in r ANrcbhlc PrcpatalionfurAs ' sima.nmCtttcFAiOantlKov'ula- rromoic s Digestion Cheerfur riessaridhVst Conhiins neither NotXahcotic. GASTORIA For Infanti and Children. The Kind You Have Always Bought Bears the ANCIENT SWOROS. TV FtMU OH Tmt Haader Was a TerribU Waapcn. Ia the thirtecn'-h, fourteenth ao-1 Lfttviith centur:.- the iioui.p ment of the .rj ma.s f .r ward ra;iJ!y. Hitherto the :i.U tirv oUMtiiution vt Kurojv h..,! tern el tin' nunst irrvu.ur ..mra. ter, but in the fourteenth nut :r - I Ay tfHUi AV.CJM JZT7CMC? A perfect Remedy forfonslirwi fion. Sour StonvkcruiuuThocit lYorms .lonvulswns .Feverish ncss end Loss of Sleep. Facsimile Signature of NEW YORK. Signature La M i W In Use For Over Thirty Years EXACT COPY V W8Am. PATENTS that PROTECT I I U 8 ' ".... 'l fi " !, tj.l. I Profound Emotional Sent. iU out or hati-ls to feel th l r .wickm-t, m. n. c. ivet- ii'n- diieieJ hum at i.n;!it, 'plume w I Services, I'uv ca The Euiiiiicr otlic e; DOCTOR H.D.STEWART. PHYSICIAN, MONROE, N.C. If v-n V.:-.- V -. .-a 1 it . II-. Kr...:. ;. ,i. i . : MULLIS, Civil Engineer, rilONK I I. WiMiAiK, X. C. t"'; ' "a -" .f I'-i.". i-" -i ' r ;n.t' i"il '"'til II Hf of !'!- ..,...!.,-...:. c-" I M N ' It" V'ii' filMit"H-f iii Ki.i. ;.i j, !,;: ami fcmrvryiiitf D R. B.C. REDFEA R N ,D uln usr. Charges rensoi'ti'ie. S Hi.-: u'ti.m ciiituntee Office over K:i Ue'i link hd re. MONROE. N J. V 11 Iii- ut M.iuhvi!! . N. C, uii firsl and tltit J M .:i Uys ut i-..-Ij month, ,iiu! at Mj;il,ci wi sve-uj am! fourth Mondays. Phone :ji DENTIST. Offvh in Op.'i.t Idmso building. urThone I5H. V. B. HOUSTON, sukghon 1)i:nti:;t, Office up sIjim',,! HuilJiun, Northwest ot Co; itliuuse, Monroe, N. C. Al. L. FLOW, Commissioner o( Dw!s for Soiitn Carolina, Id North abo a Ju.stire oi be Peace for Union County, and Nitoy Public for North Carolina. :: ;-: Special atlentioti kivcd to taking At fiklavits, Acliiiolc()li'iiiPi:t or Proof of Heeds, Muriates, Couli .uts, HilUo Sale, rownj ot A'ltoriicy. Keumma lluii of Hower anj Iiiliftitanre, iVp ositions.Writni); ami 1'rohatini; Deeila, Mortijaitcs aii.l all other paper?, ismiing Male V anaiits, tl um an I I)rliery ami At ta-hru'iit p.ipern, Civil Piini motn an I (he Collertioii of Claims. Office at M. I.. How Co.'n Store east of courthouse, Mouroe, N. C. 'I'lione 14. hv.m 'f tlic umlnHins. I'ri. the I'lofsnrtiit a,i;tit vour ehi tinker t!ie;r traee tf form, tli'ir !!: itt'ital'iiit; of s!iaie tiieir jihatsey iiinl fresluie -A Kx Jiose No'jf f.u-,. d) tlic Horiul toHult thiit ei-! tin1 !ieaw!!ii, ":nl:ule (,'reut i!rat't t fpnoe," woiuler, won iter lit the ninil'ii utiweHruvi activ ity, l'i'e note on note the mf.mte nttiMe tiiat ll'Hs ith'na.-:tiLiv to o ;r.-oi; t'r.iin the t.ii t'.ial if i; t!i.Miuii(l hratie!.e. u:ul tum- liliti w.iti-.--. How i,m the worM he ulun this ir,.it pro al -rti-o, totieh, in eriee? I am iiure soft ami r..!!..l. eniut.o fa:ti.l'iil t- tu that if a f.i.rv teeti t he h I wouh !i, etoion:' r the 'y.'.n.-II N-tivoii'.if. toll. v. arm, hnti.U;ty my am! 1'ie. ha.'.e of f: not co:: .lit il o t::e c!ioo-e e :ht at. 1 ti,.lt of part tt',!!i the Met of lumian ' f.,r-n (I .. II.,. orrn, I ...I that pre 'oil Ki'iier's in (Vntiirv int. 