THE MONROE JOURNAL. TefepboMN. I- I Tmetday. TUy S. IWW. Outtoo U day 10 cent Mr. Eustac Griffin returued lat week from Arkansas, where be SfUt tb ruttOO SMMM1. Mr. P. A. Sloan of Jonesboro has accepted ritin in tus di ng tore of Mr. t . . Simpson, Jr. IV. F- Abernethy will speak at Camel Friday night on the sub ject of prohibition. Ticket oo sale at EuglUh lrug 0o.'s lor "tfoapshota." (iet your nwprved araU marked off early. Mr. F. 0, wby of Hertford ia vUitiufc ber daughter, Mrs. W. C (rowell. The ladies of the Civic Improve nietit League are preparing to jive an euteruinnieut soou. Have yon moved from one pre riurt to another siuce the lat elec tion! If no you should register. At Shiloh next Saturday Kev. i A. Thomaa will be present with the pastor, IWr. M. 1. L. Preslar, aud preach at 2 o'clock. Iter. A. J. Iturrus will preach at Mill Creek church next tt onlay night, the subject being temperance. Rev. Pr. Chreitzlierg spoke to a eood gathering at I muuville sun- day afteruoou, the subject being prohibition. The grocery stores lave decided to clow during the summer at S o'clock nharp. They agree to do uo work whatever alter that hour. Mrs. H. K. Copple spent several days last week with friends in Marshville, returning with Mr. Cop pie, on Sunday. Mr. W. P. Plyler of Mt. Proa iiect gave a tnrkey dinuer Friday to a number of frieuds in honor of his birthday. Mr. T. V. IHrkett of Louisburg, whose name was meutioned as a possible candidate for attorney gen eral, writes The Journal that he cannot ruu. Mr. A. M. Crowell has donated the lot adjoining the Lutheran church on Jefl'eraou street, valued at KMX), to the church, upon w hich a parsonage will be built. Them will be a public debite at Mt. Prospect Saturday night, May IHh, Itctween Sandy Kidge. and Mt. I'rwpect debating societies, the subject being foreign immigration. The county organization of the Farmers' Union held a business session yesterday in the court house, which was well atteiuled. Dr. Alexander, the State president, was present and mada au address. While returning to his home in Ituford township Saturday from Monroe, Mr. S. L (irilliii was tak en suddenly sick aud was barely able to get home. However, a doc tor was summoned and Mr. Griffin was soon able to be up. At the fiddlers' convention here Friday night, Mr. C. M. It iy ol Charlotte won first prize and Mr. Wui. Hartis second; Misses Helms won the prize for guitar, and tiro ver Cleveland Peach carried olT the banjo honors. Itetter see altont your registra tion. If you voted in the last elec tion aud have not moved don't need to register now. liut if you have come of age, or moved from one precinct to another, since last election, you must register. Mr. A. M. Crowell has resigned as chief of the tire department, and the old company Las recommended the election of Capt. V. L. Howie, and the new company recommeuds Mr. Kufus Armheld. The Ixiard of aldermen will elect to night. To day is the forty fourth aunt versary of the Battle of the Wilder ness. Mr. John K. Simpson was wounded at 2 o clock on that day and was reported dead. Mr. M. F. I$oyte, Capt. W. O. Starus and Mr. Simpson are the only survi vore of their company now living in Monroe. There are only a few others in the county. A correspondent from north Goose Creek writes The Journal that the Woodmen of the World recently unveiled a monument to the late Mr. N. W. Pigg, who lived sear the I nion and Cabarrus line, and that the ceremony was partici pated in by four camps, aud that K'OO people were present from Un ion. Ktanlv. Cabarrus and Meck lenburg. Kr. C. II f Martin made the principal address. Capt A. L. Bearing received a telegram Saturday saying that bis mother, Mrs. Marcella 1 Wring Coburn, had died suddenly of heart disease at ber borne at Adairsville, da. He left at once and attended the funeral on Sunday, which was beld in the Episcopal church, of which she was a memlier. She was 76 years of ate. Mrs. Coburn vis ited in Monroe some years ago and will be remembered by friends here. Mr. Obediah Baucotn, a native of this county, dropped dead in Concord, where he had been living for the past nine years, last oatur day afternoon. The body was brought