THE MONROE JOURNA VOLUME XV. NO. 7 MONROE, N.C., TUESDAY MARCH 17, tOOS. So One Dollar a Year HANCOCK BROS. & COS. X cos. rv PLUG TOBACCO is one of the bigjrest plugs of standard (Trade flue cured tobacco ever sold for lite. It goes further and lasts longer in the going than any other brand made. A man who knows of this brand never goes around with a "chip" on his shoulder, he keeps it in his mouth. It makes friends, and makes them always glad to see you. Demand Chip, and don't stand for substitution. Manufactured by a strictly independent firm. HANCOCK BROS. & CO., Lynchburg, Va. Established 1S51 ' Loaders 1903 Monument of Whiskey Jugs. James V. Turner, a hermit far mer, living six miles from Colum bia, Mo., who had frequently de clared he wanted a monument built of whiskey jugs, died hut week. On his farm is an abandoned corn crib, which is almost tilled with empty whiskey jugs, which Turner is said to have emptied himself within twenty years, and which he saved for his monument. It is averred he diauk not less than a quart of whiskey a day. lie was 4" years old and owned a well stocked farm of 4 so acres, on which he lived the life of a hermit. His only compauiou was a dog. Evelyn Thaw 5ecklnf Divorce. Evelyn Thaw, through her conn set, lhiuO'lieilley, has instituted a suit for divorce from Harry Thaw. The elder Mrs. Thaw approves the suit and bag arranged a liberal money settlement and alimony for Kvelyp. It develop that the es trangement betweeu Thaw and Ev elyn dates back to the first trial following a visit to the jail, but to not injure the chances of saving Thaw from the electric cbair, she held her cace till now. Exactly what the trouble is will not uow be divulged, but it will come out at the divorce trial. It seems reason ably certain that Thaw will remaiu in the asylum for a long time, prob ably for life. He hasu't improved Unetiualed as a Cure for Croup. Besides being su encrllent rcine Jy i Bll( family do liot want him re tor coijs auu tnroat troubles, Lham- (iwe( ia nilJ urvaeal condition, berla.n's CouKh Kemeily is uneoualH Kvpyl, T(mw DOW holds him at s cure for croup, says llrry il- . , . , . , ,, ..,. .on of W.ynetowu. bid. When given ,u Juorjl A few days ago, ss soon is the croupy cough appears, ' blanched face and trembling this remeJy will p. event the attack, limbs, she declared that he would It is used successfully in many thou- kill her in tweuty four hours if re- amis of homes. tor sale by Dr. S. I. i leased Uow. Welsh. Once iu a great while you meet a man who thinks original thoughts. A Life at Stake. Your life may be at slake when you notice any sign of kidney or bladder trouble, as Bright's disease and diabe tes start with a slight irregularity that could be quickly cured by Foley's kid ney Kemedy. Commence taking it at the first sign of dauger. English Drug Company. When Harry was told that di vorce proceedings bad been actu ally legiin, he seemed shocked and cried out: "Oh, I love her, I rau't give her up. 1 know she wouldn't do it if I could see ami be with her." Hut the die is cast and the divorce will iu all probability be secured. No Use to Die. "I have found out that there is no use to die of lung trouble as long as jyou can get lr. Kings aew lns 'nvpc mivn Mm. J. 1. White of of the if,w,u,r.i I'd. "I would not tie How the South Grows, Old men always siieuk "good old times," and in truth to uiVp t.uhiv onlv for that wonderful hear theiu tell it, the old times were lm.