll make you dunce for the uilncs you gutted and the rolilierles you've done and the men you've ruliicJ. Thank heaven, there's one honest court. "Wt'U mab: yim dunce for tht mines you gutted." and I happened to find It." Ho turned to the atrangera who had accompanied him from the ehlp. crying. "Serve those wajrenta." and they stepped forward. Do You Think For Yourself ? Or, ta to even your Booth lllia a young I rl oowa whatever lood or medl- i be uf trad rou r tu tnullttent thlaklnf woman. la aswd oflfiV from wea.-new,nrrrevnaa, aela and tatAlng. then It awaua aiuch to foe tktl lK.iV..n trjrtf tn( brmf larrtlrliu n nnni i-iiiinriTii"i arutflm fur Iht curt of wun ti The Bikers of Dr. Pierce's Forlte Pre errtpUua. for the cure of weak. n ruu. ran aViwa. orer-worlnd, Oi-ulllUled. paln-ru'srd Voaiea, kaowlnf this bmsucuw Ui Im ai0e up f Inaredleota, .rj one ol which tit the etranswat pnulble Indorsement of the Ii-adlnar and standard authorities of lbs aeTural srhooU of practice, are prrfectljr wllllnf. and la fart, are uelr toa f lad to print as thrj do, the formula, or IM of Infmilenli, of eblck It la composed, as "s A'n(Wi, on eTsry utile- rapper. s n tbrmuls of Dr. Pierce's Ftrurll. Pre arrtptlua will bear the mostcrlttral rismlus tloa of awdiral siparu, fur II no akohol, asrootlca, ksrmful, or htlili-forailr.f droes, and ao scent enters Into It thtt Is nut klrxlr rseosamended br the must sdTtncrd aad leadlnc Bedk-sl lescaers aud author tttea of asrersl srboola of practice. Ttess senr1ll Twomrnend fhelnrrWirntf 'tell i'Tit rn s, r'l.I.' cor. of rin-nr ii this worM fini"! s s Be etker sssdlclsie for womsns Ilia has snr (cfe professluasi eadonement ss Dr. Pien e's Fseodu Piwcrlptloa has recelTed. In tke unr awsllged reeoaaModstlon of esck of Ita Bersrsl locredlsnta hr scores of lesdlna medi cal Beaof all the sr boots pf praris-e. Is pack aa end. menu t nut smrthy of rout ajunatderatluai t A Booklet of tnfTsdlenU, with Bunwmna ailjOraUTe peofestaeel eodoraementj tir the Issfllnt siedlral aathorltlea of this cuuntrr. vui bs mailed frm to snr one seod'uif nsnst. aad address with fsqaest for ssssSk Addnul tx. B. V. rtaroa, esa M. T. The uproar of the past few aiiuuUM biJ I roUfut utea ruunlng frum erj direr-Uoei till, flndutg SM ruuaa est the atah-e. they had bis J la the street U-kw while the word new frum lip li lip CM-cerutrtg tbia closing scene of the:r drama, the battle uf the UhUa, the grot Bght upstalra and the smut l.y the 't'naco deputies. Like Kind t ad's geole. wowlrous tale took shape froui the ruiuora. Urn abouklered utie aBotier eagerly fur a giUupaa of the acton, and w bra the prwse atreamed out greeted It with fulk-ya of queav tkuia. They aaw the nucuuecloos mar ha I bvrne forth, followed by the oh Ju.lj.-e. uosr a palaksl wretch, alluklug sv-Ule hla raptor, a rery ahell of a maa at whom they Jeered. When McNama ra lurched Into view, aa Imago of de feat and chsgrin, their Tulcea rose ueuaclngly. The pack waa turning and be knew It, but though racked aud crippled, be bent npoa them a rlsage ao full of defiance Bud coutemp tuous n.alirulty that tbey hushed theia stdres. and their final plcturw of blm waa that of a big man downed, but unbeaten to the last They Isrgan to cry for Glcclster, ao that wbcu be loiane.1 In the doorway, a rsiT-d. he figure, hla beary shock low orer bla eyes, hla unsharen face aggresslTe even In Its weatineaa, bla cor.W.1 arms aud vhwt bare beneath the fluttering streamers, the street broke luto wild cheering. Hera was a man of their own, sua of the north land w bo labor ed auj hired and fought In a way they understood, and be bad come Into his due. Hut Roy, dumb and listless, stag gered up the street refusing the help of eery man eicept, Wbeaton. He ken id hla companion talking, but gruajied ouly that the attorney gloated and gloried. Wa bare whipped them. boy. We have whipped them at their own game. Arrested lu their very dooryfila-clled for coutenipt of court thafa what they are. Tbey disobeyed thoae other writs, and ao I got them." I broke bla arm," muttered the ailucr. 