to Union Grove Primitive , church, of which he was a mem ber, for burial yesterday afternoon, The deceased was a twin brother of Mr. Josiah Baucom of this county. and would have been 68 years old next month. He leaves a sister, Mrs. Louisa Griffin, and bis wife and several children. The children are Messrs. Wallace, W. E., Charles and Gilbert Ilauooin and Mra. 8a rah Broom, by bis first wife, and Messrs. Clem, Willis, Johnnie and Misses Nannie and Ada liaucom. Gabriel's Grub and Comic Sere nade at the Cosmorama to night and to morrow night, hxcltmg aud fine all round. The Bear Creek Primitive Bap tist Asocial ion beld its ring session at High Hi 1 Siturday, Sunday and yesterday. The sea ions were all well attended, but oo Sunday the number of people was immense. The whole region was an covered with vehicle that no hitching spot was left vacant in tfirrl hiifulivtfl VBliltf nf the 'church. Two distinguished and , TenerabW ministers of the denonii nation were present, FJders J. K. Adams of Harnett county and P. It. Gold of Wilson, editor of the church paper, Z ion's Landmark, aud the most noted preacher of his denomination in the State. He is now 7.1 years old, bat vigorous aud able to preach daily with tower. He ia now on a tour to the western part of the State. Elder Gold was invited by the First Baptist church of Monroe to fill their pulpit on Sunday night, but did not feel able to preach at night. Coley, the little son of Mr. and Mrs. J. F. Kitchen died on Hon dsy of last week at the home of his grandparent at Illscksburg, where he was visiting. The little fellow was but two years and 20 days old, and death was very sud den and unexpected to his parents. Mr. Kitchen was summoued by wire Monday but did not reach there before the death of the little Ixiv. The remains were buried at lilai-ksburg. Strange Cutting Affair In Jackson Township. Malen Helms, son of Kvan A. Helms, who lives at McCain's Mill in Jackson township, was cut by au unknown person, Thursday night of last week, who entered the house about 1 1 o'clock through the front door, the lock of which was broken aud had been propped with chair, which made a noise when moved and woke the boy's mother, who thought some of the family had opened it Shortly after this she heard her son scream. The boy was sleeping with an older brother, who says he was wakened by some one running his hand over bis face. beu he moved the man struck him several blows and rut him on the wrist to the bone four inches. The man jumped throngh the win dow knocking it out and the hoy tried to follow him out but his brother prevented him. By the time lr. L. K. Uuin arrived from Waxliaw the young man was al most dead from loss of blond, but he is now getting along all right No motive for the deed is known. Snapshots," Monroe Hay llth. Miss Uargaret Melick of .ines ville, O,, is arranging to presunt an eutertaiuiiient at the oteru house Monday, May llth, for the benefit of the Civic League. Miss Melick has had considerable exHrience in this Hue of work aud has success fully presented entertainments in various ton us iu North Carolina. An interesting program will be presented and will consist of a com edy, drills, specialties, etc. Some lilty or sixty young ladies of lion roe will compose those taking part. The entertainment promises to be imte an attraction, and the patron age of the public is solicited. Notice ol Primary Election. At a meeting of the Democratic executive committee of Uuiou coun ty, held at the court house ou April IS, litos, it was ordered that pri maries lie held at the various vot ing precinct in said county, on the llth day of May, V.W, for the pur pose of nominating candidates for State cilices aud for congress, the hours for said primaries to be same as for the election on prohibition. Said primaries to lie held at such distances from the places where the prohibition election is !cing held, ss will not interfere or will least interfere with said elect ioti. The said primaries will be held under the rules adopted by the committee at the alsive named meeting, which will be published later, for the govermeut of said pri maries. It W. Lcmmond, Chin. Dem. Kx. Com. F. II. Wolfe, Sec. Prohibition Speaking. At Mill Grove, Friday night, the rtth, at 8 o'clock, W. O. Lcmmond and It. B. Bed wine. At Mount Carmel, Friday night, 8th, at N o'clock, W. K. Abernethy. At Fountain Hill, Sunday, 10th, at 11 o'clock a. m., It F. Buasley and O. C. Cur lee. At New Home church, New Sa lem township, Sunday, 10th, at : o'clock p m., Messrs. Ileasley and Curie. At Pleasant Hill school house, Goose Creek township, Sunday, the 10th, at3:.