(iici,le, u loosens up a cough good times; but-the Lenoir News jeker than anything else, and says Mr. M. 1). Smith says that the urea iuK fo, even after the laud formerly owned by his father, caiM, ig ,,ronounced hopeless." This who paid:, tux on it, is nowdi-moMt n,iAe remedy for coughs vided Into fourteen parts, each part jBnj co,lls gripjie, asthma, brou supporting one family, and each CuitiH ftmi hoarseness, is sold under family making as much ou its part ! gum-nui at English Drug Co.'s. as the old man .Smith made on the r)0(. alu frial bottle free. whole of the farm, and floO tax is now paid on it. The Mouth's agri- Sympathy may lie all right iu its cultural life is developing too. way, but it doesu't weigh much. Girlhood and Scott' J Emulsion are linked together. The girl who takei Scott's Emul sion hat plenty of rich, red blood ; the it plump, active and energetic The reason it that at a period when a girl't digestion it weak, Scott's Emulsion providet her with powerful nourishment in easily digested form. It it a food that buildt and keept up a girl't strength. ALL DRUCCISTSt 600. AND tl.OO. O O II llnral Ifpmt nf InfpfMt I President Calls a Con ft re nee of Governor s. kaimta iH.aalrk. lh. President lOswevelt has issued nvit. ions for ?l the vw to , Mr. I'arl of Monroe has .V.sV" V Wlmf taken a position a. aalesm.o with t:ith 15th. inclusive, and lias re . tvniM11, , V. quested each tiovernor to appoiut ! ' J' WIK pany at ai delegates to take part in a dioh! iiu-. portaut convention theu and there! Mr. O. M. Tucker, the well to be held, tiovernor Glenn has kuown contractor of Monroe, has appointed ex -Judge Aruih-tead the contract to build the Methodist liurwell of Charlotte, A. 1. Ward parsoiiHge in Wadeslwro, aud will ol Xewhern, and Charles II. Arm-, begin the job at once. field of Statesville. All the Cover nors have been specially invited 10 dine with the President at the White House at S o'clock on the eveuiug of May li'th. It is the first conference of the kind ever held in the history of the country aud it is to consider all importaut matters aflecting the material interests of the I'nited States, iocludiug waterways, for ests, etc. The Kentucky Treason. K. ana olpnrr. There seems to tie a notion among some people that tlie Kentucky Democrats in the legislature who voted to elect a liepublican Senator to Washiugtou bad some semblance of reasou for their party treason As a matter of fact it is now stated that, when the Louisville members had goue over, and the decidiug vote was with Lilliard, member from Iloyle county, life long friends gathered round buu and implored huu not to betray his party. They told him that he could uame any Democrat in America and they would elect him, rather than let it be said that a Kentucky legislature ith a Democratic majority of eight on a joint ballot had sent a Hepub- ican Senator to W ashiugton. uov- ruor Iterkham sent word he would withdraw and help elect any Iem- ocrat, but Lillian! had already sold himself to the Jiepiiblicans and be betrayed his party iu a manner to advertise bis owu infamy. Ouly a few men in history have thus "cmbeMled power." Not one has outlived the coutempt of every decent man. Just at This Time We will make it to your ad vantage to replenish your stock of Winter Footwear. It is well understood that we are the leaders in Monroe in the matter of Shoes. From our big stock we yet have some choice winter goods that we will dispose of at re duced crices. We have al ready begun to lay in our big stock of Spring Wear and need the room. Hence we will make it to your advantage to buy now. There are yet many weeks when heavy footwear will be nec essary, and we can supply your needs in any line of goods. Any piece of heavy goods at cut price. We are enlarging our line of Dry Goods and Notions and respectfully direct tne auen tion of the ladies to the lines. DIcRae mercantile Go Law Building. State and federal Clash. South Carolina aud the Federal government as represented by Judge J. C. l'ritchard are on the erge of a rlash that promises to lie as sensational as the war between North Carolina and the govern ment last summer when the rate matter was stirring things up. This time the trouble is over the ap pointment of three receivers for he f SOD, 000 ot dispensary Hi mis. Various liquor houses are suing for their accounts and Judge l'ritchard has appoiuted receivers to take charge of the money aud pay oil the bills. It is held that, although a sovereign