i The Cowardl) Guard (Original 1 Win I in In CuJoru awaj but la llw aixtir I aue anlnj V ft Ivo Ter foe the touts. It u the dij of mad itnli, aoj I euafrw I felt "mt what sa-rvun. 1 ji t4d by theUeil t'arco nevle that the o h wouU tie ftiarilnl by en of tba-tr m IHik Fieri, whom they eonxkletvj worth half a Aam ordinary own. Thla at-1-nVd me. f from th Unw 1 rnlrtvj th mil I had beard uf tb brsr dfrrla uf thi came I'k k Klevta. AY hen v were al-Hit to atart and Fterh was plnt oat t tne I wa eurprtsed. lie was a ll.lle fWkw about iv feet Ota Incbe, an.l 1 couldn't how he caild terrify even a luj;le lvbl-r, ami there were often ecml In th tank- win rM-l o h. How ever, h had an rye M- h, like bin name, was steel, aiil a o-il looking tecl at that, anj I put him Joan t t one of tbtwe men la vhio nt-ne tr.k,- the place of tuim lo. I niade the trip out and laci wild Steele, a in) there was no o-asln for the WYIIs Farpt m.in t sh-'W tils mot tl. Wheu I left Ivnccr f-r Cheyenne to take the t"i:on Fa. l:io mllnd fr the east Steele was ai::iln th r'wrd. Thla time when we were midway on our Journey w hoard the cry ahead. ! "nld up y-ir hmriK" and tbe ca -h raine to a stop, A iiulq mnv and td on oue side of Hie coach, hoii'ilni? u all eoTeri'd with a brie of revolver, while tw-i olhera on tlx other He opened Hie slase d"or. threw d 'n the tops and called to us to alight Steele waa In the iniiM'e seat ami i:t person to the o4n d-er. We all e;v--ted bl:n to mull, illy bristle uliti w-tvipons and kill the two men ln-f.-re they know what hurt tli.-Mi. Itwtead of that he tumbled out Willi his binds In the air aa nimbly as a joint.- fawn. Ueelnir tint we hoi no protection from thla vaunted hero, we all pi out and Btikul In line while the r-Md ni-iiU relieved us of everytble.s n!oiit us of any value. Evidently thev had never ; aeon Steele before, for they tronbsl hlra Jnt Ilk the re-t of in. I thmiclit perhapa he nilcht aloop and pull a pair of revolver from hi l.N; hut, al thous'i he had no espe. ial watching, he did not make the ulijhreit ino tnent When the rthU-ra were through ; with ua they ordcnil un hack lt:! the ' coach anil told the driver to naoe on. ! Aa awn an we w.to free from the robbers there was a treat outburst against Steele. "You're it pretty pi.ird:" "Where did you cot ) "iir reputation : for bravery?" "The bLuet ioanl In the eniit h:" T!ie- were aome of the pMteita that wen- lv.!i!"l a-ai:ist the mau of much reputation. Ilu conduct In bearing them corniiiceil every one ! that he wiu not only not brae, but unusually cowardly, lie did n -t resent a eliitfle one of tlic.' lnsnltliu; re- ; pmaehea, Imbtvl, he did not vtn to 1 hear them, kis'pliu; his eye out the window liHikinp: nt the ground we , pnswd over and watching for some- j thing. Freaently the Mad made a turn, and the coach passed iiroi.nd It i.nd I e)iind a clump of treea. Stei'le fiiiiu; open the I coach door. JumiH-d out, unstrapped a : Winchester from tiniler the boot ami atnrted back, atooplui; nuiong some . bushes so as not to be sein. j I am not a brave man, but I am a : Very curious one. S ized with a desire to oe the rest of the story for n:y aelf, I n!llitcd and went after the (tunrd. We bad Bone aliout half a mile from the spot where we bad Iwn roblied. n ml n third of this distance 1 was a depression In the ground. Tak ing position In this depression. 1 could aiH nil I wanted to see. I saw Ste!e lodging along a short distance uhead tif me. and about the same distance lieyond Mm wen- the rolils-rs dividing the awng they bad taken from ua. Then from out s clump of sagebrush I aaw a puff of smoke, beard the crack of Steele's Winchester, mid n robber fell, llofore I could have counted live there were another puff and crack, and another roblT fell. The third nan had only time to look wildly about tilm when he, too, went dow n. Then Steele advanced cautiously. An ho approached one of the rohN'rs rals ed himself on his elbow and was nlmut to Are t Steele when the guard drop ped him, this time for good. Steele Went to the place where the bodies lay, gathered up their spoil, turned nd came slowly back. When he came up to uie I remarked to bhn that ho bad been very lucky to And the roh ter engaged, and he replied that they usually (lit