TEE MONROE JOURNAL.! J?" "J In- j THE STATE WENT DRY BY 1 QQ T T ON K. K. UEASLEY, I Tucay. June 2. I- Thc nKbt On Bryan. "Senator Sun mom leera to Live changed his idea w U proprietr. Id ln, hen lkm. Jaa. A. Urihart, who had aiJnl him in hi light for the Senate and had fought the bat tle uf I -emoeracy at hard a any man in the State, wa a candidate for A- A!l political observer who ever lxMe Juaticeof the Supreme Court. l.k bcyoud the surface know that Mr. Simnxni wrote him that he the talk often heard about defeat- would like U) awi.t him and support ... n.... f n in. him actively, but that be deemed it limnmiMftp f.ir I ihIm.1 !vni. U k.U m.n.nMrl,! I link ' - n ' -i i.- tor to take part in any contest Wt a llul use opposition wmcn uiaa au nomination 10 the State. much ntt-an Hat the jti'ple are tired The Senator teem to be changini; of I'.ryan and want to try aoroe one hi, jj on hrr ttiugs than pro- Klu can in, evenumly uo i priety. krHtiri tin nith t!i time kaowal ih.t ,t ..! the bo are tired Th Waihaw Knterpiwe give The I .1 . 1 .i i i... .. of Joht.sou. b it tin- la breaking cor- u" ".,u "r ,rat,ou that fear he might be elect, not ,,nS 1 aT ed. They arc the enea who are pay ir.g for the t'lss of free litcratuie that is xiv.ji sent out advocating Bryan. (Iray or anybody against Bry an. And the taikoi an uninatructed delegation frrn North Carolina U a part of the general scheme to defeat ltryan if )ossih.e. Lincoln Steffeu, the unicm in.tjM.une writer, aaya that the uilni are already laying ,he jruBmiD oul ot ,he their plans to capture the national ,,-, if . i ,i railroad commission. The New and ( ibserver sav s: The lV iii.i-r.itii' party in I'.HM.ao Senator Simmons came out last ceptuw li.e aj-Miramv of New )ork k . . i .. f,r i& , I Heat h ul Hon. T. C. Eubaoka. ! ) ll. Tfcoiras t'. r.ubaukn. one ot the bet ka- mn eiU.co of I nw r-4 lijure t.nlav. II 7"L i-un.v. died at h s home in Hufrd i The (joveruuiei t i-p,Kl a crop township at throe .VUk last Satur-I The State went dry last Tuesday condition iwuel at 12 u-Ux k . d iv afteriK n. He had been in de by oer iO.ikO majoritv, and afur hHl!,-T 0'1 1 ,u- 1 b rlH,rt ''!in ,!,'J',,, '"r ' l,fi ul LJ i t l V 'on t( i .tj.ti.m, wieh ia been able u be up ui:tilahort time j January 1. l.W, when the bw p lmrr ttta Um JMr , 1 re,:;al Pre buried at : into effeet, there will never Lean.ith-' -V a met-timr trf the SatejivHi-Tnnity on Sundiy.and the er h. ' er bar room .n North Carolina. T X ''""rif Tt',1'1 Ut Mr ",wa , tenbiy at MrmphiK, n-mrl from attm.k'd by a urge tit tiering ti . TwentjiW eouiitie went wet and ail tile Stale !. i t the vlt n m ishU rs and friends from diCemit I Special Stowgoi 1R QQDSET5 (The only American Corsets that are sold in Europe and worn in every civilized country. dry- Way. lie was first displeased with the "misguided zeal" of the ladieaof a neighboring town Mumie', but Dow he says he most heartily en aorses it When lira Way himself Kvated we uiav disi-uss the matter. Talk about constructive statesman ship' The constitutional smeudment traihe are pretty goo.1 for a deea.le in North Carolina. . . i .1 ... I.. ... 11.-1 i.i ,. i ,. sT.,.. ,,..,,.,l ihe ll,u,of Wkiare now coming out for v..iir V,,rk mrwi f.,r I'r.ii.lent The I the Senator. lmwer Ih'I.iihI the throne in that ainpaign iu New 'ork waa Mr. Uy- Governor Glenn declared for Rry an. He had suivmlod wonderfully an last week and was installed as in the nietroH.hs and fallen heir to aa eMer in ,he Fjrst Vsl.vteri;in llie rai ni i.ianaKe.ii. m chuKh 0fluieigh on Sunday t(l rv ju. liliiu:i. tie iiiauii.i nip resideiuv in Virgiuia. was a menilier of the lieiMivriitK' Mate executive committee from that Mate and was a delegate to the National