'S.ii, Ma-a al; k Dilemma' Hornt. iiiu' Iu,!i .ir.he.l ileeply atii! -t aiTe. ti .1 to tear-'. ilarohl," !. vai.l. ",loe!are that if 1 thiti't tuarrv hint lie en J his ille an ! I iiiu ii f he !! i:!rj a si I he mi!." tlieu l onti'ltlCil : An. I Han iolph declare that if 1 ioti't nmrry lnm lie will into ! it. i s I l , oiiie tr at and famous, nid then he avs shall sop hut 1 lime nn-sed, iitul I inn ufruid he wi!! !o e;i hi' word ton." I Ken-nine hy emotion, she lntried lier fin e in In r hands, not knowing nhcth. r to nive a life or to tiare the coinitrv another politieian. the licrnian tiM.'rt mcl ilie m.-. from the Si ntti;ta:n U-. i:e knon far anj .,!e f r t'uir t : . iniph di--ip!ine and their ei.-ni.-n: erj; ion. Tiny hex! n:ore nearlv t the modern ii 't: i of a !.:. or t!i.i:i am tr.x-ps e l"iv.i. h.i.1 Xet Ueli ;..;t is t' t!iev mere erij' .e.I a.- ti r. I hv the .iri.! lii:r;-.i:i .- n. They re arriii.l uitli a p. -I a liuce tuo hiitid.-.! ir t, ihne.ih their n arv hin-i. lian.'.hn.;, Ueaeie !ie i f thi fatuous m'eapt;s "f t' e ;;r:ev. Ih...t a: ! Women Who Wear WelL " It it aluoihio huv amal a riun( a few jrran vf BtaiTMil lite ifu-m mue In the a (( ra a,- ai ii.taiiiuB ut aian; 'm- n. Th fn-slinrsA. the rbarm. the I U-iltianra vanub I . the bk-n trun a I'. b mkk'h U ruJttT hawlaj. TtM anj i mo l imi! a dim hJo. a faint vIki vt th rkinulnn Bial.k-n. Tbera ana two n-a-!M ,.r tin rhaiiaA truurani-a ami v!-vt. t'tw y.Hiri xnnrn appnrlatd tfco hm-l Ui the anient thnaifh il ehahH mhfi h rawa ith aiarrucn and ,. lli. rh.l. Jtanjl B.V ,vt to ileal ik tlw uiijn. -ant i,;te draiiii ami weak-.- mhah I. si ii'ira come ih imr r-ae and ateilh rli l. iv.t ui..l. rtan.i lht lli.vfs-i liraiii iriiti.nj ut iu (ntiuc aaid the (ma of lu ta.nt.-ss. j A s'ln-tr at the eirril health aii'rra h.'a th. re l d.H.-tiiem ut the bealtM M l.'ie dellcale miioTaSaercaiia. tun'.j mh WrV' oreana ii7eNitablih4 la bea V themo(i vvVJrNjliSte wltneM to the lai-l ia iNjYfd comTSu Xrfrty I. r " on w-m.-n hiVi! I mr.J h- M b i J m the u. of I'rTl'.rV. 1 . On The Sonny Side Of The Street Chujicst wm shouU Adopt UttteOn. IT DErEMM. '-To.itha.he, rb f I'd hav tbo thin,; pulled out if it mere auiite. -mo mouiu i ii it er your." rnuaslt-lpliia Iniairer. IT MUiHT HE WOBSK. But rheer op; just muppoa th.w ICirU mere mraruig hoop ekirta to naiam-e Itioae hata. KaoMaa Otr journal. "tan lander, it. often rc.i. fe t. ut!,! or., 'et!".lt-..-ter as th.-1, A !, 1 pr, rt Sll rxed ,,i eiL't.tii n jmim. The wavy outline i f the lla ! stylo of de orati 'n t! at ua- I : in f:i..r in the arts a! ut this t an ! fnni !.ieh easue e ;r v. "iUttiKsaiit" or "j!.,::-;-..-.- greater eii'ua.-v to the i pnns Ihiou tiie it,--: , s teotol tiie k-.iard. Wi. Mod !-, t r i d men, this weapon .e lat-.ihie dotn ternlie exei-.uion. "l iie hr ;.i miin-nt-arnis it.i-:hiI tiie rtiilv in Is'th hand-. I' i! i r- , d one I The of in t'otrt .'lan,:-. t, he tjir tin -' ' cr, -r . : 'it I: wi., tk uiu t u,.ii and si. ,mi, a mi ll. Inc-mli-rnta en lain ! iMntauw no aK-utiel or har-ntul ha' it -1. rm dnim. Ma.le h.Cjr of the- nalit". Amen an, nli, Ina! Mot t itIJt h,vni,n,ln t y h i.i ne nnslieal ai,:li, rlt., ol ill ih ' eral .h.i of ,i f, r tti CUM of ,Ti.iti s (i-eii .ar ai.i'.etes, TTiiir-uiirni -th.r-i . rf. rth,Mhrnken n in Ii. j.Ui 1 1 to,, !n-,ii. Mt ln-annitof rl..Mn n. a s.i for the eiss-tiui nuuhi-rs, to j r. ; ire the yt. m I t the eomui t.ity niaki! a its advent easy an. I a' i'a:tia-s, ihiliiinu.lli-inrqu.te e c I as "hi Tiii I'n-vr I'tion. it ran .lo no h.iri in any i-i.tuLtion of II sist. ni. ll is :i niot t, itt liiv'tfi-ratira-t i. ,- and sr 'i-ili.-u.-irf nervine ui.-,ljt ail i; lis! i won, an'-. ,t,-ii, airt svst, m I'v a l. i ..- .ii of ! t'M ru-ni-e In the U l lui 'it ot "nut,', i .Mi'iar attnnm. It P , rce uiav ts n,,!t. t'V lettif f',. .. . hari. A - !r. It. V.'I'i.