r THE MONROE JOURNAL' Telephone N. ! Tuesday, August II. 1908. Mr. Frank Krauss of Waxhaw iu a Tuiitivr io the city today. MissNVilmaStereusof Matthews It visiting MiM Jiuie I'lufer. Mrs, Julian Griffin in Twiting iu Matthews. Mrs, J. J. Linditry ami Mi! sis Houstou are visiting at Hiddcn- Misses Lrona anil IUinner Morris of t'harlotle si veiling Misses KHa ami Annie MrKven this week. Dr. a li. IMk of Atlanta will preach at Tiriah riel)tcriau church ueit Nuuday at 1 1 u lick. licr. Mr. tlaikwin will conduct prayernieWiug at the I'lVfliyU'riau church tomorrow night. Mm, Frank Ann held is vintiug her father at High Point, alio is juile sick. ItfV. It. II. (line and family are spending two weeks with relative at em ton. Miss I.illie Hiinniriitt of Monroe visited her sister, Mra. V. ('. Ifctvi of Wm haw, lust week. Mime Ilewie and Annie Coward of I'heraw are vbiiting Mrs, ('. It. Harden. Dr. E. W. Hike of Wake Forent is visiting his mother, Mm. Jane Hike, Mr. Alliert Hodfearn in visiting hia brother, Mr. Neil Kedfearu, at IiuImmIcii, Ark. Mm. Kmcst Heath of Yoikville ia visiting her mother, Mra. L. D. Andrews. Mr. and Mra. H. S. I'olk and daughter, Itessie, are visiting the former's father, Mr. J. A. I'olk of Mineral Spring Mra. D. M. MeKenitie and chil dreu of .eliulon, X. 1'., are visiting Mra. MrKen.ie'a parent Mr. and Mra. Ferguson. Mr. Dr. F. H. (ireen entertained Thursday night iu honor of Mis (ireen of Iouialiurg, who ia visiting her. Mr. and Mra. (I. H. Mears and Misa Mary Stewart returned Friday from a atay of litre weeks at 1'an aeea Springs. Mra. li. A. Hudson and Mrs. S. ('. drier of Wardlaw have lieen visiting relatives in town aeveral days. Misses Amelia Kraussand (intee Flitd have reliirned from a two weeka visit to Mia. II. F. Taylor in Columbia, 8. ('. Mr. Dan F. Little, Miss Mamie Little and Mrs. Ma Little ami Miss lone llorton ajwnt hist week iu Norfolk. Mr. M. M. Winehester of the Winchester Howey Company of Mineral Springs, who has lieen rick aotue time, ia improving. Mr. M. T. ltolk of Mineral Springs has gone to IjukIo, S. C, to m his son, Baxter, who has fever. The grand jury lust week recom mended that all road supervisors have sign boarda erected at cross roads and mile posts along the way on all public roads. Misa Mary MeLaity, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. I'.ugenc Mclirty of Waxhaw, and Mr. William Moore of Uincaster, were married nt Van Wyck last Saturday. Mr. J. J. (lathings of Marshville lias lieeome a citizen of Monroe, oe enpy ing Mr. Vann Hikes' new house on MoCnulcy Heights. He will probably go into business here. Mm, Kttallrilhn, Missea France I and Margie Williamson, and Mr. and Mrs. W. 8. Lee of Char lotte left Saturday for a two weeks' stay at Henderson ville. The Journal has lieen asked by a merchant to say something alsuit the cruelty go many of the drivers of delivery wagons inflict upon the horses. About the only thing we know to say is that the merchants ran stop it if they try. Hon. J. N. Price will speak at ML 1'rospect Wednesday night, August Tith, and at Waxhaw Thursday night, August l.Uh. Kv erylsxly is invited to hear him. All the other candidates who de Dire to do so are invited. The election boards for the differ ent counties were apiminted last week. The meniliers of the Ixmrd for Uuion county are two Demo crats, C N. Simpson and I. A. Clout., and ono liepublican, Mr. W. 11. Love. Several persona frow this county went on the big excursion which the Seaboard ran from this section to Norfolk last week. Mr. h. It 1'usser of New Salem, one of the excursionists, had a live dollarSlet Hon hat and other articles stolen from a Pullman on the return trip, The countj. cauvass, which was interrupted by the rain at V axnaw Thursday, ia now going on to com pletion. Yesterday the candidates spoke to good crowd at aiamn ville; today they are at Olive ltrauch, tomorrow they go to Unionville, Thursday to Indian Trail, and wind up in Monroe on Friday. Misa Pearl Lingle, daughter of Mra. M. K. Lingle of this oity, and Mr. Duncan Alexander McNeill of Bessemer, Ala., were married by Kev. Harort Turner at the parson age of the Tryon Street Methodist church last night at :M o'clock. The wedding was a very quiet at fair and was witnessed by only few friends. Mr. McNeill is a pop nlar conductor on the Louisville and Nashville road. Charlotte Ob server of Sunday. Save feeding by selling your . chit kens while they are bringing