convention It was geneta'ilv K heved that lie was a loval 1 t'Ui.i r.it. Since then it lias developed th.t, while ai'ting as an ollkial in the iH'tiKXTatic party, he had sanction; d stealing money be longing to Mitel car companies iu New York ciiv, and giving that uis honest, money to the llepubltcan campaign fund. I lunk of such trea son' "It has Urn nmh rstuvtl that this vear this same Uati is one of the New Voik coterie that has been put ting up the money to maintain the expensive bureau to trv to make enough public smtiment to defeat the popular ditnaud for the noniina- tioii of !i an Thev do not can' anvthiio; about .h linson. and would desert lilin, r;s I'arkcr was let fall, but thev lielieve that if Hrvan is nominated he will be fleeted, and they are ready to commit the same pirtv treason tli.s vear as when Uyan and his assi'iaUs tin k money be longing to st.fkhchhrs and gave it t Republicans to defeat the paitj" hi which thev professed to belong. "There hould U' no place as lead er in the li moeratie partv for sucl treaclu rous 1i mocrats. seems a I'eni'K'iatic constituency in Virginia has dieted Kyan a dclegaU' to the coming State convention at Roanoke." The trouble is that the public doesn't think enough alxuit thest things to understand them, and men like Kvan, who want to continue to hVfce the public, gi t in their work while the people are asleep, and ar range to control both partus. They claim tliey have to do this in order to do business. It is a lie. They do it because they want more than they are entitled to, because they want to rob the public and pile up millions And the public hasn t got sense enough to see that many men elected to represent the public rights and welfare really represent the ltyann l ue eopie oi t uion county go under their ow n hat crowns for their ideas about voting, not to Senator Mtnmons. I uion county is drier than even the most hoful eected to find her. The Fourth of July will be the next general picnic day for I nion eouuty. Everybody did well but Waxhaw beat the band. and their allies, Maybe the public will wake up some day, though tin pigns are not hopeful now. What Is IWhind It? Closing Scenes In Congress. W t-llltif Niti iH-il Jl.t.t, i'liri..tfr ' 'l-l.r The first session, the long session. of the Sixtieth Congress is over. It oH'tied the first of lKvemU r and closed the last of Mav. The closing lavs were most interesting, t ndav Friday night, yesterday and las uight were full of thrilling incidents The Senate chamber was the scene o: one of the most dramatic lights evi made in a legislative hall. Senatt LaKllette, the Populist Republican Senator from Wisconsin, and Sen.it Stone, known as "tiura Shoe Bill," i Missouri nnillntiS) flip lilitwt nr-i,.K Ami jn, u er-jKiliticiau of Oklahoma, pitted inemselvcK afmst the runiiiin; Mr Aldrich, and undertook to talk I leath the Aldnch-Cannou eurrem bill, which was passed through the House by Cannon, the czar at that enu oi me Lapuoi. r.verytjodv was interested in this measure, for the public building bill had been hel back as a club for bucking I emo- crats and kicking Republicans. The Democratic leaders, Representative illiams and Senator Culberson seem to have agreed to let the bill pass, without making further pro test than to state their inisitions auc, cast their vote against it. The Mouse did not have opportunity to do more ior under me rules the debate was limited to an hour, thirty minutes U the aide. But in the Senate there is no way to curtail debate. Senau (ullierson could have filibustered and kept Congress in session until Alamance--. Alexander Alleghany Anson .... Ashe Beaufort Bertie Bladen Buncombe Burke Cabarrus Iry Majoritv. U'. 4.MI .'SKI .W I. TO lill is Wet Majority. 