Announcements. FOR SHERIFF. I kMrbrannounr im srlf a fanJUbtej fur theonVeof Mienff of I m. in county, subject la the 1 irin.irr.itir iinnwrv. jojin mt. I berrhT announce n.yxlf aran.lki.-Oi' for Iheolfiit'of Shentl I'nwn county. subject to the artHMi of the IVmwratic . pnmary. U. l. SlYKK. j I brrrlT announce mysrlf a candidate , fur throltW of ShrnrT of I nion county, j aubjivt to the action of the IVm.-rntu-primary. S. M. PAKkKK. I hereby announce my'lf a catIibte 1 for th oAicv of Shcntl of 1'iiion ruui.ty j subject to the lk inT."ir or niarv. THtiS. f. l.iX. I hervhr announce ni.'M-lf a j fur Sheriff of I iimmi county. Mibirrt to! the action of the IK m r..tic 'r-iry. ! w. M. t laivv. I hereby aniHKinoe my If a catniktite ! for theotlkvof SIh ritf of I'nion county. I auhjert to the anion of the IS n',nilic primary. C. J. l Kr IHI. I hereby announce m If a candidate for the olliceof hcriiTof l'monrouiit, subject to the action of the H murrain' party. J. I. 'i:K- KtiR TKK.VSt'KKR. 1 herebv announce imsttf a candidate for the olfice of County Trea-aircr. iil iect to the actum of the IHmocratie primary MAKU'S A. BIIIKKK. I hereby announce imu'lf a candidate for re-election to theotli vof Treasurer of Union cwnty. sui.j.vt to the artion of the llemocratic primary. JAMKS H. W ll.l lAMS. I hereby announce nnx-lf a candidate for the office of trcuurcr of I'nion county, subject to the artion of the Democratic primary. EH J. !IVKXS. riedjrintr myself to ahiile by the ac tion of the lenHcra!e primary, I here by announce my candidacy for the ollice of treasurer of I'nion coii'ilv. (iKt). M. "I.ANEY. FUR RKCISTKK. Subject to the artion of the IVnio rratic primary, I hereby announce my candidacy for the oilier of rvciUT "'f deedi of Union countv. SI. ('. l.OSC. I am a candidate for re-election to the office of register of deeds of I'nion county, uledKing myself to abide by the artion of the Democratic prinriry. J. Kll STEWART. I hereby announce myself a candidate for the ottice of reiristi r of drrds for I! nion county, sub'oct to the 1 icii'twit ic primary. liUllil! T tlKIH-'lN. I hereby announce mvsrll' a candidate for the office of Hceislcr of I Veda for Union county, subject to tin1 action ol' the Democratic primary. IIKNKY I".. l'linWK!.l.. I hereby announce myself a candidate for the office of Register of Deeds for Union countv, subject tothc Democratic primary. ' W. li. NTKKI.K. 1 hereby announce myself :i candidate for the oliice of i;-i;it r of Deeds for Union county, sulgocl to the action of Ihe llemocralic priinarv. .1. D. SIMPSON. elf il candidate Plain Talks on Fertilizers Increasing and Safeguarding the Wheat-Crop The use of com mercial fertilizer on the wheat crop b year ly becoming more general priaif enough that it joys and pays wel Too many farmers. however, use fertilizers without due regard for the Seiul needs i4 their soil. Often they buy the t'heajot grades. Or they uo very Stru',1 quant it ies. That such unscientific use of fertili zers has proved r-roiitublc indi cate what it tan accomplish tor wheat grow ers if used m're carefully and intelli gently. The best way to learn just viut fertilizers will pay you best is to make com parative tests on a small &ale with your soils then use a rrv i 'V ) sufficient amount and you will undoubtedly increase not only the average yields, but your profits as well Write to the Virginia-Carolina Chem ical Company for its new Year lk or Al manac, a costly 130 page book, written by government and private experts. It shows how and why yni can in crease your cnps three or four fold by following rmxl ern agticul ttiral methtals. A postal to any of the Com pany's offices given below wm Dring a copy by nuil free of charge. VIItmU-CAROLlNA CHEMICAL CO. Kkhmnnd. V ISelvim N.C C-ilunt-U. S C AlUulA. C.a. Ciuratu. OA, S0IM14I1. (. M mi-hi. 1 ma. 1 hereby anmiunce mv for the oilier of KegiHter of Deeds of I'ninn county, stibjeei to ihe action ol the Democratic pnmarv. 