.THE MONROE JOURN VOLUME XV. NO. 23 MONROE, N.O, TUESDAY JULY 14. 190S. One Dollar a Year ririr d"VST- EC. BBLK. cSc BROTHER'S nririri rrrr I ir3l IE31 IEi El i Commences Thursday, July 16th, at 9 o'clock, continues Through Saturday, July 25th mm mm THE MOST SENSATIONAL SALE OP SEASONABLE GOODS OF 1908. We want all our customers to help us celebrate this our, Twentieth Anni versary, by participating in this Great Price Reduction Sale, an event won derful in its great saving opportunities values that will almost astonish eco nomical buyers. (J $60,000.00 of Merchandise Slaughtered for the people! Don't fail to answer the bell when opportunity rings at your door. (J Re member that during this Great Big Nine Day July Reduction Sale everything is re-marked; everything is a Bargain; nothing reserved, Our stores will be closed Wednesday, July 15th, to complete arrangements for this Big Sale. There is a saving on your every want. We mention only a few items. There are thousands of others. Great Reduction Sale of Staple Cot- Sheets and PillotU Cases. ton Lioods. Mere vou net trie ream At less than cost .material. of Goods at Buttermilk Prices. :: LISTEN! Big 3ic. Counter. . . ' l.V. Pillow Castro, sir !." 30 Nte 2tte. Pillow Cases, hemstitched I'" 72 '.10 Bleached Sheets 34c 85c Best grade Pepperell Sheets . -03c TKMiuainla rt vr,a nf r.inilwinm .... ............. ...( . V, J . . ... m.f ........ flood Shirting Calieo 3.c 5c, Fast Color Fancy tawns - 3!c 25-inch Alamance Plaids 3!c One Special Lot Simpsons Fat Black and While Calieo, sells every w here at 7c; Sale Price 1(' Ladies' Ready-To-Wear Department. $1 (X) tallies' while Shirt Waists, beautifully trimmed with Embroidery Full sizo White Counterpanes, worth $1.15; Special Sale Price 85e Extra size and quality, $1.23 White Counterpaiues; Reduction Pri-HSc $1.50 Pearl edge, a most excellent ipiality; Sjieeial Bargain $1.10 $2.50 White Satin Marseilles Quilt $17:) $1.2." and $1.50 Waists of all kinds, open in front and back; great values iw 15c. Curtain Pole and Trimmings 9c 2.")C. Cloth Window Shades, all colors; Bargain Sale Price 15c. Heavy fringed Shades -15c 2ik- 1 Iit Ladies' black I'nderskirU 31)c $1.00 lllack Mercerized Petticoats, full milled and tucked 75c Special lot light weight Petticoats, black and colors, lookslike Silk. .$1.15 Great Bargain! Thousands of yards Chamhray Ginghams, worth 71c, cornea in pink and light and dark blue, o blood, gray and tan. Splendid for Washable Shirt Waist Suits; duly Sale Price 5c. Ileal 10c. Cheviots, variety patterns Good lied Ticking 10c. lied Ticking Good yard wide Mooching ( 7 and 8c. Fancy tawns, all on one counter; your choice 5c Table Linens and Napkins. e'.IOc, Red Table Damask -fa 0c. Quality, full Merccriod Table Damask, handsome patterns 3'.)c -"'c11lW Pull RWrlie.1 D:imnsk LSc. Yards 75c. Table I.inen, 5 patterns; Very Special Valuo 51c 2,000 yards French and A. F. C Ginghams; both light and dark colors. Worth 121c; Reduction Sale Price 8!e $1.15 All Satin Damask - -80c 5 cases Best Standard Brands Calicoes, Amercian. Columlias, Garners, Oil Reds, Blues, Greys, and liglit colors; 11 night Special for Sale 5c 3,000 yards Best 10c. Bleaching. Can't be liought for less. Our Special Price all through Sale 'c 2020 High Grade Mercrried Napkins "!c J'en $1.50 All Linen Napkins, 3 I size Mc dozen targo size hemmed Napkins - 48c dozen $2.30 Dozon extra size Linen Napkins $1 !M dozen 10c value Fancy Lawns, also solid colors Organdy. Never sold fur less than 10c; Anniversary Sale Price ?lc. 7c yard-wide Soa Island, smooth nica quality; Extra Special l'iico5c yd '1 Yards long, fine Lae Curtains, pretty patterns; great value 2'Jc ilte. Lace Curtains; Special -We 7 ".' I.nnn Pnrtnina --- $1.00 Lace Curtains ' Big line better grades. 