30 ;mo Caldwell 100 Camden -- Carteret V0 Caswell next March had so willed, but did not seize the opportunity. Although h thinks that he did right, many of his tnenns feel that he made a grave mistake in not demanding more from the Republicans. Mr. Culberson, as When fx-dovernor Aycock came the leader of the Senate, acted ac the out some weeks ago and publiclj threw his iniluence against the nom ination of a Democrat whose ability, public service, democracy, or princi ples he never questioned, and a man whose private life and public honor no man in .North t arolina has been vile enough to assail, people wonder ed w hat such an unusual proceeding meant. There were not wanting in s,u"al 8 concerning uiienor mo- int0 hi, hwiie imUiok numbrr of lives, mil everybody :as commence small articles. There has been a lot in Ciovernor Aycock, and the general of petty thieving around Stout for . . . ... .1 a J ! ii omnion sennei o nrevail that the some lime ana me linei will meet ex-Covemor hud simt.U followed with Vwarm tPlW 'me time if iiu i .... ri uiiuui Mr. II. It lm ia rnvivinir eseti his own friend. Thus it passed, with week a copy of The Courier Derao- only mild protests by the Governor's crat, which is the county paper of own friends, who were willim? t, M ojw county. Art., it being a com cording to the dictates of his judg ment, it is all over now. What has been done cannot be helped. Items from Vance. CuririmnilriiFt if The J.ninnl, Hurrah for prohibition and man that voted the dry ticket. air. aiacn freeman is imnrovinc very uiceiv now. While Mr. I). R. Yaudle and fam ily were visiting friends and rela lives in Charlotte, some one broke overlook the matter. But now Senator Simmons, from his official position in Washington, has sent a long public letter to the people of the Slate, telling them whom to vote for. Neither does he dare attack the private life or public honor and ability of the man whom lie essays to defeat. His unwarrant ed assumacy is a blow in the face of his own friends. It raises a serious question as to the future of the Dem ocratic party of North Carolina. What we want to know is, what is back of this unheard of business in North Carolina? It is driveling idiocy to longer tell the people that these' powerful men are arrayed against one candidate merely in their private capacity and from mere mo tives of friendship for their candi date. All men with two (trains of gray matter know better than thai What does it mean? What is back of it? pliment of his uncles, Messrs. U. V, and C. B. Iewis, formerly of I'nion county but now residing near Rns- sellville, Ark , and The Monroe Jour nal goes each wek to Hie above men tioned gentlemen. The farmers are getting on nicely with their work, but the crops need rain at present There is rumor that Stout is go ing to lose one of its most progres sive merchants, but we hope it is a mistake. Rev. 0. 1. Hinson preached a very helplui sermon at Bethel Sunday. He will preach again next Sunday at 3:30 oclock. II. K. L. Something special at Dreamland Wednesday night On account of the local play Thursday the mana ger will give two reels. Don't full to see It. Will Lyon, a 17-year old lad of Greensboro, was drowned while bathing with some companions in the small lake at the Guilford Battle Ground Sunday afternoon. Bee "Among the Breakers." Catawba Chatham ... Chervkec --- Chowan Clay ('let eland -- Columbus - -x. raven . Cumberland Currituck -- Dare Davidson --- Davie Duplin Durham Kdgecoir.l - Forsvth Franklin --- I listen t iates (iraham Granville --- ireene illilford --- llihfax-.... Harnett llayw.iod Henderson -Hertford -- Hvde In dell Jackson listen .