State, South Carolina, by engaging in the liquor business, became a common trader and as such is on par with the individual. South Carolina is warm. White Man Taken from his Wife and Lynched. Swift vengeance was meted out to Jackson 1 'raster, a young mar ried man, who was taken from his home uear Sword's creek, lviisscll county, Va., last Tuesday by a mob of three hundred men, in spite of his wife's appeals, aud hanged to a tree. Oeorge Call and John Mutter were murdered at a dance Saturday night aud it was charged that l'res ter was implicated in the killing. Thomas dross and Fred Dye, young men also charged with being impli cated in the double killing, were arrested Sunday and hurried to the tabanon jail, 'JO miles away, iu or der to prevent lynching. Jap and Chink to Fight? Japan aud China aie about to lie- come embroiled in a fight over the seizure of a Japanese boat by ( hi- uese warships. The war cloud lias been gradually gathering aud now it overshadows both countries. 1 lie Japs have whipped China once and may do it again, although the sleep ing giant is wider awake uow than wheu the other war was waged. Good Liniment. You will hunt a good while before you Hod s preparation that is equal to Chamberlain's Liuiuient as s cure for muscular sud rheumatic pains, for the cure of sprains and soreness of the muscles. It is equally valuable for lame back aud all deep seated muscu lar pains. 2) and joceul sues lor sale by Dr. S. J. Welsh. Burglars Steal from Jail, Statesville has been having an epidemic of burglaries for some weeks past, aud there seems 10 dc do end to it A sort of climax was put on it, however, one night last week when burglars broke into the iail and stole from the kltc&en quantity or bread, meat and otner things to eat. tubus an exnitiitiou of nerve not commonly heard ot. This is what Hon. Jake Moore, State warden of Georgia, says of Kodol For Dyspepsia: "E. C. DeWitt ft to Chicago. III. Dear Sirs: I bave luf lered more tlisu twenty years from indigestion. About eighteen months ago 1 bad grown so much worse that I could not digest s crust of corn bread and could not retain anything 00 my stomach. I lost t pounds; in fact I made sp my mind that I could not live but a short time wheu a friend ol mine recommended Kodol. I consented to try it to please him and I was better in one day, I sow weigD more man 1 ever did in my life sod am in better health than for many years. Kodol did it. I keep a bottle constantly, and write this hoping that humanity may he benefitted. Yours very truly, Jske C. Moore.fcAtlanta, Aug. 10, 1904." Sold by English Drug Co. IJev. C. M. 1'ickeus of Waxhaw is iu Pittsburg, I'a., to attend the Young People's Misbiouary Confer ence, which is in seMtion there this week. While away be expects to visit Philadelphia, New York and prolsibly Ihsstou. Mr. Walter ltarentine, a well known citizen of Chesterfield, at tempted to commit suicide Satur day by shooting himself with a pistol. He placed the pistol over his heart and fired, but the bullet struck a rib and glanced, iuflicting only a flesh wouud. It was mentioned last week that Dr. J. C. ICowe of Concord had been sent to the presiding elder ship of the Asheville district to succeed Dr. Crawford, deceased. Itev. Plato Durham, formerly pas tor of a Charlotte church, but since last conference not iu active woik, has been sent to Concord. Mr. J. H. Walker, a substantial farmer of Providence township, Mecklenburg couuty, lost his barn together with two mules and four head of cattle by fire receutly. While no tracks were discovered leading away from the barn, Mr. Walker is strongly of the opinion that the fire was of incendiary origin. The lire was discovered sliout .1 o'clock, but the flames had gotten such headway that the build ing aud all its contents were de stroyed. There is no clue as to how the tire originated, but Mr. Wal ker thinks that it was set on fire. Complaints in the big damage suits of Mrs. M. E. Honeyciitt aud