-IO p. m., Dr. Chreitz burg. At Grace Chapel, Monroe town ship, Sunday, 10th, at .i::!0 p. ni., G. II. Atkinson. At Corinth, Monroe township, Sunday, 10th. at 3 p. m., C. A. G. Thomas. This May 4, 1008. It. B. Hedvine, Chni. F. II. Wolfe, Sec Prohibition Rally and Picnic lor Marshvllle Township. To lb. Kdltor ol Uit Journal Od Wednesday, May 13th, there will be a picnic and prohibition rally on the school grounds at Marshville Academy. Songs, recitations and music by the string band at 10:30 a. m., fol lowed by a picnic dinner. At 2:00 p. m., there will be an ad dress by Rev. W. E. Abernethy, one of the ablest temperance speakers in the State. The delegations from Gilboa, Ma ple Springs, raulks, lor I, Black Jack and Marshville will please be on hand at the Academy by 9:30 a. m. with their banners and baskets. The whole township is invited to be present ready for a big time, a bis dinner, and a big speecn. tim ers as welcome as the flowers in May MARSHVILLE COMMITTIS, G. P. Stevens, Chairman. Five pound package Buckwheat for 20c. this week. Kroner & Iiuey. Talking With the People. Ax old lady who bad heard a great dead of talk about germs and germ diinw got the idea that these things were prettv bad ani mal. But ia all the talk that she bad beard of them no one bad men tioned anything about their size. So when a neighbor was expatiat ing on genu aud their wouderful danger to mankind, the old lady enquired as to their size. Ou being t 'Id that a germ was far too small to be even seen with the naked eye, her disgust waa tnauifest, and she observed that she bad 'lowed that they'd be as big as later bugs any how. Untie John Jonks, a decrepit old colored citizen of the county home, heard alwut the big hog that was on exhibition here last week and wandered up town in the hot of hearing something more about it, but not thinking in his wildcct moment of ever gettiug itiMile to see it. Accosting a man who was pausing, aud minting to the pic ture of the hog hanging on the street, Uucle John said, "Boms, is be 'live!'' Ou being told that the hog was certainly alive aud able to stand up, Uucle John remarked that he aud some friends had talk-1 ed the matter over aud come to the conclusion that there was no such hog as that but that it was a trick somebody had gottea up to make money by fooling people. At this the man bought UncleJohn a tick et and told him to go iu and see for himself. This he proceeded to do after saying that as he could not see ont of but one eye, he would not be able to see all that hog at ouce. But when Uncle John had fastened his one eye on the big hog aud run the line of vision from tip to tip, he exclaimed, ''Good Gawd, why didn t dey bring along a ele- fiut wid him!" Hknky Stockton, the famous colored porter, now retired on a pension aud panning his last days away from the toil of notel me, walked up the street the other day and accosting Mr. It V. Houston inquired, "Mr. Bob, is Mr. Dave secured de services of dat cook yett" What cook are you talking aboutf was the answer. "Why, de one he has been ad- vertism1 for. I was read in de pa lter to myole woman de other night ami come cross dis: " 'I, D. A. Houston, certifies dat wants a cook. No ladies of de loldeu Star, nor de book club belles is wanted, neither any ladies what says 'came,' but dem what talks cornfield Kuglitdi and don't pass de dough weu you ax for a biskit'" And now another old soldier has laid off his harness and will take a rest. Certainly he has earned it, hut things won't seem just natural for awhile. A few weeks ago one took off his gear and fastened it upon a young mau; and now anoth er does likewise. And Monroe is not yet so busy in the whirl of progress not to make note and think for a day upon the