'Yes, I aaw you do It! Igi! It waa an awful thing! I couldn't prove con spiracy, but they'll go to Jail for a little w bile just the aaiue. aud we bare hrokcu the ring" It sunpped at the aboulder," the ether continued dully, "Just like a -hovel handle. I felt It-but be tried to kill rue, and I bad to do It." The attorney took Hoy to hla rahln ami dressed his wounds, talking In .vtuutiitly the white, but the boy waa ike a sleep walker, displaying no ela tion, no excitement no joy of victory. VI last Whestou broke out: "Cheer up! Why, man. you act like a loser! I'on't you reallie that we're won? IHin't you understand that the M'.das Is- yours? And the whole world with ltr "Won?" echoed th miner. "What do you know about It BUI? The M Idas- the world what good arc they? You're wrong. I're lost yea I've hsrt everything she taught me, and by some damned trick of fate she waa there to see ma do It Now, go away; I want to aleep." He sank upon the bad with Ita tangle of blanker! and waa unconscious be fore tha lawyer had corered htm orer. There he lay like a dead man till late lu the afternoon, when Ieitry and Slnpjuck cauio lu from the hills, answering Wheutou'a call, nnd fell upou liiiu hungrily. They shook Hoy luto consciousness wlib joyous riot. pommeling blm with urTcctluiuite roughness till he rose aud Joined with them stllUy. He bathed aud rublwd the eoreliese from bis muscles, cuierg Ing physically fit. They made hltn recount Ids adventures to the tiniest detail, following hla description of the fight with almorUHl Interest till Hextrj broke Into mournful complaint: "I'd have given my half of the Midas to ace you bust lilui. I-onl, I'd have screeched with Booprcine delight at thut." "Why didn't you gouge bis eye out when you had blm crippled ?" question ed Slapjack vindictively. "I'd 'a dour It." Peltry coutlnued: 'They tell me thit when lie was arrested he awore In eighteen different languages, each one more refreshln'ly repulsive an' vlg'rons than the preccdln". Oh, I have sure missed a-plenly today, purtle'lur be cause my own diction Is getlln' run down an' skim milky of late, shiwln' aad luck of new lilecs, which I might bare aaslin'lnted aotuethln' robiKstty original an' expressive If I'd been here. No, air; a nose bag full of nuggets wouldn't have kept me away." "How did It aoutid when ahe bust ed r Insisted the morbid Klninis, but Clenlster refused to dlscnsa tha com bat. Tome on, 81np," aald the old pros poctor; "let's go downtown. I'm so bet up I enn't act still, an', besides, nicldie w e can get the story tho way It really happened from aouielsxly who ain't bound an' gagged an' chloroform ed by auch uubecoinln' modesllea. Roy, dou't never go luto rawdyvllle with them personal episodes, because they read about aa thtillln' aa a cook book. Why. aay, I've bad the story of that figbt from four different fellers already, none of which waa within four blocks of the acrlmmage, an' they're oil dUTrent an all better'n your account." How that Glenlster's mind bad re covered some of Iti poise ha realized what be had done. "I was a beast an animal," he groan ed, "and after all my striving. I wasted to leave that part behind. I wanted to 1 worthy of her lore and trust even though I never woo It but at the first test I am found larking. I have lost her confidence. Tea, and what Is worse. Infinitely worse, I bare lost my own. She'e always seen me at my worst" be went on, "but I'm not that kind at bottom-not that kind. I want to do waafs right and If I have another chance I wlll-t know I wllL I've been tried too bard, that's ill" Borne one knocked, and be opened the door to admit the Bronco Kkl and Hek-n. "Walt a minute, old man." aald tha Kid. "I'm here aa friend." The gambler handled blmaelf with difficul ty, offering In eiplanaUon: "I'm all sewed np In bandage of oue kind or another." "He ought to bo la bed now, but bo wouldn't let me com alone, and I could not wait" the girl supplemented, while her eyes avoided Olenlster's In strange hesitation. "Ha wouldn't let you. I don't under stand." . "I'm bet brother," announced . tho Bronco Kkt Tee bjbowb It for a long time, bat I-l weU. yoo uderatand, I aoida't kst ber knew. An I caa aay la, ro gambled square till the Bight 1 played you. and I waa as mad as a dervish thea, blaming