A. V.. Honeycutt, administrator of Akin Honeycutt, against the Sea board Air Line, have been tiled in the Superior Court of Anson coun ty, says the Messenger and Intelli gencer. Last November, it will lie remembered, a wagon Iu which Mr. and Mrs. Honeycutt were riding, was struck by a Seaboard engine at the Concord road crossing, and Mr. Honeycutt instantly killed and Mrs. Honeycutt desperately in jured. Mrs. Honeycutt asks for damages in the sum of K),uuu, aud A. K. Honeycutt, administrator, is sueing for f-'O.OOO. The Stanly Kuterprise says: The many friends iu Albemarle of Kev. Geo. II. Atkinson have beeu glad to learn that he has de cided to remain within the bounds of the Meckleuburg presbytery, and the action of his Monroe cou gregatiou iu not releasing him is highly commendable as expressing the wishes of every one who knows him. Mr. Atkinson is a man who carries light aud cheer with him. He is full of the gospel of the Lord Jesus Christ, and it beams uncon sciously forth through bis every action. Albemarle loves the man, sml is so glad that he is not to leave. The mission cause loses a faithful worker in not securing him; but the call from home may lie even higher than that" From a personal letter from liev. W. H. Ware of Gastouia, the fol lowing extract will be of interest to his many friends here: "I) wight aud Clara got home from Baltimore the 4th inst. We are so delighted to have them with us again, and Dwight is the happiest aud bright est little fellow to lie home once more. He has good flesh, is hearty aud active, and we hope he can soon lay aside his crutches. He will have to learn to walk again. It has been about fourteen months since he walked alone. The second opei-atiou, which was performed February I.ith, was a more delicate and intricate one than the first one. But Dr. liaer says be uow has a good leg and a perfect hip joint with good motion; leg but ery tit tie shorter than the other one. The rest of us are in our usual health, and we are happy in our new borne and have a good, loyal people to serve. " Mr. K. I. Tillman, carrier on K. F. D. No. 1 from Lancaster, which comes into the lower psrt of this couuty, died suddenly last Tuesday evening. He left Lam-as ter that morning to serve his pa trous as usual, apparently in the enjoyment of bis accustomed good heath. About 1 o'clock iu tne afternoon he was discovered by Mr, K. J. McCain, at the latter's mail box over the line Iu North Carolina, in an unconscious condition. Mr. Tillmau was sitting in his buggy holding some mail matter iu his band, which he evidently intended to deposit iu the box when strickeu. He was taken to the home of Mrs. Mary Steele, uear by, where he died about 7 o'clock in the even ing, never having regained con sciousness. The cause of death is not positively known, but it is thought that he bad something like congestion, or he may have been stricken with paralysis. The body was taken to Lancaster Wednesday morning. His mail carrier book, Work of Prof. Rushing. SKTHlIfN RAILWAY EARNINGS Cif TBMt of tne J.rti!. j i Prof. W. L Kuahiug. who re ,last Quarter's learnings in the cently graduated at the Sute School State Were More Than fur the for the Mind, luleigh, eloKd a six j 5ame Oueiier in I Sib , mouths' term st the While whool j house Saturday, the I tlh. 8u farj The quarterly rcjKirt of theSouth-; I as we have been able to K-aru, bis rru raiiwav of its hiixiness done in ; school has lieen a complete succexs, I North Caroliua fur the three mouths aud both putrou aud students arejof last ear, Molr, November j well pleard with the splendid and 1 h-ceiiilier. was received by the i work be aud his assistants hae'rrHiraliou comuiisMoii rstcrday, 1 doue; and to show their respect j having U-en due since February 1. 