Ided the plunder nt once BOY INVENTORS. Humphrey PettsT-a Code Aod.tiea to th ttusa Some of the meet un;TUnt in tcutsonj have Uvo Uie wort cf bov. Tbe invention of the Ne motion to the Hcain en .'tie u niaJd by more bof. Xeo.nne' eniae in very invxtuplt-te c't J:t;on frvm the f't thut lliere s no wv to ojH'n or do the a! csoojit by Dieaci of y'ir pjvrauJ i by the hani X'ewcoine act tip Iurc;p entitle it one of the mine, aiul a Uy, Humphrey Potter, waa hired to i work the valve levers. Mt'iou ;h i hii wtirlc wa not hard work. et it rvsiuireJ hu constaiit attention. i .U he waa work:nC the K'u-rs tie j 1 saw th.a parts of the engine tuovcl j ; in the rtp-ht dirovt.on and at the j Kitno tiino that he had to i:-n or i close the vaho. I lie prtn-uroU t:.(; cord atid m.ide one end f.i-t to the pr-'jHT 1 Jiirt of the cttjr'iie and the other I end to the U ver, and t'e ti he j hud the at:sf:i. t;"t of seoi'i the i ftijrino moe with rfivt ropnurtv I of motion. A short tinw after the f reotan came arou::d and saw the ! .lay i in r.arhle at the do..r. L'mii): i nt the erv1"1' he sa the ttt nu.ty ; of the Ny aiid a!-o the a dvutit.ie ! of i pr-at an 1n ::ti. n. The id a Mg-o't.-d .y the hoy' fnventiu j;en:a was put it! a piac-ti.-al form n:td made the steam ill- cine an tutomutio wofkinj: lua eiiioe. Th uer loom is the itm titi.in of a fanner" !" who had tuner s's-ti or he,:nl of such a lie whttt'ietl one 'Hit with hi ja. -kktu'e, and ufrcr he ha.l p't it nil done he. with treat etithu-iiisiu. to h: father, who Ht to ic.(ves. suvinj thut , XJI ' t -w.. -i. J. A : j WHY IJORSVTHE tiHT I ROM I ND1R IT? Socialism and I'rivilrRes. .!nl':i'H'1:, K v,-r Uwj wlmt lu matter K" "some men live oiTolh s!:.mi.h1 it oii 'i- k; .M ,1 it he no ild have no toy a:n:t him who -.e,; -joti.I his t:rne on such fHi!:h t!.:i!i.'s. Th.e hoy uus setit to a Ma. k st'i:th t learn a trade, and his fas tor t ok a lively t:itcret in !.;m lie made a loom of what was left of the one h'.s father had hroken tip and how-rtl it to l.is ttm-tcr. The Maoksrr.ith saw he had no rominon lad as un appretitb e und that the invention u it va'uahle one. lie laid a lo"in eoti-Inieted Utldi-r the supervision of tiie lioy. It worked to their p-rfoot sutU faction, and the l-hok-tinlh fur-t'.i.-lie-l th.e ineatis to ttiannfie t'ire the lootiii, und the hoy received half the pr"lits. In nho'tt a year t!e h!a. k-:u:th wrote to t!;o hov". fitter t'o.f b .l,,ei!,l I e, . .';!, htm n wealthy pTtlett the inventor of th. rvm er loom. Yon n av he sMe to i-i.l.-.- nsfot 'iflinuf.l at the oM home i his son was pre.-ci:tcd to lnoi a inventor, who fold him that loom was trie same n t1 t he had kiiked to tiici th vt-.'ir iK'fore. un, who w.i' iclchraUi f the W'hofi the till' 'node! hut il Shs Was Not a Whitmanlte. Hack when Lord Alfred Tetinv soti w.w poet laureate of Kiilaii'l thero w.ls a proniiiicnt American L'iri, the daughter of our amhas.-a-dor, in fiict, who ,is very anxious to pieef the trri'iilest hternrv litht j of his time. One evening tho l"n' , coveted chance ciime nt a so.ree. j The cotnersation that nisiied is I chronicled in the. (.'onsen ntor as f.llow-: T.-rtn -ttn Vim nrt ni.T-i iiti ' (;irl--Ycs. Tcimyson- num: liirl Xo. Tentison Then yon don't know the only man worth knowing in America. Whereupon the laureate turned nwav and the interview was over. -Yon are Aim rinin -You know Walt Wlnt- Outsid His Lino. ' "1 presume, my u'ood fellow, you are a luliorerV' suid a lawyer to a plainly dressed witness. "You are rirht; 1 nin a workman, sir," replied the witness, who was i a civil engineer. ' "Familiar with the use nf the 1 pick, shovel and spado, I presume?" j "To somo oxtent. Those uro not i the principal Implement of my ; trade, though." i "I'i rhaps you will condescend to onliirhtcn me ns to your prineijml Implements." j "It is Imnlly worth while. "ou : don't understund their nature of j UsO." l'rohahlv not," loftilv, "hut 1 that each man could shift for himself , insiHt nn knowing what they are." lirams, sir. without losing bis share. I went back with the little man to the conch, which was standing where we had left It, and Steol asked each pemon to pick out his lielongliigs. which he was not slow In doing. Then followed an apology from every one who