event A third of a ceutury ago two men, W. H. Phifer aud G. D. Broom, took up the important work of car rying ou the leading Suuitay senool in the town, the first assnperiuteu- tendent, the other as secretary. Some few weeks ago Mr. Broom laid his armor down and aktd that a young man be appointed to take it up. Now Mr. Phiter has done like wise, aud Prof. J. A. Bivlns issu jieri n tendent, having taken charge last Sunday. Think of the chil dren who have iu that time come under the inlluencc of that school; some of them to pass beyond while yet they were angels on earth; oth ers to grow up and cast their lots iu other places, while still more to rear ciiildreu of their own to in turn sit under the same ministra tions. Thiuk of the real progress that has been made iu the mora) and religious development of this section iu that time. As theso men and others like them who have valiantly borne the burdens of their day, lay their work from time to tune upon younger men, every such event is a mile post in prog ress, because a new progress is made possible by reason of the foundation they have laid. "It's wonderful how active the whiskey people are," said a miuis ter who lives in the couiitry, yes terday. "I have seeu it stated that extra mail clerks had to be put on at Salisbury to handle the mail that is being sent out from w blskey headquarters. Judging from the amount I have received the total must be enormons. One mail last week brought me six big packages of anti prohibition literature, and I guess they are sending it to ev erybody else in proportion." TliK prettiest terraces that this writer has seen are on the farm of the Clark Brothers in Sandy Kidge township. A fine wiling hill, which but for the terraces would now tie a aeries of gullies, stretches out be fore their dwelling and presents a nrettv view. The terracing was among the first work of this kind done in this section. It was done bv the father of the Clark Broth ers, Mr. W. D. Clark, who died fifteen years ago, aud baa been kept np and improved since by them. The sections between the terrace rows are becoming almost flat, making a series of broad steps down the wide bill, and the land is in Que cultivation. ' -5 F Counties -g 5 s U Ut X Alexander.... 5 4.50 .50 Ashe 5.07 3.57 .56 Buncombe .... 22 22. Burke 7 6.45 .46 .OS Clay 2 2 Graham 2 2.0o Iredell. 14 12.50 1.25 . 25 McDowell ... 6 6 Macon 6 6 Mitchell I S 3 Polk 3 3 Biinpolph ' 16 s.62 8.5" 3.82, Stunly 7 3. 1. 3. Swain Si 3 WashinKton J 3 2.55 . 55 . 20 WutauKa 6 6 Wilkea 9 1.98 6.16 .S6 Yancey 7 7. ! Johnston I 17 I 17. Beaufort j 13 3.60 4.79 4.61 Halifax 1 17 i 16.J Warren 8 2. 6.62 .3 Harnett ' 8 .7X 5.'.H 1.2 Montgomery.. 6 4.20 1.45 .35 Moore 7 8.50 1.65 l.Xf." Richmond .... 6 2.KS 1.18. l.tB Cleveland 15 15 j Cherokee 4 4 ! Rutherford.... 12 12. ; Haywood 11 10.78 .22 Jarkaon 7 7 Alamance 13 1. 11.25 .75 Durham ! II .87 7.26, 2.87 Person ' 6 6. i U'noir j 10 1.60 7.50 1. Totals j 301 173.91 85.56; 41.53 The Despatch Bearers and the American Beauties at the Cosmo rama Saturday and Monday nights. Siccial order for 500 hens and spring chickeus this week. limner & iiuey. Don't fail to see the Custom Offi cera Mystified and A Comedy of Errors at the Cosmorama Thursday and Friday night. Walter Baker's Cracked Cocoa, retail price 20c, will be closed out at 10c. Kroner fit iiuey One dozen Good Lock Baking Powder for 90 cents this week. Burner & Iiuey, Base Ball. We bare bad the old time fid diem Now we are going to have a i opiMNluuity to are the old time bisr ball players. The baa barns of the Jackaou Hub will play Hon ro's crack first team Friday after noon the 8th. Tb line np of each team will be as follows: Has been G us Henderson, pit cher: J. L. Scott, catcher; Tom Payne, 1st base; Prof. Bivins. 