high price. Bruucr & Uuey There ill lie a fcttuily reunion at the home of Mr. Thos. 1L tetanies. in I'.uford toviihbip, en Saturday, August :r.'utL Mr. Star dm ia an i Id soldier ami U highly resperted in his community. He has 12 liv ing childreu, .tl grandchildren, and :t great grandchildren. The enter tainment of tlir tlaj ill consist, in I be frenoon, of apeeehea by the childreu ami an address. At noon a picnic dituter mill 1 served, aud at 2:.'U p. in. tliei will m preach ing by lU-r.Mr. Hipps. Music will be furnished by the liethel choir. The public ia cordial I v invited to attend with well tilled baskets. There will lie a political speak ing at Oak (irove, north (ioowe Creek township, Tuesday, August ISth. Hoiu 1L X. Page has eon willed to lie present aud speak, and the Keputiluan arc expected to have a speaker for the occasion, as a fair division of time will la granted. Dinner will lie served ou the grounds aud every Issly ia in vited to (to and carry dinner. Iu addition to the speaking there will be races, games, etc Mr. T. I Crowell has been ap Miiuted a special officer by the aldcruien. The practicing physi cians of the town certified to the aldermen that conditions are such that a Special sanitary officer w ho w ill be no resiieeter of iiersona and will not fear nor hesitate to do his full duty" should be appointed. Mr. Crowell will proceed to work according to these instructions and desires t he assistance of all citizens. Mrs. Winnie ltoccrs, w ife of Mr. Joseph Uogcrs, died at her home at Stout hist lliurtwlay morning. She was the daughter of Mr. aud Mrs. J. X. Price, aud was ouly 19 years of age. She was a inemlier of Wiwley Chapel church, and a bright and lsipiilar young woman. The remains were buried at Wesley Chapel on Friday, services U-iug held by lvev. Mr. Aliernethy. Joseph Lance was tried at Abbe ville last week for the killing of a little white girl at a railway sta tion, while shooting carelessly out of a car wiudow. The jury found him guilty of murder in the second degree. He is the same man who murdered the old colored man Craig, la-low W axhaw two years ago, and got acquitted. 1 lie judge has not yet pronounced sentence. Prof. K. T. Teague of Siler City has lieen elected superintendent of the Waxhaw graded school. Miss KodciiiA Taylor of Orange county and Miss Kinina Hunter or ed diiigton are Uie assistant teachers. The fall term will open on Monday, Scptcinticr 7th. Prof. W. K. Stew ait will continue as director of music. Mrs. Charlotte Williamson of Haleigh and Mrs. Charles Hender son ol 1 iov, Ala., are guesis oi their sister, Mm. Kiigene Hicks, at her home on McCuuley Height. Mr. J. A. IH'khait was nomina ted in the Anson primaries Satur- iV for Senator from this district by IU! majorty over Dr. W. J. Mc- Ijciidou. The Seaboard will sell round trip tickets to the Confederate reunion at Winston Salem on the l!Kh and Jiith, for :'.(;. Tickets limited to August 21st. The first bale of cut ton in this State was bought by Mr. 1. . Ilardisou ol Morven today. It wh raised by a Mr. Itohinson. The praer meeting nt Central Methodist church lor Wednesday night is called in, as the pastor will lie in Columbia, S. C. Mr. mid Mrs. W. W. Horn and laughters returned yesterday from spending sometime at Shelby anil (ilenu Springs. Superior Court. The Superior court adjourned .Saturday. The following cases were tried: Will Shine, selling liiiior; 1'.' months. This was nn apcal from the liecorder's court from a sen tence of 4 mouths. Urice Howie, contempt of court in appearing In an intoxicated con htioii; fit). Frank Perry, assault with deadly weapon. '20 and costs. Laney W .itaker, aeduction;Btaic prison for .10 mouths; appeals and ImjiiiI lixed at 15). C. H. Broom, assault and battery; fit) and costs, aud to give Ismd of'i00 for good behavior and to refraiu from iutoxicating liquors for 12 months. Tom Polk, selling liquor; not iruilty. Hurwell ltaire, disposine oi mortiraL'e uronerty: uilumciit to pay Sikea & Co. (i0 and to pay all costs. Will Scott, disturbing peace; 15 and costs. W. C. Itiisliee, assault and bat tery and carrying concealed weap on; county jail two years in first case, and one in last case unless he leaves the Stale immediately at the expiration of first sentence. He is the man who shot ms loster-iainer James. Busliee plead his own case. Republican Speaking. Mr. W. B. Love of Monroe and Mr. Jake F. Newell of Charlotte will open the IJepublicat