you for tho talk I d beard. Last Bight I teamed by chance about Btrave and Helra and got to tho ruadhouso la time to aavo ber. I'm sorry I dldnt kill him." IUa long white finger writhed about tho arm of bla chair at the anesuory. "lent be dead?" UlanUter Inquired. ".No. The doctor have brought blm to, and bell get well Ile a Ilka half tbV nteo IB Alaeka-hero because the abertffe back borne couldn't shoot straight There' something else. I'm aot a good talker, but give rue time and I'll niauage It ao you'll understand. I tried to keep Helen from coining on this orraud, but she aald It waa the aqnar thing and aba knows better than L It'a about thoae paper ahe brought m but spring. 8be waa afraid you might consider her a party to the deal, but you don't do your Ho glar ed belligerently, and Roy rolled with fervor: Certainly not Go on." "Well, ah teamed tho other day that tho documents tokl tho whole atory and contained enough proof to break np tbia conspiracy and convict the Judge and McNamara and all the rest but 8truve kept tb bundle In but safe and wouldn't giro It up without a price. That'a why aba went away with blm. 8be thought It was right and that's ait But It seems Whestou hid aoc- reeded la another way. Now, I'm com ing to the point Tho Judge and Mc Namara are arrested for contempt of conrt and they're aa good a convicted: you bavo recovered your mine, and them men are disgraced. They will go to JalT- "Tea, for ail month, perhaps," broke tn the other botly. "but w bat doe that amount to? There never was a bolder crime consummated nor on more cruelly unjust. They robbed a realm and pillaged its people, they defiled court and mad Justice a wanton, they Jailed good nien and aent others to ruin: and for this tbey are to suffer how? By a paltry fine or a short Im prisonment perhaps, by an ephemeral disgrace and the loss of their stolen goods. Contempt of court Is the ae- rneattnn, but you might a well con vert a murderer for breach of the peace. We've thrown thain off. It's true, and they won't trouble us agalu. but thsy'fi never have to answer for their real Infamy. That will go un punished while their lawyers quibble orer technicalities and rules of court. I fnea It's true that there brat any law of Ood or ninn north of (Ifty-three: but If there I Justice south of that mark, those iwiple will answer tor conspiracy and go to the pcultcutlury." "You make It bard tor me to say what I want to. I am almost sorry w came, for I am not cunning with words, and I don't know that you'll understand," aald the Rronco Kid gravely. "We looked at It tills way: you bav bad your victory, you hav beaten your enemies against odds, you have recovered your auiue, and they are disgraced. To men like tbem that last will outlive and outweigh all the rest: but the Judge la our uncle and ur blood run In bla veins. He took Helen when ahe waa a baby and was a father to her lu hla aelflsb way, lov ing her as best he knew bow. And lie rove blm." I don't qnlte understand you." aald Roy. Aud then Helen spoke for the nrst time eagerly, taking a packet from ber bosom as she begam "This will tell the whole wretched story. Mr. (ilenlster, and show the plot In all Its vllenesa. It'a hard for me to betray my uncle, but this proof Is yours by right to use aa you see fit aud I can't keep It. Do you mean that this evidence will bow all that? And you're going to give It to me because you think It I your duty?" It belongs to you. I hav no cnoice. But what I came for waa to plead and ask a little mercy for my uncle, who Is an old, old man, and very weak. Tbia will kill him." He aaw that ber eyea were ewlni- mlng, while the little chin quivered ever ao slightly and her pale cheek were flushed. There rose In him the old wild desire to take ber In hla arm, a yearning to pillow ber head on hla ahoulder and ktsa away the tear, to smooth with tender cares the wavy balr and 1ury hla face, deep tn It till be grew drunk with the madness of ber. But be knew at last tor whom site really pleaded. Bo be waa to forswear this venge ance, wlilcb wa no vengeance after It but in verity a Just punishment Tbey asked him a man a matt' man a nortlimau to do this, and for what? For