1,000 yards Sheeting, from railroad wreck, 27 inches wide . 10 4 Unbleached Sheeting, 28c. value 30c value Bleached ! 4 Sheeting; Sale Price . .2 ),. 15c. Dotted Curtain Swiss, caws checks effivt; Special- .10c Very Special Prices On All WHITE GOODS 18c White Dotted Swiss 1(v 15c White Persian Check tawns 1 20c Fancy White Mercerized Waisting 1K" 1 Lot 12c Persian Lwns !)c 50 Piece 10c. India Linons - - 7c 40-inch Fine Sheer White tawn, a social 15c. number; July Price-. -lite 40-inch White 18c. Mercerized Batiste, a very Secial Bargain, at. 13c 1.25 bolt Long Cloth, 12 yards to piece; Anniversary Salo Price -.-Kite Table Oil Cloth, absoluely first class, Fancy Patterns He Wide Percales, worth 8Jc yard; Big Bargain Sale Prico- Big Towel Bargains. Several hundred dozen Towels, all kinds, all sizes, bought direct from Factory. Great values. 10c. Kind, full bleached Huck Towels, size 10x331; Secial Price 5c 12Jc, 17Jx40 inches, bleached Huck Towel, fancy striped, red border hemmed !,c 13c Kind, 18i40 inches, full bleached, fringed Towels, Jaquard pattern: Bale Price 9c 15c Value, splendid quality, bleached Turkish Bath Towel, hemmed, plain white border, Annifersary Sale Price - 10c i KnA UrimriM. frinccd. full bleached; Special Value 13c 5 in 5ft- linen, hemstitched and fringe, fancy and plain border Towels """" 1 it large use - ---,Jt Svecial Notice! Each day of Sale there will he special articles put on our counters for a few hours at great bargain prices. Dont miss any day of this great Nine Day Bargain Sale. Silks at Anniversary Sale Price. GREAT SILK BARGAINS. Dig Sak opens Thursday morning at 9 o'clock with Grand Display of Choice Silks. Hundreds of vards 27-inch Chiua Silks, sold everywhere at 4Sc yard, black and colors; yours while it lasts 31c Good quality white Japanese Silk Yard wide Japanese Silk Cite. Yard China Silk, black and colors . .17c 2c .30c 85c. Black lustrous Taffeta Silk 3c $1.15 Value, yard wide, Gold Band, guaranteed black Taffeta Silk; Sale I'rien 83c 1 Iiiit tallies' Japanese Silk Waist, tucked, taco insertion $1.3'.l Ml $2 50 and $3.00 Silk and Net Waist $108 $3.50 Silk and Net Waist .-- $2.48 1it 1-A Ladies' beautiful black 1'nderskirt. with deep Silk rullle, worth $1.50; Special value $2'-s I.2C tallies' white Lionette Skirts, plaited, nicely made; July price.. 75c 1.75 Value Lionette Skirts, full gored and trimmed with bands.. .11. lit Mens Furnishing Department. Extraordinary Bargains to be had in this Department During Sale. Ute. Men's All Elastic Suspenders Si- Men's 5c. White Handkerchiefs 3c. 15c. Fancy Half Hose 8e 13c. Susienders Ste 38c. Men's and Boy's Negligee Shirts 25c 50c. Negligee, Sccial Value 38c 15c. Four-in-hand White Ties 8c le. Blue, Black and Tan Sox 5c HK) Men's Negligee Shirts, Lion and B. B. Brand; SKcial Price 75c Men's Elastic Seam Drawers 35c Men's Balbriggan 30c. Shirts and Drawers Pte 5te. 1'nderwear; Sale Price 3'.te 10c. Garters 5c Lilsc Thread and Fancy Half Hose Pte. 1 Lot $1.50 Panama Skirts, blue, brown ami black, finely tailored; Sale Price -" Handsome line different styles Voile Skirts, blue, brown and black, 5 (X) and (i.(X) values; July Bargain Price 3.!I8 tallies' black $8.00 Voile Skirts, plaited all round, very wide $3.00 1 tat 3!)c. Umbrellas 2.k- 5(te. tallies' Umbrellas 85c. Men's and Women's splendid fast black Umbrellas 03c All f 1.50 Embroidered and Silk tallies' Parasols reduced to l8c Odd Notions Specials. 