campaign in the comity at Flint Kidgo, New Salem township, Wednesday, the 12th, at 12 o'clock, under the aus pices of the I'leaaant lull ltepuuii can club, Everybody invited. At night one will speak at Kuto and one at the White school bouse in New Salens Chick, chick, chick, chickens. We waut a big lot right away Bruner & uuey, How to Avoid Appendicitis. Most victim! ol sppendicitii are tbone who are habitually couttipated. ro Icv'i Orino Laxative cares chronic coo stipstioo by stimulstinn the liver and bowels aud restores the natural action ot the bowels. Foley s Orino Laxative does not nauseate or gripe and is mild and rlMant to take. Refuse tobsti tutes. Entlisa Drug Company. Sotes From Tht Roa JsiJ. RCPl BUCANS ItT OCT TKKCT,-f j j--t,vin has lrn ....... . t .. ..r 1 l, We hear much alut the eiid'pj Rpjn,,!,,! Open. ' f Saih in.iun U-fr the ho the man who take the end of the aeat whether in public convey ance, places of entertainment r iu church, and refu to move l-wn to let others hare eats. But there is a class of h.ys that are il. seen on traiusthat are meaner than Zeb Vance Walter lakes a rthlarlmalUr A?-iatnil Murr W HooperupSrh-Everythint H ItarmoflMJUV I lu the nn-n f the Smith l rul l...e The fertility Kepublican ronven- from M larlnurk. anil tx- natio-ial, tiou nu t here Satunlay and nomi "" """ " l""--' iiate.1 candMUlea f.a-cii ity others, nlu tht .,n,.,.um t,,.wU, except for treasurer ami the Irgis . in.,., ih-,. f the u- ..f North the end hog. The end hv w aUlun. These were left open to lie aruiina'w.jkl th. thii-k Mr. thoroughbret, but the kind of hoc seen on train w not even a urst class hog, but a srruU He taker a seat, loads a great pile of liaggnge or even a single cae on the seat beside him, and refuses to hudge. Go on any traiu that's rrowiled and you will see this variety of scrub hog. Everybody has seen him sit with his baggage thus when women with children in their arms stood. The railroad officials ought to lr required to call down thia gentle man for he will nn doubt inform yon right away that he is a gentle man. When a ticket is bought the railroad company sells ouly one aeat, and it ought to see that the hogs don't get two while de"ciit people get none. On a train coming into Monroe a few nights ago, a young woman oc enpied a seat and beside her she had a four legged dog. Across the aisle from her sat one of the usual hogs, and beside him he kept two grips that might easily have lieen set on the floor. Yet the car was crowded and not only men. but sev eral women had no seats. The rail road is mighty vigilant to catch an occasional tramp who takes his life in his hands and steals a ride on the rods, but they let such cat tie as these steal seats that other passen gerearecntitled to without as much as saying word. They might ut least post a card in each car saying, 'Only Hogs Jteqniro Two Seats When the Car is Crowded." Chanire in Voting Precincts. The following changes have lieen made in the voting precincts for primaries in Jackson township: Hy making lines between Waxhaw and Wilson's Old Store to lie: from Monroe and Cureton Ferry road down to Davis branch, where it intercepts Waxhaw creek; thence down the creek to State line, and thence to Cureton Ferry road. All south of the alfive lines to vote at Wilsou'g Old Store; all north, ut Waxhaw. In (loose Creek there will ls three voting precincts: All those south of a line at Vance township at north Crooked creek, and with said creek to Furr's Ford on Law yer's road; thence said road to I '.en ton's Cross Bonds; thence the Con cord road to Crooked creek at Scott's bridge; thence down the creek to Ingram llagler's; thence straight line, passing A. !. K. Nance's and J. S. Mullis', to town ship lino at M. J. Mullis will vote at I moil ville. I omuie ncing at a line w here (.loose creek empties iifo Rocky river, and running up (he creek to Concord road; nm! thence with Concord road to Scott's bridge across Crooked creek nil east of the above lines will vole at Icing's Store. All others in the township will voteutJ.T. Helms'. Registrars and Judges of Election. The following have been appoint ed registrars and judges of election for the primary, August loth, and for August '22nd in case there is a second primary: NOUTII MONUOK rifl'rlMT. Henry B. Shtite, K. C. Winches ter, judges; J. W. Helms, registrar. Htil'Tll MtiNkoK I'HI'.clXi'T. P. B. Blakeney, W. II. Martin, ndges; L. It. Helms, registrar. KAXT