- II, t, I uj buruui lwuuuv lijllau, N. V. irvle u'leve li ra.-hin; ticur tiiMt m u:i favir ervth.tii: tu fore it It wi eutHisi with the lin -!i.di ho.n ftrotiii'v Ui:'.t fraiius- it- h.; iroportietis Mere w, llicLrl the I.iwi ll,..-,rt from !us treat ?:: ulon have Kvn the foremost n 1,!, lliltldled this lliinv th mieh ftretu'th and sk name Ui-anie it terror t ti.i . t i.'apt, 1. !. mho ie Uo,;h n on anv lather of the U na! Nvl Ke: is pri.t. d ii l'l'l. ::i wliiih th t.T a r he made in diti', Illuminating Cat. i , According i-Ttx'rt m-er to an id 1 r e !-man ttiU'! t 1, leave Kjtv of the i tteinv the tie!,!, lint these n,:. luid all the faults of th Like the emnhroit nrn r liothie I ri h!. thev v.ere a s n the sjietit ener-'ics . ti.,- Idler, and ew in to th. ,r av size extreme cure nns r'-rn milling them lst un t;:.e !m- tuiv'hf he lv-tou.,1 ti in to :-a; ..'.l on tv ir urtai s. f the -e t,IV w cur', '..war ! -. d m nv HildiiT in the f ir i I'-lt'.cs, it took a llf t .!! e i k to prrd'.l.-e men of s treti.'!;i mid dexterity to r. ne -i'rvi, e. ('ho a.-o X, a-Mii t. d tr.rn :';, let.t s. . a! Trana,'tio:i :y i f ! lull for ietti r, nntteti in liei. Jolin C'iay i of i vjieriment tikt coal in a re t rt. sl.ou.n.; ii, t only that he ha. ohsctwd tiie lntlriifahle pl-e ev.dv,,!, lut that he had cdieetei h.i store. l tnem tor son.e time in 1 !er. In l.otd l'lrnhmaid ti,.i !e as fr. tn coal, mith win. h lie te.l ti.e la, i oi l',;.ro-s aolx-v. I :.';' IIoIhti Murdo, !i Uxan the r'tticnts villi, h refilled in the ihiishmetit of coal ms as an illu- atin,' ;fiit. l: U:', he pul'lie hoH.d ti.e fv-tetti tie had lna- t'lr.'d, and m Ki'. l-ine, emplmed in the fact. -ry of I'maltoti .V' Watt. r..rt:,in.-ham, he fttid up an appn'is fr the it.,n ifa,t.ire of tas in that estuhli-lnnetit, with whuh Il til. MiMrvsn-Iloir ia I nrle Mmf. , liuah? Iuiah I dou't 'arkly know, IV fc-lmr ia jr.ue, j liit de d.H-tah aaj a he'a don got I.i- ....... t.i ... , viimnw.iiw uv, JUilei. Hlsi IMt-tTtliV. 'What poaifion doea th aider man of your ward take iu regard to Sunday aalooiu.f" Tauaily t the aide eutrauce." 1 hi.-ao Tribuue. A i t i n t ike. I nift-NMir't 'if You baven kisei.Hj me form e-k. Th Tro- fettsor t alm utly ) Are you ure? I hen who is it I have been kin ink:? -Life. SI tN AMI TIIE VI I E. "Sometime," aaid l urle 1110, "I ketchea niytlf lamhaatiu' mule for doin' purty much demme as i would do if I win in de mule pliusy r'-WavdiinKtoo Star. nistl'RAi;iNi. He traylv trumni.-d the liarht (ruitar. And IrH'n he hearii a ahuut: It was her father from above Who hollered, '1'ut it out!" - luncan M. Smith. It Mas lllted 11-e w av .I iih of . .; t.-.t. Hi i-rimeiit. was ttio I "i r-t .'as excejit hy A ti TH ll.-t A Deadly vout;.-- 'i nthlt. ter w as c.i'i. the sir. et M ,"! he V, H s! ec.a'lv fr.eti. r ef hi, pi. ., W ho i the ture , hs- v wipitu- itMtlicr te' witli uh ..oil to !. on l-p terms. I lie (iote, t i-tieoii liter was his Mother, ft. r she had xanked l.itu m! Use proceed, d to delliT a ie II the sin of l.ohtlll 'lhe U 1 f .r awhile m siietue. ail ri-I.t ," ho hn.k, la-t in ui. "It' all rL'ht for t if von just ktiow wliut linot run" Tin' puao was si'nili. nut. The 1 .tin r took alarm. "Alsmt me:-" she "V!r hut on earth did he uv ilm: A the !.::,,!! .'.1 l.,lll-ci ole he r to t! , evii! conr-r How 1 aw Naai-ly Through. ranker ont r d a ihur. h in Idle of tiie and s.-at- iii trie ha. k pew. After i ..