2nd base; Casey, short stop; Warren Stack, .Ird base; It Arnineld, right field; W. II. Kerr, center field: W. Henderson, left field; Mr. Clark son, substitute. The Begular will present them selves in the following manner: D. Waller, pitcher; D. Futrh, catcher; T. Howard, 1st base; U. Hasty, 2nd base; J. Howie, short stop; R Gaddy, 3rd base; S. Welsh, left field; Prof. Scafe, eeuter field; L. Crowell, right field. Price will be 2.V and proceeeda will go for the beneht of The Jack son Club. Recorder's Court. Charles Toney, carrying concealed weapons; f 20 and costs. Bud Williams, stealing ride on train; 30 days. Ceburn Pope, drunk and disord erly; $4 and costs. I Ienry Cuthbertson, keeping liquor for sale; not guilty. Jim Simonda, trespass; not guilty. Joe Brewer, assault; judgment sus pended on payment of costs. Arthur Godbold. forgery; bona ol $200 to appear at Superior Court. for gambling, 30 days. How the Vote Now Stand. The following table shows how the vote for governor now stands in the counties that have so far held their conventions. A good many more county conventions will be held this week. Hertfort 5; uninstructed. Katimated. Program This Week At The Cosmorama rnriri Gabriel's Grub. Comic Serenade. Custom Officers Mystified. A Comedy of Errors. The Despatch Bearers. The American Beauties. i6? HAVE you heard the lieautiful toned Jansaen Piano? If not, stop in at Dil- lun'i ami look them over. WE want vour chickens and eirirs. All we ask you to do ia to ace as before you tell. Bruner A Iiuey. LOST At Methodist church, umbrel la with letter K on inside. Mrs. W. II. Krnuss. HERE. VOL'! All persons who are indebted to the Monroe Manufacturing Co. are requested to make settlement at once, or your accounts will lie placed with an attorney to lie Ueall wun. i nis is no idle talk, hut business, and means you. Monroe Manulucturmg to. Collar Pins and Purses A New Line of Spring Jewelry. We are showing this week one of the latest thing in Collar Pins, something that will keep your collar from falling down, and still useful. Special price this week oOc. Also new line of Silver Coin Pur ses, from f 1.50 to f 5.00. The W. J. RUDGE CO. Who Want iS.W In Gold ? The Civic iMg ie offers five dol lars in gold to the child in rath of the city aard j who will cultivate the prettiest (lower bed during the pres- eut summer season, to be decided by s committee. 1 was requested by tiie Civic league to apini a lady in each ward to act as i hiiiiiau and call the children together as as possible and tell them of this plan and encourage them in the cultiva tion of the Mowers. The following1 ladies are appointed to take charge of this work: Ward 1, Mrs. J. K Mallard: ward 2, Miss Anna BUir: ward 3, Mrs. I. B. Snyder; ward 4, Mrs. A. W. Bigi r. Mks. r'KtvK Aii-hit, Chm. IlomeSeciiini Civic U-aue Special lotiees LOST. Strayed or Stolen Cuckskin pony, sh.l all round, sear in Im-ast; reward for delivery to W. R. Mct'orkle, Monroe or Mouta. WANTED- I'air of cumiutii srales and other store fixtures. What have you got? W . T. Laney. Route 10. 1.1'THKKAN Morning Star church. Rev. K. II. t'line, pastor. Kcjrular ser vices next Sundav at 1 1 o'cltick. Preach ing at Emmanuel' church in the after noun at :i o'clock. Sundav achstl at St. Luke's church at 3:3u p. m. A cordial welcome extended to all WHEN you want fluorinir. eeilinjr or dressed lumlier call up phone hi Mon roe Manufacturing t o. IRON BEOS If you are interested in one, come this week. T. I'. Dillon. SET your hens on White Ixhorn eRtfs. I hone NEW shipment of the Perfection oil stoves at The W. J. KudRf l'o.'s. Price $12.50. A NEW lot of l'icture Moulding - lirinff your pictures and pet first choice. We Irame tnem cneap. I. r. iniion. SEE Monsoe Manufacturing Co. for odd sited doors and sash. THE hano of "Oualitv"-the popu lar "Janssen" - built upon honor and made to last a life time - for sale bv 1 . 1'. Dillon. A PIANO FREE fromall weak points and strong and durable in every partic ular is the popular "Janssen," for sale Dy 1, I . union at reasonanie prices. NOW that the warm weather will soon he here, make your cooking easy by using one of the New Perfection oil stoves, at The W. J. liudge t'o.'s. li!l. WE have on hand and will keep all the vear. the liest brick, largest size ever made in Union county, cneap for cash. Monroe Brick to. 1 II A V IT ntuned new liverv hiiHiiiess in front of the llloucesser Hotel. Ev erything new and good. I.ivery is our specialty, and we can furnish you liest turnouts of any kind, any time. J. W. Houston, i none WE want bono pounds well trimmed and well cured country