SANDY lillMiK. J. ('. lloiieycutt. T. It. Moore, pidgcs; K. It. tutiibcilson, regis trar. WKST KANDY It I IK IK.. C. O Howard, E. W. Thomas, judges; u. meiiwaiu, registrar. WAXHAW. J. II. liichardsoii, J. IS. K.ison, ndges; It. T. Sislare, registrar. WII-MtiN's ol.li SToltK. W. S. Billtie, H. B. McCain, judges; W. A. Seal, registrar. ikiiv'h. Marlon Starnes, Hutchison Yar Ixiro, judges; D. ('. Montgomery, registrar. AKMI IKI I) S. Henderson Davis, Thomas Fun derburk, judges; T. C. Eubanks, registrar. l.ANKH CHKKK. Charles Bushing, B. F. Parker, judges; T. D. Ijee, registrar. OI.IVK IIKAM It. Archie Uaddy, II. W. St;iton, judges; II. T. Bauconi, registrar. Kt'TO. T. Ii. Austin, B. W. Smith, judges; J. S. Smith, registrar. NOUTII tiOOSK CliKI.K. J. T. Baneom, I. A. Clouts. judges; I S. Pigg, registrar. .ONI) S NTOKK. JefTLittle, .judges; i-.nl ,.l ii,- .l,a..i,..i. ..I ilu .. Hryan would hi Mjit by .i utive couiio ttee. This a.Hon Is ,h Buiny Un.rj, , vutr Ih.Might to I for the purixwe of., itt. j,.,luilmn tuk.-i. having the way 'lear to endorse j "1 aw an iti-ni in tlw-t 'harlot te (l M.me nominally imleiieudeut ticket ; m' r l'i4.-t.i crr,m.l - .. , - , . -f ... u-nt ittittift; that I rw im-n-n-4 in taialile for the legislature If oiieaprs.iir(it.rU.Ht4iuB nmnu. ,,,,,, The other iiomiuations are as M-j WM n,., hlf a milium .fci'lirs. Ami lows, all of which were unanimous, j ttiey talk tit a tmii-. Vho oui.l and only one or two with any opisi- wP tlut f. :rv' Wh. woukl oji ' I the rvsi-Ml ooiiditHMi il thir-u in thi ": . ..- .... ,u . irountrv il Mv to the ills h- knu Slu-nfl: A ill Bigg rsof S.iudy ! mit t n ,,.; trva ti,k.-.l fn-e sil ver, tin- immortal ! I" 1. uitil m- pit Biiliie. County Commissioners: T. C. Braswell of New Salem, J. O. Fin cherof Bofonl. and J.unes I. (irif till of (itHne Creek. Begister of Deeils: Henry M. lUueoiu of (iiaise Creek. County Surveyor: David Austin of (ioosr Creek. Coroner: J. D. A. Secrest. Cottou Weigher for Monroe: Frank U Condor of Vatice. Mr. W. It. Fiiive was unanimous lyeudoised for congrens from this district All the towushipa of the county were reptesenteil exivpt Lanes Cn-ck. The convention w as some what larger than usual and peace apiwaix to nigu among the breth ren, us S. II. lingers and Ksq. C. J. Biaswell, who some mouths back had a lively chat through the col umns of The Journal, were both Maeeable aud enthusiastic iu the meeting. Squire Braswell took an active part iu the work, and though there were some new fai-es present it was easily to he sccu that the i war. lieiKililiran l'nvs r Ul that They usil to talk me almost cuiiv-rt d. 1 ihi wisiUI ihink the worUt wtsiht eome to an end if we did not have frts.- f ivi-r. Yoil will not hear it thw war. itv nutv-iunsl uIkmjI th tariff; they ust-d to say that if this country did not pvt ml of tlu tanlf. evcrythimr was hot. TIk-ii Mr. l:ran, whocLs siHtie new idea alssit the Wii tin poviTfimcnt hHild Is- ron-dut-l rvery year. t j;an to talk nlsiut owning the railroads. No o-h- knows whatm.4 txM .rosKii'.ion will Is-, not even his own party, w hich is kept in constant doubt as to what is roniing nexL" Mr. Helms' 84th BirthJay. Wrlllrn f.,r 1 h- Jnurii.. More than cue hundred triple as scmblrd at the home of Mr. I. Am brose Helms on hist Saturday to cel ebrate his hpli birthday. Mi. I Maw was bora on August H, l:M, in Mon roe township, an. I has lived all liis life within one mile of his birthplace. He has all this time lived a quiet, unassuming life, being never for ward, but his is a mur 1 to be proud of. His is a life ix-autifiil in itssim- plicity and immaculate in character. Vi.viir llironclioiit Ibis ltfir lif.-. ti:w same parties who have had things! jie .a a W1tm-ss in court nor m- Aaron Little, registrar. I NIONVII.I.K. I. A. Clonic, J. T. Hamilton judges; K. J. Griflin, registrar. INDIAN THAU- A. F. Starnes, F. M. Yandle, j udges ; M. T. Stallings, regtst rar, Speaking at Carmel. CorrfNuoDilcac uf Tnc itmrnal. At the reuesi of the people or this section an appointment was made and all the hirislative candidates were invi ted to soesk at ML Carmel on last Sat ui-dav nnfht. Owinir to the inclemency of the weather none of the candidates were present except the Hon. James N. Price and Jackson sold wnr horse Dem ocrat, Eaq. Henry McWhorter, who made one of his characteristic speeches which was much enjoyed by the larire audienre. He was followed by the Hon. James N. Price, who