-1111 to l.d.vt. I.eilliilii.' w hite liairi'd man nt his ntlv an o'.d iiiemher of N l HiESi'K OK M'KIMi. lVtuiz Have you heanJ robin jetf lVhiz-No; tut I've Keen a woman with ber head tied up in a towel heating carpet iu the httek yard. Judge. TWO KXTHKM ES. Jitek In the Oriental world girl never aeea her intended htis hand until ahe ia married. KIom How .xld: Iu thin part of the world she seldom aeea him afterward. New York Globe. .-at: 'lit' 'tl. lias he 1 '!'!. out na il t v taik. th lispered 1 ceil prom . Thirty e in, I n an i't lv. "ril Mav or forty years, atlswereil. I think. 'I d ie sael straiu'iT. .lull. then," decided tl "He mu-t he nearl - liven hmly's Magazine. The Day and tha Knight. FOLEY'S nUMAR Tiie original LAXATIVE cousli remedy, For eoajha, eolda, throat and lung troublea. No opiates. Non-ali oholic. Good for eer)bodjr. Sold everywhere. Tha Renuina rOLCY'S HONEY and TAR I la t Yellow package. Kefuaeaubatltutea, Prepared only by Foley A Company, Chicago. kxgusii Di;ro company. S;riou. Results Feared. Voti may well fear serious results from i colli;!! or cold, as pneumonia aud i-oiisiimption start with a cold. Foley Honey and Tar cures the most ohsti mite cnui;hs or culjs and prevents se rums results. Ketuse substitutes. Eng lisli I'rois Company. You Are Invited... To rail ami examine our New Stock of Dry Goods, Shoc, Hata, Notions, Clothing and Cents' Furnishing. Our goods are all new anil up-to-date in every particular and are being sold at remarkably low prices. Come, It will cost you nothing, to be shown through and will mean money saved if you buy. J. H. Benton $ Son I Don't Experiment witli Paints-It don't pay When you use paint, uss Best Prepared Paint Th Best Paint that it is Possible to Make Tha Heath Milllgan Rest Prepared Paint will look better aat pro teet your house longer than than auy other paint, because it ia made with a thorough knowledge oi the requirement of a paint. OM a sample cant today. C. N. Simpson, Jr., Druggist. me "He Imv m find, impoh hluhhered tit wrath, the s " nail Voil i ;ia : oh- ; t.T. : h. a en a professor ord Keiiin wli -.oiv unncrsity was oeeiiMinially Hie and iniiiphot wlieii the in -t of u side en trin k. ect ef im issue led lnm oil the This wus made, tli epii-'rain which con wear pettienats. Times. New Vork eft col- Still a Puppy. The youth had milv j'l-t lege, and his ambition, like las col lar, whs hi'h. At homo the all enrossin suti jeet us the young man's fature enreer, and he wa diceussing with his parents which of the professions stood most in need of his genius. The father's idea of Ins urn's ahil ity mas disgustingly low. I think, said the old man, "that you had better adorn one of the stools in my oltiee." Tho young ninn drew himself tip, and the high collar grew tight as he strove to swallow his righteous an ger. Folding his urms, lie asked: "Am I a dog?" "No, nut yet, but vou'U grow," eame the crushing response. S'lh tra-tod his methods with those his assistant, lhiv, to his ilisadvan tae. The oera.