-- Jones 1-enoir I A Lincoln Macm Madison Martin M Dowel! . ... Mivkleliblllg Mitchell Montgomery Nash New Hanover Northampton Onslow (range Pamlico Pasquotank M.1 ,"si 4"0 l.U PHI l.'.l US" 313 IllO nit; i.i: 3."iO i.r.ii is ... i 103 PHI 3i .'tin I I ;m 3:: l:v. 1 .'mm l :"t"o 3:C l:Y. 1 -:n '.KM I p; ,Vi." oli Tiki l.iiim l Ml lr.'f. IMI 13 I Ml :'l 1 .'."' II-.' I I 'd PHI I '. '. Pender 1I Peripiiniatis - Person Pitt Polk Uaudolph Richmond Robeson l!K-kingham --- Rowan Rutherford Sampson Scotland Stanly Stokes - Surry Swain Transvlvauia -- Tyrmll I'nion Vance - Wake Warren Washington - Watauga Wayne Wilson Wilkes Yadkin Yancey b 1,1 Ml llMI 1 )(M i.io JINMI lit H M ) i.i n; C.-iO ,p,.v PHI l.O'.lS JSO 111 Ml IM) T.V.I 1,210 I I'll! 'il M I 31.) 2im) 7(H) l,.rilHI Totals 51,2(11 S,27H Net dry majority, I2,!S2. Farmers' I'nion at Work. Iiftplitt. I hrontrli. Hundreds of acres of cotton in Mecklenburg, Cabarrus, I'nion. Lin coln and other adjoining counties are being and have been cut out by the meintiers ot the farmers I nion in accordance with a general plan to reduce the acreage by this heroic system of weeding out the plant en tirely from whole held and planting corn, peas and other farm products and grain in the place of cotton. l'easare worth ?3 a bushel, and corn ft a bushel in Charlotte, and when the farmers plough up their cotton and put in three-dollar peas and one dollar corn, they do not feel thot they are wasting time or laUir. aM'mgf thi year on May th t etiou. The deceased was setenly- iw twomnlalialt nul.uuu. Ir than 't tears oi.t. lie was a native ot list tear. ('hestertieid imiiiiv, where he was Urn Auiztet . I32. In Iv'i(i lie came to I ui. n cvunty. Umght and h-tl!el tlu Ixil.l otl )-i'ti li llwlll Jairxs PattonanJ Hi Assciates il, n-mamoer ..f las l,f. In the I nJ the Corner in May Corn. Ma )t.ar he was married to Miss Mate Mad About 92.MHi.UiU on. Arant. w'uv wah s-ven cn.wn sons. com:k oi- mv corn inus. the IVal II !.si s'lrvitr him. lie .s amorg the r . ...i .. . . i. I .... .. .... K-iniii si .ituii i wiieu kit i . 1 u' ,vr",T, ,,,rn li"l ' broke cut a:,n was a faithful Soldi, r , Uvr. ruu by Jaui.-s A Patton i t!o lu .-,. f,. yMU regiment. ! tt ami aH ..in-, 14 1 1 ic AA t-nt-tv and i!n "Tattim cr d lIIM 'i"l m w il 44 1141 HI,, li.liM (about mum ,.n tj J,..: I Uh-Migh it is .idrn;tUd that ail esti Iveing wv urded at I rcdcru'ksbutg 'pnel l!iistow S;.m,.n Tl.l.J i I,, I . , .,(,. ..,iir K'ntnk l j was a s.iiA'1 ie. her aud lie was a f.-lihOitt nni VI .i.i- m..fi mill w.inen mat, are larg, !y g;ies work Mr of ,m,.r t m , ar,. ft,.n lrarj to , 1 h '"1'1-' 'hvl.ir.Hl I..1 ay that j nw ,Ut Uui.U, th,.m Mter thaii ,ne did not know hew much hid been ,,,..,,. ,. u.,lpV,,j i(l flfra i"'1..1''' t ii dim-ipliiie and carried out with strict i i in. ii m-i ti,iv. II. "r o, o-I t lelili- 11..' an I d:cip 0 Nufonn Model 404. This form is designed to give that chick nesa and harm of figure n Erect Form 721. An average model that will fit nine out of ten women. 1 he bust J, H. Benton & Sons. The House of High Values at Reduced Prices. We absolutely truarantee to save you money on any and every article selected from our new and complete stock of Dry Goods, Shoes, Hats, Trunks, Telescoiies, Suit Cases, Clothing, Gents' Fur nishings, etc. Our Bargains are too numerous to itemize, but when you call, see and exam ine our goods and get our prices from over the counter you will be j convinced that our assertions are I true. J. H. Benton & Sons. , . rvg'tl.ir and nervous in wheat, coin .111.1 outs. M.lV vvlie.lt lie i ... . i ... ,4 clown .li 1 1 In Corn sold anywhere between s an. I an 1 closed at "-,. j I xciteii.eut ran huh ti.iy m all of the grim pits win a the weakl ess was greatest. Values changed with such bewildering rapidity that trad 'ers were pu.vled. Slurts were anx- 'iiuis to cover, and brokers for the (bull leaders had. at tunes, plenty of -grain to sell. It is said that the (shorts have delivered to Mr. I'aitotl and his friends not far from .Yini. ' bushels of corn ard close to !