had rated the guard for his cowardice. Some of those who had been most abusive looted a bit terror stricken, thinking that they might he called to account. Itut Steele paid no more attention to the nslogles than be had paid to the abuse, merely re marking that a man who blustered tip against another man's gun when the tnuule was toward him was a fool. ROIUNHON M'UUIDR. Ths Olympic Camts. The famous Olympic (.'nines are said to have. Wn instituted in honor of Jupiter, iilsmt l,;inO vcars H. ('., and to have tieon revived hv Iplntus, MSI 1!. II They were held at inter vals of four years on thclmnks of the Alpheus, near Olympia, in l'lis, to pvcrcise the youth in the five kinds of combat The prize contended for was a crown made of wild olive or laurel. The (Tames were aW isheil hv order of Theodobius, ahout A. D. 391. I :nt"oi v, . ; This ia er men." -l!iit how tl.MH that account for war, for example, and crall; polit ieal rorruplion, ignorance, child hilmr, crime, and poverty f I iksked. 'We've iiccoiinted for tmvertv," answered Ih-hs. "We we the ma of meu working for the few. That'a what we call shi.t alaveiy, and it ia alavcry. You niv they micht init woik; that the Invts will let tliem Co. Hut I tell oii the fear of Ktarvathm i.s the liuss'ii olave driver. They don't dare quit." "And crime!" 1 asked. "Petty ami professional crime," mid Io!m, "atv a result of pover ty; hich crime springs from wealth Peking." "lint vice, intemperanci-f" "Frances. Willard la-jjan her cn roer tellinc workinc people that they wouldn't W an iMr if thev w eren't an intemperate. She closed siiiic that the jMmr weren't poor Iwans' they drank ; they drank ! eaiise they were poor. Anions luisy Imsiiiess men, intemperance is rare, and when it occurs ix inherit ed or due to the abnormal tension of the jMiiihlc w li iti much business is now; an abnormal ice ilself." "How does your theory account for political corruption!" I a.-ked. "Why," said lbdw, "you know iNuit that. Thai's the capitalist clusa cotruiitiiii; L'oveniment to maintain them and their system of lalnir exploitation." "I don't know that at all." I oh jected. "Not all business men take part in the corruption of politics. Only those do that have pri ilcp from the government, franchises, ami the like." " Hi," said Ib'lw, "you are think ing only of the big bnsinesseM, the railioiuls, public utilities, and so forth, which intend to thecorinp tiou of politics directly. Hut they do it for the rest of their class." "No, they don't," I contradict ed. "They do il for themselves. They don't know they Itching to a class." I don't charge all of them with class consciousness," Ivlw answer- (I. "Some of them do understand. but, whether they are intelligent or not, in that way they do make tho government represent the busi ness clasM. And, a for the smaller ImsincsK men, they get the lienelit. I hey contribute to campaign funds, and that's the big source of cor ruption, or, at any rate, thoy vote for one or the other of the two par ties w hich the big fellows have cor rupted and control, lmlh of them." For privileges," I insisted. "Why isn't that the root of the evil!" Privilege won't account for it all. Profit, gain, private property, WILL THEY HA Ml THE tilRL? zicd girl for taking vengeance iihu the physician whom she accuses of having ruined her life. ' Immediately after she had killed lr. Aiispiu the girl made the re luarkahle statement: "It was not I who killed It i tn. He killed him self." ! She said: "He is the real mur derer, lie has murdered my soul. It is he who is responsible for the deed. "There was no one in all the world to help me, to defend me I had to defend in self. The courts would not listen to me: the man w ho rouged mo would not hel tne; it seemed that (Sod himself had forsaken me. There was nothing for me to do but vindicate, my self." Sarah Koten killed lr. Auspitz in the hallwavof No. M West One Hundred and Thirty tilth street alter waiting for more than twelve hours in the hallway across the sliect wailing for him. She had decoyed him by a false message to the house opposite. A Healthy l amily. "Our whole family hits enjoyed good health since we U'cun using Or. King's New Life Pills tluee wars iil'o." savs L. A. Hartlet of had ruined her life, with a rcvol- ms route l. (milord, Jie. nicy ver in her hand and murder in her1 cleanse ami tone the system in a heart. When au ollicer arrived gt'iitU" way that d ..