-ion chosen was th f his return from having receive Ins ktii.'hthood, and a student wrote ii'ti tiie hhiikUoard, "Work m it is yet 1 hiy, for the knight cometh w hen no man can work." The Safety Pin. "The originator of the safety in," said a historian of invention, was a little, bov, an English black smith's son. The little boy, Harri son by name, had to look after his baby brother. The baby often cried. and its tears were usuallv to lie traced to pin punctures. The boy nurse tried a long time to bend pins into such a form that they coulj be used with safety to his brother's flwh. "In this he failed, but his father, iho blacksmith, perceiving tho util ity of tho idea trie lad had Wen at work on, took it up en his ow n ar count and eventually turned out the safety pin that is in use today all over tne world." Eating an Orange. Fine oranges crow in Florida, nn some of them ure eaten nt the table I he Honda style is to sever the orange ut the equator and serve the Iiorth nnd south hemispheres on I'hile with a sjKioti. All the signs of the zodiac are in the divisions of the orange. Chisel them out w.ui tnes kioii nnd cat thorn. Jave the partitions. It is bad form suck an orange. To jhvI it and eat it in sections is too much trouble. New York Press. A Distinction. There had been on explosion at me quarry, ilie reporter ruthed to the hospital and was shown to the room wherein Pat McQueer lay groaning. Jhe scribe pulled out notebook and pencil. .. i . t i , .... ... i at, ne oeiran, "tliey tell me you w ere culm and collected." "I was ca'm," answered Pat, "but poor old Dinnis was collided." Judge. ri.l':..- i r i TV"" '"mi i-iiiie r-ar v Kisen are small, safe, sure and Keltic little pills ssuiu uy coijiHti uruc Lonipany. Valued Same as Hold. G. Stewart, a merchant of Cedar View, Misn., says: "I tell my cus tomers when they bny a box of Dr. King s Life Pills they eet the worm ot that much gold in weight. u amicrexi witn constipation, ma Iaria or biliousness." Hold under guarantee at English Drug Com pany'a, 25c A German technical journal baa gone to the tronble of estimating mat me water or tne whole ocean contains in solution over two mil lion tons of pure silver. Chronic Constipation Cared. On. who suffers from chronic consti pation ii in daoger of many serious ilments. Foley's Orioo Laialiv. cmes chronic constipation as it aids diges tion and stimulate, tb. liver and bow el., restoring tb. natural action of these organs. Commence taking it to day and yon will feel better at once. Foley's Orioo Laiatire does not nan Mat. or grip, and is pleasant to take. Ketuse substitutes. English Drug Co. Fresh miik cows 1 bave fresh Milk Cows all the time that are well worth the money, l win swop for dry cattle and give a fair trade. I sold and traded more cows in 1907 than in any one else in the county. There is no complaint from my customers. Cows must be as represented or money refunded. So come on and trade. J. M. KEZIAH. Boute No. &. Monroe, ST. C unit HWKKP. "Your daughter," aaid the jolly itig friend, "has such a comprehcu sive sweep upon the piano. ' I wish, muttered the over worked mother, "ahe had that same alxitit the house. " Halt iniore Viuerican. AlTlioPlit m The Monument Man (after sev ral aUirtive siiggttions) How would "tione home" dot Mrs. New weeds I gtieM that would lie all right. It was always the last plaee he ever thought of going. i in k. TWO I'I'ZZI INi ut'KsTloNS. Little Flvirit Maminii, when the lira goes out where does it got sirs, iiayionl I don't know, dear, ton inigtit just as well ask me where your father goes when he goes out. Chicago News, w a km: n. ''My friends," sitid the campaign orator, "beware of the uusernpu Ions heeler. (Applause). There are men so lost to shame that they wui you a Hollar lor your vote. (Hisses. Do not listen to them. Ite oa your dignity. De mand more. ( - Philadelphia Ledger. now won. II II Kl Muriel "When you eloped with George, did you leave a note tell- tug your people where you had gonef (iabnelle "Why, of course, If I hadn't how would papa bave known where to send us moueyf -illustrated isits. A IlACIIK.I.OK's Kiil.ll.lKjt V. To wed or not to wed : That is the question. Whether 'tis better To remain single And disappoint a few women -Kor a time: Or marry And disaopoint one woman Kor life! -April Young's Magazine. acookdixo to mint ok view. A lawyer was cross examining a uertuan. 