hams. Bruner & Huey. NOW is the time for you to get that New Pnrfectinn oil stove, at The W. J. RudgeCa's. Price $li! Ts. DON'T come to town without bring ing something to sell, and don't sell it before seeing Doster Grocery Company. CUSTOMER: "Hello, Central! I want the liest place in town to buy groceries and country produce. Central; "Alright, I 11 give you Duster s. CALL on E. B. Ashcraft for lime, cement, plaster of paris, wood tiler plaster, shingles, laths, etc. Uclivcreu anywhere in city. 1 MISTER Groeerv Comnanv wants to buy everything from the farm at high est market value. FOR SAI.E Good family horse, six .uci . onv ludv run drive it. Also new buggy and harness. Smith Medlin, phone 48, Wingate. LMVL lirV -At U II npilliV f,irm one mile southeast of Monroe. Fee $7.50. union at mcis. Announcements. FOR SHERIFF. I hereby announce n.vst-lf a candidate for thciftVrof Snrnft ut l iuonruunly, sublet to the ItrBKa-rattc primary JOHN UUFHTH. FtR SHERIFF. I hereby snnminre myself arandidate fr the ulficeof Shenlf of I'niunciMinty. subjeet tu ihe action of the 1 h-m.irralK" primary. M. l. MYERS. ' FOR SHERIFF. I hereby announce myself s candidate for theiMticeiif NlM-rilfuf Union county. . subject to the action of the I emnr rat w primary. S. M. PARKER. FOR COMMISSIONER. I hereby announce myself a candidate bar re-election to the ultice of county , commissioner for t'imm county, subject . to the action uf tne I Kanta-rath primary. ' JEKREC. LANEY. I FOR SHERIFF. I 1 hereby anntmiH-e mvw-lf a candidate : ftr the otticeof Shentf of t'liaxictainty subject to the (H-mocratie primary. THUS. C. I.EE. FOR TREASl RFR. I hereby announce mvself arandidate for re-election to theofliceof Treasurer of t'nion county, subject to the action of the Demorratir primary. 1 JAMES H. WILLIAMS. FOR REGISTER. Subject to the action of the Demo cratic primary, 1 hereby announce my candidacy for the office of register of deeds of I'mon county. M. C. LONG. FOR REGISTER. I am a candidate for re-election to the office of register of deeds of t'nion county, pledging myself to abide by the action of the llcmocratic primary. J. ED STEWART. FOR TREASI RER. I hereby announce myself a candidate for the office of treasurer of Union county, subject to the action of the Democratic primary. " ED J. BIVENS. FOR TREASURER. Pledging myself to abide by the ac tion of the IVmocratic primary, 1 here by announce my candidacy for the office of treasurer of Union county. GEO. M. LANEY. FOR SHERIFF. 1 hereby announce myself a candidate for Sheriff of Union county, subject to the action of the (lemocratic primary. W. M. CROW. FOR REGISTER. I hereby announce myself a candidate for the uilice of register of ikeds for Union count v, subject to the Democrat ic primary. ' BRIGHT GRIFFIN. Souvenir Sale During the Montlioi May I'or every one dollar purchase made with tis during this month we will give the purchaser one of our hand some "Ceramic Plaques." ' Some of the following articles are our new arrivals and worth your attention: An exquisite line of Fruit Sau cers, flatters and Howls, at spe cial prices. . An assortment of (Jlassware, press cut, that can't lie equalled at our prices in the Slate. Postal Cards of Mon roe S'cnery and Buildings that your friends will 1 glad to re ceive. I km't forget to see our 15 cent Box Paper Counter, the kind you pay 25 cents for. A new line of Crepe Papers and a thousand other articles that you need in vour homes -all at our 5 and 10 prices. .'. .'. .'. .'. .'. .'. The Five 6 Ten Cent Store, Ipposite New Post Ollice Building. Re-Sale of Valuable farming Land In New Salem Township. Rv virtue of an order and decree macfe in a special proceeding entitled T. F. Medlin et ala vs. W. E. Medlin, we will expose for sale at the court house door in Monroe, Union County, N. C, to the highest bidder, On Saturday, June fith. 1908. at 12 o'clock, the following des cribed iiroiiertv. the said nroiwrty liemg known as tne n una Kieunn, uec u utnus and the tame ia sold for the purpose of diviaion among the heirs. Lot No. 1, including dower. Begin ning at the original lieginning corner and running thence JN. Z L. w.r poles to a atake, thence N. 72 W. 4H.K poles to a atone, thence N. 41a W. poles crossing a small drain to ap. k., thence s new line S. 35 W. Hi poles, and cross ing a small drain near Watson Branch to the foard, thence down the various courses of said branch to a stake on c. side of branch where s small drain en ters Watson Branch on opposite side thence up the various courses of small branch to the beginning, containing 60.28 screa, more or less. Lot No. Z. Beginning at s staice on S. aids of Watson Branch and running un the various courses of said branch to a corner Ol ioi no. 1, inence up n ai son Branch again to a corner of IxitNo. 