spoke for more than an hour, laying special stress on the recorder court, the opposition to which he savs comes from a few in terested individuals. Mr. Trice said the attack made on him and hie eolleairues in the last legislature in the papers over falae names were cowardly and that he was not ashamed of hia record and insisted that the opposition come ont openly and that he will meet them at any time and place and discuss it Mr. Trice made a masterly sjwech in defense of the recorder's court and was repeatedly interrupted by continued applause. their own way in the county have not loosened their grip a little bit. lU-fore the convention met in the opera house, which was necessary liecauso the court was using the court house, Don. Zeb Vance Wal ser of Lexington addressed a good crowd in the court house. He did not discuss any issues at all, but made a lively whooping up speech iu praise of Judge Talt and the party. He said that inasmuch as 111. Van and Keru had lsen buried twice each and were dead, he had nothing bard to say alsiut them lie- cause it was not right to speak dis respectfully orthedead. Going on Mr. Walsersaid: have come here to talk a little while iiMn the great principles of the Ki'imbliran party. Over in theStatcof Virginia, Judge Tuft, who ia spending the summer ut Hot Springs, aildressed the members of the SlHte liar Associa tion the other day, and he was startled, I presume, bv the announcement of the president of that association that in this election he expected to think freely and act indcjienilently, and would vote for Taft. So the East, or more proin rly the veast. is beginning to rise. Whv. in (ieorgia, where they say they are al ways raising hell, the Kepuhlican par ty may well-nigh carry the State. The Democrats told us we were going to have freedom of thought and action in North ( arolina after the amendment was passed. The time has come in the South when they cannot say the Repub lican party is the party of sectional prejudice. When 1 was growing up it was very difficult for a young man in .virin v arooiiH 10 ova ivepuoucun, nui for the past ten years the people of our Southland have been getting ready to vote the Republican ticket; and for ten years the Republican candidates have icen casting their eves Southward. President Mi Kinlev Put the gallant ticneral Wheeler in charge of the cav alry forces in the Philippine, and Roosevelt has been looking Southward. I was glad that Judge Taft had decided to remain at Hot Springs for the sum mer." Mr. WaUer eulogized Taft as a man not only big in body, but big in mind and heart and soul. "The iK-mocrats say, you Republi cans have talked pnunicrity until you iok prosper! tv; you talked dinner pad until you looked like a dinner pail. Ami this time thev have tne panic. v,c ilid talk utsiut the Punic under Mr. Cleveland, and now they say what are you Republicans going to do about the panic: II a panic means tne nignest prices for com ami cotton we have had for ninny years, I say men give us thai Kepuhlican panic. 1 lie Repulilican panic is a prosperity panic, senator Overman told the truthoverat Waxhaw the other lay (Thursday) when he said this was i money 1111100. It was started up in Wall Street to keep Roosevelt from be ing nominated. A panic! Why prices have been going higher and higher. The farmers of this country are not going to kick on that. We have a President who took the wrongs of this country and buried them deep. That man has done more for the upbuilding of this country than all the other Presidents mt together, ror seven long years he ins stood bv the people of this country and today he is more beloved by the people than any other man, )K?rhiips, since the days of Henry Clay. The Re publican party always nominates its best man for the presidency. The bu mess interests ol tnccountry nenena on the success of that party at the polls. When they went out to micago they looked all around and n.-.med this mag nificent man, Judge Taft. A prominent Democrat said to me, "Vou have nomi nated the U-st all around man for the nrvaidencv since IStKI.' I replied, 'Yes, we alwuvs do nominate the best man; and if you do not nominate a better man than you have this year, you won't get a President in l.H years.' North Carolina has alwavs been ready to go Republican. One question in the way was the negro j 1 - li.tl.. iUeslHMl, li:u we juoiei in mr a. i- ilemcnt of it. It ought never to have 111 a political question. Hut we have quit going after the colored vote now, and somebiKlv else ia after it." The speaker read a dispatch from the Asso ciated Tress concerning a party of ne groes visiting Mr. Bryan at rairview, tin! commented unon it. 