'And now, my good man." he said, "will you be good enough to tell the court how the stairs run in your house!"' The German looked dazed for moment. "How do they rutif'' he repeated. " es, how do the stairs runt" "ell," continued the witness, "ven am ooiwtairs (ley run down down and ven am downstairs dey run oop." The editor of au Alabama week .paper says he "will fish this spring witn nothing bnt the latest improved artificial Hies," We fear prohibition has impressed this gen tleman as an intensely serious prop osition. Washington Herald. The woman who has no children never knows the greater joy of de votion. Her sympathies, instead of extending IheeueWrea, will uar row more and suore, and tend to eoorentrate thenwlvee upon the merely pleasurable experience aud seusaltoos which only lead soul about in their owa labyrinthine do main, tsbe mar win personal dis 1 1 net ion and high fame. She may surely deserve them, but aha will be in danger of following the false way wbit-a hrgtnaaud euds in self, ways Julia Ward Howe in the May IH-liuealor. If the fates deny ber marriage, or leave it bear of off spring. it ner win to bei arms some motherleM child, aud study the lesson taught by the dear Christ when he placed a child be lore bis dist-iplea and bade them learn from hiui the gieat science of Ille. The beauty of childhood is not easily over appreciated, the mo bile couuteuauce, th. flexible mus cles, the fair, smooth forehead, the nncoiiM-ious grace of movemcut. W hat a lovely prem-uce is this! It illuminates your whole house, be it a hovel or iialace. The babe newly born, so line, so soft, so ten der! Uy degrees, it enters into its posectitsion of Ihalily powers. Noon he follows her about, walka beside her, tiegins to question her regard ing the meaning of all that he sees. He learns to pray at her knee. He goes to school. All the way from iufanry to adolewence is strewn with Homers. It has no doubt au onset of anxities aud care, bnt would any of us dream of giving up the rose liecause of its thornst It is a pity lo see a person neglect indiratious of kidney or bladder trou ble that may result in Kiight s disease Ueu Foley's Kiduey Remedy m ill cor rect irregulariliesand strengthen these ordain. lake Foley's Kidney Kemedy al the first sign ot danger. English Drug Company. The deepest hole in the world has been liored iu Silesia. It has reached a depth of about 7,000 feet and passes through eighty three beds of coal. Listen To Us A Moment and j udpe for yourseir. We have the goods and we did not buy them to;kcep. If there is anvtllint? in tho Fnrnitnro linn tit fit rnn are thinking of buying, give us a trial. Wo are making prices.that move the goods. A few things that should now interest you: a. 50 4.V00 40.00 ;.5o Hammocks 2 00 to 6 00 l on h liorkers .i;5,0 5 M lorcn.