1 aud appreciation of bis work, he Although the effects of theuiuic will begiu a spring term at this;aie plainly reflected in the reporC place March 2;nl, for primary asd' for the quarter ending December 1 intermediate students. " pist, 1W7, as compared with earn- I'rof. Hushing has many friends; bigs sbo 11 for the previous quar in this and surrounding ciimuiuui iter, ending SeptcmW .'Mb, a sig ties to aid and encourage him iu uificant fact is that earnings from this all importaut work of traiuiiut i'dra State lussengers aud intra- Economizes the use of flour, but ter and eggs; makes the biscuit, cake and pastry more appetiz ing, nutritious and wholesome. i aud developing the bo! and girls. night have tulfed the ballot Uox. sui-viiu l-aii.tmarfc The Monroe Journal is mystified. It is a matter of record that ouly three cooutics sere carried for pro- hllutiou in the Nate elccllou of but The Journal can't under stand "how come," seeiui! that 'all the politicians are now claim ing to have voted for it then. The Landmark is unable to shed any light on the situation. Certain if all ti e people w ho uow asseit actually voted for it, it is a stiange that the cause was so weak at that time, possibly the Morally Stuuted stuffed the ballot tsixes. Murderer Caught Die in Jail. Thursday morning when the jail er at Wilson went to his cell he found Will Iewis dead. The day before Lewis had lieen captured bv a posse after a hot chase through swamps. He had killed bis wile 11 a drunken rage, and the Gover nor offered a reward for him. lie died of heart disease. Son 5tole $6,(XK) from Father. Maurice Jeans is in jail at Louis- burg iu default of i;,ooo bond on a charge of stealing (ii,000 from his owu parents. Old man Atha.leuiis saved up that small fortune, and , li iail it in gold and bank notes in an I State freight are showu to have de- old log house. His son is supposed creased from $l,S!i,l l.'t. .S toll, to uave 'gotten it, but there is no trace of it. His parents both swear they believe he has it. The police believe that the boy hud confed erates. Kills Life Long Friend and Herself. Suffering from melancholia, due uent architect in the Dclbert build to overwork, Miss Sarah ChamlsT-1 ing, San Francisco, says: ''I fully iu Wecdol Philadelphia shot and endorse all that has Is-en said of I killed Miss Klials-tli liailcy liar dee of Hast Savannah, Ga., and then ouiuiitted suicide at the Laurens school, a fashionable boarding school for girls in the Fenway (lis tnrt. They had Is-en life lone friends, graduated iu the same class, had been business associates, aud were the closest of friends when the deed was committed. accounts, etc, were found to be in perfect order. Mr. Tillaan'a last art was to make out a money order application shortly before be was stricken, which with the correct sum of money was found among his I papers iu the buggy. minds of our J. M. T. State freight for a quaiter during shich there as general busiuess depression show an increase over earnings from the same sources for the cor reMmling quarter of Its Mi. These increases amount to .U, ti'i. l.'i from passengers and (IS, ;i;.' f7 from freight, considering only intra State business. As com pared w ith the qtiarterruding Sep-tt-mlier ,'otb, PMi7, the earnings for the quaiter ending Iiecemher 31st are shorn 11 by the report to have dccrcaM'd, on all accounts, I.'I7, .', the grand total of earniugs having Ix-en for July, August and tl..... t.:i.:.. :.. . . . i l..r, ,u.r.. ,.,r I'lOUIINUUII iU I, ..,,., ,,,- -..a, 1,1. ! ' ' ' ' ...... .11,; to for the quar ter now reported upon. It is agaiu highly significant, however, that iu this decrease due to the panic, there is showu a fall ing oil' in North Carolina business of only ? !li,t;tJ.l!(i, caused by a fall ing oil iu passenger revenues, the intra State freight business having actually show u au increase for the quarter during which the panic was raging, over the quarter imme diately preceding, these figuret Is'ing $.i;;i,!r.i.Y!Mi from intra State busim-ss for the quarter ending September aoth, 1!07, and f!77, 5i..!Hi for the quarter ending le-ccmls-r olst, a gain of f 10,570. As compared with the three months ending September odth, however, the earnings from inter- s:t7,iii;i.'Jii, or .