1 i;e si. ihiwev. koit cdmsiissionek. I hereby announce nn ..elf a candidate for the otliee of county commissioner, mibjtvt to the action ol tla hennHTatie primary. J. H. WISt'llESTEK. I hereby announce myself a candidjite for the ollice of countv eomtnissionrr, subject to the artion ol' the Democratic primary. DANIEL W. Al SUN. I hereby announce myself a candidate for the olnceof commissioner for I'nion county, subject to the actum of the Demoeratic priinarv. Tilt IS. I. (!!! D N. I hereby aiiiioiiiice myself a candidate for the oilier id' commissioner of I 'mop county, subject tothcachon of the Di m wratic primary. W. tl. I.ONti. I hereby announce myself a candidate for re-election to the ollice of county commissioner for I nion county, subject to the action of tne Dcniorralic priinarv. JKUUK C. I.ANKV I heri'by announce myself a candidate for the nomination as a county commis sioner of Dniun county, subject to tlu action of the primaries. HIRASI T. HAirnsi. VOR CONSfAHI.E. I hereby announce myself 11 candidate for constable of Monroe township, sub ject to the action of the Democratic primary. W. C. (tlrorgel KAI'E. I hereby announce myself a candidate for constable of Monroe township, sub ject to the artion of the Democratic primary. W. EKANK I!l'.NTl)N. KK Nl'KVKYiiK. I hereby announce myself 11 candidate for re-election to the otlice of surveyor for Union county, subject to the action of the Democratic primary. K. W. EI.I.UTT. KoK i'u;iiKU. I hereby announce myself ariuuliilate for the otlice of coroner of I'nion coun ty, subject to the Democratic primary. J. S. ri.YI.EK. I hereby announce myself a candidate for the otlice of coroner of I'nion coun ty, subject to the action of the Demo cratic primary. V'EUNd.N I.ONli. FOR REPRESENTATIVE. I hereby announce myself a candidate for Representative of I rion County, uhject to the action of the Democratic primHy: NEV SIi NEEI.V. I hereby announce myself 11 candidate for representative of I'nion county, sub ject to the action of the Democratic primary. ,1. N. I'Rlt'K. 1 hereby announce myself a candidate for theomeeof representative of Cnion county in the General Assembly, sub ject 10 ine uemocnttic primary. R. V. HOUSTON I hereby announce myself a candidate ror the ottice of representative of I n ion county in the next (ieneral Assem bly, subject to the Democratic pjiinary. JULIAN ('. HKOOKS. 1 hereby Announce myself a candidate for representative from Union countv in the next lieneral Assembly, subject 10 ine oemocratir primary. R. W. LEMMONl), FOR COTTON WEIGHER. i hereby announce myself a candidate for re-election to the olfice of cotton weigher for the City of Monroe, subject to the action of the Democratic prima- ry. CHARLES H. BARDEN. I hereby announce myself 1 candidate for the office of cotton weigher for the town of Monroe, subject to the Demo cratic primary. C. JL RICHARDSON. 1 hereby announce myself a candidate for the oniceof cotton weigher for Mon roe, subject to the IVmocratic primary. LUTHER WILLIAMS. I hereby announce myself a candidate . for the otlice of cotton weigher for Slon roe. subject to the action of the Demo cratic primary. K1SDKN T. PKKSSON. . i 1 hereby announce myself a candidate for the otlice of cotton weigher for Slonrue, subject to the action of the Demoeratic priinarv. T. J. CAUDLE. FOR MAGISTRATE. I hereby announee nnself a candidate for the ollice of magistrate for Huford township, suhjret to the action of the. Democratic primary. : P. 1.. C WHITLEY, j FOR ROAD COS1SIISSIOSKR. j I hereby announce myself a candidate . for the odice of nad commissioner for. .Monroe township. .1. W. t'llANEY. I i The Koad Commissioners of Slonre . Tow nship announce themselves for re election, subject to the Democratic pri- ; manes. J. SI. FAIRI.EY. ' T. E. WILLIAMS. CEO. S. LEE. We suggest the fame of Ihck llrlnis for lioad t oinmisMoiirr. SbmriH' tow n ship. There is a new one to be rU-eted , in place of one whose term expires by long service. Sir. Helms is situated in the section of the township from which trie commissioner snouiu iieeiecieu. II is well iinililied in every way for th work. SIa.W Vothus. KMPf-liOK HARKIMAN. America's Mo.t IVwerlul Citlen. Thirty Thousand fliles of kail raJ Now Under tti. Control. The Truth About fir. Bryan' At titude Toward tb Ncrw. anrk Xtb uIiiUkw. Some days o a commitW of ne- pMe in I jucoln. NVbraska, wrat out lotLr hooieof Mr. Bryan and