no reward, but ou the contrary to Insure himself lasting bitterness. He strove to look at the proposition calm Iv. clearly, but It was difficult. If only by freeing this other villain as well as ber uncle be wisild do a good to ber, tlieu be would not hesitate. I-ove was nut tit only thing. He marveled at bis own attitude. Tbia could uot bo hla old aelf debating thus. H bad sked for another chance to abaw that be w aa not the old Roy (ilenlster, Well It bad com, and be waa ready. Hoy dared uot look at Helen any more, for this wss the hardest momeut be had ever lived. Tea ask this for your suacsv but what of -of tb other fellow? Tea sons know that It oao goes fro will they both. They caat bo aepa rsted." -It'a almost too mock to ask," the Kid took up. ancorutaly. "But dost yoo think tho work la dooe? I caat help but admlm McNamara, aad nei ther caa yoo-' bos too good aa enemy te yoa for that-Bad a nd-h lores Helen." "1 know I know," aald Oleaktter hastily, at the aamo time stopping aa unintelligible protest from loo girl "Yoa'v aald enough." Ho atralgnt ened bla allghtly stooping shoulders and looked at the unopened packs gs wearily, thea slipped tho rubber band from It and, seps rating tho contents, tor tbem up-on by ooe tur thorn Into fin bit without hurry or ot tatloa aad toaaed tho flagmen ta away, w hile the wonuta begaa to sob softly . tb sound of ber relief slooe disturb ing the silence. And to bo gave, ber bla enemy, making hi offer gitnety. according to hla code. "You r tight the work la don. Aad bow I'm very tired." Tbey left blm atandlng there, the glory of the dying day Illumining bla lean, brown feature, tn Tlaloa of a great looellneaa In his weary eyes. He did not rouse himself till the ky before blm waa only a curtain of steel penciled with atresia of soot that lay close down above tb darker aeau Then he aigbed and aald aloud: "Bo thla Is tb end, and I gar him to ber with thee hands." H held them out before blm curiously, becom ing cousrtoas for tb tint tiro that the left on wa awolien and discolored and fearfully painful H noted It with Impersonal Interest realising It need of medical attention o left the cabin and walked down Into tho city. II encountered Peltry and 8lmme oa the way, aad they went with blm, both flowing with the gossip of tb camp. "J-ord. but you're the talk of the town," they began. "Tb curio hunt ers bav commenced to pull Btruv' office apart for souvenir, and the Swede want to run yoo for congress a soon aa ever w get admitted a a stale. They aay that at collar an' elbow bolt you could lick any of them ast ern senator and thereby rastle out a lot of good legislation for oa crlppl up here." "gpeakla' of law goes to show me that thl her country 1 gvttlu' too blamed civilised for a whit man," said Slinms iesslmlstlcally, "and now that this light ta ended up It don't look like there would b anything doln' fit to clulm the luterest of a growad up per on for a long while. I'm goln' west "West! Wby, you can throw a (tone Into Berlug strait from hero,'' aald Roy, entiling. "Oh, well the world's round. There's a chooner outflttlu' for Blbeery-two years' cruise. Me an' lei to Bggertn' on getlln' out toward th frontier fer a siiell." "Surer ssld Pextry. "I'm beglnnln' to feel all cramped up hereabouts owhY to these flllymonircb. orchestras aa French reatarawnta and such discrep ancies of cenery. TheyTo putt)' a pavement on Front street, and there's a hoe shlnln' psrlor oiened up. Wby, I'd like to get where I could stretch au' holler without dlsturbln' the penslve neaa of some dude lu a dress suit. Bet ter come along, Roy; w can tell oul tho Midas." "I'll think It over," aald th young man. Tb night was bright with a full moon when they left tha doctor" offlc. Roy, In no mood for the exuberance ol bla companions, parted from tbem, but bad not gone far before be met Cherry Malotte. Ills head was low, aud be did not see ber till she sisik. "Well boy, so It's over at laat." Her words chimed so perfectly with his thoughts that he replied, "Yes; It's all over, little girt." "You don't mind my congratulation! you know me too well for that How doe It feel to lie a wluner?" "I don't know. I'v lost" "Lost what?" "Everythlng-exeept th gold mine." "Everything eicept-I ee! You mean tbat shethat yoa bav asked ber, aud alio won't?" He never knew the cost at which she held ber voice ao steady. "More than that. It's so new that It hurt yet, and It will continue to burl tor long time, I suppose. But to morrow I am going back to my hills and my valleys, back to the Mldaa and my work, and try to begin all over. For a time I've wandered lu at run ire paths, aecklug new gods, as It were, but the daxxle haa died out of my eyea and I ran see true again. 