-seats u,i tA Couches spwto Uiunges into Dining Tables 6.00 to M iasion Table 3.75 to """'g - 'JO to lite i.r.1 Oil Cloth and Uuolium at different prices! Oiairt of all kinds. Come and look through on it-dock and r-et nrimL V. .m ...h.. for YOU. Don't forget the Furniture Man. T. F. 33illon. Mr. John Riba of Vining, la., savs I bave been selling DeWitt's Kidney and bladder Pills for about a year and they give better satisfaction than any pin I ever sold, mere are a doien people her. who bav. used them and they give perfect satisfaction is .very case. I bav. need them mysell with hoe results." Sold by Lnehsb Drue Co, Try The Journal's Special Notice column when yon want to sell RED RAVEN Herd Durocs. Very handsome lot; sows and gilts bred to Iroquois, my f 100 boar; fancy lot of pigs by him. Prices low. MATT W. MOSELY, Bell Bucks, Term, Notice ot Sale. t'mler and by virtueof an order of the Superior I'ourt of Union countv. N. C. made in a special proceeding entitled The Savings, Uwnand Trust C'omnunv admimistrator of II. A. Parker vs. Blanche Smith et al.," the same being No. 4o4 upon th. special nroceedimr docket of said court, the undersigned commissioner will, on May the 30th. A. D. 1308, at 12o'clock m., at the court house door in Monroe, N. C, otter for sale to the highest bidder that certain tract of land Kinirand lieinir in lainea (,nl. inun. snip, I'nion county, N. C, adjoining the lands of (j. H. Hrewer et al., and more particularly descnlied as follows, to-wit : 1st Tract, hcirimiiiur at an elm m here the old corner stood by a hall bush on the west side of fool Spring branch and runs with It. 0. A she rs ft lines along the various courses S. 7 W.aichs.; thence N. S7 VY. 4.70 cha. to a stake bv a irum and P. 0. on the south side of said road; thence S. lt4 W. 12 chs. to a stake by a gum and I. O. ; thence S. 71 E. 25 chs., the dividing line of lot No 1 and lot No. 2. to an ash by an ash in the branch: thence down the various courses of said branch to the beginning, on the west side of said branch near the bur road. containing forty acres, more or less. nd liemg the land deeded bv u. IS. Brewer and wife to B. A. Parker by a leed dated lLth day lice., livM, Isiok page 4ti2. to which reference ia here by made. aid i ract, beginning at an ash bv an sh on west aide of foul Spring branch. and runs the dividing line of lot Nos. 1 nd 2, N. 711 V. 2f chs. to a stake bva gum and P. O.: thence S. 1(4 W. 14.25 hs. to a dead K. O. bv two P. O.. Wi - ham Perry a corner: thence with thedi- vision line S. f2 E. I4.fs chs. to three unes; thence S. ia h. 16 chs. to an ash y a over cup oak on the west side of said branch; thence down the various courses of Cool Spring Branch to the beginning, containing HO acres, more or less, being tne lands willed to Jane Morgan Parker, lee d., as will appear upon reference to bonk of Vt ills in the office of the clerk Superior court of Union countv. to wnicn reierence is ncrcny made. Terms of sale: One-third cash, ) in inree montns, t in six montt.s. Bidding to commence at P'25. This the 2Tth day of April. 1'jna THE SAYINGS. LOAN AND TRUST COMPANY. Commissioner. Redwine AJsikes, Attys Get this in your Mind flnd TninK on It: People who save come out in the end with plenty of money. All classes can protect themselves against sickness, loss of employ mcnt and other unforeseen misfortune? by Opcninrj ft Sd vinos Account with us and depositing regularly a small por tion of their earnings. Write or call for in formation about our Savings Department. The Savings, Loan & Trust Company. R. B. Rcdwine, IYes. H. B. Clark, Cashier. American Eagle .IT,,. Witches Over National Banks, ) nCsMr' an" nis v'K'lance and ours, I z9 m&ke your funds as safe ) L ViV- and sure here as anything under heaven can be. :: :: ? Administrator's Notice. Having qualified before