- MH'.IMI Imsliels of naU " 1 lie corner" has l tii largely in May corn, and Patton's holdings of this option were atvui.-iiil.tted at le tween atiil till cenls. Suhse'pieiit buying ne essiry to support the mar kit a! critical periods raised the i ir n.iM' I'luri' dii nil . . L. i i t euis a nusiiei. The deal beg:,n early in tolr. 'M7. la that m'iit!i corn sold up to (Ul cents The linaiiei.il troubles which set in about that time tum bled the price to .V!' cents. After the tinaiii'ial tlurry had ah.iled t'ae pruv of Mat corn advanced slowly liuraig IVbruary it s-dd up to i'. ' cents and in .March lit lev, cents Since then it has continued to climb ind shoits have scoured the country for corn to deliver on their May con tracts. Immense o'l.intitics of the cnuti have bieii . 1 lncr. to Pattoi, loit he has iaid for it ail and appa rently stood n.niy at all tuns to take in-ire. I .illy in May the shorts U-gan desperate elfiirts to till the Chicago elevators willi corn, and many of tin Western railroads issued "rush" or ders to apply ou all corn shipments I 'i spite I ins, however, Pattoli and his assvri,ites were not compelled to let go, nor was their hold on the mar ket weakened tKi-iy appurei I extent SI'IXIAl. H,Ti:$ AM) CAKS TO I.IKMIMiHAI ACCOIM OI COM fill E RATI; Kill NION JI M- oIH.mi. Account of the above occasion the N'alniard announces low round lri rates to Hire ingham and return Kate from llaleigh, if 12 Id, Hurham 1 1 Henderson, 12 n: Oxford I 2 Ml; Hamlet..? Itl.llt; Wilmington 1 1' .HI, t Irarlotte, '.l.t, adesbore lilt. All other points on same ba sis. tickets will be sold June bill !h, Mh. final return limit June 21 Uh xtensioii final limit can onlv be se ciircil account of liiness, but stop overs will lie allowed w ithin the final limit at Athens, Atlanta. Cedartown and liordcu Springs, biw side tri rate tickets will be soiii from Ihrm ingham to points of inurcst iu that vicinity, lien. Julian S. Carr, com mander in chief the I:ii'ham Camr wnt ttie .vlifhienburgl amp of Char lotte having dtvidi d to use the S'a- iKiard, extra coaches and Pullman car will tie provided from Durham n D. A S. tram leaving Durham at I I.) p. m. Mond.iv, June Sth. con iKvtingat .pi x witii zso. 1 1, leaving uaieigh at I. I.i p. m., arriving at Uirimngham without change the fol lowing day at 12 PI. Ilxtra coach and Pullman car will also have Char lotte bv special train at H.tNt n. m the same date, connecting with No II leaving Monroe at l():.'til p. m I his tram has count ction from all points north of Ualeinh aud at Ham lit with train from Wilmington and extra coaches will bo provided for other camps on application, and if business is sufficient to justify it, special train will Le run from Mon roe. Pur additional information ad dress the undersigned. Kound trip tale from Monroe to Birmingham, ?H II."). These tickets are good on all trains leav ing Mon roe at N; 1.1 a m. and 10..T0 p. m. Pullman licrth rale from Monroe to Birmingham will 1 ?.