8 he Isn't for me, although I shall alwaya love her. I'm sorry I csn't forget easily, as some do. It'a bard to look ahead aud take an Interest In things. But what about you? Where shall you go?" "I don't know. It doesn't really matter-now." The dusk hid her white, et face, and sho sk mouotonously. "I am going to see the Bronco Kid. He sent for me. lie' HI." "Hc'a not a bad ort," Mid Boy. "And I upiosa he'll mak a new start too." "rcrliaps," said she, gating far out over the gloomy ocean. "It all de pends.' After moment he added, "What a pity that w can't all sponge off th slat and begin afreeh nd A Boston Bchoolboy vru tall, weak and sickly. His arms were soft and flabby. He didn't have a strong; muscle in his entire bod. y The physician who had attended the family for thirty years prescribed Scot f J Emulsion. N0Wt To feel that boy's arm yoa would think he was apprenticed to a blacksmith. ' JkLL DRUOOISTSl 6O0. AND SI.OO. "It part of tb gtm," aald ho. "1 don't know why If so, but It la. Til see yoa sometime, wont IT -No, boy; I think aot" . "I believe I understand." ho niur ared. "aad perhape It'a better aa" He took ber two soft hand la hi on good right and kissed them. "2od bless yoa and keep yoo, dear, brave lit U Chorry." 8b stood straight and (till a be melted tnto tho shadows, and only th moonlight beard ber pitiful sob and ar hopeless whhsper: -Goodbv, my boy. my boy." II wandered dowa beside tb sea, for hi battle wa not yet won, aad until be wa surer of himself be oould aot aodur th ribaldry aud rejoicing of bla fellows. A wek-umo lay waiting for him la every pabllc place, but no oa there could know tb mockery of It no one could gauge tho desolation that waa hla. . Ino sand, wet packed and bard a a pavement gave no pound to hi care lea steps, and thus It wa that be caat alleutly upon th on woman aa she stood beside the silver surf. Had ho seen ber first he would bar alunk ajnat In the landward shadow, but recognising his tall form, she called and be rame. while It seemed that bia rungs grew auddeuly roustricted, a though bound about with steel hoops. Th very pleasure of her eight pained him. He advanced eagerly, and yet with hesitation, atandlng stiffly aloof while hla heart fluttered and his tongue grew dumb. At last she aaw his baudagce and ber mauner rbanged abruptly. Coming closer ah touched tbem with caressing finger. "It's uothlng-nothlng at all." be said while hla vole Jumped out of all cob trot ' When ar you-golug away?" "I do not know-not for some time." He "had supposed she would go to morrow with her uncle aud the other, to be with them through their travail. With warm lnietuoity ah began: "It wa a noble thing you did to jjay. (ib, I am glad and proud." "I prefer you to tbluk of me lu that way, rather than as th wild beast you saw thla morning, for I was mad. par fsctly mad with hatred and rercuge. and every wild Impulse tbat comes to defeated man. You see, I bad played and lost played and lost, again aud agalu, till there wa nothing left. What mischance brought you there? It was a terribly brutal thing, but you can't understand." "But I can understand. I do. 1 know all alsmt it now. I kuow the wild rage of dearatlon; I know the exultation of victory; I kuow what hate aud fear ar now. You told me one that tb wilderness had made you a savage, and I laughed at It Just as I did when you said thst my contact with big things would teach me the truth, that we're all alike, and that those motives are In us all I see now that you were right and I wsa very simple. I learned a great deal last light" "I hav learned much also," auld he "I wlah you might teach me