10c. Can Baby Powder 1c 15c. Box Yioletta Toilet Soap !te 5c. Pearl Buttons 3c. J5c. Can Colgate Talcum Powder 13c. and 15c. tallies Embroidered Collars ; :. Corsets 18c 0c. Corsets with Hose Supporters 3fcc New Style Shopping Bag 3!c . Bleached Vests, taj neck c 00 dozen Ladies White 5c. Handkerchiefs, not over 5 to customer lc 10c. Ladies All Linen Handkerchiefs 4 'ine Embroidered Handkerchiefs c 3c. Embroidered Handkerchiefs 18c (Ute, 10c Ladies" and Children's Muslin Underwear. This Department has been very popular this year at our regular prtces. Big cuts all through line. Prices are very attractive. Big lot tallies' Muslin Drawers and Corset Covers, worth 35c; choice.. 10c 20r. Children's Drawers, splendid quality Muslin, 5 tucks and hemmed, all sizes 2 to 12 years llV"- Children's Gowns, all sizes 33c Children's Waists only 10c 1 Lot Ladies' Gowns 75c. tallies' Gowns, nicely trimmed c Full line higher priced Gowns and white Embroidered Underskirts re duced in price. Hosiery and Handkerchiefs. 100 Dozen tallies' Kte. Fast Black Hose tadies' Ribbed and Tan Hose $1.00 and $1.18, yard wide, colored Chiffon Taffeta Silk, navy, brown crrav. Conenhacrn. carnet and Rescdi: July Sale 1'rioe t K 73c. Stvlish much woven Raiah Silks, all leading shades, one of the most I Sc. Black and Tan Lace Hose popular Silks this season 4Jc 25c tadies' and Misses Lace Ankle and Silk Lisle Thread Tan and Black KK) vards Raiah Silk. Special Price C!c Hose. F Arnold's Opalescent Fancy Plaids, Silks sold at 50c. Just two-thirds off PJc regular price; Big Bargain ic cial Sale price Big Bargan 1 Case Misses 10 Fast Black Ribbed Hose, all sizes; Spe- Millinery. Millinery. All kinds of Ladies' and Misses' Trimmed and Ready to Wear Hats at Dig Discount. Children's 20c Sailors reduced to HV 25 and 35c Sailors, Sale Price Hte 50c. Misses' Sailors 38c tadies' $2.50 Trimmed Hals -f 1.48 Ladies' $3.00 Trimmed Hats $1-9 Special reduced priors on all higher gradi tadies' long Gloves, black and white, worth $1.00; Sale price f.Oc 25c. White Embroidered Belts -15c Belts, embroidered i-- 25c. Silk and fancy Belts All 50c. Belts, Sale price -15c -8c -l!k -39c Embroideries and Laces. Many Special lots at - 5, 10, 15c Anniversary Shoe Sale. Every Pair Shoes and Oxfords Reduced in Price for This liig Sale! $1.00 tallies and Misses Shoes and Oxfords 5c 1.25 and $1.35 tallies Blucher Oxfords, black and tan, patent tip -!)8c $1 75 tadies Oxfords, Patent leather, tan.dongolas, bluchers $1.3!) $2.50 Women's Fine Oxfords and Shoes, all leathers and styles $1.!)8 Men's Box Calf $1 W Men's and Boy's Patent Leather and Vici Oxfords $1.0!) Men's Better Grade Shoes and Oxfords, tan, box calf, vici, patent leather f l.'.IN All our $3.50 Shoes and Oxfords $2 '.18 Clothing, Hats and TVi mc l rices cut deeP 1 riinKS. at Clothing Store 1.000 Pairs Men's 12.00 Wool Pants f 1.2!) 1 tat Men's $1.25 Pants, Special 85c Great line Men's fine Pants, sell at 2.75 and $3.00 $1.1)8 800 Pairs Boys' Wool Pants 3i)c Men's very fine $1 50 Pants, Sale price $2.D8 1 Special lot $8.50 and $10.00 Men's Suits, splendid patterns; choice. $G.!)8 All Stroiise Bros. High Art Clothing Suite that positively sold at $15.(X) to $18.00, your choice - $12 18 $1.50 Suit Case 9c 83c. Fast Mail Overalls C7c Boys' Double Front Apron Overalls - 38c Brownie Overall - Hte Special Prices made on Trunks. WMML&&M.0 iMn'sic Farnislied for tins Sale bj Don Richardson's Orchestra of Charlotte, k Rare Treat for ill Loxers of Cood Music Everything marked in plain figures. Money cheerfully returned to every onenot sat isfied with their purchases.