through their spokesman told him that thej had organized a club uf negn h bad decided to vote fr him for IVs idenL ilt. ltrvan didn't kick them Jo n the steps but treated them 1 -ic'.ly as Mr. Cleveland did in 1:' when negro clubs in tlie North vol unteered thetr stipHirt to the New York candidate for the presidency. After the negroes made thotr can Mr. Hryan returned to the work i f tue Jav and the negro delegttii-n ooardei the ear and returned to ivln. r'nun that iucidi lit, hk'h has been duplicated in every campaign since IMkS in hich some Northern ne groes have supimrted the IVinorralic canJidak' for I'n-si but. the ICadica! leaslers iu North t'anhna and cer tain other opponents of iVinierai have sought to injure Mr. Hryan with Southern voU'rs hv coiicvting a lie out of the whole rMh lv deelarin that "Mr ltrvan served fnel chicks to t! e negro di legatioii," and that I was asKm-uting with them on tl siitne terms that Adaius, lUini'aii llildehraibl and all the North Car. Itua llepiihlicatis associated with the negn' of North t andtna prior the adoption of the constitution atnendmeut. Not content with tb ir mitigation of the he that Mr. Hn an luriii.slied tlie ner with frusl hicken, other Munehaiistiis have manufactiirt'd and sent out an ei:al ly false story to the effect that the negroes were given lunch on the lawn. To top the climax of falsehood 1 0111 itson s paiHT prints a eartoi lalielled "I'uik Tea and Fried Chick en at rairview, caricaturing Mr. Hryan by having him attired as a waiter, smiling ouseiimnusiy on thick-lipped negroes to whom he was svrvint: lunch. W hen the public tin dersLiuds that there is not a word of truth in the statement tiHn which these cartiions and falsehmHls are baseil, and that the negroes who vis- (ieortia U Aroused Over Treat meat As to Printing ftamrl at lis CoovkU; But Not Troub-, iim Pipurk. line About the Children. I All newspapers vOjer or lur fa"e tornai. the lroutilesime iroioitkjo of pub- The State is rig'itly eiereised over ! Iishing or twiitUng the proceedings ine innuman irtatmeni 01 iu c n-ioi tue poiHw courts. IVrhaps vu-ts and isp ttuig more detenu iiM newspaper man, espeeiallr in the rery day, as new revelations are 'smaller towns, take any pleasure made, t. end the eonvk t lease sys- publishing this tale of woe; certainly icm, amen is r s-usi(ie lor the we do not II the matter i publisl abuse. Il should n.4 I fiTgi-tten ed at all, all of it must be printed 111 sane discussion or the problem. Wry man rnut fare alike; if nme4" bweer. that lluse men are felons,' it i printrd. more than once item conhUM 01 en me. and tightly de- uf great news talue go by the board. pnved .d tlieir lit rly, and that the It is a troublesome iu stion. Uva- SUU? hasa right for their enforced imonally onie man geU before the iaur. at least 10 tne extent d nn-t-t majir wl Las no business in uch ing the public eetise which is a place, and it goes against the grain caused ny criith'. it wji a iiiiinaiie for thelisiaUh toiuention thetnal; anseiiiiinent 10 ti e nobler lull, wtiu li but if the i.r d. vi are U he ut dtrlared that these ix-uvids should in the piiper'-ivitainly the eliance in be woikfd more than ten hours or aivideiital offender of higher elas THE NORMAN FARMER. H Ctrritj Hit Top Soil With Him Whin Ha Movoi. The modem farmer wits applying rlecti'lriil mnssiin to r curt horse's sprained kin. I Hiring the Intervals of rest he talked farm ta Ik. "There nre teimnts." he ssld, "w ho. wlicn they move, curry 1 lie Lr f;irins with theiu ns the tortoise does his home. Those eople are the Noriusn French, the world's Irst fnrmers Where you or I would mjiilre twenty or thirty acres of limit to luvp one fam ily, the French farmer will keep hi family on s ipmrter of an acre. If be chose to cultivate twenty or thirty acres he would Iweoni a millionaire His secret lies In the perfection to which he bring! his top anil. What with fcrtllltlng and waterliiK and rleur Ing, his top soil la the blackest, fluest. richest aoll on earth. Ilia top soli Is to the French furiner what her voice Is to a prima donna. Ami when he rents he contracts that oil the termina tion of hla lense he may cany off eighteen Inches of th top aoll with him. "When you are a French fanner mov ing one small cart carries hi house hold U"'l. and Iu seven or eight enor mous ilrnys his top sol) lumber on be hind." New York Press. After having nearly surrounded "0" 'arm were not given 1 .1.... . 