'If Roosevelt hasn't another princi ple, he has at lenst the courage of his convictions. 1 nis was snown ny ms ac tion in the BrownvilleatTair. W hen the colored ueonle got tnere to see Mr. Hry nn hn was there? Jrsenhus Daniels. .Inacnhua. w ho has for a quarter of a century denounced the Repulilican party in North Carolina because it was a par ty of colored voters. 1 would have given iliHl dollars to have been there ins cor ner of the lot to see Joe. I don t know whether they had watermelon there or not. I would have given half of my in heritnnre to have seen Joe and the crowd there eating watermelon. It all dcienda uon whose ox is gored. Now that Josephu is going to be Secretary of War. he is lust smiling, ard willing to take them if he can get them, and he wants them quick and bad. Joe de nied it the other day and said he just happened to be there. That he didn't mt chicken or watermelon. This dis patch says. There were quite a number of colored people at rairview looay. Trotiably the most important visitor was Joaephus Daniels.' Probably! Of course. Mr. Daniels doesn't want any of their votes. 1 only mention this to dieted for any crime. When the Civil war bflke out lie was among the first to Vuliiiitocr and served throughout the entire struggle, be ing in many of the fiercest battles, but came out ui'.liout a scratch. Mr. Helms is the father of ten children, seven of whom are lining. All these were present. The grandchildren number twenty-five and the great grandchildren sixteen. Everybody carried well filled bas kets, and at 12:30 o'clock the con tents of these were spread on a long table cnt'ted for the purose under the stately oaks in the beautiful grove. It was a splendid sight to behold. There were viands enough b) allure the taste even of the most delicate, anil gntlii'c to say, 'Sipiires Hob (iordoii and Tom Secrest did justice to the invasion. .May this grand man live to celebrate many mure birt Inlays. Ht Followed th Wattr. "Could u do something for a poor old sailor?" nskeil 11 wanderer nt the rear door of n suhtirluiu liouso one morning rovutly. "IVsir old sailor!" echoed the hnuso wtfe. who had oihmhiI the door. "Ycs'in. I followed the water for twenty years." "Well," said the lady ns she slummed the door In the fair of her unwelcome visitor, "nil I've got to suy Is you cer tainly don't look ns t hough you h;.d ever caught It."- Loudon Answers. "AJwandrla. Egypt." All correspondents with Kgypt In nil parts of the world should lw warned Hint It Is necessary to put the nurd Kgyi't" on all coniinuiilciitl"ns ad dressed to Alexandria, lis a grent deal f trouble mid auiioviini'c has ticcn caused owing tn communications nd drcsscd tn the rgyptlan city being de livered to Scotland. Ciniailii. New South Wales, ( ai Colony, Italy, the t'nllnl States of America and other countries wticro towns of the same name exist Kgyptlan Cnzette. Alexandria. Wanted .MM I pounds well cured ouutrv hams. ISring them at once while they are bringing high prices. limner V lluey. TIME AT THE POLES. H la Practiully Any Hew f th Oar You Pitas. Tb" who are comrwant with the v ..f g...la know that all the airrtd Wns f-f ki!ilu,l4p starting frotii the equat-r c4ien:e toaani and ous-t at tltt k-4. 1 tm-f kit 'W. t.Mk. th.it fc"ti tu.lt picidts-a time ami that l!nVn-nre ST fcaigtiu.b- is it:nVnuce u time. Tbey know . .y Weil fi it wh-n It tat o-.n tn Imi.I.,'i it I. a I-nt Yk-k In the moruiug In IU.-t.ui, and tbut worn It la H...11 In San I'raiu-iK-i It ia about a ouarler pjt 3 In tl ariernoua In New York. X'.w. as the RM-rMian of fxxHlon i tenils to tlie nonli I'-l. It nect-ssarlly ensutsi that wtieii It la iHn lu ttw Kds IUu capital h must also tw main at the north n.'k- In a similar nianner wnen It U liuoii at bton, or In Kan I ralK-ls-cn. or at IVkln. or any other place sltu.ttcil lu the nortla-rn h ndsplirre. It r.illnu tluit II must also v noon at tlie l-au-4 all ttie nirrtdlaua of those places unite at th north pole. TherefoOf It Is noon all day lung at th pole. Thus there Is an eutlre alisence of time at the Mk. Hut It would be just as corrwt la say that It la a place where there Is a preponderance of time, for It Is practically any time uf day during th whole, twenty