mora." "I-I-dont think I could teach you any more," ah hesitated. He moved a though to apeak, but held back and tor bis eye away from her. "Welir she Inquired, gailng at him covertly. "Once, a long time ago, I read a lover's petition, and ever slue know ing you I bav made th constant praysr that I might be given the purity to b worthy tb good In you and that you might be granted the patience to reach the good In me, but If no use. But at least I'm glud we hav met on common ground, It ware, and tbat you understand, In a masuf3. Th prayer could not b an swered; but through it I bav founa myself and I hav kuown you. That last Is worth mora than a king' ran so tu to ma. It to a holy thing which I shall reverence alwaya, and w hen you go you will leave me lonely except for Its remembrance." "But I am not going," ahe aald "That la-unleaa"- Bomethlng ta her vole swept bla gate back from th shimmering cause way that rippled seaward to the rising moon. It brought the breath Into bla throat, and he shook as though selied by a great fear. Tnless-whatr . "I'nlesa you want me to." "Ob, Ood! don't play with me!", ne flung out bis hand aa though to rtop her while hi vole died out to a sup pllcatlng hoarseness. "1 cau't aland that." "Don't you ee? Won't you see?" he aaktd. "I wa waiting ber for Sale Cracked at Ruby. Wsifc iksss Itafipr pad tDatlllaaar Laat Friday night theaaio of Mr. ID. II. McGregor at Kuby, a C, was blown open by professional BMuw cisrunk runuiuueiy lucre was ouly about 15 in cash in the safe and thin the burglars appro priated. Uutil a few days before the robbery the money of the Bank of Kuby was kept in Mr. McGreg or's aae, bat the bunk's safe hav ing arrived the cah had been transferred to it. It U probable taat the cracker were under the tapremion that the bank'a money was still in the safe they robbed. A Home Made Happy by CbamberUio's Cough Remedy. Two month ago our baby girl bad measles which aettled on ber lungs and at laat resulted in a sever attack of bronchi tis. We bad two doctors but no relief aa obtained. Everybody thought she would die. I went to eight different store to find a certain remedy which had been recommended to ma and failed to get it, when on of th store keepers insisted tbst i try Chamber Iain's Cough Remedy. I did ao and our baby i alive and well today Geo. W. Speoce, Holly Spring, N. C. For sal by English Drug Company. Wife-Well, I declare! Here's n old school friend of mine who has jnst made a fortune. llnsband All tight, my dear. Go ahead. Tell me that you might nave married ai i tu. Det roit Free Presn. About Digestion- It ia not the quantity of food taken but tha amount digested and assimilated that dives strength and vitality to the system. Chamberlain's Stomach and Liver Tablets invigorate tb stomach tnd liver and enable tbem to perform their functiuus. The result is a relish for your food, increased strength and weight, greater endurance and a clear lead. Price 25 cents. Samples free. For sale by Euglish Drug Company. "What hits become of that 'Hod- carriers Delight' you used to have such a run out" "The hodcarricrs are smoking perfectos thine days," answered the tobacconist, "so I've renamed the old brand. I call it 'Pride of Wall Street' now." Washington Star. DeWiit's tarboliied Witih Hasel Salve don't forget the name, and ac cept no substitute. Get DeWitt's. It's ood for piles. Sold by English Drug Company, Mr. Ilacon I see a Japanese electrician has ioveuted a wireless system which is asserted to be su perior to anything now in use. Mrs, IJacou Gracious me! Are bustles cot in' in style once more, reallyt Youkers Statesman. Jack and Jill were both quite ill, Now each ia well and wiser, For blues aud headaches have to go When tbey take an Early Riser. DeWitt's Little Early Riser Tills are sold by Englsh Drug Company. "Jedge," said the colored pris oner, "is l expecteu ter tell tie truth!" "Why, of course you are." "Well, then, des go ahead and sentence me fust." Atlanta Con stitution. "Don't pow serf ITen't pou srs, m paganf th course to go to you sine you bav made It so very hard for me, my pagan." With which ah came clo to him, looking upward Into hla face, amlllng a