4. .... i ..1. 11... amuiiug 10 eat or tu iiik, uiex- ai- tempts to injure him 111 the Suit h by Kepublicans.Toiii Watson, and their allies will recoil iiMn the heads o! the fellows who sbmp to invent false IhshIs. In IS'.1!' there were tliousands of negrn's ill the .North who voted ii Sir. t Ieveland. niost ol them liecause thev had IsM-n offetbled with Mr u risou. This vear si'ine of them s.iv thev will vote for Hrvan Uvanse Mr. Taft does nut please them.ani immittee went to Sir. ltrvan am volunteered their support, as thev did to Mr. Cleveland III IV.12. I.iki ther Northern I h-tiiin'rats, Mr Clew- uid and Mr Hrvan s.ud they won I Is' glad to hae the support of all voters who reposed eoiihdeibe in their character and in their policies he attempt to traduce the iiu ni ry of Mr. Cleveland by intimating that he was tmvorthv of Smtlit rn siipiiort tyvause he didn't refuse U accept a vote from a negro, and the slanders about Sir. urvan lor billow ing the same course Mr. Clevelain pursued in Ins three campaigns, hows the depths to which North Carolina Kepiibln ans and their nl lies haw resorted 111 an attempt to make voters lielirvca falsehood alsuit a man who lives in the public eve .ind whom 110 truthful statement can injure. HOLDING THE BABY. THE MODERN HAT. I hereby announee myself candidate for the office of cotton for Monroe, sub ject to the action of the Kemoerntic prinwry, J. WALTER BKOOM. 1 hereby announee myself a candidate for the position of cotton weigher for the city of Monroe, subject to the ac tion of the Democratic primary. JOHN T. BELK. I hereby announee myself a candidate for cotton weigher for Monroe, subject to the Democratic primary, J. STANLEY POLK. Its Strious Defects From Ihs Hygisnie Point of Visw. The sl7i the style and Incidentally the cost of women' hats, an) a a w riter Iu the llerliiier I'lnsrlisu, h.iv taken up so much of the time of the people who uiiike hats a study that they have not had a moment to devote to the head covering of tile storuer Hex. Con sidered from ttiu hygienic point of view, little fault cuu lie found with the huts of our sisters, ilthouiib some of tlictii, when viewed through the glass of reason, nre unthinkable. Hut men' hats are faulty from the physician' point of view, and wider knowledire of the defects of the modern bat would add to the already lame army of br hctidcd men. In order to deinunatrata which hat should be avoided a per fectly healthy man was placed wber the rays or the un could strike him di rectly. He wore while taking the sun bath vaiioiia kind of bats fur a period of fifteen minute earn. Every bat con tained lu tlis crown a thermometer, and these recorded follow: The one In the pauaina hat IT degree, the atraw sailor tit, the llk bat Mil, ths felt hat 00 and the black hat and yachting cap HO and 100 degree respectively. the iiimld system, Kdward II. Harri man has finally captured it. The "Colossus of luds" gets by a single agreement more miles of rail road under Ins control, raising tin total to .UMHM. lievrge (muld, in whose hands road alter rad gone into receivership, retains the same titular position as la-fore, but actual power passes t him of tl iron crasp. the constructive iniagi nation and the resistless energy This man llarrniiaii has made him self an empire w llhlll ihe K'tlllils of the I'uiled States. Ili dominate lines extending from the r.uilie I the Atlantic and from the lakes b the gulf. Over a seventh of the conn trv's mileage ola'vs him, and almut a .fourth of its railway capitalization Cioiild but forms the latest iu tin imll of magnates who liae mad terms as U-t they could with an tin wearving con iiiciit. The sweep of Ilarrmian cotiijiiest gis on regard less 1 'f panics, pol it ics, t he " I ig s! ick' or anything else. Today lie is the most otvrrtul .Miiencan citi.iii a much more powerful cituen than the ,'coiintrv should have for its good ! His activities are chief among thost ; which