the clerk of the Superior Court of Union county as administrator of ,. I). Helms, deceased, this is to notify all persons having claims against said estate to present them to mo, duly authenticated, on or before the 21st day of April, ItsSJ, or this notice will be plead in bar of their recovery. Those owing said estate will make prompt payment and save costs. . . i . . , . . . i bis me lbui day of Annl. l'JOM. C. F. HKI.MS. Admr. of L. I). Helms, dee'd. A. Kl. MSCK, Atty Deposit With U$ and We Will Do You Right The First National Bank. W. C. Heath, President. Roecoe Phlfer, Cashier. Hie Bank qf Union, IMONKOR.N.C.: Progressive people everywhere regard Banks as business necessities. Those who fail to patronize them incur unnecessary danger and do themselves positive injustice. .V. . 14 IIIIIM . HHMHM4N.miN.Htl Administrator's Notice. Having this dav Qualified lie fore DA HiHiston, clerk of the Superior Court of union county, as administrator of Joel I l..An .4 A : . .. . .u.i,, umni, i, us ia uj give no tice to all persons holilinir claims airain.t said estate to present them to the un dersigned, duly authenticated, on or be fore the 21st day of April, I Wis, or this none win ne plead In bar or their re covery. All who may ow. said estate will please make nromnt settlement and thereby save costs. This the 17th April, IMOS. J. d. MANCil H, Admr. of Joel J. Outen, dee'd. A. M. Stock, Atty. Notice of Administration. Having auatified a admini.frtnM f J. K. Crowell, deceased, all persons hav ing claims against said esut. are re- Zred to present same, duly proven, to undersigned administrators on or before the 1st day of April, 1!J!, or this notio will be pleaded in bar of their recovery. All persona indebted to said estate are required to make immediate ttlement. This the 3mh dav of Mch.. w. n. n. inunr.LL. T. J. ORR. Admra. , I K. Crowell. Dee'd. William. AV Lemmond, Attya. I Deposit Your Money in the Bank of Union.! tTtT-nii -in 3 It was expensive, but the Bank has a Corliss safe and prospective depositors would do well to re member this. Everything possible has been done to earn the confidence of the people and make their money safe. Call and confer on any financial matter. You may learn something to your advantage. You are always welcome. giixiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiTiiTiiiiTiiriiiiiiii xi i urn Croup W)kfM ft eM 11 tabM an la Ih ani.Ui-rvf iha IkTDt wll m ft Mwwraw mltav. -tr nf frrntn ava r. fttljP hstpptM, no tlm itwiold Im Imt t vpiiaHnUn with fwiwll of ..niirtfo kio. rnmw ftctkm it oftso nwriknniy to m iiiok, Chamberlain's Cough Remedy kaa aewe tm-a kanwn tn fall In any rw an4 ll kaa bma I. mm fur or nn-Oilp,l of n n. Sarjr. Thnrn la hh Mw. It ran be Se-m-.n1Mapfia. WhrfprrlfiH-ntl hUple..a'it lo t. aud emtala. no h.rmlal drug. l'rU., atetaiai Una sue, as esaia. For sal. by Dr. 8. ). Welsh. Whof and You Shoold w We Know that every kernel of wheat that goes into the manufac ture of Invinciri Floii is of only the best selected No. 2 lied Winter Wheat We Know that erery care ii exercised to insure a perfect run of our product We Know that all our Flour is packed in absolutely new packages of the best cotton bags. "Finer than even "As good as the Best," is what is being said about our Intincibli Floii. Just the Hour you are looking for, and if you will give us a chance we will prove it to your own satisfaction. Henderson Roller Mills Company Monroe; N. C 1 B It's Dollars to You! Try It! iiiiiiiiiirnimnrnTTTTiTittrtTTTyTTTmrrm