little, shrinking a little, yielding yet withholding, whll tb moonlight made of ber eyea two bot tomless, boundless pool, dark with lov. and brimming with th promls of hi dream. Tl tUD. Thousand of man and woman in all walk of lit are suffering from kidney and bladder trouble. Don't neglect your kidney. Delays ar dangerous, DeWitt's Kidney and Bladder fills ( ford quick relief lor all form of kid ney and bladder trouble. A week's treatment ajc. Sold by English Drug Company. Going- to Move! Your Advantage! Ar you having trouble with your kidueys? There ar lots of people to Jay who wonder wby tbey bav pains serosa the back, wby they ar tired ind lacking in energy and ambition. Your kidueys are wrong. They need relief without delay. Take DeWitt's Kiduef and Bladder Pilla; they are for weak back, inflammation of tb blsd Jer, backache and weak kidueys. Sold iv English Drug Company. On January 1st, 1908, we will move our stock of goods to the Loon & Trust building, formerly occupied by thej People's Dry Goods Company. It looks reasonable that we would want to sell as much as pos sible to save moving. That is exactly what we are going to do. And we are going to make it to your advantage to buy now. We will cut prices on Shoes, Hats, Caps, Dry Goods, Clothing, Overcoats, Notions, etc. $2000 worth of odds and ends in job lot of Shoes that we will let go cheap at 25 to 50 per cent discount, besides our big new line of Shoes to suit, $5000 of which we will sell as low as the lowest Hats. Caps, Gloves, Underwear, and most anything you want at bargain prices. This is a bone fide sale for the purpose mentioned. We would rather reduce at cut prices than to move and it is to the interest of all buyers to see us. ELcRae Hercantile Company. The Big Show! "WILL 1JE HERB SOOX. The Monroe Poultry Association wUl hold Its Third Annual Show in Monroe, N. u, January 7, J, J and 10, 1908. you will see ail kinds ol Poultry at this Show Chickens, Turkeys, Geese, Ducks and Pig eons, and also one Big Eagle. For further information write We have issued our Premium List, and you will find some splendid specials offered, consisting of Hugs, Chairs, andtfine Felt Mattresses, be sides the many cash prizes. Bring or send your fowls; we will take care of them. The cost is only 25 cents each for birds entered for competi ticJii, and only 10 cents for all fowls entered for sale; this pays for feed ing and taking care of them during the show. Come, everybody! Uriug your wife and children. These shows only come once a year, and if you miss this one it will be a year before you will have a chance to see it again. R. A. MORROW, President, or T. P. DILLON, Secretary. ji THsBMMsTitstui nmtiHUitmrmuisumuj uwrtmimnimiuiiuiiitimBtium mm i The Siloes Co. Another Big Car o! Fine Horses &nd Mules I HAS JUST BEEN RECEIVED. This is by far th nicest car of stock that we have ever shipped to this 5 market Thia makes our third car shipped here this fall. These Horses g and mules were bought right. Our motto is to Sell Cheap and Sell a Heap. I Big Lot of Baggies and Surries and Wagons Kept on hand for sale at al times. We can save you big money on Harness aa we have bought something over a hundred sets since Harness got cheap. See u before you buy aa we can save you money. The Sikes Co. v 8 MtlsBBjBHamjsaB aiiiiiimiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiniiiiiiiiiiiiixiiiiiii BUGGIES. Buggies i A X TE wish ,to invite your V especial attention to our complete line of Buggies: Piedmont, Ratterman and Luth, Perry, Gem and Frank J. Enger. Quality and price to suit you. SUKREY& Canopy top, cut-unders and straits from $65.00 up. WAGONS. Webber's, Tennesse, and the famous Nissen. We have our 300-foot store crowded with these goods, and it will be a pleasure to our Mr. Key to show you through, even though you are not ready to buy. Our line of Harness, Saddlery, etc., cannot be surpassed in Variety, Quality and Price. We make a specialty of putting New Tops on old buggies. It will be to your interest to get prices from US before you buy., M H M HEftTH HARDWARE 60lfe fcmxxmixixmxxmxxmmxxmxxxxxmmxxm xxxxxxxixxl

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