alTiird all social revolutionarie their chief inspiratim and encour agemeiit. WeshouM think that Mr. I'.dward ill. Ilarriman eotild aHord to rest iiHin his victories for a few months at least. Tried for Mis Life After Twenty. Seven Years. Ihirttam -.vtl .. . mi.t 1 i..fviT. there is considerable interest 111 the most unusual case of lr I'uryear of iranville county, who is this week Ui be placed on trial for Ins life 21 years afler he had killed a negro 111 that county. Durham has a large number of old (Iranville citizens who live here and many of the older set remember the circumstances of the murder more than a ipiarterof a century ago w hen lr. i'uryear was arrested but was de clared insane and sent to the State asylum. He escaped from that in stitution or was released goon after Foley' Kidney Remedy will cure any case of kidney or bladder trouble tbat it not beyond the reach of medi cine. No medicine can do more. Eng lish Drug Company. Oiarrhooa Whca yon want a quick car whhoat any loss of lima, and 00 that is followed by do bad results, was Chamberlain's Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy It never (ails and i pleasant to take. It is squally valuable bt children. It to nunons far to cwrca aver a law part ol lb dviliMd world. For sal by Or. S. ). Welsh. Introducing Nice Paint In Baby Car rlag Etiquatl. "That fellow doesn't know the Brat thing nkiut the etiquette of the baby carriage, remarked one of 1 group of men at Thirty-Brat and M iln atreet. The comment wa made to ill Id general way. One of the group, the man with a frayed collar and I look of pntlcnt resignation, gated anxiously at a rouplo alout to board a car. The mother wna apnrrlng lu a t1csHrate sort of way with one of thoae baby rarrlagea which ahop salesmen ran oieu and close lu minute and tin user In from Die to thirty minute. Ion't see anything wrong with that" said the man with the frayed collar, "lie's got to bold the btiliy even If sh dai have to wrestle with the carriage. You don't think h ought to hold the hahy and take car of the carriage, ton, do yooT . , , 1 1, 1, I "-o, iiM-ie tntm tiling sure, re- the commitment and r. I'urvear .,. .... ............. ...... "... V. .. know a thing about baby carriage eti quette. What you want to do It thla; If the Isihy weighs more than the car lived in the western part of this State and in other States for years. Then he went U) Virginia and about four years ago went back to the county in which the murder was done. Since then he has lived there unmolested and it was only recently that a neigh bor, with whom he had some trouble, caused his arrest a second time on the murder charge. Mr. W. S. llolloway of this citv. who lired in (Iranville at the time of tne Killing, nas gone ui ox lord as a witness that Ir. I'uryear was insane at the time uf the killing. The State's interest will be looked after by the new solicitor, Mr. Jones Fuller, and Judge . A. (rraham and Cen. H. 8. Itoyster will defend lr. I'uryear. Ite- ierring to this trial after so many years, Maj. W. A. Outline, one of the oldest members of the Durham bar, and among the most able of the law- rlage. It's the man's plnee In hold the huhy. If the rarrtuge welgha more, he should hand the hahy to hi wife." "Oh. plUlel" Interpolated the man with the big black elgar. "You're war o(T. What he ought to do la lo band the hahy to hi wife and the carriage to the conductor."-Kansas City Star. POINTING THE BONE. Qusse Native uptrstltlen of ths Blacks ef Austrslis. The native black of Australia are teeped In auperstltloa. A black fellow will on no account go near the apot when another black ba lieen hurled. He baa deep rooted aversion to on particular hlrd-th wagtail -hecauae, he says, "htm all day talk, talk along a whit feller, tellnm ill about black feller," and no opportunity I lost ot yera ui me riaie, nam WKiay mat on killing these little birds. one occasion no aeieniien a man wno Many -bury" their dead by was arrested nineteen years after a sticking tbem up into the fork of supposed murder and the man was d ther leaving them tut th acquitted. It was a negro who was fle"h h" either dropped or I wen taken, charged with killing his master. At