four hours or. Indeed, through the year. In fact, a retldt-nt at tlut north pole could make It any time of day he might choose to select with th eon rckiusncs that It would b th right time. A POETS DIET. Byro 'a Strenuous Efforts t Ketp Himself From Catting Fat "You mention Itrownlng'a Idea that starvntlou was tint cure for all tn ills of the llcfcli -hls own, at any rate," savs a correspondent "Ilrownlng was not the only poet with iwcullar views on the sulijci-t (loe of Hyroo's chief fears was that of becouilug fat and to avoid It lie ul'teu resorted to eitrs or dinary srntenis of diet. At Athena he lived mainly on rice and vinegar and water. Later he confined himself to six biscuits a day and tea. In IMG he bad so restricted his diet that be was obliged to keep dow n hunger by chew ing ninstlc and totmcco. 'Don Juan' was written on gin and water.1" Itymn. It has tm-n Minted out was one of those furedisimcd by their con stitutions to fatness Id mliMle life, whether they eat much or tittle, and his victory over nature In this respect for he sueceedi-d lu reducing himself by tbi-se violent methods-has been quoted as one of the most remarkable achievements of the bun. an will, con sidering all the circumstances. It must have Invn hitter to him to see such a man n llenn Itrunmiel. who at and drunk fris-ly and took no exercise, re taining without nn effort all the ele gance uf Injure that was Ills greatest gift No wonder Myron's was the po etry of gloom. -I-ondon News. LEE & LEE COMPANY. THE LEADING DEI GOODS, I0TI0S!, CLOTHIIG, HUTS' tTlSEJCS, UT 119 SHOE STOLE 15 Mi:Z. I? educed Prices on Spring and Summer Dress (joods. Calico, (iinghunis, Pereals White (joods. Lawns, will lie sold at prices that will interest you. Also a small lot of Silks will he nllered this week at and below cost. Lee & Lee Company. Sailing Clubs. The first sailing club wai probably the Cork Harlsir Water club, now known as the Itoyal Cork Yacht club, established In the year 7M. Tbo ves sels were small, and from that period until early In the nineteenth century yachting develoied Put slowly. In lM'J the Cones Yucht club was found ed with tome tlfty live yachtsmen. Sinew that dutp yachting associations have rapidly grown In numliers and strength nil over Europe aud America. -New York American. Special Iotiees Can You Afford A Vacation Trip If you cannot afford a vacation trip this summer, let this be a hint to you: Open sn account in our Savings Department, sdd a little each week or each month and next summer you will be able to afford the finest kind of a trip. 4 per cent Interest, compounded four times a yenr. We now solicit Checking Accounts and invite you to oix-n an account with us. The Savings, Loan & Trust Company. R. B. Red wine. Tres. H. B. Clark, Cashier. KKMKMI'.KU we will have a "West ern Komance, or in the Days of 4'V at The Dixie Thursday and Friday niirht. lie sure to see it. Sll API'S 25 cents ;i"k1 ones, too at the Monroe Furniture Company's. McRAE MERCANTILE CO. The name that once learned i.s not forgotten. Personally Conducted Tour to Niagara Falls at Very Low Rates Via Seaboard Air Line Railway Sept. 2nd, in Charge of Hr. and Mrs. C. H. Gattls. I'arty will be Away U Days. A IH-lijtht-ful Trip To iioints of interest in and around Niagara Kails, Toronto, lluffulo, Alba ny, day trip down the beautiful Hudson Kiver, New York, I'hiladelpliia, A t In ti tle City and Washington Citv. at VKR Y LOW KATKS, both railroad and hotels, r',uroM'an and American plan, person ally conducted by Mr. C. H. (iuttis, Travelling I'sssetiRer Airent Seaboard Air Line Railway, and Mrs. (bittis, leav ing points in the State Wednesday morning, September 'Jnil, returning home about September 1'ith. with three to five days stop over at the principal points of interest. Hound trip railroad tare win cost nlmut $:to.W from Raleigh and Durham, Charlotte atiout cliUM, Wilmington $.!!. an. and the same basis from other points, and l'ullman cars will lie pro vided tor the exclusive useoi me party with additional cost of alsiut $lu.