(HI. no additional charge for two passengers x'ciipj ing same berth. C. II. Cattis, T. P. A . June 5th. Paleigh, X. C. Erect Form 756. An up-to-date mulct for which l.. Thi....i average ligures. Has the ill WllllSlrlCI ...... T" "T . ,T . isirr. k.v., , i leas ..f honor, firmness --' ' is moueraie.y iiign- -- -e that were current in "w,nt- sujblf f extreme-and the " s.hnil l,ke those wl", crj,T,WI"ruul,,-" "'P W"g- " . . V, .' ' , tiioUi lof .uTJi?: "'"'lei is long above material is a durable tn'. M-i ortal is a phI , .m- .... n.ivi.11 Jt- niu Dai Isle. It ni'" tw.isie, i.u? niiii- ii; i.i, i it . ti.o ....... toe waisi. prtmucing - Bniut naiisu- i. n"1 tl ':l!i'll!tHl t.i nwLrt Iw.va wtri.n,. ! (cctly straight ellecl down rtreitilT trimmed with nw'J- suppcrti-rs at Erect Form 72J. It is a slenJer model for women who are really slight in figure but have too well developed hips to wear a corset short below the waist line. Made of white latiste, w ith lace and ribbon trimming. the front of the hgure. It ia ( Hose siipptirb-rs nmuo oi nunc uausie. mm- ,t front and hips, med with lace and ribbon, jjj 30. Il.we siipHirters front and sidis. Sizes IS to 30. Prid $1.00 Price $1.00 front and sides. Sizes IS ti30. Price $1.00 Il.ise supporti'rs on front and hips. Sizes from IS u 21. Price $1.00 jnd Near Msrshvllle (or 5ale. I'mler snd bv virtue nf sn onler nf th SuK-rir (ourt of I'nion eminty. made in a mm-inl pnieivdine rntilleil (rtinkm Sti'irsll et il. by their next mewl, R. W. Immond, eximrl. the jurne lieine No. 41s uiKin the imul proeeeilinu docket of wild county, the undersiKiH-d commissioiwr will, on the Uh Uy of July, A. I). at 12 o'clork noon, at llie eourt houac door In Union countv. North Cimlina. offer for mil to the highest bidder for cash, all thst certain tract of land lying snd being inMarshvilletownshin. I'nion county. North Carolina, adiotning the lands of I). B. Burn no. the IVter Reed iiace and others, and lying in about one- ourth of a mile from the inn nf Marsnville and known aa the entile lands of Calvin H. Sterall. and ronuim about 133 acnn more or leas. Termaof sale: One-third cash, one-third in three months, one-third in six months. Title to be retained until all the pun-haae money is paid in fulL The said lam will be sold in three aemraU tracta and then sold aa a whole. Thia the lat day of June. A. D. 1908. JOHN C. S1KES, Commiaa oner. Redwine A Sikea, Ally a. vs lbs us ilav . w.is 11 fnl put and honorable men. After he tpnt teai lung. S.pure Pubinks became a leading pub.ic man 111 Ins section a.l county, lie served many years as county c linmiseioncr, fmpientl' chairman of the Urd, and in Is,.'.1 he was sent to the legislature, and in the following year nominated by the . mocra . o I nion and Anson for The non-squeezintr W. B. Nuforra is a revelation to the woman who wears it for the fii-st time, the .s mite, but went down in the , n d,Hsn-t crush the figure out of shaiKf. but coaxes it into shape bv propter balancing of thopropor tenerai iN iiiiH-ratic ,1,-reat r that 't ions. Most women do not Ktand or breathe correctly, ami it is largely owing to this that thev lack tear As a magistrate, he sort ed j race. The Nuform, through its scientific construction, holds the body in such a position th tt'ull of .utiitu.lv ai.,1 well r,,r many ye.. j the organs are kept in their proper place. The wearer in forced into 1 t p I reathing and ;.n erect. lie was slow but safe and sure III : normal, healthy mwition Y.uir ilraum'itrar nill Inll .-... !. ii f... ...!.. V ...:u . n , , , , . 1 1 ........ .v.. t.-.. ...... . VH. ... ...... ... n ... ,lM .in . wn ii 1I ni.i i-. 10111 noi 101 vv III IC1I i "1." i-,, 'K"1"'!' vou to ouy it lor nealth. ho sought las ad tiee the Unelit of " sound and mature judgment. Then was 111 111.111 more useful in his sphere 111 the old davs than the w ise country m.imstiate who was the chief adviser of his section and the man in whom rterybody relied. It side the wurk alcve mentioned the diva-ed was a most active man physically, l ew men could excel hiiii in the regular work of the farm, and there was 110 shred of idleness 111 his m.ike up. He was a l'mhI farmer who folivvvd the good old method of having plenty at home. The diHased is survived bv the following sons: Vv A , ir. .1. it., T (', 1 I'. and (ins r.ulanks of this county, ,lol,n Ki.L.uiks of Norfolk and II M. I01I. inks of Slatesviilc, and by two brothers, .lolm (.'