le"',,, "' '"'m '"n- These bone the time nf tbn mir'i d...lh it ... ,r k" ". law one thnnobt b. v;n i. . f..n:l buri" h rolleat handed round t Z"Z Z.?jrj? k k" the- ner.y relate.! . , .uu.n. mlle- 0 the deceased. Should one Mark fel icttii jrniB anerasnM ou a uppaiexi low wish the death of a rtral or en- coniession. l no jiajor says mat was my b point th none at htm. Thl one of the most interesting of the mean that be take on of bla late re more than seventy people he has de- l'ln' bone from hi dllly bag and lended id trials for their lives. Dr. I'uryear was acquitted. She Likes Good Things. Mrs, Charles. . Smith of Went Franklin, Me., says: "I like good things and have adopted Dr. King's perhaps In a year, for so sooner la the Aew Lire I'll la as) onr family laxa tive medicine, beeanse they are good and do tbeir work without making a turn aliont it" Them painless pnriflera anLI at English Irng (tanpany'a. Ae. point It, In the preaence of witnesses, at the man b wis be to get rid of, all th tiro poorlug forth threat and curse. Strang a It may seem, tb on pointed at will often languish and eventually die. perbap In a month. pointed tbaa h make op bh nilnd ta die, and tbera I no saving him. Lmdoa Standard. DeWitl '. Littl Early Kiser. sale. ey, pleasant, tore, bill liver pills. Mi" oy cnguan mug company. er day. And yet in our excitement over this overshadowing qtuMion of the convict lease and its abuses we should not forget that aco-rding to the pre cut child labor law of lieorgia chil dren as young as ten years of age are allowed to work twelve hours a day. The code of lieorgia limits the hours of employment for children that work. except iu coltou and Wtt.l en mills, where the requirement is an eleven hour day for children with the privilege of arranging a sixty-six-hour week to suit the employer. The sixty-six hour wivk means a twelve hour day for the first five working days of the week, with a half holiday on Saturday. It is also a fact that lieorgia and North Caro lina are the only two Mates m the I nion which allow children t work a twelve-hour day and that .North Carolina lias a thirteen -year age limit, while (leorgia and South Caro lina are the only two Slates which allow children as voting as ten years of age to lie employed in factories, and .South Carolina has a sixty-hour week. So that ( leorgia stands atone in allowing a b n year old child b work a sixty-six-hour week in facto ries. This is also an indictment U our humanity. The general judiciary committee. one of the ablest committees of the, yesterday unanimously rec ommended the passage of three amendments hi the present child la bor law. The first makes the minimum age limit twelve years in factories. The second provides for a ten hour lay. And Ihe third amendment provides that the certificates as to schl at triidatice required bv the present aw shall lie issued bv the teacher of the school instead of by the pareut who is anxious to profit by the lalsir I Ins ollsprmg Although it is late in the session. we earnestly trust that these hiiuiaiii amendments will be sptvdilv adopt ed by Isith the House and tliH Siiab 111 order that another reproach may be removed from u It is estimated that there are at least un tiiousand children under the nge of sixteen vears 111 the man ufactiinng establishments of Cieor- gia. It needs no nrg.iment to prove that if the State is going to protect its criminals with a ten hour dav, it should give these innocent white hildreii - for these are almost exclu sively employed in factories the Ix'iielit of the same protection. ( Ine lass is as lielplivs as Ihe other, and the State is the guardian of them both 11 1 11st go m too. Wo would like to leave it all out, but every newspaper mau is under contract with bis read ers to print the news. A long as we fee 1 that obligation, we see no way out of the dilemma but to print all that Lapp ns in the mayor's court This tdTends some men and their families, and they blame the Dews p.qsT heartily, as if it had caused the whole trouble. Attention, Asthma 5uflerersl Foley's Honey auJ Tar will give in) mediate rebel to asthma sutlerert and bis ruieJ niany rases that bad lefua rd lo yield to oilier treatment. Ko ley's Honey and Tar is the best rem edy for roochs, colds and all throat and luug lioulde. Contains no barm fuldtugs. Kuclisb Plug Couipauy The First Job the llest.