-s you good, lio alter the tragedy which ended the j ''it ' I'-nglisli Orng t o. s. hie of Or. Auspitz, the girl stood'., . , ..... ,. , ,,. ... I Says "I'm Uuilty Just the Same." A Y'ounic Mother W ho Waited Twelve Hours to kill Her Oe spoiler to He Tried (or Her Life. Can twelve "good men and line" lie found, in all this great city, w ho will close their ejes to the mute apxal of a young girl w ith a halve in her arms and, hat king hack to the old law of "an cje for an eye" and a hie for a life, send the frail and youthful mother to the electric chau! That is the question that confronts the prosccut ion in the case of The People against Sarah Koten. which will soon be called for trial. Within a month, it is expected, the woik of securing a jury will lie commenced. That il will probably bo a most dillieult task is admitted by all the attor nes interested ill the case. There is no shadow of doubt that S.irah Koten, the young Kiissiaii nurse, shot and killed Or. Samuel Aiispit, on dune 7 l.e-l - shot him down as she would a mad dog, which she declares he wits. And the crime was deliberate and lire ; meditated. : For hours Sirah Koten sat pa tieutly in a doorway, awaiting the arrival ol the man who sue declares defiantly over her victim and de clared: "I killed him. I am ready to pay the pi ice." If she was in sane, it was a cool and delils'iate sort of madness. The facts of the killing of Dr. Anspitz and the circumstances sur rounding his death Hie clear, and yet it will probably la- impossible to secure a jury that w ill pass the judgment of death upon the slayer. In a cell of the glim prison at lilai kwell's Island the stork came recently to S.irah Koten and left a baby hov, ami the tiny hands of the infant have built up a barrier of public sentiment that towers in surmountably between the mother and the elect tie chair. And de spite the fact that her child is fath erless, the illegitimate ollspiing ol her enforced association with Or. Auspiu, the young Russian girl loves it with all the passionate teu denies of her nature ami is now as anxious to live as a few months ago she was anxious to die. Never be fore has the gift of life seemed so precious, so intensely beautiful; never has she reached so passion ately for it. And all liecause her child has een born. The baby w hich she thought would prove the crowning disgrace of her experi ence hits with one touch of its feeble hand, performed the miracle that has turned the wretched girl into a happy woman, proud and eager to live. Instead of finding herself with We Are Ready For You. We have opened a new grrocery store at the former M.C. Broom stand, and we want to win and keep the trade of everyone who buys or sells in Monroe. Our stock of heavy and fancy groceries ia complete and fresh. Our aim is to build up a permanent trade on the lasting principles of liberal and honest dealing. We propose to sell first-class goods only, and at prices that cannot be lowered. And we want to buy for cash or trade all your country produce. Oome along and give us a chance. Fhone 63. Funderburk-Williams Co. in land and natural resources, ma her baby an outcast on the lace of the earth, she has found friends whose heart are wrung with sym pathy for her, friends who assure her of their protection and aid through life. Mrs. Hose Pastor Stokes heads the list is those who are eager to aid the young mother and her child, and the Council of Jewish W omen, ho have a home on Stated Island, promise to pro vide protection and rare for Sarah for the rest of her life if she ia ac quitted. The birth of Sarah Rolen's baby furnishes a strong note of interest in her coming trial, which will probably begin early in Noveinlier. The child will undoubtedly play a most important part in the trial of its mother for the killing ol Dr. Auspitz. It will bn the basis of the defense as justifying the fren- chiuery, and all means of produc lion, that is at the bottom of it. And if you call these privileges, why, very well, I'll go along with you. tor I tielieve myself that wage slavery, the power to exploit lalsir and live off one's fellow