(i a-r berth, though for two occupying the same berth the Pullman will la; only half of the alaive amount for the entire trip. Special low side trip rates will la made for the party over the Richlieu & Ontario Navigation Company, Niagara Gorge Electric R. R., Niagara Belt Line, Niagara Transfer Company, Ni agara Navigation Company and tne Ni agara t alls Cark and Kiver t ompany ami any other of the side trip routes the nartv may desire to take. The tnn is maile at the lowest rates of the season, as the party will travel on low uartv rate tickets lor ten or more people, and nothing will lie lack nig in all the necessary arrangements to make the trip pleasant aial comfort able to all. A more delightful time could not he selected, as early in September is the most attractive season of the year for parties to visit Niagara Falls and the Last, time will lie spent in Toronto, during the Great Canadian Fair, and also dunrur the opening of the theatri cal season in New York, Philadelphia ami Washington. Those interested should write to the undersigned at once for detail informa tion, illustrated booklets; and the first applications get the lower bertha. C. H. GATTIS, Traveling Passenger Agent, RaUUOH, N. C those who are'not our customers ask about us and come to see uh. We'll do the rest.". McRAE MERCANTILE GO. The leading Store in General Merchandise. HONE No. 43. LOAN & TRUST BUILDING. We have hundreds of satisfied customers throughout this and ad joining counties that testify to the alsive fact We are here to do business to the interest of the people and ourselves, for one to Ik prosH'Mus and happy both must lie. All the goods we sell are the 1 WILL fill bills on short notice at , .... mi l . r- i. mvsaw mill near Altan. J. V. McCain, oesi lor ine money, niose w no are our customers leu your menus, W axhaw, N. I . FOR SALE Davis sewing marhine n cimmI nnler. neurtv us irood as new. $10. Hig bargain. I'hone No. KI. LOCAL views on iost cards just re ceived, l ive and I en t ems More. PON'T forget those high grade, auto matic head lift, double sooler, self- hreailing shuttle sewing machines, so heap at the Monroe r urnitiire t o. s. A LOT of six-fool pattern rugs for "ill cents; Mi-inch size, cents. Monrw Furniture Company. SEE the Acrobatic Skaters at The Dixie tonight. OPEN an account with The Savings, Ixain and Trust Company. Wc are now taking dcKsits subject to check, and will lie glad to take care of the needs of our regular depositors. U. H. Red- wine, president. 11. H. I lark, cashier. A FEW more hammocks to close at a bargain. Monroe Furniture Company. 151' Y your mosquito canopies at the Molina' Furniture Company's. FOR SALE :, feet of dry lum- lcr, ceiling and lloormg. M. II. Wch-ardson. DR. II. SMITH, eyesight specialist, Monroe. N. ('., can lie found at his of tice regularly until about the middle of August. If vou need glasses and have trouble with your eyes, call anil see him. The examination ia positively free, that costs $5,110 in other places. Methods the latest and up-to-date, ot- lice over W S. Krauss' jewelry store. THE pictures at The Dixie tonight and tomorrow nignt are - a iigni wiin the Masnueraders in Pans. "The Ac rotmtic Skaters," and "The Explosive Calf." Thursday and Friday nights A Western Romance, or in the Days of 4'.." FOR SALE - Good farm, well estab lished business, near Monroe. Address K, rare of Journal. THE friends and children of Mariar Robinson are asked to attend a reunion at my home Aug. Zi. Come, all are in vited. John Hlakeney, colored. P.L Y your milk and butter from cows that have neen tested and are sate. Ours are. Phone Wt. Pineland Dairy, FOR RENT Three new 4-room cot tages between Sanford and Kranch Sta., (near graded school) to white tenants only. City water on each hack porcn. Take a look at them and apply to hng lisn Drug company. CALL on F. B. Ashcraft for lime, cemenL ulaster of naria. wood fiber plaster, shingles, laths, etc. Delivered anywhere in city. FOR KOAl) t.VMMIMKIONKR. 1 hereby announce myself a candidate for road commissioner of Monroe town ship, subject to the Democratic primary. W. rKAISK MOKliAN. FOB (X)NSTAHl.E. 1 hereby announce myself a candidate for the office of constable of Sandy Kidge township, subject to the action of the Democratic primary. aj'LlFFORD FOWLER. The First National Bank OF MONROE. Our method of doing business holds old friendf and gains new ones. Q For years the leading banking institution of this sec tion. $$$$$$ The First National Bank. W. C. Heath, President. J. K. English, Vice Pres. Itoscoe Phller, Cashier. i Make Your 60010 Pleasant Uy buying your Gro ceries from the Doster Grocery Co. Every thing fresh and satis factory, and wc arc ready to please you in every respect, Wc buy all kinds of Country Froducc. DOSTER GROCERY CO.

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