. I'.u banks of tins c unity, (leorge I'.u b uiks of Chi stertield, and three sis urs, Mi sd.iiiies S.un Hoik and A. 11 A. Itelk, and Miss Sarah KuKuiks. Theodore II. l'r c", the most fam ous New York cotton gambler, has lieen indicted by Federal grand ju ries iu New Y,,ik and Washington for conspiracy in the corruption of the clerks in the department of agri culture when the famous leak in cot ton crop estimates iveurred. (If course the poor tiling is innocent, though he is said to have made .7,)(l.(HHI on the operation. 1 our common sense will tell you to wear it for comfort. Trice $1.00 Every pair guaranteed to give nerfeet satisfaction and wear. If not entirely satisfied money will lie cheerfully refunded. W. II. BELK & BRO. XIXIIXIXXIIIIIIIIIIXXIIIIXIIXXIIZIIIIIIIIIXIIIIXIIZIIIIUIXIIIIIXIIIIIXIXIj 8 N The Cash Mercantile The House That Saves You Money. Co. M M M M H M kl.l'Okr OI- Till: CONDITION OP the BANK of UNION, lit Mimne. in the Mi.te of North Caro lina, lit the rl.we uf I.umih'ss, May lllh. Urns. KKSOfKCKS: ..wins mid iliw'ounts $3M,.ri2 it? (Iverdnifta mTUml . . . 7.1112 County Isinds 4,;lou ini Kurniiure and fixtures 4,71:t Hti lue fpim banks and hankers S.r.7 (!(1 ( mn Silver coin, iln-lu.liri all mi nor coin curren.-y National bank miles and oth er 1'. S. imles :i,:tu2 .'si Sr.) irj 4.104 no Total iW.7H.te 1.1 AHII.IT1KS: ( aMtal stink . . . $ m,m mi 1 iiiiiviiliHt proms, less cur rent exienses, Uxe paid. 3,1'iL'I 4'i I'lVidemls unpaid . UNI ll Notes and lulls rediseounteil. IO.iHiO no Kills iiavalile Lli.ooo mi Time i-ertilicates of deiHisit, "2Jt,i 15 IK'IhmiIh suliiwt tneheik . KI.15H X lue t Hankn and Hankers. ;m iKI Total $iW,07H.!2 State of North Cakoi.ina, I loiintv of I nion. I I, V. C. Stark, Caaliier uf the hIkiw ni.nitd Lank, do Mileninly nwear that the aliove statement is true to the liest of my knowledge hiI In-lief. W. C. isrAeK, (ashler. Cokhki t Attkst: K. C. WlNCHKSTKR. R. Hkhh-.arn, J. K. Sl Ai K,i Dirtrtors. Sulwrilsil and sworn tu In fore me. tins 1st day of June, lims. .M. I., t Ui , Notary I"uldic. Please Don't Worry Us ! We have learned that we can get Iietter groeerii for leea money at lias & Co.'a Morn than anywhere else in town. Their Hour in the betd: no other aa good. Their N ashiiigtou bread haa no Jieer. Their canned goods, alad dreni ing, clte and craekera are the Ixt to be had. Their pickles are the beat, and we get two dor.cn for only lAc. They aim are the only onea in town that have the "old lime" vin egar made from pure apple cider and nothing else. We have thrown away onr wash ing boards ainee we have tried Snow-flake Waahing CoruMund, bonght at Bam A Co' a. No labor; it does the work. 1 Please don't detain oi, for we are bound for Ban A ( Va, and we wUh to get there early and avoid the rush. MULTITUDR, H M M M M 8 M M a M M M M M M M M Too Busy To write an advertisement. However, Ave wish to slate that our Great Reduction Sale will continue through this week, including: Sat- urday. Don't miss it. jj a s Cash Mercantile Co. I H The House That Saves You Money. jj Sxiixxxinxixxixxixtxxxxxxxixxxxxxxxxxmxxixxxxxixxxxxzxixiijixxiixxixirixxij Bugles and Ha.rneis. il w hT n hand about 125 seta awV VT of buggy Harneaa that must ge. J a. W bonght theae in big lota and Ml l na them at a price to pleas Ml i I r'CSOX you. We atill aell Corbitt Bnggii ff .h W n't keep them. See ua. 'Jll pJ THE SIKES CO, Monroe, N.C.

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