men, ia a privilege; the greatest privi lege left since chattel slavery." Where Hullets Hew. David Parker of Fayette, N. Y"., a veteran of the civil war, who lost a i foot at (lettyshurg.says: "The good ; hleetric Hitters have done is worth more than live hundred dollars to me. Issnt much money doctoring for a bad case of stomach trouble, to little purpose. I then tried Elec tric Eitters, and they cured me. I now take them as a tonic and they keep me strong and well." olle, at English Drug Company's. A Budding Miser. While a penurious grocer was telling his new boy how careful he must be, a fly settled on a bag of sugar. The grocer caught it and threw it away. The boy then said: "If yon want me to las careful yon are setting me a bad example." "Wbjf ' asked the grocer. "lie cause," said the boy, "yon have thrown that fly away without brushing the sugar off ita feet" For Chronic Diarrhoea. "While in the army in 1H6.3 I was tak en with chronic diarrhoea," says Geo, M. Feltoo of South Gibson, Pa. "I have sioca tried many remedies but without any permanent relief, nntil Mr. A. W. Miles of this place persua ded me to try Chamberlain's Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy, one bottle of which stopped it at once." For tale by Dr. S. J. Welsh. FOLEY'S HOIIEYTAR The original LAXATIVE cough remedy. For eoojba, eolds, throat and lonj trouble. Mo opiate. Noa-alcohollo. Good for everybody. Sold every where. Th genuine rOLtrS HONEY and TAR I la Yellow packaf. Kef use subatitatee. Prepared only by Ptey V Company, Chicago ENGLISH DRUG OOMPAKY. I II r IH-t'Vli. . l'.-l.V!l, 11 ll After Is-iiig tlecliiied not guilty of the charge of train wrecking, liewia ('Mikacy, a I .'I year-old Iniy, surprised judge, jury and specta tors by declaring: "You've set me I five: but I did it just the same.'' W hile the statement created a sensation il was accepted as the ut terance of an irresponsible child and young Cooksey was allowed to go. The bov w as indicted for causing the wreck of the Southern Limited near Iloaufort some weeks ago by placing a Ixilt on the track. Two men were killed ami several injur ed in the wreck. Detectives was arrested (wksev swore that the lmv had confessed that he put the bolt on the track to see the train jump and that he and some companions had lieen re sponsible for other wrecks on the Southern road. At any time when your Ktomarh is not in kooJ condition, yon should take Kotlol, beratise Kmlol digests all the ooil you eat, and it suniilieH health and strength lor the utoinach in that say. You take kodol just (or a little while when you have slight attacks of indigestion, and you take it just a lit tle ImiRer in order to net relief Irum severe attacks of Indigestion or ner vous dispepsia, Try Kodul today Sold by English Drug Company. Danger to Autolsts. brllnfftoll ll(-I.toll. All automobile lovers ought to protest ngainst recklessness on the part of any autoi.st, for the cople will not stand for it, and something may drop. I lie other night a far nior in Kowan county was run into by a fool chaulleiir, and the farmer drew a IhmiI on him and shot nt him, but missed. That sort of thing will follow reckless driving, and of course there will bo thugs who will practice it when (he au toist is not to blame and innocent people may sufler. A caution that all automobile drivers ought to ob serve is this: When in the rural districts drive slow. There are thing that go faster than gas, Kennedy's Lasative Cough Syrup is used nearly everywhere, because it not only beals irritation of the throat and stops the rough, but it drives the cold out of the system through its lax ative principle by assuring a free and gentle action uf the bowels, and that is the only way to cure a cold. Vou can't cure it as long as you are consti pated. Insist upon Kennedy's Lasa tive Cough Syrup, Sold by English Drug Company. AUTUMN. Jok CkarlM -Sll. Heavy with sheep i the old farmstead 1 he windfall ol orrharO M snrtliaw: The irnvn of the era tree w shut with red. The poi'lar u sprinkled with yellow. Sluttituh the snake and leaf yUw stream 1 tie IH-Mmouse is fat in hu burrow Sun-up set million of dew drutwag learn M here the late gnm m frvwn in the furrow. Oh. the smell of the fennel it autumn' own breath. And the sumac 1 dved in hrr blond Thr chirr of the kx-ut u w hat her voice saith. And the cricket ia one with her mood. Soft are her arm a soft-snslt-d jrrass. 