-iti,l7!.52, the ad ditional decrease having occurred in express, until, miscellaneous ac counts, etc. Good for Everybody. Mr. Norman K. Coulter, a promi- 0 Qaftin?ovsder ABSOLUTELY PURE This is the only baking powder made from Royal Grape Cream of Tartar. It Has No Substitute TWn mn Alan u4 ptMptaatt at LlaM tslstarw MIS St S tower srica. Swt limlnni rtrS'S ksalia et kr kail ms aBwS M aw tswas. sVMf L-J 0 ixxiiimxuxxxxxm tZXIXIXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXUiXlXI H F.icctric Hitters as a tunic medicine. It is good for everylssly. It cor rects stomach, liver aud kidney disorders in a prompt and efficient manner and builds up the system." Llectrie Hitters is the liest spring medicine ever sold over a drug gist's counler; as a blood purilicr it is uncqiialed. .roc. at English Drug Company's. INVINCIBLE FLOUR j Baker's Choice Hour j These goods are made from the finest PURE SOFT WIN TEK WHEAT. It is ajperfect combination of flavor, color, lightness and purity. Every package is guaranteed to give satisfaction, and the purchase price will be refunded if it proves otherwise. De sure to get the genuine, bearing our name. Our Flour Not Bleached. Our flour may not be as white as some other brands; Why? Rocause we do not use the bleaching process; therefore we have no poisonous gasses, no foreign odors, but a pure, clean, fresh and sweet-flavored flour. CLEANLINESS MEANS HEALTH. Henderson Roller Mills Company H Monroe, N. C. tixxxxxxxxxraxixxixxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxrxxxxnxxn M l SAM cuX, ITcsl.l.,nl n,l Trvaurer C. H AV101 K. Vlii- rreaMrnt S II IIKVTH.SHMMiit VIM- Prl.lelit A II. Alll', Urarrsl CevllHl WHKKI.KK.vrar ARM ISTKAU. A't BJsrelary ttortl) Carolina Security Company (iKSKHAt. AliKNT KOR State fife Jusiirance iompamj of Jnoianapolis CITY KATtoNU BANK HI IUHSii OK KENs HO Ito. N. ('. UIAN AMI EXCHANor. BCll.DINll lol.l MhlA, S. I'. Piuvlors Hon. C. B. Aycock Attorney (iultlslsiro It. I). flKATH President Churlotte National Hank Charlotte Frank H. Cotton President AIksIoii Mills Kuyetteville Gkorck IIai KNKY Carriage Manufacturer Wilson A. I). Wash Attorney New Hern J. O. Cakr Attorney Wilmington K. K. I.. ItROWN Merchant Cha d bourne O. I.. CI.ARK Merchant Clarkton T. O. Fvans President Bank of Maxton Maxton A. A. SurroRli President First National Bank Hickory D. Sam Cox President North Carolina Security Co. Carolina Investment Co. Columbia, S. C. I. I. MOORK, Attorney New Bern U G. Roper General Manager Roper Lumber Co. Roper. Columbia, S. C, Mch 3, 1908. Mr. Married Man, Union County, N. Dear Sir:- Every now and ily better off or worse C. his was the The then a man dies. He leaves his fain Most men make it worse; but most men didn't intend to do it. The trouble lies in the inten tions. Ha intended to live until he had reared and educated children; but he didn't. He intended living until ne eighty-nine, as his father did; but the Old Man with Keaper came along and cut him down at the age of forty, toy at college had to come home and take a clerk's job, because his father's income hadbeen reduced to $000,000.00 per year. For the same reason, the oldest daughter left school and donned the aprom and scissors in a department store. Meantime, the faithful widow acted the dual role of cook and house-maid. You know many cases of this sort, Mr. content to live and die without ade the dependent ones. The fact that you may not appeal to you in Just the same way as the of the base-ball season; but It is a fact, never- and it is your business to look leave your family better fixed, might talk this matter over with a State policy in this Company is guaranteed by Man, and yet you are quate protection for must die approach theless, Will you it in the face. or worse? You Life Agent. Every deposits with the Government of Indiana. D. Sam Cox, Manager of Agents.

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