3, thence a new line 8. 66 W. 76 poles to s atone in s small brancn, tnence a. 401 E. 44.33 poles to a V. K. a corner of schoolhouse lot, thence S. Kit W. 6.12 nnlea to a stake, thence S. 4 E. 50.16 poles to a stone, thence N. 62 K. fi. poles to the beginning, containing 48.15 acres, more or less. Lot No. S. Beginning st a p. k. a comer of Lot No. 1. near a small drain and running thence N.4U W.43.5polea to s stone, thence S. 67J W. ltW.6 poles crossing two branches to s stake, thence S. 40 E. 78.8 poles to s corner of Iot No. 2, in a small branch, thence a new Una and reversed bearing from descrip tion of Lot No. 2, N. 56 W. 76 poles to center of Watson Branch by a maple and tome willows and s willow being being marked as a aide line about one rod from centra of branch, containing 69.37 acres. Terms of sale: One-fourth fourth in three month, balance in six months, title to be retained until all the purchase money is paid. Bidding to begin at Il,S.un. FRANK ARMFIELD, JOHN C SIKES, Commissioners. This the 6th day of May, 1S0H, LEE & LEE COMPANY. THE LEADING IET GOOD!, I0T10IJ, CLOTEJG, CUTS' rUlIlSEUGS, EAT US SHOE IT0RI II I0IK0L Cheap Thing's, even at Cheap Prices, be it pants or people, are must expensive, hut when a cheap price can be combined with gwod quality it is one of the rare opportunities and should be seized. Sume one has said, "to know an opportunity and to sei.e it at the ritrht time is a quality that 'w ill brinjr dollars to the jaisses.-or." The opportunity is now offered you to buy: Percales, jrood quality, yard wide, very desirable patterns, for 10 cents. A. F. C. and other good Ginghams, worth from 121 to 15 cents, at 10 cents. The nicest assortment of 5 and 10c. Ijtces you ever saw. New lot White Wash Skirt ikV. and $1.25. White Linsrerie WaisU from $1.00 to ?2.txi. Full and attractive lines in all departments and our prices will command your attention throughout L66 & LOU GuiipfllJ. i ------ Saved j) l; A 3-pound can of Daked Beans for 10c. A small lot of Ralston's Coffee Cereal and Gelatine that will be closed out at 5c. a package. Three cans of as good Tomatoes as ever went in a can for 25 cents. No more at the price when this lot is sold. I)o not fail to try our fine Quaker Wheat Berries. A 3-pound can of Grated Pineapple for 15c. Only a small lot of Dr. Price's Wheat Celery Food that we will close out at 3 packages for 25c. Sunbeam, Upton's, Republic and Echo Tea, all first-class goods. Tea drinkers will appreciate these brands of fa mous Teas. A small lot of Evaporated Apples that were sold at 15 cents, to 1 closed out at 121 cents per pound. A moving nickel is better than a still dollar. A gallon can of Apples for 25 cents. Be quick if you want one, as we only have a few and the early callors get them. The balance of this week we will sell three 3-pound cans Apples for 25 cents. These goods have been sold at cut price sales in Monroe for 12$ cents a can. VanCamp's Pumpkin 10c. a can, 3 for a quarter. Three packages Maccaroni for 25 cents. These prices only hold good while this ad. is running. We always carry in stock Bon Ton Flour -the liest made out of wheat-and Kingin's Reliable Hams and Breakfast Bacon. Bruner & Yuey. XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXZXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX I The Cash Mercantile Co. I 8 The House That Saves You Money. B Keep in Touch with The Cash ercantile Company The House That Saves You Money. Cash Mercantile Co. The House That Saves You Money. EiTxxixTmniiimxxnximxiixxmnxiimnmmmim

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