1 tie mue-tielU at dawn are her eves. And slow a slow winds hrr feet as "they Her bee and her butterdie. And when I grow kk at man's sorrow and crime. At the pain on rale womanly faces. At the fever that frvl every heart- mroo ot lime. At all that bmurs erief or debases. I (bank (,od the worst is a wide as it ia, 1 hat 'tis sweet still to hojie and re- mcmiier: Tint for him who will seek them, thr valleya are his And the far quiet hills of September. He Went Up On. The teacher was giving a lessor. in subtraction. It bad tiken the r!as some time to master the mys teries of addition, and in this rule he found tlu-m no U dull. Driv en to ihstn r-.ition bv the stuniilit of their replies, she nu-hly promised throe whole pennies tf tho child who yiwe her the smartest answer. "Of cour-o," fhe explutncd for the t went let It time, "you can nnlv subtract things of the. mime name. For in.-tamv, y m can't tuk eight mnrKe fr-ri sixteen year or four liorM' from seven ihtum. A l.iind shot up nt tin' lati-k of the r!a-s and tho teacher broko otf to I'Hiuirc what was the matter. Iloaso, miss, soticnkcd a small lov's voice "can't you take- three pennies from one purse then?" Philadelphia Ledjrr. Saved His iioy'a Life. "My three year olj boy was badly constipated, had a high fever and was in an awful condition. I eave him two doses of Foley's Orinu Laaaiive and the neit morning the fever was gone and he as entirely writ. Foley's (inuo 1. a native saved his life. A Wolkusli, Casimcr.Wis. Euglisli Drug Company. Diplomacy. Ono tiny n gentleman was hoMiti; a conversation with his wife in the presence of their fivc-vcnr-old son und among other things mentioned Diarrhoea When 70a want a quick cure trithoat any loss of time, and on that I followed by no bad results, u Chamberlain's Colic. Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy It never asU and I pleasant to take, tt Is equally valuable fur children. Il I famous far ha care am hug pan of th drulMd world. For tale by Dr. S. J. Welsh. diplomacy. "Pa,' mid the youngster when break in the conversation allowed him to interfere, "what does diplo- muev menu : "Diplomacy, mv son," suiil the fii ther, "is this doing exactly the right thing at exactly tho right moment. "Tholl I suppose I used tliplo miiev when I got out of tho pnntry VesteWuv, dad, did 1 r "What do you mean ? was the re ply. "Why," said the eon, "I got into the luck vurd with tout meat pi iu.-t nt the moment ma cmight tin rat in the pantry ami told you to drown her for thieving. lVurson t Weekly. Are You Only half Alive? I eople uitli kidney ttnuble are Su weak and ohausted that they are ouly hall alive, roley s Kidney Kemedy makes healthy kidneys, restores lost vitality, and weak, delicate people ate restored to health. Ketuse any but roley s. English Drug Company. A On Word Epitaph. "There is only one one word epi tnph in this country," said tho tin dertaker. "It is in the town of Worcester. I believe it ia quite (lniwiiigonrd. Holiday milkers come to Fee it from miloa around. The epitaph consists of the word 'Onne.' A Worcester auctioneer lay dying. ilu wliipereu to lus wifo, with quiet, smile: "Tvo been "guiltf. going," all mv life. Now I'll soon le gono." Put that on my lomlistone, dear, that one word "(lone" onlv. "Tho wife complied." S'ow York Press. OeWitt'i Little Early Risers, the famous little liver pills. They are small, sure, safe pills. English Drug Company, I I October Brides. October is a month of wed dings, and this store pre pares for these occasions regularly. Weeks ago we planned and bought ample supplies in wares especially appropriate for October Worlilintnra a They may now be seen in i 1 our show cases. Come and 1 1 examine and criticise and buy, if you will. o (It is a pleasure to have you visit our store, and be your wants small or fcreat, Al t 1-1 i 4 mey can oe suppueq at eco nomical prices. The W. J. Rudge Co. I The) Kind Ton Have Alwayi nought, and which fcaa la fur over SO years, baa born the lgrtarnr of and baa been made under bla per f jC'f7i ' aonal siipervbiloo since It Infancy, leAVvAf. Allovrnunnetndecclve.yotil.thla, All