-This country was hctur iu acuuirini! its liberty ttian it is in preserving and in celebrating I jnilmatk. the same. Norfolk There are many imitations of le Witt a tarliohed Wili h lUcl Salvr but jus! one original, Nidliing else is 1 11st as good. Insist on IVWitt'a, 11 cleansing, cooling and soothing Suld by Kncjisli Plug Company. No one Is immune fiom kidney Iron hie, so just remember that Foley's Kidney Krmedy will stop the II ret 11 Unties and cure any cane of kidney or ladder trouble that is not beyoud the reach uf medicine, r.nghsh Prug Co. Union Institute. Fall term noons August Ath. The snme i tlicirnt faculty as lust year. Our students will now Is' admitted to the regular classes in the University on our certincate and recommeiumtion. No other students succeed hotter than ours iu college and the professions; and you will make no mistake ly patron izing our school. I'rospect are enrournging in every resieot. ror bitest catalogue or other infor mation address 0. C. HAMILTON, Principal, l NIONVII.I.K, NORTH I AKOI.INA. The North Carolina College of Agriculture and Mechanic Arts. Practical education in Agricult ure; in Civil, hleetneal, anil Me ehanical Engineering; in Cotton Manufacturing, iKeing and In dustrial Chemistry. Tuition 1.1 year; Itourd 1 10 a month. r.'O Scholarships. Kxami nut ions for admission at the College on Hep teiulier 2. Address Till-: PKKSIDKNT, West Ituleigh, N. C. Summer coinpUiiits auJ other aeri oiis ailuietits Common in but weather ran be liaced lo the stomach uuir times out ol leu. Keep the stomach iu good order rich! now- by keeping holtle ol Kodol bandy in Ihe bouse all the lime, but especially durine, this mouth. Take Kodol whenever you feel that you need it. Thai is the only time you need to take Kodol. Just when you ueed il; thru you will out be trou bled with sour stomach, belchinr,, ran oil the stomach, bloatitir,, dyspepsia and indigestion, Sold by English Prug Company. Kver Thus - Miss Hlder: "There are so many fast young men nowa davs." Miss Vounglv: "ll'm, yes you do stem lo have ditliculty in catching one. The little attacks ol stomach trouble and stomach disorders will undoubted ly lead to chtoiiic. dyspepsia unless you lake soiiirthitiK lor siinirient tune to strengthen Ihe stomach and Kive il a chance lo r,et welt, II you take Kodol iu the lr;iiiiiiiiK the bad attacks of dyspepsia will be avoided, but il you allow these little attacks to go uiihced ed il will take Kodol a longer tune to put your stomach iu Rood condition again, (act a bottle of Kodol today Sild by r.ugbsh Pint Company. J. L. SCALES, ATTORNEY. Law Bid g. Monroe.N.C DOCTOR H.D.STEWART PHYSICIAN, MONROE, N.C Ke-i.U'iHf I'liMiir HI; inn. 1 all mr ttirtttitfti lilt. me Jti7. tMlk-e- li.'Ur- II u li. a m . unit Imm I ' 1 n in nrtiife Mr mm HrwihvrV iUr. K1 ulfiict on lAiM-atNtf r ftvriiu. IKK MULIS, Civil Engineer,, PlIONH II. WiNOATR, N. C irMfliftt of Pnflrnfy Id Runr-nrl!. fnmi Hit Irtvlliiit isilifKM N Toyr riisr.MH in hllwy, Muuicli! ftiid rr Survrjiuc 1DR.B.C.REDFEARN,1 UKNTIIT. reasonable. Satisfaction guaranteed Office over Rude s Book blore. MONROE. N O. Wdl be at Marsbville, N. C.,on first and third Moudays of each month, aud tt Matthew on second and fourth Moudays. Pbona 131 JJK.K.S.G.KHHX. DENTIST. Oppicrs in ()HTa House building. r'Phone ISH. W. B. HOUSTON, SURGEON DENTIST, Office up stain, Fitzgerald Building, Northwest ol Courthouse, Monroe, N, C, Trinity Park School A First Class Preparatory School fVilitWt. liriiltiilliiti ArarlM f.if Kntritr ImI1iK Nsiullirriil HllfKrii. Best Equimx?d Prepara tory School in the South. FsVitHf of trn offlrr untl whfm, tmriii isf etrniy-llv rrr. I.I hrnry fnUlnlnir Inftj thHikn1 fx'umx tl HltMt rr m nu ll hi m Hlrh stunfir.N mmt nnwlrrii ilh'l t t)trwtlm. Frrnl is-iiir bf ntntiiMnt Wtitrm. Rinei irMhtflf mMrtti. Tri fwt of shintatnl For CtMw anrl Mht iNfnnMSlloa B. M. NORTH, Headmaster, Dvwfcaas. N. C M. L. FLOW, Commissioner of Deeds for South Cirolloi, li Uorta UroliDi: list 1 Justice m Ike