Counterfeit. Imitation and Mjust-aa-gnnUare but Experiment that tritla with and Mulaiiirc r the bratlth of lnXautl and C'h Udre n Y. ex ric nc Braiut Iportmcnb What is CASTORIA Otatorta ! bnmiVs iitwtttnte for Castor Oil, rara Boric, lmp and StMillilnsr i-jniia. It la riettxanU It contain neither Opium. Morphine) nor other N'arrotlfl ubatanr. lu aee I Ita guarantee). It dentrtiy Wnrnw and allays KeTeriline. It rurm Dlarrlic and Vlnd Colic. It rrlleica Te'lliing Trimbles, cure Cnnatlpattoal and FUlnlenry. It wuimil.ttea the FoimI, reriilata the) Stomach and HocU, gUliiR beAittiy and natural alerp The Children'! lumirca The) Mother's Frivud GENUINE CASTORIA ALWAYS Bears ths Signature of The Kind You Have Always Bought In Use For Over 30 Year3. Vat atMst. t IMisMMf a)TctV. M HtW Xoy Mt'Neely, t.orney - nt Law, Monroe. N. C. Mlior U -Ul ra .,fi (tie .,t..;.iT J. L. SCALES, ATTORNEY. LawBldg. Monroe.N.C. DOCTOR H.D.STEWART. PHYSICIAN, MONROE, N. C. If jr-m drlrr nijr iMrlrr. rsll llirmi;l. .41 .1, lire nti.ilir Ut . ut!lt- 'iUn il? lin4i-4- iiour, ll t" vi. hi .aii'l iri.m , m llrtilt- 4tr I r.-w Hr-'tllrr' itU-M-trti4- nn Iaiics-Iit .vrnu- Notice ol Administration, Having this day nualilied before P. A. MiniMton, I'lerk of the Su-rinr t urt of l iiion t'ountv, as aiiministrator of the estate of It. K. McLarty, k-e'd, late of I'nion County, N. I'., this ia to notify all iH-rsons having claims sfainut the estate of said deceased to exhibit them to the umlersi?ned, at Motmie.N. C, on or U'fore the !nd day of Sei-ti-mlK-r, A. D., limy, or this notii-e will lie iiU-adcd in bar of their ritfht of rc-cover)-. All rersona indcliti-d to the said estate will please make immediate payment. This Sept. lsth. ll'-S. I R. IIKI.MS. AJmr. of It. Frank Mcljirty, deed. Kcdwine & .ikes, Attys. Pe-5ale ol Und Near Marshvllle. CIyII En0tnccr, PUONB I. WlSOATH, N. C. (rtin-stior I'fttfioni-y In Sunri-ylns from w Irs.lln i-iiili-ift-ii In N C, I mi )'ar -i:niM-r lu Ksllsty. Mutili-ll suit fsraj Survey lu 3DR.B.C. REDFEARN,t UKNiiar. Cbarges reasonable. Satisfartian t;iiarnteej. Office over Knilbe't hook Store aONKOE. N.G. W II he at Marsliville, N.C.. on first and tliinl MuuJays of each niuiilli, and at Matthews ou secoud anj (uurtli Moudaya. I'lione 331 I'nili'ratiil by virtue of an order of the Superior (ourt of I'nion founty, m.ule in a special iirorevdiiisT entillwl fD 7 TVjT I TT 1 TC tionion Stn;ull et al. by their neiit JL Hi. J'V. Xll.J J-ca-e-Aw?) friend. K. V. . Ummond, exparte. the Mime iM-itifr iMi. 41" uon tne sacial I procidtmjf ilockct of said county, the i undersiKned rnmniisaionvr will, on the j LV.th day of Octolier, A. I). l'., at 12 o'clock noon, at the court house iiionr in I'nion county. North Carolina, ; otfer for re-sale to the hinhent bidder for cash, all thst certain tract of land lying and iH-ini; in Marshvillc township, I'liion county. North Carolina, adjoining the binds of ll. H. li.imno, the I'etvr Keed I place and others, and lying in about one fourth of a mile from the town of I Marshville and know n as the estate lands of Calvin 11. Stegall. and contains about 1;C1 acres more or less. TVrmsof sale: One-thinl cash, one-thinl in thn-e months, ono-tliird in six months. Title to be retained until all the purchase money is laid in full. The said land will tic sold in three separate tracts and then sold as a whole. Kidding to begin ut fl.M. This the HMh lnv of Sept., A. P. l!N. JOHN C. SlkES, Commissioner. Kcdwine & Sikcs, Attys. I 1 1 I.' L( till,' 1. X' V. I'j. D. VI Iv Ij lii . DENTIST. Ofpu'bk iu Opera House building. 'Phone ISM. W. B. HOUSTON, SURGEON DENTIST, Office up stairs, FitzferuKl Buildiui;, Northwest ol Courthouse, Monroe, N. C, Commissioner of Deeds for Soutb Urollu, la North uroliDi: also t Justice of the Feaco lor Union Count;, tnd NoUrj Public for North UrollDt :-; :: Special atlentioo eiveu to taking At fiJavits, Acknowledletiient or I'rool ol Deeds, Morttaijcs, Contracts, Kills of Sale, Powers of Attorney, Renuncia tions of Power and Inheritance, Dep ositions, Writing and Probating Deeds, Mortgages and all other papers, issuiiig State Warrauts, Claim aud Delivery and Attachment papers, Civil Sum mons and the Collection of Claims. Office at M. L. Flow Co. 