Pmce lor llDioi County, u4 Hourj Public (or Norti Ctollu. :: :: Special atteution riven to takine At ndavila, Ackoowledfemeut or Proof ol Deeds, Mortgages, Contncta, Hills of Sal, Power of Attorney, Kenuuci- tious of Power and Inheritance, Den onitions, Writing and Probatiug Deeds, Mortgages and all other tapers, issuiug Stale Warrant, Claim and Delivery and Attachment paper, Civil Sum mons and tb Collection of Claims. Office st M. L, Flow Co.'i Store atst of courthouse, Monro, N. C. Thon 145. PATENTS that PROTECT Hl I tlCfT lnM.rte I C tUrt 1H43 DRINO Laxative Fruit Syrup PIMnt to tali The new laxative. Does not gripe or nauseate. Cures stomach and liver troubles and chronic con stipation by restoring the natural action of the stom ach, liver and bowels. Ithee PrlMtO. fiXQLISU DBUQ OOMPANY. Affclftpfuoriror As sisting arrodddlBeut3-! btatJsVdBSAliywlioi' 1 CASTH For Infants and CMHron. iThe Kind You Have Always Bought Bears tho Promolrs Di$tiorihrprful nrssand Rrst Cooldirrs neithiT IHauBLMorphiii wrXuicxdL otNahcotic. Aperiecl Remedy forOonslip non.Sour Sloswich.Di.wrNica and Loss of Sleep. Itiimiit SiCiwrart of kew nnK. exact eon v wbimch. il Signaturo M In Use For Over Thirty Years snnnTainin ix:xiiiii:xiz:iixiiziiii:ixiiii2:xxii:ixininiixy I Wanted: A Peg. M M H H K M By a careful Mudy of the products of Wheat, ve are able to h make more and a better grade ot 1'utcnt l lour than ever he- M fore, and our competitors are more than ever at a loss to find g a pen on which to hanc a criticism ol our :: :: :: :: :: :: m H M Hnvincible FlourJ M M 31 " Sr11 " ""h M H a pure, home ground Hour manufactured by our moJorn, nan- M K itary and up-to-date Hill w hich v.a built here for your conve- m nience. Vou are not lovnl to your town and county If you do m H ' M not patronize a home industry, :: If you are nut a user of H Invincible l lour, try a sack to-day. livery ,ack Kiinrantced. M H Henderson Roller Mills Co. M ttllXXIXXXIXXXXXIIXXXXIIIXXXXIXXXXXXXXXXIIXXIXXXXXXlj Ihe Bank of Union, : r mimok. s.v. Projrrx'ssive jxiijilo every wIhto rr-pinl PankH as business nwi'ssitii-s. Those who fail to patronize them incur unnecessary tinnier ami tlo tliemselvt'S iwsitive injustice. l.l.l 4lll.llltllllllll.llllllllllttl.lllllllllllllllllllll Deposit Your Money in the Uank of Union.: lifi.l iitiiiiliiiii4fr.feti....iiiiiiiiiiitiiiitiiiitiiiiiiitsii" It was expensive, but the Hank has a Corliss safe anil )rosective depositors wouM tlo well to re member this. Kverythinir iMissihle has been done to earn the confidence of the people and make their money safe. Call and confer on any financial matter. You may learn something to your advantage, i ou are always welcome. 4- For Boys and Girls The Wingate School Prepares for Sophomore class in nny College or I'niversity in llu Htato. Sptvial atb'tition Riven to students preparing for teaching orcollego. Th liealtliful luxation, tliorougli course of iimtruction; well sclivted library; throe good literary fUK'ioties; moral and religious influenres; a strong cor pa of U'at'liers; and the low tuition and lioard rates, make this a most desir able place for students desiring b) make the host possible use of tlieir lime and money. Social advanbigrs offered in tlie Literary, Music, and Klo culion department. Fall term oeii9 Tuesday, August 1 tit. For CaUlotruc or further information, ioI.Iumh BUNYAN Y. TYNER. Principal. Wingate. N. C. Listen To Us A Moment and judge for yourself. Wc have the goods and wc did not buy them to keep. If there is anything in the Furniture line that you are thinking of buying, give us a trial. Wc arc making prices that move the goods. A few things that should now interest you: If aininncka ...... ....... ... .... . I'orcli Hookers ....... Porch HraU Couches, ....... .......... .... Lounge .......... . Dining Tabled Mission Table Matting Oil C'lotb and Lenoliuin 'bairn of all kinds. t 2 00 to C.IMI 2.75 to r,.M !o to r.n .IMMo 4.1.IMI I!..ri0to 17..HI fi.110 lu -10.00 .'Lift to 7.50 ... 20 In 40c, per yard. . dillereiit price. Come and look through onr stock and get priced. We are waiting tor YOU. Don't forget the Pnrnitnre Man.

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