'a Store east of courthouse, Monroe, N. C. 'I'hone 145, 0. II. Sale. Unless previously called for and charges paid, or otherwise disposed of, the Southern r.xprcsal ompany will sell to the highest bidder, for raxh, at pub lic auction, at the old postnlhce next door to Knglish Drug Company's, Mon roe, N. C, on Saturday, Nov. 21st, 11KIS. at 10 o'clock a. m., all matter that has been on hand six months or over, an itemized list of which ran lie seen at the company's office in Monroe, N. C. Thi Octolier lith. 1W. 11. m. Mcculloch, supt. II. V. KKOWNING, AgL Grand Excursion At Reduced Rates Always Gathers a Vast Crowd. The same method in cut prices will at tract the people to a store. I am mak ing a sKi'iitlty of Shoes of all kinds. I mil handling a first class home-made Shoe at rut prices. The largest ship ment of Hals ever shipped to any tirm in the country. The styles and prices are riitht. I handle Flour, llacon.ljird, Finh, Mill Feed, Kye and Clover Need. Kig lot of 1'ant, Shirts of all kinds. Hoy's Suits at low price. I am in the market for Cotton Seed; will pay high est market price cash or trade. I ran handle 2.,imn bushels; aee me before you sell your seed or write me the amount you have. I want 20 men to canvass the county in one of the best paying businesses out; will pay good commisiions; hustling man ran make from HO to $iil a month; ee me or write for particular. W. P. FLYER, I-cader In I-ower Prices, Mt I'rosiect, Monroe, N. C, Route 4. Valuable Land lor 5ale. My virtue of an order made in the Su- neriur court of Union count v in the spe cial proceeding entitled llelle Waliicn. and others against Vernon Helms et at., now pending in said court, I will, on Monday, Nov. 2nd, A. D. 190S, at 12 o'clock m., expose to sale by pub lic auction to the highest bidder, at the court house door in Monroe, N. C, a certain piece or parcel of land lying and being in said county and State, in Lanes Creek township, and being lot No. 6 in the partition of the lands of the late J. Tolbert Helm and bounded as follows, viz: Beginning at a small gum on the south bank of Vickcry's branch, a cor ner of lot No. 6, and run thence with lot No. 6 three fines: first, S. li W. 274 les to a pile of stones; second. S. 67 . 34 Dole to a small ash in a small branch; third, 8. 8 K. 91 poles to a pile of stones inthe old line; thence with the old line S. N'.J E. 38 pole to pile of tones; thence N. 14 E. 46 pole to a stone in the edge of a field; thence S. 87i E. 6o poles to pile of stones; thence S. 2i W. 521 poles to a stone on the north branch of lanes creek, 6 links above an ash tree; thence down and with the various course ol said creek to the mouth of Vickery'i branch; thence up and with the various course of mid branch to the beginning, con taining eighty-four (H4) acres more or lea. The above described lands being sold for partition among the heirs at law and next of kin of Mattie Helms, deceased. Term" of sale: one-third cash, balance payable 12 months from day of sale with approved sureties; title re tained till all the purchase price ia paid. Thi September 2Xth. HXM. 8. J. HELMS, Commissioner. William A Lemmond, Attys. SEABOARD AIR LINE RAILWAY. Schedule in effect Sept, 1.1, lDotl. Quickest line to New York, Wash ington, Florida Points, Charlotte, Atlanta, Hlrmliigham, rtemphls, New Orleans and Points West. Double Dally Service with Hich Hack Seat Coaches. Pullman Sleep ins; Cars and Dining Cars. Trains leave.Monro, N. C, as follows: NORTHBOUND. No. IW 5.35, m. No. 44 6. liS p. m. No. 32 7.50 p. m. SOUTHBOUND. No. 41 10.30 p. m. No. : 9.10 a. m. No. 53 10.55 a. m. Fur Charlotte and Itutherfordton: No. 133 8.15 a. m. No. 3 10.36 p. m. No. 45 1U.55 a. m. We operate Double Dally Vesti bule Service, with through Pull man Sleeping Cars to Jacksonville, St. Augustine, Atlanta, Birming ham, Memphis, Portsmouth-Norfolk, Richmond, Washington, Hal tlmore.l'hlladelphlaand New York. Winter Tourist Tickets now on sale to Resorts In Florida, etc., and al.se All Year Round Tourist Tick ets to points West at greatly re duced rates. For time tables, booklets, reser vations, or any information, call on C.5. Compton, Agent, or address O. H. OATTIS, T. P. A.., Ho. t TiKtrr knlMlna, SaJsI, M.C,

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